THE SCHANTON TRIBUNE THURSDAY MORNING. APRIL 26. iSM. CHAPTER XXIV. TJncla Ben returned to the honso at ( mitluiK'it nnd found Marian tnsiously waiting for ncvs. Kojal Kenton hud told him wbat to tell her, and while sho i was comforted in one direction she was i frightened in another. If Kenton mid Braj'ton had been followed over the j mountains and blood bad lieen t bJ. j would the pursuit cease until they had I br.'a hunted down? If th man whom J Unci? Bun bad struck down in the dark ness was Ike Bastor, wouldn't bis In- j formation bring Captain Wylo and his ' company iuto the uoigbborhcod at oneef ! Provided it was not Ike Buster at all, it :artainly was an enemy of some sort, oho would demand revenge. The out- ! .ogk was indeed an anxious one, but ibey could only wait and hope. It was well for the raothM that Ehe I was too ill to realize that anythiiisf un-: utnal wub happen) ag. The 40ctor had I exercised his skill to no benefit, and . liiouph permitting Msriau to hope that favorable change ttiigbt occur he re- . aliced that the chances of recovery were J veiy remote. All that looj night ehe . lay as one Bleeping heavily, and but for j the many distractions the daughter would have noticed that the change was j for the wone. Neither JWitunir I uelt Ban bad reason to suspect that Mrs. Baxter hud eeu or heard iitiytiuug (hut niht, but t t-he must scon know all. The girl had i dWeimitiwtl that Kvuion ahuuld be 1 brought to tbe house mid cnrd tur. The thought of his rude shelter, wounded and lufferiug as he WM on that cold i winter's night, alrooet drove her wild, it was hardly 7 o'clock in the morning. aud she bad lin.i.'ly tasted breakfast, when she wtnt out to Curie Ben and ! said: "1 am ready to go iu.. cajfM wait ;ui other minute. We will tekt Mjm more provision!, but 1 :. ill have Mr. Kenton , biought to the bmise. " "What a dm! dut wotnaur" he aaked. "1 don t eare fci her. If she doesn't Uke bis being hero, she can go." "Jest look Into hrr room, Miss J"on-' shine!" Tbe door was ajar, while the w. men betself was at the other non . There was a bloody towel on a chair, bloody water in a washbowl. uota of bloo on a chair and on the floor. "It looks as if some Ofif bad soucbt to mnrder her!" exelainjed Marian as she looked about in astonstBtnent. ' i kesw wh Maenad " :;pll5 i Uncle Bon. "Bat paaacr. i knocked la ta i: middle o last sjbmn ti Iks ! Baxter, fie was follaria me from J B it I '09 knuwd wiiut was up. He cum to .titer a tit an cum yere , to hev bis baits tooten car' of. I hearl a noise bout daylight, uu I reckon dat was when be K-ft," "I'm glad you didn't kill him but I expect Mrs. Baxter will now feel like taking revesjge open the whole house hold. Let us be going." Half un hour later they were chal lenged by Stove Brayton, who had al ready prepared breakfast for tbo wound td man and was able to report that Ken ton hsd.passed a comparatively cotafcrt nble night. Ha tnut them just outside tbe camp, and with a wink to Uncle Ben he said to Marian. 'Qo right alvJig, MissBexcy; he un's beaid yo'r voice end is waiting fnr yo i want to spak a wud a two u I ude B5d" What yn' want to spoke to me 'bont i" caaticmsly Inquire, the old man after they had walked awav a fow rtepe. "Xntbin, yo' eld son of Africa!" an swered Steve. "Don't yo' nu know what b'longs to good manners? D' yo' reckon that gal wants anybody around when she fost claps eyes on tbe feller she loves like alienee ariro and ia gwine to marry arter this cussed scrimmage Is over?" "Hul I see!" chuckled Uccle !: ... "Of co se yo' sees arter I has pinted out tbo way, but then yo' is only an ola nigger and caq't be spegtad to