The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 25, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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Spring and Early
Summer Goods
Fiil Our Different Departments
Quick Sales and
Roady Purchasers
Mark the jirourPSH of our linsiness.
It is often theiinTy, How 19 it po
ille to sell thy qnantttiM w buy?
The Hiiswer i, Til, vi'ry onsy nt
the vuluoa we give at the pricss we
Ws bnvo tnafle early purclins. in the
market of all the Latest Novelties
and Staple Goods include.l in each
departmtnt of Dry Goods. We
have the clioice nroilnctiona of onr
American msnnfMturfrs ami the
novelties of our foreign competi
tors. This season is no different from any
other, at least in this one respect
that the price always directs the
extent of the purchases, and your
money will go farther with us and
buy better goods than ever
offered in this place.
S Are constantly ap
New Ideas
in Ladies'
PitriiiK- e kep
fully abreast of
the times, display-
log every fsshiOD
and design as lust
ms thev are placed
upon the market
only a few davs
French people are
aln ad of us -only the length of time
it tuk for the styl to
emu the water Few Wi Show
American houses can some Brett
keepetep with the paoe Viut8
we are setting. We Coup Cll with
keep tnem scrambling Low
to follow onr lead. Prioes.
flow the beantifnl display charms
ri'e ladies. Pretlv Flowers, Bright
Klnboiia, O.iy Feathers, laiuty
ini.dnriits these all oomblne to
make this too loveliest .Millinery
Uiaplay that ewr graced any store.
Ijondon N'oveltits. l'aris Creations
Mid the Highest Domestic Art,
New things. Stylish things Pop
ular Things. Exclusive things
Thing that can be only found
witli us.
Cendnad Record cf the rvTit of Two
f-jiecal to ft icnuttnn Trthnne.
PlCKVILLE. Pa.. April 24. Fred
Berry, formerly a resident of tbii
place hat now residing at Green Ridge,
circulated among nis associates hew
last .-'un lay
Florence Swingle cuns l;nia from
thn state normal school at Stroodsburg
to spend Sunday with bis parents, Mr
and Mr A A. Bwiogle.
Mrs. 1 J. A. Cur is ' j iiruinir with
hr parents, Mr an 1 Mrs. I) T Lewis
The social held at the Baptist par
sonage Monday evening wns a
grand snccess. The receipts wt-r- M
Mrs, John II. Cook and Mrs A M.
Clark were viiitors at the KleetricCity
yi gterdsy.
Mr sod Mrs. Dennis Slnv. of New
Mllford, who hve been vi'itlng their
son, fieorge Shay, have rMurnoJ nom-.
Dan I!. Williams, miner at irasy
Island mine-, Delaware and Hudson
Canal company, wa injured by a fall
Of top COa yesterday and his leg was
broken at the nnkl. He was taken to
his borne at Olyphant and Dr. Kelly
set the Injured member,
William Tut: ill, a rnnn-'r on the
Gravity railrod, ran over a cow at
the cenV'terv eroding Tuesday and
caused a h id wrick and derailed and
orippltd fifteen cars
The delay on the Qravlty railroad nt
Piano F, Tuesday mnrnina. was cuiied
by the rope on the plans pulling out of
the drnm and wns sunn replaced by
Master Mechanic Q. H Thomas,
We are Informed that we hnve a
borongh ordinance, prohibiting people
from throwing ashes or any garbage
into the street or public allies, and it is
the duty of tno high constable to see
that it is not done.
Hob-rt Telford, of Grassy Island, Is
canvessiug hiB wald thornnghly for
election of delegate to the county con
vention. "B ib" is a huitlir in politics
of late.
Four Rig Successes,
Having (he needed merit to more than
U'akegood ell the advertising claimed for
.hom, the following four remedies have
reached a phenomena! sale Dr. King's
New Discovery for ( ns 11 mj tioi:. Coughs
and Colds, each hottlo guaranteed Kleo
trie Bitters the great remedy for Diver.
