DON'T LET THE Opport unity pass to possess yourself of this incompara ble art treasure. EIGHT PAGES 36 COLDHXS. rtftSt .tatuqri oejsj- SCRANTON, PA.. TUESDAY MOENING. APTJIL 24. 1S!4. TWO CENTS A COPY. BEAR I OU GET THE ill (r E 1 IF THE FIRST Series of Mnltichromes were brnrttilul, thf second are lit erally gorgeous. E8 FOB I EM PON MB A 8EWS GREAT STRIKE Report of President Mc",rlde or the United lint Workers, INDICATIONS OF A SOLID FRONT Virginia Said to Be the Only Weak Point President Robbins, of the the Con' Ccke Company, Favors the Movement Idleness in the Pitlsbur); Region -Belleville Miners Refuse to Go Out. All Quiet at the Homestead Mills. f'm i Miirs. IV. April 23. "RESIDENT M'BRIDE, n( th" Uj United Minn workers, received r report from the various conl J ri- td to l.iv. Iba ufnst Itttrttrtanl n: which is the following: "Mnrpbvi' boro, the supposed key to thituaiinn Iri southern Illinois, is wild, also ih Drtquein tlMrlct. Everything it fav Kahl and 2,0 0 tuou ure out." The leaders bnd little l;op. of iadueioif southern Iltinol minor to join x iit sink, and tins linn unexpected id II rion t i -e strike force McUride revises bit fi.-nr a to tii nnmWr of rolnar ont today, a fnllnwi: Aliib i - -. 8 000; Tenuoasee ml K-:; tu-ky, 3 000; Weet irtrtrluls, 3 000; In diitn , 8 000: Ohio. 20 000; iMIuois, 87. 000; Pennsylvania, 60.000: I t di m Ter ritory. 8.000; Mlebigau, 'Mo. Iiwo, I, 800 The following is tu inbstanec of tin- new giv n "Ot it . i t irters to lav: The M itylan ! miners wnl ho I a on -eentiou to determine whether I hey will j dn the strik n a whole r not. Southern Iow.1 is all out. del the miner of the atnte will meet at Albia ltd) 2, b deci ' wlMt ROtlon lh atate nrganis ition will take. Tu Indian Trrriiury i nnt toll l. Many miner i-.r-.- rnt in th'' X-w river and Kanawha river diotrieto, hut tl.e miners will hold a contention at Charleston, W V , t morrow, 1 1 a.-ree on united action, Tba miners of t lie Wheeliog nnd Monutvllle district! have tie-n offered th waoei demanded by tbe scale, bnttbey have been ordered not to o to work until there it a nettleni th ot th . nke. Vli.i.lMA l -;. BXTAUI Th-r 'la danger iimt th- minor in Weet Virginia) who Imv- iwn oStrad eent" waeeo, will aewpt and tuns wt"'k n t!i nik hi daneerona plee, PirnMiM) April -Wuu few i- ceptiiiii, nil of Hie iutn-0 in tii Piti- hurif ilitriet uro i-il loiliiy. Lateel ootiumtoH put t:io nnmher nuetn pioy.l tain-ro at 18.000 Uoly m tpinii la laekinK tu iuiktu. ttiu. ajenora) tod that ia to hrin abont h iooxtion of Trvrk it t be Sandy Creek, Turtle Cr k an J I 'in- Crxvk tuui . vitn tba oflciala .if the lmni oreao leallon t eonfl lent that tiuo will -vcoiatiliotiod daring tim af tornoon. 'i ha muloyaa f the company re imw in OHrsMuii c.inid-riui th- inotinn. Work U at a otHiicNtill on tba V ni Irw dtvtaioe of the Baltimora nnd O no today A loriir ih' Mantflol I valley :u- idIitw ,,r Idl wqiI.j n ciia.Ur co i :i'io:i oxtata iiloog the Moaoogebela r'.v-r. DEIXVTIIXI, III.. April 23 Tho cOal u..:.-ri, of the Beileeilla .iitnct here ueiermioed not to itrike. They have alo dteimini not toroinoany roal tn naed in Biting ooOtraotsen lereii npon by nparaton wboea om nloy ;ir..u a TbleMtloo will loam ii f.,r k ru indoatrita and for IIM Bl L 'iii market HOXCaTUD, April 2:1 Xn airik-t mnt ii. .;i:r,i' i ut (lie Crtrn-tfi Stnl atwrkc :..iny and there are no proa pacta ottrnnblo, Tuoromof pnUbbed tbii rooming probably tartM I on account oi twenty moil beinK laiJ olT It i. atalad that half a band rod m n. ui '. oarpesleH and other, will be r yotuetlinn dorlng 1 1 week PftCttDIIXT ItoUUINS PATOM BTftlgl Pittbccro, April n, -Fraud L K.' .'iniis, praaidant of th dobbin Coal Coke coratMny, the largoat eompeny la b rittati ii n district eontrolling mm bell dtNMO mine, favor the otnk nefeiniit Mr. Roboina clatnu, bow over, tbat the notional offlciela of the N lionet Woe Worker' organisation ii to acted unfairly hv permltttnifla dim hi d Iii, i. oi mi in- to continu" workoatil Hay L The operator of t;;OFO two a!!a aro, BOOOrdlag to Mr Ilaibbtu! now rfe: vini Ihn OOntroetl li- Io.iKi'iR to thin Held, A uniform rata ibonia axlat, Mr. Butbin ye,a thrr ia no money in tho cm I busiu-m cither for oprrator or employee ooder prei, rn regnletlone, Union rOWX, I'n., April 23. Tbore I noalgUOiil Itrike in tho outn -nd of tba i nk- region today. In th adjacent region, however, work Ii raapendel at eeary point In the Fourth pool. A infill, of the iimitrH at Cbarlerol onrly thi i morning foroed tho men at Work fof tb p'sto kIiih company to roine out. Tbii company bne apocial contr.'ir.t with thn men, A monster tiuiM moctin; hold at. Fayette City nt noon today woa uddresead by Jobu Cuin;n, of PitUbnrg, Tho iiin nt tba Clavatand coal work, Fayetta City mid Cliitord mine, who woreoixeraa thn adrence asked by the organisation, have refused to go to work. H'he miners claim the operator uind'' thi move for the purpose of breaking the strike, and for that re aou they refnsd to icoept until all or i majority of the operators nr to pny the wile. The Tbomaon Qlasa works shut down indefinitely today owing to the iioiircltv of coal caused by the slrlke. The Uniontmvn Glats company will work no longer tlmu to day mile Insured plenty of fuel. VERY COLD Hl.Cf.PriON. Chief of PMIc of Waih'.naton Rqusat Oix veoa to K p Awav. WaSHINaTDS, 1). C, April 23 After a eonf erehce today with ,S T, Thomas, the attorney for the district, and Col. Moore, tho chief of poliee of Washing ton, ti e district commissioner issuer! a pioelnmntion against the nisetnbling st VVafblngton of the various o-cailnj iudustnal nrmie now on their way there, and ediin upon ail whoo n template taking prt in such lietnon itration to recondder their Intention and remain away from the capital. The proclamation fnrth t let forth that no possible Kood can come from such n gatberlug, that their ia noithnr work for them nor means for their maintonanoi In the district, CARLISLE TfKES A HAND. Prcpoaoa to Adminlilar Mnieae to ths Limo Tariff Dill Wasbihotox) April bjj it la learned that bVcratary Oarluu has now taken the amended tariff hill in baud, aud lh endeavoring, In conjunction with Senator Jones, of Arkansas, chairman of the sab-committee, to straighten out "nine of the entanglement with which ths annate has surrounded the hill, so as to aeoore praotia illy the unitrd sup port .if Demnsratie senators Booretary Carlisle and s nator Jones began the consideration fthe hiiut the treasury department this afternoon, taking up the measure by paragraph. Senator Gorman was potential in in dncing Secretary Carlisle to taks the matter up. , PRIZE FIGHTS ARE LEGAL. According to Decisions of Supreme Court ol tho State of Louisiana. New Ohlkahb, April 23 The Olympic dub u n won a big victory in luprem court which to lay ifflrmed the decision of the lower conrt and ihe rn ult of wbick !U-a:;n that the olati may ive ti.'lil again. The Olympic had ar rang i for the battle between Bowen and Abbott, and had mad-all arrauge tuenia fur tne content, wam the attor ney general entered proceeding, pray ing lor nn injnnotiou reetraiuing tne club from giving the fight i'n- club promptly ecqoleaoed and ssid it deiired a legal opinion on the quMtlon of it nfc-ht in kItc mob contents, The SalltvanCorbeM and th othor battks m theolnb had be i given uu der aetata law paeaod wrs ao and which permitted boxlag eon teats In regolarly athletic clube, The state hold that the Sulll VauCorbett and similar nffura w-ro not boxing contette, but oris lignts enro and iiupie rnecion, on th ban I, eon tended that t:i fight w-re fully uu thoriiaj by the terms of the law. Tne Oaaa was trioil before a jury in lbs Civil coarl and after a long auJ in-t'-r-itiiiif trial a Verdict wae given in (ayoroftbe club The state promptly app-alod to th supr-ine court and tno argument an I brief were -dab irate Tim court today rendered opinion ifflrmuagtb juJgmanl of tuo lower I conri in .,r inr auk t'.iiefjut- lice Xicnols dissented. THIV HiV MO Gill E VANCE. Yt One Thoa.ead Co.l Crk Klnot Dcid lo Wlk Ouv KsOXVtUJ Tenn.. Airil 23 Tba lltneiiuu in the mining region of the snnth i tuor eriou than ut firt a:: n unoed Three tbooeand m-n qnit work aronnd J, Ihoo Saturday an . WO : ir-r Spring dncided yesterday 1 1 Walk out. Strong pressare hs boon need t for.:e tho Coal i.'rlc minor not, but they have r-fneed to itrike without a Itrievanoe A Goal Crook operator eo noaooei thai l 000 of t'o mtuers tnro have today decided to walk out any way They will probahly quit tomor row. COIONEL BftK'K OtPOiED Commanlor K liv Will H. no Loth ario on Ih Ti iff NtOLA, !", April 2 1 -Cntooel Iiak-r, seeond in c immand of the KfHy army, was this m irnin ridiovn i if hi iboalder itrapt by General Klly for in.' x c ition and being ont la-t night with women of bod riirctr. Coloael Maker, with one company from 8u Francieoo, who took ma part. divided from tie main body and marched by iiaolf The army ia in tpleodld spirit a rnlt of fiae weather and plenty of provisions fur uished the syinpiith-iic citi.-ns i -i CAVE-IN AT G VIORO. Tb- Irllno Bag ir trm Anoth.r Pq ik.i. M l On Ii Jjr-d. WlKKS-1 AitHE. Pa., April 21. An otbei rgteuaive cave-ia took plaoe in tho Oayli rd mine at Plymontb tmlay in a pi. ic known a th" O'foot vein, Tiie mine i said to be "working" again and Other falls of cm d and r Mk are i s peoted, The timber men have all been or dered ont ami suspended for un i ud--ti -niio tim". No on era Injured, a CfiUGHT FROM THE CABLE. By the nplotion Of a hnmb in l'enro, Italy, nx pers'ins worn sevrrely lajured, London police hare arret ted Btail Oarnot an an ulli-ml acrouiplici of ihu anarclmt PoitL Qermaoy'i board of health discovered five cesei of leproey In an ilnst PrcMladl trlct DUmal failnro marked llnrlin's apiiiiL' fair, which wa Inteudel to rapplonitbs famou Baiterfalr In Leipiiic. Ex-Vlco President Levi I'. Morion la now in Bogland, having reoevered from the ail incut which c indued bin at I'urls. ' BRIFF BUS OF STATE NEWS. There are now In the Willlmp0rt boom about 74,000,000 feet of log ready for th j MW mills. Kobhers stopped Sniatinl leipenti, a rnil- road h"s, near Bbaoebnrg, who had fl. kkj in a valise, hut be fought tbetn off, Student IJeiiulcr. of Slate OollegO, WO heldfortrial at BeUefOOte for Inducing up a lecture by ipuetly turning the gas m a room. Uaiiiel Edwards, president of the Klogs ton (leal company, ha given 11.000 to the fund now lining rained fur the WldoWl and Orpbnmof the liaylord miue victims ut Plymouth, Mis. Anna 11. BoUteiO, known all over the state as a Orange lecturer and 0 the regent of thi Valley roree Memorial o elation, is daug.-rously ill at her homo near Bridgeport, Tho foilowinir fourth-clas-i p"Stniastors were appointed far Peanaylvoniai F. H, C'ooicr, llald Mount.; C S. Cnrroy, East Benton; II 11. Heed, Ulenburu, Elias Uat Ueld, New Salem, THEY WILL HOT HEAR COXEY Populist Petto Is Again Turocd Down by the Senate, PROTEST FROiil WORKING W9MHN They Present a Memorial Asking Permission to Express Their Views cn the Bill to the Finance Commit tee The Majority Declines to Give tho Humble Voders a Hearinp;--The Resolution Asking That I Commit tee Be Appointed to Receive Coney's Army Is Also Frowned Ujion. Washington1, April 23. THK credent! U of l homes Jordan inrvis us icnator from the etata of North Carolina, to till the va cancy caused by tho death of Mr Winer, were proeonted by the vice president, reed mid placed on file, Mr. Aldtiob, Rhode (land, presented th,- memorial of , delegation of work ing women against the WiUon Tarilf bill. Ho .-.tpl lined that ixtein nf th se womeu (-n'gaged in textile mannfao tnree) has visited the napitol for the pnrpoae of proaenttng i respectful pro test ngainst that till ml had aaked an opportunity of sabmitting their view to the tinaiice committee The majority of the committee have declined lo tfiv tliru a bearing, and then they have aaked the minority of th committee to do o. Tn- minority beve heard -m ami the bearing K s a very Important and Interesting one. Tlicir view Wire now .reeiil-,t in ths furm of a memorial and he asked that tho memorial b presented In the form of a document for th u of tba en ate, Thir being no objection, it wa o , rdero l The Populist senetor from, Mr Peffer, Introduced by recjnest, i bill entitled "a bill to diapoee of idle labor nod discour ig idle wealth in tno lhstrirt of Colnmbia an I for other par p ise " Ita object beln t,, ImpOS OU all Idle land in the dlitrlat an annual tuxupiai to Ita annnal Increaiemeut of Tamo, and to us- the revenue thn obtained in the SOnitmetion and tfisn agemeot of public work to tbedlitrict, acras to give employment lo Idle citi z n. Mr Dolph iniiiireil tho meaning of ti:e erord "and f"r other pnrpceee in the title of the mil If it meant tho placing Of exlajtj ig iiuiur erittun reach of tlie Mrmy marcnlni oo WaablngKm, ho would object Mr Prffer replied that he had intrduc-i th bill at tie r-ijuest of a senMoman ol th- Dlttrirt who had prepare I the lull. He knew nothing abont it and did not know what "for other purpose" meant. no magma ron coxiy's a rut, Mr Peffat moved to proceed lo the condderation of ids resolution tor the appointment of a committee to civ bearing lo the Coxey army. Tho mo tion wa r ijeeledj y. 17 nays, M Mr my :ule I tht he Wonl I h . Voted aye If he were not paired, I he VOtS in dt all is a foHoWl Y ms A drich. Allen, AHUou, Cullom, I,u-, laliiner Hanabroogo, Uawtey, Kyi". Martm, Pelfer, Perktoi Power, Shoap st-wsrt. Teller and Waibbnrn 17 Nays Bate, Berry, Blanehard Chan dlsr. Cock roll, Coke, Fr, George, Ghirmau, Or .v, Harris, Jonaa, of Ar kansas, McMillan. Mills. Uitcbdl, of Wisoonson, M,,r i in. Palmer, Pco, Puif, Roaub, Sherman, T rplo, Vest, V rllee-', Wal 1 all I Willi J3 T ie sen it., than, it 1 p m , pro eseded tu lb roodderatloa of the t ir ill bill Mr. Qiiay, WHO wa eniiild to tin- fl "r tm the delivery of ih fourth instslment of his ipoocb, eiprecead hi rllllnenM t" rl Id It to the nator from Minnesota. Mr Waahburn, M inoeeota, addreeeail the aeniite In opp Wition to tho bill. Mr. Washburn's opposition was partioo larly dir-oied lotbe annulment of the red prod ty feature! of the McKinley act At o 20 p. III. the senate ndj iQrni I, Hot SE ATftWOI TO bOOAL IASUKS The house today dev., led ilsslf t,, business relating to the District of Columbia, and ooonidrreil some meat ures of local interoa:. A bill similar 10 the lve racing Uw of New York was rejected tNGINiER SrSPONStUlt. Wiiiuuispi't Oeronar Jarr Catties h M an Kllle 'a Ai res'. WrJsUaJfSPOST, Pa., April 23 The coroner's jury lu Vet tig itmg the terrible in cident on the lllinui iport and Ni-rth Branch railroad on Saturday ran tared s verdict i:u afternoon hold ing Bngineer iie,.,icr respontlbie for the accident. It was Moortalnsd that he was running in Conflict with his orders, and he was gniliy of the gioi-i-st cireloKsues in tlie manage ment of his eugiue 11 ssler was iirroated at once oa a ohnrge of Involuntary uinnilangnter and hronifbt to this city .lude Hell erlixd Ins ball at $1,000, which was fnrolsiivd. Mr. Idocietetunn, on ol the vio i into, ie lying at the point of death Mi Holey is Improving, iMi's Welch, who was Ittltatltiy killed, will 0i burio I on We lue lay. s . LOWER COURT TFIRMEO. Imvnrtant Opinion of tha Bnp-ema Bench In th Maekaxall -w Cms. J l'lllbAliKbl'llIA, April 23 TIh su preme court today afBrtntl tba jule: meiit of the court ol OOUIIOOU pleas of LuSorn county in the case of Josepii Freiburg, ct ul., appellant vs. Wi' Ham Stiafdart, assignee ofF, V Rnoka fellow & Co,, hankers at Wilkes-li ore The opinion reuda: "We concur in the c, inclusions ri'iich-d by the learned master and the court below, lr at the lima of the n lignmsht, the pluintilT notes had been found by the assignee uncollected, he annul I hare returned them If a draft or bond or a ipsdfio package of money received in payment of the note had been found among the asgota coming into bis hunda, it should have bean turned over to tbe plaintiffs. But neither the notes nor any ecurity nor sum of money received In payment of theiucame into his hands. Mo holds nothing which he or tho plaintiffs can identify with the notes or trace an n pavment of them. This is clearly pointed out in thn opinion of the learned jttdgC of the court below, and we think the case mav verv properly be. affirmed upon his opinion." AN ANARCHIST PLOT. A Conspiracy t" Blow Up the Royal Kx chanc in Loarlon. London, April 28 Euiile Camot, liiai Gnlaeppe Fornaro, the anarchist, who was arrested on Sunday, was ar raigned In ths BOW Street police court this moriiini?. Csrnol admitted that he was an aOCOmpllOS of Kraucis Poltl, ami noon being further questioned made a full confession of tbe plots in which be and Pottl were engaged, Carnot said that he and I'olti had in tended to blow up tiie It iyal exohange, and it was for that purpose that he had designed the larit bombi, one of which Poltl w-a currying when In was arrested, Carnot nlou said that it bad been the Intention f himself and I'olti to murder Inspector Melville, lie WO! reinai ! t s FlIYfS M I N VACCINATED. Thv Ar Treated to Vira b Torro Bent Health offl lali TeSRS HAUTE, Ind.. April 23 The health offioen, under orders from the slate bo o l n health, visited General Prye'e army tin morning and vaedn i ted all who did not hare good marks on i heir arms They ufierod no resistance, dmplv laying th n they were sworn to oby the i ,w nf tin-Valium states through which they pass. LYNCHED BY AN ANGRY IY106. Four Murderers Sent to Their Doom in Louisiana One Shot Three Hanged, VtcxssoBO, April '.':i -Four negroes have already pod tie penalty for the ; brutal ossssainatlou of Manaeer Bnyo, of the Bannne plantation, in ktidison o'lii.-i, uu o i. in ii t ,-. -a i, . i ii is ma un likely that sever. d more will have sum m iry justice dealt out to them. One of thn negroes WOl mot on Sat urday Judg- Lytic i held hiifh carni val diirin.' the nuhl at Tal tilah, A mob gut bored in frootol tie jail and went deliberately to work, an I with a batterinvi rui burs; In too aide of the jail and foroed opee the door sm Slaughter, Tom Claxton nnd DaVe llawkiu, w-ro lo.l t nt and switni,' np lo th- balusivaale of the conrt hogeo, inoir la Iios ."re haneing tliere this inorulng. CtaElon an t hia four pals are atill In the swamp north rl tu railroad, bo. two in Mill'k n's Hend road and tho river. TtM hunt ia being rigorously pressed, battue dogs no' toll iw tip- trail OWlag tu the sold Tba river and all aveonss of stsaos aroclnso'y nunrlid, and tbe ultimate Oil ore ut the five men is regarded H mly a qoeetlnn nf tim, as . W; All g -I B.'OajSBOIO. They Ar H petal sad I x?c. to Din It ti V-l in Waahluotaa ln iNaBORo,Md .April S3 The army nf the loiiiiiion weul cimped tonini with bop a hih and read v enough to take the 18 mile wdk the! would be necessary in I in I thin In Frederick to morrow, They had mt tbe ,'re,: huh of ihsir movement, who had (.me "a a mveaeager of hope fr un tr.' a nop of tne toem t Ciilonol Redtton, the agent of th CoXey army, bad run out to meet th i i i on tin- mid. and tne mccsaga that !i. uronghl ws highly -latim; to those whi were not familiar with the aolonel'a roseate vapor that be oarrlee in "tuck to hr.athe uhrnsd over every' tblni w 1 1 ti winch be i connected. Ii kail l,tl be told to tlie ntamtaaaai of the oommonweal an I to te war i- ri .-nnailents who yisii-ii htm ne trii", there i-i a loyal reception watting lbs army in Waablncton, e ISCAP.. UH a Hurto CAR. ileal n Watchman a id PtaodW a Rl!- r -ait Statten aad Peetsglje BoiXiDAYSBURU Ph., April 88. Four masked men broke in U h' general itors it Galliitar early tin morning, beat Watchman l,vit Dmuelly Into suhmiasliin au l foroed blm to open tba sfc Donnelly was then bound an I H if iTi and several humlrol d dlars uii'l Tuluable ito ul were taken The gain; siOQ atnle money and tirk- eis from the Pennsylvania rsllroal of fice, nioaey, tamH and mail from tin, potti lii and With their plunder es cape! on a handcar. --a FLASHES PROM 1 HE VIRrS. Although her link H br Ken, Mrs .Mary McMiillln I still ol i v.- in a Brooklyn bus pital, 01 tbeitootore' amoseraent, Uh keen will divide thi 08,000,000 ro- reived from the sub of strip bonrl,eob uisn. woman and Chun gattlag io). Aflst be'ng brought near to death bv two week of btcrouvhlne, William Uasr, uf WapplnverV Pdla, N, v., It recovering. Aftei marrying undlvorced Mr-. Ann Dyson w ith hi i yes open, .lacohs, of providence, repented In batta, but cau net no red res , from ourt Trying to blackmail wealthy Mrs. Brawn not of $.00, Henry Baton, a Marshall illi i V nt ti, wan shn dead by ofBosri while Be iO with a dec.,.v nv. lop. The executive committee of the National Kepiiblicau league will meet today nt Washington, D. I ., to arrange for the uu nnal convention in Denver in Jane. Tim efforts of George Donford) oft.' m- ada, and Marshal Nix, to establish a lodt,'e ot the American Protective Aitodation at Palatka, FlO., bus reaultud iu the I 'a tho lid driving them from the town. Nix was severely OOWhldad fur making retuurUs af fectiug the morality a priest. av WASHINGTON NOTES. Senator lligulns, of Delaware, will ar raign the adtntnittration' Hawaiian pol icy on Wednesday. Senator Voorheos' b -nlth Is broken down, and he will no to the Virginia Springs to rccupu. ate. Louisiana sugar planters will put tholr shoulders to the wheel to defeat tbe Wil ton bill. They will confer at New Orleans next Saturday. EARTHQUAKE S PITH Eight Villages in Greece Are baslrojed an! Many Pi ople Killed. HARROW ESCAPE OF ROYAL FAMILY Full Reports cf the Devastation Tbe Ancient Temples and Statues for the Most Part Escaped Deslruction in tho General Ruin Largo Chasms Opened In the Earth About Atalanli. Numerous Houses Tottered and Collapsed During tho Disturbance. London, April 23. n DISPATCH to the Tim from lAl Athene says that the earlhquiki U destroyed iii(i:t villages in the Uu diitrlet of Aiolooti. lothlidlt Ittct iiIoiih forty-right persons were Injured. The monasteries of Saint Idarttnoi and Proskyns were deetroy od. Tin- pier at I'.dll Wll lent seiluder and n.uU below the waters of the har bor. Largs bowlder were detached from the mountain of Braganda, and torn of them f 11 npon ebepberda1 hut that wen- olnitored .it tbe toot of tbe mono tain. AH the Uiluates if tne bills were crushed to death, 1 1 ti ic chasms ; opened ill the earth about Atlanti. A Urge nnmber nf houses swung to and Iroon their foundations for a time nnd then collapse I The nid Venetian fortification at Chalele, capital of tin northern divi sion f tbe island of Buboea, nnd the church tower fell. Extremely violent shocks Were felt the BabOOa nnd the liland in the vicinity. The walls of number of houses In Athens were crrk d and partitions thrown down. Il.uvy piocot of furni ture were thrown in s una imtanoes almost aero. the room, and picture were mined by Iwing thrown from tbdr banginga ASi'lKST MiiNTMKSTS ESCAPE, Tli dispatch add that none of the sndent monnments, except tb rch of Hadrian, was injured All th school iu Athens have bon closed. Another viol-nt ihook occurred at I'nali i at iioou ye.ier lay. causing nn immense imoOUl of damage. Buboea, the largiat liland of Greece, Which ha been leVoreW ufj clod by the shocks, owes r insularity lo an earth Make ii it a well eitabllthed foot that Baboia at bo time formed part of tbe inalnland In 483 B ' a violent ibotk caused a i art ol th land to siuk. and BnOOM was left snrroiinde 1 by wster Iu aome portloni the channel betweea the isiml aul mainland i o narrow that it is .panned by a hi Idg . A Portion of th- ceiling :ri the i no occupied by tbe king s grandchildren was shaken down, but nobody wa hurt Una Ineident oansed mneh es- Cltelliellt In tile i .1 B P.LOGuTHIftm Q-H B " R Ha Baa it's Victim tared t Bit Flaot end Bald Be Carve Kin. Boston, April 88 -Alfonso If arm woa attacked by Camilla Nataro this morning ami probably fatally ilaahed with a rs::or. The nolloeoay atarroli a virtlin uf OOOiplracy, S..m month, ago Naaaro made a derogatory remark about Mai ro wife and the husband brought Wvil anil gatiist him and re aoveti d 300 Naaaro swore T-ng-nnre and got Ceirpolo Archangel lo have tbe nnane laKtlng Mar.. i in front of Nassro'i barber slio;i tc I sagoged h in iu n an ir rel. NBsro apir . i arasor and attacked the defenseless Usrro when hold mi the ground by Archangel -- d: BATt mnra in murDi r. Tm Men Ki Ud d r,.x I 'Jared ii an Obte :ohoi 1 Boa Vlfht Lima, April 88 -At a oonntry ehool debate neat Winchester, a fighl broke out, in which Nathan htanifldd was filially statilia i j., fi" back an 1 K l Carr ill a';ull wai crushed with a club Th fighl started among some of the mi iiler ( hildreu an l toou every body iu the house wit mlxd mi in it, Eva Krai-, r, i he leaober, arm -d her self with a slick nf Wood and dealt Henri Btolnmnn a blow oyer tii bead, six persons i eaj i.s the two wh i were .lliiosi Instantly killed bad to b- taken homo The director of the lohools luive sworn out More "f warranto, - ,1 WINGS I- H IH- WAKOtN. Wllke. Dairn'a Ihisi la Ks, p . r Arq'lit'.l d - f reckwav'am, Wn ki b-Hauhi', April 88 Tbe prison board, wbleh b e been iuveillgattngtha alleged abnae at thee nnty prison, to day submitted their report to the oonrt. They exonerate Watchman Pallon from the charge of halsh tr-atu t. b 'Cause they (ind he was justified in what he did by the miebehaVlor Of tho prison ers who iiui roruied a sonspiseoy in order to get him dfamlssed, Tbe I oard formulatei new rules gowning the punlibmint of tbs prisoners and directs that a new du igeofl he built. T. H. Connifi, preildentof Hie board. submitted a niiiiorily report Baking for the dismlsssl oi Of mure uf Fallon, a . PSOTtSV FROM BrtLTIMORK. Thi Terraplu Kai-ri Condauin lh Unlt'd Rtat,t Senate BALTtMORg, Anril 23. Tho follow ing petition Was pUt Iu circulation to day by Dnil'd Miller, preiident of the Merchiints' an i Uunufaoturers assooia lion i "We, the undersigned citi.-n nnd busiuesi men of Baltimore city and member of the Demooratio party, hereby unito ia iv call for a town m et ing to bu held In this city at tho earli est practicable date to give expression to the feeling. if Indignation and alarm with which we viow the delay of the United State eeuute in i losing ', tariff bill, and especially tlio fe" 1 " Qj our own senators to prj.e-; MpWMnt the wishes aud seat, yof tltl6 peo. pie of Maryland npon this lubjaot, nn 1 contribute to tln ir personal aud vUor ous efforts to secure prompt notion in favor of tho hid." Mr Miller sai l ha believes that ths failure of the isnate to pass the tariff bill is the mother of all tli- ilia fr"in which tho country is now Buffering, Many names worn attached to the pall ium toasy, - a ... THOOPS FIRfc Ori A MOB. Crowd of Aernrlaii Booislttt Attack a Hnncarlan Trwn Hall . Budapest, April 88 A mob of So ci diat agrarians mads an attack npon the municipal building at Holdmeso, vaiarbely, Hungary, yesterday eve ning and threatened to demolish it. Tim police were able, to hold the mob at buy until they cmiid summon rein forcements, when they c'mrio'd upon the mob and drove them buck. 'I he mob rlnsi d np and made annth. r assault npon tba town hail, when the gendarme fired into iho crowd, killing two and wounding dt sen or more. A troop of Husisr then clearol the streets, and the police completed their work by arresting tho ringleaders of the mob, FIGHTING WITH AitiAZONS. Sheriff Wilhtlm's Encounter with In furiated Women at Union town. rjNIONTOWN, Pa., April 23 Blood shed was narrowly evened at the Oliver pl.oit to-day. A Warrant bad boon issii. . f,.r the arrest of Mike I I ' IS for etoiii-i : workmen. Knowing j lh character of the man wanted, the I ntire force ot deputies, Ho iu number, were sent to Fetso's house to capture him At the dour of his home, the deputi's were met by a mob of Infur iated women led by Mr Pel XI, tbe latter with an ix i In her band, Fetzi barred the entrance with a jo't-r aul butchers' knife. The deputie were to ed md beaten mercilessly, Deputy Sheriff Richards ordered a sharge with club, and the deputies Waded In, knocking the female ti Ereaies down right and left. Mn i'eio was - i mii i nis that the had to be k i eked down with a revolver by Sheriff Richards and rendered uncon clous rhe of the foreigner! tbongbt she haJ b.'n killed end tl-d Peta i whs eaptul l after t dng knocked d .wn an. I handnilf 1 and tak-n to j.ol. On the way to the jail tba deputies roeeued workman who woa being terribly beaten bv Itriken an 1 arretd two of the assiida.ils S lenff W liieliu is ovsrrnn with olUfor depune lo night, but oannol mpply all. It looks a if tin, scenes of two weeks ago are suing to b reprale 1. CII'Z'N TRAIN'S ACTION. Ho Will IUclv. ih Coxsy Army in Wi h if ton, Nl W FORK, A rll 88 (,'itizsn O-orge Pi is Trin isenea the following prod imatloa tonight ' The senate, 26 to 17, refused to re c ive Cox-y'i people, I aav taken M r .t Music ball in Washington, tor Thursday night, to raoeive the Ohlefl of ail ariiii-mar. hing on Wash. Ington, when tn. whole Idea of the march will be esplntned, 1 leave by the late irain Wednesday night, reach1 lug Washington rhnreday morning in ONer lO give want tiie senate denied, ind I guarantee that they will receive lull an i frir'heariaga." ao - BRCt KWAY SUSPE iOED RP-d fr m Dntff Pendlne; 7nvtle- tio b.' ih. 8ia' Oetamttaieb But ira, April 23. The board of manag-r of the Elmlra reformatory is mnrniug relieved Snperlntandenl Brook way from duty and gave blm leave of abeenoe pending th-concln Ion oj tbe ex imin ition bv tba special oommieiion ippolnted by Governor slower, The superintendent evinced no snr pise at the, snspensinn, end siid that no would probably leave tlie city for a lime II-will, however. ak to" testify in Ina own liehuif during tin, investigi lion. 1 a m DCWl'S BULltT-PPOOF COAT. Rl QU in It ami All w Himself to Be fht At. , Bebun, April 23 Hsrr Dowe, the Hauhdm tailor, gave an exhibition of till bullet-proof eost yesterday before the surgeons' oongrese now lnsaeion I ore. Tn bullets, tired at a gg fv,, range, failed tn penetrate the cunt, or even to startle D two, who was in slda it. When iho bet was over Dowe was Hpplnnded heartily, and several mem bers Of the congress Hpoko tl itteritigly of in Inveuliotk ' 1 s- DUKV GAWeSiSRS FIGHT. Vlorlda Sheriffs i.ivsiv Battle wiiii, d.k- psrat, Ni'irrosa JaCXSONVILLB, April 23. -A special from stark-, Fin., lava: xTeeterday Bhei ;. John mid posse had a deiperare battle with a gang of negro gamblers u"ir thii place, The negroes opened ore on t ie officers us they approached, Tho latter returned tbe lire, killing a negro n iine.l Marshall ami wounding Baveral oth.'is. The officers Nosped nubnrt, a i. THE HARVtiT OF DEATH. William Houiell, ttrst Baron Bmly, ami poitmaater In Qladstono's tirst cabinet lined 88, At Watervllle, Me., .lames R, Hansen, principal oi Uohurn Clsssical Institute. aged T At Nantlcjke, Rev, E. 0. Goodtlns formerly of York, i n , pastor of the First Presbyterian church. At Bon Delgo, Cal, .T-se B, Bellgmau, the now Turk banker, who went there fi r his health a few days ago. At Ranisi City, Michael Boland wrr was at one tune .1 member of the t anion. "Triangle" ot the Glan-na-Gari. At Obeyenne. Wy E. s. Uonara for merly a member ,.r the PeunsyYvania legislature and ox -secretary ot tho terri tory. as WEATHER FOREOUT. Wasiiimiton, April, "n.-Mirp-rot for rnday: For tatttm nnnsyleaftia, parttg cfotidy wrafherand finit ihowers, nori- a ly u iiidii. RAIN FINLEY'S Umbrellas AND Parasols Colored Silk Umbrellas witTl Dresden Knob Handles to inatchr arc among tin: leading styles fog Ladles' mo. We show anattrao tivo variety In Bine, BrOwT&j fircfn, Qarnet, I51ak ami Changew able Silks. Prevailing prices for oikj weekg 50c. Umbrella, 26-inch, 39a $1.39 Gloria Silk, 6-incii, $1.0(F $2.25 Bristol Silk,26-incli, S1.9S S3 Windsor Silk, 26-inch, $168 IHPARASOLS we have all tho lateel designs and newest materials. We cull atter Hon to onr WHITE MOIRE afl 2.00, also WHITE BUBAHj with White Handle and Fram at ? ;.oo. HI H un lliUlilj 510 and 512 Lackawanna Ay IK EUIIa PERCH & RUBBER mm FAMOUS (Viaftese Cross RUBBER BELTING AND HOSE. CHAS A. BCHIEREN CO. PERFORATED ELECTRIC? And Oak tanned Leather Belting, H. A. Kingsbury SIlEVT S!3 Spm-fl St., ScmtM, Pi Lewis, Reilly & Davits ihowfrlendi ear si. so,. a?, ami e.i sinu s, sad so eaUntstaeSta are they oyer their purohaaea that ore sale ia sure to 1k the raeonaof maktog another. LEWIS, REILLY & DAVIES 114 Wyoming Avo. WAIT UNTIL I get in my new quarters at 408 SPRUCE STREET, and you can get bargains in JEWELRY that have never been offered" in Scranton. 1 J. IE The Jeweler.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers