001T if r rf Opportunity pass to possess yourself of this incompara ble art treasure. Series of Vmltichroiites iverc beaulilul, the Becond are lit erally gorgeous. fG - v XT EIGHT PAGES-riG COLUMNS. 8CRA.XTON. PA.. WEDNESDAY MOKN1XG. APRIL 25. 1894. TWO CENTS A COPY. i mi. i CAN FOR OR ffYA 1 n n VrV 0 IF THE FIRST 4 jsmm$ 4 eaJ n as a n m m k fca im its m r .'-. -a- v. :v..'-.2 . i ifw uwr' -- ira as ins su m n in bb MM iET THE OLE SERES PON II i.U n Officers of Dnlted Mini Workers View Stagna tion with DtllM SITUATION ABOUT THE COUNTRY The Strikers Gaining Recruits at Va rious Points, and Loaders Greatly Rejoice at the Prospects Hopes Entertained That the Whole Body West of the Mississippi Will Go Out. Five Thousand Idle In Tennessee and Kentucky The Uniontown Strike Only a Partial Success. Columbus, 0 , April M FA fl ATION AL offleers o( the (Jutted Mine workers are jubilant to day over the Condition of the 11 u strike as uliowii by reports re- CalVed. Th actum of the miner in the Turtle Creek district where Dear inif. the operator, was try itii to hold ttwin to a 5S eent contract recently mads for six months, the prospect that tbs coke region tumors will j nil tbs strike Immediately and tbs news from the Monoogehcle distriot In West Yir Rinia were ths principal oausss o( re joicing. Nineteen hundred miner employed there liuve laid, down their picks The strike sentiment i spread Inn from saoh and of tbis .1 it not now mi i nt headqnarttrs it i oonfilently bettered '.hit the whole distriot will soon be out. The users from the convention of miners lit Higgioevllle, Ma, yesterday, latntornretcd by President McUri.le to meiin ttet the whole body of miners not of the Miiiiri.i river which forms OOS competitive district will siou go out oli'.ly. Mm of the miners thrre are already out. Tiie only min er now working iu Mmouri now are tnoe at Rich hill A tel"Taro from W. C, Webb, t Jellioo, Teotu, states that ovr 3 000 tuinrs in t lint tut alone ere idle. Preailent MeBride yesterday estimated the wbols number nut In the two states nf T-nr..see and Kntmky at only 5 000 This is eyidently too low ivcretary P. A. MoBrlde retnrne.l trom Btreator, III.. this mornioir, and reports the miners of northern Illinois s SDSOnraging, nril io favor of the strike Thej are ell out. PK10KTOW1I STRIKK Hi 'T QBXIRAL. I'Ni'NTOWN, P.. April 24 The striKe nnler iiud by yesterdays Boat td aSS conTention is onlv a tiartisl eucce today. About one-third of the eoke workers bare thus far cou:p!id with tbe orrtor All the plants sonth of Mount Braddoek, except t E st Oliver and Li-itb, ere iille. Th l':nk workmen say ttiey wars unwillingly forced to come ont this morning, Pickets were potted at ell the WOTKS, b:i'1 when the men attempted to go to work they were intercept-d ami com pelled to remain away Trey will no to work tomorrow, they say, tiniest again interrupted, Th'-re has been no trouble so fsr. At Oliver, where lbs mn hav been workini; under deputies, torn of ths l:'n struck, thonsrh the company say ti ey hate plenty to operate their ov ens. A number o? depoties employed t Oliver strnek this morning for higher pay nnd were discharged The sheriff c ntiooet V"ry busv serurinif aod SWeeriog in rlermties. The supply is not rqnal lo the demand. There are fifteen plants idle between Feirchance and Ilnrn ar and two work :riK iu psrt, while noriii of Ltunhir oolr fonr ere re-rx-rtoit ont. These sre the Standard, Valley, ltuckeye snd 8tar. T:iis makes I 00 I man striking in tils and !,.'0l in the north end. Riiiilr.g expefted to bein totn rrow if Work :n rtSttmed at any of the plants, 71: it.i.k FEAltF.D AT tXWMSLLBVIItLE I osnei I.svim.e, Pa., April 21 The Strikers mane some lively demonstra tions aloni' the Mount Pleasant brnnch tbis afternoon, and for a time it looked n if there would In serious trouble. Tlit mnli which Started from Monnt Pleasant Increased rapidly as the maroh progressed. At each WOrkj along the route the crow 1 ballad while the lead ursinade spirited add res es. Commit, leti wre sent to the mn working in the yards ind in the tnine'A In this way large numbers wire induced to com rut AViiile n largely attended meeting was in progress at Broadford, Deputy Sli' riff Rlchardl With ni.rty men ur rlted from Uniontown. SrierlfT Kich urd dr w hU men Dp in It OS of battle nnd commanded the strikers to din ptrse. Ai firi.t they rffuiod. but when t!.- sher:f? repare for a charge the mob fled in all direolions. Tiie troablt is fexrert tiisre tomorrow, ns tho stri ken wbo were dispersed there today ere now r.tseni bling lit that vicinity. Another mob bat assembled t Moyer nnd an nitnck It expected on that works early in tho morning. Hhorllt Wilbelm has Instrooted bisilepnti-s to ditperno all mobs Biid says he is pre pared to prsTSOt any furtrior marehin,'. ST. NICHOLAS MINE FIRF. Gtronfr latfiOktlone that tho Ooi flatrra ton Has Fetn l"x'lnulshert. Mahanoy City, Ph., April 21. The fire in the St. Nicholas mice, it is be lieved, has been l cached by the wator, 10. the smoke ins cwtsod to ris.9 from t!;e air haiiiieiii. Thillstsid to boa etrocg indication that the fire has been extinguished, hut before turning oii" l:i water uud investigation will be mad". This cannot bo done until tho gas Oettsrd by the firo has dimipponred suf ficiently to allow tbe men to enter the mine. OXFORD IS AMBITIOUS. May Cliall"H(re the Winner In the Yale Hurraid Boa'. 3aco. London, Anril 24 The president or the Oxford University Boat club said today of the report that there was a possibility of Oxford challenging the winner of the Yale-IIurvard boat race, that no proposal for u race had been m JUBILANT received from the United States whonco tne clialleng'i must come He would not say whether Oxford would or would not accept such n challenge, but it is assarted iu other quarters that n mate'i race ean be ar ranged with either Yale or Harvard if a continnent challenge, on behalf of Yale or Harvard, he tent immediately. BIER IS AGAIN ON TAP. Oreat Rejoicing Amonir the Thlrety In Governor Tillman's T-rritory. COLTJIIBIA, S.C.. April 21 -Car loads of whisky are being received hero and the saloons are opening np as under fotmer regime, Beer is oa tap at old places at B cents n glass A Dumber of new saloons are being opened. No ef fort so far to stop them has been made and thi proprietnre nre making DO ef fort to ceuceal their busiiiois. The Prohibitionists threaten to take a hand and have arrests made to trtt whether prohibition exist oi not. So far, however, no warrant! hare been sworn ont. 1Y3URDER9US HUSBAND'S ACT. Workman Shoots His Wife and Then Sends Two Bullets Into His Own Head. LiBANON.lod., April 34 P. J. Work man, a young iii. in of 25. a son Kv T V. Workman, a Methodist miuister.at tampted to kill Ins wife and himself to dav Theeonple have been tepsratod for some time Laat night Workman begged his wife to return to him, I ut she ref used. This morning be mt her on the street and drawing a revolver sent a tullet into her back, the misaile pass ing almost through tbe body, A sec ond shut missed her, and as she ran to escape, a tlnrl bullet struck lo-r In the hack of the head, ranging downward. Bhe fell to tbe pavement and Workman stood over her for a moment, lie then turned the weapon On lilin-t-lf and sent a bullec into hit head. He fell to ti e ground, r ise to his feet again, and discharged the revolver a second time into the side of his head. He then tumbled headlong across tbe rroatr it- f Drui of his wife. Both Will probably die. SUCCESSFUL iXCtRlMENT. Mary Q.iliagher Tile. Oxalic Acid for ru cidil Parpesta TiTTmnn, Pa . April 21. Mary Gallagber, 31 years of ago, a student at ths Iron City Business college, w.ie f"un i dead in bed this morning at her boarding hnus in Allegheny. Tn h me of M'.ss Osllegner's parentali at N"v Stanton, Weetm inland Bounty, The girl drank about half a glassful of oxalic arid with eiiiculai latent. A letter was found addressed to her par Snta, indicating tbat she tbongbt her parents had hot tro.tte 1 her right AFTER GAS COMPANIES. Par lee Who Furni.h Light for Wicked ' bicurs Are .Siatecd CHICAGO, April 34 Attorney Un eral Moloney, in an oniuioa rendered this after noon, d-cid-d that the gas companies of th.sclty are maintaining a trust in Violation of law an 1 lie will lostitnte proceedings at once to nave their charters annulled. 