THE SCHANTON TTJTftUNE -WfiTVNTESDAY MOKNISTGrV APRIL L5, 1S94. 1 THE SECRET (IN 8 2d ACT. They start a pyramidal stand With bottles of Johann Hofi's brand. A balancing feat they next will do, These men know a thing or two Of the Genuine Johann Hoff s Malt Extract. Otic down bottlos gv as much ttrengtu mi I nourisiimmt aa a cask of 1 o, without beinc lutoxieating. Insist upon the Uknuink, which must have the ticuaturo of "Jobann Hoff" on tbe ntok label of every bottle. Mono other in "at (jood." E1SNEK A MENDELSON CO., Aitonte. 153 and 134 r"rankltu St.,New York. BASE BALL RESULTS OF NATIONAL LEAGUE CAME At llrooklyu Brooklyn l l o o o o a o 15 Philadelphia, .44004 1 3 5 0-M Hits Brooklyn, 18: Philadelphia, lb; Brrore Brooklyn, 8; Philadelphia, 1. Bat tri," Kennedy and Dailey, Kerwln mi l La Chanoe; Caroey and Cleateflta, Cro, Orady. Umpire- t fBoarke, At Baltimore Baltimore. Jl 0010 0 0 u 1 41;. bostoa U 'J 0000100 0 8 Hits- lUitimore, 15; Jlo.tou, 0. Errore --Baltimore, 2; lios'.oil, 3. Ili'ten -lioatabon aud Roblnaoni StlTett and Daniel, rjnpire tiurtt. At Cincinnati Cincinnati 0 0000 0 0 0 00 Clereland 0 0000090 11 iiits-Cincinnati, -J: Cleveland. .'1. Er ror Cincinnati, l: Clereland, :. Batter lee Parrot aud Vangban; Youm; and Ziumef, L'nipir,i Etnslie. At Wabincton Waabtngton, 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 t 0 0 New York 1 100000 0 1 u Hits Washington, 7: New York, S. Kr rort Washington, 5: New York, I, Bat teriesPetty mid UoQoire; Kusi and FaxrelL Ltnpire Lynch. At Louisville LoiiHville, 0 0 9 1 0 J 0 ii 27 hittiburg I 0 0 0 0 11 '.' 0 u 8 Hits l.iuivil!e, h, Pittsburg, '.) Error Louisville, 9: Pittsburg, 3. H.itteries M.Ui fee and raU; Nichols and Suj len. Umpire S.vart wood. A; St. L-onis Bt, Louis 11 j 1 0 1000 to 1 hu-sgci 0 011S0100 5 Hits- St Louie, 12; Chicago, 1". Error Bt L,oqis. 4; Chicago. 1! Batterle ('..irk on and P.iirkle.; .MciJill and Kutridi, L'aipire Mi Q lade. . E.nton D was Syracuse Eastor, Pa.. April 24 The Baton State League club beat the Syracuse Eisteru Leaune team in a close game today, which was called in the sixtu inning on aCCOonl of rain. Scnr.' : Knston 0 0 1 0 9 03 Byracnse 0 0 0 0 o-1.' Battartea Qillen and .barpe, Payne and Wilson. A toor.a Too Mu'h for D nine. At Altoona Altoona 0 9 9 9 9 9 3 9 810 lMlance 0 99999909 0 Hits Altoonn, IS: IMinnrp, 0 Errors Ait"ona, I ; Denanca 7. Battrriee Qaarlee, FiaseU and brook.-. Hnltou and Uranus. - ItCtLJtNaOUa Mill, At Harrisburg liarruburg, 13, Cuban Umnts, 4. GLUTS TROM THE DIAMOND. The P.mgbamton club arrived in the city yesterday morning, Breton's league team is billed to open the bat, hall -.m,;ii ut AiN ntiwn di Friday. lliecbievioni small boys have already begun to defaco tbe fence about the Bull park. On acconnt of the Unfavorable weather yesterday's game wuU liiugbanitoh bad to t postponed. The Harri-hurg rluh ixpectt tob vry I much in eyide .ce in the raoa for the pen- 1 nnnt. Nj dues Baaletoo and a few other etnbe, The James' Ilase Ball club challenges the j Routt) side Base Hall club to a gainn on the I James' Boy' itro mds on April 2V. Auswer through iiik 1 nnrora, Froin the manner in which the State League club have la-eu defeating the F.iist era League aggregations It would appear ' that the State Lea;,'U is the stronger or ganization. It is Koing to be a battle roval for the' state league pennant tbii year. Harris-1 burg, Kaetou and Bcranton already have (trong