THE M;H ANTON TKIUUNE FRIDAY MOTJNTNQ-. APRIL L'T. 1894. 8 Lacisum All Things Musical STELLE &SEELEY 134 Wyoming Ave. I11C1I Cj kauu 111 At IXMKltsON, 01 HER HAKES ORGANS AM. PRICK See the Shaw Piano from tho World's Fair in our window. GOOD BREAD SNOWWHITE FLO! And always have Good Bread. M ANL'FACTl'RFI) AND FOR SALF. TO THI TBADStBl Ths haton Mill Co OF COUNTERFEITS ! THI RFNV'NE POPULAR Punch Cigars HAVE THE IMITU18 G.. B. & Co , ftrprlr'- ri Er'i Cqsr. Garney, Brown & Co. Mfr's. t U 1. I 11(11 M. -'l Al.K. DR. H. B. WARE SPECIALIST EVE, F.Aii. KOaK A-ND THROAT. '35 WYOMING AVE. PERSONAL William O'Eriun will visit Syracuse to day. K. P. C oner, of Pottsville, is at the Wntaiaitar. U, P. fljEn, of Oarbondala, wit in the :ity yaatafdaj. (&iTgi Brooks, of Cornell '94, is homo for a few days. Mm Alica Pldgton, of Carboiidsl, aptnt ye-t Tdar in this city. .:r. and Xf. Fred Crisman, of Berwick, wr in the city yesterday. HiM M:t;nif OoM.mitli has 6oae for a llontli'. visit at Atlantic city. Mr. nd Mrs. U B. rampbell, of Bing hau t n. were here yesterday. Dr 3 irckl-y, of Ilones.lale, and C. P. Hancoc;f,of Danville, are at. th" Wyoming. Mr. and Mn. Charles W Pal ton leave Monday for tMf western home, Boulder, Colo. Mr". J. D. Stocker, Ol .lerrnvn, and Mrs. 3. K. Burr, of Carbondala, were In the city yesterday. Mise Anna Huffman returned y.terday from a two week' visit with frienda tu Oxford, N. J. D. W. Wjlie, of Washington avenue, l..v this .iveaing for a short visit at Philadelphia. Mrs. '.. p. f(ros. of Adsms avntie. has been called to New York by the aerions tllnevs of her mother. Mis Alice Kvnns, teacher at No. 14 MbOOi has a'sumed hordutieu aft'ir an ill -liens of some weeks. George OotliBgwood, Oaorgl Heaman, John Gampball and A. P. Chatfleld are a Pnunhkeejisie party In the city 011 pleasure btol Charles D. Sanderson, Edwin Barifleld, J. B. Fahrlnu'er, Willmm Honn, (ieorge Klrhardson nnd Oeorgo Parry, all of Throop, made a trip to this city yesterday. Loots Feats, John K. Jones and V. I). DiTlfie, Oi I'tica, yesterd.iy inspected the City's nrbnn crematory with a view of possibly applying some of its principles in their city. A pnr'y of rnpltnlitH in the city yester day were Ifeuben Leisenrint;, White Hall; K M, Smith, Alden: A. '. I.eisnnring, Vpper Lehluh; 'J'. M. Klghtnr, Mount f'nr 11.-I. H. P, Hall, IWryvilli; M. H. Kem nieicr, Mauch Chunk. The bill posters of tho great Hnrnum k Bnlley show ar in tbu city nnd will today begin the distribution anil posting of lith ographs. There are about fiftean men In the party. They have a fpecial car for Bleeping and other purpweH and will take their meals at tho Wyoming House while in 1110 city. - Pcrnnton'a liu.lnei. Interests. The Timhunk will soon publish a earn fully compiled and clnssiliod list of the leading wholesale, banking, manufactur ing and professional interests of Scrnnton and vicinity. Tho edition will be bound iu book form, be .utifully Illustrated with photogravure viosTs of our pnblic build ings, business blocks streets, etc., together with portraits of loading citizens. No similar work has ever given an equal rep resentation of Bcrantou's many indus tries. It will beau lavaloablt exposition of our business resources. Kont to persons outside the city, copies of this handsome work will attract new comers and bo au nnMMlltd advertisement of the city. The circu lation Is on 11 plan that cannot fail of good results to those concornedas well as the city at, large, ltoproiautatives of TBI TtuiiuNi Will call Upon THORR WHOSE NAMES ore pi hiiiki) 111 this edition and explniu ilr nature more fully. Those desiring views of their residences in tnis edition will pleuse have notice at the olllce. There is nothing like Dr. Thomas' Ecleo trlc Oil to quickly cure n cold or relieve hoarseness. Written by Mrs. M. J. Fob lows, Burr Oak, Ht. Joseph conuty, Mich. Inohain carpets cleaned for .1 cents per yard by the Scruntou Bedding Co. r is Mud A Foe to Dyspepsia . 