THE SCR AN TON TBEBUNJB J'LtlDAY MOKJN1JNI. AfKlL 'Ji. 1894. SCRANTON TRIBUNE P. E. WOOD, General Manager. rtmr.tsnnn DAILY and wieki.t in scran- TON. T'A.. UV Tilt 'U.IUUNS fuuueniNO Company Nrw York rricm: TninrtNs Bou.niNo. FHANK H (IAT MwAdKll littered a' the YMfoffire nl Smut' n Bstoad Clam Mail Matter THE 8CRANT0N TRIBUNE. SCRANTON. AWNI, W, I8!U ' It is INTIMATED lJ f ri nils of Captain John C. Delttney that if Governor Hnstinus ulsould ilesiro to put pur tieulnrlv artvptatil- polities! present into this stalwart Rspubliesn's uext Xmas stocking, be eould not do better ttiut to m ik- the oaptain a present of ltobert Watehorn's berth as faotory inspector. Widen the Fire Limits. While no practicable extension of the fir liniita of this city would bare prevented the terrible experience that surdsy befell Mr. anil Mrs. l'hilip Sohnsldar at 1734 s.ti.ff..rd uv tine, iu the wipiug out f their hum by rlainss and tbe loss of their three children, t hia latest blaze renews attention to the need of more modern inuuicipal legislation with reference to fruuie buildings. A life is just ns precious at the lower ex'remity of the Nineteenth ward as it is in the crowded heart of the central city; and if there it any tie Vice of law which can tend to prevent similar fatalities in the future the -ub-jecukould receive attention withoutde lnv. The narrative told by the only sur vivor of Ibil fire who was in a poel'ion to know anything about the fots is well worthy of thought. Rati dim in a B re sliU'i wnicu bad DWtlier weatu.-r-I'otr mc viuiout nor wall pp r wit' i , tbe mothaf left three or tier oblldrvn stlevp iu itie loft an i w ut on ner d.ily r on tin She taya there bad been nt inulv o tir-' ibonttbe pr-m-laee; sml thai the ri tt sight which met her iM after bod cone from boot Waa th ipaetacle of t l.nt in one lartd bsji "f U me. The three In fant sie'per w. rj novw iwokenod, so su i.l.:ily did tri tin ler-lik st-iu-ttire yield to the eUuient. And evei b til tt-r ben aOCIM to tliem, it is doubl fnl if any Kiciier could have return-1 alive. We ure p.irticuiar with rsference to tins details for the r-aou tba. Scran -ton other tire-traps almost an ex.ct duplicate of this 00 i but lacking the excuse amen explaius why thefe poof pooplo lived in tbe home that they occupied. It is to prevent the multiplication of such structures iu fniure, in localities. no now covered by tbe existing oniinauce, that a nw tr.Iinanc is uee.led in this city An action iu equity is possible at auy time on ti.e part of a property owner whose holding is jeoparded by t'i unsub stantial character of the buiblin Mgl door; tut this opportunity does not rean"ire the l.nman sleeper who may uwakrn at any moment to find bimtl s;irruundJ b rl .lU'-a. and upon whom ti e veiiKe..i.c- if the tire is usual. y rreaktd long before any eartnly court :ould issue an injunction. B RATO If OXfl il evidently a hope less cui.v.-rt to the tueory of vicariou taxation One tihmi ia aJroadjf asnrd Th. lemvtid for oim s-ion to nxt month's itato Movent I . will be MB thing Wouderful. Nearly all the av itlshle hotel mom in Harrist)or hualr-aiy been bstuken an 1 everytbing- points with unerring certainty to a regular tidal wave of popular Interest and party entiiusiasm. Secretary A. D Fotterolf, of Montgomtrr, has been aelected by Chairman Oilkeson to look afier tbo detail work of the conven tion, which is an assurance that it will be well done. It B still possible, if not altogsther conventional, for a base hall player to be likewise a gentleman. ' Harrison on Silver. Having just returned from a long aoj uru in tne west, where it Is safe to nssumn