TTIE rVCRAKTON TRTBTJIOJ-WEDNESDAY MOKXIG-. APRIL 25. 1R.M. 3 Lacisum All Things Musical STELLE &SEELEY 134 Wyoming Ave. men c.KADi-: PIANOS writi'K, SHAW, BUEB80N, 01 11 Kit MAKES AH. I'ISICE See the Shaw Piano from the World's Fair in our window. A Foe to Dyspepsia GOOD BREAD -USE TIIF- SNOW WHITE FLOUR 'And always have Good Bread. IIANITACTTKFU) AND FOB SALE TO THE TRADE BY The Weston Mill Co, BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS ! 'i nrwiii'iE po?',ii '.a Punch Cigars HAVE THE 1N1T)A!S G . B. & Co , lien-iitr. on Fai-h (M("r Garney, Brown & Co. Mfr'a. hi 1:1 1101 M Mil Allft DR. H. B. WARE KPKl iamkt. EYE. EAR, NO&E AND T Li HO AT. OFFICE B00M:TSW-S!k '85 WYOMING AVE PERSONAL. Cornelius Cronm, of Kingston, is in the citv. C. F. Knapp, Of Bio imshurf, wm vester dv ia Bcranton. E. P. kfneklow, "f HiniTrill. wm yes terday In thn city. E B VanDske. of Wilk'S-Unrre, was in the cty yesterday. L H. Bennett, "f V. illie.-liarre. was in the pity yeeterday, Mr !. I: aeoleld and daughter ere, in Haw York, an route for E iropa John s, Coortrigbt, af efontrooe, wa engaged on buines. hr. yesterday, E Itelbeimer and J. K. t)avi, of Will wnsport, were visitors here jraa terday. T. a. l.ichtblaer, o( Efonesdi,ie, aen- KBBi'd r,n 1 isit ess v"i!" ,r, theiity. Sheriff I: W Hornby and J. D. vVeatoa were BoorsdalS visitors here yesterday. J. r. Boweo and '. B, Morris, well known Floffalo real estate men, are at tiie Valla? Honaa. I). E Phillips, of Hsbasoy City, and A. B Strongman, of Honesdaie, are nt tho Valley Hons. K. A. ni d 'nnrles Hutchison, of Wilkns Barre nnd Kingston, respectively, were here yesterday, George R. Jones, of Biugbamton, and Ji nil Hfmelrelch, ot I'ottsville, ar at th" Ve-t:ninsi. r. C I 11 1 K. H. Utopia will deliver his fa reons " tote on Andaraonrilla pris m nt Untnndnl April BT. Mi?g Bridget Bnrke. or Arohbal 1, is rla Itinit her couslo, Mrs, Owen Ctttick, of Lackawanna avenue. Mre. B. Kessier nnd Mrs Kate Banner, of Brandt, are rnwta at the lioaie of I ;ty Superintendent Phillip,. .I0L11 O'Connell, of st. Bonavetiture's railage, is visiting bl cousin, Miss Teesls Bvrosnoy, of North Washington avenue, Ex-'-erIf (.f the Courts William Daniels combined pleasure with boatoaai In a trip to Mt. F'itoi.o. He expectelto return lat SVOUIDg with a lnro String or trout. Thomas J Monagben, of Monsgbaa Si Kate, 1 be Lackawanna avenue barbers, ha been taken to tba Lackawanna bos ptal to be treated for a pelvic hone dis ease. Is'ey Noyes, assistant secretary nnd IrcaenreT of the Bqrsutoa Traction com pst,y,ims bean affeofed with throat tronbla and conflnod to his apartment) nt tho Wyoming Bouse, John P. Connolly, of Trenton, Canada, formerly employed 111 this city at the Boa tiu Store, has returned to accept a pos i- Upn in tbe dry gooda atom of Connolly & Wallace, on Washington avenue. GERRirY-DOUGHERTY WEDDING. Ifflsa Margarat Qrrltir and Mlohaal Douaharty Marrld at tba Cathedral. A very pretty marriage ceremony occurrml at noon yeaterdny, uniting Jilifa Mnris'Hret (lorrity nnd Michael Dongharty at St. J'nter'g eatbedral. Kev. J. A. O'Keilly offluiateil. Tho bridcauiuid wan Jlisa Helen (ir rity, a coimin of the bride, nnd the groom wan attended by bis brother, K. T. Donglierty. llr. nnd Mia. Dougherty doparted for r.n extended trip in the west. Tho groom is a Dhiwrp, Lacka wanna and Weitern engineer and is very poptiUr with his fallow employes. Stenographers Furnished. We are prepared to furnish business men With flrst-rlnHii stenographers by the day or hour. Expert bookkeeping a specialty. Boranton UommareUI Anaociation, Liui ited, ffiS Spruco atreot. m Baadleaton ft Woer2'a and Ballantlne'a Ales are tbe beat. B, J. W alhu, agent, W Lackawanna avenue. MORAM carpets cloanod for 3 cents per yard by the Scrautou Bedding Co. NEWS 8F WEST 1 Marriage of Hiss Jeanetle Penwarden to Tliciaas M. Richards. REV. D, W. SKELLINGER OFFICIhTED Ceremony Was Performed in the Par lor at the Bride's Home Mr3. E. Tilson to Leave for a Visit to Eng land Cominc; Old Folks' Concert. Other Interesting Personals and News of the Day Recorded. The West Side office of the Bcrantoh T hi lit' NIC is located at 1010 Jackson streot, where aobaoripttoua, advertteemeuta and commnnicatioui will receive prompt nt toutioo. A very pretty home wadding wm that of Miss Jennnetta Penwarden to Thi '.nan M. Kichurds at :t o'oloak lant evening at tho home of the brlda'a mother, Mra. A. Pen warden, on Washburn street. The ceremony wm performed by Bar, 1). W. Skellingar, of the Waabbnm street Praabyterlan ohnroh, Tbe home had been prettily decorated with potted piantc, ferns ami Qowera, Tba entrance of the couple into the purlor was nccompanled by the wedding march from "L ihengrin," rendered on the piano by Mrs, KumoI Whitman, of Boneedale, Followlug the oereraony a Wedding attpper was served, ami at 11.20 o'clock Mr. and Mrs Riobarda departed via the Delaware, Laoka wanna and Weetern railroad for New York, Philadelphia and other point of interest H i t!i ir r" turn they will reaide with Hie bride't mother, The usera were John Bdwarda, Percy Watere, aud Qeorge Bnrrowman, of Bcranton, and li. Max Dayman, ot Pittatou, The bride has tieeu a teacher at No. l" school lor over two yeara, and li one of the most graelooi and pnpolar of tbe Weat Side aclal ael Mr rtiobarda ia manager for E l- Poller & Co., at Doryea, and is well and tavor.iMy known. Among those pyeaent from ont of town were (It-orge V. Penwarden, Charles s Penwarden, of New York city ; Mr. and Mrs, wtiiiani renwaraen, Mr and Mm. li J. Penwarden, (J W Penwarden, all ot Honeadale; B, Samaon, Mia Liz.i- Scarry and Mr. and Mrs L. D, Wolf.-, of Carbondille; ('. K. TrombOWer and John U Livf, o( Pittston. BpWOrth L.aeus Concrt. The Simpson chapter of Bpworth ieague connected with the Bimpion alotbodiat BpiaeopaJ ohnrob, has de cided to give an old f Iks' concert and maple s iar aooial in the v irli rs . f the church on the evening of M ,j l'1 This concert is to be a novel ol I f ilka' en tertainment, The old time mode of loiiducling these concert 1. is l-en -t neide and a more modem plan adopt i, The entertainment i nn I r the preon al snpTVtsion of Minor WorJeu and K P. Eyre. N'ws Polled Down. The Sliver Lake qo irtetta has Men organited with the following mem bers: Cuarles Rlcbardi, Jainee Mat thews, L. V M rgau and Will Col Una Tne infant cl ild of Mr. and Mrs. U.viJ Jenkins, of Scran ton itreet, died M'm lay vening Mis. P. Tiieon, of Booth Bnmnei avemi-, will leave today for tne steam ship Tentonic for an ex'.--'i led riali to hr birthplace, Leeds, England, she will ba a been! nntll Beptembir. Mr. and Mr William liigaina and daughter Edna, or Poreet City, nr Kiieaia at the home of H D Jonei on Mi nh I'vdo Park iv mne Miss Edna Yonng, a aalvatton army c ptMiti atalloned at New Y rk and l iCirnter of Mr.. Yonng, of 1113 Jack sou street, came home yesterday on a tistt. Professor William W Jones has re cently m ni-1 the following Valuable ad ditlous to his choir at the Simpson Methodist E lacopal rharob, Mr. and Mi Van Qorder, Mia Cora Btortn, William Back, Ueil liiayr ami Llew ellyn Jo it ilannah Jenkins, daughter of John kf, Jenkins, of Dn villa, is visit inn her aunt, Mr W V QrlfflthS, on Nor. h Sumner avsnoa Mr' and Mrs. allies McDonald, of Bath, N. Y , are visiting .Mr. and Mrs Thomas McHale, of Jackson stroi. Mrs. Henry Williams, of Wayne county was th guest of friends on this side yesterday. Charles Mabsr and John Seefalk, of Wilkes-E.irre, weru on this side yester day. J. lines Tierney, of Peckville. was a cllr on this side y.-stttd iv. Wnile ln- festivities ov r the miT- nage of Mrs Christopher Cole, of Price street, ai d Ptr rbomss, two well Known people ol matme age, was in progress Monday mgiit, a gang ol mis obiaVOUl youths broke into the cellar of Mr' Cole's house and stole a keg of beer winch they carried to Gammon's BUI and drank. WAS A NOVt tNTtHffllNMtNT. Hundred Young L ll.s K J) I Peanat Hunt at Y W C. A. In the neighborhood of 100 young women and girls were at the YoOUg Womou'a Christinn association rooms last evening, enjoying th" weekly social, and, Incidentally, a peanut hunt and musical entertainment, furnished by tbe Bbaksspsare circle. Tbe peannl hunt va Indnlged in with much gimto and amusement by about sixty of the young ladle ElOb was furnislied with n paper bni; and she who found even as many ns Utteen peanuts, bidden about the building. considered herself fortunate, The in I programme consisted of a piano solo by Miss Porlar, Kiiitnr duet by Misses Peck and Klassl, vocal solo by Miss Jossplune Med way, and recitations by Misiee Norton and Par ker. In the gymnasium tho young ladies wen) led in fancy uarohing hy Pbysioal director Miss Lois Shnrdlow and en joyed parlor games i e . LOUIS BtHIK FOUND GUILTY. Convicted of Having Bmbsaalad His Em ployers' Money. Before Judge Archhsld yestetday morning the trial of Louis Behle, of Arohbald, obaratsd with having em bezzled funds of Tin: TRtBDNg Pnblisb iug coiupanv while acting as agent, was resumed. The amount ,,f Behle'. de falcation wn fix-id at $i 30 by Professor F. E. Wood, the general manager -of the company. The defendant's counsel maintained that the proceedings should have been brought in the civil cfmrt In the form of an action to recjvor a debt. From the evidence the jury believed that I'ehle deliberately converted the money due his employers to his own use and nl ter being out for a short time re turned a verdict of guilty ns indicted. Major E verett Warron couducted the prosecution and Attorn"y C. Comegys the def,-,ise. Arthur (rretrory, Owen Fir.ngan end George E Morgan pleaded unilty to having burglarized tho ptoro of Joseph Mean on the West Side several months ago nud were remuuded until Saturday for sentence Frank Bbanloy was nrraignad for having assaulted Edward Humphrey at Olyphant on Inst Christmas. Hum