teams nod no 'enm has a walk-over ?cr llrnt place Wilkes-liarre Loader. The Allentown pa pen speak enthusias tically of Mark Morari, or 1'eel, as he is omaiitnet called, of this city, whole being given a trial by King Kelly. Moraii bus for several i-ensons played with the Luro kas of Providenon, In placing "Mike" Kelly In Allentown, "Al Johnson ie only making reparation for tbo tbrowdown he ave Kelly by nell IttgOUt the Cinoianatl association club, of which Kelly was to have been manager, and leaving him without the breastworks of the league. Sporting Lite. Much Interest is being man if (0 ted lu Pcranton'e new second baeeman, Blggine Ills work in the first games will b critic ally watched. If lie fulfills tba expecta tions of the management and Keese covers right field in proper style, Scrnntoti will have a splendid fielding and hard hitting in and out field Electric Blttoia This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular aa to need no sp.cial men tion. AH who have used Electric Hitters sine the tame song of praise. A purer medicine does notcxist audit is guaran teed to do all that is rlaimed. Klectrio Bitters will euro all dleeatea ol tba Uver ttsd Kidneys, Will remove I'iniples, linils, Halt libeuin aud other affections caused by impure blood Will drive Malaria from the system ami prevent as well as euro ail Malarial fevers. For cure of Headache, C'ontispation aud Indignation try Electric Bitters Kntiro satisiaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Price 50 cts. and il per bottle at Matthews Bros., Drug stor There is nothing like Dr. Thomas' Enlec tric Oil to quickly euro a cold or relieve hoarseness. Wutton by Mrs. M. J. Fel lows, Burr Oak, St. Joseph county, Mich. MULTICHROMES. Art for the masses. One Dime and One Coupon. OF STRENGTH. ACTS ) NORTH END. Hov. ,1 F Jones, of Fark PbiC" Mtithodiat Episcopal church, baa left here for M ntroee, where he will oQi':i ate in the future. II gret is general among all clusses of people 111 Park Place at the departure ut he was eateemeil and venerated by everybo 1 y Mr. Jones' pastorate bai beu a vei v lUOOMCfUl one for the church, which i'H ienT in n tl mriebing ooudltlun Ho was a learned nu t piotH olergytU 111 and made a host of valuable friend, all of whom with bin abundant ivccesa In the future. Rev, Mr. ilawxuuret, the new pastor, will irrive here in a few days to take charge of the congrega tion. Providence conclave of Haptasophs at a largrlv attended meeting held ut F-nner's ft Cbappell'l h ill luet evu ing, initiate t several new meiuheri. C Martin, of Pedriok'e hotel, wout mi a fishing expedition to Bhiokchinny a few days ago, aud returned yeater lav l iden with twenty pounds of trout Mr Martin it au ardeut dilC pie of Ilik Waltou. Comedian .1. F Murray, of this place, arrived home f rom Sy raouao yea lay, where he went to complete ar rannemeti's for an engagement with a com pan y tlnre. Mossrs, Dillon and Murray will rmain with the ByraOOM company until Ibe utter turt of mm mer, when they will start on tue rotd with a coiupiuy of their own. !! If rou of the Fifth district of the Second ward announce lumtalf as a oandidnte for delegate to the Demo oratio county convention. C T. Miller Is erecting au inuotiiig btttineM block at Court atrtut and Diamond av-nu. Dr. Mat Bom, of Short avenue, Park Place, is eerioualy ill M irk lloran, of Bloom avnn., rap tain of the Enr'k.i iits Ball club, hat received an pp ilntment in the Allen 'own 1; tie U ill te 1 111. A young man name William K-rn-gan, li vi 11 1: at the High work, wlin. under the Influence of liquor burled 1 OObble Hons tiironifli tb glas door of Kegan IV' I'lvnn's saloon at Weet Msr k-t street and Brick uvenn- Toe lav morning 111 !.'M ifll r Joiiler, woo wat on duty in the v.cnnty, looke I bin u;i He bad to render an ac oiint to ins honor, tb mayor, yesterday for hi behaviour. Wbn asaei why h hrok t!ie door, he replied that be did it to ;et even with Kegan beau he re futed to lend him money some time ago. He was flood 1 3 au 1 directed tn p y for the window. I.oui .Tostr' boxing tonrnamnt at r.i it 1 largo audience at Company H armory .Monday niglit Mrs. O Malley has erected a'l a 1 111; r i hi" alley cinrt in the raar of her li it"l 1 iti 1, 1-1 i in :, Vde Finn i reuorat 1 ng liie property recently purchased b him at Providence road and Court street, FREVENnov ts better than cure, and you may prevent that tired feeling by taking HouO s Satksparilla, which will keep your b oo 1 pure and frro tiom add talut an. I germs ol disi iise. BOOD'l Pilw do not purge, pin or grip-, but act promptly, easily aud efldently, .Sc. DU N MORE. This ion Lake Ariel will a usual ha the Mecca of Dnnmor pMUre seekers aud exetirsi mists. Four larg oiourtloM have bean booked at this enrlv dute, with more to follow ThOs Who have aire ly MOUrod dates r" th St. Marv eborcb, Preebyterl m oburob and tn Relief an t Independent llue compiniet. St. Mary't congregation liastixel July -1 for Iti iXCOrClon mid will hold n eiste.idfoi in lonnectloo. in which a large Dumber of choirs will participate. The Preabytartnn and in dependeot escunlona will occur in dun and th Bellel day will be in An gust. A'sistaul i'assenger Agnt M if f atl it kept busy making e.rraugem ntl for otlmr parties fr in all over lu Wy oming nnd LtOkaWauna Valleys. Miss Florence Fowler spent Suuduy at Moscow William Smith, wbo lis bon one nf T uoril Ariitt Hoffman's most valu able assistants, ha NBOVed to the South Side, Bit petition will b 0 I f June Murphy, 1 Olypbenl Mrs. Brown, of J-ssnp, ipant yit lay at Hut pi C A uupie su'ar soci il will b held . the lmuse of A li. Oliver on Drink street, Friday evening. A iro;:raiiiin for Hps entertainment of the guest has been rranged un ler the auspice of the Ladies' guild of St. L ike' mis sion. Ali aro nslcome and plotinunt evening's onj lyment is astured. TbO funeral of James Yandell oc curred yesterday nfttrnOOU Inter meut wus m ,de in iJiinniore cemutwry. - - Eucklon't Arnica Salvs. The best salve iu the worid for Cuts Bruises. Korea, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever fciores, Tetter Chapped Hands, Cliilblaius, Corns and nil bkiu Eruptions, and posi tively cures i'llsK, or no pay required. It If guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or tnouoy refuuded. Price U5 ceuu per box. Pot (Qle by Matthews Broe. When r.ahy was sick, wo ave her C'astorla. Wlien she was a Lhild, she cried for Castorla. When she became Hiss, she clunir to Castorla, When she had ChiUnsi, she gave thorn Castorla, FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL Etoclcs and ltonds. New YoiiK. April 24. The stock market opened t 'lorably linn in sympathy with n slight advance in prices at London, but the extension of the labor troubles, which are being magnified by the hears as much as possible for speculative effect, led