5 R COUNCIL II ses; ill Lower Branch Transacted Much Public Busi ness Last Night- REPORTS OF CITY OFFICERS City Treasurer and City Controller Transmit Documents to Council, Showing the Condition of the Fi nances of the City Bond Ordin nce Passed on Two Readings. Resolutions Introduced. Common council met last evening and took prompt act ion in such muttere us came up at the .asiou. The annual report of City Treasurer It. O. Hrooks add City Controller Wlduiuyer were received, notion taken on concurrent matters ami some BOW Imsitiess tran sacted. The member! present nt the mooting were Messrs. Morris, Thomas, Robathan, Began, McLean, Godfrey, Moir, Wenzel, Robinson, Sweeney, Howe. Nealis.Scbadt, Williams. Noone, Mickey and Norton. The auditing fltnmtttoo reported fa vorably a larir of bills which were or dered ptid The report of the city treasurer showing the amount of dis bnnemonti from March I'll, 1888, to April !!, 1S1M, was read nnd referred to committee, A recapitulation of the report shows ossli on hand April 8. 1898. 1191,097,06; amount of re 01 pil from all sources during the year, $ll'.'6, 827 70: total, ij.8lS.-l--. I 8'J of to tal amount there WeN received by i'ity treasurer, 8394,704 47 From John II. Fellow, . x minor. $1. !''.! 71; from Mayor W, L Counoll, 14,588.88; from Citv Solicitor Jatnoa 11. Torrey, 138 119.98) from Btreot Gommiatlonor Fnil lp Kirst, 9334, from S. V. Edgar, eg secretary of the board of health, $tl5i; from Walter llriirge, secretary of tue board of health, id; total ainoivit .lis borsed during the year, 1699,716 99 , balance cash oil baud March III, 1SUI, IT I li, 707 90, FINANCES (F Till! t'tTY. The following statement of the in debtedneai and retonro s of the city of Borantoo at tiie close of toe B100I year, April S, 1894, prepared by City Con tr 'I It Widmajrer, was prepared: Bonded Debt Con toltd ated loan, second atrleedne I'ih;. 1. 1894 9 percent. 100,000 cuv improvement lour, 1886, 4 rer cvnt., 120,501; funding loan, lssr,, 4 per cent., UMiOO; municipal building losu, sim, 4 per cent., i!i,0O0; mnoiolpal iniproveineut loan, 1891, 4'. per ceut., 100,000! redemp. ii . n loan, series, 1S!K!, 4 )f percent., 1144,000. Sundry claim ol unpaid warrants, April i, IK' I. $S,6NIU; coutrncts and oilier ac counts subject to adjustment, 881(1911 19, Total iud.bte1ueas of the city, : 878.71. RetOUroee Of the citv: Cash o genera! city fun 1, 867,010.10i cash In Interest and sinking fund. I3IL84&73; dellhqnent taxes OBd OtBOr Collectible items, fJO.UOO; total resources, 6I1I.48883; net indebtedness of the city l7;. In addition to the above nsets are bonds of the ls-ue of I mm, IU per cent., 8191,000, tor the benetlt of sinking fund. The amount of lost preced ing assessment valuation of the taxable property, being tho aws-mem for 189.1, occupati m, 81.088,710; real es;ate and per sonal, 81790i888; total. llB,98t.S0& I:F HUTS A Nil 'l-l:: UKSIKNTsl The report cf the iinuual receipts and disbarsemecU for the tlcnl year eni'.ed April 'i 1 "'II. is as follows Toe revenues tr m all OOWrcoa Is 8630,037.0ft local asi ment for Improvements, ?i', 790.73; total, p Kxpendirures of City Oeneral city nc Count, K-AW 9.': commifsions paid col lectors, HiOTt.78; license account, 1770.80; municitial impr ivenient account. 14:. 088 el ; redemption and interest on bonded debt, i : XI 1 z'- . piircliase 1,:' Ii.ohIs for sinking fund, tril.uoi); total, ifi,,i:i M; local as srssineiits f.,r miprov, m-.nt, tttj.yoj ns; grand t..a:. 1000,710.08; cash balance April 8, 1808, 9181.897.06; receipts durinc the IU cal year, 8838 897.78: U ta. 8818,434.88) dis bursements, Ki'.'.'.TIfi.'