phrey declared that Shanley knocked him down and kicked him, While Shan ley maintained that tne knocking down of Humphrey was purely accidental and that the latter retaliated by chew ing defendant's fnuor. At 4 80 the jury went out to pass upon the facts. In the case of Edward CoUghlln, oharged with assault and battery, a Verdiet of not guilty was t.iknn ami the costs placed on William DilliOU, tin pjosecutor. before conr adjourned last evening Attorneys George S. Horn nnd E 0 Nswcomb asked foracontinuanoa until the next term of the case against the local agents of ant of town brewers,wbo were arrested some time ago oharued with violating the liquor laws. Dis trict Attorney Rally strenuously op posed a continuance and Judge Ed wards therefore refined to allow the esses to go over COMING ATTRACTIONS. Of Barlow Brothers' minstrels, who will be seen at tbe Aua leiny o( Music tonight, the DdUVSr It public tU save: Not a moment is lost. The jokes are brief, Crisp and pointed. The musia il well selected and the s dnNts above the average. Tbe company carries its own orchestra, winch appears nn tbe stage ia the regulation Brat par.-. The stage was bnudsoinely hmm with silken drapery. There are Id end men, inolndlug Mark ham, tbe K 'Hoards, the Uorrit mye and James and Billy Barlow, After tbls comes several noveltleaio the form of ob is and original special id -as, funmnkers and acrobats, PRIMKOIH AM WE8T' MONTI CARLO Today everything is ou theelevated system all fun nud lots of It required hy the tbeater-ioing public The "funny man" has made n national rep utation and today is In demand, The spectacular play of "Monte C irlo," in troduoiug the eminent minstrel some diatis in whit -fate, (ieoro Wilson and the famous Gorman brothers, under the man uvni'-nt of Piimrose A Vst. comes to the Academy ol Music Ihurs diy evening Notblog can be norein tT. sling loan this play, as it keeps yon laughing throughout tbe performance A company of tbtrt) people nr.- need n in" production of "Monte ( '.,rlo. " CORRINNK IN BRNDRtCg III DIOR Evr iuce she first appeared in this city at th- heid of a poj tilar price op ara rotnpany, eight or i n years ago, Corinne ha been a ur-at favorite with the theater go-rs of SsraUtOO, and the announcement that she will appear at the bead of the Kunb ill 1 1, era i omlque organltstion nt the Prothinghatn the a'r tomorrow evening lu t ia success ful i nrlesqne, "Hi u !ru :t II idson," will be received with much interest hr br numerous admirers hers. Corinne has been surrounded with a company num le-iirij over e-xtv psr.'ormers. eic'i of whom is eithr a g o 1 linger, or dan eer, and quite capable of supporting ii o star in faultless sty',- A H. PALMKR -.T.m K COMPANT N. ver befi re iu the biatory of Bcrtn ton theatricals iaa u company of 'equal streugib as tbe A M. P.. imer original stock i-i mpany, winch will i. at the Frotblogbam rriiayaod Saturday, ap pasred in this city, Wilton Lackeys h is leu here a Isiding man of th. AristoOacy Company, Virginia Harned has bsen here a leading lady with E II Sotheru nnd tb Lady Windermere Fau rompany, and airs I p Bowers lias beau here with Frederick Wr le m l toe ,1 H-rsoti Ploreno sompany, Howevsr, at tbs Protbiagbam theater 00 Pn lav and Baturday VsnlngS and Sitnrday sfternown, Mi. Lackaye, Mies Hurned, Mrs. Bowers will all be seen Wlh tl" Palmer foinpuiy. in sddrtioo to such fsinons aetors as J H Btoddard, E M. Hol land, org-' Paweett, W dden Ramsey Edward M Bell, Kent. Pax, Herberl MtUward, V. M Pred A 'I botnpson, l. w Preebrsy, Madeline I: intoo, Jennie Bastace, I I M Oon I le-t, Ann Chart, Btanton Herroo, K .- Bsrrlngton nl Emily Prom The attraction on Kri lay evening will h" ' Saint and Blnuers," on Sitnrday vicing "Jim ii Penman," and at the Sitnrday afternoon perform nice a double bill, "One Toooh of Nature" and "A Pair ot Special !," will be given T he s lie f leatS fot the Palmer en gageini'iit will oin at Powell's this morning at 9 o'clock sata will also lie plae u sale at Hart's drug store, Wiike Ii irre. - ?crsnton' Buatneaa Eatereets, Ths Triburi will aooa pnblish a care, fully compiled and elasstnad nt of the leading Wholesale, banking, manufactur ing and profeeslooal Intareata of Bcranton ami vtetoity, The edition will Is. bound in hook form, beautifully Illustrated with photogravure view. ,,r our public build logs, buslnees blocks, streets, etc., together with portraits uf leadiag eltlseas. No sinulsr work baa ever given an equal rep resentation of s. unpins many Indus tries. It will In-an invaluable exposition of our tusme.s reeouroSS, Sent to persons outside the city, copies of this handsome work will attract new comers nnd OS an BBOOJialled ailvertisenient of the iitv. The cllXU- latiou is n a puts that caunot fan of good rialts to I hoes concerned as well as th i ty III large. K. pie-cnla'ivos of TlIK Tlillii :l will call npoil THOSI WBOSB nasjkh are dksiiikii in tin. idiiiouaud rxplalu its nature more fully, Thoee desiring views of the-r residences in tni-. edition will please I aVS netlCS at the offloe. ' 'is Hamteoiue Ll p av "The Kaii" at Ion and 1 1 j Laskawanua avenue has on exhibit tbo W. B,Osrset display from the World's Fair, Chisago, I80A which received the gold msdalaun the highest award. Vefterdav all day the sidewalk was thronged with ladies admir ing tbe exhibit, Which is really a work of III I. igton's HOMS BAKERY. We have a lar ,r3 assort nient of PLAIN AND FANCY CAKE), ICE CREAM and WATER ICES Leave your order at 227 WASHINGTON AVE., or 413 LACK A. AVE. Our Lackawanna avenue restaurant open until midnight. Huntiii BF III Properly Owners Rut Having S'giicJ Pav- tog Peliiica ARE WITHDRAWING THEIR NAMES Think the Bonefils They Will Rcceiva V' i ; I Not Compensate Them fortius Outlay C. J. Ruddy Retires from the Fight for Secretary in the Inter ests of P. J. Wlessitt-Other Inter esting Items and Personals. The property owners on M ijile street, between Pittatou and Stone avenues, reuret having siirned tin peti tion to councils, asking that a resolu tion be introduced for narrowing tuu roadway. Maple street, from PittSton avenue to Hamtt) court, is out of line wilh the rest of the street bet ween that and Btone avenue The present aver age width of tbe etreet is OS fe-it; and tbe substance of the petition of the property owner is to reduce it to a nnifuriU width Of 80 feet, thereby add ing 15 feet to tho depth of the proper lies on one side and 10 feet on the other. Several of the signers are withdrawing thir name It Ii argued that Maple street from its steep grads will never become n much traveled thoroughfare, consequently ths amount of lah ir which the ohange would luvole could not be competi s.ited by any subsequent improvement in property values. Withdraws In Fsvor of Maaslt. Prominently mentioned for secretary of toe Total Abstinence Diocesan union of Bcranton were Patrick J Mes sit, a member of St. John's Total Ah stinence society, nnd 0. J Ruddy, a member ol St. Patrick's. It nc ceded that the tlirht would simmer down to these two in the convention, and no oilier aspirant for the honor came iu the Seld, But Mr Ruddy now retires from tbseontest and h i thrown all lit in tl insure) 1 1 Msssit, Tne con vention will ti hehl in Wilkes-Barra in May f h rtr Paracraphi Prom what has already been built of tl e new bull ling of Mrs M RobiUSOU, it is sufficient 10 predict that when COtlipUt. il, it Wi.l OS 111 li o sl on this ids, The snlsrtsiomsnt of st. John' , dies' Total Abstinence and Beoevoleut SOClety last Diht at St John's hall was highly snj ysd by v.-ry Itrge audi ence John II livine, preaiJent of the Catiudlo Total Abstinence union, delivered an sli qn -nt ami patriotic ad drees i n ths cause ol lemporanoe, Misa Katie Lewert, of Weatpfahl's store, is snffriog from a ver cold Two ohlldren of Charles Hoopt, of .South Washington avenue, are very sick, tint no'. lUugerKUsiv s i J bn Paaabold, or tin. Hlnck Hills. Dakota, arrived veatarday to attend the bedsideol ins dying mother m Green- Woo 1 Howell J. Brooks and Plward An-il-r-ii'.i, ot ii.miisu J, went fishing yesterday up tbe Spriaa li.ojk anl r turned with Ml speckled beauties A bicyclist running at rapid sp-el on Cedar avenue yesterday afternoon ran down a small hoy near River street The youth emerged from beneath tb wheel without even aeorsteh; but w.. so badly scared that he ooulii not tell his nam. I DC marriage of Miss Annie Morgan. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Evan l Morgan, "f Mioooka, aud lobo Medlar, if in lor, will take place tins afternoon al tin, Morgan residence Rev, r King of th- Taylor Methodist Bptsoopsl church will psrfi rm ths eeremooy. Tbe funeral ol L ralsa Brun , the l1-months-old dsbgbtsr of Joseph J. Brune, ot 043 Itiren street, was held yesterday atternooo at I o'clock n termenl in the Qrman Catholic clus tery. a ' . Da-h of T W Pedfpid T. V Bedford, who w.-i ,,re n resident ol this 1 1 y. snd a riul engineer of Ibe Delaware, Lackawanna and Wsetera ra : road, died Monday night In Washington, I). C II. was ahroti f a. P. Bedford li s Kit ers Amimtatsd. Iiwcti liolsu. of 1'in'e street, employed as a car niiiner at he Cspoass liiuie. met with a pain' il Injarv y. -ierd iy wl.n h i e eeasil ited the amputation uf one uf bis Bag era, . DOR'I heat your carpets, Have the Bcranton BeddlagOo. el sac ibem. WHY DO YUU DOIT? Why run all over laoklag for gold dull n-wuii i nun 'r daal tencsata ot guM in th ni- Ha-, rua will corn v,-r . KM to it .! it v nl Kill .- ,11 tie, ru-' ' !! . r-i dollars gold, silver and grsea A. W. JURI80H I IS I I I i I v , for v..iir a 1 1 set tail ea iiii Mis rim tmis I IHIII t. r M r, I I M Vi I I.I It V, III 10 i M. I, t Its Wlx.l M lit tl. HPOKTIMQ (It ii IDA The VI' 'i lit WRUL Leads Bicjrci . Are anas repa r ! at short lotli Key flitlns a snectalty, litre me a rail DON'T SKIP THIS. HA VI ths finest line of sweaters In town, JUSl t link of It an all w..ol hn I sweater fur I.W all wool men's f.-nm f'J.Ui toflO, All colors. Florey & Holt Y. M. C. A. Building, 222 Wyoming Avenue THE CELEBRATED mn m iastos Ars st PrSNBl tlif Met Pojinlar smt I'rfftrrfd liy Li-.m1i,ik Arnrts Warsrooms : Opposite Columbus Monument, 200 Washington Av. Scranton.Pa. NOTES TUST received large W import order. Many new novelties. Come while the assortment is complete. Carnages Large Line Best Goods DINNER, TEA AND TOILET S-TS. CHINA HALL WEICHEL & MILLAR 116 Wyoming Avenue The Great Marvel ol Dental Science A recent discovery .t:p1 the Bolt property of Heraood k Wardell i DKN I IM S. 316 Lackawanna Ave. WHAT J (i. BEAMONS JAYS ABOUT ANiBSTHENR nr. nrwMi'iii a utm , , After having elevva rttrart4 i one silling by tba palalese methml, I pm aoaaa it rutlrely satlsfaelari la .-i-n partlcalar, J, , SBAMONS vi fL I. - 1 1 W i 5 j . . X p 7 COLLINS & HACKET7 220 Lackawanna Avenue. Dunlap Hats SPRING STYLE ON SALE christiah,hS Sole Agent, 205 Lackawanna Ave. MULTICHROMES. Art for the masses. One Dime and One Coupon. Handsome line of Long Frocks and Sacks, made from Fine Grey Clay Worsteds, Vicunas and Black and Blue Cheviots. Custom Tailoring at Moderate Prices. M.artiri & Delany Clothiers and Custom Tailors. ItMSIUIirtHitliHMEHm E2KIJ." :,t;fi ream THS i 308 Lackawanna Ave. I IHillioory Dep In order to mova 3tock, we have made sweep ing reductions all around. Hats, trimmed in tho latest fashion, WORTH $300. WILL SELL NOW AT $1.25 WORTH 4.50, WILL SELL NOW AT 1.50 WORTH 5.00. WILL SELL NOW AT 1.93 ?. mm Flower-, worth 15c, a Sprays, worth 35c, Sprays, worth 45c. - g LtlCG CuTtaill De.WtlllCIt m THK i m i. ri sr DESIOMS a WORT11I ) Will sell now at II M, H WORTH I ' M Will sell now atl 75 L" WORTH f3 50 Will sell now at $275. - A full assortment in real Point de Rensisant and Real lirussels Cur- 5 tains at leas than cost of importation Sash Cartalni in all the different rj as Ovl T ' i ;.Vi3umuisiiiiiininiiitiimiu:ii.iimsitiuiciiiimifiniiiiiMiiiiiimiiiiir: 'I, f - Where tho Good Clothe Oome From. mid" fren c9itns oM laketl fr. ,,, Ihr h, -.' I rV. null!!- 1 faeture.1 l.y expert workmen, Rnely woven and fast dyed, tinelv en: sin firmly m ole, are the (rods we offer enr customers, if r I sn.i --icht woo't t.i ii the sriil roaelnea yen thit fast dree re fine (sfcrles, weO -vit and vi II made, civ., nnfio lag .itistr-tt.n. If v ia waal to get the fee bast in quality at fairest prices, coina to our It IS Itaen lbs Good Clotties ft a' f ; tome From. OUlClTJiU. . W i r- .m.-: t- , ,'i- .1' .. jT "I s5T; V. 'Women's Coats and Capes v showed you n largo collection f Capes and Jackets ut Easter-tide. Today we have just twice as many. Jackets in Covet Cloth and Twills, M oire and Silk Trimmed. They Fit Well, Wear Well, Look We! The Prices are WAY DOWN: $5.50, $7.50, $9 to $12. Think of FIFTY Styles of The very newest and'neateat Cloth iiiul Luce. Notice the $5, $6.50, Jackets, Capes and Top G-ssWss Owens Co. CLOAK MAKBBS. SUITS AND WRAPS, BPRVCB STitKtiT, COUltT not si 8QVABB an S CIO artnient bunch, sell new at 5 cents - sell now at 15 cents - soil now at 25 cents ' . la L '. I5r V? AJ. Vd a V W .IT I W are of Gro-Grain Silk, Moiro, price tickets: $9 TO $20. Garments for Everybody; CAPES