TITE ECRJiNTCXN TRIBUTE FRT DAY MORNING. APRIL 27. 1894. fsi frWs "As Well Off as the Richest" Charles V., Maria Theresa, the Empress Of Austria, tioet'.ie, Beethoven, Blsmarck,the Princess Louise of England, Count Von Caprivi, ami a host of other celeb ritiea have visltel tlio famous Sprudel Spring of CJarJsbad, and we are not all Qoethea and His mareks, but we may enjoy the greater advantage of having the Spring with all ItebenefitB bron.Lclii directly home to ns. The more rapid means of transit ami the march of invention is bringing everyone within easy reach of every creative blessing. The Carlsbad Water bottled at the Spring, or the Carlsbad Sprudel Bait, the solid evaporations of the water, may he hail of any drug gist, and are without an equal in all disorders of the stouiaoh, in testines, spleen, liver, prostrate, kidneys and bladder, and in gout and diabetes. Beware of imita tions Eisner and Mendelson Co., Sole Agents, N'ew York. ARBOR day ex;rcisf.s. To Ee Rendered at ths Riiih School Buildlna Today. PlTTSTOS, Pu., April !t'.. The follow ing programme, eompriiing the morn ing and ifttrnoon enrol, will lo randtrtd on the hig'.i il-IiooI groond toly Hit un Arbor Pit ealebratios. The morning fx-rci-as will r.imm.-'iica t 10 o'clock and Wilt b as follow! ( 'bonis, "Bird Bong" By the School Hecitatiuu, "Spring Cuming," Ctoaiia Fllchr F.sar, "Arbor Day"... , Altai Anwtrons BadttttoB, "Sjirin" Sura LoOkWOOO Selections, "Spritur. " Pupil of Sixth ami Elgbtb ( ir:ule- Recitation. "April" Liada Siegfried ' ho' us, "Th Cuckoo" Recitation, "TJeaoi Fiowen,11 X. .lie Plii'.iips Sanitation, "fiettarcap and paieiee," Kacltatiop. "Call to UndargrdttDd," Oora Bailor Dnotatioaa. "Flower." SaeitadoO) "The Mo". . . . Anna Jordan KeciU-.nu, "The luiay'a Secret,'' Fruuce Siegfried Readloe, "Little Leaf." Icna In. Men H-eitation, "Flower, " Bote Pattereon Be ration, "Wild Violet, "..Olady Bran ; Bacitaiiou. "1' UllieSi ill i'U'Hus t'imm ire... .Florence uoagnart Kecitetiou, 'Fern and Miisa," Florence Dongberty Rcltntion, "Tine free, ".. Beatrice I. wi . Selection, "Tree," EUwtl Mitchell Recitation, "Poreel sn-.. ' Bexia Kitobell Eay, "S me Paratt 1 ream," WiUianwoa Recitation, "What Do We rim" Anna Koran Kfcit.ition, 'I-c i n of the Apau Trre," Rale Jones ( harm, "CeflM to Oak T ee." A FT Kit NouN BUM l.JKS. The nfiernonti rzercie will com mence at o'eloofc by all the grade narebing i nt of the high ! ool build ing nnd tnkinif t'leir position 'lirectlv in trout While beine marshalled Into position they will aitnj "My Ooontrr ' 1 1 of Tbe." SeriptBfsl MlMtionf lie nada loooatag o.i Ui prinelpl of the occasion. Sonr, "Arbor liy," high cbool ; Mldrae Profeeaor Shell ; ao.ig, "Woodman, Spare T;jit Trc,' (cbool; dedication or ir.s, will be th n."Xt featnre Bach amde below the high wheel will dedicate two each and the ' iu'1' ecbool fonr tr a The latter wi I dedioitato Wendell PatlUpa, Marqoii IX Lnfajratta, Nath aniel Hawthorne, H. l!-"cher BtOWl After dedication thero will be a c in cert rccltatioo, "We Tnnnk Thee ;" f na, . i Tr1""; apeci il exercUts by the ri.ior c'.a; sketch of Antlmr Wendell Phillip by Cbriatlo Rn ft (eaiOT1 depositing the cIhm Dame and dedication of tre by Oeorg O'Brlea; exeroiae by Innlora: concert rT'.tali i lv llei ;ll"; k"tcll of Anth ir Bawthora by Anna Kin"; do- trofitin cU-tt name and dedication a' tr rv At.n MiiKr; . x- rcre by A alaaa, High arliool pnp.h; co- e- rt r ci tation hy ela-s: recitation, "Beantlfnl Trean," hy (irace Bennett i dedlctio:i of el tree by Kutta Wler. Lxcercit by 11 clam, hi'h school con ert: Recitation. "What Do We Plant Iiy," Kadia Morrif; dadloatlon "f ! tree by Tabitha HowalL Kx i -m eighth gride, A divieion! lledieatioa of trtei "Biimarck" and "Lowell." In troducto.y addr..f9 by Andrew Brydtnj dedication of treo "Biamarok" by Will iam MtKaig nnd Nellie Jotiee. Con cert exercis-s by A division: "Adilr M to Horse Cheutnnt;" dedication of trte "Lowell, by N. Patterson nnd Nellie Phillip ; concert exercisna to Norway iiikplf, closing adtlr'M hy Thomas ;orry. S-venth gral, dclioation of irae "Washington Irvinj" by Anna Oonnllj extract from Irving, by ilertha McDonald; historic elm, Elmo lianjamln. Josephine O'Malley, Anna Ford, Rnth Smiles; rkcitation, "The Eltn," by Mix Anna Pry den. li division, dedicatiou of tree Andobnn," by William L. Drydon. "Arabiam Provert," Nfllia Dennett; "Little Planter," Lillin linrna; (notii tion, by F. Dikin. Sixih (lrale A, (llrision, Dedication of Tree Bryant William Lluber. E. Qoolman; Q iota tion, Harry MoElrstbi Ooneart Qaottv tlon, A Division Claa. U Division, Dedication of True Poter Cooper Beatie Hnmnor, Ltilie Wintlo; "Mjihu tain Ash," Mary Sloan) Concert QaotS' tlon, by Olasa, Fifth grade (uirls), nng, "Vc Bank and Uraes of Bonnie Doon;" Dedication Tree Burns Mary Gosart; iCone?rt Reottetloo, BoftooL Fifth grade (boy). Dedication Tree Holme;sonR, "Joy Everywhere, "sohool Fourth xrade (girle), song, "Spring." chool; dedication of tree, "Longfol low," hy Margaret Crich. Exercisos by boys: Song, "Planting of the Tree, " scnooi; OMieatlon or tree to Whittier. William McNulty. Third grado, dedi cation of treo to Garfield and G. W, Child; concert recitation and quota tion by school. Second grade (girls) ong, "ltocK--hyo IJaby; no'lication or trees to Moore, Jeseo Thomas; oon cert recitation by school; dedication of tree to Ponn, Thomas Joyce; ong, "Glnd Arbor Day' by school. First grade, taught by Mis Sharp: Indica tion of tree to Lincoln and Franklin ; concert recitation by school. First grade, Mis Bflttle: Dedication of trees to Dr. Higbee and George Washington. both tows- PAWGftPHnn. Town Talk and Fvna In ai d About the Dorouirhi. AjMofalto fadraafoa IWeaaa riTTSTOS, Pa., April 28 Too Busi ness Men's carnival at Mnsic hall l ist evening whs a pronounnud fiucc's'; financially and otherwise. The hall was crowded and every body was pleased with its originality, It will bo con tinued this evening. Burglars effected an entrance into the Laokaw una and Bloomiburg .iuuo tion ticket offloa of the Lehigh valley railroad nemo time during Wednesday nibt and took uil the money lrom tbfl drawer amountiiii to $llo. Thure bus been no nrrests ao far. At a meeting1 of the fire committee held Wednesday night Chief Mullin named us his a'sistants the following persons: Oicor Elterich, of the Black Diamond Hook and Ladder Company, and George Lewis, of the West Pitts ton Hose oorapany, The appointnunti were prnmptlv confirmed by ttie com mittee. Chief Mulliu also issued his instructions to the foremun of compa nies for the eusuitig year. John (hvens, aired 27 y ir, a liiprhly respected young man of SttMMtol, after a lingering lllne, died Wadneaday iitU'lit of Bright' (tissase. The funeral will occur tiiis (Friday) afternoon. The b-cttire which wi to have been given in the Lu?-rno Avenn Baptis', church, West PttUton, lust (Vening by Colonel rjrq,nbart, has been poatponad for one week, owing to the dancaroua illness of the colonel's father-in-law, Mr. Loomia, of Wilkt-Brra The Ladtea1 Aid society of the Pitts ton Presbyterian obnrch g ive a social in the Sunday school room lust evening. Ther wis music by th Sunday lobool orchtr i, a dii-t by Misses Belie llonla ami Battle Birlier. rcitatii' h bv Mim Frits and Miss Hnlden, tableaux and other attractive fcatnrH, A lar'e nnmbar ws present and enjoyed tb many features Suit was eommanaad rMterdar iv Daniel DaQnabanm, n jwler of Esst Market street, airainst Joseph Liebsou for damage of 10,000 Th statement of t'te plMintilf is that LI 'hson bron ;'it n watch to his place for repair, and that after he took aw iy to. k out the Work and substituted inferior ones and prooUlmiog Dannabaum a thiol Tha plaintiff has retains I Attorney John T. Shea as counsel. Record. Mr. LIhon is a tinmler of the firm of J & N. LlabaOO, of this place Dr. Wood1 Norway Plat Syrup was nsril for ynars as a prnHTiptl 10 by a suc cessful physician It Is in all rp.ft tlw bent couifli niiMlicine made today. S"M by all ilea "i s on un iranie- "i m wi ,. ,. m, That Hungry 1 Feel in?; Consumptives frequently suffer from a hunger that craves food constantly while ordinary foods are precluded This distressing condition is entirely removed and the fullest relief given DV the regular administration of BOVININE Tho Original Raw Tcod which satisfies and soothes the irritated stomach it contains the most important elements of selected beef. 25,000 phy sicians prescribe aud recom mend it constantly aj; drngglau s ; it. Tin: BOVIMNB COl HBW yduk. 1 1 1 Sons' ii 1 IIUL'i Lager Beer Brewkrv Keaalaateraia of tba cviebratit PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 100,000 Bbls. Per Annum, Eureka Laundry Co. Ccr. Linden St. .ind Adams Avo, Cotitr House cji:aii. All kinds of Laundry work guarantool tli lxBt. n L' 1 m 0 MT. PLEASANT COAL. at navAita fVisl of the tieat. riuslity f.ir domestio nse,and of nil sizes, delivored in any part of tuu city st lowest price. Urdura loft ut my office, NO. 11H, WYOMINCI ATlHUBa Rear room, flrt floor. Thir l National Bank, or sent by mail or telephone to tho mine, will reeeivn prompt attention. Hpecial contracts will he made tor tho sale slid delivery of Buckwheat CoaL WM. T. SMITH. ' old I was my left band, and when they healed the trouble mm broke out on my head, nnd every winter it would C0Uic out lu' 11 fi"rt ' lttcr and make scales all over f ' v-y '"'' ' '!1,v "t I'een free from it S fdngla ft h ' winter since, but it was worse last winter after I had ifJM? ' the grippe, for lie u it came out in spots all over mv '.JstJlffP' body. I lied a doctor exiiinino me, and be told mo thr.t thero was no euro for inc. 1 ur"t worse nnd worse, .icnl"! would form over tho sores and then dry out until they would Crack and pop open, ahowing a watery matter. Aly skin was all lil;o a dry wrapper. It felt as though it had dried on me. Tho scales were so hud that they Mould Collect in the bed and have to lie shaken out. It was about this time that I commenced using R. 5. B. I wst so bad that I was ashamed to take my bat oil before n neighbor. I had used live bottles of another medicine without noticing liny effect i but when I commenced to take B. B. B. tho sores cti me out thicker than before, and they burned liko tire; they were immense blotches of lire that would burnao I could not sleep. Tho way they burned and itched can cot bo told, and 1 hope no one else may ever know from experience. The only relief I could get was from washing tho sores with some B. B. B. f I stuck to the medicine and was on the fourth bottle before I could see that I was really better, although I knew that it was better to get such rottenness out of my blood than to have it May there. I did say once that I wished I had never commenced taking B. B. B.. but my wife encouraged me, and to-day I thank her for the advice, for I am in good health DOW, mid I don't believe 1 ever would bavo been with my blood in man u condition as it was. My scalp now is dean nnd clear of all scales nnd tetter, and on my liody thero Sreotily small spots to show w hero tho sores were, and these H1,()m re frtc frm Stalca. I do not doubt but that tho euro will he perfect. I am now on the sixth bottle and will take more until every spot Is pone. I firmly believe that Burdock Blood Bitters will cure the worst disorders of the blood, for such certainly was luiuc. Signed, Ss gffr 'i V I i! I S PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT AsD PflTAIIIM Hakes SSr Warvslnus Cures in Blood Poison snd Scrofula P. V. IV purine tbfblntM. tie Wffik Hill ,ioh!itt. r i -.1 -"- dleMia)t.fclviit( tb i tt nt n h.-,iM,,ni-, 'hcfo slrt(nt 7. I. siiurf ami 1 iMltQdc Ant prr.:l g . I I P k- 9 D g i ! r r - J i4' ,.. ..'w "v' y SUPERLATIVE AND GOLD MEDAL The atovK Vrsmls of flour ran 1 bed at any of tb foUowIng merchants, who will acc-T.- Tin: Tit: ft Nr. fuiUk cocimn of B0 00 enoli o:i lintulra.1 poiimls of Hour or ."o c :i each Larrcl of flour. Icrsnton V, P. Prlos, Wshiuton faal (lold Mad 1 r.m I. Dunne re F t' I rioa Qold Mfdal Ilrainl Unnmore-F D Jlai.loy Kuperlutlve Hrsn t. Ilyib Fark-Cars'.n t Davla, Wa hliurii Kt. Hold M, diil iii nt; I eoh A. Aleari.Malll avenue, Kllperlative I rMi fir Itili-" L.-'p n 'I'll Mi tlal llraml .1. T. Mctlslo, Hup. rialive. 1'iovid'Tice Femur tt CbanpalLN' Main mie. Huperlatir" liiaud.i'. I U il pi i W Mark.it atnsit, II Old Medll Brand Olypbaal James .Ionian, lapsrlatir BraaA. pectvi'io Sbaffej S li is-r bapsrlatiTs, Jenuyn V. II. Winter & Co Kupera ative Arrhliald -J"-" , H inpi m (I .1.1 Me lal. ( nrlaiiiilaie -It. : Clark, Gold Medal llraml. llonea.lal" I X. Pontar a Co MM Modal. Mluook i M. li, lTUa IROH and STEEL NORWAY IRON BLACK O IAMONB SIiiVI.lt I'.XTltA BPEOIAti SANDERSON'S BNOLISH JBBSOP'S BNOtjlSH CASP BTBBL BORBB BBOES TOR OALK 1 1KB M IIINI.KV BPKINQ sui t BTBBL ANVILS BKLLOWS BOltSB NAILS WILBT & RUSSEliL AND WBLIsfl BROS. BGBBW CU1T1.NU MAOB1NBRY. Bittenbender&Go.,Scraii!on, Wholesale and retail dealers' in Waonmakera' Anil Dlacksmitlu' KUPPL1ES. DRY ITCHING SCALES THAT CRACKED AND POPPED OPEN. LxKOLBY, BTBTJBSS Co., N. Y., April 11, 1890. Fostku, Milhurn & Co., BufEalo, N. Y. QESTUBMKR: When shout, tan or twelve venrs troubled with cracks across the palm of Pimples, Blotches m and Old Sores z3 Catarrh, Malaria - 9 and Kidney Troubles Arr -i.iii."' MsMavaa a. -Prli-kly ih, Hutu SOOl ami Potss slum, iLb (rratvst biui-J 1 ur;C r un wta. An-r.nrnK, o.. Jolr n,U91i Mrs!e. LlrpMAM Hk . Harauuah, Ca .i PKA.Mii.-l iH.uyln al...tiiuef ! i hna thrt-o )i.:t. r trji'ini.t ( th l I-,:.. tbri bnttlM V. . I j a, m ftewTOV AberUMn, Rrvwu o-uaty, 0. 4 ipl. J. Ha IstUMteMe fS mil trhem H nuty fe)IHW I b5f by taallfv o tb ldei .1 t-n'prti or P. P. r. lor rrneui utnt ma asm. i n(Irvl fer sorrral )fjia 111 au un i : . ami .1nKT.alil.. irailln "a n.J- far. I trl.-l .-f.r) In. .arn run. iU bW in Tnln.U'itll P. P. P. afaa Sf tD'l am new ntiri'l; run I olot-J by; J. n. JOHNSTON. SavaiiuU, O. m.iii caaswOipsA llNS from Ikl Mit- r u .Sr (Wis. TtX. Hmem.Tii., Januarr H. ISB3. Mtaa l.irr is u , Savannah, Oa. ti'Hiltmtn-l aat irir.i jour I'. I W M l(fT. kti raf ai Law. r v : Y:i. &ai n LIPPMAN 3R0S. pBOPBtSTOBSi l lppinian 'a J a I - - - !.. MS ah, I H I tit, llr.. V. 7r.6u. Aor.t.liJi Tha Flour Awards "CHICAOO, Oct. It rii firat rfllclal leaoanoanant of World' Fair ii- plomaa on Hour has bii m.vl. A nisilBl liaa Imon asvanU'l by Iht World's Fair juilk' to tlir flftir inatiti fartnrod l y tli Waalilmrn, Crosby 'o, in ilia jjr at Waabbwn tkm 11111 UiQBMpoUa The cemmittse reports the Soar atroBg and pur, ndntitis :t li 1 n'. as But daei peteel bom for Ininily iitul beJtari' 11." & CONNELL V lll'l I N I I A 1. 1 NT. Tnylor-.tndyo Co. (Mil Medal; Atherton 7 Co., Mipnrlatif. pnryaa Lawrenos i .r. Co., fold MelaL Moo-ic-.l..in Mc' i.'i.lle. li III Mo.'al PJItMi n M. v. i I'BoyW, (lol i Mdal Clark' Orei n -Prac-' A P. rker. Superlatlva Clark's rtnmtnll -1 It Yonu-, Gold Modal. lipl'on S ', Finn A Sort, tlolil Me iai llranl. Nlib"l-in .1 K. Hardin. War. Hy M v II ,.- Sun, (lo'd Medal. I'a.-toryviiie -Charlss Qardner, Gold Medal Hnfi bottom N. M Finn A son, Hold Mwint. Tobyfaanna Tobyhsnna Ltblgb Lumber Co. Hold .Modal Brand, i;.. nM.la.ro A. Adam, (lold Me lal Brand. Moscow (HI a AI lenianta, Gold Medal. Lak Ariel James A Lorll ev, Hold Medal. Forest City J I.. M..i L.m A i n, Hold Medal WAGON WBBBLS AXLRfl BPRINOI III ns BPOKRfl It I. MS BTBBL BKBINB it. li. SPIKES Baby Carriages, Refrigerators AND Mill Sl Connell 131 and 133 11. Washington Ave, CASH We'vo clcse'l onr croJit books. CASH Wo buy for cash, will yon? CASH If you do wo can nv you M pr cent. CASH Briag it anil wf'll prov onr os srrtion as to aTiti(. CASH Wa hliv a bird in hand is stortb two In th bub, thr fora Wa rrfr ensb to credit in Itflnea" and ran raaily allortl to do just what wu say. CASH Tlio low jirir and tbenwsys Um fa irt'n ffct, Saturdsr, A.ril Jl, L8M C. VV. Freeman l'i tin Aiv and S;in;'' 1 -t Spring Ginghams. We have placed on sale our line of Ginghams for the coming spring and summer. Finer Goods. More Tasteful Colorings and Lower Prices than ever before, arc what will recommend them to our patrons. E SE li PITTSTON, PA. Up to DATE NECKWEAR STOCK BOWS, REVERSIBLE 4-IN-HANDS, WHITE LAWN 3T0CK TIES AND BOWS, Something New for FULL DRESS. MALONEY OIL AND MANUFACTURING CO. Mauufacttirera and Dealers I Bo.'uifu All Ami mis lubucat.n? Vivfcat'fc.v Mntlfl J1MIWW Also Shafting and Journal Greasa. OfVIOIt Ml Weat Lackawanna Ava WOBKBl Meridlau StrosS ro.nntall J outei I P OOD POISON ...4.-. , kl k. I, 111 i,L Jd - SSiiln Mm J i . ' o .... , W - I vanaanwaaaaaiajai lavpssi aaawa I lifaftim:.pHi.ur1.aobroml Bstl r'ior I I.iiu mi ixii-y ikii, iv i ninnir Hliimui I poiiUt.lr mira. OWIK RSSfllT ro (lilw. III. What is More Attractive Than a pretty faco with a fresh, brif-ht complexion? For It, use Poironl's Powder. Cedar Chests GLOB CONRAD S BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL riiYSICIANS'ANIOltGKVNX''WN DK. O. EUGAK DEAN bus romoved to G1C Spruce street, Benin too, I'a. (.Just op posito courl-bouBo Siunro.) DM. a7 J. LONNKLL7otHce 201 WaahiaKtoa awaaa cornor Sprue, stroot, ovor l'rancko'a drug store. Runidonce, Vine at. Oflleu Hours: 1U.Hd 12 a. m. and S to unii t.:w to T.ao p. m. Sunday, Z to li p. m. DK. W. E. ALLEN. Office cor. : Ucki wanna and Waahincton lives. ; over Loon ard thoe Mart) othce hours, 10 to 1- tt. in. anil "to 4 p. m.; oveninga at riaddouuo, GUN. WaaWngton avo. I I li. U. L. KHLY. PracUoe limited to 1)1 U cases of tliu Eye, Ear, Noso and Throat; olilro, lit Wyoming avo. Uesidonce, W Vine ttrcot. DK. L.M. GATES. 125 Washington Avenue. Office hours, 8 to u a.ui.. l.'JU to U and t' p.m. Kwlili.nce itl Maillson avnun 6llN L. WENTZ, M. U, UlUcus :c and il i t'ominonwcalth liullilinK: rsaldsnos Til Jlad.Honave; offlo hourn. lito U, I tO i, ? to t: Hti!idays2.3l) to 4. cvni'iin at rehidocoo. A penalty made of lUrainns of tho eyo, car. noJ aim lliroat ami iyiie)los, VBtBBlNaUtl ROBOtCOMa hTUKUE Vetvrlnary surgeon, Den liaavv .1 aaaamail a, ,.,,i.i Mjlallai ..r hm. tarlo ViK-rinary CollaWO, Offloa. i SSTBO straat. tPslspboa No. it. I. A M VKKa. I M C. RANCK'S Law nnd CoUm eetioa of- i . tico. No ,iii aproM st, opisite rorast noil. i.. tx-nini"., i a,; ruilnctiona a kpi-cialty throuuhout rcniikylvanla; reliable correspond flits in every county. I I'.MSL'l'S ii UA.NL), Attorneys nn'l ('onna'M J lors at Law. OammoawaalUl liulldmi VlaahlugtoD ave. V.'. H. .Ikssip, HoBAoa B Hand. W li Jmrjp, Jil UMLi.AttD SABBBN as KNAPP, Attor nnya and Cnunsnlors at Law. liepubllcan lirildilia', Washington avo.. Sct ariton. Va. UATl'SKSOM a W1LCUX Attorneys ami i 1 1 inmsllnrs at Law; officos 0 and e Library luudiug, bcrantou, Pa. itoHwri.L n. PAnsaaoa WtlVLtAM A. M I LOOS A LFBKOBAMO, WILLIAM .1 BAND. At- i tornsys arid ('oIlnellorA. CliUHLIOliWeidtll bn.l.lin,. ' i,,lns l. ) and .'I 1X7 K BOYLE, Attoran at-Law,Noa.ll asd J' a i.'Q, Burr building. Waabingtou avenii. hENLY il SEEl.V Law ,.,., m I'ri.-o biiililiiii;. I-"1' Washington avfime. L'HANK T. OKSLL, Attorney at U I k Coal Ex chanf Scranton, Pa, Ijiw. lio. in MiLTD.N W l.dWkV, i Ati ys," i C. H VON STOUCH. I ton ay . C WaalimK H. sonars AMKSW OAKFOBD, Atlra at Law. I n oli a f;i. n nml tA t'ominouvi altta it (JAMUBL w. BDOa AUoreM at Law. 0 QfBea, 311 Hi roeast Berantaa, Va. 1 A WATBE8, Attomay ljsr, iii 1 i . Irkawanna ana.. Wernnton. I'sv I) P t-illTII. loun.ior at Law. O0 1 rooms &t. tA, M i'iininonyisilth hnildinff 1 K. PITl HKit. Attorney at Law. Cu . monweaith Imllainii S.-rnnt"n. I'a C. COM E(l YB. til Hprona it hll KSPLUULaC Attorney-Laiuiruia tiateil on real r-atate n.-, t.rr.v lo i.riH I luLLAM. AttomeT at L.w. IJu Wv- oiiunaaenue. Sotaaloa HAVE YOUR DEEDS AND MOBTOAOKS wrlttan and acknn'Mi;il br J W. BKOWMNij, Attorney and N'oUry lulii. -, St Ci rt Malth Hnieiiiij M HUlll - OCUOOLOV THE LACKAWANNA. S. r.u IJ t. n. Pa. Mfaras l iand Kir, fur n ll.v or bualneas: tboronjihU' trama vomit eliildrua Cataiogus at Hr.v TnowAa M rx wAtraa II Btrau. lls- WOBCEBTBB' K1NDKBOABTEN .'I and Ketiool 41- AdamaaTauua P'.p.U rcivnd st ail tlmea. Nut term vriil tpN li NTlKT C LAtTBACH, aaraaoo DsatUst, No, iii . WyotntaMI an M. el KATTON. offle. 1 lit Eirbaa liF.Pl Mi.lc Bartnn and U aii A 1 riattuu wlil loan i oil m lev i.ii 1..1. r iMrtn. an I pay you Ixl tor on luTesiiusnt than any elhrr aaaca'lation. Call on K. N. CAi.LLN DEB. Dims Itank bnllding ! I Us. I li CLASS & CO., ..siai ien. TV nuts I VXa ai 1 Ni;parvtnen. store itn Waablnfl a avo: ne. gi en bonasUS0 Nuilb Main avenue, store telephone 7s h:av OEAND I Mux rSA i ". tt IRK "i BKI N. (Oft KtTETTBU Lackawanna avenua nufr .f Wire 'mni rranton. Pa . inn KM 1ND KBSTAI i:i. rjsHE WTMINSTKB !iT2l sVyoainf 1 ave. bia-ina healed wltb attiam: ail mod sm Improtamsnta C M TaimAM. Prop rpHK f.lk caff.. IS and m Prankltn ar l nuc Hatva rnaauname. l .'.inn ra. Proprlrto t uAaliMbtCB BUI I.I. I W a BCHKHCR, Hanafs btxtsamtb street, on bVtSk east of llroadirsai at In ion Nnare. New i a America!) plan. $afa)pcr rlav and upward "'HVNli iloL'HB. Luroiii plan: ji.i V root : day and i ;h- Bar u; piled with tba beat P V COVVF. ProiTleioT QCBANTON HOURS, near D., L A W p i sena'cr depot. Conducted on Ibe F.uroiaian plan. VliToK Koi'ii. Proprietor i ' KAMI CBNTBAla H e ara-wi and Dial T v,mlppil hotel in Ai.i'ni.o. n. p.. , i itei . and l-.ou par day. ViiTolt D. PanNrs. Preprleter. Ata mil. N A Vis A HOUIT. Architects B.K'iaa it. US srtd J onin-oiiws.t:i n id's. s. ran' .ii 17 1. WALTSiB, Archltoot, Lil iary laiiid Ji tel. Wyoming svenue Scranton. I ' L. 1IHOWN Ar.h It Architect. Price I a buildma. IS! Vaahlngtou Ave, Scranton. Jllst KM.ANKOVa HAP P'B ' OBt lilifllA - Mt'810 FOB llla. picnics, parties, receptions, wed dlnira and concert work furnished For terms sddroae B, J. Ilaner. conductor. 11? Wyoming ave., orar Hulborts tnnaio stora. MOBTOM I). BWABT8 WHOLES ALB inotbar and Dime Hank BaiHUas Scranton, Pa. Mi QABOES BBOTHKBS, PBINTKB8' eupplica, sntelopta, pr laira. twliuv Warehouse, 130 Waabiua't ' ave, bcrantou. Pi l.soii'l'F.'h LIVKBV, LVIil CapoO inM I' First clasi carriase ) I. I OOTF, AKt Funeral DlTOCtor and Eml'.ilmer. ! 'i:NK P BBOWN 4 hi. WI1H1.K I esle dealer in oodware, CksTdat and (Hi C ottl. l.V W. b Ka Wanna avenue rStRA FINN BOMS bnilders and contra.. lid tola, ards: Corner Olive at and Adiimi ae i corner Ash t. and Peun ave., Scranton THE Thatcher II THE BIST. Oet prices ml lie tb Inrtiaca nnd bo ron vlnead. A full lino of IIEAT FKS, Aiipello and llauza Door Basges CONLAN'SHARDWAEE PITTBTON PA SIIIINIIIIBiyiliillBCHHIIIHIIIIIIMBIIIIIIBIIsllligBHIllllIignilBBIilflllllBitlirj: I AMERICA I COUPON NO. Bo. 1 Send or bring two of tlieso coupons, differently nunihered. g S Willi Ten 0eBts,and get one of the series of sixteen magnificent Yi S pbotognipliH. Nine numbers uow ready. Mail ortlers,2c. extra, fj IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIlllllllllllllllllHllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliBIII RAILROAD TIME TABLES. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF N. J, LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Anthracite coal natd exclusively, lnBuring clcuuliness and comfort timf. TAiiLi-: in mm PBS. I, 1WU. Trains laae Kcranton for Pittston. Wilkes Barre, etc. at iM, 9.U, U.80 a. m., 12.IW, 2.0Q, 8.:), S.IKi, :.:-,, U.08 p. ul. snndaya, tt.UU a. in, 1.00, i.m. 7.10 u, in. For Atlantic City, UO a. m. Kor New York, Newark and Elizabeth, 8.10 (express) a. in., 1M0 (expross with buffet parlor car), U..I0 (cxproksj p. m. Sunday, i00 p. m. Fop. MAtirti Chi nk, Am-entown. Bru iikm, Eastoh and Piiilahku'Iim. a.lu a. Dm lUSSJIL 100 fexoopt PhiladovalaJ p. in. Sunday, SOOp, m. S"r le Hhani ii, Ocean Giiove, etc., at 8.10 a. ra.. PJ.ilUp. in. I;'or Heading. Lebanon nti'l Harrlsburg, via AJjaatOWa, ,10a. in., Vi.'M, u.00, p.m. Buuday, UO p. 111. 'or I'ottsvllle, B.llla. at., 12 30 p. m. Rataralng. leave New York, foot of LlbertJ ftmt. North river, at IV 10 (express) il ra, 1.10, 1..10, 4.:in (express with Bullet parlor car) p. m. Bnaday, .;i a. m. le ave PhUadehlhU, Ki'adlng Terminal, 9.0O n. ni . 2.0!) and 4 Sl p. m. Sunday, SJR a. in. I hroiigh tickets to all inints at lowe.it rate may be 1 ad 00 application, la advance to th ucaci agent at tn- Static 11. P. BALDWIIT, Gen. Pass. AgeuL J. H. OLBATJSBN, Gnu. Snpt DBLAWABB AND nun son BAILBOAX). Couinieii cinis May St. IW2, traini will run as followa: Train leave HridiiH Stre'it (Station. Si rauton, for Pitts- tqn, Wllksa-Barrs, sta, I no, fcW, :)7. lUlia. in.. lilU. Ijb, 183, LIU. il'j, 9.1.j and I LIB p, in. I'or New York nndPhila delbbia. e Uj a. m.. lzll). IM. .Hl. tlfiand ll.W p m. For Hoiiendale lirr,m Delaware l.ickawanna and Wtra ttopot), 7.0u. .:n, lo.liiu.in., U!U0 111.. 1, 1". a. W p. m. I'or CailiO'iilale and intermediats atntlons, 5.40, 7.00, r.:u, IO.IO a. in.. IAO0 ia,': IT, 3.2'i,:, in, I 'Ji snd U IB il in ; from bridco btroot Deiot, ttS a. in., l.lTand II : r. m. Kant espresH to Albany. HaratOfl. tb Adl roadaok Mountains. 14"-tun and N"W Knland point, MO a. in., arriving at Albany ISA Haratova UO p. DL, and b-avintf Scranton at it p 111 . arriving at Albany at AH p. Da, Sara 1' iM. ii H a. in , and Beaton. 7 00 a. m. Tat only direet root hltff itn tht tmsl fltlill and Boston, "The Leading TourlatV Kouta of Aluerlea'' to lb Adirondack Mountain i Hiili, Lakeiilieorgoand Clianiplain, Montreal, ete, TItih. tallies showing local and throneh train service ln-tween stations on all diviaioUB Dela ware and lluilaon system, may be obtained at all Delaware and Iludaou ticket offices. H i. Y'iUNU, J. W BL'KDICK, Baoond Y'w President lien. I'aas. Ant. I EUIO a VALLEY ItAll.liuAD. J j fsa. ii. USi Train leavea Kcranton for Phlla.elpbia and New York via. D. A II K B. at a.m . 1-' IS ZA- and II :ij p. in via D.U'W. K. it , 0 00, LOS, 11 4i a in., and UO p. ni. Lve Kcranton for Pittston and Wilkat- Barra v.a i .. l & w. a. h , d.oo, so, 11.31 a. in . LSI itfio. ii 07. Wp m. LeaTi Beraatoafor Winte Haven, Har.leton, P tt- . , all p'.n.ts en tn ll'-avar Maadow and fottarOb In suilb, via K S W. V., 40s.m., via D. IL B. It. at Sam.. tUO, IA t Up.ni, r: D. L. ii W. B. li , ii.H0, tM, U.S9 in., 1 II, 100 p.m. Leave Si nan ton for IbllblillMII. Kaston, Iteadn.g llarri-bnr- and all intermediate poinu via D. A- 11 IL B . in.i: ML s M, 11 ii p.m., via D., L. ii W. B. IL.t. uu.e.UB, 11.30 a. in, I. Jl p in. l.eav,. Bcrantou forTunkhannoek. Tawaa Is, Elinira. Itha-'a. Oonera and all intermediate points naD, All It Rnl 07 a m..L 10 ud 11 H p. in., via D L. ii W It B.. S'J m.,1. ! Laafs s. ran too tot ItcbeaUT. Buffalo. NI avrara Falls, Detroit. Chicago and all point w.-tT:aD ilc 11 It. It. KU7 a.ra.,U' to.e.lvll.ii p in, via D. L. ii W. B. B. and Pittston junction, 0 a.m 1J09.M p. bl. ria a A w. B H . S41 P. ni. For Klmirs an I th we-t via Salsmsnoi. v; D. All KB Mi7 a.m.. Li m U n, ti . uil, L. W R K.. lie a m.. 1 and 'i'17 p at Pullman parlor and sleeping or I- V. chair Oaf ob au Iran bftwaao L it Jnnction r Wilke- Barre aud New York. 1'i.al' lpala, Buffalo ami Snsis-n-uu Itndge Bui. LIN 11 wil.liri: Qen SnpC last Dtr. CHA8 BiLSS (la Pa- it. Pb.la.Pv A W NONNEMACHKB.Aast QjuPaas. Ag KollUl Bethleheui. Pa, I ,1.1. A BK, LA KaH ANNA AND 1 v. tiKTEBN RAI i Id' 'All Train ' - r a a folliw: riprca f.r New York and all points Last. IA. Ia I UL a 00 and U0 a. in . ii ft. ami ii .1 p. m. , Express i- t KaaPiU. Trenton, Philadelphia aiel th" Bontb, SL Mil aud a.jj a in , .iii . to. Wiishmgton ai Toliv lianna ao Kxpr as : i I d wr on. 1 p m. n. 6 111 p. in. ", e ,. K'.mlra, Mi ant Morn and i -i p. i'a.. making to ail point in tb i wear, a in. una, i: r n. m. . l i p m. spree, tlitt p. m. yiaissw. iVsretTO. , 1U a m. aud iH and Hichtl Itiisca. M.'iand .V a m and lT4p nv l, r N. rthuinla-riaEd.I Itlal .n.Wnk.. Rirre, Plraoath, lll.aimaliars snd DanTiBa, makimj cloaa cnnei-tion at Northumberland for WilUailUport, Hsrrlaburrf. Balliuu.ro, WaaQ h.fc: :. ... 1 the smth. Noitluir.il- riainl i d Intermedin stations, ui. k j0 a ni. and LHU and 0T p. in. NantMok and tatormodiahi etstions. s.(B ad 11' a in Plvinouth atd int.'nnedlat ttatioM, UUand n.i p. m. Inllmaa parlor and sleeping roaches on all sxi Fordetailiil infiirmstion. rvaexiirniaoiia, ton. l aatna, cuv ticaei omc-s ta aiiua avenue, or depot ticket offloa, Ul'lt T..N BI1 l-KIN. In BSkd .lauunrv BSth, ISS4, smriii Saaae. toe .'ur ioa ..i.i.'i lli'iinA, jtnt ioi iis a I a I h Sintlous ? '. ? ! B fie CC H (Tr itns Hallv fx- ; ; 5 s a V. Ocpl Mll.il.ll ' 8J M 7 7 W a e r a . . it l ' t iM i u m v s :i iM Y a a rin c ussira 7 B N j rankllii St.! ...,i 7 I'1 West S'.'nd stnrt .... ; i' Woebawkcn .... P a Arrive I.esvoa r ii "e-.u . e ill . tf 7 tl . 7 i 7 a 7& . raj . r I ; e- p (51 I 1 f , li li Junction lie I l OS ll.lTo . . !. e ( tl 6 IS I i'. i. ; ! tll'l 1. 1: I M 14 471 i ail atarilghi Prl i PrS ruuio Puvnli lie Ul'llllOUt Plesaant ml Vnlomlale I v.i 'lty carboDdais wiiiie Brtdga flayScM J cr ill vn Atchlluld Wlnlon Peckstu ojraaaat DMkaoa Throop Pro Id IBM park ptaea II! 1 I tl" fa f .... .. ii :i I 1 1 .'.' Ma u Mil si .vruiii, a ....I : " n :l .11 ; : is i:l st t. Brffwttti 0 II .Mil Mi T SI M .1 45 7 4il 10 tU; M 7 111 lift S a 7 4-. 10 p' , 'li 7 in tt 4 in 7 Mill 17 1tT tJi 10 3.1 410 S !' M 'Jl I I n n-j to a;i 4 it I Mill '.' ttftH .-. lilim etii' Miii i sti ai rw ti i7! 8 VI. Mk ii I5l re it.' s.v it iii 0 M 41 v U It f:l I I I V. t 10 j 4.V II nr. P nP ati" Beraaton !' Ill oil Mi l,rai' Arrive s ka u p m All train run dally except Sunday. f i . niili i inn tr.ilu-.dimouM.mil for pas Addlitoiu'l trains leave Oarhondnle for sorana ton 1 pi and il.l.'i p. m., arrlMiiK at SOraBtOB 1.58 and ; 00 l.i n c scranton for CarBOadal 1.50 and H.SQ arriTiBsai carbondaleal T.Maadsup,Bi, heciire lates via Ontario a Wtrn befor rin cli.i.ilnK tickets nnd save money. Ua and NlhUi Kiprcss In tin1 Weal. j.f. Aaoataoa, Geiv rasa. Aft, T. FUuiroft, inv. i ., scrtnto,pa, llilF. AMI WYOMINO VALLKY BAIL; El ROAD Train laT Scranton for New York and In teriiiedinto points on tb F-ri" railroad at 0 BJ a. i i. and Ml p in. Also for llawloy and, local points at u K, IV IB and il p m. Tiau Martial at B.aa a. ra. aiui:i-'ipm. are through trains to and from llouesdalo. Trains leave for Wilkes Bnrru ntd.lu a in aud 3.41 p.m.