9 THK SCEAIsTOjS TRIBUKE f H If R SDA Y jtiORNTNTGf, APRIL 80. 1894. LARGE QUANTITIES OF Spring and Early Summer Goods FiJ Our Different Departments Quick Sales and Ready Purchasers Mark tho pvncress of our bnsing. It is often the inry. How is it pos sible to all tin) qnRutitit we buy? The answer in, 'fis very tasv at the value we giro at the prices we nurno. W have mafle early purchases in the markat of all the Latest Novelties avid Staple Goods include ! m each Jt-paitinent of Dry Goods. We have the choice productions of our American tnanufanturers and the novelties of our foreign competi tors. This season i no different from any Other, at least in this one respect that the prii-e always directs the extent of the purchases, and your money will go farther with 1.3 and buy better -oods than ever offered in this place. Are constantly ap pouring. We keep fully abreast of the times, display log every fashion and design as last as they ave plarod npon the market French people are only a few days ahead of us only the length of time i: takes for the style to er-te tho wit"r. Ft)W Wl Shs Afw ... cag Sobm Brest heap Step wi'.h the pace Val'.'ps we are sotting. We Coup cd with keep mom scratubliiu' Low to follow our lead. Prices. MILLINERY How the beautiful display chsrms the ladies. Trettv Flowora, Bright Ribbons, Gay Feathers, Dstiity tlroarat-nfe these all eomhlue to make this the loveliest Millinery display that ever graced any store. HATS! HATS! HATS' London Novelties. Paris Creations an 1 the Highest Domestic Att, RARE THINGS New tlitigs. StvlUh things Pop ular Things, Exclusive things Things that cau be only found with us. GORMAN'S GRAND DEPOT KcfSTONE ACADEMY NOTES. Persirrsphs jf Intersil Concerning a Well-known Institution. Fptcnl to th Scranton TViftua. Factl'KV illk. P... April 25. The number of new students is still in creasing and the attendance now is above toe average for the sprlug terms David Cure spent .Saturday at his home aear Iompkinsville. Mr. GrroUlnjtr, the rector of Huck nell UiTSTSitT, was a caller at tne ac.demi gq ruoofloj Amoog tbe students erho anticipate entering Backoeil next year from Key stone are EL C Downing, H. L. Faa sett, C. N', Ledyard and . F. Thomas. Tbe prize raiding! of tne young la dies of the academy will take pine- in tbe Baptist churcu ou Friday evening of this week. The stmlents' prayer meeting on Tuesday aftrno'.n wae well attended Tne leson was found in Psalms ;n8 Subject. "Why W .Should Praies God. " Leader, Miss Anna Thomas The Phi Mo society held the first meeting of tne term on Friday evedng, April 2u The following officers were chosen Presldsnt. II C. Downiug; viee presideut. E V. Kemtaerer, eec retery, K. P HenwooO; treasurer, H W. Mumford, lihrarian. W J. Mat thews; r-ritic. F. M. Carpenter. The Voting Men's Christian associa-' tioti pronlsss to boom again. The meetings will hereafter, when the weatuer is suitable, b held in the grov. on Sundays at 4 p. id. H. L Fassett was sent as delegate to the Young Men's Christian association convention held at State College and has returned with a very eatislactory report The banquet fur May S3 is now one it the leading topios of disoussion. 0 Four Big Sucoaaaa. Having the nfedw merit to more than make good all the ndvortising claimed for them, the following four remedios have reached a phnornenal sale. Dr. King's New Discovery for 'onsnmptlon, Conghs and Colos, frh bottle gQarMMod Elc trie liltters, the great remoly fur Liver, Stomach and Kidneys. Bncklon's Arnica Balve, the hest in the world, and Ur. King's New Life Pills, which are a perfect pill. Al! these remedies are guaranteed to do jnst what is claimed for them and the dealer whose name is attached herewith will be glad to toll you more of them. Sold bySlatthews Jims'. Orrjg storo. Clipped from Canada Preshytenan, un der signature of 0. lilackett Itobinson, prop'r: I was cured Of 'if t recurring bil ious headaches by Burdock Blood Hitters. PECKWILLE. E. E. Greiaer & Son invito tbe peo ple of Peekrille and Ti'cinity to oall and inspect their BOBM-EMd baking and eo cream, also fipe lin of mats at live and let live prices. Meals at all hours Give us csil. Opposite pootofloo. 