The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 26, 1894, Page 4, Image 4

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F. E. wood,
General IVls negor.
rcrusnEt) daily amp wieki.y in Sciias
rar, PA., iiy The 'I'biuuss 1'uuusuiwo
N' w Tork Office: Truiusb Buildiwo,
' I' NK S. OBAT. ft XA.iKH.
fared at fns Pottofflce at Fcrnntnn, Pa, a
Btcond-Claa Hail Hatter.
The Sckanton Base Ball club, liav
inc, at a moating hold last Tue'i
day evening, exprsaseil a deaire
to diapcnsA with the co-operation,
of tbe newtpaper ol tbia
city in stimulation loeal interest in tba
national game, The Tribune will bar
aftar confine ita reporta of gauiae at
tbia club a park to tba mar newe au
nouuoament of the result. Tbla, it it
belioveci, will fnlly sititfy thepubllo's
nrioaity aa to how tbia peculiarly man
aged club is projresalng toward tbe in
What Coxeylsm Means.
Nd mattar what view ia taken of the
cause that have induced vagrant
u,uade of men iu various portions of
tilt) country to begin a pilgrimage to
ward Wasniugton, the fact itself will
be a atrikiug retneinbruuce iu our his
tory. Together with the soup house
and tbe subscription list it will go down
to coming generation aa one of the
first fruits of those glittering promises
by whioii tbe Dauiocratio party gained
its only restoration to powar aftar tbe
war for tbe preservation of the union.
That in an enlightened age, at the
latset and meat liberal period in the
progress of our boaated uineteeutb cen
tury civilization, in face of all of th
o uservativs and lastraiuiiig influauoea
Which generally tlilfused adueation aud
eolture are supposed to impart, there
should. dsHpitu the prevalence of uni
versal peaie, be euch a condition of af
fair tn the most enlightened nation in
the world as would cause tnauy honest
aaJ contclentUu men not only to ax -opt
the uprisings ot the rabble as mat
tar.' of eourse but should indue tbtm
astualiy to aiJ these quixotic umltrtak
uua in their professed parpoiee or' over
wing congress until II should "legis
late relief to the masses" Is an anomaly
lo 3tuy2 lozs, rrh?a we consider its
fall eiifoiSeancs, a to bt altnost nntn
teilisible. What has beu tbe swift
o4 awiol matation in our politics thai
should, in little more than one short
year, sinfc the mfst prosperous, pro
gressive and contented nation of the
universe down to the level of a fer
meutiug and irrational mass, leavened
with tbe philosophy of anarchy and
despair and ready, like the Jack Cades
of semi-civilized days, to break forth
into any maduees promising moment
ary diversion or spoliation?
if the harden for thi change rest
even ao much as half upon the shoulders
of the present administration, Democ
racy as a ruling politioal mnst
be permanently banished from federal
authority. If this l on of the natural
and logical fruit of the mingled igno
rance, spitefalness, obstiuacy and sec
tional greed that have outcropped at
every step in the furthtrance of tbe
Democratic fiscal policy, dare we ever
ugaio, at least during the lifetime of
this generation, entrust such politicians
witn the symbols of power? If, from
the fnion of Democracy witu atiar
chitm, soeialiim and trplfiad discon
tent, there are born thete evil and
their attendant train, can sensible citi
zen retain a vestige of confidence in
that hybrid amalgamation?
The stability of the republic require
that we should get back to eelid first
principles. Thi lowing of partiian
wind, if it be not oon obckd,
means the reaping of vvhirlwlnd tbtt
will rive and rend.
There is a feel. . among Scranton
Elk that VYIlkes-Karre hospitality ha t
notil recently been greatly underrated.
BO FAB It the soft coal strike bis
thus fir affected ha been
to increase lomewhat the demand for
industrial aizss. If the strike iboald be
prolonged, as many fear it may be, this
increase in the demand for anthracite
will probably continue and tnv grow.
It would be a policy of wisdom, how
ever, not to count on thi increue, bnt
lot It com" In tfc nature of aa unex
peeted boom. Th ti-up of the bi
tuminous mimes s of neh uncertain
duration as to make it dtairable to b
7ery conservative in estimating its
good ejects upon tbe mining activities
cf this region.
Wi evidently an impression in
Indiana that thi is somewhat of a Re
publican year.
To Regulate Immigration.
Cos of ths admirable legislative pro
positions before this congress is ths
bill offered by Representative William
A. Stone to perfect the loos restric
tion now imposed on immigration.
t'b bill has keen reported favorably
from tba bouss jndictary committee,
but ha ince been ihoved aside through
the prolonged inability of ths Demo
cratic majority to muster a working
quorum. Inasmuch a the Stone bill
sains destined to occupy a large plats
in the forthcoming dissussions of thi
yet unsolved problem, w need offer bo
ezcuas for quoting its essential pro
visions. It provides:
That no alien Immigrant shall be ad
mitted within tbe United states unless he
or she shall exhibit to the United States
Inspectors of arriving immigrants at the
place of admission a certificate signed by
the United States cousul or other author -ited
representative of the United States at
the place neareat where said immigrant
lai)t resided, setting forth that the said
consul or other United States repreieuta
Une has made an Investigation Concerning
said immigrant and that aid immigrant
does not belong to the class and classes of
alien immigrant excluded from admission
into the united States under the provi
sions of the Act of congress approved
March 8, 1891, or by any other law of the
United States that now oxiats or may
hereafter lie passed. -Said immigrant
sbalL la addition, conform to all nraeot
requirement;) of law. d shall be the duty
of United States coneula and United States
reproaentativea in other countries to in
vestigate and grant or withhold certiil
cAtfc, f lialf Lo dtatloi yd onlnVestltretioa
imdef the AfrectfnM unrt tftstrBettons f
the state department, according to the
laws of the United States aa aforesaid.
According to ths careful favorable
report of the house Judiciary commit
tee, the obvious purpo3o and tenor of
thi bill is to prevent tbe criminals and
pauper of Europe from bsing sent in
discriminetsly and reckleisly to the
United States. It impose no real
hardship upon the honest and capable
newcomer. It sets up no Invidious dis
tinction as to race, sect or crued. It
merely place in the hands of our rep
resentatives abroad the power to In
quire into the titling of the candidate
for immigration, so that if he be not
eligible under our law he my be
spired the trouble and expense of ' a
fruitlesa trip across the Atlantic; and
so, also, that Americans may be spared
the possibility, which now exists, that
unfit persona m,iy, after getting toonr
shores, be enabled to squeez through,
-t ia the simplest of truths to say that
among the great mass of American cit
izens thero is no narrow prejudice of
any kind adverse to the cordial admis
sion into this country of all emigrants,
from whatsoever source, who will add
to the wealth, character and patriotism
of thslr adopted country. But it Is
equally true that when this is said, our
duty as a hospitable nation end. We
art under uo obligations to accept the
criminulsor the paupers whom Europe
refuse to protect. These classes bo
long to the nations which develop
them. Every natiou, like every
hold, ph. mhl in this sense take care of
its own.
If thi lesson of today will induce
the American of tbe future to ttrik ut
ths poll and head off mischievous leg -Ulator
who would paralye home in
dustries by visionary tariff schemes,
rather than seek to ruin tbe business of
employers who are already struggling
under tbe burden of finacsial depres
sion, the country cm wall afford to
bear the present calamities uucomplajn
iugly, Puerile Politics.
Tho&a Republicsa journals at various
plnca In the itata who affect to be
lieve that baoaueu The Tribune does
not approve of cawrdly back-biting
directed against the candidacy of Hep
rassiltativ John U Itobiutou. of Me
dia, for lieutenant governor of toil
coiuiuouwealth it therefor dsilrss to
abut off pra-couveutloii debite are
guilty of u very feeble as well as a vety
futile quibble. It is one thiuu t dis
cuss a candidate's merits gad demerit)
in the language common atuoua' gen
tlemen , an 1 it it unite another thing
to deal out (harp innuendo and anony
mous abuse. VY favor th fullest aud
freest discussion of all the candidate
likely to be named at next month a Kb
publican gtst convention. is
what thev announce tiie:niel7 for. It
is eminently fair and propsr to talk .is
much about them as there are real facts
to talk about, because in u multitude
of counsel Uwre is wisdom
But tins desirable freedom and frank
ness of comment is far removed from
veiled abuse or covert attack. Tiiore
Is no perm snau t profit to any man ot
any party In the kind of tnclies which
hue been employed by several BWpi
par in this State in thair effj.-ts to
head iff the ruiug Robiuson tide. We
do not believe for an instant that Wal
ter Lyon or nny of hia real friends
responsible for this metnol of counter
attack. It is not their style of warfare
They are gantlemau Tbey are m.u
in ; an honorable fight for a laulable
oftles tid are willing equally with .Mr.