he had every opportunity for gelling thoroughly in touch with the u'lVocates of silver monometallism, ax-Presid-nt Harrison's discussion of the allvef qneation in his spech before tb' Indi lO Republican aonvaoti o Wed nesday bears every evidence of beiog careful, liberal and sincere. Let n. listen a moment to his wise and mod erate words: The Repnblican party is friendly to a restitution of nlv-r to a place of honor among tne mutey metals of tbu world. Home of mv friends In the west thought I was uttHriog new doctriDes wbeo I de clared that I belirvn the free ue of sil ver upon an lotarnatlonal agraamant that would irn-ure the continued ('qnality with gold, would do more than snytbing tbat I know of, rave the establishment of the protection principle, to bring again pros perity into commerce. '1 he trouble upon tnis question Las Deen mat some or out western friends would not receive any man as tbe friend of silver who bslieved that wacould not coin it freely and main tain Its purity with gold unless by coming into au arrangement with thu other great commercial nations of the world. They ehonld have beon moro liberal. I believe today that we oan see In England, the nation that has stood most strongly against the larger use of silver, and in Germany, a nation tbat has followed England, tbe clear indications of the growth of a sentiment for a interoation nl agreement upon this question. It is increasing In power, and 1 believe if right ly and wiely encouraged and directed from America it will finally bring other nations, by the compulslou of their own neoaeaitiat, into accord with us upon this subject. - If it be contended by silver extrem ists that this ia not instantly definite, let them show bow any otber policy, consistent with tbe national honor, can aocomi'tlsh quiekar results, It Is cer tainly in excess of all reason to suppose that the United States alone, against tbe opposition of tbe financial nationa of Europe, can uphold the decliuing value of the white money metal through tho Bhecr fiat of legislative en actment. If International agreement be not tbe only rational remedy, its counterpart baa evidently not bean in troduced; and moat free silver alvo cat concede tbla by tbeir willingness to accept temporary aud shifty com promises. Tne decision reached iu the) Indiana Republioan plafoiniis later eating as illustrating one phase of tbe western financial pulse. The currency plunk adopted at Indianapolis reads: We believe ii a currency composed of gold, silver and paper, readily convertible at a fixed standard of value and entirely under national control, and we favor the imposition of increased tariff duties upou tb. imports from all ronntrie vrhiob op pose too coinage of sllve up hi a hasla to M determined bv an Int- rna i ml OOO Br'a tor such purp He. Wo iieu nnoe 'he avowed pnrpuae of-the Damooratto partv to restore the era of "wild-cat" luou. y. I ibis me ns anytbiug, it mean thai we must wait before We can rj liabilitat" silver; ind miytiewiai w haVH waited .1 few y9irs it will nol then be necessary to p izz e our h-a Is lurther about a m-tnl that seems nat urally to gravitate lower mid lower each year. Bl'RdKSS NlCIl LS. of Pottsville, has been bavini: an experience with the cowboy evangelist Rice, which is similar to that bad by the municipal authorities of Bcranton. Tbe same taotics wars pursued bv Mr. and Mrs. Rice in Potteville that marked their local sojourn; tbe only difference beiug that when tbe borough police ordered them to quit blockading the streets without a permit from tho burgess they appealed to the audience and the policemen wore prevented from