.i'J; cash balauvo April 'J. 1884, fllv Q DO. Prom the above cash balance are to bo deducted 860,787.80 for municipal, tntr et and sinking fund, special, paving. license and municipal account', which leaves a cash bsiniice in the geneial ac connt of 867.980 10 Offsettu e the above are outstanding warrant, . 1 i ".o 'j.i; r.alance 01 appropria tion earned to books of km, 851,106.48: total, 866,878.71) surplus, 11,044 2B. FINAM'IAt. CIpMiI I p,N meill. Snrpius revenu for the p-ist fiscal year rrove to be vl I.ol l..9. l)ur- ing th winter we estimated thtt the sum WOttld amount to $9,860. This in crease you can iittribate to the nccrued interest from purohaM of bonis re demption loan aeri-s No. 1, for the sinking fund, and exceptional larire re turns from m lyor's and solicitor's ds partments. The delinquent tax collector's ac cnntit shows a heilthy condition, not withstanding present business depres sion. The sinking fund is in excellent cin ilitiou, ready to meet all obligations coming due. The state of tho city' financial condi tion is very encouraging and its credit at the large money OOO ten is par ex cellence. The proposed new inane of bridge bon is ar largely sought for purchase. A communication was received from the board of health asking councils to sewer between Marlon and ijsrch streets in th Thirteenth ward. The matter waa rforred to tho sewers and drains aommitee. The following new business was in trod need 1 Mr. Bobatban An ordinance amend ing section '. of the police ordinance to read that th other rgulatlons govern ing the police are repealed so far ns they are inconsistent with or are sup plied by the present ordinance Mr. Noone A resolution directing tho street commissioner to cause the street railway company optraMn g the line at Seventh street and railroad ave nue to place the truck in proper condi tion for team to cross by planking each side of the said track, and also to (ill in between the outside and Iniidt of the rails with snitable materials. Mr. Nealis Au ordinance providing for the extension and opening of Far view court southerly to Kobinson street, and for purchasing lands neces sary and payment for same. TUB JIONI) OKtllNANCB. The ordinance bonding the city for coiiHlrnetion of bridge was reported favorably from the judiciary commit tee and passed first and second reail incs. The city tax lovy ordinance passed third and final reading. K. J McNally. collector of taxes in the Seventh and Eighteenth wards, was allowed an exoneration of $102 40 on his dnpllcste in the former district nnd $105.00 In the Intter. o DO YOU It K All? On Saturday, Ap.-il 88, to every ens turner bnylng $1 worth of goods, we will give a book. See ctnlngns in our advertisement on local page of this paper. MEABS & IIaoen, Burglary at Orevn Bids;. The general store of S. H. Ijoe, at Green Ridge street and V'nu storch avenue, was entered Wednesday night and goods to the value of about $CU stolen. IWFBl III!! Three Children Meet Doalh in a Building on the South Side. ORIGIN OF FIRE IS UNKNOWN The Children Were Asleep in the At tic of the Building When tho Fire Broke Out--Their Charred Bodies Found Amid tho Smoking Ruins. Coroner Kelley Will Investigate the Case Burial of Bodies Today. Three young children cf Philip Schneider, a girl aged (1 yeura, a bov aged 4. and an infant daughter nged 18 mouths were burned to a crisp yester day morning at So'cloek. The Schneider family lived in h building no better than a shanty at 1408 HUfTord nvenU' It was only one alory high and wns built about a year ago of hemlock hoards and was rough outside ami in. The roof wns slated with material of rough quality, The family consisted of seven chil dren, tho oldest being a boy 14 years old. Ahout tl o'clock in tho morning Schneider, who peddles ice to the sa loons OU tho South Side, hitched up nnd started for his dnily load of ice. He left his wife nnd family iu bid, the thren children that were burnt sleeping In tb6 loft In the southwest comer of ;h' house. Tho steps loading; to the loft was an old rough ladder. The wife of Joseph Heischlor, who lives next to the burned building, beard Sgonillng screams from Schneider's house and put her heal out of her bed 00m window. This was about 7.45. tiik fi.a.mi's nisMvi:iti:ii. She saw smoke issuing from tho crev ices In the wulls of the house, nnd In stantly tl iius forth and envel oped the entiro structure, She rushed to the front door of ttle house, but the Samoa drove her bark. Than slie ran to tho roar of the place and the eldest four of the children wore in the back yard half clad. The alarm was sounded from box 1 near No. 10 school, fully a half mile away and the house wis almost in aibes before any tiro company arrived. Tho building burned up li!; a pile of wato paper. Tho Neptune Engine company wns the Drat to reach the lire, followed closelv by tho Centnrys and n little later by tne William Councils. There wore no tiro plugs nearer than Stone ivenne; but Kobiuson's ice dam was within a block and a stream w is oi rooted toward the fire. lint the fir had by this time consnm-d the build in ir ami its contents. uiiies of water were poured into the seething miss within the cellar walls, so that the boli-s of the children could be recovered. When the embers bad lutflolontlj cooled the fireman duir for the remains. They found the charred bodies in acorurof the cellar on a straw tick, and each druse was about the size of a silk hat. There was no seiulilniic of humanity about them what OA08H) tiik niti:. The mother of the children was not in the bouse at the time, an 1 some of the neighbors s.vy she was aw iy visit ing. She return-d to the house When the building was in a mail of lUms and grew frantio at light that met hfr gaze. She declared that when she left the house ttwre was not a spirk of lire In the stove and all the children wore asleep. She also assorted that she did not go beyond th- nam at the back of the lot. Th rattse of the lire is a my -tery. Undertaker Joseph U. Klein, of Wil low street, was lent f r and arrived eurly iu tne fotuiioon He removed ti.e charred bodies to his undertaking es tablisnment until tl.U afternoon, wbea the funeral will take place. Interment will he in PlttOtOn Arenus cemetery at 2 o'clock Coronal Kt lley went to th" place and selected the following jury: V. J Qickey, Joseph Ellin, Frank Klein, Cnarles (iraf, 1L J. O'Toole and 1). J. Mortality, No UQHT on the 0ACBK The evidence as to the cause of the fire threw no light whatvr 0:1 it. An other meeting of thl jury will be held tonight In the coart bouse C.'nef F-r-ber of tlie lir department caino there and was uoable to explain its origin either Schneider did not own the property, winch was built on two lots owned by Patrick Donnelly, of II 'ech street. '1 he frail structure was put up by the M-,idow lirook IPiildiuv and Loan association. This society car ried t9W insurancM on it. SchneidT had pild on account to the associstio.i flOO, Blsnocrnphsr Furnlh"! We are prepared to furnish business ni"n with first-' lass stenographers by the day or hour. F.tpert bookkeeping 11 specialty. Scranton l oinmen i Association, Lim ited, -t-.'i Spruce st reoi. WHY DO YOU DOIT? Why run 111 Over tlierilv looking for gold dollar-, with one bttodredan 1 tea eenta' rorth of gold in iheml Urn von win m reri ell, to it it ir y on will call si th rlifht pi ice. IIH111.: your dollars - kuM, silver aud green backs -to A. W. JURBCH 43. 