Kobinton. to abide the result without
whimpering. Therefore, we protrxt
that the policy of the political aseaasui
is equally as unfair to Mr Lyon him
self as it is to the object of these con
temptible thrusts la the bask.
Besides, it ia bubyisu. There le no
neceeaity for it. There is no justifica
tion for It, Grown meu ought to kuow
Horse dealer Coxey i the bett ad
vertised stock-raiser in the country,
and it didn't coat a cent There's
method in the madness of a horse
It is with gonuiue regret that news
Is received of the nf:l ction which has
nvertakep sk-1'ostiuaater Oeceril
Frank Hatton. Cemlng Tuisiay
morning to his office In tbe band; ma
new home of hie enterprising Washing,
ton Tost apparently ia the best of
health and vigor, he was striokeu al
most immediately with paralysis and
for hours lay betweeu life and I ,
TLia blow seems doubly temblo whm
the faot Is recalled that Mr. Iiatton, at
riO, bad been one of tbe moat active,
brilliant. Incisive and osuetio joqrnil
Irts and men of affairs that onr boaottf
has ptodoeed, His prio:ial effliutioD
is a public misfortune, while teat be
may recover will be a national hopo.
Kodak Culture.
Tbe stepa which are being made
toward the formation of a local earner
club deserve to succssd. That a com
munity posstssing U"b an abundance
of pictOresqosTiess in it evury environ
ment at 1 th happy fortune of Scran
ton should not have an organization of
amateur photographer was an anomaly
wbieh time and progress wre bonnd to
correct. Apart from possessing great
usefulness as a healthful exercise and
means of culture, the pructics of ama
teur photography it n most valuabls
aid to the cultivation of the oft-neglected
art of local geography.
Ithai been very trenchantly remark
ed by critics of our American common
school system that the course of study
pursued by it might produce graduates
learned in the book-lore of ancient civ
ilizations, bat painfully ignorant of
thslr own immsdiate surroundings
Fortunately a tendency has recently
developed toward the correction of this
false balance. The taking of groups
of pupils out on little scientific excur
sions is ons pleasant recreation now
coming into general vogue. There le
also a greater effort than formerly to
teach local hietory and local biography,
although it eeenis to tie that these ob jects
are still too much neglected.
lint the one general moans of famil
iarizing the inhabitants of Rcranton
with tuo scsuia beauties of Scranton
and ite vicinity ia in the direction of
kodak culture, In which ploasant pas
time children and grewn persons may
participate on equal terms. It will be
a valnable auxiliary to tbe educational
institutions of this community whan
200 amatsur photogrnphori of Hcran
tiiu get banded together for purposes
of exhibition ami conquest At oet
week's reception in the Young Men's
Christian Association ball this fledg
ling organization will initiate the pub-
lie into tbe beauties aad mysteries
of camera snap sbots, and from this
anspicions start great progress is ex
psoted to evolve.
After all the erudite deference
which many cultured Americans have
paid to the theatriesl otiticisms of the
ponderous London papers, it seems al
most ludicrous to read bow thee same
British censors grow learned, serious
and eloquent in praise of the "master
ly acting" and "unexpected modesty" of
Prise Fighter Corbett. Modesty,
quoth' ii ! Bless them, don't they
know the difference betweeu modesty
and a newly-landed traveler's sea legs?
Wait until brother Corbett gets his
second wind ; he will talk them deaf,
dumb and bliud. As lor acting, the
present cbampion has been accused of
many things hare at home but never,
to our kuowledge, of that.
The Gibbets Are Ready.
There is an adage that he who eals
mustard must expect a blisterod
stomach. In much the same way those
who ate striving in tbe senate of the
United Statei to carry favor with the
unthinking by putting invidioni taxei
on the thrifty and thoughtful must uat
be surprised if the crowd to which
they rater shall constantly cry for
more, and grow ugly when finally dis
appointed. Not even Seuator Mills, deapite all
his eloquence iu favor of the vieloul
inoome tax. would aeriously support a
bill to print paper money aud pay it to
idle men without eeeurlty or iuierost.
