I X THE SCI? ANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY MORNING-. APRIL 28, 1804. SCRANTON TRIBUNE F. E. WOOD, General Manager. fCHUFHKII DAItlY AN1 VrXBKtiT IN SCRAN TON. PA.. UV 1IL '1K1UUNB FWUUIM CourANT Nrw Voi-k CrKlCK: TiiIIiitni: flrii.nivn. Pram a s an ju- tntm Rrn tir i fan .Vol J.'o"" I HE SCRANTON TRIBUNE. BCBANTOK, AI'ML "ii. 1801 One of the amusing features of the passion hour is the battle of ri v;il re alty Interests over the location of the new Bwetland street bridge. It is a :oiitest by which tho public is more en tertained thnu agitated. Cosl of the Coal Strike. President BIcBrlde, of tho United Mine Workers of America, is quoted in a current interview us having said that within two weeks the 180,000 mi tbruirite miners of Pennsylvania will have joined in the big coil strike. Mr. McUrnle lias probably been misunder stood, lie can scuic ly have made the reuiurk attributed to aim; or, if lie did, It moat have no- n without reflsctioa and at total variance with the truth. No sue i Intention is held by t lie an thracite miners. They luivo better sense. In this general connection it is uot uninteresting to recall some pertinent Bgnres relating to t tie recent big strike of coal minera in England; that mas slTe labor biitllo in the peaceful settlv inent of winch the e.irl of ltcsebtry, not yet prime minister, bore such a creditable and successful pxrt. This Interruption of tho processes of mining, transportation and manufacturing, lasted altogether sixteen weeks. The normal i Utput of coal during this time fell from 88,000, 000 to 89,000,000 tons. The miners surrendered 134,000,000 la wage, in round numbers; the iron work-rs lost 118,200.000; factory and workshop bauds, through involuntary Idleness due to lack of fuel, sutreuUered $15, $40. 000, and other losses inoreaes the total to 01,040,000 This item, it unoulil I" undi rstuod, rfers solely to wages. Then were Othtt neros of loss. The total loss of net profits, divided auio''g bund teds of induatn-s, h is been const-rv iiiveiv saiimated at 108,878,078, while, owing to ttie Increaae i nee oi cost oi c tsioned by the strike, another Item oi Iota is anpplie 1 amounting to p - 18 000 ilerr, then, wj have an gfgrsgst money loss to the popt f Great Britain txeeedtng $160,000 000 aa the rsul of six n weeks' suspension ol the cosl mining industry. The com potation is a r ngb one ani omits to tske into account the decline in Tallies Inevitably due to any general conges tion oi i'ldiutrial activitis; or the un avoidable friotions, jealousies an I ill feeling which lie in the wake of ev-ry litter dift rencs between employers an ' imployed. Hut this amaslng loss was confined to a em ill country scarcely larger 'ban the combined areas ol Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana un l Illi nois, What would be the result of u corresponding tte-up of the industries of t!i- United states, coming at the Diomt-nt when long buslaeai depres sion bad begun to show signs of lift ing, but when the country was not yet fnirly convelrscentt Uimn whom would such an incalculably ruinous and Lurtfui blow fall witn greatest heaviness, upon th rich or npm the poor upon the euiphiyers or upon the smpli yed loget er with their wives end children) The bitnuiaions minera of our conn try are sincerely to be pitied; first, oe-cau-e of tn t rn trend of trade wnre by their wag-a have b en torcel down below a fair tnirgin of a leqa ite com pensation; and secondly, DecBBSS in the attempt to right this acminnlsting economic wrong they have chosen a time when for evsry penny that they wr.st from their opponents they will ii 11. ( t tbousandi of dollars of ios noon fellow workingmenlo other Industrie, upun the general business of the coun try and afterwards Indirectly upon their own families in 1 themselves. It is a REPROACH ip-jti the American people that for years tney permitted deepoilen of their for- s:s to waits regnlnrly every year more timber In the form of bushes, limbs uud high stumps than tiiey ns to-dav Put thll evil Is slowly Hiring Itself, thanks to in aroasol pabllo sentiment it ought to lie an equal reproach up n us to know that in too extravagant uiisgoveruuieut of oar large American cities we iqu in -dor more- money eac.i year than would be needol to conduct many municipal governments of equal aizt in derided Europe. Congress and tin; Press. It is unfortunate that the pending postoflice bill curries with it an amend ment a increusing the postage on reg ular serial issues of books in parts aa virtually to prohibit the cheap popular literature disseminated by means of standard "libraries." Tho nin"iiiliiii-nt raises the postage on this kind of pub lleatious from the low pound rate now in vogue to the costly third-class rate; mid applies aa directly to ch-p re prints of standard works and creditn H t ni u ar issues ol scientific, literary or technical works as it does to the lurid yellow-covered novel or uiekal "shocker" a:; i, list which it was espe cially directed While it is desirable to have good booKs command n good appreciation at prices consistent with good mechanical as well ns literary workmanship, it is indisputable that cheap popular re prints and standard literature' have done more to educate the great mass of our citizons tbnn any other agency outside the Hchool room or tho nows jiaper press. The fact that a play by tSbakespsare or an essay by Addison finds widespread favor when issued in a neat pamphlet form and sold at re tail for two or three cents, is a salis'uu tory ofTsst to all the harm dono by the ebnse of this low postage privilege u Illustrated in the' general vogue of blood-and-tlinnder flash libraries. There is no demand today for tb suppression through postal enactment of objectiouahi literature. The people of this free country are us abundantly qunlilied to choose their own intellect- unl food as tliey are to clioosa tho ma (rial fooil which sustains their phvs ical strength, It is altogethr an uu wliolesouio conception of tho (UDOtiODI of republican government which would have congressional leglalattoa saper esd ladtvldael jailgmaat aa to what bookt and pnpers the psopl" abatl or shall not rii 1 1 OiQKfaa uiiv with atire propriety yt farther ehpn the coal ' pottage (o ih- p-oi'l-, i.u i s under ni itllBtlon to nil to ihl oot in the m un r inn-it-i in the iDVnduient which the lions of repr seutativ s him rc-iitly added to th l-odlug postal appr prUtlon hill. Houston has on grosro the fire lim itaoi blocnm Hollow and oan have new cues none too s ou WrtAT has been done by councils to ward extending the present antiquated tire limits of the city, iu accordance with the mayor's recent recommends tions? Why should an important sub ject like this be overlooked'.' Is not each day of deluy u day of needless danter to property and perhaps llfel Fires do not usually uccoiuinodata themselves to the slow pace of munic ipal legislation and the sooner this oversight is corrected by a modern and comprehensive uew ordinance the sooner will iuer- come a reduction in the uncommon tire risks which con front owners of property in this mu nicipality. Mr Maori now announces that he is for Grow and Huff. rVe congratulate Mr. Mages for tnus getting into the right band wagon at the very begin ning of the triumphal procession. Banish the Ballot Thieves. The recent conviction in Carbon county ol three Democratic ward heel ers upon a charge of irregu!aritije com mitted while Serving upon election boatds won for t bum. Mining ether thiugs, a sentence of temp n ury dis franchisement. This recall vividly to mind the srticls which Representative tlaliisha A (irow not long ago pro posed for incorporation in the new constitution of New York state, to h formulated by the constitutional con vention which will assemble at Albany next month. We alluded to the sub ject at tho time, but deem it Wi rthy of a second reference in the light of num erous later developments in the art of e s t e in 1 1 c billot frauds. Aftsrdefin iug the m inner in which ballots su .11 be oast, Mr Qrow's amendment ooii tlnnes as follows: Any person duly convicted of voting or offering to vole a! any election, IfOoWi ig that hs i- uo a legal voter, i r or vi ting or attempting to vote at any election on . n v oi h'-r name than t.i own i igin (ul lism, ol of Uiitel) registering or attempting to reg ister for the pm pose ol votl ,g, or of mek. log eoy false return of the ir-ult of it. y election, by a false count of balloteor by changing in any way a correct return so as to make u an incorrect tun-; or for any other wilful violation of th- Laws enacted tu M-cure tair elections and an h-o.e-t count, ehall be seutenced by the c.iiirt to Lard labor in tln penitentiary for not les than BVe nor Bore than tWentT-Bve earn, and a floe of not less than SoOU m-r un-re than t.'iO-'', and !-1 1 ; t I b- fnn-ver ib-burreil from voting at any election ami be dii iiuaiitied for holding any office of honor, trust or prollt in the state. Ul perm-t knowingly and wilfully aiding, advtstag or encouraging any person to c immli an of the foregoing enumerated acts, hhaii upon convictkiu receive tne same sentence as ill- peiron tvho slinld anually commit the act. Any person convicted a- afore .-aid, a-i priacip d or accessory, xbah not be pardoned or tiave his liabilities removed, nor ebail bis sentence be changed or in any way allerel by the pardoning power or by act of the leifi.iaiure. Bncb a provision In the constitution, backrd np l y a reaolate mid determined puidic sentiment, wonid undoubtedly cause the downfall of Murpuviam, Cro ken.m and kin irjd obligarcbies of bOSSism founded on the esteinnuc proetitntion of the voting liberty ol the people. Nor is p-rmanent deb irrm-nt from c:iiz -iMlnp one iota too draatle a punishment for tttOSS who p.V this ne inrious trade of electoral tr as m. Pro cription, even, would be jnstlBable and COUld viiih s.fly be ail Id as an extreme punish m ut for crimes of eon sptcnous beinousn-is. Tne Carbon OOUnty judge WOO limited his s-ntenc-of dlsfrsBebisement to a putry three years w is merry r e in. ate tie time the American people stopped fooling With this evil and began in earnest the work of effecting it cure, i e - Editor Penmkan. of the Plymontb Tribune nes declared war upon Mayor LiOdsrlck Md bis police i flicers. Iu a Oolnmtl and a half article, which is to be continued, Editor Penotman she-Is the lays of a lurid sranb light np-.n the workings of the Rl -l ul orgamea tion of Plymontb and r. veals the chief magistrate and his minions in an un favorable position. Editor Peuniman sUles that he, In company with a num ber of frieuds, was arresttd on Sunday evening without cause su 1 was fined $4, all upon account of an article re flecting upon members of the police force which appeared in the Tribune columns on Apr) 8. As the e ll or of the Tribune is evidently eovere I wltli a COattog of war paint of the nveruge thickness f