8 THE SCVRANTOK TRDHJITB MOj3TDAY MORNING. APRIL 23. 1894. 4 3S"S Tho poetry of Arena The ouc prcruuMivo if royalty and nobUity ThQ if;n of nrlstocracy Urn of Uto asbumej b j ninny l.ouuti- f n I forms that F rail trimmitia mm till souson. IHII!i!SlllliilBiHllillillllllilllliailIIII 2 PARIS, Feb. SI hi. jjj m "Tli" rage for Lsees continues! Ata S olMMlty bssar Ueldattbo Ministers del 3 H 'Iutoriour last woek, wnera vm toba 3! j seen tin) Pimm Plbuh of tin- far s B Man world of fuhlOU, iWHrly thu aa SS flrejaea were wall covered with Lacea 3 p; Drt Uoodi Eookoiiut. s nsnSIDilllillilStlltlllllillllllillllBllllli? What Paris Wears, We Show uces for hats l;xes fo:i wraps luces for dresses laces for lingerie In a word EVERYTHING. Polrt du Venise The ril article in- trlcataly mas as the enchanting cnnsl of Venioa itself and copN.l from old, rii'h priwlMi patterns now on exhibition in fnreiijii artgallariaa 8 to 10 inohos wide; solid and net tops for yokes, nifties, for the swell ie JoiBTilU bows, etc., etc. Insr- Uoni nlso. Point d' Ireland Pure ilk nnd very tine and ricii, cream, ft) to 10 inches wide, nad in insertions. Silk Guipure Net ton, design! after raft Bpaoiih lace. i!j to '.) inches, Point tic Margot Lace 1'ersnns, other than of roy . Mood, caught warinK theae luces in Q risen Elizabeth's time were pablioiy whipped tlirfore. No vender royalty elainad it for its own. Open net and profusely and richly covered. 1 mirl BlnOQM wide Insertions aiso of MBM, Point Flanders A ilrcnra in pure Whit silk; BM limu widths, for mil linery and dresses. L'Anduleux Lace, or Sepentine Lure, to b plaited in (olda, then you have the latest lu.demity. Flemish Lace In patterns made ns far har k as the l "itli century. Very ser viceable for hats, wrans nnd dresses. Black, old ivory and white; all widths solid a-id net. Insertions of same Chantllly Tnllfl with light figure beauty. Itlack and white aud cream . nil widths, Spanish Valenciennes, enipnre, tor eilOO. and all th other traceries from riauen and St. (rail. GORMAN'S Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. AMOWTELY PURE HEARD AT FOREST CITY. CARBONDALE SPLINTER i. brando pot J E RM fN SCINTILLATIONS. Parn;rirhe, Personal an1 Otherwise, Jennad for Hurried Roadlnir. rjrm tn the .Vrflaf.m Tribune JIBUTI. I'a , April U -Ksv. E. R. Alien, of Itananeld, is tuouuest of Jer mvn rl itlvea, C. L Bell retnrm Batnrday from a visit ttirnntfh the south, visiting his lomher internets in North Carolina and Tennessee dnrintf bil absence. Friday night the hotel of Fred Sol.y was forcibly entered, th safe opened nnd about S0 and vainah'e papers w-re taken. From the fact that the com! i natinn of the safe wis known it would bpiii that the tblevei worn expert', iJnriiiij the hard rain of Kridav JaneaJ Loftoa and family departed from Jermyn (ieorj;o Ii'dsh, who has been ap pointed district superintendent "f the Metropolitan Insunnce oompany, with nandojnarten at Hooeadale, will re move his family thfre this week. A metinif of the elerks will be held in the Nap ho club rooms this evening nt 8 BO sharp. Saturday wis the lt night of the St. Aloyatnt1 fair, st Lo'i Battalion front Bcraoton were preeent and their fine appearanM cr".:t'l a very favor nble impression. The s .'O prize besides rjnntrotu others wcrn dirpoeed of. Next Wednesday night a music tl an tertainneot will be given and the re sult of th watch contest announced, About sixty nemberi of Bnabbrook lodge, Independent Ordi-r of uMKol lnws. will visit Como lodge Tuesday evening. A spri,il train h is been ar ranged for. Train leaves (Jatorio aud Western dopot at ahont 0 p. m John B (iriflitlu, who has been ill with pleurisy, resumed his duties with (J. D. Winter (Jo. Saturday. The Martin brothera' will sing to night in Archbald for the benefit of tho Father Matthew society of that pine. Miss Merritt, an evangelist from Wilkes-Bsrre, conducted services in the Congregational church today. -av- Four Ilia Successes. Having the needed merit to more than rinlin good all Lba advertising claimed for them, tho following four remedies have runcbed a phenomenal sale. Or. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Consul and folds, each bottle guaranteed Elec tric Hitters, the great remedy for Liver. Stomach and Eldneyt, Bnoklen'i Arnloa Halve, the beat in tho world, and Dr. King's New Life fills, which are a perfect pill. All these remedies nro guaranteed to do just what is claimed for them and the denier whose nnme is attached herewith will be glad to toll you more of them. Hoid byjiiittuews Bros', drug storo. uiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiinu I TRIBUNE BOOK COUPON, i E 5 s l ot it or these COUPONS, pre sented at The Tribune Offlee, oor ner Tenn nvenun ami Spruce street, antttleatha holdav toHii the prlv lleres of the unpui-iillrloil oilers for illstriliutltti; popular booka among our ruailers. 'I ho oUers tuado hy The Trlhiinn niiioegeiueot aro us fullows: in CKNTS and Tour Coupons for nay volume In thn C'olumlius Se ries. Over 1 (Ml title! to select from. SI) OKSTN anil Four Coupons for in hook In tho Kugby Serlos. US CKNTS and Pour Coupons any hook In the Oxford Series. for S 9iiHiiiigigiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiii: An Intelligent Correnpnndent'e Resumo of Passing Events. .cier(af to the Scranton Tribune. FoiilisT ClTT, Pa., April 'J'J Last Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Caryl gave it dinner party at their pleasant home ou Main strn"t to a small company of friends. The fol lowing wrn preHnt; Dr. and Mrs W. R Dlakeslee, Mrs. II. ). Allen. Mr. and Mrs. I V. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. V. H. Bates and Mr. and Mrs Hspjamin Mazey, A very pleasant evening was spent anil enjoyed by all. Tho honor of having eaught the larg est mess of trout of any Forest City gentleman, so far this season, belongs to Thomas Richard', the genial clerk in J. L. Morgan A Co. 's store Mr. Richards, who i an exp-rt Hibernian, hied himself to n small brook near Forest ( ity lust Friday in search of the "speckled tiesuties." and was very suc cessful, as his labor was rewarded by having over nins pounds of trout on his return. Tbotnai Cunningbam, of Herrick, ii spending Sunday at his home in tbil borough. John E Free, of Wyoming, is the guest of friendl in this place over Sun day. Mr. Free nut been superintend ing (he plaring of a large electric plant in Simpson St Watklus' colleries at Wyoming. Brltitb America o lodge. No. 879, . S. of S. CI., will give their grand con cert tomorrow evening (Monday in the opera h'inso. The celebrated t'dum Mail iiuartatte of Scranton, have been engaged, also Forest City's best talent will take part The following is the programme which will be rendered i pa u r L selection Columbian Quartette Address Kov. P, Qendall Song, "Anchored'' H. t'arr Bong, Selected Mrs i) Maxey song, "Noble Boy" . ,,P, H. Thomas Recitation Ilauda Reynolds Song L). J. Jones Selection Cola nibuii iaartetto pan ii. lilee, "Awake .1" dun l.vre. ' Pbllharmonlc niec club Song, "Only Sieak Kindly to Me. " Mri, s May Duet, "(h Albion," J. L Morgan. I' U Th iman Recitation Maude Iteynulds s I.,', "The S.ng Thai U-n lwd My llourt." , Mav Watktna Song, "l'lee Asa Bird," Heulah BlaCI Duet, "Flow Gently Dave," J. L. Morgan. I .1. Jones soi'g. Selected r. K. momaf seiction kdumbtaa Quartette i'rics, 1 1, '.'"i an ! il'i cent. Cru i "i'. ''Km p. Use Dr Thoma' Be lectric (ill according to direcii.mi his the tMtt remedy for ell sudden at'acks of col Is, pain aud inflammatt in aud Injuries HALLSTIAO IILM5 Nufgets of N'hwii aailisred la a LiWalf 8a1 qushsnns Town. rYerio fo IIU1 .Vmn' oi ViVini. HAlXinaD, I'a. April M -LIIIU Thomas, of Conkllo, is visiting Miss Fannie Simrell Louis Wiliuot, jr., has the founda tions laid f.-r i house on Fourth street The infant child of Mr an I Mrs .1 Ii Aldrlcb dial on Tbureday iveuiog, of erysipelas. The fnueral was held yesterday. Tom Allen is visiting from is In New York citv. Mlaa Battle UeLeod visited friend' in Bingbnmtoa on Friday. Tne annual meeting of the Sns'iti"- banna Connty Medioal loclety will held at the Montros- hoftse la M 10 trose on Tttetday, M ty 1. An election Will he held to seleat offl ers for tb" ensning ye.ir, and delegate! to the Btat Medical a icietv, at Philadelphia Ml? IV imil to the American M lie il as sociation at Su Francisco, June 1 Mrs. Will Vetdsr is vi-lting New Milford friend". Il-'iry Talmiu'e and wife wre call."! to Vestal, N Y , "ii Friday by the serious illness of Mrs. Tslm ige's father. Mrs. l v. Chnrch was iii Blag- bnntOO on Friday. Mrs Hurt Bennet, of Afton. N Y . who hat boon vliltlog hr daughter, Mrs. Homer Robinson, has returned home. The suit for dnm-nes brought bv Mrs M.irifaret Sullivan of (I:e a It md, for the 'loath of her husband, Patrick Sullivan, agninst tho Brie rsilr ad w it none suited. Mr Sullivan was killed about three years ago at a crossing near tho (Ireat Hand A claim of 3,00Q was put lu. I M iny, of BlogbantOtt, was in town on Friday Mrs. (J. A. BelltnSU, of Kirkwool, is rioting at the reidenc" of J (I Know Mr. i'. Randriek has the foundations laldforanaa house on Chaaa avenue James Prentice, of New Mllfor I, wns fiilting friends in town tolay. JamCJ Oariagg has returned horn from visiting in llinghainton. Arthur ' haniberlin has moved into Albert McLeod'a house on Dubois' street. e Clipped from auads 1'resbyterinii, un der signature of ('.. Hlaekett BobtUson, prop'r: i was cured of oft recurring bib loui haadacbee by Burdock Blood Bitters. HONESOALE HAPPENINGS. Syrur of Imp irlant Nswi c f the Maple City. Sitecinl to the flcrttnfea Tntmnc. HonnoaLB, April 22 Among the many improvements being mde in Uonesdale this spring, one is worthy of particular mention. The tearing down of front fences is one of the finest im provements yet made to our streets. They appear much broader, look neater and give an aristocratle apiwarance that could be obtained in no other way. Upper Main itrest is now a minature Euclid avenue, or a commonwealth avenue, without the spacious moou mented park running through the cen ter of tile Htret. The froi t line fences ure being leveled one by one, and soon broad stroets bordered with spa-nous green lawns will roach from one end of tho borough to the other. Mrs. Edwin F. Torrey, Miss Miller and Mrs, Eigarand (laughter, Louise, leuve ou Monday for Hot Springs, N. C. Miss Ciara Pellett, of Hawley, was a caller in town .Saturday. 1 he Triiiunu Eucvclopedia Brltnu nica is receiving n number of purchas ers in Ilonesdalo. Liavo your name at (iardnsr's 0:10 Main street, nnd Tint Tninu.NR Bgutit will call on you with aauiplee. Hi wlit Bits of Goeelp from the Ploneor Oltv of (hi Villey. AwcfeJ lo the Sproafen Tribune. CARBONDALt, Fa., April 21) T. V. Walker, the National express ngent, left Saturday morning for a business trip to New York city. .TatncB Staples, of Waymart, was a visitor to tills plaee Saturday. R A Mason and Charles Orchard attended a loeial in Greco Ridge Fri day evening. Mr. F. (I Strntlnger retumcl home Baturday afternoon from a v- r.il weeks' visit with relatives in New York stsi James Allen, of