Stomach arid Kidneys. Baoklsn's Arnica
.S'.ive, the best in the world, ami Dr.
KlugiHew Life Pills, which are s perfect
pin. All these remedies are guaranteed to
no Just what is claimed for Mem end the
dealer whose name is attached herewith
will he plad to tell you more of tbem. Sold
by .Matthews liros'. drugstore.
E. E. Oreiuer & Son invite the peo
ple of Peckyille aud vicinity to call and
inspect their homy-made baking anil
ice cream, also fine line of meats at live
and let live prices. Meals at nil hours
dive us a call, Opjv site pnatoffloe,
mnr mm
5J FOUR of thenn COUPONS, pro- g
1 ' d 1 Tilbnun Ollloe, eow 2
JJ ner t'OttB avvntinuiMl RprUQI Htrout, -
fiitltJ the iKtlilcr to all 1 lie prlv- S
S i I ' of tliw iinpui allolod it (Tor) 5
for siHtrllMttin pupular booki mm
S among our roudri'H. 1 Its oflfofl mmlit
by lire Tribune niMitUMt tre -
m M follows:
... mm
mm in ORNTR and Four OottpOBI for S
any vtiluin) hi ihv OolniU lun Ne- S
liotf. uver iiiu tuiAH lo srlort irom. mi
55 SO CFNTS und For fouponft for SS
m any book In thu Ituhy Serla.
g 20 CENTS and Four Coupon for S
C any book In llto Wxlord sci lcw.
Highest of al! in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Events of a Dsy Rpoorded for Rtaders
of the Pren Ajri.
.S')fii( to tie .StTiiatea Tribune.
AbCHBAU), April 35. The concert
held in Father Mathew hall last even
ing for the benefit of Martin Mahady.
jr., nnder the auspices of the Knights
of Father Mathew, wi?s a most snccss
fnl mi enjoyable affair. The attend
ance was v-ry largo and tho audience
was delighted with the entertaining
programme that had been provided.
Some of tho most talented ladies und
gentlemen of this place, and several
from out of town participated, and all
were greeted with well merited ap
plause. Mr. Mahady is a member of
the Knights of Father Mathew, aud
has been ill for several week.
The laying of the track of the Car
bondale Traction company Is creating
great interest in the southern portion
of the borough nnd there is a prospect
of lively times before the work ii com
pleted. L ist evening a deputation
oitlssns living along the line of the
railway presented a petition to the
burgess asking that the company be re
quested to lav the track in the centre,
instead of the side of the road, tiie in
tention at present bing to place it on
the right sidx between the foot of tin
hill and Colsmeyers hotel, The hnr
gtss called tho attention of the road
committee of councils to the matter
SUd they will do their utmost tossllsfj
the people. The road between Wagner S
and the terminus is rather narrow an 1
this, coupled with the uncertainty as
to the proper locstion of ttie street
lines, maksi the tak of the council and
the company hard to perform with sat
isfactiou. County Surveyor Dunning
men were here this morning and made
measurements along the rsad, but the
result of the findiugs is not yet known
Even this does not end tho fnSS, The
Arohbald Water company il objecting
because ttm Traotion company u laving
its track over thiir water main and
threaten an injunction. A main is laid
on each side of the rosd, and the Trac
tion company in order to avoid this
difficulty will probably be obliged to
tsk the middle of the road This
would certainly seem to la the best
place for the street railway, but lhn
it would h.- har I to maintain the 84
foot rosdiog which the borough ordin
ance r quires. Meantime the work ot
preparing the roid-b-d tfoei bravely on
and the workmen arc DOW SS far as
Henry Ort's hotel
At i! o'clook tomorrow (Wednesday
afternoon, Miss Jenni Plnnerty,
daughter of Mr an 1 Mr Thomas
Kinnerty, of Mill street, and Thomas
Euro, of Providence, will be marrisl
in St Tbomss' chnrcb.