he? any feelin's onless kicked by h mule ur licked by a passel of guerrillas." Ben then t Id bun of th djMOVMfM made at tbe home and of his belli f that his victim was Ike Bailor, and Stave looked vary serious as he replied: "Thenyo' kin bet we sr'ln fnr a red hot time! Ike Baxter will be back befo' nootj with a gang at hi huels, and the chances ar' that ibme'body will git ehot!" At this moment Marian called to them, and as they entered the camp thoy found her dressing Kenton's wound and preparing fur bis Immediate removal to the boose. While tbe raiding party had Gtolen tbe bones as before mention?',, 37i pirl Aad determined that Kenton thould he brought to the home. cone of the vehicles had been taken, and she argued that it would be easy for the two men to get Kenton down to the road and then convey him to tbe bouBe in one of the carriages. Ho looked upon tbe plan favorably, but when she turned to Steve Brayton be said: "Beg pardon, mias, but I can't agree with yo'. Tero ar' the situation: Over (liar on the other road yisterday inawn in wo una wak looken fur Yankee spies. . Ho tin's a Yank straight 'nuff. but not a spy, while I'm n pnrty good rebel, as tho t'other side calls us. We tins had u fuss with a iool of a Confederate, and be cot help and tried to run uh down, it wasn't over two miles awuv thai I dropped one and winged another, is thut plain to yo', Miss Percy?" Yea." "Waal, them critters hain't coin to 0 C0Yi4hTO) 1894 BV American W.CS5 ASSOCIATION. give it up without knowin who we ar' and all about us. We uns will hear from them today fnr shore. Then thar is Iks Baxter to look Otit foT. Pity yo'r ni gger didn't strike a lectio harder and finish him, but it seems that Ike got away. He un w;w probably sent to Spy on yo', and yo' kin bet that Captain Wyle and hisoiiitor Company hain't fur off. we shall also hear from them boto' the day's over." "Well, suppose wo do?" asked Mfl ri.iri. "Mr. Kenton bus been true and loyal to Virginia and tho south. lit is here in Confederate uniform and has only escaped from tho Fedorals after be ing taken prisoner In unother battle. Suppose the Confederates do comeii" That's yo'r way of lookin at it. Miss Percy." said Steve as he twirled bis but in hishands. "My way is a leotle differ ent. Captain Wvle. Iko Baxter and the ret of tho crowd want revenge, If they tind Mr, Kenton in yo r house, they'll take him out and carry him oil to some csinp. They'll us him ronah. They'll make charges. They 'll stick right to bun till they lk v his life. I'm not fig gerin ou myself 'tall. If they don't shoot me offhand, I'll git court uinr tialed and be chained up sumwbar till the arg) of tbe war. Fact is, Miss Per es , I've ji --it about dun cut loose from this glorious old southern confederacy and gone over to the Yanks!" "Tbtu wbat would you udviae?" "Leave he un right yeie fur awhile. We uus' got two guns and a revolver, and if the crowd comes we kin stnnd 'em off a good deal better ttjau at the bouse. Meanwhile let Uncle Ben sot out down the valley to find the Yankee s1 di r in ! tell em whit's up. If 'nuff of 'am cum, and they cum iu time, we will be all right. If not, we might as well ?ty onr prayers!" i:otu Marian and Kenton realized the litnaMon as ho presented it, and within five minutes L'ncle Ben bad his instruc tions. It was believed that he would run aeroes Federal cavalry within 10 miles ef Rest Haven. He was to ask for General Custer, and if he found that commander toa-khim in the name of tbe Pen j i to come at once. He was to .ill at the huuaa and say to Mrs. Baxter that Msriuii would lie home within an hour. "And while y' un s y. re to lo,k out lur tbe