1 TRIBUNE BOOK CODPON. 1 FOm of these COPPOJTS, pre- 5 " sentr el nt The Tribune Oltlre, rnr- M ner I'enn avenue iumI Sprur-e street, m 5 entitles the li older In nil Hie prtv B 3 il.'ijoa 1. 1 the unparalleled ofTers S a for distributing popular books S B among enr readers 'i he offers made S by The Tribune inunnfremojit are 5 a as follows: S aa i 15 CENTS and Four Coupons for S i any volume In the Columbus So- S g rlea. Over 100 titles to select from. 1 I 80 CDNTS and Four Coupons for 5 J any book In the Itiigby Serins. mm SB CENTS and Four Coupons for S I any book In the Oxford Series. uiwiiiiiHiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiimiiiiS 0 New Ideas ! in Ladies' SUITS o ARCHBALO GLEANINGS. Maws Nugcsts Oathnred Here and Thai by a Live Reporter. BMCtatfO the Scranton TYibuns. Akciibald. Pa., April 25. -This af ternoon al 3 o'clock Mies Jennie Fiu nerty, a charming young lady or this place, was married to Taouius Bums, of Providence, in bt Thomas' church. The ceremouy was performed by the rector, Hey. T. J, Comerford. The bride was attended by Miss Lizzie Speicher, and the groomsman was John J, Finnerty, a brother of the brido. The party presented a most attraotive appearance. The bride wore a beauti ful dress of lavender cashmere, trimmed with lace.aud carried a bouqu-tt of Mar echal Neil roses. The bridesmaids woro cream eashmere trimmed with ribbon The groom and his attendants wore the customary bluett. The party en joyed a short drive and later in the evening a reception was held at the home of the bride's paronts, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Finnerty, of Hill street. Here uihuv of tbe friends assembled and mado merry for a few hours. The couple received many valuable aad beautiful presents, the gifts of friends and well-wishers. Mrs. Burns is an estimable young lady atuLevery one will wish her and he worthy husband many years of happiness,' Mrs. Jq.uq (Uarden, jr., was in Scran ton yesterday. James F. McAndrew and J. J. Kear ney ate on the jury this week. Mr. Kearney is a juror ou the murder case now being tied. Louis Jester's vaudeville and athletic aggregation did not perform here 1 ist evening. Manager White of the Father Matliew Hall would uot let them. Si) they were obliged to leave. Kd Flood, of May field had his foot badly mangled last evening while try ing to jump off a Delaware and Hud son locomotive at the breaker crossing Ur. Vati Dnreu was summoned to at tend to his injuries. It ia likelv that the foot will be amputated. The young man was taken home last night. John A. Foote is confined to the hocs owing to an injury to bis foot, which he lOOtOinad bv stapplng on a nail. John McAtidrew, of Salem street, it very ill of typlioid fever. Today was a tolerably uneventful one with the Traction company. The workmen are making great headway and now have the road prepared as far se the Delaware, LsOMWMDM Western track below tne Riverside store. The ties are bsing 1st I as the road i bring prepared, an I it is likely the entire route will be covered within a few days, The track will be laid in the center of the road between the Blvsrsids store and the Peckvillo bor ough hue, although it was the inten tion of the company to place it ou the side until otherwise ordered by the road committee of the council There is a probability of a clash be tween tbe Traotion company and the Delaware and Hudson company with reference to tbe crossing of the gravity track The DslaWSTS and Hudson company has a watchman at the cross ing and will not let the Traction com pany OrOSS, As yet the latter company has made no effort to span the track, but there may be fun when they at tempt it. County Surveyor Dunning Is at work on bis map of the plank road between the Delaware and Hu lson track atid tbe terminus. He will