Yot how can he consistently begin the
work of a demagogue without follow
ing the task to Its logical oqaoleaionsl
There are just a many vote lo be won
by the politician who should favor the
giving to every poor man of a bunch of
fiat notes aa by tho sclieun to increase
the value of the poor man's belongings
by exempting them fioni a just pro
portion of the expensia of government ,
perhaps more. The one coarse is pre
cisely a sensible, manly and patriotic
hs the other. VVho koows that the mob
which today demand th income tax
may not tomorrow demand unlimited
list in one)'
The whole amount ,,f this thing ia
that there is no safety to a republic in
theopenltia of favoritism's legislatiye
door. The !niui t ix i an attempt
of desporato political Jacic S lepnar It to
tickle the preju 1ks of the rabble by
levying a blackmail on men of q lality.
It ia MgaWaf robbery un ! r ooVar of
the law, lone with a view to making
ita immoral spoils the ati ppiug atonea
to public 'fd. Let it net. then. 1m
forgotten that for SfeXJ lUoh partisan
bpn4lt tiier-' it a g.hta; nlitedj tigged
WiutN Li inr-w conoty gati its o'.d
court house torn down an I a Lew one
lnl!t on nme othr site, ths city of
Wllkee-Barre will have a handsome
para in tba vjry center of the business
district. When tins tuns comes, once
boWtful Scrantoniaua will not ay a
Tiik cV.-ha.mos Base Ball club w.mld
l-kecscd local newapaper to give it
$ ) worth of advertising daily in ei
onanire for a 40 ceut ticket, but the
.lea doi not eeem to meet with recip
rocal nttVQstMin
Just ill Jest.
"1 tn leaiible of tba honor you do me,
Mr. Sjioo.iniacre, In the proposal of mar
riage you have jnt Bade," said the yocog
woman, with a iight -url of the up, "but
cirrun.itanres bWf wklch I have no cod
U. 1 will tiiinpel ma to decline lbs bocor."
"V. hat ere tbofe rirctfttCtanOSC, Ma.
Jrtm-baw ?' fiercely demnuded the young
"Jf oaf clrmnutaurev Mr poonanmre.'
( TUlHljTI 7Vitti ,r
Adapting Tbame'.vf to i ircuuntance.
liny l stayed in the parlor " last
averting when Mr. Spieexen waaraliin' cu
ltrr, Jatt yoa told me.
Mother That's a good bny: and here n
th- caeytjf I promised you. Did you get
lird '
Little Hoy Oh. no. We played blind
manV bnfT. and it w.mld liavr Inn Iota of
fnn, onlv I was "it" marly all the ttOMb
Strrrt ti' Smitk e (inl .Veu .
Doctor Y think, then tint it ia ner
vona prt strati n i hat your wifn 'in'
Huabaud Yi, I'm aareof it.
Do-t'r lies sue l.ail anvihing that hat
specially worried tier that you know of
litisUaad Vi; von see she has a new
priog hat, urd aba ran never tell wlieu It's
ou straight. ' iicoj" ( i ' N un.
"What old the rrltica think of your new
flpevat' aekad tiie composer's friend.
"They didn't give me lunch enrunrajre
ment. They predict that it will not b
"Why, I thought it wa very nriiji nal."
"fee, that a the criticism that dis
courage me." rVotMagtea sfar.
"Well, well"' exclaimed the alitor. "If
that waen't a queer eirtrnre' "
"What waa Matf" asked the foreman.
"There was n man in here just uow who
didn't seem to ku " any more about how
n newspaper nould be run than I do."
WmMngb' Slur.
Miutiie-I shall never marry any man
who drink'. Isn't that a rather rleky vow to
make, d -ar What asnrsm e hsye vi-u
that any euber uiau will ever prnnosiltn
you. HdUtMpotU Jour mil.
Po.led Him "What nn- roil atiilying
ao hunt about; anked til aflfe of the roclts
rlbbesl 1 mMrnt.
"1 vhs jist tryin' to bgger out in my
own mind whether thi ' man Cleveland
the .loner er tho whale.'' -IndUnapolit
Dcctor-Man ellve! what made him take
forty grains of quinine when I only said
ton? home one Untile a mistake,
"It waa you, doctor, when you told him
l enuWl lull, -n 1 1 1 . v u-l,ial,v .,ft...
each dose." tVn'cooo Inter Ucean.
'So Miss Plightlngnlo Is not going on
the stage, aftor all."
"She isn't sure about It. Dr prospoots
were splendid, but the judge excluded
moat of the senaatiounl testimony from her
trial." H'aihingtuu Star.
"Don't you think socletyiii New JfprJ
is improvinjf '
"I diit't know about tlixt," was the re
sly. "Hut 1 have certainly noticed a
marked and steadv elevation In the social
tone ot Sing Sing.'' H'.'7iiiij(on Star.
Tftaasn 'llOr
Wisdom in Little Bliverb:
A good discourse is that from whjoh one
ran take not blue without taklugth lifo -
That which wo are, we are all tho while,
teaching, not voluntary, but involuutarlly'.
ur life' Boor l?ld upon etraty; no
ci-flck in It but shiiws the underlying
heaven. (J. Kingsley.
A perverse tamper and adieccateuted
fretful disposition, whorevar they prevail
render any Nt ut cf lilo uu"- c , ,
1 have always said that the greatest ob
ject in education I to aeciwtwn a youug
man gradually to be his own master.
Sitlney Smith.
It martyrdom now is on the decline, it le
not because martyrs are less zealous, but
because martyr-mongers aio more wise.
Mee t the first beginnings: look to the
budding mischief before it has time to
ripen to maturity. Shakespeare.
We seek advice iu difUculties: but in
common speech wo are apt to confound it
with admonition. ( h-irles Lamb.
Often do the spirits of great events stride
on before tho events, and in today already
walks tomorrow. t?oleriigr.
And though mine arms should conquer
twenty worlds, there's lee fellow beats
all conquerors. Thumas Decker.
Cozsyii.m Has a Birioua Phase.
rniacUtoMg Record,
The moment it shall become possible for
mobs on the outside to sway tbe judgment
of thom whosp buaiuejis ' 1 to Ictisltlte
inside thn walla of the oanilol there will be
an end of free rertresi ht , dive government.
The rlcht of petition is sacred, and is open
to All; imt Wnen thie orderly preesdiire Is
turned into u species of luvnsinu and of
truculent insistence upon certain courses
of action it is time that some remedy
stiouU be couslderud.
On Rhyme in Time.
Get ready for the circus.
It will aoou he hare, yoa know:
Though 1 . Jcai bis happy soul
HI ill marches with the
Rnow your boyhood's happy day
Iu glimpses of the clown,
And drosin your griaf I la peanut glee,
Aa done in Alleninwn.
II ilkt$-Bart limit.
We are
Headquarters for
Everything in
Our Line.
BABY f! ARRT A fiRfl
A laiye line (lf New and BeBttti
I ul UOOdSj all suitable
ir -ilU.
Coarsen, Olemons & Co.
422 LACKA. AVt.
LlDai Lrar.:ct
Ih Rw1 in Hi Qh
Tim latest Improted far
nlalntiKS ami apiuratu for
keeping uisat. butter Had r .
tS Wti.nilii Air
or rut
A liuii'tM nunilwr of the above
Monda nre fur i!e at pur and ac
or and attrntel i tii fn-win
parties;, fmni whom copies of tho
morltfau'e and lull iul filiation can
Ik- ohtaiuwl.
V. W., Cashier Befl
National Kink. Wilkna Harre, 'a,
W. L WaUiwi, 'saltier Fiit .Vn
tional Flanlv, I'lttslon, I't
J. L. iV-len, iililer People's
Savings Rauk, rithiton, Pa.
A. A. Hiydi a, 1 'resident Miners'
Savings Biirjfc, I'ltLstou, Pa.
And by the Si-ranUiu Savings
Hank iind Tmst (.mnauyiruatec
under the Mortgage.
T. H. Athertoo, Goaasel,
WANT a Piano or Organ Cheap?
Anaxtraflne Honrs; F. Uillor Sqnaro
Pfaeaj iith
Au tra nn rtilcki-rlDc 'Snuarx I'lann ITS
Agiioil Halm's HrutlnTs Sqitara 1'iann... 100
A good Mever Brothers "luaroFunn IW
A K"ol Klrlli & I'uiid Squurn I'lano 7i
A no.l l'iBv!ifiti ,.,,. I'iaiio ill
A (;ki.l Ito.i.m ian Co Walnut
L'stritfltt in
A vt-ry kikkI Wh.-. l.i. k Vyi ig bt I'laBi- . INI
A vt-ry k'oiul Wlmpl.H-k t'.i iglit riauo . l.'JI
Wastes no Breath Upon the Desert Air
No article of wcarinK apparal for the ensuing six months will be so prevalent and univei.sally worn.
Millions hove been and trtll he mtde and nearl.v every Dry Uooils Htore will ktp lUeui. iud to et the
proper fit "there's the rub." We l.uve m.tde this bia.u.1. astudv, and not a tingle garment has been
placed in stock before hem;; thorouhl inspected a to bt aud woikman-jhip and at the sauio time to ba
supplied at price- riloin the reach pf everyhoily.
thi-j y?ar can be obtained at uearly the prices of Cutttiu last year.
Jusl Ihing of H 2. M will purchase a Mod Silk Waist, Mylishly made, with balloon aleeveg.
Aud when it comes to Cotton Waists we have them from L'5 cents upward?.
Ladies' Capes and Jackets
t Having just i loscd out from a prominent manufacturer his entire sampLe line of the limb btylisb
uarriHNita. You tma(et your piuk much below the usual price.
- A ill 1 Ll
With the New Valves
Out of cisrht
Our new Bicycies are now
he seen at our ; i LacKa -
wanna avenue store.
cki iM A.
And a full line of Hoys' and
Girts' Wheels. We are mak
ing extremely low prices oil
Second-hand Wheels.
314Lacka. Ave.
Wedding ligations,
Reception and Visiting Cards,
Menus and Dinner Cards,
Reynolds Bros.
Stalloners and Engraver.
N.B. We nre offering a new
edition of the Hook of t'oinuion
Prayer, well bound inthdlt.
Two Copies for 25c.
Single Copies, 13c.
A rary good bliouingr LarlgUt i'iu. . . lib
A Masi n Haiiillu.nearly uaw.lilgh top,
aoawa reed I w
An A. B, Cliasu, luiirljr nsw, liigb too,
douMo Vujjtt "
A t'lnniKo rottagK.msiirh itaw, rilrfh lop,
dmililu raoil W
A weroaeter, nearly as, tiigii top,
diiiiblu rami HI
anil Organs at Wholesale and Kotall. on Inataf
! r " I r-r-
- . I
JL V 1 i I 1 V 1 J
i'or VSii,K w$ will aell JbLuuinl Ware at the iollowiujf uaDift
ondt.-ut6d prices.
Tea and Coffe Fcts
cyr-rvAr.T. fffagetipQ, Ta!.rr..jVAr.r, rorr. ""uzi, tSfSMQJM
ZOc. c,7C- GSc. GO;. 7C.
AUo Drlcn and PrMcrVlng Kettic. Sauce Pan6 Pota
1 Vasb Diehes ad Icttiletties ut equally low ntim.
iFoote & Shear Co,
v,i"WfcM" 1 wraai
Reliable Goods
One Price
007 I oa ao
sai-i L.auravvaiina r v cm i ut:
EVANS & POWELL, Proprietors,
Dr. Hill Son
Frt ltU. KA 1-t -t. J; for (r"l vajw
aP'l sHthote asl V.tA rruim and
hrMco rk. rail fri prtcs ami ttT on
TOWj&flUL for sMraenai .-tt willioul
11 u. Nuuttiet Noa'aa.
OlKn 1 llast MAVItkMAI. II A MI.
Scientific Eye Testing tree
By Dr. Slumber,
Tar ili Mia ' U'adaobaa anJ
.. l-i - I--' -' ' lusprovotl
S.tyl' of Era Qlaaea aiul Spsi-laslva at Uis
Lowest Fries, liesl A ttflclal Gyai Imrrtso
jos SPRUCE ST., op. Old Post Office.
A btatulariVaaarly now.high top,doubla
A -I...I.H... !, ii. i tv naw, Inch top,
,1. nW.j iv- 1 .. U
Alid about iJ) othor gojd acoond baud or
gaus. f!(l to K'l.
Tka alKive eolli-otlon of Secondhand Ituru
lnrbls iiroall in vtoad ordur, fully jrnman
tuod thf irrcstsst ligln vm eru la
this city, (.all an. i as tlinr-i luttaliuisvli
or diHcounl for - I
L- '- '. 1 "I ''
STeJ.OiM Sit Lif CuWN LOilfiJL
li? am! 1J4 TXXS AVHSV.
Qa the American PlcSn
Scrantos'a asvrast nr. J tt: o;uipr id cctaL
Beat by stmn. Flcctilc BtlU Batt
Tubs ea each ttour. Larg.- Well"
Lighted ami Airy Kooms.
KiSrjthiag Complrtc.
Offl ou sec.iad floor. Uood sample
( rjom attacbaJ.
P. J. CONWAY, Prop
im n
a iul all kinds GARDEN
SEEDS iu ImJk aud in puck-
Pierce's Market