decorullve stereo relief, it is probable that Mayor Loderick will sooner or later be made to r'allz- that he bus unconsciously reclined upon a buzz saw, Business-liko Methods. Philsdslpbls an i Berlin are cltins of almost equal size in 1 well typify the best feamrea of the municipal progress of their respective countries. Any com parisons that may be drawn between theffl SW essentially coni sris 'ns be tween our entire American thnrv of municipal g ov trntu ut, as Illustrated In practice, and that which obtains among the pooplo of Germany. A letter from a Berlin correspondent of nn American newspaper detailing methods of street cleaning iu the German capital lies be fore us. Its facts tiro doubly Interest ing to Scruntonians, whose streets, if clcaiiod at nil, rarely during the home of business give any evidence of the fact. The entiro business of street clean ing in Merlin is committed to an ex pert corps of skilled workmen whos "plucos" aro permanent during good behavior and whose pay is con litioned npon the value of tho servic p-r-formed. Ten, fifteou or thirty years of continuous service entitles tho work man to retire on a life peiiBinn, which increases with the recipient's period of faithful service. A generul manager conducts the department, but every section of the city haa its overseer and subordinate foroe, who are held rigidly responsible for results and who suldom fail to produce results that eun bear scrutiny. Every uight at midnight the city is scrubbed as carefully as if It were a kitchen floor. Tne refuse is de posited in tall iron boxjs distributed along tho streets, and soon oarted uway iu closed wagons. It ia tho testimony of all who have visit d Berlin that even after severe r.ins the streets are s- olean and fr.-e from inn I as the marble c Ur I yards of the city's palaces. Y t c -t ol tips m B'-nt service 1809 wis only 488 000, while in th mtui' yer, for rviCe not tu b m a tiolpd in t me nreath, Pnilad-1 nhii pill )37,Oi)0 Mir nrr -vcy nonce of Berlin's refuse la n'ilz-l In such a manner as t" return a consider able revenue, which tends to rednos the iii st com of tho street oleaning de p :ri men t There is no reason sive our own carelessness why Amerloan municipu: " ties should thns bo put to shame in comparison with the corresponding cities of over-crowded mid, us wo are want to contend, 111 govorncd Europe. If we were to exact the same rigid per formance of duty from our public of ficials that is taken for granted by lbs urban inhabitants of the old world, our visible results would soon equal their', and ought in time to surpiss them. If the repuhlio of America means anything it meal a a distinct a i vance from monarchical models, Hav we yet m la Hiica en advaucs in the governmei t of our eitie? '1 lli;nii suvuit w a a time before in the history of mis cou itrr whn one dollar would purchaso greater oppor tunities of popular education than It can toda. There n-.-ver was a tiin before when civic ignorance bad smaller excuse for its existence Tin; BAi RRDMRsH of a soft suup like that 80,000 yearly pension drawn t-y the Duke of Edinburgh fof being out the royal fuudly i? a sp dec -f rever ence iu which Americans cannot join Some of them even begruJj Urover Cloveisnd's iqusl salary ' STBAKaEB 'illlNiij have happened in Luzerne politics then could be the Domination of S-nator Clarence W Kline for congress, in opposition to Mines. And mavbu ho would 1't make 1 linos sksdaddlel COVSIORRlNa CaNDIDATR SlBUtY'8 readiness to psy bis money. Pennsyl vania Democrats seem singularly re luctant to 1 Ivef t gitods. ( OSSIP Of Politicians. Th I'.rio l (!,( i vilimtly defeod Giles U Pries fr-mi tue loslnnaliou that loasmoeh as li eras fT -rr-. 1 tb nomioatloo for awt tr aanrr at Ihi Repablicao convi-otion In 1891 end I" cleclwi'-il It, iiH is no longer sllglbls fo il I- see oo lbs nt.ita ticket Th Die. patch says tlut Mr Price harl that y-ar "been called Into the field sea candidate for iin lilor vn-xtX on tin trctiKth of i i n pecnliar qoaliflcttlons for that oOoe, IN and ail nil rricndi and aopportora felt that it wis th plac in which bt s ni l render tbe bint service t tli stats 11 was nol a oan did it for at y otbori Bee, uud f'lt Ibal If bo consented to serve t tin people in- nnulit to liav tbe privilege of rvin tiit-m ina position wirre his servleu sronla be worth the most, lli eandl d ii-v was not s ilra net, thrown 001 with tbe Idea of nuking Bsb of any Ibing tiist miirht ut into it, and be vrj1 properly dscllnod to t" iiominatd for aii)' I 111 M which bs did not wish an I Which th- ieoile w-ro not nukior Inn, to take." 1 1 ie of J ick Robinson's most snergs i ir- li-ntensn's U District Attorney Detweller. ol Dsnphla tonntv, wtioxc rsoenl visit to Bcrantoo, In capaelt) iii ills-net il-putj for t!i I lr in I 1. 0 I of K'ks, it pleesarttly remenbeved Mr Detwvller will not csaka an acti -fT.-rt it. bees the I) nt hi . dclsRatlo wmi over for the Ue da c mgreeaiaao, lnt it rnigbt i-rjiid the eandldaoj ol Lyroaa D, OliUri for the attorosj generalship in Basting's cabinet; lor hs ia eparinc nn p iina to help Robins 'iiwlir and SI I S Is oloss in th- C - ii it-nro of th party Isadsrs and petaon aily itifliixntlal with nil clues--. It Is nroliaiila that he may prove an Impor tant factor lr. th" tigfht. Mr l)twir Is booked to dcllvsr aa Arbor liiv a drsa at Barrtsberg on Friday, aad If his rocMit ipeect in tbls city be aay orltcrtoa the orstlon win he a most hi joyable f vatr.re of i ii- d ly'-t i-ierciiu-. t Spsakini; of the attorney gaacralsblp oalla to mind tlu fact that t(nr- la sew asplraot, Odlonsl B Frank Bible in in, i i 1. 1 i iti-r. I'hn in i i-o i in-law of the 1st obisf Jostloe llercor, was formsrly a inambrr of (lorvriior Bavsr's staff and srvcd witu Bast ings at .ImiDStown. It is gcaerslly Ih oi : lit that tb nomination of ! Senator atyllo for tho auditor gsneral nip will Invalidate Ooloael V. lUraaa's ilairos, Inesnnob as ths two positions would aoaroely go to toauty. Tb snnonocemsat thai JngsSad erol c'riil will not b a candidati for rei otnlnatloa as nri nl Jo l o' Cnaib rlaad county will tak from th main ju liciary ona of its brihti-t end mint respected inmhrr It hat been known for soon- tim- that Jtnli;- Sadler was inooeedinu to well in crtiu bust ness in Vf i iiinnte, OOtably those in which hs is Interested In Carhoulnle sad which ars under tb sfflclsat ssaa sgstnent of his son Wilbur, as to osns won I- r why li nhotil.l c r- to OOOtlnn his career on 'h bsaoh, Bot there a -oo prior intimation that be would re tire within Him prsnl yenr, and tbi iwwi now oocae Ions eminent smoni bis friends In tbls eloinlty, sltnongb n is contnsns aigaiy s munm ntary to ul fit oris "S n j uliji. :ul to his admlr . Cle uocIhI (jiialltle.i s c s POLJTICi IX BfttaUi Dosrs: Tim liuclis county dele. -at ion will, it ia aid, be lor Stewart Brat and Lyon ssooad, There arc nineteen Democratic candi latfS f or the four ISgislaUV pt-K'' in Vork oonoty, Jndgs ciuyton, of Dslawars county, chiitna to nave th'rty moro delegate plt ded than aro needed to innure his ro- somfnatna, If gallant Colonel Kicketts wnnta to go down beforti the coining HsstlogS uprinius lio in keeping that wish closely luckiil within hi own brenst. The (sot that Krie county's delegation Is for Robioson, altbongh not opeuly iu utructo I, 1 believed to exprean a feeling by Erie county Rspnbllosns adverse to tin- tactics of the snnporters of Waller Lyon. Tim latter hud roiiiiiit (iilra D. Price with nnnecessary ssvsritv uud the election of Robinson men is one of tho ecaseeaeaess, Tba Altoonn Tribuue which hni tieen qootsd an aathorlty for the impiloaMon iinit Representative Rootaaca had offered 11,000 for the IJIair county deli gatlou flat ly den lea havliiii ever raid or iiitltnati d anything of the kind It oppottaa Rohin. Hon, but readily ncquita hitu of thia tlsm d--rou cliHi-ge. Will the PhiladeipniH Press ilettuo uiakoa note tberuolf "DAINT cracks. It often costs more to prepare a house for repainting that has been painted in the first place with cheap ready-mixed paints, than it would to have painted it twice with strict ly pure white lead, ground in pure linseed oil. Strictly Pure White Lead forms a permanent base for repaint ing and never has to be burned or Scraped off on account of sealing or cracking, It is always smooth and clean. To be sure of getting strictly pure white lead, purchase any of the following brands: " AU v.it lc , " Bey mcr - Bauman . " "Jcwett," "Davls-Chanibcro ' "Fahnootock," ' Armstrong U McKclvy." For Colors National Lead Co.' Pure White Lead riiitinn Colors, i one-pound i an tea sS"Pound keg of Lead indmii yoerown psintSi Bavss tune and annoyance in mstchlng shades, and insures ttiuln-l p.iint that it is pos sible to put on wo-hI. Siralus a ppsUll raid .'aid get our book 00 paints und color-card, free; it iil piotahiyaave youagood msny doluui, NATIONAL Li:.D CO., New Vurk. V. e are I idquarters lor Everything in Our Line. REFRIGERATORS WATER COOLERS ICE CREAM FREEZERS HAMMOCKS and BABY CARRIAGES A large lino of New and Beauti ful (loods, till suitable for itts. Coarsen, demons & Co. m LACKA. AVt, T T TT ill . . - -. . a,ikW M Iki Fines t in the Citf. Tnt latest Improved fur i.i lings and apparatus tor keepiag mat, butter and egg" rrs Wresalan Ave FIRST MORTGAGE 6 BONDS UF TllK FORTY FORT COAL COMPANY. A limited number of the above bonds aro for sale ni par and ac eruei! interesl bj the following parties, from whom copioi of tbe mortite ami full iuturniation ean Ik.- obtained; B.W. Slnlligan, Oaabier Beoond National Bank, Wilkes Bar re, Pa. W. L Watson, I ashler Pint Na tional Hank, Pittaton, Pa J, L Polen, Caahier People's SiiNiti.'S Bank, Piltston, Pa. A. A. Bry den, President UiMn' Bavin gs Bank, Pittaton, j'a. And by the Beranton Savings Bank ami Trust (J.iin.ianyrruatce nnder the Mortgage, T. H. .thertoD, Ccnnsel, Vll.K i:s BABBE, PA, WANT a LOOK An xtr tin.) 11-tiry F. Millar IqaSN l-lrn-o An ilia II ie "OUIok jfln' iiure I'liino a good Hemes Brothers Bqe n P-aao... A good Meyei Brothers iniaru Eneno.... a ifood Firtli -v I'oiid bunre I'leuo A bh.hI rlaphonte Squsr 1 l'ieuo A Vi'l V KOt'd llu.twu I'iun.i ( o. WSUntt fjprjgal A vi-ry kikmI Wheeloek upright Pleno., a very good Wheeloek Dprlght PUno., IITB ITfi nm ul GUERNSEY BROTHERS' NEW STORE rinncH ASK YOUR GROCER AND INSIST UPON HIS FURNISHING YOU WITH STOWERS' DEJwicious, utzjn sxjoxi otjiied adsolutelt rxrnu HAMS. LARD. EVERY HAM AND PAIL OF LARD BRANDED. TRi5rLIED THE GOLDSMITH'S BAZAAR Wastes no Breath Upon the Desert air IN TELLING YOU WHAT WE KJTOW AND YOU KNOW ABOUT No ariicle of wearing apparel fur tho ensuing six months will be so prevalent and universally worn. Millions have been and will be iiiiule ami nearly every Dry Coods Store will keep them. Bui to get tht proper fit, "there's the rob." We have made this branch a atudy, and not a single garment hat been placed in stock before being thoroughly Inspeoted as to lit and workmanship und at the same time to bv applied at prices within the reach of everybody. this year can be obtained at nearly the prices of Cotton last year. Just think of itf $2.98 will purchase a go "1 Silk Waist, stylishly Ami when it comes to Cotton Waists we have them from cents Ladies' Capes and Having just closed oul from a prominent manufacturer his entire Garments, Son oan get your pick much below the usual price. Goldsmith Victors With tho New Valves Out of Biffht I Our new BtCVcle9 are DOW! ito be seen at our 31 1 Lacka- wanna avenue store. victors, SPALDING, Kliw, GENDK0NS, And a full line of Hoys' and Girls' Wheels. We arc mak ing extremely low prices on Second-hand Wheels. I 11 Ul IflLLini S14 Lacka. Ave. . FINE ENGRAVING WeddiDA toiitatioflj, Announcements, Reception and Visiting Cards, MoDOgrams, Menus and Dinner Cards, Reynolds Bros. Stationers and Engraven. 817 l.Al KA ANNA AVB Wo tiro oflering a now edition of the Book of Common Prayer, well DOnnd iu cloth. Two Copies for 25c, Singla Copies, 13c. J.D.WILLIAMS&BRQ Piano or Organ Cheap? AT THE LIST: A yrj nood hi iiliiK r I'prlulit iMeno. US A M:i ., 11 A: llniiiliii.iii-iii'ir iiew.liih'li top. ilnllli,.- -e4 All A. B, Chime, iiraily lieu, Sigh tup, 1 Inn 1 ,1-, M I ' A CbiciiLio Cott.iue.linifcrli' in-w. lllu'll toil, ri iioiiiii,' roeu ISO I A Worceiter I'm I iloiiblu ree l to 01 nesrl) Uuw, high top, 224 mid Organ at Wholesale nnil ttotnil. OB fhsUflttSOU. STOWERS PACKING SHIRT WAISTS some plums in Brothers & ENAMEL WARE ir ONE BEK we will soil Enamel Ware at the following unore oedented prices, Tea and Coffee Pots ONE-QUABT, TW04)CABT, TBRSB-QDABT, FOUR -QUART, riVK-QUABT, flOc. 47c. 5 3c 60c. 70c AUo nFMiln nntl PiwMrrino KpttlM. Si, , n-t- Pa.na ami Pats. i Wash Dishes nml T : Kettles at equally low prions, Foote 6c Sliear Co. GLOBE SHOE STORE Reliable Goods One 1 rice Satisfaction Guaranteed 227 Lackawanna Avenue EVANS & POWELL, Proprietors Dr.Hiii son Albany Dentists ,- Mtt SS-SO; Hm fS: fflf SOU rei" t -h wlt.i i.t ptei' 1 1" ' er 1 IrldM wnrk. rtl fbr rif nd rfe retire TtlNAUOIA, (or eStnetUai i-ot! sntBOOl lalu. NoetBSe HOgSSi u I ii I IStai A I IOH M HANK. Scientific Eye Testing Free By Dr. Shimberg, Thd SpwUllt on ths Eye. BSsAMDM Ifsl iiiemees retleeed, ljtt end improved Btrleet t-yo Olessss nd 8i.viii;lt the UowestPrloesi ui ArUUcmt Kyej lassrssd for ti J05 SPRUCE ST., op. Old Poet Office. A Slei.dsrl.neerly new.Uin'.i top.Uoulilii reed - - - in A "lii'iiiii.:r, nesriy now. niga top, double reed.... - M11I BOOSt SB Other wood second uaml or gain. $-'' to twt The ebore eolleotlon of Beoood-heod msro- mentesreell in i-'onil order, fully innr.ui teed, the grestest bsrgstas stsr offered Is thll City ( nil und see tliuiu. bwtSUIDSBtS or d s -ount f-ir cash. WYOMING AVENUE, SCRANTON. CO., SCRANTON, PA STANOIHC OR LAY OCWN UOLLWt made) with balloon sleeves. upwanl . Jackets simple liae of the most Stylish Company. CONWAY HOUSE I mi ISS sad 13d 1 r.N i.m 1: On the American Plan. runt. in's Dtsrssi nu-l best Mjulpped hotel SiV OP1N TO TllK. POBUG llt-ntfil t Rleem. Rteetrle Belle, nmli 1 til-, mi ri li It nor. I-M-Ei'. Well Lighted ml -lry liooni. Bverythtai Complete, ALL Till. StODERM IMPKOYBTSXEItia UnU-ii oo eoroiid Boar. Qood tauiple room ettsessd. P. J. CONWAY, Prop. UllilllllllKllllllllillllflllllllllllllllU s c 1 DO YOU REQUIRE 1 I ACCURATE TIME? S WE II a t: IT. m 1 EDWIN GslLOYD42! Lack. ve. niiiiii(iiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiii.;:!!iiiiiiiiiirii S EED POTATOES A 1.1, BE IT rAURTIlA ONION SETS Ami all kinils GARDEN SEEDS In balk and iu puck HRw- Pierce's Market PENN AVE. . 1 1