have it ready in a day or two. His sarvey has revealed the fact that nearly all tbe fencts along the hue of the track infringe on the road la many iDStaOOSS to a consid erable sxtenl Henry Ort s hotel is ex setly ou the line ou one side of the roa I according to tbe survey, and Peter MilUr's fence is on the other. In nearly every case farther up the hill th fences sre beyond tbe line If Mr Duanihg's survey is followed it will make things rstber incouveuieut for the property holders Dyipepsla and Indigestion lu tbeir worst forms are :urel by tbs use of P P P if you are debilitated atid run down, or it you need a tonic to regaia flesh sud lost appetite, strength aad vigor take P. P. P., aud you will be stroug and l..h.ti). fur shattered constitutions aul lost manhood P. P. P. (Prickly Ash. Poke hoot ami Potassiatni is the king of all rj e.licinea. P. P. P Is tbe greatest blood punher in the World. Fur tale by ail druggist. " OLVPHANT MATTERS. Sprightly Paragraphs Recording Passlsg Events cf Interest Pi'trialtu th scritnton 7V(Via. tM.vriiANT, Pa, April M, -John J RvsOS, of tbe West Side, met with a fatal accident at the Lackawanna Coal company's breaker Monday, by being quoted between an engine and a pile ot Itiiuher. H vi,, rtmovod to bis home on Tblr.l -jtrritf. where he died yesterday. I'-c-n-d was ah ut 40 v ir of age and loaVes a wife an I two children1 tn mourn Ins loss Interment wiil be mr.de in Union cemetery to morrow, (Thursday) Mrs. William Walker, of Mayflel I. who has been visiting at the home of James J. Lynch, returned home ysster day William Shen, of S::ranton, was a caller in town today Kev. F. J. Jannscbeck is visiting at Mahanoy City . K. J Ilnrke, of Scranton, eircnlated among friends in town today. Dr. A. L 'Pngh and' Miss Viola Jones were united in marriage at the home of the bride's psrents on Susque hanna street laat evening at 7 o'olock. Rev J. A. Rvans, of the Wulsu Baptist church, performed tbe ceremony, after which an elegant supper was s -rved. A large number of friends from out of town were present. The young cou ple left on the late Dataware an I Had son train for New York, Boston and other points of interest. B S. Jones, of Blakely, returned home Monday from New York city. Frank Orchard, of Carbondale, called on frieDds in town last eveni tig. Ci'nc roR Cnfiup Uso Dr. Thomas' Ks lectric Oil according to directions. It is tho best remedy for ail sudden attacks of eclds, pain aud inllsmtnation and Injuries. FOREST CITY ITEM Wews of the Hour Epltofflittd. In CKso Paragraphs. flfrMtc tht Hcmntt'i TrlbuM, Farkst CtTV, Pa., April SO. -Mrs. Benjamin Maxey was a Cirbotidale vis itor today. Harry Jones, the popular insurance agent from ScrBtiton, was looking af ter his large insurance business in this place today. Dr. H. C. Wheoler, of Carbondale, was professionally engaged in this bor ough today. J. C. Maerpady. who will be remem bered by many Forest City people as being the star actor in a company that played a week's (ngagetnent in this place last fall, was here ou business to day. He intends bringing a good com pany to this place in November. Park's fair will be told at sheriff's sale tomorrow morning at 10 o'olock. Proprietor J. H. Cunningham, of the Forest House, was a caller in tbe Pio neer city today. On account of the strike in the soft coal regions tbe collieries of the Hill side Co il and Iron company has orders for 2,000 mjre tone ot coal for this month. CARBONDALE CORNER. Events of a Springtime Bay Compiled with Care. 3ie ial to the Scranton Tnbttne. UabboNSAUS, Pa., April 'J3. Mrs. Edward Lewsley and Mrs. Edward Morgan were Scranton visitors today. W. H. Widger and Masters Ralph and Caff Widger, of Lizarus, N. Y., and C. M. Brooks, of Now Lisbon, N. Y , are in this city to atteud the fune ral of Mrs. Alva Daloy. Friday evening being Arbor Day it will be observed by several of the schools throughout the city. The ex ercises at school No. 8 on Belmont streot will be of an imposing chtirac ter. A pleasing