patient, " sunt Steve Brayton to tho girl if tlm old man moved away, "I'll jest git ready fur the call I'm -pectin!" Icq ca--p had pleat; cf natoraj de tente, bat C7 moving tome of the bowl dere with lever tad V3ing cuch stones as be could lift as chicking ' he bad tbe place proof againaVfnytbing but ar tillery within an hour. While he works and Marian and Kenton plan let us fol low Uncle Ben. He bad been intrusted with a message to Mrs. Baiter, but on his arrival at tbe houee hefailed to tind ber. Entering her room in tbe "quar ters" in bis search, be found things in such disorder that b'jj It certain she had packed up r fen articles and tied from tbe place. Under no other circum stances would he have dared to look into the Udroom of tue "missu" in the other QOOa. Alarmed nt the thought that eh helpless and abandoned, he ventured to intrude. She was lying with her tare toward him. and the first glance brought a maun to his hps. He called to her, p i I in) the it ro c .iM ..gain and finally reached i.nt and toarhed tho Wbdte and wasted bund rating on tho I oover. It was cold as ice. He poshed iorwsrd an old black mm i which had served her and hers for half a century and more and laid it on her face. "Fo' de great Lswd in In aben, but de miesnsbasdoodied!" be cried aloud as he hurried from tbe room with chat : tering teeth nnd trembling limbs. She I bud seemed to be sleeping when Marlim ' left the house an bom or mom Letor-. , but she might have been dying tben. : Thy old man's first thought was to) boi i ry back to enmp and tell the girl wbut had OOCOrii J, hut as he moved away bo , checked hluisc!f and muttered: "Jist wait now till we H gi r a leetlo. Be govl Uiiwd has duu tonki u de missus away, un my o) lutart's teadf to break wid sorrow, bat I mustn't v up to.... teejin. Dur's Mir lunshine, an dr i Mum Knt,n nn dut aogt r yteve, de) -all alive an in danger. If I tola M; -Sunshine, she onldn t do uoffin nd 'c it to siring her hands an cry. No, I won't go back dar! I'll harry up an find dun Yanki et au tell 'em to cum aa (inick as day km!" Ho had turned about in bla tracks when ho hrnrd a great clattet up the r id, and next minute he was surround ad by a lout 30 muuuted men. Son,, were in uniform, and among thee be noticed onowith his bead bandaged and nt once identified him as Ike Bavter. There were othsra toartiicns' dress, and while ho was wondering who thsy might be one of thorn laughingly e .tola) mi d "Hello, yo' old aon of satan! How does yo' un feel after the lickin yo got Ia3t night?" Thero was u sergeant in command of tbo squad, but iko Buster appeared to direct operations. He at first drew bis saber as if to give tbe old negro a cut, but checking himself he said: "Now, men, look alive! Some of yo' uns search tbe bouse and drag oat thut cussed Vsnkee and Stove Brayton, and the rest of us will drive n stnku and find a chain and some firewood! I'm goin to burn this old nigger alive fnr tryin to kill mo lost night!" to be contlntjed, Small Pay for Poets. Sunt hey la considered to have bean a generally well puid poet. lis received, however, but 80 for his "Joan of An," and only 115 tor tho tlrst edition of "Tint laba." Shelley's writings brought hi in in no profit, and Uoetha compUiued that his works were a gran expense to him. ftob en. Uunis and Thomas Campbell both fared more or less badly, and were nearly all their lives engaged In a hand to hand tight with poverty. Campbell's "Pleasure of Hope" btroughtblm in only $20. koodoo Tit-Bits. A TEA GOWN SUGGESTION. Full TurkUb Trnuim With Munlin Over dron Would Compose a Novelty. TTiere is no ert'ile in the modern wom an's wardrobe that combines ease aud beauty quite so completely as tbe tea gown. Its lightness, looseness aud freedom from stiffening render it eminently com fortable, while it offers opportunities for the daintiest and most coquettish orna mentation. It may buve a round skirt or a trein; it may he low necked or high necked; it may be short, sleeved or long slevd, just a.- the fancy Of the wearer d ic tates and as is most becymlng to ber. Por the more simple styles crmllle is n favorite material, as it combines well with silk, lace and ribbon, buj. In spite of tbe theoretical simplicity and informality of tbe aannent there Is no limit to the amount of money that may be spent ou It or the ways in Which It may a labomted. lnresptctto the 0snerai mode of raakinK. princess, empire atm watteau style- are ell seen. While sett isttitr new blous ef- iiov'se ornvN. fecN are shown tble spring. Of cnurse the popular bolero jscket has been applied to tea gown as to everything else, and since the iutruduetlon into t tits country of the genuine Japanese kimonos, with their wanted Klecvts and wide sash, there seems to be no hope ef further novelties unless indeed snmsbody seta tho fashion of wear tug Turkish drs full trousers and muslin overdress- loth I o'elnek tea table. As this Is it aesion of spanglea, the eostunie could be trimmed in an appropriately gin Uring manner, and the fashion would bavc tbs merit of oflrrlnx un sxcuae, on the ground of cbaraeterist!..1 national custom L-uessarlly followed, foi that blackening of the eyelids so frequently seen here Without any excussat all unless ill Judged vanity be one The 1'arisienne deals rattier more fanrp fully with the tuaiMi (run ii than vie u-uttire to in n spit of r.ur many vagal irs WL.r waatliaifau the sleeyaf she disixuaes with tliem altogether, add where wee, intent our-elv.- with a slight round, pointed or square semens "f he neek. bafTt and front, she hatlie hndiosajlj iwu almeJt as much asalsU ustag Tl,esfl,: nofttt, tstailt alahly plunalaa. .o in tb ir -A h ,f n sketch is uiven. but it ought to be seen only by artificial light which ts in iisflf n sort ot .ijak. i a i .rmsjit it xmnesed of yel )mw MR saun, wisk iace lo match. Tb skirt cf iace ofer satla (alls tuil acd ?s!gbt A wuitj stir nbbca oro.set th cortsft above the bust and is oar tied around to the hack, wher It it tied in watteau bow Anothei ribbm snrreauds tbe waist and is taksb up .... t the bust, where it forms a rosetu on e ioh side, from which falls a lonjf end A knit nf ribbon adorns shoulder Two deep lacs fiottnc I form a flctui plnted liack sni frent, veil iag the ribbon trimming JumocaoLiLr. Imrricu Lumry and love of Mocrr. At Kreriehinan's har. ,,n the border of the eastern state, a violent sturm having uoinpelKii um t l p ist Machlas. i qoe Uoued the man at h..- hoi I was ktsi ing That house wa Indeed tbe best iu Um dUlrlU. and, at peopl.1 say iu the NttV try, tbe landlord was a nio'it ntap-tah!r man. Having exhauaUd the chapter rcbs tiva to the value and phre of land. I lu-hej him w)wlhr he rver heen tn PhiLuM phia. He replied tlntl he had nut yet dout S" HeWUol Bi.ui of slrnul tj yuaf' cf as I srai-cely .'.arsd fg ask nim wits; her h5 knew Q . Washingoen "I have n rer sen him." he said "If you should im to Phibidelphih,'' I went no, 'yoa would ! pleased to e the great man'" "Xodoubt I shail, Issi t , he n'Miilewilh benniii.-1 ras, TahoiiM very itftteh tike to tat Mr Ihng ham, the man win they say f so rieh " Throughout the State I met with alnii for love fnr money, and ofte-i aa corwly eipreamiV Qla StMISJM is t.,o sin ar ijaaieM wish ranrriea 'Ii:e h.'