'Ine attorney g.neral ma le the sensa tional ttatetu4iit in aonneotion with the dscieion that he has p cilirs knowledge that the trust was s altering their books snd records ne to make a luvura ble showing at the tn il of the t ine BIG SHIPMENT OF GRAIN. Tbe Boadtna la Ostilng 000,000 BuahMa T r 1 hl.adrluhi.. NdKHISTOWN, Pa., April .'1 -The of rli ials uf the PerklOinen railroad, which strike tiie Philadelphia an I Bea una a tew miles above here, nave been ad vised that 1.00 grain cars ar lOOfl to pass over tne road en route to Phila delphia I beee cars are now on the way from Buffalo loaded with nearly BOO hue DC Is of grain This is the first ehipm-nt of grain of any considerable iuaiitily over this mad for a year. . WtRK LAWLliS COXfYITES. Msmbsra of ths Iac Amiv Sslxs an Ki tfine and Train St. Paul, Minn., April 24, A des natch from Butte, Hon , -ays the CoXevitee broke into the Northern Pacific rsilroid round house last night, selfed an engine and train, untune. I ihi'tu from their own number. They etat ted caat at the rate of forty mils an hour. CRISP BITS OF HOME NtWS. Ima Hogg is n daughter Of the governor of Texas. ItefT Tugglo, n colon d ininer, who mur dered, Pred Heinao, a white miner, was hni'god by a mob yesterday. At the age of 7il, Herman Idherty, 0DC of tbe richest dtisens of Lake county, lib, hat gi '1 hiuismf at Doerfleld, III. The Peoria dii.i Democratic Traveling Men's club, has denounced Kenator Mill tor ins attaok on the Wilson bin. Mirulng Suleiman William rrindnian's body was found in a room in the Hotel Barunin, St. LiOnis, where he bad shot hunarif on Thursday last. Senator John Sherman's eldest sister, Mrs. Mary Bllaabeth Keis, celebrated the eighty-fourth anniversary ot her birth at Lancaster, 0. on Sunday. Bnperintendent Brock way, of Blmlra reformatory has been given leave of ab sence pending n new Investigation of his cruel treatment of prteonera. Tho Ohio house of represnntatives yes. t'liday pushed hi it constitmioual majority of two, tho ciark senate bill, granting to women the right to voto iu school elec tions, it iu now a law, CONDENSED STATE NEWS. The big firo is still raging in tho St. Nich olas mine, near Ashland. Trinity Lutheran church, Heading, will celebrate it centennial on May HO, A Philadelphia boy, Frank Abbot, was yesterday Kent home from Heading, where he says he was eu I iced by a stranger, Iu trying to destroy the lico in a hen's Heat rai nier BanblitB, near York, set his barn ou flro and it was totally destroyed. For practicing mrdiciuo without a li cense, 0. It. Heinperly, of Uslon town ship, Lebanon county, was yesterday ar rented. MARCH OF THE COMMONWEAL Washington Is Still Hostile Towards the Coming Intruders, BOSTON WING RAKING PROGRESS District of Columbia Citizens Are Not Disposed to Give the Visitors the Freedom of the City Arrangements for a Permanent Camp --Fitzgerald's Recruits Not Desirable -Sustained by Sandwiches, Cheese and Water They Tramp Merrily Onward. W i- HIMOTOlt, April 34. n COMMITTEE! on permits p A ! lintel ni toe meeting of Coxey's m aympathiaere held here -'..lur U U day night to arrange for Coxey's reception, presented a petition to the district commissioners asking tbat per mtasion no given tor meetings on the str eia Thursday and Friday nights for it mass meeting at Sev-ntli street and Pennsylvania avenue, or in front ot tbe United stairs court hones on Saturday night to raise m mey lor car ing for he commonwealers The commissioners sat tomorrow morning tors bearing on tbe petition. It is proposed to have the speakers at tbe street meetings address their audi tors from a taliy-no cosch If the commissioners refuse to allow the mass inetmg iu the open air. BrrangCIDSutS to secure the use of the big convention halt, over a market house, wuere ti e Moody andSankey meetings were held. will be atteufpte I, and l 'cents admission tee will be charged Tns Messrs Baits lay, proprietors ol lbs Chautauqua grounds at til-h '. ho, M l., near Wash ington, where Coxey proposes to sslab htii a permanent camp, will refuse to lot the commonweal forces occupy their property, A si ecial from Frederick, Md , save t' i -y has accepted an otT-r made bv 11 l' Wsggamen to mads the Wssb- ington camp at Woodlcy park. Tms place adjoins "Woodlcy, Preaidenl Cleveland t country home. Tbe story is doubted. BOSTOM WIKQ MOt tJIO KORTH ATTLKB mo. Mais., April 21 i'.ngiit and early Ibis morning Coui- mauder Fltzgsrald's battalion, the Boston contingent of fie Industrial army made ready for imrney which took II out of the old Bay state into Providence ptantsfl ins rn tiftv odd follower! of McKesiie and Swift piste l a goo I night in the buy loft at tue p or farm, li Was 11 "'clo. k Wl en the marchers crossed tbe state line Into Pawtucket, and her thy were met by a crowd ot men who never did any work and will not unless obliged to. A few applied f"r membership, but wre rejecied by Qeneral Fitsgerald, who said he did not desire any mom hers of tnat ki id Tin usandt of people i nrued out in Pawtucket lo Stele ine the army, and, as it marched through the mam street, it w both cheered and ri llcols I Without a stop tbe marcbers, fol lowed hi a sh"Uting iii"!., iu id- thsir way to Collier's nark on Mineral Spring avenue, where (ieneral Pitlgsrald gave the Command to halt 'the army threw uteif npon the lawn an i it noon par took of a light luuche in of obeeae,saii I StiohOS an I water After an bwUI r -t th c minand to "fal! in" po.se.1 along the line and. after a short t eh bv the loader, the march "onto Washing ton'' was taken up ig iln cony! cito wo at ruDinici PrXDKRICX, Mi!., April 21 t.'oxey's trmy today marched Into Frederick 340 strong in the face of lbs declaration bv Mayor Fleming three days ago, that lis an nrganitttion Ibey never should set foot within the city limits. Their escort is more Imposing than anywhere enroote, consisting of thirty moanted deputy sherISs I'het i men are jubilant. T.iey say that cal - Ing out toe posts has done them more ;ood thai anytliing else that could DSVS happened Coxey has returned from Ins New York trip elated with the attention h received and Oonfl lent that the coun try will be witli him "ii May 1 He returns to New York m SiiiinUy to lecture at the (iraud Ipera house. I hie pisOS of enOOUragemCDt received by Mr t'o 'V yesterday w is a mite from Congressman Coffeen, of Wy luing, snolosing 00 and ii strong en dorssmsot of the commonweal move ments Tbs general order tonight wat that the first st in tomorrow should he for lunch at Urbane and camp at n l ght at Buyett. Ml.TINY IN KILLT'l DAMP, Walnut, Iowa, April 34 - Kelly's army marched into Walnut with twsn ty-three companies, rspressntlng 089 men, iu a state of mutiny, so far as Lhs Sacramento division is CODCCrOed, Ci'.'lieral Kelly and Colonel Speed bad Some troulile this morning which mav result in a disruption General Kelly ordered Spool to the rear of tho line to look after deserters, and he refused, saving thst ho was footsore and afoot Upon arriving here the Sacramento and Ban Pranoieoooomp mice sspers ted into two bodies 11 it words were ex changed and trouble Was threatened. Qeneral Kelly arrived and called a council of the captains, and in court martial by I vote of 20 to it, Colonel Speed wss reduced to the ranks. When this was aunOUDOed tho Sacra mento men renewed their irritating ci ien and indulged in fllngt at Kelly and insinuations that he had been fair in distributing tho money collected for the army and also the fond and eluth- Ing. M. DYNAMITE ACCIOENT. Caralesa Handling of the Pxploslon Re sults Fatally Pittsburg, April 24. Au explosion of dyuamite occurred at the corner of Southern avenuo and Natchez street, Mount Washington, causing tho death of Hugo Ralph, 17 years of n; the fatal injury of Andrew McClwne and the serious injury of Michael Gal lagher. Ueorge Kent, who is building a sewer on Wyoming street sent Ralph to bring n box of dynamite. Ralph dieobeyed instructions and carried the explosive into Gallagher's blacksmith shop. Whether the boy dropped the box, is not known. The shop was completely demolished and Knlpti was blown through tho roof again thu house ad joining. Should ( iallagher survive, he will be blind, Tho adhering residence of Peter Barrett was aleo badly wrecked, while Hushi'-; in dwellings for a square snrroundlng was cleared of glass. . GRFECE STILL TRtMBLING. The Pitt'lhenon and Oihar Antiquities Damngod by the Earthquake. Londiin, April 21. A special dis patch from Athens to the 'limes eayt that an almost InCOCSSUl trembling of the earth it percept I ble, but that no morn severe shocks h.-.vn ben felt. '1 ho dispatch adds that tbs Parthenon has I yen Utini iged, s splinter thi is feet long by one loot and a half wide hnv IDB fallen from the h ift of nun of the columns on the northern side of the boiiding The architrave over the in ner columns of tbs opisthodomos it also damaged. IN THE INTEREST OF MUSIC. Ac Ion of the lists Mufic Teaohsrs' Af- soelattoa Harrisburo, April 21 The execu tive committee ot tbe stain Music Teaobere' association m-t here today and decided to tend out rent petitions to the VariOUl vii " presidents of the order, in which there it one In every county of the st tie, Making the legislature to enact a law that moalo shtll tie one of tno regular studi.e In tbe common ach' ol. Prcatdent KnrzMiknabe says the peti tions w ill b clreul its 1 for signer ITiliSOES IN ft MRG SHAFT. Thomas Morgan Found in a Pool of Blood with His Head Nearly Severed. Wilkes -Barm, Pa., April 21. A horrible disc ivery was made at tbe foot of Deepebaft at Qlen Lron, ten miles from ! ere, this eftemoon, partv of miners who had quit Work for the day and were about to oe hout-d to the aurfaos discovered lb body ol Thotnaa M Morgin, aged 09 years, lying iu a pool of ti'ood. Up n a el is examination it was found that h.a throat had been cut. nearly severing tbe h ad The case of u re sot wis seen doss by, but no wenp m c ni l lei found snywhsrv. The deceased was a blacksmith, and r-side l at Nantii-ike for the past fif iron yeafs, It is belrfwcd hy hlsfrlenda tint he wat lollOWCd into the shaft end murdered hy s .iii" persons who had a gru ie against him. Tns eoronsr will investigate ihe case tomorrow. BEtTfN IN CO N V t N T. Sl Yei'-Old Y..nfci n Otrl dually Pleased tn- a Benedietlne flttar Y vski.'N, S I) . April 14 -Siiter Flcreotine, a member of the t'rder of st. Il-nedictine, tnat conducts a OO n sent school in this city, bss admitted In court having whipped a 8-year-old girl pupil The child's body showed marks of a c Del beating The aff iir has caused Int-nse ex'dta nient, end the city authorities will probably make a thorough Inveettga lion of tae Institntiou MADIIINI t AK S A WALK, Tin Plaintiff m a Osltbrated Cat It Ra covailng Beelth Wasrinqtok, April 34. Miss Made line Pollard is reported .a Providence hospital, where sbs le staying, t be gradually regaining lu r health, end In i short tl met sue is expected to be strung enough to leave the Institution Her condition was s i nm Ii laiprovnl yCSl r lav Ibat sue went out for a short Walk H AGAINSI -et Bll RA 1 10 N. Leaders of 'lit Or-at Northern Strike I'.tntnd Thalr Wag IcbtdUle, MissiM oi I-., Minn., April 21 The committee ol 'tin Qreat Northern raii road Strike decided against arbitration. Tbey appointed a committee lo wail npon Preetdsnt Hill, of IhS Great Northern, to lay before him a sebsduls of wages demanded by the men. JFRRV IS ON THE GAIN. Th Kitntaa Htatntinm '. Rerrvery Now Citl lantlt Fspeclsd Waiiinuiun, 1 (' , April 21 -Rep-reaentatlvs Jerry Simpson, of Kansas, is greatly Improvsd todsy, Hs is slowly gaining in strength, and iii-. alternate recovery ii oonfldently ex pected by hit physician, - WASHINGTON NOKS. ( Il linium Wilson's sou, who has Just ar rived from New Iberia, La. , tats bin lather is still quite weak. No action on the bankruptcy bill was taken yesterday at the imieling of the seu- ste committee on the judiciary. Secretary Herbert has written an official letter ol thank', to Hear Admiral Beubam for his good judgment in guarding Ameri can interests v. hue in command at Km ,i aoclro. An unusual incident of thesesaiou of the Biipteino court of the I nitial States yetter d i.v was tho presence at one tune of the attorney generals of six states: I'oe, of Maryland; Hen-el, of Pennsylvania ; Blcharda, of Ohio: Hendricka, of Ken tucky: scott, of Virginia, and Pickle, of TcUUfSHOO. WAFTED OVER THE SEAS. There are UK) new cases of cholerine daily iu lasbou. Spanish pilgrimi have given the 1'ope 1245,01)11 iu the past two weeks. To rejuvenate bis offlcsrs' corps, the Kaiser will soon retire thirty geuerala and aevernl staff officers. Germany will probably reject Now Zea land's offer to unuex Samoa, and will pro tect tiermau interests iu the Islands. The Champs da Jlars Salon of Art was opened in ParU yesterday and visited by President Qsrnot. Many Aiuerlcau ar list - are exhibitors. The decree forbidding French diplomats and consult to marry without ofllcial per mission was uot aimed at American women, President Car uot says. II THE HALLS 0 CONGRESS Senator Mills Airs His Vlfws Upon the Great Tariff Bill The Member Who Was Seated by a Democratic House Over a Republi can, Is Refused an Opportunity to Explain His Peculiar Position The Tariff Enthusiast Expresses Con tempt for the Senate Rules, and Thinks the Vicious Measure Should Be Passed at Once. WaBRIMOTOX, April 21 III' great fsaturs in th senate tons)- was the speech of Senator .Mills (Detn., Tex ), in closlne the g. to ral debit" 00 tho Tai:!T bill, Bespoke for a lilt!" over two ind a half hours in his usual fervent and passioned style, and was honored with a vsry attentive hearing on tbn part of the many senators Slid of crowded galleries Ths dosing prt of ins speech waa tbe most effective and the most calculated to attract atten tion. in it h declared openly ins contempt for tiiH traditions of the senate, so far ss endless debate and the rigst of ob struction was concerned, and said that If tbe forty-four Democratic ssnatnrs had the SSIUS purp MS a- he ha I, and if there was a forty bftn Democrat In the l umorsev the senate would pass the hill iu less than f.Tlv-eight hnars. No othi r tenntor followed Mr. Mills and tin seunte at 1 OUadjoot ed BOUSI PRO! IXDI.IOS The booss pass.. i tod iy t u post ftc appropriating bill, 'lie amend me J is agree to in CI mmlttee of the whole Were adopted hv the house e.iv tliat wbich proposed t-i Inoreaae frim l to B rents a pouud the r-i'H ol pOCtaga OU serial publications Under the leader ship of Mr Quigg, of N"W York, a vigorous tight was made mi ti ie. and by a vote of 188 to M it was rejected Ihe principal amend meets mala to the bill were tboe which Constructed the laiv to l that the pub'icatlons of fraternal forie ties and trade unions are entered to tiie transmission through the mails at s"c ond-rlats rates, end authorised the eeo rstary of the treasury snd postmaster general lo destroy, af'er ten years, pail postal notes snd m v ord rs sni r--liorta of (Oetmeeters ri I .ting tereio Tbeee have n w sconmnlated In the of- See of tii- sixth auditor to the smennl Ol 2'l tons. Mr Bsrtboldt (Rep , Mo) rising to a qneetinn of privilege s-nt 1 1 tn clerk's dsk to be read a series of strongly worded resolutions which hd been nth pted nt a mass meeting in St Louis OH Pridsy evening last In regard to the Doseatlng nf Mr. Jobna, tbe speaker ruled thet no rjuestl "i of privilege was I resented by t.i r t"lutio n O'fKILL m ints l" RXPLAtM Mr Q'Nelll, (Dem,, Mai, who was seated in place ol Mr. Joy from the district in which the resoluti nt were passed, ttarted to mske ! privilege I personal explanation. H said he would not oocopy a sest to which be .11 1 not believe be a elected. Walv Ingall the ret lit of the examination made into his oass bv the committee on elections end approve. I by th- hoos Wsiving the law In tha case, if the bouse would appoint a committee to look into the f iota nf the case, and b fade ! Li convince thai oommitt-e that he had been fairly elected, be would resign his ssat, l'ii is di deration was made with ninch vebemenoe by Mr. O'Neill lo overcome the gavel of th speaker, who had declared to be i 'it of order, upon the suggestion "f Mr, lie. t 1 ie in .. Vs.) ha wis finally ordered to tike his t-ut by the sp aker.ainl slowly obeyed The incident shortly afterwards OlOOOd and at 5 o'clock the house a I iourned. a - HOMc FOR OLD SOLDIERS. Movsni ii for tlia K.t.bl'sh'iig rf an In ailiutinn In I'.nn.vlvanla PHILADKLPaIA, Atuil .'I. - A meeting of department i tli tars of the Orand Army of the It. public it soon to be held for the purpose nf considering the ad vitabilny of establishing a tiddler? home in tin' eastern part of the state Colonel Joseph If, Bennett, of this city, has offered the women of tho order the us , for an indefinite period, of the old Methodist orphanage build ing, at Monument and Fori R lads, and It la probable that bit offer will bo ac cepted, and the home est iblished there. CHOLERA OR CHOLERIN I ? Spanish Onvtrnmeut lias Snt an Ex-p-rt to Lisbon 10 Ivellga'e. Madrid, April 84, Spanish doctors have been sent to the fr uitier of Portu gal in order lo superintend the fumiga tion of travelers and their baggage cluing from Lisbon. In addition Ihe government lias sent a doctor to Lisbon with instructions to report upon the alleged cholera pid emic. BIGAMOUS BALTIMORZAN. Dr. King It Convicted of Ovor-lndul geucn In matrimony. CiiAMitKiisiu iin, April 24. -Dr. J. II. King, a physician of some repute in Baltimore, was. convirtod here todny of bigamy. While having his wife living in Bal timore, Dr. King marri-d nt Marion, this county, Mrs. L. li. lirewer. of Hh gerstowu, Md. READY FOR THE WHITE CAPS. Thompson Bad Hi Hired Man on Ouaid With n Shotgun. ROCKFpBD, 111., April 24 An excit ing shooting nff ray occurred Bnnday In Uneu township, iu which oco man was bndly wounded and may die. Dudley Thompson Is a farmer and a favorite with the ladies. For Bome time past relatives of bis sweetheart have made thron's and White Cap letters hav been aeut him. I'larly Sunday morn ing n trio of masked men drove up to the Thompson house and broke in the window where he was supposed to sleep Juet as they were nbitit to pull hira QUI the sharp report of a gun was beard, Hd one of the intruders fell. The othtrs retreated, and after a 000 inltation made a dash and carried off l heir wounded companion Tbompeon know in advance of the white caps' coming, and be waa prepared. He iu Htrueted ills hired man to sleep n his bed while he want upstairs. The hired man bad a loaded sbotgnn nnd used it when the Window was sm isbed in. Ne one know w ho the White caps were nor bow badly the man was WOUudod, THEIR SPRINGTIME SOAK, Tin P.ngintr Buiqiiehanna Threaten to Dasspee Wilkee-Barreena. WiLKKS-BaRUE, April 21 The Sos quehauua river ia rising rapidly to night. It threaten to overflow the low grounds between JV.tsion and Nanti coke before morning. OUR ELKS AT WMES-BARRE. They Were Royally Entertained and Participated in the SpOCCh-Mak-ing Who Were There. WilKKS-BaRRX, April 24 Toe large number of Elks who left Be ran ton on tii Villous trains of last ev-nini' tn at. I tend lh" social session of tbe Wilkes Uarra i lge were most hospitably re ceived In tn- sistei city and right roy ally entertulne I, A Idresaes were made bv Judge Stan ton Woodward, of the Luzerne county bend . Ihttrict Attorney Gsrmau, C Ben Johnson, Colonel Knuk J Fits Simmons, ex Judge Peter P. Smith, ban I. Hart, Sam Sampter, Dr. A. N. LeeU, C. 0 Boland, Adjutant W. S Miliar, Iir Unnster and many others. It fell to the lot of the only "Billy" Craig to giv a readstic exhibition of the Solllvan-Kilrain light. Among the Scranton people present were Colonel Prank J. Fitxsimoaa, A. R ise. P, L Martin. 1 r L c Labauoh William Craig, John Grady, John H Blackwood, Curtis Coloin, William it nil, George Qunster, J. s loo S'vislier, John M Corbtt, Clyde Uopewell, Jnmes M. Burke, Mix Prankel, W. s. Millar, Bmil Welobel, Charles Weiobol, Wil! lam Marple, J ihn P. Mali, u, Dell Sim r-li, John M. b-nrre. Ur. A N I.eete, law B, Richard. H. U. t;h.tse, Willi ,m Kanb, W. L. Pryoc, Cusrle Connor. Mm in Lauer AH'er Krsmer. J. hn M. Stanton, M. Bwariskohff. Marvin Smith. M McCaun, Dr. itunster, Walter Haalan, John A. Duck worth, Fred WalJner, Luit Payne, Charles Westpfabl, Dani ligglna, Jobn Bimpeon, Charles it. M MeBrido, J. P Van Kteck W. A RutloJgv, N W. Collins, F F Jordan, '-amiiel Samtsr. A C. Ren thaw, Sol, Goldsmith, Jscob Cohen, Joel Boliiday, Alexander Connell, George F. Davis, Alfred A. Daroey, George Kir by. Engeoe Beblffer, Jolin Mitchell, J C Zarfllch, D L. Jewell, Peter B Bmith, H i: Lsouard, George McDonald, John Cooke. . THEY'r-L CRAZf OVtR GOLD. f pis of AlUq ...q t. Flccklr. to Hell's Cener. O A Fialdw ALBI 1)1 utQi i .N M .April M -There is greai excilement over the placer go! I tieids iu Hell's canon, within fif teen miles Ol thu city, nod y.tierday il lei si 100 locations were made by gold hunters from this citv. A s n.rt time ago N'. J. iT.B Rl1t out 70 from a claim In one day. Since men several thousand dollara In gold have b eu panned out Miners and prospectors ire fleoktugto the newly ditcovcred pi .cr ti-lds. FRNK M A I T O N STRICKEN. The b-Aeststaat simastsr 0ural AttaekeC With Paralrala WaSHISOTON, April 21 -Frank llut ton, uno of tho proprietor and "ditors ol the WaablUKton Post, and Arthur's ntsistant postmaster gen eral, wss stricken with paralysis this afternoon while at work at his d"sk, and Ins l oon removed to the Emergency hospital. He it iu a critical conlition, - SOUTHERN NECK-TIC PARTY A Cnlerd Kiitllan I. Lyn bed by a Mc b ef Pe.t Cit zji.t. Si tNNtn, Ga., April 21 Bob BveratS, c lured, who assaulted it whits girl, aged 10, near Jamaica, it few days ago. was lynched Sunday night by a crowd of 100 white nnd negroes. He confessed hit crime. Al ter being strung up he was riddled with bullets. 8 - A BOMB IN LANCASTER. The Explosive shattai a Railway Sta ti n Nr. CPw tn the Peipitrator. LaMCASTBR, Pa., April 24 -Last night about midnight the Pennsylva nia railroad Station at Watts waa bad ly shattered by a dynamite explosion. There is no ciew to the identity of tho miscreant or the motive. GRIM REAPER'S HARVEST. Ex-Judge Nelson Jurvis Wnterbnry, of New York, aged T."i, forme law partner of Samuel ,1. T1I1I011. Edward Reld,T9 renrs eld, of Orange N. J., a veteran of the late war. worth ti COO, 000, who left halt hie fortune to chin itv. At Wilmington, Del.. ,lmPS WilkiUB, aged f-4 years. He had been member ot Mechanics lodge. Independent Order ot Odd i ellows, for fi7 years. Kx-Sheriff Pennington Corson, 58 vears old, postmaster at Smith Bcavtlle N J Uia father, Cnpinm Baker Corson, biid ex pired but iwo days previously. WEATHER FORECAST. WkHIVCTi'V Anvil CI ft dAH Kufor Wtdnuday; For Eatt STM 'enn.s;rinin .fair. HorUttaM 1 wflutt, For HsfJeVn Hntasviva- nm, asr-wtnaMaimng to tast- erly. FILEY'S umbrellas AND Parasols Colored Silk Umbrellas with Dresden Knob Bandies to match) are anion',' the leading styles tot Ladies' uio. Wo show an atrrao live variety in Blue, Brown, Green, Garnet, Mack and Chang able Silks. Prevailing prices for one week J 50c. Umbrella, 26-incb. 3?a St-39 Gloria Silk, S&6-incli9 SlfRT $2. 25 Bristol SUk, 26-incli, $f .99 (3 Windsor Silk, 26-inch, $2 65 iii?aras:l3 re have all tbe latest designs airf newes t materials. We call atten don to our WHITE MOIRE afj 12.00, :i!s0 WHITE STJRAII with White Handle and Frami at ;.0U. FDSLEY'S, 510 and 512 Lackawanna Are. IHE M PERCltt A RU53E3 H'PSCa. FAOL,S Maltese Cross RUBBER BELTING AND H0S5. CTIA's; A. BCHIEBSIt A CO 1 PERFORATED ELECTRIO And Oak-tanned Leather Belting, H. A. Kinfrsbury AOEVT Sf 3 Srn;p St., Scrutot, Pi Lewis, Reilly & Davie l idles show friends oar ai.M), a?, sin an, i NUOKa, and so .ntliuslaettc nre tbe over Ihelr pvrrhaess that oae sale i sure t be the meant ef makini; auoiher. LEWIS, REILLY & DAVIES 114 Wyoming Avo. WAIT UNTIL I gat in my now quarters at 408 SPRUCE STREET, and you can gat bargains in JEWELRY that have never been offerecl in Scranton. I. J. MCI Id The Jeweler. D