programme has been prepared to be rendered on tho occa sion. Throughout tho programme at intervals each grade will plant a tree. This afternoon at 3 o'clock occured the funeral of the late Mrs. A. W. Daley. Services wore conducted at the home of the Rev. Charles Lee, who took for his text, "Wean not, for she is not dead, bnt sloepth," found in Luke 8 52 The pall bearers were William Williams. J, M. Alexander.P. J, Olver, W. II E lgott, D. C Henscoter aud J. Yanderuurk. Tho remains were in torred in Muplewood cemetory. Tliu following ladies from this city are in attendance at tht big gathsring of missionary workera of the middle states, whieh is held in Scranton: Mrs W. K Frishie, Mrs. S. E Haynor. Mrs. J E Burr, Mrs. P. H. Briggs, Miss Blisabttb 1- Iwards and Miss Letta Set-man. J. It Shannon tried his luck at trout fishing today. The fMuranl arbutus is now being gathered in great abundance from our sBrrounditig mountains. Last evening while endeavoring to dismount from a freight train at Arch bald, Edward Flood, a fireman on the Erie and a resident of this city, was thrown in some unexplalnable manner benshtta th" ci rs and thereby inst.iinod th" ies. nf nee foot. Mrs C. P, rTailnek is flatting rtla- lives in Wilkes llarr.v Philip Felts has removed his family from (ireenfi'ld to No. Laurel street, this city. Emmet Swingle, fireman on Con ductor Harvey's truiu on the I) si a wars and Hudson railroad, eustaiued an in jury to his right foot bv a piece of coal (ailing on it He was unable to atteud to his work yesterday DUNM0RE OAY'S DOINGS Fresh Ni w$ tiotu a i.,,... , Suburb Told Is Tsrss Faragrsph. Special to tht Scranton Tnbune. Dujwore, Pa., April U St. Mary's church was the scene of two wed lings ysstorday afternoon, tbe contracting parties all being popular young people of this place Tue first ceremunv oc curred at I 1 1 p ui.. and mute 1 Miss Katbenne 1'srrell and Michael Jo) The former was attended by Miss Ell a Harry, while James M 10 Donald attended the groom HotU brido and maid wore cream albatross gowns, trimmed with silk and carried bonnets of white carnations At o N Miss Cassis FUnnagan, a former teacuer in the public schoola, and Patrick Kennedy were united fur life The bridesmai 1 was Miss Lizzie I al lan and the groom was attended tu tus brother, Michael Kennedy. Hnde and brnlesmai I both appeared charm ing in costumes of steel henristtss. trimmed with lace and carried bridal rosei After the ceremony Mr and Mrs. K-unsdy repaired to their newly furuisued on Chestnut street, where they received their numerous friends last night. Rev. Father McMurray performed both ceremonies. Nettie Mcllale Is visiting friends st Forest City. A young son ot Michael McOowan died yesterd iv from tbe effects of being scalded on lues ln. The little fellow bad pulled a tub uf boiliug water over bun and soccumed to tbe terrible ac oi lent yesterday forenoon. The fuu eral will OCOOr Friday nfteru on. Fresh mill S cents per quart. '.'1 quarts for $1 MalOMM' mj JtKMVN AND THtREABJUIS The bo tSSt ToniOS of tote reel Entertalu Inglv Hepjrisd. 'peciul to lie SOfOwroa Tirntfa. JtEMTH, Pa., April M Tommy Rob erta found a p " So t book containing 900 Mo.olsv, and was libsTaliy re warded for his honesty when he OOQtod up the owner and returiK-i it Last evening the mum social lu aid of the St. James Episcopal church was well attended an ! WM snj iyd hy those present. Q M Patterson. ( srbon Ial-, C. W Stone, of Blnghamtori, and Y D El verson, of Philadelphia, called on J. r myn friniN yostordar, Thoeiiteriainuieiit las'. evnlnr under the auspices of the St. AloySOOS1 So ciely was a success Th- following programme being carried out Morning Invitation Cboir ltecitatlon, "Kutus llatiiac, " Msry Kenuoy Violin Solo, Piano A coiiipiiniiiient, Mr. Janes, and Miss .Mary Iturke. Solo Kate Mciinveru Hong lohti t lark Duet Ellen and Msiv ( oughiin Song, "I'm oft for Pbllalrlphia m the Morning,'' P. J. Dunleavy Reritatiou Marv Ullligau Mrs James P. Simpson returned last evening from a leu days' visit with friends in Scranton. A committee has leen appointed by the clerks to call upon the merchants and try to Induce them to close their places of business at li p m during the warm weather. Dr I. S Oraves was called to Car bondale professionally yesterday Cteorge Onniths will open a barber shop in Waymart on May 1 Work of Lab"r Ssvlnu Inventions Carroll P. Wrlahl.. To do the work now SOcOfliplUbod by power SOd WWW macbiueiy in our ine clianical industries and upon oitr railroads would rupilre men representing a popula tion of 17800,000, in addition to the pies ent populatio-i of tho country of l."i,iKl l.oof) or a total population with hand processes and with horsepower, of 287. .Wo. 000, which population would bcobiieu to sub sist, on present "leans. In n nconomic view the cost to the country Would In enormous. Th present cost of operating the railroads of tho country with I team power is in round numbers, HWOOO.000 )s-r annum: but to carry on the MOM amount of work with men and horses would cost the country U,90BMa000. Not a New Expeilsrc. 'mc York C'ymmerciql-Aihcrlli&r. There is sonietliing solemn and even pic turesque in the way in whicn the rsssr able Jeremiah M. Wilson receives the fero cious and liery epistle of Lawyer Stoll, calmly labels it "Ketituckyism" mid files it with the letters which he never resds or refers to. The old lawyer has seen pork Of that kind boil before. s E-lltor Nlven's Trilble Revsngs. If I were a jolly Elk I'll tell you what, I'd do, I'd dine on swordflsh for a week, Likewise a cutlet stow, Then 1 would go to Scran ton town, lu social session sit, Aud 1 would rip'em right aud left With sabre-slashing wit. Wilkes-Barr 2't'mJ. modesty clgs justice. Won't Show Where tbe Dog Bit, and the Case Drops. New Y'ohk, April -'5 The wheels of justice are being clogged by modesty iu a legal proceeding in tbe village of Clarenoeville, L I. Miss Ella Collings worth is a sprightly young woman who lives in that village. Last Friday she was passing the store of Henry Wat son, on Atlantic avenue, when a savage dog sprang npoa her. She started to run, but the dog fastened its teeth upon one of her legs, indicting, so eho affirms, a painful wouud. Then Miss Collingsworth applied to Justice Lort for an order to hava the dog shot. The owner of the animal objected, however, and entered a plea that there wag no evidence to show that a wound had been inflicted. He demanded that the court soe the bite, and the court dedlded that the order could not bo granted until there was substantial proof that tho dog was dan gerous. The young woman's fac became suf fused with blusliea, and she indignant ly refused to offer here injured leg iu evidence. The dog still lives, and Miss Collingsworth aays she is about to be gin a civil action against Watson. FORGIVES HIS OLD ENEMY. Hfrpolyte Invites Legitime to Return and Ost n Prasion. New TOOK, April 35 The latest nowspapers from Port-au-Prince, Hay tl, bring news of an unusual charatter. Instead of talk of murder aud revoln tion, L'Opinion National prints in very large an I olaok type the announcement that President Ilippolyte had forgiven his old enemy, Legitime, and has in vited htm to r -turn to ilayti, and that he has furthermore urgod the chsmber to vote a pension to Legitime on the ground that Legitime is auex president of tbe Black Republic. The politics! inducements which urged Hippjlyto to become reconciled to his old enemy are doubtless that be makes himself by this means raoro s curo in poTT-.T. Eis udherrnta are mostly to the northern pnvinei ij tbo island, wlnlt. LegttlDM is verv strong in the south. It is now under il I that Legittma will be president in 1807 FROWNS UTON ANARCHISTS. Hsrb-rt Qladstonn Will Not Allow Platforms In Hyde Park. Lonpon, April 2.1 The London an archists sent a letter yesterday to Her bert Gladstone, first commissioner of works, asking permission to erect plat forms in Hyde Park similar to those put up by the labor leaders in 11113. for tbe May Dy celebration of tba "In ternational Solidarity of Labor " Mr Gladstone replied in the most eurt manner possible, refusing to grant the request or to give any explanation of his reversal "' - GATHERING OF BISH0P3. Lesdars of th Motto J t at Fplscopal Oburch Assemble at Albany. Alua.ny, N. Y . April IS. -The bish ops of the Methudist Episcopal church of the l ulled States met in eeuil atiuual confluence In this city today Tbe session will be continued for sev eral days aud the m ilu lutlness to be transacted is to arranre dates, places, and select the bishop to preside at each of the fell conferences. There will be but one public meet iug uuriug ine session Kauw Your Own Envlroameut. Altntoun Ltadtr There are tew childreu Luwadaye and far fewer grown people, slaa: w:hu can name aud locate the counties of i'ennsvl- j vania. There are few OtttSOM ot the Key stone state who could c rrectly locate a score of gu id-oiied Pennsylvania towns, ; taken at random. As a matter of fact, ot ' the fai ls of h eal geography Pennsylvania is wretchedly ignorant, ft s about time I she icaru sometuing A kUsttr ef Notortsti. " UMj-citirrt iif-.sj Congressman hines u Lis own best press ageut Tie is sallied iu tbe art ot keeping himself beton the people This is a great trick that few men la Washington know huw to perforin 8ss N . Hope Ahad IK I . i , i . i - ' , Iv. Adhit is heglnuing to take reefs lu ins hi mm The Great Marvel ol Dental Hcieuco Anaesthene A recent (liMnviry imJ tlic sole property of H::v;::i i: Wiriall, HI N I Is s 31G Lackawanna Ava WHAT. I w SB AMON8 SATS ABOUT NN.iSTHKNK mis iii Nyroou a wasdi i i After haViOg eleVeO tOOth ritrsrted at one SltUeo ty lb poliilt ss method. I ,m nounre It entirely t Islsctorr In err pari It-uliir. J. ti IKAMONI The GENUINE Ne Raven Mathushek" Pianos ESTABLISHED lfifi Xt w York Wart'io iins No. SO Fifth Avenue. B. C. RICKER & CO, Sole daiilors in this section. orriCK-j:i A-iam Ave . Telophca? B i'd'e SCIENTIFIC SHOEING. Hnvlnv serured tlin SllOKINO FOrtr.E of illli in r.lunie A- Sou for a is'rmanont busi ness stnnd, i v,n rondtiet Selentlfle mill 1 ntholoiileiil Shoe nir lor the I'reveiition, He lled nnd Cm e of l.nineiiess snd other itniiedi OMBtS in the movements of Horses Incidental or due to Imperfeel shie inir. 1 shall tvs the work my Mnoaal sttenti- n and guarantee no cxtrs rlinrge.exeppt for imrtovoment. Lame noaaoto.wtU he nested afternoons. A free cllnle nd iirofessional advlco given cvorv Monday from . to. i: M. JOHN HAMLIN, D. V. S. America 10 ItliAUTIFUI. I'lCTUKS. EVERY NOTED l'LACE IN ALASKA, THE INITE1I STATES AMI MEXICO. FIVE MMUKItSON l II I COUN TEH. TEN CENTS AND ONE COCPON mil ANY NUMUEB, Mr. J). Sterling micel Wlntcr3towu, I'a. Nerves and Blood Strengthened and Purified by Hood's Sarsaparilla 6crofula Kumor and Distress in tho Stomach Cured. The following testimonial comes from Mr. D. Sterling Mitze 1 of Wlntorstown, Pa who cob duct s a rrlntlng ofllco and collecting asency ,md Is the youngest justice of tho pcao in tho state: "C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: " Hood's Sarsaparilla Is a wonderful health restorer, nerve strcngthsnor and blood ptulaor. Tor the last four or five years I have beca troubled with humor and srgofula In Uie blood, breaking out all over my body, which caused lieliinj; and kept mo from rest at night, I was :ils", at th'- juinn tunc, troubled with a Scur Stcmach, whieh was anything but plKmtit. I could not evea take a swallow of water but what I suf fered from distress and acidity. I did not enjoy a good meal until after i oaounoaood to use Hood's Bamparina. I could sec tho good cf- Hood's5?; Cures fects after tho first tew doses. I continue! to uso tho mcillelno until nov.