A.J Cswley, of Pine street, was in
Bcranton tediy.
Rev W. W shew, of Voor bees villa,
the new pistir of the Presbytsriao
church, will move his family tiers oti
Saturday, and will occupy the M l
Kearney property 00 Booth Msm
Miss Sarah Corcoran is visiting
friends in i innrnore.
Misss Mary A. Knnedy snd Sarah
and Alice I f( 'onnor calle I on friends in
';cr.intori today
Miss Katie Qllnnan spent last oven
ing with friends hi Bcranton.
Cl in: Koii CnOF I'se Dr. Thomas' Ec
ifctnc nd according to directlona. It is
the best remedy for all sudden attsrksot
ci Ins, pain aul lutlsmmati in aud injuries
V. lit of Burglar -Poreoaal ad Other
Not ot Intareat
I pffittl to the Nfnmfnr, rribuna.
A. n, Pa . April U -Mr. an 1 Mrs
James Gllboolsy, Mr m I Mn Thomas
McHaW, J F klcLaagblin, T .1
O'Malley, John Uilbooloy and mother,
Th mas Hanlon aud daughter Mary
attended the funeral of iGrtl-v Dally'
at Olvpliant.. on Mon lav l.-ceaS'' l
was formerly arssidentof Avoci
Miss Jceepnins Clifford, of Soranton,
spent Sunday in Avoca.
John O'Malley will b a competitor
in the piano contest nt tb eisteddfod
in 1'ittston, May '.'i i.
Durglars are again in our midst
Tins time they entered the home of Dr
Drown, on Main street. They gains 1
an entrance through a kitchen window
The doctor heard the burglars but
thought it was the girl answering n
door call. The thieves S"Curud about
flM worth of silverware.
Miss Annie Callahan was in Scranton
Rev Either KloTOM, of Parsons,
spent Monday at tbe parochial resi
dence. John Buckley occupies the barber
hop vacated by T. Hopkins
Patrick Mahon, an old an I respected
citizen of York street, died suddenly at
his home this morning. lie was about
oil years of age and is survived by a
wife and three grown up children. The
funeral announcement will be mad
Corneiliis Uiborne has moved to Ins
handsome residence on the West
M .1. McOowau and Michael Doherty
have been appointed delegates to the
St. Aloysius' convention to be held in
Wilkes-Harre in May.
Mrs. Evan Davis, who has been suf
fering for the last two months of spinal
trouble, was yesterday taken to the
Wilkes- Barr hospital.
A branch millinery department will
ha opened in th lurnilure store of
Stenlon & Wheeler, April 2:!. Onr
friends ami patrons are cordially in
vited to give us a call. E E. LlAOB,
aornntou, Pa '
Impression of the Beautiful Mapl City
and It Peopl-.
Viffiid tit the Soroafos IM&una
HoHISDALg, Pa.. April 84 A short
time ago a borough ordinance was
passed prohibiting bicyoli.sts from using
the sidewalk, Now that Main atreet,
above High street, is to be narrowed it
will leave a space four feet wide to be
seeded down. This spaco could be
much batter utilized by converting it
into a 'cyclist path of gravel or ehale.
This movement would give Ilonesdala
a novel speedway, would amicably set
tle the in8tlon, "What shall we do
with our 'cyclists'" and would assure
lliesafoty of the lives of pedestrians.
Miss Grace L. Smith has returned
home after a visit with her sister, Miss
Carrie, nt r-hiladelphin.
Both parties in the election contest
for tin collector haviug new evidenc
to offer, the case w. s brought up be
fore Judge Pnrdy this morning. Court
adjourned until Tuesday morning,
when the additional evidence will be
J. Kirk Rise passed last eveeing at
Port Jervis.
Eitsriaining Baich of News Item
from a Faithful Scribs.
flpsefofo th Bcranton IVfSaat
Cakuonpai.k, Pa, April 84 E P.
Johns, of Forest City, called on friends
here this nltaraoon.
Miss Dottie Giles, of Lincoln avuue,
was n visitor In Scranton today.
Mr and Mrs. Frank McMinu and
ohi Id, of Port Jervis, and former Cer
huudale resid'uts, are visiting relatives
in this city.
William Muir, of Honesdale. made a
bnsinset trip to this place today.
1). T. LarKiu is on a business visit to
New York city.
At the meeting held by tho Carbon-
dale Tennis club last evening the fol
lowing oflicers wer elected: Presi
dent, F K llurr; vice president, W
A Munville, secretary and treasurer,
J. H Paul, 'ihe executive obmmlttae
will te cotnpoced-of Hi" nhov offloers
and N. D Moon and W, F BadUr, jr.
Columbia Hosj company entertained
the pedestrian on Main street last
evening about 8 o'clock by giving an
excellent exhibition of quick work in
laying bote,
Mrs Jennie Seigle. wife of Fred
Soigle, of Arohbald street, die this
afternoon at i o'clock. l)oeased is
mourutd by her hmbsud and tiv chil
dren. Funeral win te held on Thurs
day afternoon at 'i o'cloek. HerVlOSS
will be conducted at the i rasbyteriau
eburob, Interment will be male in
M splawood oninetery.
Tne funeral of the late P. ('. Wilcox
occurred ttiis morning Remains were
interred in Msplewood cemetery
The stockholders of the Rushbrook
Water company of onr neighboring
town, Uayflold, elected tbe following
officers Isst evening; President,.! J
Williams, treasurer, S W. Cook.
secretary, Thomas Hunter.
Among the improvements that win
occur in our city this epriug will Dl the
paving of North Main street from the
Delaware aud Hudson c impnny'i oihc
to t hurcb itreel
M P, Harding, of IWra ,' street,
rec-ived a telegram tins morning an
nouncing the death of his wife's
mother, Mrs Humphrey, of Equinunk.
Wayne oounty, Mr. llarimg with bi
family, lett lor that plaoa tbi evening.
List ev. ning in Msvfield, at the Car
bou lal traction company'! oflice, tbe
storkholders of the road met to trans
act bonnes i. and the fallowing board
of directors was elected William
Walker, W. Q. Badler, J l siocker.
M F rbompson, J. J. Willlains, w
A Msy, II F Mullen and II (i lie
'.em. the directors then elected these
i tii rs Pre-i l'iit, William vYa.ker
secretary and trSBSUrer, M. F. Thomp
son. gsnral manager, W F Si Her, Jr.
1 n. s evening was held tli tiflh grn I
'.cial by I i"!i r MiG.-ail's select
dsnrtng diss in Keystone hall
'In - mine fire on tbe Weil Bids whloh
ha bu burning in th mine near
Eighth svenueand Brooklyn street tor
many months, has at iatt been extin
guished and Superintendent Andrew
Si d has ordered the removal from the
mine the water boxes, piping, etc
All the Nw. of th Dy Told In BrUf
.(iniii fetAi feraafoa fWbwis
TaTLOl, Pa., April 84 R-v F. A.
King, tiie new pastor of tii Methodist
Episoopal church, took possession to
day of th parsonage.
Gen Booeetein, of Piltston, was in
town yesterday.
A Hungarisu was killed in Anttin
mine this morning His name H not
A district convention of the Patriotic
order Sou of America will be held
here od We llies lay.
Mary I) i via is visiting in Foroat City
The funeral of Ulohasl H-unley will
taka pine tomorrow tuorulng at i
Jsmea Everitls Is visiting in Wslst-
port for a few ilsy.
Tbe members ol tbs Pries library
and friends wtli eoj tn-ir first day's
outing on May 80 ai Mountain Lskj
Tomorrow i VVudneadayi nlhl ocenrs
the ball of the Bleotrlos at Weber's
rink All arrangements have been
completed for a pie is ml time, mi l th"
sale of tiikets gutraiitees a large
Colonel Egra ltiiple will d lire: his
lecture on "Experiences in Anderson
ville" at th Price Library waoolatioo
on May 4.
''The Confederate Spy." which it to
be given by home talent in .May. was
rohxrs'd this evening.
Don't fall to attend Eiison phono
graph entertainment touvirroSI (Wed
nesday) mgnt at the WelsQ BtDlst
church, lathe afternoon a
will tw given free for uml Iran no; over
It) year of age
clipped from Canada Presbyterian, un
der signature of C Blaokett BoblOWO,
prop'rt I was cured of oft-recurring Ml-
Ions headacbee by Burdock liiunj Bitters,
Brief Bit of GC:.lp from a Thriving
.Scared lo the Srranlon IWfttJUO,
Moosic, I'n., April 'J 4 -Next Sunday
moi ning will be qusrterly meeting at
i be Briok Ohurcb. The presiding uldr
will bo present, Love feast ut 9 83
o'clock, followed by sermon,
Mr. and Mrs. David S iirra, of South
Side, Scranton, visited at the lioina of
Robert Usiiuie Monday,
Mr. Alex McKeUBle was iu Scranton
Ret Liiidermuth will lead the Bible
reading Thursday evening, commen
cing at 7. BO o'clock in the basement of
the Presbyterian uuuroh,
The Woman's Christian Temperance
union will meet at 2 30 sharp Thurs
day aftsrnoon. Business of importance
to be transacted.
The Friday evening cottag." prayer
meeting will ha held at the home of
Daniel rfloi on Erjok street.
Boarders wanted nt Washington
House, Main street, Moosic. Utrau, -plied
with the finest wines, liquors.etc
Lunch at all hours.
3cavry cf Kre. Eriinr. Who Was Shot
by I'uryenr.
""Urdu! In the Scranton 7Viluns.
STRouosiiLftii, Pa., April 21 J. E.
Nycu, of E;ypt Mills, was seen on the
street yesterday.
William Eilenberger is 111 at bis
hoiiiu on Main street.
Elmer Warner, of Weatherby, was a
diner the Indian ',' i i Hotel today,
Samuel H, Turn and Johu a. Schoon
over, of Bushkiil, wero attending to
business in town today.
Mrs. Jacob Posten is home from a
week's visit with her daughter in
Newark, N. J.
W. W. Iwen, of Parsipany, N. J.,
was in town today. He is one of the
original iuventor of fibre-ware.
On Friday evening, May 4, ths Yonng
Meu's Christian league will give a
grand phonographic concert in Grand
Army Ropnbiic hall. Lyman H. Howe
will operate the wonderful piuoe of
E 1. Morgan, the well known jjv
eler of East Stroudsburg, who recently
came off victorious lu a suit for divorce
brought against his wlfa, has succeed
ed In getting the custody of his two
bright c'.iil !r. n
The Stroudsburg Electric Light com
pany lias been unable to locate tho
trouble in their machinery and early
this morning telegraphed for an expert,
who is expected to arrive In time to fix
tin' matter before dark
Tbe Lehigh Prenbytery, which has
boon iu session at Bethlehem, held
highly Interesting i Among
the defegates electa 1 to I as
sembly is the Rev, S G Hutchinson,
pastor of tbe Presbyterian church of
thie place.
Mi Christian Ehlera, who was shot
by Purvear, called upon D strict At
torney Williams at his idlice recently.
The lady is looking very well, her
strong constitution making the process
of recovery very rpi I, Mrs Etilors
did not care ta'k ah ut the lynching of
her husband's iililid-rr, DOT could she
be Induced to look at a picture ol the
Sundry Nwi Not Compiled by a L'.vt
fpcefuffofa Sera a ton IWeaea
JgRMVN, Pa., A,iril 24 -John, lafsot
son of Mr end Mrs Henry Sauford,
died Tuns lay morning, agel 1 you
The funeral take place today. Inter
ment in R is Hill oemetery,
Rev Stephen Jay. of Busquabauns,
is ihegutn( his bro:tier, Tnun
Jv, of Second street
A large number of tbo Odd Fellows
from tills plaoeleft for Come this even
ing, and at the hour of writing are no
doubt enjoying the hospitality of the
brethren of Ihe Wayne coun'v lolg.
Tonight at the residence of I r S D,
Davis th mum social Will h held, tb
proced to he for th- St, Jam's Epis
copal church At Enterprise nail in
concert for th benefil or the St. Aluy
siUS aociety will b giveu.
Mia Clan Davi returned yosterdsy
trom a few days viait witu friend lu
Hy rtason of tiie breaking of the
shiere wheel, Ni 1 shaft WM Obliged
to suspend operations at 11 a. m today.
It Is expected that work will b re
sinned Wednesday morning.
Cured of Catarrh
reels Liko A New Woman
Since Taking Hood's
Indigestion nnd Sick Hoadttchen
Also Rolioved.
"C I. Rood A Ce . Lowell, M iss.i
" I have been Ukh.j.- II ! B irs.iparllla alnee
Lwt Deeembet (or lnUfvsUon, catarrh sod sieh
hSSdSSbe, and it lias m4s uie feel like a lien
Srnsssii When i cemnwnced lakh n i dM not
li IVS any , uUU and I u vears I ball to be ve.-v
careful al t my ili-t. N.. I . ..u eat at.) ala.'l
of final without anv distress afterward. I had a
severe ease ol catarrh, and tins with Ii lattice
tlnn hnu. itht mi lie.u. ut alia.-ki ..I i a h-...!
Mhe. They bothered me very much But alnce
Likiuji several bottles ul Hood's Haraaparilla
All Is Chanced.
It lias cured mn of raurrh and lay otter
troubles. J boos nery one similarly af-
i.i le.i hui try Heed's Nrsaparllb) and bs
coi.v laci 't 1 1 Its n.erit." Miss Klla .lone
SO", UU I'ldladetphla. Penn.
Hood's Pills era hand mads sad pertesl
Ul uml auiea;anee. i5c. a tox.
DIITM1 Nlloi Iti.. i lawlUUglJIWeMti
HI. si m 5a SMUI-; 1 . THE WORLD,
'.I n?i Hit1 tf1 m it deaYsf iirn'il.M ,
This I ni'... sjolld rreneh Doagota KM ltui
ton Hjui delivered fee aoywl ra In tla- t'.s.,,i
ris-elia efl 'll-li Miihcv Or.l.-r
V ( 1 '
rjk' t-'", SJw Kauala svsty wa lb n iti
i 7 ri, 'j : ! !n i. I If loll t - fol
I r. I i i.i. i ,
ourselves, tiieivforo ws eesf
nnttf the Jtt, ntule anil trrur,
1 It any Is net eallatu.t
wo will rilurul Iho merry
or send snothsr pair, i-.ra
tri.min hfi;o
I K.ft KK.
U-n 1 o ft anal half
MMla StntSpwttiwtf
tiV (if u Ut fit vnu.
X-.v llluttrated
n ..." o nyii rcncDdi ct
1 teunt to I'.illn
, 0 Every Womai.
srirnctimes noeuB a rell
able monthly regulating
rn prompt, aitfo nnd certain In result. Thn ser.i
"nt 'Dr. t'oal'ni never itisiippomt. sent aujwlian.
"0- PsslMeClrlnaCo .nearoloadiOa
Sold hy JOHN- it. PHELPS l'harmaolst
cornor Wyniiiliitf avenuo und Spruce, utrent
Boriinton. Ta.
to hbautifcl pict train, every
cocrox roii ant numiier.
i i if
kVJ - a Ml V.