.ter are, Inlkssl. hootng alien men caai hardtv provIdH Ihttaaalias wish Ite mvimirh itf lif" Iisjcoll've bnTm ssstl In thcdravslr.ij room of Mrs. HbMT m El Kavt i (sa lured ia the hirthplm as of t tbe 1 ... oaMfWy Ml mi in twit) shn uIhU, Uiis-ni i Prhuifm sorue Aster i"an. Hardly would a l.m ; patVu peasint bare consented Lu a oar aach a hat On the btwiks ef rm- Ohl'. Mr .Smith, pot ent aaa roaUiate 4 Inown in I l.i urtry In- irm oasse of i i n The walla of il wars foruiwl with, rrrnijb t:c. a. ha lnt; cotim COtttaJfieil a pus- ofOftf, ari i with iuet bsarst if al brouu. M. do Beau meta bating ojasnnrt it Mr. .Smith said to mm, 'Tleav. Ho mil .iiiih'. to pWv , ft. for the ums wh' fujtes if lire a htfntfred mlfw fri rn henv. afftl II - Tin not . ..nse. this year' -'falleyriind'aitiunoiri in Oentarr, TMs Wom.m In Trade. Kvavy day list .lumber of EntfJitU worn en of stood pestl m wIki tt tales as n profession inuivaM's, and, paradoxical us It nay lasmi, Uui hiuu biuwswl Usmss yraiv rich anil areprcnu and nappy over their successes. Half of thw smart bonnet shops of London .iro kept by them, nnd they have now iiewus to n op irnu it apil glov- baaaiu, sbtaionrry stunn, et l must uot be srrp .sett, hiirwmr, that . vary decayed gantlswonutn is fitted to find a fortuno in the till, simplv I.wih. hot name hhppe.n?i tn flgurriiii (he noerago. Ctrtalflfy p6s.tIon counts for it (jood dcul; hut capital, shrewdmi.s and i ner -y are thrco predTfTtts'ttiat stand first In the tare, no mi ttor how exulted t i i - UUe may bo that hecks I In : i. VThnnnMl I great lady detctmiiiM to :duit thu yard stiok nnd scab she lirst goes through neoaehtusf proeeaa, iiml NsUua from ptae tical experience Just how it is done. Shi takes lessons iu bookkeeping, learns to watch the market, is timght to gather wis dom from her rivals, and, most important of all, studies W be patient fine! amiable and attentive to detail. Illustrated Atner ican. Maaiachnsvtts' Oorenori. Lrrt Lincoln hold the orBee of governor nf Masasvobosetta from 13U5 to VtM; ( ileb Strong from laOOwdafy?; Johuiirooks from 1816 to VS&, (teorge N. Briggs from I M4 to 1861. Since 1861, the longest texru of office of any governor of Ibis si ate waa that ot Governor Aolrsw, whose occnpaBcy ..i the positiou lastpd f mm 1BQ1 to liioO. Oaring tbs period between llTd and tbe nrenent, time there have heeaaiAyearlingKovemurs, oua ot wboiB, however, declined a su-eleo-bon. Boston TrnnscriBV WEAK MEN Y0UR ATTENTION 7 IS QalMB TO THE spjtw rssssiiMW .,., ,,-ah t,, . Gray's Specific Medicine IF YOU SUFFER 'rom Ner- mmwmLmmvm. ' ' " vou o- bility, Weakness of Body and Mitel, Sperms, turrhea, an l Impe' and all diabases tU:tt I rise from ovonnJulponeo md self abuse, as mss of Memory and 1'oirer, Dimness of vis ion, I remature Old Aiu aud many otUurdit eaiis thst load to insanity or Consuniptioo aud anearlv Krav.i. wntefor a pamphlot. Address tlHAV MKPK'INE CO., Bnllslo. N. V. Tbe hpocifta Medicine Is sold by all druegiste at S pur package, or six paokaKea lor ?5,or rent bv mall oh receipt of money.and with ererv tsttl erder WE GUARANTEE a purs or nionoy i-ef o n. m -il i m , , t.-sf"tn iieeuniii i,r wunlerteitj no have nuoptrd the Yellow Wrapper, tho only gunu lno. Cold in (Jcranton t.v Matthews Hros. RICK DRAIN TILIi 1RONT, WIKK CUT. HOLLOW, V 1 T K 1 F 1 E D, J-1RL AND COMMON BRICK Best in the market OFFICTC lilnghnmton, N Y FsiCtORti Brandl Pa DUPONT'S M1N1NO, BI.ASTINd AND PPOHTINO POWDER Manufactured at the Wapwallopen Milla Lu rerue evuuty Pa., aud at WU Delswar. HENRY BELIN, Jr. t lone i .U Agent fur the V juittig District. "8 Wyoiri ng Ave , Scunton Pa. lLu,d iatUiaJ Bank Bulldiu. Af.srr if s TH- roHti i itts..., Ps Jl US H BMllHSi.-iNiPlTn. nth. fa L W. M i:tJJI,a'.. W1II.A1 IO.rr.. i's A(fr.K f.,r ttui !t.vJno a.wuwal Ulu rSnfs Hlk'h P.iterAlres N. A HULBERT'3 City Music Store, - lUttUitt AVg. CKAMOJs RTEtNWAV SOI DECKER itunriiiCKa air MIAMI H HAi'H fMOtt hi I 1.1 . a 1; t 1 it PIANOS 4 st a arse slot k of first eissi ORGANS tirsff r. vi i;i tiwnisf; MLhIC, ETC- K1U Seeds and Fertilizers Largo Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and Lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HUNT & CONNELL CO. Bin toit.f'. I'll,, Irte'.fc rstStal, it .U0,tWp. iiksi sji.o iiu; is Tin: mould. "A :iU'ir itittJ in !l'if Mmi'. Thlsl.iuli, s'Snllil I re mil Diiiieiila Kid Hut ton lluosdlttnmsj ftrn anvsshera tn the U.S., on rtaarptOliJMh, Mi.nry Or.lsr or I'nst d Sots fur il..'0. Jiausls every way tho boon rem in nn rmn stores rnt IMQi Wo make Uila bout on: selves, tlleitlorn tc fu,:r nutm Uia til. ttulf .ill' stid if any .mo Is ant tatln e will rvfiind the mutii-v orsendauotlirrpalr. Ojicra i 00 or commou Ht ti, , ,u. 11.. 1 ' I, U WW os 1 to I and hall sti. fiinif your nit fit vo Instrstfil Cst.i. logtis FREE Dexter Shoe CoJSSfSiL' if r.-).it in jeutert. Lost Manhood M vla?or qutrVI 1111 turedaV a rlcuorltf, l.l.'illl V liiK.,10TlH atrophy, etc., suifir cnit-t hV I Ml a (Ml, the r'At llliitfdu Kcnit'tty. with wrtttfc cuarMtttf tortrt. Moid by 1 i 1 ii ' , i .1 i:i;ij jji uisi4iH, ni-iAniuii, t'A. A Handsome Complexion Isono df ttio greatest charms n woman can pona Pomoni's Uompleiion Powdbb It. Brandt C.ay ProductCo Ul. . . ... Mr . l -AMI j- w 'V THE SECOND PORTFOLIO . a . Tine contains four incomparable paintings Medairy, which surpass all of his previous eftorts for faithful- ness to nature and They comprise every phase of Nature's changes, as de lineated in the four seasons, and will prove a revelation to most persons, of hr peculiar moods. Lowell has well said: "Our seasons have no fixed returns; Without our will they come an l go; At noon our sudden summer burns, Kre sunset all h snow.'' The Ottman Litliorapliing Company in reproducing these paintings from the originals, has achieved a marked success, and produced tour pictures that will easily hold hrst place in either home or studio, not only for their artistic merit, but as fine examples of the work of this renowned artist SPRING This deliglitful picture i-; one cf Mcdairy's fou. water colon, "The Seasons," which are all found in portfolio No. 2 of thi3 Series. Spring" is a bright -colored work of singular merit. The drooping apple trees, burdened with their pinlc and white bloom, contrast effectively with the rich green back ground of trees and the dag-fringed pool in front. The light and shades are superlative, and the whole effee'e is wondrously pleasing as a picture, or when critically considered as a study. REMEMBER, ONE COU PON WITH ONE DIME SECURES 4 PICTURES. THIS IS THE COUPON. OF . a . Art Students' Series of ultichromes unparalleled beauty. 1 1 ' " 'TOsituatuuvirirak -. . i.. . s.. , sot;, mass . . . -liv arm rnmm. 1 IU II 1 11 1 lil sm . sui.hmp.. . p.i, 1. . .-,11 . v ri 1 -M 1 SjSSMSU ; I Slfl uminniiinimiiiiiimmmiuiminsiiiiiieniiiitiaiiiiiiiii.iuniiiiinim a Scranton Tribune, Scranton, Pa., April 26, 1894. - 1 ' Send this coupon, with 10 cents I in cash, and get four of the marvelous I Multihrome Art Gems by far the I greatest offer of all. Mail orders 2a extra, iHiiiiiiaiiiiiniiRiiiBiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiHiiiiiiiuuiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiil by the world-famous I ... ; ft-tr.'.- Ah a'J ' r 1 " 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers