I THE SCttANTON TRIBUNE T I .ESUAY MORNING, APRIL 24. 1894. LACE CURTAINS The most delicate fabrio prop erly cleaned at THE Lackawanna Laundry 308 Ponn Ave. A. B. WARMAN. Norrman& Moore FIRE INSURANCE 320 Wyoming Avenue Y aro showing full Hues of lid Cloves Corsets - AND - E 415 Lacka. Avenua. CARPETS BARGAIN NO 2. Beginning Monday, April 23, we will otter Moquettes at 75c. per yar yard. Regular price is $1. 25. We have only a limited quantity of these goods. Call early to secure them. Williams & McAnulty '27 Wyoming Ave. TELEPHONE NO. 525 Th Union Trac.f.r Company, Llmltrd 'Bos lice. Baggage anil freight railed f.ir and dalivered promptly. li7 Franklin avenue. CITY NOTES. The Charity Minstrel company will niet for rehearsal at Mutic hall a( s o'clock this evsaiag. St Luke' church will thi summer con tinue ttie Summer HoOM ai LUlton for sick women arid chi.dren. Ten esse of meatles and or.e SMI eafh cf scarlet fever and dipthena w m r-?-l-orteU to tho board of health rartetday. At o'clock this m rnin? the sale of eats for Primrose s.-t Operatic com- dr. mtmim wwia win opea at th- tca iemy of Xasie b-.x offioa. Thelof eats for Corinne in "Hen Urick HodroD" at the new Frotnir.gham theator Thurwisy evening will open at Powell Music stor this morning. 'the S'ct Fide Woman' Christian Tem perance oninn will not fa ild it weekly meeting, as they a'e invited to unite with the Ontnl union on Turstlay afternoon Wolf I)w waii arreetei yesterday, charged by his wife with a-tauk and bat tery. Alderm-: Wright discharifed him and advmed ti e pa.r 1 1 live more peacea bly in future. Bidntf of Mnlbarrr street above Jef ferson avenn were y Mterdaj afternoon entertained 1 y the paetcl of a numb-r of bovine n ling upo 1 : j front lawn of that thorou;;t-:are. Tbemtmbi r- of Divi ion No. 7, Ancient Order of H S iiiata Hoard of Ena, Will have (octal ifaineriug at the rooms of the society in Jrrmyn'i hail on Lackawaana avenue thii evening. Mr. and Mr Durward Ily will give a recital of Pc t,-li loaf and story at Voting .Men' Christian Association hail on Fri day areaing. Mr. Lely wa the tanor of Madame I'atti's company. Knmetnber the "clipping parlv" to be giren on Thursday evening, at th" guild rooms, '. id Wasbfagton avenue, by the Uirla' Friendly society, loa cream and cake will be nerved in low : Orgnni-t ' arter, of the Klin Tark church, is endeavoring to have 11 satecriptlon eon cert given In the Church 111 tba near fu ture, at which Madam Blaavelt the noted New Vork rnezzo-Koprano, wHI sing. Kichard Ioe. aged SOvaart, a miner liv ing at (,'or.nell'a J'atcb, MndtOWn, full from tho bridge at Oorvea yesterday an i sustained painful though not mri 90 in juries. He is at the J. toJcawanna no pital. Daniel P, battle, H. J. Calli ry nnd .John S. HcCaba wore elected delegates to attend the nntiouai oavaation of the Ancient Order Hlberalant Board of Erin to . bald lu New Vork on May 8. They will also attend the atnto Convention iu Lttrobo SB8M time later. The regular meeting Of the Woman's Christian Temperance onion Will bo hold this afternoon, in .lowell building, hpruco street, at :i o'clock. Mis. I,. (.'. ((. Huire, of ( arbondale, will give an address on equal iiiffragn. All interested are cordiaily in vited to attend. A very pleasant evening anticipated by the members and girl friends of tho Yonng Women's Christian aaaocletlon to night from 7.80 to It. UO at the rooms, MB Washington nvenuo. Tho Bhakeepaare circle will give a ploar.ing program con Siting of guitar, mandolin, piano and vocal music, with recitations, after which a peanut hiiutiuid parlor games will he enjoyed. No admission will he charged, and all young women will bo welcomed. Tho Delaware, Lackawanna and West ern llise Bull team organized this evening viih the following players: Pitcber, John Milbcrger; catcher. Jake Walts; hort stop, Jamos Hewitt; first base, Will Campbell: aecond Luuje, Joe Madison; third base, I'at Kearney; L f., Ed. Kckor; c f., Tom Kearney; r. f., Mart Manghiin; Joe Madison, captain; .Fake W-nltz. mnnnger. They will cross bats with the Itaiiroad club of Taylor ou their ground on Saturday, March 5. Anheuaer Butch Bear. Ixni Lehman', 881 btruce Sfc Mutlo Box Excluilvrijr. Best made. Day any desired numbor of tones. Qautschi & Sons., manufacturers, 1080 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won derful orrhestrial organs, only 85 and flu. Specialty: Old music boxes carefully re paired and improved with now tuuos. Tho; Have Qon Down. That Is prices at Guernsey Brothers, E0U1PO1S WAISTS I Nineteenth Ward h to Have a Ref Scaoil L FIREPROOFING OF HIGH SCHOOL Two Very linportont Matters Were Discussed Will Only Cost About Twelve Per Cent. Additional to Fireproof the New High School. Bids for Ventilating and Heating Apparatus for No. 27 School. Lut night's meeting of the board of control received an Important report of the bigt) school committee, which con tained th Information that the Bre proofing of tho proposed blghsohool bailding eoald be sooompllsnec for about VI per cut. of the original estimate of l l.l.iuii. The building oommlttea, which wis instructed at the last meeting to in restigatS the need for a now school buil. ling in tho Nineteenth ward, re ported no overcrowded condition of the schools in that district and recom mended the purchase of suitable i.i.uu.d for the erection of u now building The high chooi committee reported :19 CollOWt : KB. BCBJtOBDgR'8 PROPOSAL The high school committee report that they have conferred with Coura i Kehroa iter and Building Inepector Kelaou for the I arp ... Of getting nt the figure of the ad tional OOSt of making the new high school Sreprosf. Mr. Schrooder statetTthat he bad made a careful OalCDlation, basing his laurel upon tiie drawings and osti of the new Delaware and Hudson depot, where the cost will be abont 11 p-r cent, addi tional, in the high school it would b: less. It would not egceed 10 P'T cent, and might tall below that figure. In an swer to' a quest, on to that elf ct Mr. Bob reader stated that hs would be willin ; to give a b ind to d.i the w.irk for thai tdditlonal amount, The original estimate was 8145,000, or if Bi anl h nie ami stone cornices were used, 1185,800, Adding li per cent, to this Would give f 108,400 and fl?4,ttV) respect ively. The above estimate are for a fire proof and non-fireproof oo oat ruction, .is several change have been suggaeted bj tl.' architects ami committees which car.-., a s nt f..-eas in the iriginal es Hum ;. tne committee has, therefore, adopted the following resolution, and a-ks the b ard's c neurrecce in it adop t n, by Which the exact cos' of fireproof and uon fireproof construction can be sscor tamed: Resolved, That when bids are received for the construction of tin new high school t: ry si. ail Iw received for both tire proof and non-flieproof construction, and that tin. architects are hereby instructed to pre pare th-ir plans and specillcations to cotn ply with tl.-j requirements of this resjlu tien. 1'he secretary is hr?bv aathorisd to notify the architects of the action of th board upua ucIl resolution F J. .Iknmmis F. L. WOUOSII V. . S. Laxi.st vir, c. 11. Vo Storch, w. q, oMai unr, w. J. Wnaa. The report and recoiuuiendations were adopted ananimowlf a.,,1 without .debate, OVtBCSOWBH) schools. Concerning a propoted new scho ! building In the Nineteenth ward, the I uii ling c iininitt-j presented tin ra -port: The hnilding committee rep rt that in ccordinc.. with ius;ru. t 01 of theboard they bave made investigation of th neeils ot a new scho d in the Niueteeutb ward and find that the number of children St tending scho..l ntnve No. SO and tl. ext ern limits of the ward to be iu th. neigh borhood of oignry odd pupil. We there lore rec imnieud that a suitable l .ca-1 m b selected, lots puichacd and e bun ling tw erected to meet the wants of thst vic:nirr. In view i f th- fact that si versl suitab'e si'e.s nay be offered, we rooommfad ttiat the se"ietary be instructed to advertise for prop' "!- to pun ha-e h i lot of ground IW lit l' feet, to be I. rnied botwei N 8U and the eaatam aouudary of the ward, a corner 1 it being desired. We al.o reiKiamend that tr... contr.j.lers of the repecti-e wards report to the bailding committee inch repairs a may be required, th same iu be tobmit ted by the middle of the Week. We recommend that the building com mittee be emtsiwer.-d to pur. h.i-e u safe fjr the secretary's office and the i. tsrv be authorized to aJVurti-e for bids for the same. T he report wa adopted, exc ptiog the porti n relating to t ie safe which whs referred to ttie committee for u tion. The finance commit Im report I tite following exonerations. Jl B, C'js., Sixteenth war I, year lBIH. 1487.49; Richsrd Callery, Twentieth wir!,year 1891, 1384.14; tienalty on ars-nuent of lot 1 1, bloek 8 Scratiton IS'.ove com pany. J lie commute... r-u mineinl I that the bills of the New Vork Tribune and the Philadelphia Ledger lor adver tising bonds, lie paid. It whs recommended that hereafter ail exooeratl m list b, referred to the citv tr isiirt-r for his approval befor tien.g presented to tho board, and after toe same hav ben allowed and acted B . bj the board they be returned to the city treasurer, and h be requested to giv the difTeront persons credit on duplicate, per the exonerated list. 'ihe report wa adnptd BtM roa no 27 school Bids wero opened for heating and ventilating apparatus and cl uots for No J ," school and referred to the build ing oommlttea as follow: Smith Heat ing nnd Ventilating company, lioatou, 18,990, and for sanitary clenets and ital . 1480, B l. Oarpeotef & Co.. Wilkes-Barre, for tho Sturdovant 9 team Heat UUit Appsratai company, 18,400, and for nriuals, etc.. IS50 Bra sd, Wills A Co. l'hiladelpbia, fiV1"" '' he bid of 8j0,y0 of the llan ii"tt A Peak Co., Of Cincinnati, was withheld until tboy furiiUh a complete estimato WbeO It will alio be received by the committee. Lieutenant l',.:ra (iriftiu post, No. 189, Grand Army of the Bepablio, tbroagh Mr. Hall and Mr. Amsden, snb-committee of the Decoration Day ooiiiHilttoe.saitedthe board's permision to Solidt a penny collection from the scholars of tho public schools to pur cbase M iwers for decorating grave on Memorial Lny. The rtqnost was grunted. Mr. Welth olTored mi mandfflcnt that such a fund be divided with the Colonel Monies post. The amendment wns lost on tho argument that the l. iirl c iill l only permit or r j.ot the Lieutenuut Kzra (iriffin post's request, and that any other pott had the privi lege of making the same propos il PUPILS PROVE THEIR EFFICIENCY. Tho of Hadyn Evans Oav an Inttrsat Intr KecltaL A very plaasnnt, recital was given at the studio of Haydn Lvnns last even ing by his junior pupils, assisU'l bv Mrs, Frank Bruudage and Miss Joue. Tho pupils ranged in ng from 8 to 15 vears. nnd their nlevioir in considera tion of their youth, and the natural iiiniiiity attending it, was remarkable. rr i t i . i ino programme cousisiou oi reauy classic production interspersed with some any composition of modern musician. It was well reiiderel with sen BOARD MEETS out exception, all of Mr. Evan's pupils showing careful and painstaking In struction. Mrs. Bruudage aud Mis Jones delighted those present with the vocal numbers they rsudered. Tho pupils who took part iu the re cital wero: Mis.is Lauretta Cannon, Muggirt livaus, Carrie Murray, Mary Bwlck, Vina Lindsay, Annie Bolaud, Uertie Cannuu nnd E.lua Evan. A CliLEBRATEO CASE REPEATED. It Drew a La: its and Discriminating AudttOO to Wonderland "A celebrated Caso" drew a large and discriminating audience to Wonderland again last ni.'iit, proving the wisdom of Manager Davis' determ ination to give three more perform uneee of that spleudid drama this week. Since the first performance the plsyers have Improved materially iu their rotes, and the drama ns given last night was n very finished produa tiou Tiie gowns worn by the ladies were extremely b -anliiul. Tim work otMlss Bthel Potior, Mis Alice Kemp nnd Percy Llndon was ''specially admired last night. Thev innile their characters real, natural being devoid of the stage mannerisms with which players :t titms "distort their declinations. (ill'. Homer's Dennis O'Ronrke has improved slnoe the li rat production of "A Celebrated Caae," but it might be utill further benefitted il ho would indulge in less oratory "A Celebrated Case" will be pro duced again tonight and tomorrow night and Is well worth seeing. It Is a drama cf great human interest. THREE NEW TRIALS GRANTED. Judge Gunstor Makes His Appearance. on Ihe Eenrh A.iin .ind Hands Down Five Opinions. Judge 1". W, (iimsUr made his ap pearance on the bunch in court yester day for the first time since he WAS stricken with th grip several months ago. II still shows sign ot the ravages made by hit r.'Cent HluCAt. Dnrlng the short time h was o i the bench he handed down opinions lu Uv eas s that were rvnd before him priO! to Ins recent illness. In the dtv rc cas- of J s -n't II il lev man, of PrOVldenee, against Irane H i! dermau u new trial was granted. The ease was tried before s jury which ! cided that 11 ildertuan v, is entitled t i a divorce ou account of ins wife's u . faltbfnlness Tii julge says the oaee should tint hv bieu allow I to go to a jury, a very maitrisl fuel from Which tii- jury inferred ti .faithfulness was known to the llbellant afur which they contiuued to live as man and wife. The picial findings of in jury ti i hold to be eon trary to the en u . s New tr. ls wore a' i grintelin the ir, sp i- caso of M. M IJ.iild againit Walter B. Cnrti and In the action In Bssumpttl of BenJ imlo Bowleyagalnat James Wilson Iu the latter case tin judge says he crr-jd in his charge to :i jury. Baird obtained a verdict of 8 0 .ig.iins'. Curtis lor f.iio Imprison ment, In the cise of Dr. William Hggertv against W. P, Bolnnl the Judge al ii wed the judgment to be reopensl on the ground that tin r! is a conflict to testimony et forth in the depositions iu the oaee that it is th province of a jury to reconcile. Judge Qnnater refusjd to grant a preliminary lojquetion iu the equity suit of the Vklnton nui Dolph Coal companies against the Mount Jetsnp Coal company, a controversy ovir the right of the companies to mine coal from a tract of Ian 1 near Wiuion. In nis opinion the judge said: In inr opinion therae is sat one fo- s preliminary injunction, nd a careful examination of the evidence eatisfles me that m diet isai m of It night be a preledg. meat of the merits of thn case. It is no d.'Ubt an important case and should be ; . led upon mlv on l.i.nl beating. Th n.. ttoo fot a preliminary in j .taction is retused. Wile VISIT WllKES-CARRE. Ecianton ilk List Tonight to A'.tsnd h Mslgbb r's 8-sl in. S.Tsnton lodge No. 1-3. lienevok Dt end Protective Order of Elks, will at tend tho loci il session of the Wnk Barre lodge this evening Ltlrt imve i a m vie for a arge number to make the trip. Members will meet at 7 o'clock, slurp, this evening, at tne franklin avenue rooms, an 1 depart on th T .'"i Jern-y Central railroad train. The return trip cm to male from Wilaei-Iture ou tin 1" .") p. m. Jersey 'antral train, or at ...a a m. via the Delaware and Hills n II it I Coii 1 l-r d ..... si i " v , ai r ngem.oits W.I I lie tn ide for a special r-turn tr ti u FOREIGN MISSION-KV CONVlNTlON Bgln Tonlgh: at the fiacond I'rasb.' lerlan Church The twentv-fonrth uinml conven tion of tn Women's Foreign Mitilon ary society will convene this moruinr t th Second Presbyterian churoh. It i expected that In the neighborhood of two hundrtd delegate will bt in t ten lance a wll as missionaries from Japan, China, Syria and India. Tomorrow night both gentlemen and laiiies will he nddrcesed by K - v. Dr. Knox on misslooary work In Japan und tli custom of the people of that country, The convention will probably adjourn Tliuridsy afternoon. JERMYN WILL GET PERMIT. Court Direct Building Inspsttor Mellon to lame On. Ill n lengthy opinion handed down yesterdsy Judge Bdwarde gnnuH the writ of mandninui prayeil for by John Jermyn to compel Building Inaptctor John Nelson to grant a permit for th erection of tho new Hotel Jormvn. The bnilclliigJlnHpertor had refuted to grant the permit after examining the plan, claiming that the bay window of the building wonl I eoorosoh on the ten-foot reservation on Spruce street, e i Water Main Burat. A water mnin bursted at 10 o'olock yes terday morning at the intersection of Ash street nnd CapoUSS avenue, which blocked the I'helps street sewer and cause I con siderable havoc lu cellars of the vic'r.ity. The water was sh it oil' iu about an hour. Thnma McPonrugh Missing. Thomas McDonough, aon of Thomas K. MiDouongh.of p i3 Si-raiiton street, janitor at the redernl buildiug, has been misting since Saturday. llAintiH, the anclloneer, returned from Now York with an elegant assortment of carpets, furniture, mattings and oilcloths, 804 Ponn avenue. The Borantea Bedding Co. are uphol stering furniture. Best workincti. Hon suitable prices. Can you blame people for fairly crying for those handsome Mul-tichromes? KILLED Wi 1 AX JGsepii Judge and Andrew Soiltti on Trial for Murder. TOMULINAS WAS THEIR VICTIM Judge Struck Him on the Head with an Ax Fracturing His Skull The Ax and Portions of the Skull Pro duced in Court Testimony That Was Heard Yesterday Before Judge Edw.irds Dr. Sullivan's Evidence. The trial of Joseph Judge on iAu dr.'w Smith, charged with the murder oi Joseph Tom n I in is. In Park l'lac. one night about Feb 1. last, was begun before Judge Bdwarde In courtroom No 1 yesterday morning. The com monwealth ia represented bv District Attorney K-lly and Attorney Pred It Stark, while the sccossd men ire de fended by ex-Jndge Btspton, Nearly the entire fm moon wesocoupled In the selection of a jury. Jtlt. before tinon the c.sn was opi-:ied by District Attor ney K-lly. The first Witness called was John Bloek. He acknowledged being at Smith's bout ' on tli night of the die lurbauce, H "ai I u number of men were there. Three men who eaiuo In from auother bonee were ejected Then a ina-i from Green Ridge dropped In and Smith I it him oy r the heal with a beer g! is, bat spol glii I later. Then i he crowd dispersed, Block slsosttrted home, but teeing Judge running from the shanty to the bOOSS with an sxj iu us hand, the witness turned back and followed ii i in. sunt ir, Tomulioas, Ln OWSkl an. I others, were still iu the bouse. The witness saw Judge strike V-molinas on tin- bead with the sze, felling htm to the tl tot. Bloek caught hold of Judge ami asked bib) what he a is loiog "Why do you want to kill the man? ' he sake ax I'mfKim.iN gViPBHOl The proaeoutlon then offered the ax in evidence, Then t e witness staled thst Bmltb kicked the injured mm In the head ami also slabbed Block twloc with a butcher knife. The witness exhibited the cut iu the coat he had on, which, he swore were made by Smith. Judge Stanton subjected BlOCS in a severe croes-extmination, eltoltiog from him the statement that he wai drunk at tile time Dr Bullivan was 'lie next witness called to the stau I II" was su.umoiiod to attend Tomulinae a few days after he wa injured. H found a bs lly l.icnratol wound ou t .o nJs of ti.e head, tbeekull wis alto fracture 1 and there were alight contusion on tha face andboly. The skull wis much depresswd an 1 t iv WOttUd diichsrjjei) oopl nsly Be wee celled on the even lag ol Feb 4 sa i performed an opera. lion on the morning if Feb. 7, remov ing pi t ol bone that press I upon anl irritated tne brain. Attended the patient ICQ day, when he died. On croetvexemiuatioa, Dr. Sollivau wis ,iied if iu bi judgment the wotiul wss neoecesrlly fatal! Hi reply wis, "It prov--'. so." When pressed further for his opinion be stated that ho won! I r f r t! o lU.'.-n la .'.' attoruty tol'r. Kelley, tb county coroner, who iua.1 an Autopsy on thn cle.it man' body, He was nekod if romollnst did not have a skull of SaOfO tliaii ordinary thieknest! "No," w.i th reply, and the doctor took from hi pocket small vial containing tne fragments of bone be removed from th fractal . al the Urn) he perfcriusd the operatuu. - wv Tin: x I'm i Antony Aliomo wa the next wit r.. He alio wa at Smith bouse on the night of IbC row Sawthethne ineu e; -cterl afdr which :unlb an I Antony L.ilk.oky tat down by the love and drank De.-r i In. men got into a dispute and I omuli'ins s'rnck mMi with a ttiek .lu Ig then got an ax aiij hit TofflU nui on the bead knocmng bun down. Smith also kicki-d the prottrate form. After the evidence of this witness had Ueu taken Judge Bdwardl ndjourutd court for th day. BEFORE JUDGE ARCH BALU. Oaee Thai Were T,id la Oonn Boom e 2 s-idon Careoner wa triel before Judge A rob bald In Court room No. 2 yester lav n t' re i s -prste rli irges of a'tiinlt ;.n i battery, preferred by Thouia O'Brien, Julia O'lltien and Mary lUrrick. The itateiuut of the cat was to toe i IT rt that lait October the thrni plaintiff went tn villi a rela tive ut the p or farm On the wy b. k they t ipped under defendants trees and gathered several nuarte of nut Tne farmer game Upon I .-in an I saanlted Ibem, It w.i alleged The proeocutlon wis weak, however. The first plaintiff w . de f a id nearly dumb, sit.... ,gh In. w riu-d up oin-whiu while ou the wiuiess stall I mi l at teinpt'd to talk in a glib like manner 1 be defendant claimed that he etruck no blow but simply pushed the Intru 1- ers oiT ins proffltets The defendant whs found not gnllly on all three ol th" charges The Isst case celled befofo JtdgS Arobbald w that ot Lewis H Bel le, c harged with wmbi zl.'ineut by F E Woo. I. Beblc wa agent for Tgjg Tkiii INK at Archbald, and the allegation it that hn did not account for fund com ing into hi hands. 'I he cite wa dill ou trial when court adjourned. -sft. WILKES REFUSLO A LICENSE Court Tblnk He Ia Not a Proptr rron to Conduct a Hoi, I. Evidence was heard yesterday after noon in th license transfer caso of George llilwig, of Priehurg,to Martin Wilkes. Wilkes was represented by Attorney Huisluuder & Yotbtirg, and Joseph 0 Brien opposed the trantfer. a number of witnesses wereeworn, tome alleging that he kept n disorderly house in Plymouth ; lul l liquor on Sun day; was lefuted n llctnc by the Lu zerne courts ; I imt he bad been accused in aiding iu the deBecratioii of a ceme tery at Plymouth, but wa acqultttd of the charge when placed on trial; that Wilkes wa in a mvaiure connected with th inciting of the Pollth church riots at Plymouth, and h had n hand in shutting the door of the church ngaiust tho bishop. He also, it was stated, broko the leg of a policoman who arretted participators in the rlol. These charges were not fnllv sub stantiated, but the proof wns suoh ns to create doubts In tho mind of the court ns to Wilkes being the right kind of n man to onguge in the liquor busi ness, and the transfer of license was accordingly refused. MR. PRATT HAS RESIGNED. Dusluess Dutle Provat Him from Con tinuing a Tntppctor ..lid- Prao ico. Claude H. 'i'ratt has tendered bis resignation to Colon! E H. Ripple us in-pjctor of rifle practice of the Thir teenth regiment, lu his istt r of resig nation he sets forth that his busine.il dntics engross so much of big time that he finds it impossible to give th inspectorship the attention it requires, The resignation has ben forwarded by Colonel Ripple to the a ijutant gen eral's department, but as yet no inti mation lias been receive 1 a to whether or not it will be accepted Mr. Pratt wa appointed inspector of rifle practice by Colonel Bippie iibout three year ago to fill tho vacancy caused by the appointment of Colonel Herman Osthaus to the position of ireneral inspector of rifli praclioe. Mr. Pratt is looked npou as one of Cue best rifle inspectors iu the state. He has made a very efficient officer and the adjutant general will be loath to lose him. ABOUT WELL KNOWN PEU50NS Judge John B. MoPberson, of L.'b anon, who made such a favorable iiu preRtlon when he presided, in common pious court here two weeks ngo, 1)08 become involved in a dispute with the lay associate judge of Centre county. On Do If! last Judge MoPberson was called to Ceutre toiinty to preside at the trial of the cue of Korman against Morris, The verdict was in favor of Mori i. rhe associate judges, Thomas ituiily und C. A. Faulkner, deci.Ud to allow a now trial, but Judge Alt I'm i hoii refused to SOncar in their opinion ami filed an order as the decision Of th court, discharging the rule to liiow onuse why a n trial should t:ot be granted, AC Korman's counsel but now Bled with tun r'lii court an applic ttion for a writ of alternative luautlamus direte 1 to .111 Ige McPinT son to compel BI in lo show cause why He shall not grant B new trial. Gsnsral Mausger Archer, of the BcrantOU Traction company, il eujoy Ing a much nvtded reel in M.uylund. S DC In- cam to this city Mr Archer hat labored arduously to build Up and improve the lluei of tho company and ihe Unremitting toil has hud the effect of undermining bit health to some extent, To reenperetc it he has gone to M irylan I D iriug his sbsenot from the city J, P B'tm, of Phila delphia, is performing the duties of general tli a lug r Postmaster YanJliug wis at Wuh ngton last wok Interviewing Post master Genersl Bieeell with a view to securing additional clvrkj fur the p It- ofiico. Judge F W Gunstor is almost en tirely rec ivered from hu recent illn Ml and xprcti to to m !.- a!.!" to riiume h. judicial labors. H was on the bench yesterday for a hort tim and handed down a uumberof cqunioui. Among th fislierinen who journeyed 10 the PoCOOO in search of trout (asl week wre Bopsrintendenl llgort an 1 Trainmaster George M IUIuwh!. ol the Dr-I ,ware, Lackawanna and West ern rallraod, Although the oondltl ss were far from fsvorsbll for trout I. th ing, a gool catch wai secured. St - N INTtRlSTlNG CASE. Quaidian IcLiughllii Wm.'t to Rtcovtr Money Left In Truet for HI Ward Thoinaa J. McLoUghlln, guardian of Mary McLonghlin, minor child ot Andrew J McLonghlin, dee-ad. late of Ibit city, through Attorney C. Comegye, ytterdsv began au action Sgaiusl Attorney W. J Hand, sdmlois tr itor d. b. n of the etlale of the late Patrick Tlerney It is alleged In the bill of complain! that oo April 97, l--"-, Mr. ktcLoogb tin gave Mr. Tlerney 000 to be kept in trmt by the latter uutil Mr. Mc Long illn'e deugbter reached her ma j ntv. Mr. McLonghlin and Mr. Tler ney dli-l afterward and the present proceedings are for the purpoin of hav ing Mr. Tieroey'i administrator make provisions for the payment of ibii tru-t m my from his estate - St- A s,. in D concert will be given at Trin ity Lutheran church Thursday eveaiog, Apin 'Jrlth. Lending Vocalists will psrtlci patC nd every SrTSUgaincnl bs (M-en n d.. to preaenl a musical pr gram of the high est ord. r. Ticket, Vc Osi your carpets cleaned by the Scran ton 11. JdlUg CO mi Dt I i 'I B Lttda A., wife of Her Leonard Cole, Saturday, April 'Jl. IWt. nt the ifs- ldno of her on-la-law, J il Kiiteu- I. ns . Hi I i g .i ,. So: Vhesat the boot T.issday afternoea, A rll 94, at 3 , clock. JENKINS April tft St 1080 N-rnnton ieei, Bugene Ashley, ton of Mr. and Mrs. II. II Jeiikin-. aged 1 year, 1 month sndSldaya Nonce f funeral later. WEBER In Bcrentoo, Ai-il 1884, John Wi br, at tn Pena svauna, ed to -r-. Tne body wi'l Isj tsken to Oxford, N, J., lor Interment tl is morning : u tO, HSRHSDORP SOUVENIRS Tho ercat dem.ind ex- hiusted our first supply We havo received another largo lot and cm now iur nish one of those beautiful engravings free to every purchaser of our Fast Black Hosiery. FiNLEY'S. NOW That we are here and all opened up, we can show you something new in the line of STERLING Silverware AND White China for decorating. W.W. BERRY 417 Lackawanna Ave. Best Setsof Teeth,$3i00 Including tbe painless extracting tl teeth by au entirely new in- cess. S. C. Snyder, d.d.S. ! WVOUINU AVli Notlc. Tbe New York. Ontario A- Western R. R. Co., will stop tho following trsins at the crossing opposite the now Base Ball grounds: Truiu SOS, south, leaving Car bondale ti.34 p. m.; train 207, north, re turning leaving Scrauton sl.5' p. m.t train 09, north, returning leaving Scrautou tL 10 p. m., days gamea are played. T. Flitcrokt, District Passenger Agont. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIU HAVKN'T a Hammock?! B fAON'T let th ii comfortable neigh- H lior svrnnnrlo , vv.th Vfee Tlmr.r. I nlid eomforc In hammock louuaing. Si 1 Hammocks for a Dollar 1! 9 Tbeebovej UC lbl little abend II 1 1 III" lliU': On; tliou, w are Hlways S al.cad. HENRY BATTIN & CO., I 126 Penn. Ave. Plumbing I Popular Tinning j Prices s s S When yau are looking for nov- S cities, come In and you will 3 find them. S .- m mm Scranton's Kousetiold Spscialisls. illlllllMllllllllllllllllillllllllilllllflllT OSLAND'S 128 Wyoming Ave. Wa ..pen on SATURDAY. APBIL 1 lj ti fall line of Ladies' and i Ihildren's HOSIERY 1..,.!.. II. . II i . tuvtuunig 111! OVCOlUg .'-.LU'leS IU bilk and Ligle 'i'Lruatl. Our Children's Department THE - U Children's Clothing ever exhibited, including all of the latest novelties in Junior, Reefer, Zouaves and Vestse Suits at $3.50 and upwards. Serviceable Double Breasted Suits from $1.25 to $7 00. Every purchaser of $1.00 worth or more is given a chance on the beautiful Parlor Suita displayed in our window PIN CLOTH I 137 AND 139 PENN AVENUE, Complete Outrittare, SCRANTON, pa. S. L. G ALLEN. the cut shot::: here Represents Banister's new Razor Toe Last. If you want the latest styles in Footwear trade at Banister's. BANISTER'S PRICES are a little less than yon are paying elsewhere for inferior goods. BANISTER will give you MORE for your money thin inn Chnit Uoii. o man aiij cuuc nuudc and Russet Shoes in BANISTER'S, A I OT AQT'Q rsnfu vinecrar. uooa trade than poor ones. v V Our Ladies' Suits, Shirt Waists, Capes, Millinery, etc., and Men's Hats, Neckwear and Furnishings are bound to catch trade. Each purchaser to the extent of $1 or over takes part in our $2,500 Distribution Gift. BROWN'S BEE HIVE 224 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. THIS WEEK $4.00 Cape for $2.25 in all colors. Ladies' fine Coats, worth $6.00, for $2.48 Also Ladies' fine Sergo Suits, worth $7.00, for $4.29 J. BOLZ 138 Wyoming Ava. rvieiXT dime bank AX FALLS ! ia week m oar Children's 'vrr if a AWMsfj Department and smashes prices into splinters. 1,000 Children's Suits (Odds and Ends) have been placed on separate tables and will ba sacrificed at ruinous prices un til all sold. We are showing tlia most handsome line cf i 4 B Jl a k SHOE 0 in tha siifn DWnnf I nnllin. in uic tuj. raictii Lcdiuci endless variety. Clt -iioNS' imm -a in rf, i.k' r ion gooas uraw more
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