- I have, taken five bottles and feel entirely cured.'' I). Stei:lixj Mn CL, Justice ot I'uacc, Wir.tcrstowL. Fa Hood's Pills act easily, yet promptly i.id sfflel :;y. on tho liver and bowe. SJe, Dr. Grewer m FDiiadelphla Specialist, siaiej trtuf Enoll.h an 1 A e.t t, man i L)siciukre ... I llT fusr eniiauwiUy Msalsd Temple Court Building 81 1 IPRVCE ST SCRANTON KbMou. iuy t aoaaaitod daily and I i nua Tli !.. t. r ts a fraduats ot tbs University M lannsylraala, be-marlf demon.trmtor of Jiby.iu .T and sorcery at th jfsjluil (Ml arelaai I c.l.-a, of pLUadelpbla Urn la also SI kpourary inrmber of tin Medleo C'nirur icl AsK-iaUou, and a t.hyslclaa sud uia-aon la oblaf of ttw mast totad American aud UsrinouboopltaU, comas hlshly ln.loraad ly tba ..-,,l,Ug prulaaaora of 1'bluel.lphla anj ew ork. Ills mail r years of boanlut rsiarteaee a slles tats siulnnt physician and sarfon to r diagnose aud trast ell def rm t as Bad diMssos with the moat flatterinf sucrass, aud bis tdsh standing la tbe ststa will uut all w hlui to aocapt uv incurable raw Loai M n ttuoii hi roKi i OfSAKMKaa Ol Ini M. MtS rUKtO II yau bava oaa given up i,y yuus pars! cian .all iioutns Sui tor aud ba aoocnutd He cur IBS wurst caawof Xrvoue DebiUtf. BcrofnU, old bur, t atarra FUea, Faaiaie W.aS.,1.. A:te. i. ,j ,,r tbs Ear. tya. .Vs and 1 tr.t. Asthma, Deafu. Tutbon. Caa raia and crii pie of vry Seasrlptioo. Ooa aultatl.m m Englisb and Herman Prao. whicb hall ba SOBOlOStOd 00000 SOd ttrioUy t. LU deuttaL litre Hours O A. l lo W I. M. llally. Suilila), a lu. to X p iu. Third National Bank of Scranton. Statement l .h -,'M . 1SIU. railed for tir the t ouiplroller nf tlie ( in renoy. HaWOVBCBI Loans I s t-rilrsfu I lilted States II Is Illiel Mends I'niiHlng House PfOOStOOIS on t II ts Hue froOi U. I Irrsmno . tui tintu Hank t'asli a i. vi a run on : :t7 ao.iioo.oii .. aim.h: SH.07I i( Ml ?a ,. T.400.00 .. iok 4 Hi t;t 14.. MS i 0,000. AM M I I villi nn 1 t apltal suiidus I nillvld. il PVoOtS Olseolattoa DtvldeMs Daoald.. Dopostta.' Hue to l .i, ... O'.'o i oo K40 001I oil an lMtiou .... fO,000M 0M.M I.0M M0 9 1 tUVltHU. .Ml a . 'ii1! .in tio VTIM 1AM ONVI I t, President. t.l.o R. t'ATLIN, Vlre-I're.ldent WILLIAM ii nu k, t oohioa DaaUEOTOU wniiam Coaaoll, Geo roe Ft, Catiin, Alfred Hand lamei Arehbajd, Heary BollB, Jr. Wllllaui T Siulili. Luther Keller s fTers to depositors every d hy in, li hulnnt-es, bnsl- IbllltV. on utren lo hulne.s ae- totoroat paid on time Mpoolla Till C TRADERS National Bank of Scrantoa. CAPITAL $250,000, SURPLUS $25,000. bAMlT.L IlIXESirrosldent W, w WATSON, vies PresIdsaA a. a Williams, Oaahien C1IIKCTORS, 8AMUt. HlNKS, JAMES M' EvSTtHART, lRVlNd A. raSaV PltlU'E B. KlNLBT. Joseph J. Jkhmyk. M. S. Kkmeiieu-, Cbas. ? Matthews, JonN T Hoktkh. W, W. Waison. PROMPT, ENtRGETIC, CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL This bank Invites tbe pAtronage of business men and ttrms generally. Uiiimgiiiimiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii EverythingpoR Everybody The Fair 400402 Lacka Ave. "Always the Cheapest" Dry Goods, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods, Notions, Fancy Goods, Infants Wear, Cloaks, Curtains, Boys' Clothing, Boots and Shoes, etc. Commencing Monday, April 16, we will place on sale Special Bar gains in Every Department. All New Goods FAR BELOW REGULAR PRICES ::;:::;c::2;:::it:iiuK:::i::::s;:i!:tc;;:i;:;::::i:::::::::::::::i3Ui:r AK $1.40 The greatest bargain in Brass (Onyx Top) KERR SIEBECKER 406 and 408 Lackawanna Ave. HO "BOILED DOWN" Just to Give the L A DETAILED m f jr niense stock pets, B.iby Carriages, Refriger ators. Mattings. Stoves, Crockery, &C., would crowd everything out of this paper. And we have too much respect for editorials to do anything like that; besides, of what use when all can be told in a single line. The Lowest Prices in N, E. Cash or Credit With every purchase of $50 or over we present an American Onyx Fin ished Cathedral Strike Clock. With $75 or over, a 100-piece Din ner set iimiiiiiiiiiiiiinuitiiiuiiiiiiiiii..iii AT K MAHOGANY TABLES, EACH. the market. A few of tht Tables left at $6.00. Editors a Chance price list ot our im of Furniture. Car "
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