Coneland avenue, who lias been lick for several weeks, is again able to b ahont. On Tuesday evening occurs the enter talnment of the Epwortb leagus, when the following programme will he rend -red : Violin quartette, Mi":s. rbomaeJobnaou, Smith and Crane, R( citation, Selected, Miss Adels Ilre'ikstone Piano Duet.. Ulas Corby ami alias Barring Vocal Solo, "Days (June Ry," Mrs Kale Firth Recitation, Selected, Miss Adela Breakatone (Quartette, Selected, Ry tb" Orpheus Quartette Solo, "Paul and Virginia, ".uabelle Btanton Recitation, Selecti.ui Mn Ri oak-tone Solo, "Out on the Deep," B t) mond Bockonnerry violin Quartette, Motors. 1 In inns, Johus.ni, Smith and Crane Commencing Monday evening the Columbia Hose oompany will have regular practice drills in fire Bgbting turtles aud the rapid laying of bOCC Mr aud Mrs GteorgC DuBoll are vii iting friends in Wi Ikei-B irre. Mrs. C W Myers and children, of l'ort Jervia, are visiting relatives in this city Mrs. rbntnaa Oliver and Mrs. Ralph Lester, o( Wvi mloff stre. t, are visiting relatlvet la 1'ittsto i. - MINOOKA MUSINGS Bnef Fnrsvrsplis of I itertst to South Sib Rs.lt. n'i e)eM in tne nvanien JWswas. IflNOOKi, I'a , April '-'- -Miss Mm- mie O'Boyle, of Provideooe, is rialtini M;s sand K lly of Main street P. C Connelli and Robert Ceaphell were trout tithing Friday at Baltic IS ike creek BUdaogOred foine Very tine tie tt. M P. Cosick and wife, of Sharp' ville, U , attended th- funeral of I' J. Crane, a brother of Mrs Coklck yes terday The C"indv druna tonight at the Tempranoe lull The funeral of Patrick J. Crane, who wss kuled last Tbureday at Duryea, nocorred yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock Iron liil rtaid-nee on Miner's i ill ihe reiimins were convoyed to 91 Joeepb's ehorob; ltv Father John I. mghran ofliri it I I.ilertunt mads in the Catholic cemetery. The funer il wss one cf the larjeit aver seen in Ibis place. e ; FIRE AT HON I SOUI, Wooden ft lakeaev'a l'p- Box F lory To'ellv P..tr. yd. si" al fe Ute feeaalaa reetajas lioMMul t . Pa., April 22 -Wooden & Blakeney'i Paper Bos (aatory, en ploying thirty-three ban it. was totally lestrnye 1 by hr it '! o'clock l.st evei.- nig I'll- f ct'.ry w is closed at . ii in and the fire era discovered by Jobs Wooden et 8 tfi "ndu unknown, lost) 1 111,0)0. total insurance, tS.SM, 1'eupof ry quartan win te secured and work resumed at once. Aiioiii iteaellng, An active minded boy or girl can find out n great di ol nlsiiit the World we live in by the habit of Attention, hy looking ennnd; and be or aba can gat much lu epilation from the example of gl men and women But this knowledge can be added to Indeliuitoly b) mating, and peo pie will rea l it till J have a genuine desire to know things, aud are not, as we say, "iii lazy to Iii " When I hear a !) la) thai be dOM BOt know what lo read 1 won der if he ha., no ruriosity. UtbsrSUOtb Ing that be wants to know ahoutl Most children ak qua 1 1 It often happens thai the petcoua the iesk csnnot answer ii qui -ii. ni Now, it is the nnrrmsi ol books t" do Just ihla thing WbeOQ the particular person askisl oan not do. And that fat about al) there Ii in rending. Ofcourei It must bo borne m 1111 ud that rii 1 1 . i , is 1 lo.uiy kiful.i curl oalty about facts, about nninlUios. ahont wh it bappened ion ; ago, aiut what is inking place now, about the people who lived nites ago. .tnd the pc iple who live now, aboutstbers and sbout one's ssdf Bn it happen', th .t one wanta to read sulcnce and poetry and history and biography nnd romances and the dally new. fit. Nun oles, Pussy Turneil on the 1'elirrl. One of our citixoni a few motnlngsagc on getting up In Stnrt the morning Ore hLs wife not yet bavin: falh Ifl Into the cm torn "f doing it- was n ii, .. ! to bear the OUnd Of ronnlsg water In the cellar (In Investigating he found a Cnucst near tha Hour partially opened, and it was plain that tin- bouse cat. a w ry knowing animal, had turned II togul a drink, nnd then bav big exhausted bcr stock of knowledge, or not caring to go into the ipatterblg urea to rhrtl It off, had left the st renin tluwing. Pussy rat on a barrel out ol h.-irin'-i WSJ in CBSS the cellar should lie lloo.hd Indole daylight, and blinked her hrlnjht eyes, as much as to aayi "I know how it .ill hap pensd, hut cm nut eoin to tell." Old L'ftl ony .Memorial Will lie v,. n hlppaS, Ethel (to her younger brother! whn had been whlpped-Don't mind, brukser, don't mind. Brother (betwtsju bU tears) fliat's just what I wils licked for, not minding. -Epoch; DR. SCHLIf.MANN'3 PALACE. i: ,;i.,. home In Athens Win ro Clao..i.vj,i AVwk Was the LimKasge. I bavw .V";J lnuny royal palaces, but Dr. lleury .."ilicniapii's homo in Athens uirpassod t'm all in the beauty of its ap pointments and th" loveliness of its ems' bellishmeuts. It is situated in the midst )f a large garden, where in summer statues jf Grecian gods and ooddeases glr,m through fbag of tropical richness. But ciy visit wns in midwinter, mid tho streets df the city were fairly covered with snow, tho tinltling of slci;;h belLs seemed moro In harmdfty with the scene than tho soft notes ol Apollo's lute. Dr. Schliemann's marble palace Is on one of the most fashionable streets of Athens, and ns I vvnlkcd through the streets leading to ll I saw no Creek girls who recalled Hymn's "Maid of Athens," nor any Athenian women who resembled those proud dames of ancient times whose dark h;:ir was adorned with the golden grnaahopper as an announcement that they had "sprung from the soil." As I approached Dr. Schliemann's I was struck hy the life size marble statues of Grecian ps'ts, philosophers and heroes that embellished the roof of the stately pile. The d.Hjr of the palaOSWaS opened by n tall footman, who spoke French with a strong nccent Banding him my.nr.ll was united to color the library , which. with the exception of the Vatican library, is the mOSl beautiful I have ever seen. The walls of the stately apartment were hung with exquisite pi. 'tort s representing Classical subjects, aud the corners were adorned with graceful statues. 'I he dark bookcases were stow ued bymsrWs busts of Grecian i is ami philosophers, The library was rich in classical literature, in which (in-ok, of course, predominated, for Dr. Schllcmann was an enthusiast about ancient Greece (he language of I'lato and Aid blades being the language of bis hSXiae. lie made his butler take the rlsasinal name of I'l iops nnd In-, cook that of Jocsssee. Dr. Schliemann's wife is sOreek, beau tiful and Intelligent, but Hut a patrician, far she is the daughter of a shopkeeper of At hens in t i.is rasped hhe is of the tame sis ial position aa her husband, for he was originally a shop boy in Hamburg, and made hi- fortune in the Indigo trade. He was nearly 7(1 years old at the time of my vi-.it to Athena, imt with all the physical Vigor of 60, His wife was juStabOUt half bis age, but wonderfully congenial and sympathetic. The had two children, who, according to their father's classical taste, wi re i ailed Agamemnon aud Andromache. The former was beautiful boy of 5, with .lark hair ami tree and Grecian now and mouth, Andromache was fust 19. and so lovely that she might have sewed as u model for the moot graceful statue in her father's library. She had a great talent for languages, and -Hike w ith uUOOCI lilh ancient and modern Greek, Prench, Ger man, Italian and English She was eocpni' pllabsd in darning, drawing ami music, aud her talent fur taOTOtry Would have made her a fll companion for Paitelope I hive,: ' New. Tho bigRCSt birain yet those magnid. . nt oAultichrornes. "Afteramost thorough trial and receiving the most i,rrat ifying results, I am glad to testify in favor of BOVININE Tho Original Raw Food " By it I was brought up with remarkable rapidity from a long Biege of nervous pros tration." am rajslnlsna Radoraa it. govialss i-- jn iili .1 .Kvl--in aasaatihal asoieat, i- DBUlUbll la tli.? eel ili lu.le ln.ii4.li. Alone it will leetsta .trrnctli I.t ..iki ll m.lir. ni-s bseoa Ii coauSas Ui. Uijoi aasaaal ol nutrition in ihe toullcti iom.iMc bulk. Per sale at all druggists. THE BOVININE CO., MAV YOKK. Thr GENUINE WW Haven "Malhiishek" Pianos K.sTABI.ISHKD lirtil Now Jfork Warerooms No. SO Fifth Avenue, V. ('. K1GKKB & CO., Bole dealers in this section (il ! 11 K. If) Ada:: s At.' , TelaphOSS BTi'l SCIENTIFIC SHOEING. riavtnr secured the BBOIUVG PORSBof Wiin m Blnnie A 8 m for a permanent bust nees stand, l .hall rondnot bilentlfia aim i allioioele.il Mh e tn: for tl o 1 reventton, Ho iiul t.n.l Ci 't I mill ii. t-s iit:d other ilnpedl mentetn the movements ol iiirs. s Incidental rr on to bnperleei shoring I snail (Ivathe eorkmy peraooal attentl n and yuaraatve no eiira oaarte, except forimniovcmeat. Lame aeaa etc, win betreatert anflreoonSii a free elinli' nit. I irof,vsioiwd hdviee given everv Moii.U.y I r. in 1,, . r M. ON HAMLIN, D. V. S. Women full cf Pains Aches and weaknesses, i End in O ticuka Anti I I'.MN I'i.as. kk instant '"i and gralclul relief. In (.ink paarera it relieves ai'hing tides and haelc, hip, kidney and u'crinn pains, strains and weak nesses, rheumatic, srl Stle. sharn nnd nervous pains, coufjhs, colds and Cbett pains. Udor mis with balsam, sice and pine, it is the sweetest, surest, safest and lust plaster. PrlOSt SfAil 6vc, $i.oo. At .'1! drttjcisls or by nud. 1'uimn lu AND Chsm. Cusf., IkoWa. eSSSs- I J V. r m m MT. TLEASANT AT RKTAlIa IVslor the nJt quality far domostlo nse,and of alt state, delivered In auy part of the city at lowest price. Orders left nt my office. Ml. 1 IK. U'VOMINO AVKWTH, Bear room, Brat floor, Third National Bank, or sent by mail or telephone to the mine, will receive prompt attention. Hi eetal coiilraeta will be madu for the sale suit delivery of liucktvhuat (JoaL v, Mm Aftx Anna Vccmers 1'atillon, 1'enn. Weak Nerves Numb Spoils, Dyspepsia, Poor Blood Hood's Sarsaparilla Cave Strength, Removed That Tlrod Feeling. "('. I. Hood A CO., LOWell, Mass.: " Gentlemem 1 feel that I must say a few wordi about Hood's Barsa pari lis, as 1 think it h the best nedlelne I have ever taken. I bad dys pepsia, and Diy nerves were weak, my blood alte lu had condition, nnd I was troubled Willi nunb spells when t would alt or he down. I Waa So Wosk that 1 could hardly walk across Hie house when i began to take Hood's Berieparllla. 1 have now UWd sewn bottles of this RMdlCUM and have gained lu Strength, can io all DM work Hood's5"1 Cures and not St tired, am ever so pinch tu t ter lu every saj " Mas. Anna DSSatBUS, p. Hilton, Pennsylvania, Hood's Pills act easily, ( promptly auC efl! lei.ll), ou the Incr aiel bonds. Bft About Nervous Prostration ) I H.C.CHAPIN, Editor St. Pnul Pioneer Press. Dr. EX Grower lh PlillaflflpMa chlist, An. I hit li..l ,t:f ,.f Kticll.ti eal (lev aa 1'llaiciat.fc.T. uw parauUMuUf licetoJ Temple Court Building 81 I BPRCl !R ST SCRANTON U'bu. im, af he mi,. ailed LlAILT AXD si MHI. Tli. IV. t..r . , ,,( ,lM4 o ln t'nlrereitf er naMayieasla, f..rn,e:.r Jeasouetraloe ol foyt art and .mgerv at the Midi -..rhlf ti steal . ,.f I'l.l'sl.d! i Ii. a alas a I : :y n embeV el lh Me.li,-., . hlrur inal Aaaoctahon, an! as bbyaletaa t .1 sarreott In-ehlef ..f b nt r..t.1 Amrien IMuermaahospltala eataaa inehiy Imliireal ty lbs ikoIiiis rofe.iora of l'bt ..l-li bla anj bw lotn, Hie many rears o4 bopiti nferisnoe n abiea ti,ia anihieal pbraestaa and imr.ii to riirrerlly dlijt an 1 traal ad def rra t aa and diaaaatia with tba neat tUitorlnir au. rea and la. li.h standi nf in th eut a.U u.t ail a- hint u. ac. e;. nnv tnri.rabl- cass I us i NA.SlllMlli KKaTOHfctl ii NI - ni tut m. si i ii urn ItyoaUaVe ..-.-o inr-n up ..y yo'.r I h I 4 e'en rail Bp n tic do. tor and Isi esainined Be eerea tne wore! aaecesf Kervowe U ty tcrotaaSt ' id s rs i a'.rrh I'llee, I .male w. skill's Af' ,.f lb. Ear Tr. .S ie end 'i 1 1 .'.A." "tv Iwiafnen Tiiui.rs.taii aare and Mnplea tt avari deasrlptiou Cm eoltsilon m Ba(llah and Oarmaa 1'rae, which hall 1st ci.ai iare.1 .acred an I .trieU .i.:l eei tut i Ho. I. oi.i.: o VI. In u r. m. Dally. Suuita). C a. Da, io i e ou Third National Bank of Scranton. atMi-mert I . Ii .'s . ism. railed for I.) Ilia ( esnptfeilef al the i arreatey 1. I -Ml til S I onn lit. i,l, ,.ll. I sited siate. Itowda Othel 11. nil- Haal tea Hanea I reniliiio on I. s Ii, n, ,la Imrfri in 1 . Irra.nrer . live truaa llanba ( a.b 1 I . 1 . 1 1 till s I ai.llal Hinliln. I'lull.oleil I'lnflla , I ii " 1 1 1 I, in i lili-iol. I iipalil ai , ii.i tn no l l llll.ll. line In Hank.. 17 NO .Oil. I III) . fti ::..-.;a SS,074.4 41 , 7 SOO on . enM si a ts i to urn as a M.SM no . . a oo non oo .'in .too no Ml Ian ml YS,OOO.Oe) SS4 Ml ... I. Mil nun 54 no II .. M us, soi tso.no 11 I t 'l 1 OS74I I I. Prealdi ni t.1.11 11 I 1 I IS. Ire-ll . .Iil.nl. ii i I i ii i i i k. ash las mi. 1 1 inns William onnell, (n ,uL-e II. I'ailln. Aifreii Until J ansae Arrhbatd, Heavy it. ii, i, ji . u un , in i sot 1 1 it. Lnthot IMIli t ibi. baab aflSrs in depoeltnrs every laellit) warrante4bi tlialr nalaueea boae" i.e.. ami rveHeialbllllv, spii-iui atteutlua (Ivaa la hQelaeeeao. I.. in i- lot 11 t3 WM. T. SMITH. TRADERS National Bank, ol Scranton ORGANIZED Isai CAPITAL $250,000, SURPLUS $25,000. PAMrri, HINES.IPrealdent W. W. WATSON, Vice I'residenL A. 11. WILLIAMS (.'ahior. DIUSOTOMi Ramitri. Hints, james M' Fvr.iuiAnT, Ikvinii A. FiNcn, Planes B, FltM JbStPd J. JerMYS, M f. Kkmiiikil, Cuas. f. Mai'iiikws. John T. roinsn. W. W. Watson. PROMPT, ENLRGETIC, CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL This bank Invites thn patronage of buslnoss men aud firms generally. UimiHim9msnniiiiiiiiiigiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiii!iHigciii;jiiiicg:Buiiiiiiiiiiiiii EverythingFOR Everybody AT The Fair 400402 Lacka Ave. "Always the Cheapest" Dry Goods, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods, Notions, Fancy Goods, Infants' Wear, Cloaks, Curtains, Boys' Clothing, Boots and Shoes, etc. Commencing Monday, April 16, we will place on sale Special Bar gains in Every Department. All New Goods FAR BELOW REGULAR PRICES I'llllllllllllllllllUIIUIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIUIBIIlUR 108 $1.40 EACH. 1 11 m . The greatest bargain in the market. A few of the Brass (Onyx Top) Tables left at $6.00. KERR & SIEBECKER 406 and 408 Lackawanna Ave. !v:. Just (0 Give the Editors a Chance A DETAILED price list of our im mense stock of Furniture, Car pets, Baby Carriages, Refriger ators. Mattings, Stoves, Crockery. &C, would crowd everything out of this iapcr. And we have too much respect for editorials to do anything like that; besides, of what use when all can be told in a single line. 111c Luwesi mm iu . l. m Pennsylvania. Cash or Credit With every purchase of $50 or over we present an American Onyx Fin ished Cathedral Strike Clock. With $75 or over, a ioo-piecc Din- ner set. a: a.- II j li I I