s G THE SCPANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY MORNING. APRIL 24. 1891. fl D.LIGMTrUL CONCERT. Olvnn at Munlc Kali List Evsnlnc by Bom Talent, Mteelnl to tkt Keraafon JWbunA Pittston, Ph , April 28. Notwith Itinding the threatening; up pen ranee of tbe weather n lnr;re end fashionable Sndienci Rathered in Music II II lint evening; to witness tilt) first preienta tion of n jrand mosioal and literary entertainment given under the nus pirMof tba Blessed Virata's Bodality of St. John's church. When the cnr lein mined nn tli lirst r'irt ererv leal wits occupied mi ! standing room wi nt a pri'minn, Tbe programme con ittted i : vi v ii and Instrumental ntuia mi I epti u i s 1 he participant! were jranng people from ti i- : lace aisieied by few from Wllites-B itre, Cnrhondule n&d Scran t. ii. Ti f programme, while leuuthy, was nevertiieles enjoynd by nil and en eh soldiet received unstinted np pi i oar. Owing to ttiu bnel time inter Veiling between the- rendition Of til" )"'.;: nun . iind tin' eltisilltl of tills I -I- lat, XllK Tumi NM i forced tn Kite but u general ciilicism ol the whole ARBOR DAY t X-.!tClS:s To u. Obtervtd with Pomp and cru- cnniy .it the i'lirli S-cYiol PittciQtto iit .S'rdn'tta iVAaaf Pittston, Pa April 33 -Next Bttn.r lav bi-loK Arlior Day, liy proclamation t (; ivernor Petition, tba icnnol direo lorn of Ibl borough, assist, il by the teachers and loholan of tin bitch Qvhool, will observe it by planting aluiut the nigh lobojl gronnds twenty throe Bne maple Ireei With that en l In view workmon have bean hnay iba l-;at wok making tha necessary pre pa rati in for tba Intereating event. Tbe exercises attendant upon tiie no cnaioo promim to ba unusually inter eetingenl are cuiterlv await. I. 4 , Cri icisi: a Y ui Lady, "She would be a pretty ;iri tor but ono thine." What's ihatr asked Charley. Geonje ilei face Is ill va) a covered with purple and red blotches. Charley -Ob, that's easily enoagbdb poeedof, Used to be tbe name way my elf, ln t I call i; hi en tu tbe trouble uih day. and got rid of it in no time Ueort;e What Kits it t barley Simply hi d eruptions. Took a abort eonrae of P. P. P, 1 tell yon, it's the Iks blood corrector, The governor bad rhuuiatiiu eo bid thut yon voald bear him bolter clear aeroaa tbeoonntry every time he moved. He tri.sl it, and yen know What an nthletic old ggnl he la- now. Ueomebody would give UIm Lhiv a pointer, be WOttld tliank them after wards. All the drug itoraa cell it 4 PITTSTON CONDENSATION Niy TamtnpSi Cut DoWB for Qiiei: Ph neat fh-ciat to tt jSeeaafea nreaaa PlRtTOM, April 2:5 -The cold, raw riiny weiittier of the past few days hai e need tba discarded overcoat io be brought fortn for u while at least Burgees llaloney in ide a tour of tie aide sid" utreetit y sterdny mid lerted notifi on property owoeri wberede fe! live rddewalki and blockaded uttt ters ejii,t.d to repur the tame forth wi-.h In pnrenanee of the proolamation pObtlened by the West hide board o' uHUb, reqnirtag tba vacoinat on nt n hool ebiltlren, Dr Betran b.i began ti:- wcrk and expeoti before long to have ev-rv actiolar m tba boroogb rao- in aed. Tba trial of Etocc i Ball iterrla, while charged with kidoapplng little Eldie Urutbtrton, "f Aiil -y. i-s -t liwu on tb lilt for Monday, April 80 Th aeriee of eriij,..-listic lu '-tin.'s ;r iiiuiti irv to the suiniu-r tent t- tin -l"ign, under the direction of Mr dtoody, opened Sunday. Tba opening r vi.-- of tiie nee wa hell in tli '..t Site Methodist obnrob at n o'clock, and wa Urtrely attended. In tbe afternoon the pervicoa were bald in t1 eE'St Sid-First t'rr.hyteruu obnrob and w.m thronged to the duort by an Intereeted co!iare('inQl largely com piled of yottiirf people, A number ol the local p.tatora occopie I ts on the pnlp'.t platform. Major Whit tie wa in chargs. The preliminary "rvicea conaisted of an appropriate eomr, 'Jieeire Thy Worit," by ttie eon aregatlon, Mr. Btebbina leadini; pr.iy en by iter. J. i. Kekmau and H' V j. b Sainner, and a tol . "Clinat Liretb in Me." by Mr. Stcbbioi. Tn. aMu; k-ryioe held in thn vVest .Side 1 reai.yieriitn ctiurC'i. which aleo Wai srowded to the doors lon bf.r the boor for opening, ai.d