The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 27, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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All the Fashionable Shapes
Trimmed to suit the moat 1'iistUllous.
The niost deli unto fabric prop
erly oleauod at
Lackawanna Laundry
308 Penn Ave. A. B. WARMAN.
NorrmanA Moore
120 Wyoming Avenue
Books Given Away Satur
day, April 28.
Thorns andOranire ltl'esoiusl
Tliruwu ou the World.
l'oyond Pardou.
F.f Anether'e Bin,
Wife In Nuiuo (July,
Molly Bavtd
1 ortis,
A Mental Ktrutrtle,
The Woolnif O't,
Admiral Ward.
Ky Woman's v. it,
To the Hitter End,
Aurora Itoyd,
Phantom fortune,
Mill ou the !': -.
Adam H.Mi,
Vriiest Msltravers,
aul 1 1 fiord.
llerttaa M. Clay.
TUis Duchess.
Mr. Alexander.
M. f. Braddoa.
Uaorgo Eliot
lUilwer l.ytton.
The Wide. Wide World, Eliza Wotheroll
The Child WUC, Captaiu May lie Hi d
iVaiida, Ouidu
And manv others.
Beginning Monday.
April 23, we will offer
Moquettes at 75c.
per yar yard. Regular
price is $1. 25.
We have only a
limited quantity of
these goods. Call early
to secure them.
The Union Tranif.r Company, Limited
'Bos line. Baggage freight called fof
and delirert'd promptly. 107 Franklin
The A M. Palmer Mock company will
present "Hainte and Sinner,." at the
Frothmgham theater this evening.
County Mercantile Appraiser T P. Oil
gallon yesterday listened to appeals from
bis appraisement in the arbitration room
ut the court bouse.
The Mack Paving company yesteriay
began an action in common pleas ronrt to
recover a debt of H0O from the I arbou
dale Traction company.
On",fiaturdny evening. May 5, the Crys
tal Hose company will have its annual
benefit at tbe Academy of Music. "A Fast
Mail" will be prod need.
Jacob Wearer, collector of taxaa of Hear
ing brook township, filed his I- ud 111 tlm
-um Ol titXKI III rourt with .lames Mc
Liado and Francis U'beoltir assiireties,
Michael Mnskio. charged with resisting
Officer William IJougher, yesterday en
tered bail In court lor his appearance for
trial. Martin Woyshner became, bia
Nicbolns Nenry and Katie t'urran, of tbir
city and Michael Fmnerty and iirldgt
Mellody, of Dimmer, vre grunted mar
riage by the clerk ot the courts
A Koy to fire box No. 22, corner of
.Spruce atreet anil Wyoming avenue, has
been placed by Chief Ferber in the Dimo
.Savings bank. Another key is at the
After n very successful eight-months'
season, tb i.nterprise Dancing class of
Professor Ueorge F. Taylor held its closing
social last evening at Kxcelsior hall. The
affair was largely attended.
Edward Kenno ly, of this city, was re
leased from the P.astem penitentiary yes
terday. On October 111, I Slid, he pleaded
gnilty to a charge of arson und whs sen
tenced to fonr years imprisonment.
Women's Relief Corps, No. 60, of Lieu
tenant Ezra Griflln post, Oread Army of
the Republic, gsvo a dimo ontertailinient
laat evening at the post room. The affair
was managed by Miss Lizzie Bristol and
an Interesting programme was rondered.
John D. Jones, colloctor of taxes of Tay
lor borough, yesterday filed his bond in
in tbe sum of '.J5,XK) in court. The sure
tioa are James McDermott, Hubert Arm
strong, Edmund F. William, Thomas U.
Thomas, Joseph J, Joues, John W. Jones
and Martin Willlauis.
One of the features of the stereoptlcon
exhibition of amateur photographic work
at the Young Mou's Christian Association
hall next Thursday evening of interest to
camera owners, will be tho giving away of
200 dry plates. At a later exhibition tbe
gift of a line camera will reward the best
work exhibited.
Mrs. Mary 0. Wilson yesterday applied
for divorce from Klchnrd Henry V Ilsou.
They wore married m 1h7:1 at Harford,
Susquehanna county. Mrs. Wilson, who
now resides at 3111 Penn avenue, says she
was deserted by bur husband two yean
ago. He has refused to live with bur
since and therefore she asks a divorce.
Richard Ilonry now resides at Carbon
dale. Anbeuaer Busoh Beer.
Louis Lehman's, 3 Spruce St.
Uuslo Boxes Exclusivity.