J V i
Head one Solid Sore. ItchiDg Awful.
Had to Tie Ilia Hands to Cradle.
Speedily Cured by Cutlcuru.
Our little hoy hrnke out on his head with a bad
form of I'cieina, when he was four months old.
we tried three doctors, but they did not help
him. We then used your three Cuticpka Kkm
iihes, aud alter using then eleven weeks exactly
cuununy; va uireciioiiH, ne
began to steadily improve,
and after the uso of them
for seven months bis head
was i ntirsly well. When wo
began using it his head was
a solid sore from the crown
tohiaeyehrows. It was also
all over his ears, moBtof his
(see, and small places on
different parts of his body.
There were sixteen weeks
tint we h:ul tlx L ...... hla l.-nwlj
tied to the cradle and bold them when he was
taken up; and had lo keen mittens tied on his
hands to keep his fincer liails out of the sores,
as he would hi ratch if he could in any wav get
ins hands loose. We know your Couctnu Ran-
I nil seure dhim. We feel sale ill recnuiiuuudiug
toeui toothers.
Webster, lud.
Parents to know that a single application of
the unci B RBMenilis will afford Instant re
lief, isTiiiit rest and sleep, anil peiut to a speedy
cure m ths most torturing and dlsngurltif of
in snd scalp diseases, end not to use them is
to fall In your duty, ciinim RutBOixsars
the purest sweetest end most effective km
cures, hi, K..I purltlers and humor remedies ever
eumpounded, The) sppeal with Inislstlble force
to mothers, nurses, snd mi having tbs care of
children. iTtrenta should remembtr that cures
made iu rlnlilhoisl are .ipet-ili, economical aud
F"ld larootliout Hi world. Price, Crnrcna,
aw , 80r,ltt,; BssobVBNT, It, Pur ran Ducal
anii Cusx. Coin'., Hole ProprMora, Boatoo.
Mow to Cure Mkln DtSSSs,H mailed free.
Hkiu and Bsslp purified and beenttflSd
hy Cl th DaS riiiAC. Absolutely pure,
"pains and weaknesses
u female- instant) ji relieved by that
iew, rlreant, and iiifallihle Anildol
to rain, Inflammation, and v, . , -,(
ihu Cuiltiint Aoti fain iii-i.i.
Dr. FD. Ore wer
Th" PullidelphU Specialist
An1 n SSpeUted Italloi BntdUdi at.t r
ea I L)li aaua. ar buw iarii..i,i,i,tly iocatod
Temple Court Building
Whf. IU tu,y m nmsuitod U.Ul.V AND
bl MA.
Th lVvt.,r u , gr.luu nt th tntvar:ty
'"' lormorlf tesaessitrater of
l')-' oarrand sarnr ti, Medioo-Chlr
trKii-ai Ulhwa ra" Philadelphia l i. also
ai h. notary iutnb( ..f ihu Medirti hour
jical AaaooUUon, and waa phyalolaa sad
urgiH.ii iu ehlef . f ih n.nut n.,t.-. Am-rien
tnl iierman l.iapjuviv roiriMi hu'lii Imlonad
' '-' ' KM ut I'L ,l...i bi i .1
Aew ,,rk.
Bis na.T reur .,f fnAr'.u eair'ene a-
al lo ihu Hntnaut phrslotM n 1 inriMii U
eorreetly dtfnre. and trt atl aefiarss '
nd d:H-- with th- meet tta!terinaie-ei
and in- tub steadies la lbs stats will uot
1L hlui lo ar. opt av InCUl abts
I us . H.tlilliiiih i.i - mi. i ii
v) r u m ss ii i si i i i ur.T)
It you have i-so iven up Of your phvsl-
alaaoall spoatb eoetor sad bs easmun-L
I'ernr.'i ii... .. ,,.. of Nerrnn Hehllity.
gerofula, old Kir. i ai.irrh. 111. Kma
YV-aknen. AiTartloo nf the Ear. Kv. Hose
nd Thr it. Asthma, lavafii. Tum.w I
core and Crind of every doeerlptiosi Ooa
saKatioa in Knellah and flea nun ftm, winch
shall bs eeasUered saursd and trtoily court
OSS Hour- n A. SI. I,i V I'. l. Hall;.
Run.lai. Ua. hi. tii p in.
Third National
Bank of Scranton.
tateasoal Fh as, ItsM, sailed for h?
Ilir t inn Irnller ir the in rriir,.
I.I -in im , ,
l iinni
I i lie. I siHlra Hi. ml-
Othoi Bond
Bomhlai Ron .
rrrimuuiH ,.u I . s l,,ti,u,
DttO frmn l.s lieKMiter .
I'll Il OBI ItaiiUs
I ioli
a i , .' 1 11..140 no
.. 113,578 IS
vs. 117 1. an
.. Ma ri
., : i. nu on
Cos am 79
1 1 a ii 1 1 mi s
i ' i i i .i i
I iMllvldod (fronts
I Iri'iilalliin
Dlvldoeata l npald
Do petal t ,
Hue lu llauka
.. '.nn nnn oo
fill ! nil
7S, 000, 00
. . ,1,564,000 .",4
a I.SO I 550 do
il l i t FONNI i u Ptaeldoal
OKU II CATLIN, Vlro-Pyldaal
mia i roRa
vrilllan Connoll, Uoarare H. Call la,
Alfred liinni . I. nee Arenbald, Honrj
II. Un, Jr., Wllii.uu T. buiitli, l.uthor
K, Her
This bauh offer in depositors eeery
tin lilt n urrniili il hy I In Ir MlanOOO, lul-
nees ami respaaslbllltir.
Sitecliil allehtloa BlVOn to hll-lll oo-
ootiDla lutoreol iialdon Uinodopoolta
Tin' GENUINE N Haven
" Mathushek " Pianos
New York Warerooms No. SO
Fifth A.venue.
Bole dealers in this section.
OVFICB 121 Adams Ave , Toleihouo BTd'g
Hnvhu' secured the BROSIKG FORCE of
illlniii Hluniu & S m lor a pot mnnciit hual
liess stand, I shall conduct BdeBtttM and
rStholostcU rhoeini for the I reventloii, Ke
ller and I'n hi of I.ninencss nnd other iinpedl
nients in the movements nf Horses Inciili utal
or duo In imperfect ahneiiiK. I i-hall (live tho
work my personal attend n and truaranteo no
extra ensrgo, except for improvement Lams
not., etc., win ho t rooted afternoons, a froo
clinic uml ptofessioiuil advlio glvon every
Monday from I to il r K
Il tfl
EverythingFOR Everybody
The Fair
400402 Lacka. Ave.
Always the Cheapest"
Dry Goods, Ladies' and
Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Notions, Fancy Goods,
Infants' Wear, Cloaks,
Curtains, Boys' Clothing,
Boots and Shoes, etc.
Commencing Monday, April 16,
we will place on sale Special Bar
gains in Every Department.
All New Goods
$1.40 EACH.
The trreatest bargain in
Brass (Onyx Top)
406 and 408 Lackawanna Ave.
Just (o Give the
A DETAILED price list of our im
mense stock of Eurniture, Car
pets, Baby Carriages, Refriger
ators, Mattings, Stoves. Crockery.
&C, would crowd everythinr out of
this paper.
And we have too much respect for
editorials to do anvthiiiLf like that;
besides, of what
toai in a single line.
The Lowest Prices in N. E.
Cash or Credit
With every purchase of $50 orover
we present an American Onyx Ein
ished Cathedral Strike Clock.
With $75 or over, a 100-piece Din
ner set.
the market. A few of the
Tables left at $6.00.
'11 aStfSvZS
Editors a Chance
use when all can be