to a raDldchanite lu the tone of tbo market, A general decline in price occurred uudor n fairly sharp pivs-ure to s 1 for both t ne lung and abort aocouutt. The downward movement was accelerated by a eudden drop of three po.nta in Dtitlllera on the announoement that the decision in the OntttObalk case on tbo qnestiOO Ol rebates had bo u ilecl led aglut tue company, Chicago Has dei lined 65f(, After the close of ex liaaue it was learned that Attorney Qeneral Moloney's de.islou la the quo warranto matter wa only again! the tru-t but it was elso of n very sweeping chaiacter, and there was mueh conjecture as to effect upon this stock to morrow. Bom inclined to the belief that the stock would break badly, while others expressed tho opinion that tho insiders would mak. i un effort to force the snorts tn cover and in that way prevent a serious drop in the price. The general list yielded H to IV per cent, the Urauger.H, (len tral Electric, Lead, leading. Later in the afternoon Sugar was taken in baud aud advanced nearly two point. This alarmed the bears who rushed in to cover and a r.'div of H to ensued. Speculation left off linn. The sale were I'Jj.OOO shares. Tha follnwuu complete lablu showing the day1! fluutuatioasiu active stooks la supplied and revised dally hr MBer Fuller, ttock brokers, 1111 Wyoming avenn Upon- UIjIi- liom Clot in. est. est. ing. Am. cot. on at it" N Am. Bnrar '.'7 ' t"s A T. 4i S. If IC l4 K'-4 Qtn.Se "ih's "''4 '''4 Ceo, n. j m4 ii M lltHj !WH Chi r. w m'.ii I0J 1"7 Ki (. B. W "OK tHH "v4 Chic, (las, 07 0TV,i tv4 M4i C. C.C AHt. L... EfVa US!t, as US i ol , ijoek.Val. ml i. k B bfil IW MTtej ID D. , L). W bit I'll l If D A 0. f SI -t' " W4 Brie lu lH iv KM u. R, Co MM win Wti IHU UkeBbere tai tsk Wkj IKM L gtM m u mt s 1 .Manhattan US l IB l! Jtias. Pae Wi tWM MM '.IU, Nat, Lead KH mi 9m ' N. V. N . 8 '' P H "il. .V. V. Central MM '"6 l'lla ,w N. V.. 0. W )'', IU l-'Ai PI M, Y..rt. .1; W IsU ISM 1'iHi li u. g, o, Co ay Bu rill n North Pae ni 4 H , North far. pr IVU lt l In Kinaha )i W I 1 "' " I'sc. Mali i"ls K's IM it-adilie- WH PH Raek Island Ms WM " fW u.t m ; - ;t Bt l'snl a Asm flis "li T . c. .'. i li i'o it iie Texas A- Pae II V 1' U Union Pa -in M M4 -w Watsish p lOM IT I'i'i 17 w. if rn union MM nM w. a- i i im m i-'T is-1 W. 4k lei pt WH '"S Ji 411)1 Chicago Clrsl I 'iil T'roviiloas, BCRAiraon, Ap lift. Tee ?oiiiing unots tlont are Itipplleil su.l Oorrei'ted llsllf if M- Bar 1 iniir, stock rokerUI Wvouims one. WHEAT- Mnv .tnlv. Petit OnanUui IBM Hm H ntgtMMi v'' o f nk Lowest f" (IU ' losing tot ir. 1 uuV. dpeidng UU M'l mi Higii.'st Hi t'ti t"H liret v', .-'l I"i4 Closing ,W 4o' OAVL ripraing MM 'i Hlchest Kl Mi (Hi boweat t:i 't riH I , aa :c :vi4 2ii PdRK. iix-ning 1 293 IfjO Highest 1 io IgflO Low st Ill IS 1 1 1 CWsiInc l.'W UVi LARD, upeuiug ;i" 710 M lllgboai TT 710 Wl Loweel til 7oi CI elng '.17 710 7 " Mi 111 UII.M opening HI 199 63". lllcheet WO Kit MO Lowest Ml s.l sil Closiug , li) M mu Nsw York Vn duce Market. Ni w ,iik. April 14, I'LoDR-More acti , iteady. WiikAr -i- active, firner, with option; to, - red, tore and elevator, dl un.'i . . afloat, 03ka63 ,j f. o. b.. OBaOlo.; un graded rod, tBaOSc,; No 1 northern, f 4jt T '"jC: options closed Iteady at ac. ov.-r reeterday; X . 't red Apm, 9l)fe.i Mar. II .c.;June, tt;;;r ; Julv, MMci August, Ujje . Beptemh- r. ("-,( ll.iemtier, 1 .''... 1 uiiN i,i net, llrme. . .No. .'. . 