niak iugan arrest. The incident confirms tbe conclusion of most Borantoniant tbat these evangeliltl are mora intent on acquiring Iree advertising than tiiry aro on spreading the troe Gospel. Don't Do It. A rumor is current iu political cir cles at Harrisburg that the friends ot Senator Cameron, iu order to spike tbe gnus of those who oppose his re election, intend at next month's state Uspnb liuau convention to force a free silver plunk into the party platform. Tbe plank, It is said, will be cunulngly phrased so as momeatanly to disguisn its real meaning, but aftward will be cited by the Cameron workers as justi fying tbe Donegal statesman's attitude on tbe silver question und necessitating bis re-eleetlou. In th- language of Puns'i to ths cou pie about to g-1 marrie I, "Don't I" Tnere i uo demand for a fi a- il v r pi mk in th- pi itfora of Pennsylvania B pnl ioun Tbe people of this c ui tuo'iwe th b iVe taated lr ly of th-' Utter fru.u of this Impossible aftta li in. Tusy i.aVe seen astuvsrof feat levelop U ider Its OfOTOOaUoa iu o a prolonged and destructive basiaees panic They uave bad practical de monstration of tbe bopeli ssuess of the Popnlistic panacea to rente ly monetary fVtls. And they are to lay iu no mood to have this paluful issue wtnpped once more around the stump merely for the delectation of J. Donald Cam erou. Pennsylvania mav have its occasional x'.remisis, but the over-whe'.mtng sentiment of its intellectual masses is emphatic for an honest currency The silver arais m its present foim doaa not obtain a mong in I must not le engrafted upon our politics by ny ar tilioe of minority le lgardnmain. It will gratify KspnMisans everv wli-r t" know tlut thrir felloWpartl sans fi( Iri'lians hava name I fur scrr.. tary o( ststo tli c itirif.ias entlemao who dvisil lbs U i n liniuiKratioi! law and, rlurinif Prealdral FI .rrison's ail rjiinistrntion, was tbo L'uitrJ Btates snpariaieadenl of itnuixrutloo. The cor. Hal enttusi ism crvstrd !y th tudld cy of W. D uu, of Lofaae purt. odH is proof that th Bepnbli t'stis of the iluosirr stale, in kddltioo o recogiilziun p.rioiil in r i t wlin tbe tee it, bare likewise generous ni proval for honvst .flirts at iiu'iiur-t-tton rKStrlction. Th e&tir In Han . twlc-t i strong and rreditabU; bni thle nntoiuslion at Its lisad is doubly praisewortuy. To Ward Off Epidemics. Th pretence oi .tuili poj in on or two niigbliorin coruuiuuitirs, whiU not suflk'irnt to justify nUrm, to Inspire eTer BcraDtonlao witn tbe de tsruunation to take reasouabln iirecan tlois Although s if mists uiay not asrss on som of the tsobnicsl points about this spi liuic, It is agreed tbst ibe one sovereign antidote is gnrral 'leanliness ; and that the community wbieli Is olean will not have serious difficulty. In a comparative sense Ucr inton to day Is uncommonly clean. Its streets are newly swpt and it curls, hack y irds and minor pnasagswsys are in Hi" muiu without rrpioncb. Bui th-r are portious of tli ci' of winch this ctnnot be add One loeali:y in pir ticulr suuKBstsitl to, us ns dancr ous, tlin u'b whosr tuult or owrsistbi wti do not know. To th soutn of Providence road lies a stretch of st sg usnt wat r, surn nu.led by a miniature morass. In the hot sun this watr bnii acqnired u f,rvuiab scum, which, if il stioll be allowed to dry and be scattered in tbe form of dust, will bide ill for the bmlth of adj dntasj residvnts. Ma laria ut trust, if not mors serious possi bilities, lurks in this ill smrlling and repnlslve looking pool. We mention this particular iustauc becanse it occurs to us, in psssiug, as one that is uo doubt typioal of asveral, if not manv, aueh