1 PR ten OTSKXT, tod ..t full rains for your money i 1 BIOVCLl$8, FIRE ARMS, PISHING TACKLE, PINE CVTh It V, DOG ci 11, 1, tR8 AM) I.IM.K VI, M'OIM INO tillODH 'i li vu tor WRIBL Uada Btoyoles, Urn arniM, , 1, .. repaired at short nottca, Key nttimj a soeoisltjr, fjivi mm :1ii Huntington's HOME BAKERY. We have a large assort ment ot PLAIN AND FANCY CAKES, ICE CREAM and WATER ICES Leave your order at 227 WASHINGTON AVE., or 413 LACK A. AVE. Our Lackawanna avenue restaurant open until mid night. EWS OF WEST SIDE Pleasing Entertainment Given by Prof, Boycr Willi the Phonograph. A VERY EXCITING RUNAWAY Richnrd Qray'a Horse Became Fright ened on South Main Avenue Many West Side People Attend Wedding Anniversary at Pittston Funeral of William Johnson Interment Made in Washburn Street Cemetery. The West, Side office of the BOBAKTOM lBIBURI Is located at I'llil Jackson street, where subscriptions, advertisements and communications wili receive jiromiit ul teuliou. A novel and 1 11. : entprtaiiiment was that uivon by Professor lloyer last tivetiiiig iu the .Sumner A veil no PrOlby tariau church with the use of tlio EMiaon phoio . . i, h. Tne machine was placed upon a large stand and three largo tubes for the purpose of convey ing tho sound were attached. Tho three tub method is an improvement which I'rofe nor lioyvr has made and meets with unqualified lucoeat, Dur ing bis performance Professor Uoyer introduced two of the latest snua of GeorgO Stnbbim, tho advance agent of Moody. ' Hocked iu tin. Cradle of the Dion, 88 Itt0g by Mr. Myers, of New York, and a selection by tho Marine band of Washington were given. Thmwn fn m a Waon. An exciting runaway occurred last evening about - o'elock. Richard Gray was driving a horse attached to a light spring wa dowu South Main avenue( when tne aniui'il booani frightened and daslied away. 'I'll horse kept on at a frightful rsto of speud, until it reached Kock street, wbire the wagon at ruck 11 teUrajih pole, ttirowi ... the nocupants out. The slmtts of the vehicle were broken and it wus otherwise badly damaged, lir.iv nnd bis companion fortunately came out uninjured beyond a few slight bruises. A Partv to Tittston. A party r' West Silo people at tended the silver sveildiug of Mr. and Mr. Pear at Woat Pittaton last even ing given iu honi r of their aUaiiiiu.-iit of tweutv-tivo yean of married life. They left on the Delaware, Lacka wanna and Western train at 0. 10 o'clock p. m Tho party consisted of Mr. and Mrs. H. '1 Morgan, .Mr. ami Mi Qeorgi Bynon, Mr. and Mrs. (l orge Bklllhorn, Mr and Mrs. Janei Blton, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Holmes, Mis. Frank Powell, Mrs. Willurd Ln ning, Mr and Mrs Charls Lanning, Mrs. (,'hnrlrt Btevena, Mrs. William Madden, Mr. P-rego and Mrs l'.yrou Unokingham, of EUnhunt A very time wus bad. William J hnson Burled. The funeral ODieaBioa over the re mule of Wlllium .lohnsoii. of lluno- ton street, took place from the faintly residence yesterday afternoon an 1 was attended by a large concourse of friends, Rv. A. W. Cooper, paslor of the Hampton Street Methodist Bpiaoo pal church, conducted the eorVlOO at the home. Interment w is made at the Washburn Street cemetery. Ths N.wa Coadnrl. Mrs. Martin UoleiMO, widow of th lste Martin Coleman, of Fillmore av nue, received check for if.' 800 from th Catholic Mutual Benevolent society in payment of insurance. A. L LimUey, of Avocs, Is visiting Joseph A Mears on South Maui ave nue. The funeral of the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Bvani, of l'.'9 South Van Huron aveime.orcnrred v.s terdiy afternoon. Rev. V. S, Jours officiated, Interment nt the Washburn Street cemetery. William Davies, of Lifiiyette street, returned to Ithaca, N. Y., yesterday. Willi 'mi Hamilton, who has be m visiting at tbe home of Rev I). W Bkellenger, will lsav for Haokeaaaok, N J., todny. Miss Hertlia Reese, of North Hy do I'.irk avenue, a professional nnr, is employ."! on a crllicil surgical ruse under Dr. Tinjley and State Surgeon Caaiidy at Norwich, Conn. Thomas Thi inns and family, of As!i ley, are located on South Main avenue. Charlrs Small and Jerry Longshore, of Avondal", circulated among friends here yssterdav The Y'onng People's Literarv and I)biHig sncity of ihe Klrst Welsh Baptist church, will bold n meeting this evening. Mrs Jamee Bdwarde, of Rhode l 1 ind, is vi-iimg relatives on tins side, Waltr-r Lvniis, of Wilkes-li.irre, was on this side yesterd iv. to. fob RBADt On Saturday, April 38, toeveryens tomer buying 1 worth of iroods, wo will give a book. BOO latalOglH in our advertisement on local page ol this paper. IllAM i: Haokn Don't bent your Carpi ta Have the Bcranton Bedding Co, dwa then, DON'T SKIP THIS. WV, HAVE the finest lino of sweston In town. Just think of It. an all wool b.e 1 a'at..r ,m -I ,1. .ill wool men's from iu u j.'itll. All colors. Florey & Holt Y. M. C. A. Building. 222 Wyoming Avenue THE CELEBRATED SOHMEfl pianos Arf st PrcFcnt lite Mo.t Popntar and ftslSswl hy 1 .. : 00: Artists. Warorooms: Opposito Columbus Monument, 20S Washington Av. Scranton, Pa. 4Ka8aVate1-l v WHITE CHINA JUST received large import order. Many new novelties. Come while the assortment is complete. Baby Carriages Large Line Best Goods DINNER, TEA AND TOILET SFTS. CHINA! HALL WEICHEL & MILLAR 116 Wyoming A'nu9. nil. BKST 1 LOl B HADE, OILS AND OLIVES THE MNB8T IMPORTED. TEAS AND COFFEES FULL LIN B OF THL BL.ST FANC' GROCERIES FERRIS HAMS AND BACON C. DITCHBURN Bat ssor to A. I toWnuui, 497 LACKAWANNA AVE w A .... PERFECTION " yip V 7 M M COLLINS & HACKETT 220 Lackawanna Avenue. Duniap I Jafc- J SPRING STYLE ON SALE CHRISTIAN THE HATTER Sole Agent, 205 Lackawanna Avo. MULTICHROMSS. Art for the masses. One Dime and One Coupon. Handsome line of Long Frocks and Sacks, made from Fine Grey Clay Worsteds, Vicunas and Black and Blue Cheviots. Custom Tailoring at Moderate Prices. Hartizi & Delany Clothiers and Cu3tom Tailors. HiiiiKifHimiiiMiiituMiiiiciiMiiiEiiiiiiQiiHiiiitiiiiiiiiniiHsaiiiiiimnnuii; I the Fashinnl 1 30S LncUnwanna Ave. I lllinery Department S In order to move stock, wo have mad? sweep- I s tag reductions all around. Hats, trimmed in 2 the latest fashion, WORTH $3 00. WILL SELL !! UnnTM 4 r f Urt! I rs r t I vvunin H,o), WILL OtLL E) s , n--. . ...... . . H WUhilH b.00. WILL SELL Flowers, worth 15c. Sprays, worth 35c. Sprays, wort M 5c. - 1 Lace Curtain Department 1 WORTH 13.50 WdUTH :i :.o V( IRTH IS 60 5 A f::ll SJsortuiPiit in rfiil 1' iliit il RensisTit anl Baal BnwuSt Cr.r- g H talm at liaa thao ooat of importation. Sash Cortaim in all thi difSkretrt s Si itjrlM srd widths S : cinimiuinn imnmmimmiiiiiii uniii" :rr; I'l-itiur.iiiiituH w Where the Good Clothes Come From. at?) ... ls nmd. from ponntio w ' .til takca tr. m lb 1 ...I" lX'v- !:.. -Miri by exp : ' " ' ' v u.iil I. If ,,. r. t' ,. ,- .- -. i " : our custom.'rs. If sn t slirht won't do 11 the xfsr will rrnv nr.- foV thnt fnht iljrt 01 tin.' fsVrii ., w,.ll rut aad ri 11 mad.., liv.. nnfsi Ing ajfssfacittoa. t fOtJ wnt to Kft fi rsr but ia ijinlitj nt fuirost prices, come tu our ton. it is lien tlw Good (lollies M Come From. Fiifin'iin 7 jKomen's Coats and Capes Wo shoved yon larso oollootion Easter-tide, J0j;v w iavc jus (:ViC0 as mtlyK Jackets in Covet Cloth and Twills, Moire and Silk Trimmed. They Fit Well. Wear Well, Look W Tlio Prices arc WAV DOWN: $5.50, $7.50, $9 to $12. Think of FIFTY Styles of The very newest and neatest are of Gro-Qtain Silk, Moire, t'lotli and Lace. -Notice the price tickets: $5, $6.50, $9 TO $20. Jackets, Capes and Top Garments for Everybody. G-.lftT. Owens St Co. CLOAKMAKKHS, SUITS AND WKAPS, IPRVOB sxkel;t, court house sguAiiu NOW AT $1.25 alAIll a-sr- a r- NUW A I I.0U s .. .... NOW AT 1.98 a bunch, sell new at 5 cents 3 - - - sell now at 15 cents 1 S3 1 1 now at 25 cent: 2 I l!ll: VEIl LATEST DESIGNS Will sell now at $1)8.1, V. ill sll now st $1 T-l a Will sell now at tl 7 t'r a-L ' ' rSr - 'A - I. - . 3v ' ' M r i V of Cupm autl Jackets ad 4u-t i!) uiv i .i y s 5W 7 CAPES