1 ii , . , , ... Vator; ttnaiSc atlout: option dull, firm, :'- ,( . 1 ivaacei April, n'.c , iiny. 44 c, June, 445ic, July. UC OA Is I ir 111, quiet; OOtl nt dull, firmer; Apr.;, Stye; May, :.;.. July, atfijc. . No. 'J white, May. N ia tiut pric No. a. Wc. ; No. 2 white. Mc. ; No g hi cago, 4U.V: So lBl4jc N I White, lOe.; nixed western, 9)ia40)4jC. I white do, 40.1 ; whit (tale, 4"nro. Bnr Inactive ttes iv, TlKaCU liup UjoU demand, m. ebaaged. 1 1 T ilKATs -Quiet, firm. Lann liil-t, quiet; western steam : city, "ie. ; option sales, none; rvflned, qnlei; oontln-nt, tt,St; houth Am-rl a, M 96t OonpOOttd, I'i'',i0'4c. POM Qtttet, steadv Hi 1 mi Pancr, ol ted itendyi state dairy, new, IfialBcido., old, llalOo.) do., ereanery, BW, lOaltC; Pennsylvania do., I Belli ; weaiern dairy, nw, n 15c; da, creamery, new. ISaSlc.; 0o, factory, lOallL: ; e;in, 'Jo ,ayic; luuts tmn creamery, llattM, CniniU Pirn, fair demsud, un ohaehedt !.. -Better demand, firmer: stnte ado Pouo'Vivsnia, lie; wes'arn, llS'J.; duck, 1620i: ; touibern, 1012,. Tlic original Raw Food. An unrivalled nutrient. It builds muscle and bone. It makes new blood. Is retained by any stomacb. Satisfies tbe hunger of consumptives. Unaided it will sustain streugtb for weeks. Contains the largest amount of nutrition in tbe smallest possible bulk. It will .sustain life by injection. It is simply tbe vital principles of raw beef concentrated. It is prescribed and recom mended by more physicians than any other food in the world. Wc refer to any physician you know. Por tale at all druggists. TUB B0V1NINE CO. NEW YORK. gOVlNINEA V WHAT V IS. J A 8URGE9H'3 KNIFE gives you 11 feolluf,' of horror an4 Oread, There is uo ioufrer necessity for lu ubo in mauy discuses formerly ro Kardcd iu lucurablc without cutting. The Triumph of Conservative Surgery I well illustrated by the fact that Rlltiil or now rrtiff. nui lUllC joJJk ,ureli without tha kuirennd without pain. ClutnBy, clinf iuif trusses can he thrown away ! They nevrr cure hut ofti u IndUOe mhaui mat. on, s' rangulatiou mi l death. TMnf-'C; Ovarian, Fibroid (tterine) I (.01 ., . , . ul)i M1ll v ,,., arvuniv removed without tbe peril of cut- ting ojjcrtitloiis. PtLE TUSV.0RS, hnwrver Luce, 'iiili and otner dlaeeaai Of the lower bowel, r.10 perntanenpy cured without puiu or retort to the knife. CTftMC In tho Madder, no matter vlll.M1l. iOW bvgo, in criiHlied, pul verized, wajbed out and perfectly re moved without cutting, QTRSrVniDP of I Unary Pupsagc 13 oinibiunc ifec remoVed without cutting iii bunilrels of oases, lor oainphlet, reference and aU purlicu lurH, send lu ei nnj (lu Ktumpsi to World's IMspitpsarv Hedloal Aoci tiou, tiiss -Main bt., liuhulo, N, V. ONE CENT A Word. rVantiQ of Mndi eoel ihnt muA, n- rtvt Situations. II in!iv',triii7i ore iiuricd FHER Situjtione Wanted. UlTUATlOM WAKTBD-BV A WOMAN, Ti.iT 1 lo Iii Ii, ,,!,.. , 1 , uiid iveshlliL'. Ad dress fill Limnet sire I l)u- ITION WANTED BY ACCOUNTANT, 1 loeble i-i try boekkepr oorreep ndenti mai ever or credit eieric; a lentlettiaa of narrted, open for p :n,.,n.'iit encageneat; cat inaiv preetieal bndnteo experience; tho. comi tent end reliable; Al reftrenoa and se en Ity Ado esa Box Ut, snnbury, r, Ci.l.Ml M WANTED BH A VOCNQ ' u. has had ev('l, .is elork hi trne- ciiy bn- n, tlrlvln dsllveri waon, eolitet" lOe- - . w mac to do rdniii(, wllltne to do ey km ot wit. ii well acipiainteil with th dty, 1 ,1 tv kooiI reterettoesj noethav wor of tint kind aioaca, Addreafwerfc, 'I'm a 1 sr. 94 rant, 111, ndtce. CITI Alius WAN'TKD IV It WIDOW, IM s reepeetable fsnuir. to to boneV work oi to Bare loreaiklreu Wa,euooi je t Addreei "Widow," rntaona SITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNO C man tt nomo kind of t oaoe; Wi uld like a permanent p .It on on a fiirin or rdnini; anr kind of work It detired; is ton r nd rellebie; mint have work atone Addrsea i a , Tribum oQb s, ClTt'ATIuN WANTED A WOMAN 0 WOttld IUe to by the di) t washing i r rieanlng, or will tike within 1 ' Address MAIlV l 'NNKI.l.Y, V i 1 if h rd slrt't Heln Wanted females. 1 AD1KS IVTurrnXVMtTTrrATlTi 1 j 116 weeklvi nc raveing Bepiywlth lamp Mil 9 K.t.-M.. I'i.l KNOiC V. ith Agent Wanted AS , l MA.S I 111 Lu I A I' Fllti. in.tiranee siisrii te d as tulkriioi In i.srkuwsuiii coenty; rood indaeaneate to righl ui..u. AudreM lis;--' li-W huildiru;. Hliiladelphla. Pa, U' A.n IKH -Ai.Lvf.- n ' TAkF. tlNDEttfl by kauoiii-. wwillpai apeneeaiid tal. try or adow liberal cocxu&ii n sum-leg tent on Application Address Lovfe Bo U ia Kw Vol k ( lit. Wanted. U-ANT! D - ALL KINDS OF KAUH. 11 fin.,', piien paid tor the following gfte genu, wa lee, niied rage, end lo ' . Be t n.- , t-' Cab be forwarded by tbe Ptaatylvaela raitr id or Kiadmu rsilmtU Address U, CAMAKl 11: a. VON,-III Cl peiiter ti i- t. I' iphla, l a For Kent. I.'dt Li sr APBIb I THE ROOMS MOW I ooenp.M by the Telephone Eichaac, KO Lackawanna aveooe Arid, t it,-, oin f Unlth a;t Mlnln.- Co., Third National liank 1 ail lit 1 md i: O. Pull 1 tH)K KENT lillJ.r. liim.M-. 1 ROM ON I seen 1 Boor, over N a Bnlbert'i nuale nt.ite. 113 Wyoming avenne, Erotn April L in lUire lu t lie More, ' I ' LET l"'lt a TERM" Ol;- 1 l'rt or t i i f thre.' lonelred fee' ' sr I ui along railroad ApUr t I'raiikim svi-nue. rpb ri k r tori b or ruRNisn .; 1 bull en 1 roen llldfe tret Very ilr,n,. 1 le loeati'in end en fssonalile term Ippt h fc NETTLE TON tl'& WOuOia t H'rnMiesn lulMlttj for Sale noH -Al.-'-. I ARM 4)1 EIOHTYACR t. 1 D&a and oats hall nil Iron Dalian 00 tb ' Delaware, La. kawtnn and WrttTa ieitri,.i firat-eltai farni bouee with nrr is,, s ipria nrhr: m. iniA. k"-d .m ami Koud i.rrhsr l will be sold cheap, terms eat-. AddreteB t V'ON8TORCHorIAA.' El. LIB. emeaton Oellon. Lsekawanua eounlr, I'a, I.'oL H LI yoWL MANURE, KIQBT I barrel for 14.0 ; leo brown leghorn f,.r het. ii ng A ply to g : urlSthi, p ko k well treet, nUAETON POR BALE INQUIRE Ot tt, I B. OrsnVa . ttonographar, court house, or l ID Clav tvnnoc noR SALE Bf-ACBK l AHil, HTOOK I and uteusli J. IL MUtl'l lKldi. O M riri- av l.-ult S ALE "It BXCBANOB 1 "11 -cit.w 1 ion propertyA tioerm Meawe grove Uicrraslng In i.nslu, t in and value yearly in the oi .tiee tMtlna tn vv,r,t Addret V. K. MtTTLETON, ijiknllele i. PwrMa Fropoaa . Cr.M.I.I" PKOPOMALH Wll.t. UK lit' (3 orired hy th.- undersigned until Tuesil.iv, ti e Brtl da p May, MM, tl r the Lmldlnc '.,f a nee II 1 . ( 1 un Ii it rnokvllk, Pa, and spi e.tL-ati us cull I o se,-i, l.y Celling on ,t 1. p k. 1 m k v ill, Pa, 1 be ini.lditis- commit te, resi rvesrt ht !.. t any or all huh. II CHAPMAN, o linildluji Onnt bm los, Packvflls, i Atirll IL'lli. Isw Sped: Ncti-et i " KIlUl.l'I'Ks Ml li 1 IN'ij Ttil. ii iiinl mtetlu; ol th ttockhoUrof to Prod lenee ''ts smi water Company will be b Id at the Delaware d Hudaoa L'siish'nni puny s building, tgf pranklln avenue, Hcran Ion, Pa, it I a m. Monday, May ;, ivj el. i t , Mi its to serve diirmit theeusnhut year aim inn Mot ny other beeiaee that ma ie t rvseut'-d B. P, ATHIRTOX, Heeretary. Per .ton .April UM ATA MKETiNO OP TllK OlKUCToUSIIK :a ih Nay Aug Palls anil Elmhnni BoaJ vs- l -ompniiv it was rel lve, that a meelbig "f ' " hoi ers Im e.illoil to convene at II'. ral '.111 1.01 ti umpany, room H lo" i I'li llliiK, onth DM dy of dune ' i' to tn! e rn tl'in un tbe approval or ll.snp' ll of the oruOolM llicre.ionf th.. capll a'k of , I i.,,iiiiinv from 'J.'i 'Oi tn ailiil . llllat 111,, lurv 1... ...,.l's. I. berebi ireeltd to nivo notice thereof as r quiru Inw T B, WA LK N- ieoretary, N'oT ' '11IH NOMINATIONS FOR OP Il ir. of the IPnnaula Hiiildim; slid Loan nsiii Istion of south 0 ran ton will tilt plan' Krlibiy evmiluip April '.'7. IHM. aftr traniMUng in rnlr bnrineie. JACOB P MILLh'R, Becretarr. ly LA NK inn 'KM, PAMPBLKT8. MAQA ll llbee, eti., btiund or rebOttnd at Tin: Tliini'NB ufllco. Quick work. Reaiouablo pi lorn. MEAL TK KI TS ( AN UK II All AT 144, owner Horace itfut and PranUln ave nue. Twenty meal tlrKeta for JlL.'iO. Hood tahls huard. BE SURE AND get your choice of multichromes. One coupon and one Dime. onnolly &, Wallace GREATEST OUR LEADE ALL SIZES HOSIERY FOR BOYS AND GIRLS, POSITIVELY FAST BLACK. 8 8c. Per Pair. 3 Pairs for 50c, CONNOLLY & Clean Carpets, Renovate Feathers, Upholster Furniture, Make Over Mattresses, and we lactorv The Scraiiton Bedding Co. Mt end gtM Laekawaaaa AvM corner Adam. Aro. DID YOU KNOW? That we will GIVE you baautiful new pat terns of Stirling SILVER SPOONS and FORKS for an equal weight, ounce for ounce, of your silver dollars. All elegantly en graved free. A large variety of new pat terns to select from at iV3ercereau lliiT LAI iv AVS "No star was ever lost we once have seen, We always may bo what we might have been," A H APPV PATRON OF" THE RICHARDS LUMBER GO. Scran ton, lJa. 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building. TRY US HOW TO MAKE MONEY There art' LtimlreiLs trl voting nun uml youn( WOBMUI lO tbii tountry who hate pl ttdld ubilily, but tlicy bae never beea Wevksntd u i. Wood's College of Business and Shorthand Has bwtt an Inspiration to hnndreda of young people Ifyoo nro Urod of Inactivity ami want to lo tometliing tangibly come to the C'oUjc. COMMON BNGLira Cni USES, in BINE88 hum:. ehobthand cot Rsu F E. WOOD, Proprietor. 1 1 uwieeew mmu I Y THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CQ tCH ANTON ANLl WlUCEt-BARREi PA.. 1IANUFACTUK1R8 Of Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND hjMPING MACHINERY. Uenerul Office, SCKANTON. PA MANHOOD RESTORED! I, ... IPont Mntimrv I MMaI It rn I n I'nU'Pr. 1 FORE AND AFTER USING no otner' Addrest NBltTB Ni:i:it'.. IfttonM Temple, luitaou-tnu For Salo in Scranton, Pu.,UyH. C. SANDERSON, Dnijfist, cor. v.'ashington Uld S l iI'L'ri , eteootji mi. iMejawwaun - i in.- .nuev. Wl BARGAIN WALLACE 209 Retail Mattresses at Prices. & Conned ANN V AH.Ni I. The most complete mediu m-priced FOLDING BE in the market. Hull & Co. 205 AND m WYOMING AVE. UCCVESEEOS. I..A.I - -i- -., ......I...M .111.,.,,., di, iyenS MPIiinry, l.,,..ii'f llroln I ' or, lienimi ne. lam Mi'i.m.'i'l. Miihtly KniisMoiw. Ner..usnesj.slliiii'i'. ' ' ''',.' ' : '"' ' l,,li,..,.nitlTeOrea,,,.frltherS'.xraiiserthyoTere.y.rt . ,.a ........ u...4cco.'..inm 1 1 in u I a 1 1 1 w 1 1 1 .'h leii 'I " " -o ' ' ' J ' ' I' l.umill"linl lllMllllly. t'linb.'CVlle.lln lest I'Oi'lo't. ' . "1,;", eiTr. 3".T i n 1 1 With a S order wea. MW?la?.!ralMll3 ' nu n,r i re". iniiTiinn.i EE. WASHINGTON AVE 0pp. Court House. yCADKMY Ol- MUSIC. WEDNESDAY, APAIL 28, Eli'venth Season of Barlow Bros'. Famons Minstrels NLMMEHINa 30-Celebrated Artists--30 Kmimait Comedian!, sws-t Mnsera Oorir.".m Stage Bettbue, turoj lull Roveltie., lull hard :,t,i r.rchettraj A stroai inii.ttiel 'utertamment fullofni-w andtr!ritiK featuret. A proKrammi' f brill ant numbers. Sal, a w.Mts L, Uoniif. CADEMY OF MUSIC l in BtOAT, A PER Hi. Friin rose & West's Comedy Cft Goorgo Wilson's Minstrels Appearing in tie VpeetaeolM operst..' Cct4 Monte Carlo rontainmi; a rombiustion of th" best Ictt ures ut baneiui-, i ipira Comedy anil llm strelsy. 11 ret Caetamei ani Brilliant beeuie hri'i 0or(te Wilson ainl the three Oorman firu,. are tmoti the en terta Inert. Cndeff tbe man kMBeot ol PRIMio -h wi -:. Si lis ol M.ati open Btedai at V A M. at tt Academe H,i ( iffl THE FROTHINGHAM i in Btn i. An. ii .1 KIMBALL OPERA COMIQUE CO. lUadeU tij the i hariLlue ar, i beriest CORINNE j lr tho naaageraeaf .'. Mr-. Jennie K;m- li.iil, ma tumi-t'.ou- j.: cu'.tiuii the l barleiijue. HENDRICK HUDSON L..I.-,. Si.el.erv, y.u,::. .1. r.l ( .', Mtrwled Mar. h"... Entranctn BaUvt. ' 'I -"' I-... Tj iu in. La' Powell - Music 8t r I'ltiCKs. (i, , i, an.i :'i THE FROTHINGHAM 1'rulkf un.) Saturday evenings inj 1? in aa4aalard Mann. . ','.. Pint avpnarance in Scran ton ut th original A M. Pjlmcr SiocU Company tn tt Pain r" Theater. Sew Vork. Uten u.-ica)...i Ii. B(e in.l il.vrte Tsv. cett. Ml, lan.e,' Mn P P. B-wor. : drd, l' M Bt :, Vlri Madolini Boaten. Jennie Ettetic anu nearly s, ore of other . ai'iiUo aad v. Udraewa so- RAINTS AMD ttHWI Its. ISaturdar ereii 'k Jiii ihi: TKnman. r All: l Ptt rA ill - "M i "l II "I MATCRI l'rl-i for nVi u n.' l Si' Jl.T.'i.M and '.''ie. Pi h ue I. r niatiiiee- $1. Iii. 90 and Be Sale ot aale opi at ..t i'o ii . WeJneeuHV u, n. ax. I r v MHyMUMlaUaJUWBSI Wali conn MONIVW A1KI1 Wonderland Theater Co, MONDAY. TUESDAY Nl WEDNK8DA)! -A conUttttAtion from tint pttTtoni vMk A CELEBRATED CASE Thi ladloa anooid-not faU to the mae nlfloent wardrob worn bf tbe nc treat iu thin prodaeilon. THDB8DAT, I HID.W and PATUROAY-. Tim Sonatioinil lirain.i, ntitlsU. THE CfllLD-STEiLER OF RBI YORK. Also a Much ticent l'r.iilr. 'tiuii. ADMISSION. 10, 0 OR :i CENTa IW.rt.,..,iiiin.-.,H ..eepe ,i ff..p II, ,11 el-ei)T Mill.. i iliir iiinl Thni.l:iyi. ' nt ami e cry even. S....:.., v i'. riM ,,, , i ...i 1,1,1 - id l M iHctcl Waverly riirepean Plan. First-cda.s Bar sttaehM Depot tor Uemner tt EofM XannhftiUkis Km I E, Cor IHI fici Filbert Sts , Pfctliii Met teetrabla for reeldenU of N.& pnn; lylvnnla All iur,eiiiim'ivs tor Irsrelert to ami from Promt Street ttatien aud the 'iuelfth ninl Market Htreet itntion. lie. tiii'i'ic tor y Iti ting Scrnn Ionian and pe lie iu Uiu Anthracite Uegioa. r. J. VICTORY, PROPRIETOR. Eureka Laundry Co. Cor. Linden St. rind Adams Ava. (.01 in Ho i sk Sgi AHis. All kin list of Laundry work guaranteed t lie lii'st. AHTOHEHARTHAH UOti Scuth Waaliinuton Avenue, Contractor nnd builder of Concrete Klal nif. Concrete BlooU, Potato. Better aud Blria, Wet OeUare dried an orders nmy be left at Thompson tt Pratt, Williams A Co. Main and Kyuon BVjeeta, or at Ircrautoa MOT Works. Also Kouudations. Cisturns. Pish Wire Tunnels aud Cotllus. Planulu tor Uardtn Waist, IF TH A