spots at earlona poiuts in ticrantoii and the snrroan l ing territory. We hnr.i made such good succiss In cleansing thu central portiou of to city that it would l. doubly unfortunate to have uu epi. dvmio befall ns on account of these outlying cess pools. This is naturally a period of much mild sicknsssitnd tne entire city is experiencing its full share in tho form ot meaales, scarlet fever and diphtheria. These minor troubles should re-einphusiEa the used of con stant vigilauce iu the provontlou of worse pestilence. TrtB New York Sun frankly con fesses that the Democrats iu congress are dlrsctly responsible for the Oozey mania. This faet was pitent before, bnt opon confession is good for sn honest soul. TnE adaoe: that most things come to him who waits wonld seem to be vindi cated in the experience which has just befallen ez-Chalnnau William il An drews, of Crawford. Wbsti a few months ago the political storm clouds were gathering ominously abont bis 1 1 end he merely took to shelter, snd waited. The clouds have apparently rotlod by to a oonsiderable extent, for when tbe Crawford county primaries were closed last week, it was fonnd that Mr. Andrews bad reaped the seuu torial nomination harvest, hands down. He was dsfeatel for the same office in 1890 by Senator Logan, by n vote of (1,129 to 0.906; and tbe distriot this year lies directly in the trail of the Popu listio hurricaue whioh is expected to follow the nomination of ,1 ;' . -. l-y for governor, thns iotro Inolog new l"iiients or oiiosftttntv. Bi if Mr Amir ws w.ll iion-a'lv r p nt of Mini nasi l ii is iii I k I his a in I f url . m 1 qt r I ga si CtiUefoo, b m y ne rorgiVen 'ii ' I 0fd, Within tiik pas' iu dnya a o irions ihing baa occurred t th port oi N w York Naarlj $10,000,000 in pure bul lion g"'d ias bee i shipped out of this com y, y Am riciu investors, to Pane, .. . r - it will form the part pro ceeds ol I laru-e municipal loin. I is a c mp .ratively new incident In history to beYC American capital 10 scared at borne investments as to be willing to go to Europe rather than r main idle in the vaults. Ordinarily, ths balance of investment, as also of trade, is just the oth. v way. Or lina rily, too, we have a Republican admin strati on. It will BI many years before a fundamental truth is better expressed than this one from the speech of ex President Harrison to the Indiana Republican convention: "The Ameri can workman is realising to lay Ihil it is not possible for bin to separate hiu self in interest from the m uufaotur r who employs him ; that be cannot lis ten to the wild and vicious appeals which hare been ma le to httu ;r strik at the men who givs employment to labor without bringing the blow back iu recoil upon himself aud upon bis family." It is said that several western states men of tbe Populistio persuasion are secretly scheming to raise a partisan issue next fall having for its Mtanatble purpose tbe dissolution of the Ameil can union aud the formation of a BOW free silver coinage government west of tbe Mississippi We say ostensible, becense of course the resl purpose is nothing m i u s-ri us tban to gt the suthor- ( tbe movein- 't bdfon th pill lie For tills leas oi ire don it print ibelr u ones; nut if U id .-aui desir a te npply lb err etive s'ij.per It will no doubt eaailj be possible to scour., their pres. i . sddreaaes. Amu R Day ought to have a ve v u, flnentia) meaning; and possibly it si aid luve if th' psopla wonl i lnbvd fewor gsms of thought au 1 a larger as- SOrtDSOt of trees. X THE Coffee Cools. t1 Thers is no ne of talking; When it dues to talkiog our tslkers re not in th. race Tbers isn't a talker iu ai. this talkative town thst can tslk any ir j ivui .i n U St inlv Wo 'd ward when he a ts uu tor a ii"ch at 4! i. its' social session, llils w newlv Installed tbe other eveniug in Yilks- I Bam when, after all tbe picked co horts of Scranton oratory had been ! I tiling by train ! rviuuian lers at tb Ditadel of Wilkes li rre tpprsxl itton, tt ; lesi.lutsly failed to cspi'ulste the muiable presiding magistrate at tne sitting Lnr. rne court of iinarter ses sions arose iu his uomly fashion, let a reef , nt of his capacious trowsrs. sp plied a hsiidan i to the rspirtory of gsn wi.ich protrules fr on his puant fsssi and then gave as witty a speech is Elks c ul I w sh to hear. The judge, ihongb, toll enstwfnllj im robable yarn. He must have ha t misgivi'igs wnen be i id it, for ne took partisnl ir paint to sad li th reapooai. in i it for it fi on an unnaiu I Bor an ion att'in.ev. I n y.rn w ts 'his: After Lankawanna'e new c art buns ha. been Ullt aud after In IWalBU. huud.llon i. ad been OVeroOBO by driven walla. I1 was fOttnd,"tald tbs judge, "tbat vn below that, th fi.Undalioiis ba I been tindernilue 1 li tberenpOfl b. Cttll necessary, wneu vr eoorl w.s sitting in La kswauuu conntv, for the trial judge to ten 1 a tipstelf lowu Into the mines, to keep the illis-ns of Scranton from robbing II. e pillars.'' Now if Julge Woodward had sai l tbe doctors or plumuers or lawyers of Scranton the j.ike nlfbl have pssted must- r As it wss I thiuk it baa a vsry unsubstsnlial fouudatioti s s It Is doubtful If one person la tan ever truly panaei to think what a gral country tins is Since spread eeglisui fell Into dltfaTor we have, it seems P. in, teu lnoUned to tknour progress ion union as matter of course. Y t wh'-r els in all bis ory do w- ti 1 1 an x mpl -of sn l ln growt . similar la ' ai w lefe is i fl'Ci.d, for example, in i is .Ml age lu -o-u vuni tl iseQ th Li. nag. ICv ii i is lourutl. tile old it OOOtloaoatly pnidlsued daily pap. r iu the Windy Ut I D xty ye4rs .tgn. wit i in the ready reoolleo Ion of in n Hilll alive and acliv. , what was the the vilUg- of OhioagO oad only a few hundred Ho i l- u nouses,. le.'ilpled large ly bv Indians und (rootlenneB, Ten vs-are later, wb-n tlw I'vuii g Jour on was tmr i, the plac was lit:l Isr i ilua Uuumore or Oarboudalo, Y in lay It nnnii" ra 1, Too 000 inhntdt nna, louiprit. i i i an area as Liz rm county, a. . , rn all sides, repine 1 to le th titi . I, wickedest, nnd most Incessantly j " igraaajfa municipality In the world. Yet oue u.-- im siisns it all. s Soma of our -aders laiow llornc. White All wil Ireoogii'ie hi in as tin-acliv.- o lllor of the Nw Y ik Ev-ulng Phhi, one nl onr foreiunst autinn iti a ou QnanOs and, nmil reavntly, an H Ceeilltlgly peraisteut swinger Ol OOUSeri before tho political fhrme ot S ep. ' n Crover Clevnlau I. Web, the reason 1 mention White is 'sjoaasis lifty jraars ago, ut the age ot lit, wn.n ju-t emit ted from his rural notuesteud into the nrbuu enviroum-nt of the future Chi cago, White was i ff rsd the loiiv posi tion ot citv uditor on i he Evening Journal, nl the . illy lofty Hilary I B ii week. Mr. White's dutbs wore iut resting, lie carried under bis modest bat the rombmo 1 fnnotlona of city editor, exohango editor, Huancial reportor, police court reporter, real estate chronicler, political writer, proof resd' r, assistant mailing olerk, associate foreman and ofllce boy; and wheu in. i ' huug beavv on his hands U us.-d to ink the rolls, pick s. rts out of the "hell box," play marbles with (he Indiau papnoa-s and assist Ihe chief editor hikI publisher in evolving: ureal sohemes of journalistic conquest. e Arbntus parties are now hiiiou the popular mcreatlous for yonn ( an old people, snd tli. to Is probably no inor lolightful form of outing thau tba i ont for arbutus on tba monntains, TJn lor the ruthless attacks ot people who tear the arbutus up by the roots regardless of consequences, the favorite American blossom which was ones so plentiful in the city's limits has almost entirely disappeared; and it is now necessary to travel four or five miles from the busi ness center of Scranton in ord -r to se cure specimens. At Laobawann , Mo isic, HI ik ly and ollw points Ui' ind down Ihe valley 'i ''"', the ar ho'ns eonil u-s to flonrieh, but fr u present "iit .rpris 0 dig.'-rs it i oaoie in t tne snow piani, w w c nuot be nice ssiully i uitiv-tted, wi soou dlsapiOil from ui" face of the earib. Great ' o'ies movo with delibarntio l and It IH probably unwise to expect too much Ol the parties in char','.' of the il .ire at'Otit the new postofil- build-. Ing on Washington avenue, it would s em, however, Ibat the pedestrians, Who have for the past two or three years been erowdul into the street to make room for an advertising feuce, were entitled to a new fligatoue walk In front of the Imndaome edifies. The elegaut furniture and furnishings ol government building sre perfectly proper, but it seems about time tbat something was done for tho dear pub lic. Boom tbo sidewalk! Ths Castle of ihs Cuckoo. Washington htxt. Senator Hill seems to be getting the hisses of Democrats who never produce electorsl voles for 'he Democratic ticket. We are Headquarters lor Everything in Our Line. REFRIGERATORS WATER COOLERS ICE CREAM FREEZERS HAMMOCKS and BAEY CARRIAGES lu i line of New ful Qooda. all and Ucatitt suitable for Hilts Coarsen, demons k Co. 422 LACKA. AVE. AYLESWORTH'S ill ... J lU&l iiC - Ike Fir.jst in til tlt Tne Istest improved fur nishings and app trains for keeping meat, Putter und eggs V a lining Ave. FIRST MORIGAGK 6 BONDS OF TIIK FORTY FORT COAL COMPANY. A limited niiitiinT f the sbove bondo sre i"r . iiu at pur snd se orned intm-st by tbe IbUowing parties, from whom topics of the mortgage snd full Informstion osn it; obtained: E w. liallignn, Cash let Second tfsttonal Hank, Wllkes-Bsfro, V.. W. L Watson, Cashier First Xa UonsJ Bank, Pittaton, Pa J. L. Polen, Oaahier People'a BiivuiKs Bank, PitM in, Ps. . A. Bryden, Prasldenl Miners' Barings Hank, Pittaton, Pa, And ijy tin Bcranton Bavingi BanV and Trnal Com iany,Tmst3e under tbe Uortsaffe. T. H, HtbertOQ, Counsel, WILKES BABBBL PA. WANT a Piano LOOK AT An Mini 11 Henry F. Millar Brur.' I In: t. St? AnaairaBaa MObtok r ns"s.usro rlasio ir A Rood gain s BroSaars Bo.aafs Putin... lii A gnii Moyoi' Mr. .- hnr-t -I'lnr-- riaftflnu W A Komi I'litii .'.- I'uml s.t.iir iiinn ? A .; -I 1'1'ipUunm , .hi Flsm 60 A nrfMN Lt t.iu Pisno to Walunt Oprtgfil 190 A v.Ty n rl Wti.... i.i k I uriicli' I'lauo.. lHil A vtr. nmtA Wbaaloot uprlfnt I'miio. . I. VI GUERNSEY BROTHERS' NEW STORE, Pianos ASK YOUR GROCER STOWERS DELICIOUS, MIIvD 8TJOAR OUIIJIID HAMS. EVERY HAM AND RAIL OF m trade guppisiED TH GOLDSMITH'S $ BAZAAR Wastes no Breath Open the Desert Air IN TELLING YOU WHAT WE KNOW AND YOU KNOW AEOUT A v No artiole of wearing apparel for th; ousuiiiL,' ai.v montbt will be so Millions have been and will be made an I nearly every Dry Cioods Store proper in, "there's the riiii." we plaeetl in stock lie fore biin", thoruiinhly Inspected as to lit and applied at prices within the reach of everybody. - this year can be obtained at Dearly the prices of Cotton last year. Just think of it! 82,'J8 will purchase a good Silk Wuist, stylishly And when it comes to Cotton Waists we have them from 25 cents Ladies' uavin) raiments. just olofled out Iroin Von van t;et your pi Goldsmith Victors With the New Valves Out of Sight Our new Bicycles are now to be seen at our 314 Lacka wanna avenue store. VICTORS, SPALDING, CREDENDA, GENDR0NS, And a full line of Boys' and Girls' Wheels. We are mak ing extremely low price3 on Second hand Wheels. II ui 314 Lacka. Ave. FINE ENGRAVING Wedding Invitations, Announcements, Reception and Visiting Cards, Monograms, Nanus and Dinner Cards, Reynolds Bros. MRllorers and Encr ven I AI U A V INs.l AVK N. B. ctl it ion Prayer arr oflbrUlR a n'w of lht Hook of Conuflou wi'll lioun 1 in I'lotli. Two Copies for 25c. Single Copies, 13c. JMILU11M &BF. or Organ Cheap? THE LIST: a vary oik1 Khoalnt r Cpntat riaao.. OKl)A. a stasoBS Hamtln,Baarljr osw,aih top, dottbi r.'J An A. B. OSaSt marly BSW, lusli toi, lintililo rw. A i hii-aito Cott.iRo.iioiu ly m-a-, lilif" ll,P doubia rei-il A Woi ter, noarly now, high tuP. ilout.lo roo.l $ fill .''ii 224 stul Or gars at Wliolccslo ml KoUil. on Iiistallmciits. AND INSIST UPON HIS FURNISHING YOU WITH sjOWERS PACKING SHIR I WAISTS have maae tnu bnneh nsady, and SILK WAISTS smb sa vs. w tm m m a SOME PLUMS IN Capes and a prominent maaoiaoturer hli entire k muc.i below the usual price. Brothers & ENAMEL WARE Tor ONE W EEK we will sell Enamel Wan- at the following unore- cs.-leut-il prices. Tea and Coffee Pots O.VE-Jl'ART, TWO-yi'AKT. THREE -QV AU T, KOt'R Qt'VRT, FIVE QV ART, 40C. 47c. 55c. 60c. 70c Also Dresden ind Preserving Kettles, Banoe 1'aus and PoUs V:th i)iin ami Tea Kcttlt-s at eiiti.illy lu prioOS. Foote &. Sliear Co. GLOBE SHOE STORE Reliable Goods One 1 Vice Satisfaction Guaranteed 227 Lackawanna Avenue EVANS & POWELL. Proprietors Dr. Hill 6 Son Albany Dentists Srt tooth. ..Vi; ts.: st. S' srl toi'tb sritli"lt ' is '. SMC ,rk' ''" f"r rrlcos TON A IO I A. for .ir tetUu 11 u. Nui-tbor. Nosss. ; for foU ral 1 crown snd snd roforwrs.-s tcvlb n ilLoul S 1 I R riMI N l IO VI HANK. Scientific Eye Testing Free By Dr. Sh.mberg, Tim Sperlsllst cm t Kr Il.clsab nml tlsiisasiisai tstlml taiitsttasat lmpr.ivsd rtylo of Kys Glsssss ud SliswUoles ut tbs LovrsslPrtsaa Uosi ArUiioua km uurti fur VU (OS SPRUCE ST., op. Old Poat OfTlca. a stsiiiiar l,naarty now. high top,4onbla read AO A - hoi.iuiior, uoarly new, high tf', iloublorol 85 And -Lout '.M iithoi' good Boeoiul hand Or gans, t!i ! ". Tho alve rolloption nf Hooond-hand Iniru- montsaroall Iu good urdor, fully gtiirsn toad, llio groatost hargaliis evor . fforml In tblsi'ity ('.ill und sue th mi. luatuliiuouls or discount f r onsh. WYOMING AVENUE, SCRANTON. ABSOLUTELY rURD LARD. LARD BRANDED. CO., SCRANTON, PA 5TANDiNC OH LAY DDWM LCLLAlt prevalent and universally worn. will keep (hem. Jint to get the not a lingle garment baa been workmanship andal the same timo to uh w made, with balloon sleeves. upwards. Jackets simple line of the mul Stylish Company. CONWAY HOUSE IN asal ia 1 tN A I M I the Amer can Plan. On Scrant.'ii s nw"st ami basl oqulppod hotsL HOW oi en 10 TOE PUBLKX Uoatril b stomn. Klocltlc lU-lls H.Ui lut.son oa.-li A aor. t.urg.'. Woll 1 1 II til oil nn.l Airy Kooms. vatfthtai Oaasjslasa, ai.i. van Mom-UN mFNOTUianttSj OSka ob ssosnd Bo r. iwil ssmpis room altachsit. P. J. CONWAY, Prop, UIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIU DO YOU REQUIRE ACCURATE TIME? 3 I a Wfel HAVH IT. ! EDWIN C.LLOYD' U'MLaok. Ave. liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiin 0EED POTATOES fyf ALL Bi:.ST VAR VARIETIES. ONION SETS Ami nil kinds GARDEN BEEDS iu bulk and iu pack ages. Pierce's Market FENN AVE. IL