Mi ldreds were nnable to K'am admlttanoa .M j r Whittle took for bti trlt Lnke U 86, "And thev worablppad Him nod retmrnel to Jermalan with gr-at Joy " He laid ill aubatancx; Mn. Mary Ann Mooney died nt the hotue of ber fath -r, J ims Meiein. Rlilroa l atreet, BOO iay eTOOiOg, S.'io wn agel HO yenrs, and leavaa to mudra her loi, it bneband, live dangbten and one aon. The funeral will occur to morrow afternoon at u o'clock. Inter ment In Market street oemetory A coiiiuiittaa of Eagle Hoe company baa pnrehaeed a team of iron grayi that together tip the Imam at 8,440 pounda, there hein' but a dilf-renco o one and one-half ponndi in ibetr weight. The borert nre . ye tr-olla and are to bl us,el .'or tire and team pur PtttBi Fuckim.'s Amies aalea Thn belt anlvo in the World forfait Eiuims, tvjrs, L'lcera, Salt Kbeam, Fever Sjra, Tetter, Ubapped Hauda, I Inlblaina, torna and all Sklo Friipiioua, aiidponl lively cured 1'iIik, or no pay required. It ) (turaiite(d to gtre perfect MtlafMtion cr Btosey refunded. Price K cente per boi. Fin aole by Matthewa Uioe. THINGS 0B8IRVE0 UNO NOTEO. Thini!, politically ipeaklny, are very IWily in tbia vicinity at the preieni time. Scarcely a day p.isas but one or more of the varioni eandidatea are to bCgeefl in cotiveraation with the ward hclr puttinK in l,ia test work, it can be laid In all candor that never was a more enir(etic canvans waged at such mi early ateo of the Off hi na the prei ' n t tim It can be brbfly pat down "on In H public in aide of tiie houte," 'in ii light between county seat combin itiona and poblloienUment, Thaoan lldncy of our lownimm, Qeorge S. Ferria, for orphan court Judge, him canted a hoap of opposition from tint Willcea-I! tire con tingent who are averse to su.'h an im portant office coming to thii end of the county. With tbll end In View they are busily engaged in planning and fe Joicinir in tha aetnranoe that Mr Fsr ria will never make Hie nomination Be ibnt ae it may, Mr. P-nii and hia triad lieutenants assert thev have no fenrsof tbe re-iilt and are prepared to meet any snap game that mi ;ht be at tempted, e e a The fight for repru.iotitiitivo in the Fifth Legislative district among tiie Republican and Dnuocrttic parties n the next ofB'.-e In point of importance being longbt for at tbe present tlm While there has not been any an ti'iuncemont publicly made on the Re publican aide, rnmora of Q U Smith. Aicbael Wbalon, William Longhrey mil Blancharl Chapmin bping pis- Ude candid ites are beard on all side:. '.'be selection 01 boy one of these mimes WOnld be nn honor well bestowed, each and every one of whom line done yen man service be etufore in furthering the aims of the Republican party. Tbe fhrht on the other side Democrat) is i quite spirited U has now narrowed down lie uvoon James Delaney, William Rntledge and Hon. J. T. FUnnery, Up to the present, tblngs appear to b ill ono sided. During the week just c'oied tbe gallant captain v.tnriuHtiod opponents with the dexterity of a Cioero by oonriuoing tha committee ol tii" necessity of holding the uouven llon early in June and tiie committee KO decided. So OOnfi lent is H'O Captain of the nomination that bo baa no hneltatioy in saying it and from tbe knowlelgeof things, unlesi something nnforaeen arises, wlliob ia not likely, the candidate for representative on the Democratic tloket from the Diftli district will be Hon, John T. Flan uery. 4 a ' Yes" i was a fool remarked an tx sti iking fjwbigll Valley railroad paHeU er brakemnn In a u umber of lii fn-n.ls in a well known linrbcr ibop Saturday evening "Prlnolple," It enntiuned is on" Ihlug, but tbe mr ri ii''rinii of a job uniting me from 80 in $70 it month limply to ohoy the die tn.es of out chiefs, wllO when thev feel ipos' d turn in down, is quite differ ent, Today I nm working on the sec tion gang rnmpiug ties for$l "0 a day while Ihoee advooating princiiila con tinue to live hiuth 00 (at s.ilatlus creat ed by misguided mortpli sum as 1." Pittaton, Pn,, At rii i i , at MINCIO T NtlNOOKA. The Newi f a Day 1 ilgbi v i pttomlaid tor Hum i -it ReaAei a .) , .at lo t .r . ,'r.ia'n'i hflbaati Minooka, Pa , April 88 The enter titillUien1 winch will be uiven tonight at No, -I school at Qrrenwo d, under the ensploss ol the Cbrlilian Bodearor society, of that place, proiuis s to be a grand success An excellent pro Ltratnms h is been arranged for the oc casion and a good time is promised to all who attend, John Poltikie mid John Cbcrback, two Polish residents of Greenwood, wi re arranged before Alderman O'Hars leal night on a obarge of baviug ut tempted to burn the house of ( harly Cbonoekie, Not being able to furnish I'all in tbs sum of i!0 each th-Y Wl comreltt d to the c iu ity j ii to awali lb" decision of the grand j iry. Mike t' Kelly, of U.ica atreet, an nounce! that he will go to Colorado next mouth to engage in bnsinSS as . traveling salesman lor a glue firm in th it state. l"-i-, n daughter of Antbonj Burke, of Ualnetreet, is ill with brou ebitis The Initial preeenatlon of the Bor derland Druiu ttic c mi p in y wn give last night in Temperance i ill to a fn I house Jiiin-a K-Ii Corby did in remarkabh line acting audTJobu Carat) and P. F. Cosiek were excellent in th' funny work John B(an wai thebeavi villain and too l las p trt in good etyle Mm Annie Ciunell did some very clever actins aa a New York belle Ules Connell p recanted a beautiful ap- pearanos on Iba ataae and fascinated the audience with ber style of acting. Mias Jennie Long nay, a Mies Bprig t.e:is, the governess, displayed greai 1 1 n'y na an nctre-a in fact the WUOli company wasexo-llent and worthy ol 1 r.uae. Their tti XI -ntertaiumunt wit la- given ut i ! I Forg. CtfRK'l, bUMMlT NOTES. n.ataidlv Attaeh en a Dfeoe-l.' V oroan-- ul dl-.- "d Othr N-. fa , a! t'i- c nafoa T i'ms ClARK'H bUIUUT Pa., April U Tbi Weather is i,li that could ti desired .nd farmers ar boaily employed pot ling in spring crops and planting fruit trace, aUrg-r number ot wblota bavi been set in Ibis uelghborlio id than foi in nir vears Bd wieae iiaa porchsaad anotlier lot of Mr Atberton and started acllir OVer Which he Will erect a liiill'O ai "in na pnealble, Ji sp-pli .-ell.", ' i.eiv house ia n1 ari completed, Mr. F own ,a building nice bouse and Mr. ling ry baa u i.e.. i, iie wi-ii nnder war. UlM Kelly, of Pine llroik, will occupy Her Ii 'IIe a, em Contractor Moyer baagrailel a bean Uful lawn at hll new iiuue which h will tii! wltb shrubbery, Mr. Ziba Voabnrg ia still conSaed to in r !, Mrs Beet, her daughter Mastgis and Little euu, 1 1 v alone in t small boose near the Delaware, I. ckawanna aad West' ru awitch yard In this place Late Saturday evening they Were nr used by loin- one knocking Mug attacked the namaol tie party bni received noanawer. She look tplec of wood in her hand an I opened the door, thinking it was me boys, and attempted to throw th" wool at tbem She was Cop fronted by a preon ahe well knew, wit'i a lantern, wuo drew n revolvr and fired tor shots in quick SUCCCSlion, one of them lllgbtl) cutting her scalp. a branch millinery deparUaent will be ppueil in the lurnilure -tore of BJfgtod A Wheeler, April 88, Our friends and patrons nr" cordially In viMd to give ns call. K K. LlACR, Boranton, Fa Tha Kllb In the i"i ronnut. ,SW YOfk JgtN rlr. The MrKlnlev lull alio providee a tax on iinoi.ies.bat ttiey are Fnlixb iiiioiioh. That is tbe reason tba HcKlnley tariQ is io ntipopoler In the s.mii. . . lr. Wood s Norway Fine Byrup was nied for reariaaa nreaariptlon ii-- a sno eeesfol physician It le in all reapeotatbe bestcongh medioine nuds today. Hold by all dantora on a guarantee of satbfaotion A V, ell Krmn ' ' nrr ' attraon. xni.Ti- CoHn ,oiomif. Men and brethren of the Democratic party, let us nt least In thaukful that Rhode i- o.-t Is no biggur. Whia V::' y as ilok, wo gave her Tortorta. Win n i.'.i,' ttasal hilil, Khecrleil f or "a itorla. When r)i lv.rni Ml, she clung to ( '.istoria, Whuu she hud (.'Uliilrub.kbegaiet:. .. Caiitufla, Sccinp is believing. You'll be lieve when you see the beauty of tliosn Multichromos. an I Tin ifiriitly CUICi I III ID HWOM I II "-llV i, '.,111.1 1(111.1,,,-,. ld. ,ll,,.lr.lil I- I I llfo r-ttvn rl.rtircl,rrce hw rtrnil WhrtiIU.tSprlr.ci I Mil Mcmrylkil, , . Mario Romody "I'll pir.uivniy ,-tire. a tII. Kit 1 1 111 III, (hNli. III. 1 rLtorctiVuttcocile, I i, ,111? VIII I'.'.