Beat made. Play any desired number of
tones. Qautacbi & Sons., manufacturers,
1080 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won
derful orchestrlal organs, only 15 and f 10.
Specialty: Old music boxes carefully ro
paired and improved with new tune.
Williams & wlc&nuRy
27 Wyoming Ave.
Business Transacted by the Women's Foreign
Missionary Society,
Mrs. Knox's Interesting Talk on the
"Noles of a Field Missionary."
Mrs. John Newton Spoke on "Home
and Homo Making" Election of Of
ficers Will Take Place at the Phil
adelphia Meeting on May I.
The last day's aessiou of the annual
nsssembly of the Women' Foreign
.Missionary society of the Presbyterian
church proved one of general Interest.
In the morning 11 conference of the
l'resbytt it il offloeM wa held in the
ohapel, -Mrs. William Waters, of Phil
adelphia, presiding:. Different phases
of miasslonury work were disuaseed by
tho delegate!, who spoke freely on the
mbjeuts familiar to them.
At half past 1(1 o'clock the confer
ence ftdj tuned and the delegates re
tired to tho auditorium, which had
tieeti adorned for the occasion. Flowers
eurroundod the pulpit aud temporary
platform, aud aloug the edges of the
attel a row of handsome evergreen
pl nits w:is seen, while on the walls of
the church hung numerous maps of tbe
various mission fields.
Mrs. Tuner called tho assemblage to
order and Mrs. W. P, Wilson, of Hslle
fonte, read the Scriptural lesson and
oiTerod prayer. Mrs. W. E Knox
spoke on "The Notes of a Field Secre
tary," after which Mrs. Tnrner called
Mrs. S. K. Forman to the chair while
the "Cjuestiou Ilex" was being opened
A large rninber of (jnestions covering
a wide range of subjects in niissl nary
matters was answered by the delegates.
"Home and Home Making" waa the
subject of an interesting addrejs by
Mrs. John Newton, wh' )ivs in Alla
habad, India. Mrs. W. Q Dodd. a
worker in the missions: field at Laos
was tho nix' speaker.
After singluf, Mrs Webstsr, of
Mauch Chuuk, oll'erel prayer, at the
close of wbioh Mrs. Turner asked that
the committee reports he hear I. Sue
then called Mrs. J. A. i'rico to the
Mrs JoDM, of Ohio, read the report
of the committee on nominations, rec-
otnmendiug the following persous for
h 1 :iu as director of the society for
oue year:
Mrs, C P. Turner, Mrs. Eager..' Liucard
Mn E. I.. I.miiard, Mrs. C. T. Chester
Mr h C. Perkins, Mrs. William Walters
.Mrs. A. U Maseey, Mrs. L R, Fox, Mrs
D. B. POMJT, Mrs. J. ). Paxtor, Mrs. K 11
Rowley, .'.iis. J. H. Ulngee, Mrs. H. N1
P.uil, Mrs. C. E. Morris. Mrs. C. N. Thorpe 1
Mrs. Arthur JlltcLell, Mrs. M. Nnwknk,
Mrs. ('. hr..adhead, Mrs. H. (. Kern, M
a. h, rergins, sir, j. k. siuier. sti- n.
M. Johnaen, Mr. J. ltoi,ert, Ilia M. D.
i tirves, Mrs. y. A Mattomorei MlasF. V.
Nels. u, Mrs. C. A. .'mitli, Miss A. Undine.
Vr. C. R Todd. MiL. fflwJuo, Mr. J,
A. Uogaruus, Mi.s J. A. wumsl sirs.
Auttn uv Taylor, Missllachvl Lowrie, Mr.-.
J. A. McKuigbt.
The election will take place in Phil i
delphia Mty 1.
The report als-i recomtuen led th"
r!j. tivn ot the following officre to be
cbosen at the May mectiug of tUe oor
poralloe: omom named.
Presidfnt, Mrs. C. P. Turnt-r; vice presi
dents, Mr. . . L Llnunrd, Mr. A. 1..
Maseev, Mrs & C. Perkily Mrs. D. U.
Ponoy, Mrs. s. A. Mntchmor. Mr. Jami
K. berts, or l'hiladelphta: Sirs. I) A. i nn
luugham, of Wheeling, W. V.; Mrs. A A
Hodge, of Princeton, N. V: Mrs. William
F. Moore, of C.'.umbus, Q; Mr. E 1.
I.edyan:. cf BteabesVtUe, u : Mrs. K. H.
Huntingdon, cf Cleveland, O. ; Mrs. O. A., r Wu.,.ter, ; Mrs. J. II. Wa ters,
,.f Pleasant Ridgj o ; Mr. i Small, i-f
V'.r, Pa.; Mrs. J p, E. tCamlet, 'f Pitie-
hnrg; Mr. i'. 11. Mowry, .if Cnistr, Pn :
Mrs. J. P. WtUon, of Newark, Mis R B
Coyle, of Chamberabarg, Pa.; Mrs. Joel
Parker, Freehold, N. J.; Miss C. W s-..w-ar:.
'.'oleraine Forge, l'i., Mr. S. M. F..r-
nan, Jersey Cttjr, X. '.;MJmIXA. Mc
Ku'gbt, Wishington, l). 0L Mrs. William
swan, Lambert vlllr, N. J., Miss A H
Keigvrlu. Wilmington, Del.; Mrs. It. M.
Wylie, ilaltimore, Sid.; Miss W. A. Mc
Teer, Maryvllle, Teon ; Prestiyterial sec
retary, Mrs. William Watte.-; home cor
respond ing secretary, Mrs A. R. Perkins:
Voung Pe ; It's seerelary, Mia F. C. Nel
son: foreign corresponding secretaries,
Mrs. ( . N. Thorpe, Mr- 1 i; Murris, Mrs.
M. Newklrk, Mrs. L. R. Fox; special ob
juct sucretaries, Mr. J. A Iiogardus, Mrs.
C. T. Cheater: secretary for missionary
letters, Miss Alice Bodluo; recording secre
tary, Mrs J. R. Miller; treasurer, Mrs.
Juda M. Fishburo.
The report of the committee on reso
lutions also Included a memorial ex
pressing the gratitude of the aueinbly
to the railroads for conrteia extended
in reduction of rates, to the host and
hostesses for kindly entertainment of
the delegates, to tn Udiee who decor
ated tlm church, to the officers of tne
assembly, ami to the congregation ot
toe Second Presbyterian church and
BvrsntOD Presbytery for the privilege
of meeting in so handsome an edifice.
After the adoption ot the report of
iniitee, .Mrs I'rico thanked tbe
deUgalea for accepting tbe invitation
to 0 UM to BefMton, and said she
hoped the result of th meetiug would
be manifest in renewal earnestness on
the part ot those who are loyal to mis
sionary interest.
Mrs. Turner then resumed the ohair,
at the same time acknowledging br
tniinks to th assembly for having for
the fifth tlms conferred upon her a dis
tinguished honor.
Ati Invitation extended by tbe Pres
bytery of Philadelphia inviting tbe as
sembly to hold Its noxt meeting in that
city was accepted.
Mrs. Hngh Gibson, of Cincinnati,
rea 1 a very interesting paper on "Uow
o Keep Oar Hearta Warm in rinm
mer," and wa followed by brier ad
dresses from working missionaries in
China aud Syria. I u legate also niado
ibroe minute speeches. Prayer was
offered by Mr Thome and Mr. Wel
lington White, aud then, after sluglng,
Iter. Dr. Robinson prononoced tbe
benediction. Membar? ot the Philadel
phia delegates in attendance at tbe
couventiou last evening nddresned
women and girls at tho South Side
Women's Christian lUoolatloD.
Onot'MlES, groceries, grocones, at Roiu-
This Highly Sensational Drama Inter
preted at Wonderland.
Tbe sensational and interesting
drama, "The CI. lid Stealer of New
York," was presented at Wonderland
theater for tbe first time last evening.
It is one of thoe plays that never fails
to draw when properly acted and henae
it is bound to meet with snccess at
The part of June Rutherford, the
child stonier, is token by Miss Uthe)
Fuller, who has a proper conception of
her lines and interprets them well.
Alic- Kemp as Marion Chesterton, W.
D. Corbett SB Joe Sitnpson.and Maggie
Witlett as Tittilindl Touehemup do
pleasing work, and" the: same can be
said of Al F. Darcy who assumes the
role of Nobby Nibble.
Una Moses Low was w,mk
and his siauiu? Id the nieaging spec
ialty incident to the third act might be
omitted without weakening the produc
Till-' amfeeai dramatic. oMrantaeelmi Hint
has ever been known in tho theatrical his
tory of this country tho A. M. I'rdmor
Stock company, at the Frotbinghnm then
ter this ev-niug, and tomorrow afternoon
end evening. Beats now on side at
Reception Tendered by Mrs. C.
Connell for Mrs. Charles W,
Fulton, Nee Connell.
An afternoon reception was given
yesterday by Mrs. Charles 11. Connell,
1139 Viae street, for Mrs. Charles W.
Fulton (use Connell). The ilTair will
be remembered as one of the moat en
joyable sooial events of the season.
Mra Fulton. Miss Dimmick. or
Oneonta. N. Y., and Mrs. C. R Con
nell received.
Those who nerved wore Mrs. J, S
MeAnulty, Mrs. J. L. Couuell, Miss
Charles worlb.UisK Jay and Miaa Bent
ley and Miss Wood, of Ilouesdale.
Mr. Connell was assisted iu enter
taining by Mrs. William Couuell, Mrs
A. E. Connell. Mrs. W. A. Connell and
Mrs. Charles Shafer.
The apartments were very hand
somely decorated with potted plants
and palms aud roses, ferns und milx.
The dining room, however, was pai tio
tilarly beautified by tloral decorations;
tho effect wan piuk and green.
AinoiiK thoso in attendance from out
of town were: Miss Marion II. Pittee,
Kansas City; Miss Terwilliger, Water
loo; Mrs. W. U. Scott, Pueblo, Col.
The following wer among those
preterit lrom this city: Mrs. J. L
Slelle, Mrc .1. W Oaraey, Mill Mc
Keuna, Miss KateMuKenua, '. is. Arj
Williams, Mrs. J. T. Pol ler, Mrs, De
Wilt Swan, Mrs. ('. P. Matthews. Mrs.
W. 11. Peurce. Mrs. Walter Seeley,
Mrs. William L Connell, Mrs. Warren
Q Partridge, Mrs. tiunrge V. Siegel.
Mrs. P. M. Downing, Mrs. Henry Ite
lln, jr , Mrs. Calvin Seybolt, Miss Sy
bolt, Mrs. Walter L. lieuwooj. Mis.
Leonard M. liortou, Mix four sen,
Mrs. Thomas Sprague, Mrs. D. J.
Tuumas, Mrs. K. DUekwo d, Mrs.
Mary L Pratt, Mrs. J. C. lligliriter,
Mr.' W. W. Ivus, Mrs. J. W. Puck,
Mrs. L F. Megargel. Miss Ann, - I.
Davis, Mrs. D. T. Laweon, .Mrs. Andrew
Li Warman, Mrs. Luther Keller,
Mrs. W. (. Fulton, Mrs. F. B Wood,
Mrs. Isaac Post, .Mrs. S II stevn .
Mrs. Theodore O. Wood, .Mr. C B
Pratt, Mrs. V. A. May, Mrs. Waller
L. Matthews. Mrs. M Noftoo, Mia
Norton, Mis. Elith Norton, Mita H.OO
11 i II Ripple. Mrs J. F. Broftdbeot,
Mrs, Mary R Beynolds, Mr. II. B.
War. Mrs. B L Blohards, Mr, c. B,
Peuumiu. Mrs. B. 11 Pratt Mr W.
H. Peek, Mrs. Frank D Watt, Mrs
L. Q Labor, Mrs J.nue N. Rice.
Mrs N" K. Rlc, -Mrs. Edgar C. Con-
1111, Mra Krastus J. Parrot, Mrs.
Stephen L. Rice, Mrs F. P. Christian,
Mra U M Doles. Mr. E. H Uird.
Mr Cbarlee BooUger, Mrs C .1
Powell, Mr John Roll. Mrs. BogOoe
Beele. Miss Kiugsliurv, Miss llayer,
Mrs V. T. Ilackitt, Mrs. Ililtoa W.
Lnwry, Mr. B I Wtrd L H ick, Mrs. ( .
C C'onklin, Mra F L M-vens, Mrs.
Ltmnsl Ammerinau, Mr Cnarle E.
Bradbury, Miss Augusta Merrill. Miss
Schlager, Mr U. T. Black, Mrs Frank
II. Connell, Mrs. O. W Boibaell, Mrs.
N. A. Hurlbert, Mrs W II White,
Mrs C D. .Inn, Mrs E F Chain ber
lain, Mrs. J F. Snyder, Mis. L. a.
Watres, Mr. O il Bird ill, Mi
Barak E. Hall, Mi Council, M. L. J
Tux original A. M. Palmer Stock BODS'
pai.v in "Saints and Sinners at tie
Froihingbam theat-r tin vc ang. S.-Ht.-
on tale at Powell' music tore.
It Was Attsn ti by a Lsr Number cf
A large number of people visited the
clipping party g.ven by t'.ie St.
Luke's branch ef the Oirls' Friendly
iei..ty last eveniugat the ulld rn ,tm
BBS Washington avenue. A haudsoiii
hum vs ., r alue 1 for Cue b.nelit ol
church and charity work
Tbe "eUpping" waa essentially the
feature of the evening an I thesonrce
of revenue. Isitors paid 10, "". 0!
cents for the privilege of oMppiOg I
tiackag cf unknown content
peuded from a (tring. The bliu 1 pur
chases revealed pretty and useful aril
lee cream aud cake were served dur
ing the evening Miss Jennyii, Mltl
snsan Jrmyn aud Miss Sherer were in
hargo of the clip ropvs. 'I hose promt
ncntly ideutinsd iu the managemest of
tbe affair were Mrs Sidney Hays
Mrs. . II. Jermyu, Miss Diekinso.i,
Miss Sterling and Mis Pettigrew
Free Exhibition at th Store of Judge A
Co., Tylor.
Miss Young, of Boston, who h is been to
successfully allowing the merits of the
celebrated Gold Medal and Superlative
Hour of the Washburn -Crosby Co. at the
Scranton t.asu Store, will demonstrate lo
all wishing to become exports, bow utterly
useless it is to waste materials and ruin
the tein;ier a woll as the digestion, by
making and ustng poor broad.
(Jo to the atom of Judge & Co., and see
how simple a matter II Ls to grace tho
UMc with bcatililul and cake
Tun Scranton Bedding Co. are uplio)
stering furniture. Beet workmen. Rea
sons bio prices.
That Is prices nt Guernsey Brothera,
ItcTTru In pound prints, rolls and oroclts,
Ruiuuart s market.
I)ti. F Gheweii, the Philadelphia spec
ialist, has now returned from an extenried
southern trip, and may be cousnlted ut his
parlors, No. .ill Spruce street, scranton
Temple Court building, upon all acute an i
chronic diseases of rneu, women aud chil
dren. It has been noised about by one or
more persons that Hr. Grower puhhehes
IlieiiBinesof hi cured patieuts. This is
nut so. I, -ry thing is strictly sacroil anil
conOiontial, and no one patiout knows
that another is being treated. The doctor
has always mado this principle a lasting
und sovereign one, and feels that It is due
to every patiout. Uttlca hours, dally, I a
m, to O p. in.; Sunday, 0 to 2.
Do You Rsad t
On Saturday, April 28, to every customor
buying fl worth or goods, we wilt give a
book. See catalogue Iu our advertisement
on local page of this ,..ip
Low pttinES for fine groeortes and mar
ket goodR, ut Rein harts. 1
Get yonr carpets cleanod by the Scran
ton Bedding Co.
Can you blame people for fairly
crying for those handsome Mul
taepb Judge, tbe Jury Said, Is Guilty of
Adam Misel Acquitted of Havinp Pur
chased Properly That Ho Knew
Was Stolen John Ford Enter's a
Plea of Guilty David Davis Admit
ted That He Stole a Watch and Is
Sentenced Other Cases Heard
Aftorconrt opened yesterday morn
ing Judge Edwurds cnarged tne jury
in the case of Josepn Judge and An
drew Smith, charged wltn killing Jo
soph Tomuliuus. ThecliHrgd was clear
aud Impartial, Jndga tM wards pardon
larly dwelling ou tnu law of self de
fense. At 1(1. 10 a. in. the jury retired
and at It p in. d-'livored a verdict to
the court liuding Judge guiltv or man
slaughter and acquitting Smith.
liohu Ford, one of the local agents of
foreign browing establishments, now
under indictment for violating the
liquor laws, pleaded guiltv and was re
manded until Saturday lo- 'Hence.
A verdict of not guilty . 'ken In
the case of Thomas Barrett, charged
with defrauding boarding booeekaeper
by M F, Fadden, but defemlaut was
lirected to pay the costs.
D.aviil Divls admitted having stolon
a watoh from John Qordon at Provi-
denco OB Jan. 4 Ho was senteiiaed t )
restore the etoleu property, pay a tine
of $13 and costs and spend throe
months In the county jail. David Kane
pleaded guilty to cusrge of assault
and battery preferred Ly J. J. White.
Adam MlteliOf Throop, was arraigned
before Judge Archb.ild charged with
laroeny and receiving by Q D. Sander
son, of tho Ptnooait Coal company. It
was alleged .Misel luiugiit brass
toleu by boys iniiusd Ruuar.isjri an 1
Parry (roui the I'aucoast company,
with full knowledge that it has been
stolen, li e defendant denied that he
anew the brass was stolen ami declared
that he supposed It came lawfully into
the possession of the boy Ho was
found not gnl tv
Ldward Luike. of Bellovue, pleaded
guilty to having astaulte l 1'. Kelly and
was sentenced to ;uy a liuu of f ) and
costs In May ot last year the two moU
were engaged iu ropairlug a car in the
Delaiyare, Lsckawanui and Western
vard A uicpnte arose and Burke cut
Kelly ou tUe thigh vvtlli an ax.
lhs sase of Matthew 1 reeliirg,
charged with having stoleu ) from
lam Monosky at Providence, wa
given to the jury at 10 o'clock yrster
day morniug and diie tune l iter they
return. d a verdict of not guilty.
The jury Iu the case ol William Mc
Halc, charged with sssuult and bat
tery, which te:;r-il Wednesday after-
noon to deliberate, cUi into court
yeeterday morning end reported that
ll could n it agree I; was ascertained
that the jury stood eleven to one and
I'V IL.TCCIU lit of I '.Ill-el It W IS I.'l': !.,
t . take a verdict from eleven msu.
1 he verdict was guilty.
Martin MrN-l!y p'e-i.lel gnilty to
having r.ilil ed J s i . 1 rai z of a watch
al 1 mosey In (.'enter street on Feb 17
and was called up fur sentence AttOI
ney Juieph O'Brien uia.le a plea for
c .iiiieiu) and nigi d H a t the inipn
oument b in the county jail and ni t
in the penitentiary. Judge Bdwardl
deolfl ed 10 hold th tnntt.r under M
rleemeal until Saturday
Tin ma MeManus and Bridget Mc
Manns were arraigned charged witn
n.alicious mlsehitf in tearuu- down a
line fence irect-d by Jobu Mulderig
' . defe- lants claim ! lat tin y cm
iierel that tley owned the prophrty
fenced lii by MnKlerlg and felt that
'.'. v liad i. p rft right to tear dowi
my fence end. sing it. The case was
given to the jury at II 41 1 . t ile.'-n !
ants and prosecutors r.-side I I Mi . Ot k
1 :.e former w. re lepresented IrX
Judge W. 11. Btaoton aud Major Ever
ett Vt arren assisted the dletriel alt, il
BOy in conducting the prosecution.
QgOMI HtlXKR'l case.
Before Judge Arel.i al 1 QeOfgC ktil
let wis put on trial tor the theft of n
bicycle owntd ly Rolen hlle, of
(iieen Ridge. It is alleged that the
llcyclewas stolen last November and
suts. qtiently pawned In Orren's pnwn
shop v.heie it was found by the police.
Tbe defendant the theft ami
said that aii dui.i.g i tie month of No
vember he had worked until II and 1:
o'clock at night He produced wit
nesses who t siitied to fiat i II at, The
proseoutor said the bicv l m is stolen
about 7 o'clock in thee venitig. The
jury agreed upon its verdict aftercour
a !j mrn I and -e,v!e 1 it.
.lames Kennedy wns arraigced on a
charge of assault and ba'.U'V A vei
diet of not guilty ws taken, olid (he
prosecutor, M. D-littnick, directed to
pay the Kists. tectis he failed to put
iu an anptarauce to proaecute.
In the case of Jhn Brczak, charged
with malicious .. iief. the Indict
incut ws quashed because the defend
ant threw a tone through a store win
dow instead of a dwelling bouse win
dow, as charged in the Indictment
Case of ass.iult ami battery and nf
fray in which Philip Williams i pros
ecutor wero o;i trial bafore Judge Arch
bald when court adjourrioi for the
A. M. PaUOUt'l Celebrated stock Cora
pnn in "Saints mid sinners at tne truth
mgham theater tonight.
Seat i on sale at
George Wilson and Hli Aaar.ctatae Qivs
an RiiUrtainlng Performancs
That amusing ekii "Alouta Carlo'
presented by Primrose and West's
company was giv n to a highly
plonsed company at the Academy of
M 'si" last evening.
' Monte Carlo" does not profess to
have a plot, but there is enough to
sumo as a vehicle lor Oeorg Wilson,
the Gorman brothers, Ban Oiiinlau
Misses Claytou, McDonald. Chandler,
Sheebsn and others to iiva a number
of epccialtiee aud elever musioal uum
Oeorgo Wilson proved that lie can be
quite at ontrtnining ns a white face
cum dhin us he nr.s been for year a as n
"Baints and Slnuers" by the fmnoiis
M. Palmer stock company at tho I
iughnin theater this evouing.
Thia Time He Aske for a Divoroe on the
Ground of Dessrtlon.
Joseph alderman, of Providence
yesterday made hie second application
to the court for a divorce from Irene
Haldermsii. He asks it on the gronnd
of desertion.
If:. hi man first klked for a divorce
on the ground of unfaithfulness on the
part of bis wife. She denied the charge
and the matter was heard before a jury
which granted him a divorce. A new
trinl wns asked for and granted oy
Judge G mister last Monday.
Hivldrrmnn, however, bas decided
not to press the matter to anecond trial
mid bas brought n new action on the
ground of deeertion.
The Rttoncest dran.atic organization
that Scrautoulans ever had an opportunity
to attend la tho A. M. Palmer Stock com
pruy which will be at the Frothmgham
theater tonight and tomorrow afternoon
und evening. Seats at Powell's.
Will B Hid at Many of the City Schoo a
This is Arbor Day. and tbe occasion
will be appropriately observed this a! -teruoon
by scholars of many of the
publio schools by planting trees or
No 83 school will pluut five trees. At
No. 80 school Superintendent Phillipi,
Controller Wonuaer and other will b.
present and addresi tbe soholars in the
Elioied to (he Position Tsoated by the
Beslgna'.ion of Alex. Duan, Jr.
Restored harmony hovered Tel the
deliberations of tho Iftqat las ball
magnates lust nighty, . '- a consulta
tion with repneentanTM of the news-
p 1 1 I h i! v i rouml 1 1. at miilu. I in; -
apprehensions hud existed which wero
accordingly cleared away, lug limi
ts!:, among other papers, was imsured
that tho club had rot harbored the hos
tile feelinga which hail been attributed
to it: and the pipe of peace was
smoked, metaphorically, amid protesta
tions of reciprocal regard.
Al tli meeting last uigut W A St.
John was elected president, to slices -d
M"X Hunt:, jr., who had resigned the
office at a meeting held 1 uesday. W.
L Bet Is und Walter Prieo will col
tmtie to survij as secretary aud treas
urer respectively.
The season will ' opened in this city
May 2, with the I: . t. . aggregation
aa the attraction, ids ilrzleton team
is considered by the cranks lo be more
than a dark horse iu the scramble for
tbe pennant, and should put up a
strong game. Anyhow, n winning for
the home team will not be a walk-over,
and the series, covenug a -l-isy period.
two days at scranton sua two days at
llszietun, should make the bloachors
hold their breath.
Aft-r the game with llszleton tbe
Allentowus led by the only "King"
Kelly will have a two day battle royal
With tli" home team Mac 7 aud S
At last night'c rnoetlng it wis de
cided to have every Wednesday
Ladies Day, irhen those of the gentler
sex will be admitted free.
Plans bave been decided upon for
makings gala affair of tbe Introduc
tory gain. Mr.yor Council, tbe lunnu-
ipal offloen, councilman and court of
ficials will be invited to witness the
game Tue mayor will be a-ked lo
make an addr-si. Flags ana bunting
rill he displayed about th1 grand stand
and many other detaile arranged to
auspiciously usher in the sons, a of Wil
low and leather.
Will Produc Salnti and Eioncrc
Krothingham Tonitht.
The appear.iuce of the oelsbratel A
M. Palmer Siocg compaay at the
Frcthingiiam theater this evening aud
tomorrow a'teruouu and evulng will
be tbe greatest dramatic treat BVei
offered the theatergoers of .".craaton
Mr. Palmer's organizstioo U easily the
best stock company in iitnc today,
inc'n ling, ns it doe, about twenty of
the in 1st tlnisli l and ablest actor and
actresses in this country. "Sunt and
Monets" will b prolnced bv the Pal-111-r
romj.sny tonight
When this play was first proluod lo
Loudon Ibonaondt of Kighsh play
goers protested against tbe placing of
a clnfg) man a the central figure iu so
pointed a play, hut Mr Joues' ciergy-
111 m wis so beantifully drawn and so
r. vereutly and nobly hail lied that be
fore loug "S nut and Sinners" beoams
a little sermon to all who listened to it
There is pleuU of tomedy in the piece,
and the olimaaee are sa.4 to be thrill
ing in the exueme At tue matiuee
tomorrow a double bill, 'One Touch of
Natur' and "A Pair of Speotaolos,"
will te given, an 1 at tho evening per
.nuance tomorrow night the attrao
tion will be the p 'polar "Jim tbe Pen
Ihe ifew ' t.eir. csi Eagtne.
Alteralious are being mado at the Ib. i
n. x il. -ec mi an v s tmii'ln:..' fur the rce;
tln of the new apparatus, which
is r 1 peeled next wee. 1 lie old brick par
tition Wall IS being torn out and a stall
bulll ou cither Bid" of where the engine
wilt be located. The work is being done
gratuitously hi' the Lackawanna Iron aud
Meal company.
I, lAeaealfytM und Fihd
The Nay Aug Kal.s and Kliuhursl
Boulevard company ye-terday fllsd u bond
in the sum (,Hai ot ludemnifyiug B.B. Q m
eggs, William Brooke liawle aud Kt auric
1. I.astlork, Jr., trnstees ot the estate of
Henry llecketl, drceasid, for any damage
tint may to done to the property for
which they are trustees by the construc
tion of the boulevard
A. U. I'ai.mbii'h celebrated stock com
pany In "Saints an I Sinners" at the Froth
ingbani theater tonight.
Deadlast.n 4k Woen'a and Ba'.lantlne'c
Alee Ore the beat. 11 J-, agent, H)
Lsekawauna avenua
BATJWFUL Jewelry to se
loot from.
IXilS iii uew stylos.
I N in and sco our new store.
ITJ are welcome.
rERLLrTG Silver Novelties in
gtual variety.
417 Lackawanna Ave,
Best Sets of Teeth,$Si00
Ir.olndlng the painless directing
cf teeth by au entirely m:w iud
cess, S. C. Snyder, D.D.S.
Tho New Yorlr.Ontttrio & Western R. R.
Co.. will stop the followiug trains at tbe
crossing opposite the new Base Ball
erouiuls: Train 208, sonth. leavinirf Car
bondale 3.34 p. at,) train 207, north, re
turning leaving Scranton 1,5(1 p. m,; train
W, north, returning leavin;; Scranton 6.10
p. m., days gutnei aio rdayea
District Passeuger Agent.
s s
S r)O.N'T let that eomfertablo noigh- E
J5 bor aymiiathize with you. There's g
g solid comfort in hammock lounging. 5
I Hammocks for a Dollar
J5 The 1 hove is pOH.-,ib'.y a little ahead 5
55 'f tho time; bultbou, wo arc always a
S ah. ad. S
126 Penn Ave.
.. .
Plumbing ) Popular
Tinning ) Prices 2
5! When you are looking far nov- I
s eitieo, come in and you will -
" find them. !5
H P....!..'. II.....L.IJ S...I.II.1. Z
s Ouiuiiiuiis nuussnuia dpsuiflitSiSe s
128 Wyoming Ave.
We sire now diiplaj lug
a iitif line of
In rOTTOX, SILK ar.'i
BEMiSHBEB, every porahevher of Sden'a, Boy a1 or CMldrta'g
OiotiiiDg Skoes, ELxta or Qent's Fnrniibing Oooda to tbe amount of
ti or ni'er, w preteated with otutooe ou the BEA1 TH l l. l'AKLOH
BUI n: bow on ezhibiUon la om- window.
137 AND 139
Complete Outfitters,
S. L. ( i
Represents Banister's new
Razor Toe Last. If yon want the
latest styles in Footwear trade at
BANISTER'S PRICES are a little less thin yea
are paying elsewhere for iaferior good?.
BANISTER will give you MORE for your money
than any Jlioe House in the city, Patent Leather
and Russet Shoes in endiess variety.
jOLASSES catches more flies than
vinegar. Good goods draw more
trade than poor ones.
Onr Ladies' Suits, Shirt Waists, Capes,
Millinery, etc., and Men's Hats, Neckwear
and Furnishings are bound to catch trade.
Each purchaser to the extent of $i or over
takes part in our $2,500 Distribution Gift
$4.00 Cape for
in all colors.
Ladies' fine Coats,
worth $6.00, for
ji. y as , a
io i-aaie3 nn3
' Ptorrra riiiifo Tirs.fVi
ffi7 On fr.r
138 Wyomi.i j Ave.
nsxt Dime: bank
- - ,
To get yourselves ready for Sun.
day you can appreciate the avail
ability of a stock and store like
ours tiiat can dress you and the
loys from head to foot really
better and cheaper than anywhere
you can go. And what's best of
all--you know every cent you
spend will come back if you're
not suited.
H iMIi.l. M M I
(.Ml It. n i BPRI.NO OVER-
( ra
ome'll w v r ii re
s M1 'LL WAN! BH IE8
eOMt l l. W ANT ALL I 111 Ml
3r' Lack mJ Jm torn