t TFT SCRAKT02ST TI?n5U3TE WEDNESDAY OTlTsTITG. A PUTT 25. 1894.' 1 retn. , i All in a T?.rTiT " jjl It ! ii unique llgUt to view .. t I',..' .1 I Ua . .. r ' v- of drinkers of all nutioiis. lanuageR, manners BOd 00S" tuines hurrying down in sin gle file to tlio Spiudel Sprinj? with mi earthen vniro rang in their Land or slung by u eiritp round the neok or over tho shoulder, Mid patiently wait Iiik their turn to sip of the precious fluid. For three oeutnriM or more all sorts and conditions of men, from the klug to the tr.imp, have nilgrlmized hither in search of new life or relief from pain.. But we OAtinot in these OOtOpetitire dnye :ltord the time or moi ey to travel so f-ir nfleld, so it is brought to your doors bottled ill its natural and original form at the Spring, or in powder evaporated on the spot, and so trail known 111 the Carlsbad Sprndel Water, and I'.irlsbad Spmdel Bait The cignnture of Kiener & Mendelson Co., AgenU, New York, is on every bottle, Beware of imita tions. PITT3TON HI.PFf.NING3. Events in and About Eoth Borouchs IM.fly Notid. Flucial lo tk .vrm.'m Wfiimf. PiTTriiN, Po April '.'1. The side walk in front ol Elterch's bakery, oi tortb Main street , is ia bad condition and dangerom to life and limb. It should be repaired at once. Treamrer Watson, acknowledges con tributions to the hospital association, us follows: Mrs. Catharine Kitter, pro ceeds oi oyater tapper, $19; In-is mnch rircln, Kind's Daughters, Mrs. William Gonlding, treustirer, $10, John, aL'ed years, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Qedde', of Spring Brook:, died yesterday morning. Tim funi'rul will occur tomorrow afternoon at 1 o'oloek, interment will be in Lung oliffa eeuieterv. Genrce C, Stebbins. the singor who n from pantos Evangelist Whittle, was this morning piloted through shafts Not. 5 and li, by Mine Foreman Benja min Harding. Tins is Mr. Btebbln'a Qrtt Vial I to the eoal regions, and he expressed himself s hig.ily ple.ised with the place. Ha says the coal miees are much the same as the mines near Jerusalem, wliaro, it is thought, the stone bloeks of toe temple were qusr ried Scarcely a niuht passes but the resi dents ia the vicinity of Church and William sire''ts are Compelled to en dure total darkness, more or less.owlng to some defect in the are lamp sus peiideii at thn intersection of both streets. The trouble should be rem edied witnont lelav. The congregation of the Broad Street Methodist Epiacopal ohurob are con templating tho erection of a new edi fice). The new front recently pnt into tin bniMintr of Hush oV Son, clothiers, is v-ry attrarti7 and a deel led improve nieut, architecturally and otlierwiao. Csthsrme n user, wile of John Hoaoor, who formerly kept a furniture store on forth slain street, died at 8 80 o'clock Monday evening t the family home, corner Mill ai d re streets, utter a long illnsa of cancer Mrs. Hoiisr was "i7 vara of age, nnd is sur vive 1 by a husband and thrse children. Tue funeral will take ilace this nft -r-noon. S-rvic in the I rermati Luther an rhureh at oclock. Inttnncntin Hamtown cemetery. The constant rains of the past few days have ewollco the river until it now has reached the 14-foot Inch water mark Among trns from this plscs who at tended the wddiug of Dr. Abx I'ngh nd Mis Jones, at Olypbaut, last even ing wro Mr and Mrs. J. V. K nfer and Mr. and Mrs John Kosfer. of tbe West .Si le. Marris-,'0 lieenees have bsn granted to Thomas Nolan and K'.len Jackson, l oth of Avocs; John Walsh and Annie Holleran, both of 1'ittston; John li iy and Mary A. Hawlay, both of I'lttttnn. i - HAllSTtAD Wr!ISPRS. Personal sr.d O hir KnLrtnlnlnif Ntws from a Booming Town. t i ml In thr Snan'un Ttrh.tn flALLBTEAD, Pa., April M L K. Travis whs hi I'.mgl nmtou yesterday Mrs. A, II. '.'rosier, of Tnompson, was visitinir friends in towu yester day James Coddlngton, of Bingham ton, is visiting friends and relatives in town. Mrs. Will Hoover an 1 son are visit iag friends in Candor, N. Y. Mrs Ed Itosia was in Hinghamton on fiidsy. John Downey, while coupling oars in the li-lawsre, Lackawanna atol Western yard at thlaplaoe today, mel wi'h a:i accident hy wiiiob h eenio near losing his riifht arm Ths fl -li wat badly manalad and the arm quite severely injured nnr the elbow-joint Dr, Lamb dressed tbe injured member and Aitda the (offerer as comfortable possible, Cottage Uisetliig on Friday evening at V 11, at the Lnuit of Charles Komiey 00 DetOb avenue. Qospel meeting on Unndey !trnoon at ,; 80 will no -i-dresrt i y the geneiai secretary. Ev erybody cordially i-:v:t"d to attend, J n. iJ.ivi, our iiardwnro merchant, Uld a v itt to the i'srlor City yester diy. U W. BankSf, while cutting bananas iff tho str.ug at his store on Main street, dlsaovered a tarantnta In tiie 1 urrli which bit him before ho saw his danger, Ey prompt attentio.i to the wound, no bad effects have yet come. The larantnla w.ih chloroformed nnd p,.n r.u-.v bo s;eu nt L E. Tllfiuy's drurk fore. ii e Or. Wood'e Norway Pine Hyrup was oseA for years aa a preeortption by a uc eafiaf 111 physician. It is in all respects the be.it cough hinlicint- made today. Sold by nil dea'ers on a guarantee of satisfaction. THE SONS OF 5T. GEORGE. flatting: Enltrtslnm-int Given by ths Forest OltV Qrvanianti'in. , Sp-riiil to Reran toft Tribune. Foil ibt City, Ph., April S4. -The ci'der, Sons of tit. (ieorne, an organiza tion corhposod of Englishmen, held their annual celebration yesterday, which surpassed all previous even in given hy that order In this place. From 4 until 7.30 o'clock p. m., a banquet was gtvia In Fleming's II ill, A large Bomber of friends and mambers of tbe order IBtlsfled the inner tnau by partnk IngOf the bountiful repast plaeed be f ire them. In ths evening ono of the best con certs Kivsn in Fhreet City in a long ilme was listened to by a lnrge and nj prsolatlve audience in tho Opera house. Betllamtn Milton, of VnnilHng, was chairman of exercin-s. The first num ber on the programme was n selection Iff HJv WW r rr by the ColnmMnn quartette, of Scr.m ton. Py the onthnrst of applause given at the close of the sinking. It was cloarly shown that the quartette ban gained favor with the audience, in an encore they yroatly pleased tho lis: enera. The next was a speech by Ilev. F. Gendall, of Jsrmyu. The reverend gentleman made a short but appropri ate sneech for the occasion. Among his remarks he said, "Although we hear tell of the Germans taking a prominent part in the preservation of our Union in the late civil war, and iilso of the Irish aud Welsh, we would liko to know how nianv In the audi eneo had ever heard of bh English man," Two hands were raised. He then said that 80,000 Englishman had played a conspicions part in the late re bellion. Henry Carr rendered "Anchored" as the third number on tbe programme in a pleasing manner, The next number was a solo by Mrs. George Ms-tey, which though a dilll onlt one. was well given. Number five was a solo. "Nobla Hov," by P, P. Thomas, who is the possessor of a strong bass voice Miss Maude Rey nolds In a pleating manner nave a rec itation which was directed against the sterner sex in verv forcible langusmi. The Columbian quartette eonaluded Mmrt 1 of the programme by singing in their faultless style, ' I ho Old Oaken Bucket. " The first selection of part two was a glee, "Awake Edinn Lyre," by the Philharmonic glee club Of Forest City, aud composed of Mrs. OsorgC Muiey, Miss Jessie Smith, Mrs S May, Miss May Watklns, Miss Benlah Mines aud Miss Ella Hi lies. Messrs James Jen nings, William lennings.Uaorge Cols. 1). J. Jones, P. R Thomas ami .1 C. W aires. Their rendition of the piece i Was excellent. The following numbers on the pro grain were given aud groatly enjoyed by nil t?olo, "Only Speak Kindly to Me," Mrs. S. May Duet. "Ob, Albion," Prof. J. L. .Morgan anil 1'. H 'Hennas Seioction Colombian Quartette Recitation, "The Maniac," Miss Maude Reynolds Solo, ' The S mg That Reached My Henri. Miss May VVatkius Hoio, "Flee nsa Bird". Miss Benlah Bines I'unt, "Flow Uently. Deva," Prof, J. U Morgan aud 1'. It. Thomas Mrs. li. F. Aldriob,tna aceompltaned pianist, presided at the piano Among tiie visitors were notice ! the following fromJermyn; William Baatlake, sr., Qeorge Blake, I tank M iyu ird, J ha Robinson, sr.. Henry Smith, AlfreJ Waters and Edwin Waters. - - FLASHED AT FORtST CITY. BrUf Paragraph! Roco: dlrtf N -ws f.om Siiki lebaaaa'S Banner Town. tjHei&i to tkt Sprout (Ml 7nfinS Fout-T CITY, Pa.. April Jl -The dynamo wblob will be used iu the lighting of tii I'resbyt nan oburott by electricity arrived today, R. B, Qriffltbe, of Peckville. mine foreman for the Wtntoo Coal com pany, paid these collieries a visit to day, In company with Mine Foreman Benj imln U.n v. it is reported that the Hillside Coal and Iron company will work th re mainder of the week Will Hollenback, of Carbondale, was looking after Ins business IntcreetS in ibis putce to 1 iy, Knaw When lo Q-t In Lint. i'iittbufji CbaiMcfcel OflSetfa Tbe Bamsburg l'airiot o declarati 10 thai II istmc Is tbe choice Ol "the b--ee- for governor Is tlmtly. The bosssss, ap-l parently, have Joined ih poimiar procee aiett, . e Ths Musi Pathetic of ai 1 .ie. "What can bo nwrm pat bet it than the spectacle precepted byex-Uenau r Jngs,ii - that of a statesman out ol it job?" "That of Senator leftur a job without a htitteeiuan." Long Troubles show a totuioncy toward C.oiisuinption. A Couh is often the beginning. Don't wait until your condition Is more .serious. T.iko Scott's Emulsion the Cream of Cod-liver Oil, at onn. Itovercom a all the conditions that invito tho Consumption Germs. Phy tieiam, the world over, endorse- it. Don't be d'ceived by Substitutes! Ftspsrs i si astti t Hwm, n v. ah Dracehaa. E, Robinson's Sans' Laqeh Beer Brewery Hanttfaettrrere "t the Celatarated PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPA CITV 100,000 Bbll Per Annum. MT. PLEASANT AX RCTAIta Cnsl of thn tmst qnslttv f ir (lmosttn uxcnnd of nil sluw, uVllveroil lu any purl of tlio city st lowest iirica. OhIom Wtl at my nfilco, NO. IIS, WYOMING AVB1SUB, Rcsr rnoin, firxt floor, Thlr 1 Nations! Hank, or sent by mall or tuloiiliOuu to tho nunc, will icoetve prompt attention. Bsecisl eontructs will bs mndA fur the sale nnd delivery of Buckwheat Ooal WM. T. SMITH. "THAT COUGH IS A DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP TRADE Positive Cure for Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Bron chitis, Whooping Cough, and all Affections of the Bronchial Tubes. The Purest, Safes! and Best Throat ami Lang Remedy Ever Pro duced. It will cure even form of THROAT an I LUNG Diseases down to the very borderland of CONSUMPTION. PREPARED ONLY UV FOSTER, MILBURN & CO. Ak your Drunrlat for a Free Trliil llottlu. P Fi Pb 2 PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT 2 AND POTASSIUM S Makes z Marvelous Cures in Blood Poison Rheumatism and Scrofula r. P. P. poH0M thn blood btfldfttp th' w-islt a. t dtbUitsttMi nut- trvnctn to ikfii.' i iH-rti's, rsi.'.'ii dltM igi7tnjr Um ( itUnl he-iith uml hlpl llu'iil Whoro klOkttOMi R loO Baff for prinittrv,.-iMnilnrv nuA it-rli try nrplUUti fop blood polsioBlaiefs BCfott rult M 'Q. mul.irl'i, iV'-iii, uml 111 itll blo.J UQI kklll i!ijn nut! , It ku hA '. p, pUDplMt Old OOfOBlO UOtNa tt'ttt-r, iouiil he.M, uniia, rytis . rt'ina w rnav t , i: h . (mr f pootilctloa.thol P. P. V. Mtoobotl blood i-unili r mill. world, ft ltd nmkoa 1... n., kjuhhIt .it 1 icrmetfil tufrft In ..1 Oftifti, Ldl!ia aehi-sss it'in ur J-'U-'lirJ and wh ine hi.Kl n in an Imtmrs oondl Uoa, ' ia to Bonotra ii Lm etmarttie, n Mcallsvlx boDotttod by th WOO4 di rfu) tonic ud bl Niuolouftlag prop4 rtloaofP.P. iv Prtauy Aab, ivho lit" it ari'l PotAoailiii'i Hi ) iN..rir.(.i'( M", , a iif. 1 Ith. I c .11 k in ( ! i" hiarl.m; ts-nut f r. nr TUi-li.-iiiB fnniinv ..wn rn -nal k-ii-u IftajfO, I win :iff'tt with Inrt dlftOftftO, ploaruy ftiil rht'uniMtUni f- r .r, trostoq t'.v ta trntj mm pnyrictaUMMM tp-'tit bairarodi of do l.i r -, T.--I ss-rr ki. n rir'1 Hitli out rit.itii.tf r-iif. I butt- )nly t tk-n ODft b ittlft "f yoft P. P. P., n-1 cat) 1 In trf 'illy uy It ha OOVft DM in ro rf.fl than mythlnr 1 hv wr takn. icKtx re romtnt jroor inv1ii-m tu all auflervr ul tin- mt v .!inf. MR1 M M TBAET. Ppr iitfl'-M, :jd County , M. V " IV--- T" ' i'i in is m j r MM Ht vmi': t a jgas. .V . "vxi - i i SUPERLATIVE AND GOLD MEDAL Tbe abore breads of floor caa be bed at ear of the followiag merchants, who will nrrept Till: Tin mm: rtOUR OOPPOM of 18 on each one hundred pounds of Hour or 50 on eaofa barrel of flour. rer nit. n F. V. I'rl.-n, Waliliitn avnnui I (loM Mwla' lir in I Dnnnore F.P Pro flotd Hedal Uran I l)unin,.r-K 1 Miml,i Mi,il,iiv.i limit I. Hyde Park Carson A Da Tie WaaBbara nt. old Metal Brand; J aepa a si.-ir-t.Main avenue, Boparlatlea Brand, (Ir. en Ki.la-e A I..M -i r.ii.ill Me.tnl llran.L J. T.MoBsle, Boparlatlea I'rovlilmci I'ei,n..r 'lutiiH.l. N Main av. pne,Snperlal Ti.rand;U.J QlUeepta w Mai li.it street, Ho I Medal HranJ Olyphatit ,laui" .lur Ian. Huierlaiivi llran-l. Peebellle Bbalt rSiK.lsr Supnrlatlrt. .l.-rinyn f, i) Wi-.t.-ra A (' MiierlaMe AroBoald Joose s mps In t Uo . n ld Hedal. Carboadale-E B. Clark, OoM Medal Brand. Menu anala I N Poatar A; ( u iioi i kleaal. Mliiimk i M. II. I.ivnllc IRON and STEEI NORWAY IKOH BLACK l IAMOXO BIliVHR RXTRA SPECIAL BANOBRSONVfJ UNOLI8H JBhSOP'h BNGLI8II CSI H'I'I Ell HOnBB SHOIM TOB CALK l IHB MACRINBRY HPKINU sol T BTBBL ANVILS Hi LLOW8 lionsi; naii.s WILEY RUSSELL AM) WELLS Illtos SCREW CUTTING MACHINERY, Bittenbender &Co.f Scranton, Wholesale and retail dealers' in Wegoomakers' and Blaoksinitha' BUPPLIBa MrOBfl AND 1RBB US1MO. Vor Sale byC. SI. IIARUltt, Krtieiflat, SIGNAL OF DANGER.'' Wie-fcS Vkff taCBHSim ' MARK. BUFFALO, N. Y. Pimples, Blotches and Old Sores 3 Catarrh, Malaria and Kidney Troubles Are asitlrel reaaaeesl j im.i. -iTiektj- Ask. Poe Reol sad J las- ? Blum, the grruluftl LluoU purifier oa aW nartb. -n AtntRnvKW. o.. J11I7 31, 180L HBMMi I.1ITMAN BaUMet 8( VI II Ilh, (1 ItfAlt ,lli- 1 -"'lalU a l-Utlf of p v. p, ut Hoi RpnDgi.Ark.,ftBd Itui tl iitiu iur K" Tih;tn thrto month- troatnaai t tin Hoi Hsjuj uroi bottlM . o, i. Kl'ii'i tfulh y urt J ! 1 NI WTOK, Aht'P-li'eii, LWOWS C'-uiity, Oa COpts J. I. JOaUMlMa T" nil WftOM it im t0turm I hr by to'itify t tbft wondtrfQl propartloi i.f P, P p. t 1 er 11 U ii- t tti akin. I uftVtV'l UT tjTi'ral t'ltra with ait un Mik-htiy aui (iif4ifrfjtiiit arvoiloa oa my tn.ee, I triiMi . vt-rv known rn0" dy hut In r iln.iii.tii P P & wis nOOQt nti'l am nw entlri-lv enrod. (tifnodbyj J. i. j-'MVtov. hAa..1U, UO. Mkln i ftnppr Cwrotta Te$t1m' nyfrfvt tht Mayor 1$ isrjvin.ftx, Hrwi'tJ. TBSes Jaoturr 11. 1" I L Mkk. UrpMiN Baoft.. Havannah, (la.: ifnrcmrfi-I kftO tr'-'J pow P. P. P. ruf a dlaaoM -f tfis nkln, usually kni'Hti aakin u.m .'f..'' t,irt it-' eVatiilliiiT. anl (nuud art at Nrnfij It ! tr:ll-a th l.i.-l anl roniOTOf nil tf rltat l'n frtn tho aoal Of tkft diaa an 1 uroTonta nny ir-alinr of the norna. I have t.-ikt-n fls-r n b- 'iia m .1 ftyl . :.: !.'. t aL 1 1 -r ir e Will aneel a i-Ofo. It haa alao relieved BM frnta uoijfotlon nnl M n.iacb troubivfta Tonra troiy. capi w m BUBT, . . at i .-v. m oi MM MNBa i:iie3 Free. ALL DBOOOieTS SBU. IT. LIPPMAN BROS. I'ltUIKIKTdllS, l.lppmnn III !.. unnnh. fim ir, m lit X I. Jl6w. Aoi.l. M The Flour Awards "CHICAOO, Oct 81.- Khe first rfllcial BBOMeeaaent of World's rir di plomas on tluur ties besn made. A msiUi baa been awarded by th World's Fair judges to Hie tlour uisnu fai tured by the Waahbaro, Croaby 1 o., in the real Wsshburu Flour Mills, Wmnsapilis. Ilia roimoittee reports tbe Boor strong an I purs, aed t-ntitlsi it to rank as brst- lass patent flour for family Mini takers' use." MEGARGEL & CONNELL WHOLKBAll aOBHT Taylor Jodie A Co, OoM atedel ; Atbertea Co., - . la' . . pnryaa Uiarren i :..ro r.. . Qold MJal Momi, -J,.ili Mel'rillille. 11,1.1 Mcilal Plttaton M WO'Boyle, Gold Medal Clark's Omen- Frsco A- I'nrker. Superlative. Clark n suininlt - K M. Vonitir, Gold Me.lsl Liallon s K Finn A- Bon, Uol.l Mwlal Hraul. Nil hi l-.ui .1 K Hardlntf. Waverly-at. w Bliss B Bon, Gold Me.iai. I'a.'t i vvnio harlesOa'-lner. U..M Metal. HopbottOtn Hi M Finn Boo, Gold Medal Toliylianna Titivhauni I..UU-H l.uml.jr Cn. (l.il.l Mo 1.1 Mntii 1 UuiiMih in. s A. A. l un.. dill Melat Brood Moscow Gales atClsmenU, Gold Medal. Lako Ariel James Bortree, Gold Medal. PoreatClty J L Morgan a c.k. Gold M. ia! WAGON WHEELS AXLK8 BPKIN6S III IIS Bl'OKBS KIMs BTERL SKEINS It. It. SPIKES BOTREO MANHOOD I Tho (treat remedy fornerrons proatrstlon and allnerrousdlFcines of the generative omans of either ats, aueh ss Norvoui l-roatratlcn. Kail t IneorLostMaanood, Iniiiorcnev. Mihtiv Kmlaalona.Ti 0) Menial VTorrT.siosselTt sssoi Tobaopo or Optom , wMeh laod to God i i ..., . .,,.u every oiuer wo Kite wrilien Buai. antes to ewe orranuw tin monar. Bold at ILss per box, efbosse r,.i S i.OO- 1K MUXT'Mllll:SilCAl.CO.. ii jveUmO.OUlo. I : . feuu Avenue. Baby Carrie es, lefrigerators AND Cedar Chests Mill Sc Connell 131 and 133 H. Washington Ave. CA3H We've doted our credit books. CASH We buy for cash, will your CASH If jrnn do wo can save you 2j par rent CASH Unuu it ami we'll prove our as sertion es to earing. CASH We telUvs a bird ia band is worth two in th busb, tbt-rs-fore prefer cisb to crt-dit in bosloees and ran easily urTurd to do just wbat w sey. CASH The low prii-es arnl tbs nsw sys- tui fin Into fTect, Saturday, April SI, l-:il C. W. Freeman !'i nn Ave and Spruce St Spring Ginghams. We have placed on sale our line of Ginghams for the coming spring and summer. Finer Goods, More Tasteful Colorings and Lower Trices ek. ...... i.r j man cva uciuic, aic wiiai will recommend them to our patrons. GLOBE WAREHOUSE, PITTST0N, PA. Up to DATE NECKWEAR STOCK BOWS, REVERSIBLE 4-IN-HANDS, WHITE LAWN STOCK TIES AND BOWS, Something New for FULL DRESS. MALONEY OIL AND MANUFACTURING COi Msnntaoturers sod i'ajMn i Burning All AaoJ iLbricatlng U m fiso Shading and Journal Greasi OFFICE: m Went Uokawsnna Aviv VrullStBl -Meridian StrMl SaiaSnaAtSMH f II 1 p,irm.naDt)ycurot I tit SO to (W im l, I I . aiaBk-nff-n-S MVi "ii'1ru.rar.ty, baekfrl I--, ISKFtlkH. I I. .n iuj.p.f. n , uiti.ti tim ironi i Mhfmni.,pl.fHil.fn. by nail Whrn Hot9piiuf and BMerfhit, Our Maulc Romady nil poaltlvaly ciim. runs KtsSliv in . rsinuri. ill. What is More Attractive Than a pretty taco with a fresh, bright complexion? For it, use Pozioni's PowJor. CONRAD'S BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL "'vwvvwww vvvvvvvvvvvwvwwvvv'i rrlY.su lNs AM OUKOr.OMS. Dli. li. KLiUAU UHAN him roinoveil n.i.lii Bproae street, Beranton, Pa. (.Just op poslto couri-hoUHO yqunra ) DH. V. J. t-ONNKLL, Offlce ai Washmton avenue, cornor Spruce stn-ot, ovor rrnrioko H Urug store, lteslilence, 722 Vina st. Ottic-ti hours: lO.Un to li a. m. and 2 to ami boU to 7.30 p. m. Sunday, 2 to ;j p. m. )K. VI. K. Al.LKN. Ufllcu cor. !.;ivk:e JWJ wanna and Wfmliiwrton aTea.1 over Leon ard shoe Htore; ollico hours, 10 to 12 a. id, and U to 4 p. m. ; evoninifs at rosiUunce, oil .V. Washington avc; I ) K. C, L. FBUy, Practice limited to Di -V ''asos of the Eye, Ear, Noso and Throat: otllri), 122 Wyomiua- ave. Itcsldeuce, W Vine street. I )K. LM (IATKS. 125 Washiiii'tou Avenue. s Ollico Iiouth, a to Hum., l.lsito ;i aud 7 ?. P-m- Kofideuce t MadiHoii avt-nma ji'li.t L WKNJSiS, H. I). OfflOBS E and l Common wealth bulldinK; resideoos 711 Sladisonavo; ottlco hours. 10 to 12, 2 to 1, 7 to s; huiidavn2 aoto 4. i-veiiiUKi at reHidouoe. A specialty made of divousi a of tho eye, ear. DON anil throat ml ityncoolonv. VK1 EKINABY BVRVKOMa. ? 'fV Mi ti. Veterinary rjurguou, Usn-S-f . tistry a specialty; unlit medalist of On tario Veterinary College. Office. 42U bpruce Street 1 . deplume i7, u LA vt t its I M C. H.NCK S Uw and Collection of Yi ' "c"'ayo iu atoruos st., opposite Poreel Bonss. Beruton, Pa.; collections a epeetaity IBroOinoot Pi uiiHylvania; rullablo corre.pond entn in every county. iLhftLl'h iiA.ND, AttoVn.iys and Coiiiisee" l lore at Law. Unimouwealth building, V. aehiugton av W. H. JsSStTP, HoRAcs K HAftn. W li Jsssce, .in UTILLARD. WARRBN di KNAPP, AHji " neye and Counselors at Law. Iten inlican rnnldii.. Washington nve.. Si-ianton, l'.i. IA 11 Klt.su N A: Wll.i U.K. Atlomevs iiai i t wnsellors at Law , offices o and s Library building, Ucrantoii, Pa. BpoWBU H rATTlitsos, I' l l in A. SIMM ALFRED HANI), WILLIAMJ SAMO, At torneys and Counsellors, Common wealth buildlnir K.Kiina is. :n and 21 w F. HoYI.K. Attorney at Law. No IS and 20, lint r buildlBf, Waablngton avenne. II K.N II Y H SKKI.y" Law oltln,, price hiilldlng, 12S Wkshington avenue. L'KANK V OKr.LL. Attorney at !.aw. Hooui 1 ft. Lml Kii liaiiast Seranton. Pa. Mil.T' IN W, LUWRV, 1 Att'ya C. II VON BTORCE I ton av . 227 Washiug C II 1-: line ia.mi.s H OAKFORD, Attorney at lity. I looms (13. (M and 05, Cominoiiweii'ltli b Tg vJAMl'LL W. LIjOaK. Attorney at Law 0 Office JK Bprni .-st . sirauton. Pa. I A WATRES, Attorney nt Law, 121 1. Larksvisni.a aue.. feranton. la U P. HM1TH. Coun-ellor at Law. Office. 1 rooms 54, 55, 58 t'oininonv.-eilth liulldlng ( 1 11. P1TCUER, Attorney at Law, Coin- . inonwea th iinllalng s-ianpin. Pa C COM E i YS.JKi Hprnce st, " hi REPLUULK, Attorney-ixmna neji . Mated on real eetate w- urlty.e Hpruce. nt KIL1.AM Attoraer-at-Law. UD Wr omlnsayenne, Beranton. n AVE YOUR DEEDS AND MORTOAOES written and ackiiowl.slg.sl by J V. BROWNINO, Attorns v and N tsry Public. M HOO I m vJi IP h 'I. OF THE LAt KAWANNA. Berlin 1 ' Ion. Pa . i reparea tx-ya and glrla fonsjllegs or bualnem thoroughly trains vuung children Catalogue at rcjutM Hi v TnoMAa M OAVB Walti k II Bl'B I L fiaa worcebtbbu kindekuakti:n 1 ant S. iiool, 112 Adau. a avenue Pupils reeelTed at all tiuiea. Next Urm id apaa April I HI N I N1 ' C LaUBACH, Osargeeo Dee ties, n. iii . Wyocnlnf are yomiti2 ate i v -1 ii a 1 rn.N . i'"il Rsehana1 1 1 t s rpilK HKITHI.IC .Saving, and L 1 elation w 111 l,,.n ..... , m, m m4m . ...... ami pa yon better OH Investment than ny eth.-r aaaoelatkMi call on A. S. cai.Li.N Di:H. Icine Hatili btuldltic (I R ci.ark St n Bwdssssa i rieki VI, and Nnrm-ryinen. ator-t IIS Washington avenue; green h, iis.1J6ii North Main av.-ir.ie; ritAa . I .', 1 ' .Ion". Hr , OKAND I N I' M nil: s l: 1 s. 10s kcfttki, Laekawaaaa svnu ft K-rantivn. Pa . manuf r ..f Wire Vcreena Hill I It Rttai I HAS I w 'I'HE WEBTMUiBTBH, H721I WrotBOM 1 ave Roon'S heated with stsatni a., nod srnJmproTexnenu C M Tntmas?, Prop 7 IRQ LAB'S BOTKLa ! LaVikananna as nue. rkrantoa Kate, reawtiable. P Zil.il 1. 11. Proprietor. l BBTMUiaTER Hnl RL J ' W ti BCHBKCX, Mansirr 8liteenth street, ene bl.M-k east of lir.-auway at I'nlon Sonare. New Yt.ra. Amylran plan. Bf60 p"r dav and upward tpOTNl UOCSR Liu neau p an. good V rooma i wn day an.) night liar sup plied mil, the t,i P. H. COTKB, Pronrieto- CCHANTON HOI'SE. mar D. L V pas- I 0 eenger depot fHinnnetrd nn Ins ffiiriusssn plan. VlfToa KOCH, Proprietor 1 I HAND 1 ENTHAU I be largestand bsei V I equipped hotel in Aileutovt u. Pa ; ratal ! P and pjffper day V n Ton li, r-A nvre. rroprutor. Alii II I I I 1 I. MAVIS A HOI I'I'. Areliltri-ta K.mlllS j.. 25 nnd 2S 1 nior.weaith o 'dv Srrnnton. i," 1 VI At. 1 i n. Archil . !. Lll :..i t . slid Ij. Inc. VVvotmiiff avenue Bernninn. tf 1.. BBOWN. Ar.h P Arrblteet IVlee r building 12-1 V asldnglou Ave., Permit tn. ails, 1 1 1 INI in s Hai i it s orchestra" "Jii'Mo oh balls, plcnlci parlies, reoeptlOQS) we.1 illnga and etiireil work furulshtsl. For terms addrwas It, J. Bauer, .siiului-tor. 11 Wyoming ave . over noioeyps roueic store TltiHTdN D. HVVAhfS WhOLKBALB 1 1 Iniula-r, and V Dime Bank building Beranton. Pa MKOAROKE BROTH ERH. PHINTFR8 sappilse, snyelnpee, pajter bsgs. t urine, W.n ehoiisis, IX Washington ave, Seranton, Pa I 'iit.ll. s I.IVI.KY. I.VU I npmise menue First elaae oarrtacea D I. FOOTE,Afft Punerai Director and Kmhstlmer, IMtANK P. PliOWN A cn, WHOLE I sale dealers In Wood ware, Cordage and oi, einttt. 7'jo w Lackn wanna asenne HERA I NN A' m'NS. bnilden and contra.. J j tors Varda Corner olive ai. and Adams see, i comer Ash st and Penn are,. Beranton THE Thatcher :S THE BrST. fiet prices ami see the furnsce and be enn vincerl. A full line of BEAT ERS, Apvello and (ianza Door HallKPA OMAN'S HARDWARE PITTSTON PA. USHIll3!llinilllllllllIHIIs01lll!lim,l!imi!MUiDlli.IHII.!n I AMERICA aft) COUPON NO. 48. Rend or bring two of thoso coupons, differently numbered, g 5 witli Ten Touts. and get one of the series of sixteen tnagnifioent S K pLotofi'iaphs. Bight numbers now ready. Jlail ordeis,2e. extra, g nilllllIIIIBIHUIIMIIIIIIIlllllllllllHIIMUIInillllll!9l.inUIIHIIIH!l!Bl!lslinfj RAILROAD TIME TABLES. LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Antliraeita coal usoi exclusively, insurlna clean lineea and comfort. time rABU in ami r i -rn. 1, 1H9. Trains leave Hcrnnton for Pittston, Wllltea. Barre,eta, at &la 8.15, 1L30 a. m., 12.J0 200, S.). .Vim, 7.2.1. Il.ifi p. m. Kundays, 9.U0 a. m.. LOO, 2111, 1 .10 p. in. For Atlantic city, 8.10 a. m. For New York, Newark and Elizabeth, R.10 (oznreee; a. m 12.30 (express with iiuffet parlor carj, !i ;W (i xprosB; p. m. bunday, 2.0U p. ui. ' Foil MAi'fii C'nt NK, Al.t.KMOWN. BSTBL HKM, EASTOI and PBIUDBLPBIA, S.10 a. m.. 12.J),.IW, 5.1a) (except Philadolpiila p. in. bimdiiv, 2 00 p. m. For Loa B RAICH, OCKAN GnoVE, etc., at MOa. m I2.:iiip. m. ' For 1 leading, Lebanon and nanisburg, via Alien town, B,10a. m., 12,:i0, 5.00, p.m. Sunday. 2.00 p. in. r " For Pottsvllle, S.KIa. m., 12 30 p. m. H' tiirnnig, leave New York, foot of Liberty ? ul' , :.r S. r'v,'r- at 1,10 (express) a. m MO, m 4..JI (express with Bulfot parlor car) p. m. Sunday. 4.:n a. m. I-iive Philadelphia, Heading Terminal, 9.10 a. in , USJ and 4.3 1 p. m. Sunday, 0.27 a. in. rbronRh ticketa to all points at lowest ratsS nay b bad on application in advance to the ticket agent ut th-j station. 11. P, BALDWIN, Uen. Pass. Agent J. II. OLHATJBBK. Gen, Supt. DELAWARE AND HUD SON KAILltOAD. f V'tuuieiieing May 2. s traim Hill run as follows: Trains leave Bridge street Station. Kcruton, for Pltts- WTTIIUP 1 " "1. VllKI-a narre.ete., t-lfl, V m mm 1 26 2..;-, 1 18, K16, ii 1ft, '.U.i nr r i" 'i ii.m p. in. iff For New York and T'blla- OSlphia, Mala, m., 1210, l.ii, 118 and n .nip m For Honeadale I from Delaware, i-ackawannn and ttosierii .epot, 7.0, n. ji, 10, lu u.m , 12 (fl in., 2. 17, 5.10 p. in. per Cai bo idale and Intermediate atntlona, 5.40, 7 00. t:.V. 10.10 a. in.. 12.011 in ,2 17. 8.15,5 10, ii 20 and ii .A p. m ; from Bridge Btreet Denot, 2.HI a. in.. l.fTaad ii -A p. m. Fust express to Albany, Sarato'a. the Adl rnudaek .Mountains. Boston and New England points, 5 40 a. m,, erHviag at Albany 121'). sai-it - 2 3) p. lu , and leaving Beranton at I p m , airiyiug at Albany at 4.S0 p m., Sara toga. 12 ftfta. in , ami B iston. T.OO a. m Tin- only direct route between the ooal fields and Boston "The Leading Tourist,' koute of America" to the Adirondack Mountain re Sorts, Lakes Oeorge and Cliamplaiu. Montreal, ete Time tables showing loeal and through train servK-e between Stations on all divisions Dela ware and Hudson nrstSD). may be obtained at all Delaware and Hudson tleket oftirrs. U. U YOkTNO, J. VV BL'KDICK, Reeond Vice President. (Jen. Pass. Agt. I RUIOH VALLEY RAILROAD. i- Fi n. II, IsVt Train leaves Beranton for Philadelphia and New York vas.li. A- H B K at 1 a.m . 12.10, 2.3s and II 35 p. m via D , L A W. R. R., 800, BACVllJOa m , and LSI p. in. Leave Beranton f,.r Pittston and Wi'.gee. Bur.- '.all.. L ,fc VV. UK, 00, eUJP a in , I 10, i Q7 ;, p ra Leav.- Beranton for White Haven. Ilazleton, Potterine and all point, on tie- Besvrar .Meadow ami PottesHIa bram-liea. via E A VV. V . s I i.m . v i. D. B H. B R. at v a in . 12.10, 2. 1- 1 It p.m , via D . L A W. K. K , 0.00, e.Ug, ll.2o a m., 1 II. Iv i o.iu Leav- Seranton for Bethlehem, F,aaton. He.i,!ii.g. Harri-biirg at. I all intermedials points t ;a D A II It. It , a in .12 lo. 2..W. u.JJ pJn.,yU D., L. i; W. It U.,oOO.S ON 11.20a. in, UK p m. I-st e Seranton for Tunkhsnnoek. Towan ia, F.lnnra. Illiaea. lieneva and all intermediate (Hi nts via I). A II R R..K 17 a in.12 10 and 1L3S p m., via D L. A VV 1; K.. LOS a m.. LB) p m. b-avr S. i.in-ori f.,y K''b-stor. Buffalo. Ni agara Fall.. D, :r..;t, Cbirago and all point w.-stviaD All It. R. 11.11; ium.. 12 10.S.15.U.H D 111. via 1) L. A TV. R. R. and Pitutou Junction, s 0s a m 1 Ju V p. in., via E. & W. B K.. .Ml 11. in. For F.lm ra and the west via Salamanoi. vi D. A II 1; B .7 a.m., U.lO.e.15 p. m . via D L. A- W K li.. .1 BL, 1 ! and i'i7 p m. Puilman parlor an 1 sleeping or L. V. rhair cars on all tia na betwean L A B June-.. . 1 or Wilkes Barra and New York. Phiiau ip.ia, Buffalo and BespenaioD Bridie itol.LIN H W1LBOB Oen Sup-. East Dir. ('HAS s, LKE. ii.-n. Pas. Ag t, Phila.Pv A W NONNEMACHER A.. : O :. Pas. Ag t, South Betbehem. Pa. nELAW RE, LACKAWANNA AND WE8TEBN RAll ROAD Trains leave Seranton as followa: Express for New York aud all point. East. 1 90, 2.50, 6 15, 100 and s 0 a. m ; 12 5i and .1 Vi p, m. Exprsvi for East, m. Trenton. Plulade'.phtn an 1 OSS s. itli. ili, sou and V 5(1 a. m.; ii.55 an l 1 '" p in. Wast nftoa sad way stations 2.40 p. m. Tebvhanna aceomni'Kiation. 6 lo p. m. Kxpr m tor Binghamtoii, ow,.gn. Elmlra, Corimig, Bath. Dauaville, Mount Morns aiid BiUIalo. 12 10. 2 15 a. m. and I 24 p. in., making close connections at Buffalo to all points in the West. North weal and Southtrest. Bats eocomm alation. ISO a. m. Bmghamton and way stations. 12 37 p. ra NirTiolaou and wav stations. 5 45 p in. hinghamton and Elmira Express. (05 p m. K( ress for C. rtUiid, Syracuse, Oswego I'tlea and Rlelill. 1 1 Springs. : 15 a m. and lM p. m. Ilsra. 2 15 nnd s.20 a 111 and 124 p m. For Northnmberhand.nttatoa, Wtikes Barra, rivir.'iuth. Bloomabarg and DanrlUss making" el as eooaeettons at Northumberland for VVllllam.'is.rt. llam.burg, Baltimore, Wash Ir.gt. t. and the South. Northumberland sod intermediate sttrtloBa, (fut. V H) a m. and 1.3U aud A07 p. m. Nantleoke and imermisliate s'.ationa. SOS and ll.lD a in Plymouth and iiitarmedlats atetfona, UOaad !'.;' p. ra Pullmiiu parlor and sleeping roaches on all exprt aa trains. lor detailed Information, pocket tim tables, Stc. applt to M. 1. Smith, city ticket officii, ,c- Laekawanua evenue, or depot ticket oitlca. am t.i nil ii(tN. In I ll I Innueri 2Mb. IVH. Snrlh Hniinsl. roe 20? ioa saniilh nnunn1, sot eosj to Stations D a d - a (Trains Ually, r.x- r ; r , , cepi suuuay 1 , i- u Arrive use ye 1 7 .V N Y Prsi.klln s: .... ...J 7 lo West I'.'nd alreet ,... .... ; ui weetiawken i ....I .... 7eJ 7 se Ssul r M '.'OS i' 11 I N SSI 41 KM I vs :iod .1 isj r s P M AfflVf 1. I'll VP A U S '."'." 10 ?bS 7 SI T4V 7 ' 7-i ri in 7 11- r f. Mi 1 It ii.- .1 unction So' 1 ( it aa; II. inc s k Starlls-ht Preston Park 1 , '.no PornteUe Belmont rieiiseiii Mt, I lit 'ndiilc Forset City Carbouds e White Bridge MarfleM sernurn Archibald Wlnlon PeckvlllS oit pbant lilcksun Tbroop Prot Ldenoe Park Pisco (' is .... tia .... (M .... 45, ....I (&5 1: 1:1 til VI fli s .... 11' 1 1 :( , at N 9 45 a is a ,n .!-.' 11 si; f, Is ' (11.0 I 7 STI 11 4S H 3 ttisUsa ... 1 11 5 90 11 S3 (IS SU II -'S n n 11 If lie I . -' I ' VI 1 1 is ; :'.i ii ss s 45 7 4:I0(19 S 51 7 I300MI M 7 4S in 1,1, ;i :, 7 59 '.ii 1-4 04 7 M 10 171 4 i 7 ". .'I'. !,4-' 4 10 ... 1 . .'! 4 1 K0I0 9! 4 17 80.V10S0 4 94 I k urn OH.', M7 e;:. 50 S-.': Ml M in! 4 V (1 I'. I .. f6 ISM 51 II '.'1 II 17 11 11 11 II la C 10i I MS II u Beranton P M'r i 11 1 save Arrlvr All trains t un dally except Sunday, f dt nines that trains stop oa eafoa) for pas seegeri Addltl ma! trains leave Caroondale for scrnne ton 1.10 uiid 1,16 p. 111 . arrlvltiif at seranton l.lal Slid f.OO, Usve Seranton tor carbondsls (.60 and (i.sfl arrtvlnj;at cartiindalt- at 7 SSand ti.l.v p. m. (.ecore rates Ma Ontario a Western before purchasing tickets ami save money, Pay and rUtujt K (.press to the West .I.C. Anderson, Oen. ini'S Afrt. T. FUlcrott, Dlv. pass, Agt. fcranton. ra, V7RIEAND WYOHIHQ VALLEY HAIL Ii KOAD Train leave Seranton for New York and in terinediat.t points on the Erie railroad at IV3S a, 111, and il4 111. Also for llnwley and local points at (85, 0.(5 and 8USsp.ni. Train leaving at 9.48 a. lu. and 8.11 p.m sre through trains to and from Hom-susle. Trains leave lor Wtlkes-Barre ut 0.411 a. m. and (.il p. in.