-HJIIB, in I J, 1 . rary if) ii m i'ii, in i' vrcM Hllltlu'i 1.- ; ! . mi- ,- SylJy M Ail il K A b Uiiua., Di utKiets, atrantoxi, i . Beccham's pills are fo: biliousness, bilious headache, dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid liver, dizziness, sick head ache, bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue, loss of appe tite, sallow skin, when caused by constipation ; and consti pation is the most frequent cause of all of them. Book free; pills 25c. At drugstores.qr write B.F.Allen Co., 365 Canal St., New York. Spring Ginghams. We have placed on sale our line of Ginrhains for the coming -'-prin;; and summer Finer Goods, More Tasteful Colorings and Lower Brier", than ever before, art? what will recommend them to oui patrons PITTSTON. PA. B RICK DRAIN 1 ILE FR N T, W IKE cr r HOLL( U VITRIFIED FIRE AND COMMON ) R I C K Bo in ihe m rki I n ii n i UiUiiUt ( I I H I'. BlnRbaraton N V I A TOBY Brandt, Pa Atlantic Co. MaUlQflVOtUtfVl UlutTjioatiQ an! Lnbricati a. j3 Linseed hi, Napt i aa l Chia i Unas of ail crile .'e Urease 1 mi n lea- on 1 1 . Iiterjr O n pbnnd'.alao, i i r e liuawf Pai ii hi i.- V ai Candi V7c lan handle th'- Pamntti fROW l ACVt Oil. tbe onl) f n f safe . bin uing oil hi tha mar,, i Wit. 1AM MA80N, Manarr 0fll4i 'ua1 Kxt li.tiu.'. WfOSUlM Ava V tjrKsi M rlM Btcnm M ALONE Y OIL AND MANUFACTURING CO. yt iiIh nr ' iiMi' 1 tl OILS m .Iso Shalt ing ana Joiirnal Grodsa. OfKIlK r.'l V.'e.t La. kawnnns At Vkt.UKS Meiitllaa str.. HOW LIKE A MAN HE FEELS j AST FEAR he had raved 1300, ili! bough) a htiiiso worth $1850 paid 1300 down, gave a mort gage for 11,550, Today ho etl mates as follows: Rent caved S'-Wn) intereht on nnirtfltase u nxieaad repairs '' tn 'O Net saving on rout Jiai ii.) Saved en salarv IN iw To apply mi BortCafe $-70 60 ItEH.KCI ION "In l ilt It yeava that ltiMINi. will lie free tl'nni ilelit nlul I shall have a heme of Illy int a." GBRBN RIDOR is Mia paradlae for boniea, Finn A smm have reeeaily Ba l-i.. ,1 n beantffBI villa, wltlch they ofl'i-r. on easy payments, ut Sil850. Call nt their oflOCi betvfeen WaalilnRlon anil AiIhihn on llllve -trt. to. EZRA FINN & SONS. GLOBE WAREHOUSE, Ulil'J I luUuli.Uij. a- V;V:VtfT 5.10 r . ixTtUX. i K: . . t . ' ''i( I f I A . r d,.T "iius-r J 1 .1 Jg&0 t;S 1 SUPERLATIVE AND GOLD MEDAL The nl nve I rands of Hour can be had nt any of the following merchnnts bo will accept THB TrIBUKI tlOV ft OQPPOM of 88 oti each one hundred poundi of Hour or SO on each barrel "I Hour. rrrnii'ii P. , Pre., WhhIiIiik:oii aveimil llo ii Mesta Hmnil. I'iiii r K 1' prie,s ( old Metal Brand. Unnmoro V. D Itaole) Hnperlattvi r.raut. Hyue fark faraou & Davie, Waahbum hu Oold Itedal Brand; J lera a tteanulaln areuae, nnperlattva Brand, Qreea tUdei AL.Spuciir.(.il.l Madal Brand, ,1. 1, si, 11.de, Mii- 1 ative rrovldem-e fannar Cbaupell N Main ave inie. Hnperlatir.t ..randiu J it li...pi w, Mark-it treat, Ho, I .,-d,l H ud plyubanl Jamie Jordan, taper latl re Brand, rtalrllle HbattVr A K Is r Mnp..rl.itlr. Jermra t . u Winters Oa buperaiatlre ArcblMtld Jooaa, s npa in A Co . H ,i.t Wed tl Carl H e jB, Clark, Child Medal Brand. Hnneadala -I N KMei At i'o ilo, 1 Muli .t ka M II. I.tvoll IRON and STEEL S'OBVt t IJtOX hi. v K II I A Ml M I I V I i: MM KPKC'IAti i NDKIIMO.Vm I S'OI.ISH i hH ! s I M.i,i-, ' I n HTM Hi HOItHK KHOI N TOR CALK 1 lit K M t IIIM'.ltV -I I. IM, BOI I HTRKb AM II. -s ll LtiOW I HOHSK i,s Ull.lS A I'.t ,s i i. M, i I I I I Nt. M iftesibender &Co.,SGrantoa wholesale and retml dealers' In VTaROomakers' an I Blackansilbjsf bUPPLIEH B ( 3 fetwS IftllMftfl t as,' ItimmM. ,,e -, - .Mofe.ii-al J...i ia eitaei ii rir ,.,. ' ' ' UW I I ' ! I ," S 'in 'I- ' Wi 1PL Co. Por aale by JUtlrl ll. PHKXPd, Pkanaaciati cor A'jomlag Ava and t-oruteSi s r- nt. a I' i n i I O crar. rsL-ejnn -r tw-k , , y x fcir i jtw t iii. i ai,i,v i to v ' A' " i-u. toifat riifTEovAj. vz.zm and t.:i, no ether (f i.l l r urculor. Prlru t l.'.io i i imi, o boaee for aji.fkL l iii.. Mi 1 '"is 1 1 1 : kl N IIAMItla, Uraaalat. t, nooinson s m Lage 1 EKR I tREWERY ItShnfSI inrr f 'be '.-,-l,rate-l PlLSENER Lager Beer C A C IT Y l(H),U;()BL!s P.- Annum, tavepean I'l in I'tr-t el.is. I'ar att-ehel I epoi lor pi-miiui I I, i 1 iu,tnuns-r Beer I E Co; 15ili ud Filtel li Mih S'.i t dffttfey f.r hmMi'Ma of N K. IVtin VjrlVMllti All $OU Vfiil.-i,!'.- ir tr;vtlrt 1i Mid tr- m )!fmi! Htir t n'. ;i mid iti Iweifth nnd &Urkt Strn.-t ution l.-uraii.-f.T ftolttuf Sot Hiit-uiluiis) nud i In Hi tbi Ai tin .it' Its Until m T J VICTORY, Pl.OirtlETOR. MT. PLEASANT AT RRTAIta atnf tin, iit-st qoaHty f ir domeette nne,and of ail hin s. delivered la any part ot the city at lowest price Ol der, left at my office. NO. 1 IK. WYOYIINO AVKNtJei, Rear rtHim, flrst floor, 'i'lilr 1 National Bank, nr -.'iii by in ol or telnphouo to tha mine, will teeitvi prompt attention. Hnectal conli acts will be made for the aalu and delivery of Buckwheat Coal. TIM. T. SMITH. F.adios Who Value Arefliiedcuiunleilcn mtlltaSS Poizoni's l'ow- di r. It producea a soft and beautiful akin. Jai - The Flour Awards "Chicago, Oct 81. Fba first offlcia innonnceuivtit of World's Fair di ploma! on Hour has been made. A medal has been awarded by th World'l Fair jndgei to the flour mann factored by the Washburn, Crosby Co, ii, the great Wisbbnrn Flour Mills, Minneapolis. Tbe committee reporN the Hour strong and pure, and entitle it to rank as first-class patent Hour for Isiuily uml takers' u " MEGARGEL & CONNELL t I'l l I ti l Atll NT' Taylor Jad A Co., Qold Uedal; Athertou A' Co., Hnperlative, Inirwa l-awrence atnre Co., Oold Medal Miaeie-Jiihii Uofrludlo, It Id M. lal Hlttston It W O'Boyle, OoM Medal. Clark! Green -Frace ,v perker, Haperlattri fiark's eanimit v M, tonmr, Oold Medal bahon H k Plan a s,,ii. Quid Medal Bran I Nn h ,-oii ,1 r. itiiMin--. ivaverly-M. . Bllee j Bon, Oo'd MedaL red 1, nil,, Cbarlea Gardner, OoldMedal llopbottota la. M KtaaAHou, Uold Iteda Tobyhanoi T livlmnii A: l,-a,rfa l.iimoi 1 o Uouj Medal Brand Hon ii.ti ,r, 1 a a. a, 1. on. iUI Ha Ul Hran 1 M Galea ,v cjemeata 0 Id MedaL Lake Ariel Jamea . Bortrve, Gobi Medal ForeetClty J L Mornau A Co., tJoln Metla Vf (.ns Will I l A I.I S HPItlNOS III Its Bl I IKKB ItlMH Bl i l l. ski:ih it, ii aPitaR-i UM.is RR08 BCtlKW V t HIM I : I V , .... . . w .. , ,r in .4,, . - ,:,,'! -(,! ': b It- Ql'l. i-i , f 1 r I- , 1 , I ,rj. H',1,,1 t a at t. i rcfftaftiaail u.u f. i.,i - t l.iu.J, am. m i r ; . . - ii eoliirtd. Ohio. 1ST leena bauy liBiTSagGS, Refrigerators AND Cedar diesis 1-4 1 I I gr Connell lot and 133 H. Washington Ave. CASH We're clBJtl our credit boolia. CASH We t.ny for rush, will yon? CASH If yon Jo wo can save you 25 per tent CASH Iirintt it 11ml we'll prove our aa-a-rtiou ae to auving. CASH We believ) n bird in hand is worth two in the bub, there fore we prefer c.ilh to credit in tntsineea and can easily nlTord to do jtiat what we say. CASH The low pricei and the new syi teni fin into effect, Stturday, April 21, 18M C. W. Fr&ezmar Pmu Ave. and Spruce St BUSINESS AND I llYsli 1A.VS A I'riiTlTiTNX DB. ! KUOAR UKAX Iiaa romoved to'iilii Upruee atreet, Seinntuu, 1 u. CJuat op poslte cuuri-boubo Square.) DM, A. J. t-UKXELU Oftlee M Vaehinati.a avenue, cornor (Spi-.ua Btreet, over rrancko a drilK store, huaidenco. Vi! Vino at. 1'ttir.o buura: lU.au to It! a. m. and to4 au-i I- to 7.:w p. ra. Sunday, 2 lo a p. m. Vk. w. k. AU-KJi, tiuico eor. l-aUn AV wanna and Witali.iieton aVN. I over Leon urd bIiuh store; olbce hours, 111 to 11! a. iu. and ;' to 4 p. in. ; eveuiuua at rieldenca, 51J X aslilnton hVo. U 1-KliY. I'nit-Ut-.i lunii.'tl to. ins is eaaea of tin, Kye, Ear, ttoee and Throat: offtro, la Wyoiuiun avo. Bealdenoa Vina atreet. I in. L It UATEa, 126 Waahlnitou Avenne. Olnce boara. S to S a.n l.auto ;i auj i t a p.m. Ko-identn :m .lladl -ei av. nue OUij C WKSyZ, U. l . UUtuas U aud .i ' omiiionwti.lt.b InuMliie; rusltlenoa Til Mailiaon avo; ofltoebonre, 10 to U, - to I, f Ul ; Bundari ILfjO to i, eveninnal reeidsnca A apeoaltr nana of ttlriiiai or tbu eye. oar. no) ajidtbroat and lyneootogv, " " KKlNAin M IIUICOMK Vetvi-iuery byraeua, Uoa . twry a ipectattr; uold medallet of o.i n Vetarinary UoIIim Offlce. iiu Sprnoe at. Teiephom Nn mi IV tarl l. a ., i r na, I ?' - I'-Xi K U Law eud ( ulleotl I "ii ' lpru- o I.L, t'ppoaltl I ..rest Hunaa Bcraaton, la.; collectlone a apeelalt taroncnonl PetmtrjrWanlai n-iiuoiu correepontl elite Iii every rounty. 1 i.-Mi'n 4; 11A..U, Ait.,n,y. K, t leinitj.. i lots at Ijiw. Uommonwealtb l,uii.iii, , ' ' . ;.,u w II Ii - i p Uoaice i H tio. W. II Jaaai'p, Jil .til,- Alii). WAHKBM tt K.N AIT, Attoi rj neyaaod Qoaueeloraat Law, Bepnuileaa Unldai. Waahlnatoa aeq Hoi an ton. Pa. WAI i l.ltnti.i j; viiu. u.. Attorneys i.i i i irtineellori at Law) edteael una a Ubrarr I uildiua. ocrubtou, i-fc. Rmwru ll i sTTansoa Wltl I tv A , U ". v i.I';::-jiiaxli. WiU,ia..i j'.' iiaxo, aT i toraera and Cbnnaeltont Oentnioawaatti n Idlng Roomi Hi, m an I ;1 It M lYLK. Attoiitev at l.aA- N',,,111 ,u,d ' ' 8B, Bnrr build n.,. Waahlnttti a area t (JUMty U. HERI.Y Law offlim lu"price I I bnlldlnc, I-' Waahtngton avec ia PKANKT OKaLU Attoner at lawi Kooia a. Coat Kli hana". Hnal.ton, t'a. J1LTON W IOWBY, I Att'ra B7 Waabiaa II VtiX HTnh' If. f ton ae.. I II ,)Uata AMI.., W OAKKOHD, Attorney at Law, ' haunt SS, StjindSA Common wealth b'l'a AMUEL W. EU-.aK. Attorney .1 Law. Otnca 3IT Hprueeai, Scrantoa. I 'a. A WATKKh, Atio.;. v a; Law, iii t. Laekawaniia am-. H.iniitnn. I'a I ) P SHI'1 11, i utuuellor ut 1 .aw. lllllre, I . riH-iii M. ..I. 'si t -i 'lin. nwealtii bullmn.r U r'lTL'HSat, Attoraey at Law, cow . men weaitb ln.flalna. Kt-rantoo, ra . CUMEOYH ii i .! I ) B UtfLuULK, Attorney Loam aeao . '. iisii on real aetata - n t. t apruoa I' hii. lam. AtterntrauLaw iju v. ' i', omacarenae, Seraatoi nAVE YOUS DitDS AND MofttdAO E8 written and eekaevledfed be i W. IROWN1NO, Attorney and Kotary FuU.o. a r aol -i Ibjlni -i MOt. I - CUuoLOp THE LACKAWaNMA, Soraa- O ton. I'a , la epurea boya and air.. (i.rcoIUa-a i i tboi Jk-Uly lia.ua vuuna tbnjrett .UI-jkuo at liquet He v Thom t M ''ut Watvea B Beam. tits-' WORCeSTBB'S KlNDEBaARTEX '1 anl htti.oi, tu Adatoa araaaa Paaib - red all tliuua Nut tern, will upau ID M 11 1' LAVDACH, suriuu DiaUiii Nai iii . W 1 1 laitng ata ' - I li A I 1 1 IN ..ITIre i ..i l i. I, ,t, PHK REI'L'll it.' B..vtn.s. ind Loaa Atao I t-.atn.u will loin ,uu m aey on eaeter tanaa i, i pay roe better oa laveairaeat thai aay ther aa.x-lati.i.1 i'all m S S CAuLI N i 'Kit. I n.. Baal l ui ,1 ii. -I I lea. ( : " CLAK Befcleojoa. : t a i:.d Xiirsrrymcti; at.,re 111) Waabine't Ml IVCBBC) rr.s.n h-.-.i-. Xorlh Main at.i.ae. I. LARK A O ,-lepi 1 I I KA ru. . li A N 1 1 I X It i tt mi t i.i n . fOB EL'ETTBU ell I ick.swa-ir rl i . i'-i n aenl r . f t Ire HOV1 U IKt Ul TAPn i . lir. v : tiTktlNsTBR Wa Wnastaa 1 are Boon h- at.l I tlh attum: ad inoiT I b loiprovexusata r m rauauta r iKULER'S HOTEL, IB Leokawaaaa av . iuft Kiauioa ttetae isatneilili ! Ktao; la i r. rletar it Eb'iMiMaTKR iin RL ' ' W, i. HCBKNCK, Manafler Miiernth atreet, one l-luck .eat . ; I i .day. at fi mn Boned . New Yi ia. mt-rl an plan, aa all per jay awl npward i UYNat In I'M. karupeal pian; sood I nsima t i-en day and i.tgbk Bar aua ! i lied Klin tbe best. i' it rdVNK fmprWoT . It tNTtiN HOI hU i. a- i l. a DM eancvr actyal t'tuiilurt.-l en . ' o.. t ii r.iit -o ... it prn T,.r KA U i KNTKAU li -r -. tl eon in pod bot-'i :n Aiioatoaro. i - ate i r In per ,lev -arae-t an I 1, I'a ; rate I. no. it I'tnerp. Proprietor. A I.I 1: I 1 Ills I AVM BOCPT. Arclilterta. K.,!ii. 11 j I' Bt and II ConimoBweaith b'kt'e Scrantoa jj l, MALlKH, Ai.loti.t. l.iie. rv t 111..I I t ii',- t oin.n. it - nit" . ar.l mi I,' 1.. BIKIWX Ar h I: Ar,hlt,vt. Pries I a tiuialliij.l'JS tt a.hlnjton Ave.,-'Tsnt"n. M I I : t M III a UAIIKi- i lit 11ITU. Ml'.-IU Fui: Leila, picnics, partiee. rseeptlone, wad SRUBeadeoi i work larnUbed For tenm doraae R J. Baaer, condnotor. lit Wyoming at- , ov-v nniliert'a tnusi,- .tore nfrRToN 11 SWAHTS WHOLES ALB lumber. aud ti liuua liana bnlldlag Kt-rauton. Pa MKOAROEK BROTHERS, PRINTERS' MSMnfa en veto pea .ier 1 .ifc-a. twine. Warehttise, in Wauhigtoa ave. Bcrantott Pa -. I'tn iI-'m LIVERY, HBO (apoaae avrnne I plratelaaicarriagsi i 1 rOOTB,Agt Pnneral Director and ambaltfier, PRANK l'. BROWN a 01. WHOLE II sale ib n' 1 ill W 1 edit are, l't rd.ia't- and in, t '.'in. . e ... nacaavaaM avenne. nZRA 1 iX.n a suNB, imlldera ami eoBtrao la tors iiii, I: Coi tier t live it. and Ad.inn are : earner Ash .t. and I', nn ave . Srranton THE Thatcher S THE Bi ST. Get pticea and toe tbe furnace and be con vinced. A full line of HEAT 1 EIS, Appollo aud Utilize Door Ranges CONLAX'S HARDWARE PITTSTON I'-V. iiiiie.iii.iiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiuuijdiiiin i AMERICA Send or bring two of theso S with Ten tVnts.atul get one of s pbotognphs. Eight uunibers niiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiMiiiiiiiuiuiuiii RAILROAD TIME TABLES. J. LEHIGH AMD SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Aathrae t.. coal need txalmtvelr, lnsurlnir oleaultneaa end lomtort vim tabli in nmcT ran. i, isoi. Trains Isave-Boranton for Wttston, WOkea Eane, eta, at 8.1(1 u.li, IL90 a. m., I2.;j, 2 n VU, .vim, 7.e.-,, u.uj p. m Bundaya s.uj i. mJ Lou, too, ; .iu p. in. For A liuitio C ity, 8 10 a. m. For New York, Newark and Elizabeth, P li) (exnrea) a. nt-, I2.:j (exproai with Buffet parlor car), StW(exprei,j p. m. bunday. L'.mJ p. m. Fun MAUCB CHCKK, Al t.r.NTOVN. BSTWL Biai, Eahtoii and Philadelphia, km . m uw, H.W, .vim (except Pblladelpbla) a m, banday, - OU p. in. For l.o.vii Brarcb, (Jckan Grove, etc., at I in a iu., u :Kip. m, For Readmit, Lebanon and Bairiibarc, via A' town, h,Wa. m , IS.SU, J.00, p.m. Bumlav - in p. in. " Fo, pottaeilte, .nn. m , I'j rinn m. .ReturnloK. l-avo New York. fot of I.lborty f i .'';t:., I"'"' rlv,r' Ht lilu (oxpress) m., hill, L, 131 (expraea with Buiret parlor car p. m Bunday. an n. ,. 1 UntTeFb hvlelpbia, Readlag Terminal, moo t. at . -Mm and LSI p. m. Bund.-iy. S.t7 a I nrouab tlekett to all pointaat loweitrates inay. eimii o.t aiiplica'lon in advanue to the tiej..t igantat lai atanon. U r. BALDWTK, J. II. 0UUUB3N. r" " ' A""nt Oeii Snpt DELAWARE AMD BOO :-'):,' It.MI.ROAD. Commencing May n tral i will i nn followa: i : . nis leave Brldjra streel ,-t it on. Si-runton, for Pitta t in, WUkea-Barn ete. am. '.':n". 10.43a in.. RIO, i. ". :i. III. .VI i. is a U uml ii j p. at For New York andl hila deli hia. I uia. in lain . 2.'ifl. S ir. find I,8U p in. ' Por Uoneadaii (from I eUware-Laekawanaa ni tl ..te.teru tl. p jti, 7 Ol, :ti, 10 lo ..u, p ii Bl.. -. IT, A ID p. in. I i ai bo idale and litt'-rmedlnta atatlone. .VI". ; 00, H.80, lo.lii a. in . 1X0U nx,; 17, ,aj,J pi, I .-1 and 1 . 1 p. in ; tr- m Bridge i-tn-t U.-oot. fcll u. in., '.'.iTun I 11 & : m. Fait etproct to Albany, faratoga, the Adl rondack Hoanialna B at n and New Kniiand pointa VI , a ui.. arriv.ar at Albany lASt aantogaiUDp ui.and ieavhtgBeraatoaalS p in . arriving at Albany at .& p. m,, riara toua. l2.SSe in . and k n 7. 00 a. m 1 11 only dire.'t rOBte UetWeetl the ixial flelda and k.ston "The Leedina Tourlete' Koute of America" to tbe Adirondack .Mountain re aorta. Laki-sij.oriteaiitl t'bauiplaiu. Montreal, etc Time table tbowteg bs-al and UtroBgt) trata .--r 1 between ttnllon. on all divi-1.,1.. Ijela a. ire Hini Uiiiis,;ti nratem, may he obtained at all liifl.iWite aiel H'udaou tu-ket offl.-. H O YOUNU, J. W BOBDIOK, R.-f.,nd Vit-ti kreldent. tieu. Paiea A- I mtia H VALLEY RAILROAD. J 1-i.h 11, last Vr'n leavea S-Tantjii tor Pblladelpbla and New ..ikvia.U. A II R K at s a.m. 11 IU t,S9 and ll.tt p. m rtaD.,L AW. R, K.tioO, " 0- II J)l a UJ..an 1 l..i p. 111. Leave Bcraaton r .r Pituton and Wiike. Barn rlaO., L a w, R H. tu, sos. 11 ai a. in , LB!, ,, 07. 1 J , m. Leave Mora Itoa for Wo t- Haven. Haz'-toa, Pottaville and all poluta on tin llver Mead .w and I'ottsville branches, via E 4-W. v -I' .m . lu, il K. R. at a in.. LtH - ' '' I 1 v a !. ,v W, It k , ., 11, -,oa, 11. 'Jl a In,, 1 ,'KI, ;i,,i j,,,n I. ..,t,- 1 ,mt- a (-.I Betblebera. Ka.ton. Reading, Harriabarg and aU intermedUte p lata ria D II K. K , - a m.,12 Pi. i . U.li Pin .tin Li , U A W. it. KiUU.8 us, 11.30a. m Ut) p m. 1 Leave Reran toa f-irTnTiihtn-io-k. Toaeaili. i Elimra. ItUa - i. Qeaava ant ail Inter lllliill lie limt via 1 1. A II I; B.,9 " a m. U I- aad 11 IS p at, via L) L. V It K.. Os a 111..I.I1 p in. I-,av.. s.-rant.,:i t,,r R . heater, h iffakk Si ae.sra Paha, Detrnii 1 tUrago and all tolata etiali All R. It. v. 1: ...m..l; lo..-1 ,11 g t ni . rte . Ll W R, K and Pitt-toa Junctii.il. si's n m 1 JU p. ui, v.a E 4 W. K K.. Lil P. m. P01 E.111 r , '. til - wi t ia Salaminat. via I', a. ii it R mui a.m.. Utl0,S-tS P- m . v.a D. LAW R M, , o-.. m.. I i and a.tC p m. Pu.linan parlor and s:,.il:i. nr L. . , ailr Car. 01. a, I fa u. i-ta-.-fti I- JC ! , I .-. n ,.r Wl kee turre and New York. Pbliadilpidaj Buffalo and Snaia-ii.i.m Itridire Bin. I. IN li WILBUR tten Supt. E.t Dir. CHAB -. I. i. lean Pan ut FVU.Pv AW NONN KM Al'll lilt Am ; Q u Pa. Aft. -otith Belhiriirin. Pa Ili.iAtt BE, LACKAWANNA AND If ' ESTER N Ti a 1 hiiAH Tra-: leu s r.i.; n as f..i: -.- Fxpreaa foi Nee' Vork aud all p-.iut. Eaat. 1 ii. IjA kUtt.au and S "a. in . ,1 i and 3 il p. m Kvpr,. I.i 1.,,-t. :.. 'i 1 .,:., -I, I t...aO,-lphll a I ilf nih, i I suu ana il a. m ; . J and I i p m. Waalnnut -n an 1 wav stntlnna ttn p m, j Tobvbanua aoti.ti In -.all, ... 1, lo y. ni. V-Xi r t.-r Binahan,; :., -.... ,. K'mlra, r : i.iaa, Itath liana. ol... Mount Morria and ! 1: In. J i:,k. in. ami I ii p. m.. makito; doas- toio actiuueat ButTaio to all pumta in tbe w , t. North weal and Boatawaet II. 1 ti leeooua stitfiwi. .'.s a m. j Brngbenih n and wav atatiouv - - -a. X : bolaoe an.t wav -tntrrriBa A 11 p. in. Blnatiaiutou ami Elmira bxpreaa, 6 US p, m. , Expiva. tor Cortland, feyraeum, Oawega. I tit-sand ltit'hlbl.l S; r.nira. LU a- in. and 1.21 1 p 111. It sc. ; 15 and .11 a m. and 1 : p tn 1 or Xt tt! loiilaftland. lit uton. W-.iku. Barret Pltnioulh. Bo ,mbur aa ! Iianvdle, maklnc cltaa oonaeettoaa at North nmberland for WulBuaeport, Harnebnrg, iiaium, io, Wma lagb I, atei thn South, N. itl.t.iiili, rland nil lntermdlate station, ' bim. al a in and I 3D and ACT r. ui. a .-. i.ierniedteie stationa, 8nS ai d 11.91 a in Plymoath and intermediate atattoiia. J.V and a p. in. Pttlliaaa parlor and .leeplng roaches on all axpi 1 -s 1 1 a 1 . 1 , t detailed Information, rs-kettirataWea, etc, aapi t - ai. 1- Beaith, eiti ttsketofleaj .1.. Las aa wanna avenue, or de;at tuket otlio a jygpj, - r wtii mi (atON. ?n nt. 1 1 Janamri tsiu. isitu Nor ' li lie unit .iiti .'or Mia 3 I ; 3 I S at B I ;8 I a j- i-r;-' t'i'I't -lll.tl.tv i- e Arrltv Leave 1 1 a . Ti'A . : vi .. at") '' 5 ru .. Ill .. ; - .. t .. 141 isl .. od .- -i M I II ;.:-N V. Krsnkim s; t ' Wis; sj.id iris-t ...J too Weehawken I.... Arrive 1 ean t e r v s ."' a i0 . , JS-, . ri ivi ; I .. :i. . It il : n e S.M A t l 1 lOrTjanCOCk .Illla'tloU li 1.1 1 ,,e Bant ck 1. , (, otaillk'lit Preetou park I'tuno Poyati lie tielllio.it 11 want ml Untoodale Pome! City I'm ti HVCa e White Hlld.Tl M I in 1,1 lerntyn Aichll'.il'l Wlulon Peckville uli , limit Mckaon 'i hroop lv.H ideuce link l'.ii.e i, s 1. I .1 1,4. a iA U U IM I II I iv m ii n 1 T ni A 11 41 .; rum 1 14 I T Si 0 I is Ai i. fsnstiil ' SI tl Mi A 43 ; 4.1 to 14 s m T 'S III !' S Kg T W tn ni :i f 1 fsn ....1 Dl', A -.Mil Ml 1) x. mi: i -.' pi '. : A lllfUV.V St 11 -.1 sta r. o It'll .111 ff. in 1 a 1;. t .'. Mill St 11 1 11 1 ; ,": 10 1:, 4ti 7 . 4 ill IT ? 'tl 10 fin ,i r 4 id 4 IS 4 11 11 1 st-iidtM! s 1-.' 10 ; 110; 4 VII ON SO anion so:, te SO I ID p a'r alt a Leave Arrive a ka a ir a) All trains run dully gXC ipt BUndST. t abjuifiea that tralba atop on ilgaa tor pas. serttera. aodltlontl trains leave OsrtwnfMle tor t-'crane tnn 1 h' and ft 1.'. p. m, itrrlt iuk- at BorUtOB. l.M and r.00 Leave ftcranton tor Oarhondttle cm and s.M irrltliiK a' CartMlnQale at t.M and 111.". B, in. 1 1 cure rates uu outario ,t Western before Riiii'iia -iin; tlckita and save money Day auj Int Uipruss 10 th,' West. -i.e. ADdoraon, urn. pros. Agt. T. VUturort, Dlv. pass, Agt, scranttei. Pa. rtRlE tND WYoUINO VALLES KAIL, li 1,1 1 All Train leave Scran ton for Now York and in- termed late lavint. na tin- Erie railroad at 11:8 a. 111. unit SM p. m. Also for llawley and) local points at a itt. B 44 and il 24 p in. Train leaving at 8.15 a. m. and&tt p m. are throtih traina to and from tloneaiiale. Tram, leave tor Wilkes Burro utS.lda. in. and 3. 11 p. m. Month tl' iinda toil -mi we 7. - ' i i Trains Daftv, Ki-" f ! ! i a S T COUPON NO. 47. I coupons, differently numbered, the series ofsixteeu mairnificent now ready. Mail orders,2c. extra. 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers