6 J HE SCKAKTON Ti.IJttTXE-MOXOAT MORNING. APRIL 23. 1S94. Fat Is Wanting in most foods, or, If present, is not assimilated. The result is loss of flesh and strength. Scoffs Emulsion the Cream of Cod-livor Oil, is a palatable, easy fat food that any stomach can retain and any system assimilate without effort It gives flesh and strength. Physicians, the world over, endorse it. Don't be dwelled ty Militates! rTCl'i-cd 'iy Scott & Uov.nr, N. Y. A ' "-t: IL 11 OF INDUSTRIES Fomo tin nso the Rending Railroad company issu"il nn order for tlio r moval of nil tbo four wheal black rnrs nsed in the coal trade service because of toe introduction of tbe 1 nric-' gondolas. BeTeral hundred of these csrs were dnmped over the bunk ba tWOOU th car shop ami miohln shop nt Tnlo Alto mut sonaeqnmtly burned tin- The company baa juat Issued an other ord-r on t ti is mbjeot, this tim tloln nwny with the ten ton capacity flight-wheel ear. Thin order is erve I In pursuance of a law recently paaaad that all can in niemntt b of n ani form hright iiivl .ntiippd with patent coupler. There are between throe and four tbonaand nf these elghUwbeel cr In th cotil lr tftic. unit their removal from further service will hi a arinni loss to the- Company, wnidi in tti near fntnr nnat h raplaoad by the larger and mora SXpenilvi gondola car. The Lehigh A vVllkei Barn Coal company nneipootodly fonnd a win of 0 al recently w'lili horln? an art.sUn well near their Yorktowu colliery Tba anility of the coil is v.rv rich and tba y-in eijjin to twelve inches thik. A theft will b sank nnd tbe vein deYOl op 'd A Poklafilla dlapatob sivs: Tn Reading oompany, which has begnn to Utilise tlio culm banks in this region, bas deoided to extend operation! to tln Kmt Bear Ridga oolliary, wbtoh 1 In operation. The ooal taken from it li prepared at tba breaker of West Bear hide;, colliery, beinir, conveyed a 111 lnnc of on an 1 a half miles. Tb company now proposes to carry the culm from West Beat Ridga and run it through tbe B it lleur Eli Iga tireaker on the three day J of each that t'ie collieries do not w .rl:. Toll will it employment to sixty more men an I boyt. and will give the o itnpeoy about 4U0 tons of amail coil a week Th larjost pros, in thetworld, which is uid in the forging department of the Bethlehem Iron company, is em ployed just now in forging an en rm mi ring for the Cataract Construction Company, of N'lasara Kails Tnc ring weighs 60,000 ponudi an 1 was cut from in Ingot weighing twic that figure It was comprtad into the required di iivnion hy tb 14,000 ton pren aa if mud of th mot malleabl material nstiad of the hnrdrst of steel. Th mtail diameter of the ririjj is 111. nchea ami it will form part of the tnneuinery tiled in ehaiuiiiK Niagara Falli. Tbe OarbondaJa Leader ii authority for th statement that one of tht prom lnnt official of tba Gerboodele Tras tion Company dclars negotiation with General Manager Arobar, of the Fcr.intou Traction compiny, for tb purchase of the Carbondala ay t in nae rdeil in failur1 Nevertheless, itieetillthe belief of railway inu r, this city that the Absorption of lb Carbondal eoiup'iny by the local com -pany i tnnply ipHttion of tim. I.ookinz b-ic' at a time not more than ton yearn Kn. when Carbondale (tood "awe itnek'-n at th lOggaatloO of an electrie roa I, whiN tba men hint if connecting the email towns of tb ralley br a street railway w onl 1 bare jansed spasms of lantrater and derision In tbe men who hail no faith in tb en terprise," th esteemed Leader XUlts lu tb fact that it mtorpriaing city is today "not only th focus point ol a well eiinppid eleotrle line eita mi;. ii long, hut tUP-e (OmpaniM are )ii'ling hundred of dollars is a fuht to snr merely tne sanction of the oonrt to lonnect Carbo idal. For est City and Crystal Lake Tnat BOme corporation will Imild Mob n line leemi certain, for bona tide work has already begttn. The conclusion drawn, and Ctrl that applies with rqual force to Hcrantonians u well, it tbat "living in tin period of the nineteenth century is it privilege scarcely raaliztd or ap preciated, so fast do th wou ters and discoveries crowd nnon one another mid bscomn commonplace and common property." Minor XDCITRIAL NOTBS! The new (ireeuW' ud hieuker, near Ta m.Kjna, vlli start up this week. A compulsory car fender law will be in troduced at the next lessiuu of the Penn sylvania luglslatu re. The Control Pennsylvania Telpunne company will put WilkeeBarn wire'n Into cables and build a hamlvimo new ex chauge. ' nd Superintendent C 1). McKelvty and Second Vice President J, P. UnfTerty, if the wilkee-Barn and Baatern railroad, have jnst couipluted a lour of inspectioii and profess to be highly satistled. The Wilkes llarreand Hastern line opeut Dp haiidsouie now opportunities to trout fishermen. lu a few days the Wilkes-llarre car hj-s tern will be completed as far ns Pittstou an the enst bnnk of the Siimpiehanna. Coal operators of Lnzume coanty are orged to adopt the Philadelphia and Read Ins company's plan of utiliziug culm banks. Tho furnaces on Hreakor Island a part nt tbe Troy Steel and Irou company's plant will suspend operutiouu in about two weeks. It IB stated by officials of tho Pennsyl rnnia that passenger truvol on that road is Increasing. An eleotion of directors of th Jersey Oentral railroad will occur in Jersey City on May 11. A meeting of the noneral malingers of Central traffic lines will bo held in Kew fork April 25. Hereafter, Reading ongines will not be lrapod in white, as it interferes with a comprehension of train siifnals. Loonard Goodwin, son of tho late 11. Btanly Ooodwin, for many years general mperintendent of tho Lehigh Valley rail road, has been promoted to tho traln tnastershlp of the Pennsylvania, PoiiRh keepsle and lioston railroad, leased by the Lehigh Valley. Mr. Uoodwin was for- IS merly connected with Kiireriutetid"ni Don nelly's office at Eastou. SAIURN'S SURLV INTENTIONS. They Are ViawiU at Waohlnirton with More mi Lasa Alarm. Il'iisimyoa AVio. At last we understand it. Coxey is not to tilame. Tillman is not responsible. Even Waite and Lmvolliug cannot help startling tho couutry with their brays. Saturn is on a rampage That Is the rlanet that exercises control over the toll ers of the earth, and it is naually, the as tronomer tell Oa, the crank and tramp's best friend. 13ut a few days aj;o Saturn slipped a cog, so to speak. His trolley ran oh", and he is now tearing around in a innnnorthnt tills stnr-Razeis with alarm. The great Professor Cole C Cole, to bo exact although fear and fame has made him known to all, says he let loose his KloctricLye recently and was horrified. Batnm was in a terrible mood. He wm on the rampage, and Mars seemed half in clined to get a bucket of n-d paiut lilin (elf. The professoi's prophetic s inse en ables him to see cycles of calainatis for the sonsof earth ahead. "Discontnut," he tells the Scran toll Tnnuim, "will prevail among tbe industrial aud productive olaaia. Than will be sad lack of harmony between the people and the executive au thority, rnusual taxes threaten, and groat polities! dlaoord is certain." Hut that is nothing to what will happ-tn in Asia. Kings there will euffer, millions will die of plagne ami all fruit will rot. We are sorry for Asia, but we have got to look nit for ourselves. Something ought to be done to get Saturn in the track again, for the prognostications of the K.leclrio Bye aro decidedly unpleasant. Thinks the Mlllealum Dawna. WilheBarr lYme. When Judge Woodward, of l.tizerne, once faoetiously declared that S.ranton had no limits, he must ban been thinking ot Scranton Bid. 8CRAHTOH Tltllit NK. And so at least one editjr Ii llOOMt enough to eonfeee judgment on one of the n inner - oils evils that alllict Scrautou. The mil Ionium dawn. Ilucklen'a Arnica Salv. The tnat salve in th world for Cut Hruise Nirea, Ulcers, Salt Itheum, Kever Sores, letter. Chappel Handa. Chilblains, Corns acd all Skin Lruplious, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It if guaranteed to give perlect latisfai'tion i t money refunded. Price VIA ceuu per box. For anie by Matthew Urea. Th Popular Tro I'T. HorriltoWH Utialil. There ia little or no oppoaittOB to th trolley car among the people generally. What was beard in ti ls way came from th so who had some ulterior object in view; others were Influenced by that laek of enterprise to be found In a few In every community, s lr. Wood's N rway Pine Syrup was used for vears as a prescription b- a eno ceeaful physician It is in all respect t ten best cough me Heine made today S '. I by all dealers on a gunrantei of satisfaction. A Thought ef a lna Observer . 1'orfc .. Th diebonoat UUU towell named when he is railed a crook, suit e the honest man is always square. WrirTi Baby wa 1.-k. we cr hsr ratorra, nhen she was a Child, b erted fi r i lutoiic Wre n BB beeaaw Ml. she clung to t'aatoria, When sli Its J CttlktlM, "lie aelt.. u. I t..rtc Seeing is believing. You'll be lieve when you see the beauty of those Multicbromes. R. R. R READY RELIEF. y nil IKTKBUtAL AVO EXTKHNAL liel In using aeeMae to tor pain eho i i BTDMetvbt Inrl'et itijnry on th ytB (ipium. Morpliln,t. CUoroforxa Kther. to i slne a'id I lih.ful atop I a n by Oenirojing th.' sn'' "f jh,r. ptl.,n, ths putlnt l's.it,f tb p iwef t f.sding, Tina la a Btoal deell BO five pra-'tie . it mX the lynptOIB, hut up, .in I. instead f removing trohle. hnsik d''Wii the'.i.me' , liver ami I o a. t. if eon tinu"l in ftr a lena'li .f tinev .l t.. nerv.-s and ptodaee lOcaleof general ralr sia Tli,'r I. no necmsItT f r naing tdesi" iitioer tala sae-'ts when a poaitiTe rneslv .ifcn Tt A I WAT'S BBAlJV REI.IKr will Nt.ptiiemt I aieru Iklliig ta n 'ii: k-r w.ltioat etitalllutl th ! iiangor, iii lbt lafanl a i ih it instantly step tht most eaoraotatlai pitlns, allsya inllsmttiitlMti atid rur,s rnaet ' tioas. wbatbarol ih- Uaage, Stomaabi Bon .is .ir th rgl ndsor in i u m inetntiranaa K'dt KPKAIN8, PRCI8BH, BACBACHB, . PAIN IN THE CUEBT "It B1DR8, lli-AI I A' HP. TOoTIIAi HE Kit ANY UTIIEK 1 PAIN, a few appll' atlon art Ilk.- UMkgifteaae1 lin th pain to lintaiitly "top , CUBM AM) I'KKVF.NTS Colds, Coughs, Sore Throat, Inflammation, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Asthma, Difficult Breathing, Influenza, BheuiiiH' ism. Baaralgle, lelatlea, Itaae hago, swi'lllng or th Joints, I'nlna III Hark. heat or l.hnhs. Th application Of th" ItEAl-Y REUS? to he purl or parts where tbe ctifTl.-'ilty or pain exists win sfforti eaee ami eoeatbrt, Aid. INTF.KN Al. 1'AISS PAINS IN IWiW FI.H oil eTOMACH, CHAMPS. hl AHMH, BOUB STOMACH, N A I 'SKA. Vn.eHI.NO. IIKAUTll'RS NRKVot.'-NK-lH. sl.F.I'.i' I.EHHS BCS.HH K HBADACIlE.MlAKItll'KA, I OLIC. FI.ATCI.ENC'Y, FAINTI VO I'K.l.l S are relieved Instantly anil ipilrkly eure . by taking Internally a half to a leaepooaf ul of llesdy Belief in half a tiinihler of wat r. Malaria, Chills and Fever, Fever and Ague Conquered. Therein not a reni" Hal agent In the world that will our Fevir and Ague, and all other Malarious. Billons and other Fevers, aided by Iladway's I'lilt.no iulokly as Badwty' Iteady Relief. Price .r)0c. per bottle. Sold by Druggiats. AD WAY' PILLS, For the cure of llll dlsordal of the Ntoln Ob, Liver, Bowel, I, to Illnililar, Nr vigils Diseases, UcAilar.lie, Conttlpnt Ion, C'ostlveness, lniilgesslon, llyapepsla, 11 1 Sou. hi ss. Fever. Inlliiiiiinntlen of the Bow els, riles itntl all derange in aati nf tli ln- trrnul Tleaera, Purely Vegi tnhle, oan talnlng no merottry, minerals or HI I I -1 1 unit s nitt'OS. Pr Ir "r,c. p er box. Sold by all druggists, or on receipt of price will be sent by mail. Mve boxes for One Dollar. RAD WAY CO.. Si Warren 8t . N. Y. DADWAYS What Castoria i3 Dr. Samuel Pitcher'., prescription for Infanta and Children. It contains neither Opinm,, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless Bubstltnto for Paregoric, Drojis, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its j'fir'mtce i thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sotir Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething? troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates tlio food, regulates tho stomach aud bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is tlio Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. " Castoria Is an excellent incilirln for chil dren. Mothers have repeatedly told mo of Its good effect upon their ohlldrea." Uit. 0. 0. Osooon, Lowell, Mass. "Castoria In the rente.lv for chiMren of which i nut aequalnted I hope tbe iay is not far distant when mothers will cmui'lor the real Interest of tle tr ehlMren, and use Custoriu in lend of theynrloiiaitiack noslriiinawliicliaro destroying their loved ouea, by forcing opi'i in, rnorphin, soothing ymp ami other hartral 4,e iits down Ihi lr throats, tlten-by aemluig thetu to premature t:ravi-a." l .i J. F. Kisi'Rxuix, Con ay, Ark. Tho Cent.-xnr Compnny, TI FIRST MORTGAGE 6 BONDS ii tiii: forty fort goal COMPANY, A limited number of the abore IiiiikIs art' for Bale tit p:tr :a 1 1 1 BO orned luteretl bj tbe following parties, from whom copies "i the mortgage and tali information t un itr obtained! E, V. Mnlligan, Cashier Beoon'd Naliiiiiitl Hank, W'ilkes Ultrra, I'a. W L Watson, Cashier First Na tional Bank, Piltston, I'a J, L. Polen, Cashier People's Barings Bank, Piltston, Pa. A. A. Brydon, President Uiners' Savings Bank, Pittston, Pa. Ami by the Scranton Bavings Hank ami Trnsl p mt anv, Trustee miller the Uortgag T. a rttarln, CoiiDsei, WILKES BABRB, PA. HOW LIKE A MAN HE FEELS j AST YEAH he bad saved 1300, 1 1 i tuiiiulit a house worth 81850 paid $800 down, gave a mort-i gsge for 11,500, tooay lio esti mates folloWSl Kent wivoil r: ') latsrtst Ot nmrt'aira S91 0' iTaxs ntl rspalr . tai iu vi Kt't aavliiK on rent t- .VI bavt'd on snlurv Ifill K) ToePPi mi nirirtR.-ic f'JTU i'J BJEFLECTIOM "in i in it var thai hotoss will in. trafl frurri dabt ttmi l Himii haa a httmn ol my own" OBBBN BIDOH I th iiaratlls for linmes. Finn A Sons Iimvo m ii, lln- i-b. il n hratitlfnl villa, which thuy oiler, on euay pay tiiont t, at aiHull. t.,11 at their ofltoo, betereea tVashington and Adams on Olive nlruot. EZRA FINN & SONS. jpsgjtgfflgxajHa)g8Bt)TBgBBCT V " el A 1 Castoria, " Castoria Is so well adapted tochll Iron thai I nsjoiiiinend Itustuiuriurtoaiiypre'eripiioii known to 1110.' H. A. Ari-iir, M. D., lit so. Oif"rd St, Brooklyn, N. Y. 14 Our phyakdeixl In lb children1! depart niciit base spol.cn hlflily of their otiTl nee in tbsir outside praetloa with cxst.,ria, and althoUlh we only have anNOg ntu medieal tupplles what is known as reitnUr pn.lucLs, yet we are ins to co.ifcss that the merit of Castoria luis won us to look wlib favor uiai It." t'siTin Boemaa -'m Dtsnaaenr, Hoi on, : I aixaa c. smith. JVsa, Murray Street, New V.-.rlt City Baby Carriages, Refrig6iators AND Cedar Chests Mill 6c Connell 131 and 133 N. Washington Ave. THE Thatcher 5 TH B ST. (let jirir and na th iuiii.it' ami b ton vinead A (all line ot HEAT I Its. ai'pello Mud tiniix Door tUngea (OMAN'S HARDWARE PITTSTON P.. Cospltilofl Piesoi'veii OR. HKBPtA'8 VIOLA CREAM RptiitiVPS Fracklea, Pimrlos, live,- Molos, Bltcl.1 ssd, S.'ntmrn a'ul Tsn, and tv stortit tho r.Mu to lis oiIgI- -I lr... Ihi... it.it.'oili ... . ' - cisar runi neuUty poo h pict ion. Bopenof t) u .im iuiiiratioiis and poriccti Uru(!tiibtSOi malltsl ioroDtts. brmlnei At all Stud ior Ciivular, VIOLA SOAP irir lnrMiiiWi M . kin purlfilnu Susrs tin.-qi'slcl tb. tho toll.1, sn.t wlibom i rival It tiit nuT:iy. Al mIui.'y rsro unl dillists), nwl mid. Atilrutiiith Prioa 250en. G. C. BITTNER & CO., Toi-ioo, O. For salu by Matthews Broa , Morgan Droa.and Moi khii & Co. lost Manhood atronhv. tiiM-iv cnp.'.i hv and vigor qnlrklj rcntoreti.Varlru..,., iiitrhtlv ( in i--n iis. attonhy, etc., furely ruroil by IN I) AIM), tlio irrcat Hindoo Iteuipdy. With wrllleo puaranifv loetire. Bold by Ua'ITU1WS liKUt.,Jruffuiotut Bcrautuo, i'a. ' III m$m t , 1 -. ' I i. fioi' J ill ni"r SUPERLATIVE 1 he above brain'. of flour can he hiol at any of the following merchants, who will accept THB TbIBUNB FLOUR COUPON Ot M on each one hundred pound of flour or oU on each barrel of flour. Eeranum-r, P. Prlea. Washington areaael (inid Mt-lu Brand Dnnmor F. P Prlee, OoM ktodal Brand Dnnmore-r, D llanley, Bnprlatlv bran t. Hyde Par k Canon st Da via Wa-himni St. Hold II. sl.tl Brand; J wph A Heura,Maiu avenue. Rupsrlatlva Brand, (lr.-en Bldin A USp inosr.Ool 1 Medal lirand, J. T. Mcii.de, Buperlatlra, Provdeiiro-iciiniT ft Clmppe'l. N' Main ave rae, Snperlatlfn BrandiO J OlUeinte, w. .Varso- street. Hold Undsl Brund il)h.nt .lam Jordm. BueTl-itive Brand. IV. kvdl -Hbafl J & K. 1st snp,.rlntlv. Jenny n 0, n winter a Qo baperaUtlT ArehliaM-.loii.-s. S mpson r . tl-,M Madtl. Carbondkle-B S (.'Urk, Oold M-dal Hrand. Honwdals l N tuUn ft Co Hol.1 Medal Mmooka M II. LavaUe, NORM V lltoN in, vt K DlA&IOND BIliV t:it I I it SPECIAL SANDERSON'S I NOUSH JKMBOPfl RNOLlStl I l Ml II, in i;si. -sin ii s TOE CALK TIRE M tCHINERY BPHING ' sol I Nil. I, ANN ILH Iti I, LOWS HORSE Mils WILEY 4 RL'SSELL AND WELLS BROS, m REM CU1 I I NO M At HI.NKHY Bittenbender&Co.,Scranton, Vvboleaale an l rstail dealers' in Wagonmakan' and Blaoksatith' BUPPLIES l r 9 1 1 ft sgw PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT ano potassium mm maKes gr Marvelous Cures grin Blood Poison Rheumatism and Scrofula t P. P. purifl.si the !is1. ttalMien le sak and daPlPt ilml, glrpa nngtlt to wt-Kkea-4 nor. expela .as.,-, giving the att -nt health aott I : T ocr- ., a ,. a t 4:. I . ilt'.l 1 .:r t , . I,-,'. Ft trlrnry,Toh.Ur? ata1 tertiary t I 'I til, (of DlOOd ,M.. UI4T i.ieft-u rUl MlfOft, Di tlarU, tJ."Mpata, anil In all Moot Mtvl al' i illaaaaevt, 1 1 kt a lifnti bta, ( imitfl, ciil IchruiiJt' UMfetej lottot . Mwd pMd) boiliy tmUMU rr-na ? amy any, ith.-rt (far T contradiction, lfM T. V. V. la at Mood i'unrlT In the world. anJ tn t-,fa pool tiro, ujty and irnatmat Jf In all i a.. Mdle whoai ayitprra art laoned and ti'-aA btHl i hi an tinpuro Oufedt tti-n, QM to nianatrual Irri'gjniaruU", aro itsH'iilarly I n flil by Km w-n' dttrful futile and Mood iMMiiJ ir rrt - f IV I' P rTl.-Lly Ah. IVko kKit -tnd I' 'taa-inui rwetoriaLb, Mo. . At n. nth. ihikl I ran Hpxak in thi hlcti-t tonna Of ur iiifdtt ino from my own PTaonal iiitwlt.!K. I w Anctotl 1ih heart dl-t'nata, pti-any nnd rhfim tlm f.-r !.' yonr. waa troattl hy tht yrrt boat L)h ! 1ADI ami apt'iit tiuiidrtt of do" i-tra, trio l vory kit.'V n r.-tnlv m ith Ml iBiilhj rt-n f. i ba - i ilj t.tt . a bpttM - f jour P P, P, and OM rtiaarfollv ty It haa d n I n"in ro ,"! than an) thlu: t hav t.t taken. 1 run r" tnr.tini . -ai ti . .u me to all suflvr t ot th.- ali.no dU . ..-a. ikf, M M. YtABT, Bpt itffl Id. Urtnit Count Mo. 1 i.'it n " y 'Ja. iiii iitioii and Int Thi Ula ui.ii. .-.:.:j Ar'Ii. K t.ilNU. fti l,N' t'CruiirrttitiitMliM ihup.-s ,j nt M.oo i-rr 'vt, V hoxoa rUii.OO. lK.MO'n liL.UU ALtO.,llcvtU..U,Oliio. I mi Nftltj byC Ni DA ElllS, Drtivtlat I Ml IV nil Avt-iiaa, O Bta E Ginghams. We have placed on sale our line of Ginghams for the cominqr spring and summer. I'iner Goods, More Tasteful Colorings and Lower Prices than ever before, are what will recommend them to our patrons. GLOBE WAREHOUSE. PITTSTON, PA. ttovi IhaX r. Trtftnne, A'ou.f.tSai The Flour Awards "Chicago, Oct 81, Fhe first ofllcia! ennoiintement of World's Fair di plomas on flour has been tuaile. A medal ha been awarded by the World's Fair judges to the flour maun faclured by tho Washburn, Crosby Co, in the trout Washburn Flour Mills, Minneapolis, The committee reports the flour strong and pure, and entitles it to rank as first-claos pateut Hour for family and Lakers' use." MEGARGEL & CONNELL tTBOLKSALK AGENT AND GOLD MEDAL Taylor-Judire ft Co., Gold Medal: Atberton ft Co., Kuporlativd. Dnryss Lawreno store Oo , Gold Medal Moosic John HeCrlndla, t; ild Hsdal Pittstnn M W O'Boyla, OoM Mtdal Clark's (Ifc-n Frace ft I'.-irker. Si:p,-rlative. t'lurk's summit F M. t OUOg, Gold Medal ballon -S K.Finn ft San, (iold Modal Brand. Nlcbolson J, E Harding, Wavi-rly-M. W. Bllaa ft Son. Hold MedaL FactoryvQla Charlea Gardner, OoldltadaL Hopbottoo N. M Finn ft Sou, Gold Medal Tobylianna -Toliylianns ft LaUlgtl Luiutiar i o Hold Mclal Bum 1 Oouldaboro-8 A. Adam. Gold Mela! lirand Moscow --liaiiro ft Clements, Hold MedaL Lake Are I Jmnes A Bortree, Hold Medal. Porast City- J L. Morgan ft Co.. Hold Mudai W .(N t REELS AXLI s SPRINGS III lis SPORES ItlMS 81 EEL SKEINS U It SPIKES Pimples, Blotches and Old Sores 3 7 , . Catarrh, malaria 5 m and Kidney Troubles 5 Arr intUt-l.i ra nuo ii by IVl'.I. arth. ,fjy aMIMM, O . J-iIy n, 1- H tl9 Mitaai 1 ftaraBBllls I SgtgTT wfiur P. P. it Hot fl 1 . 29 aft, " gjj U.i utov, dV A' - . Di t sjp; ut. J. I). Johnatuu. w "alf ol r. r P. I r eruption of tba akin. I 1 J dy but la Talii.uaUt F P.P. waau jf ai. 1 I ;i w Qttfi lj ' iir.'d. mW J. D. JORNHTON. havarmah, OA. M9 Main CalMI t 11 red. ' r. aw1 .. January H, li I L zL I t P, sjatfp lit 'i a 3 09 gggjpj rltati" "aw It haa a -n, tr itkl I Voo -safla - Ba on Blood Mm HM free. all nitrooieTa PKLi. IT. LIPFMAN BROS. PKOPRIKTOKlt, I.lppman'. Illork.'sutannah.fin DR. MOH'S MIUIKIXF PILLS 'tr.'-itrntlt nTid .t,l rrrvoiiadln .isi-i of RESTORED MANHOOD thai :u rut. w irtrtuirt ( itUiaf Mi. ;i't' n Mtvou rriMratli n. Kull 1 ln."'r i . -i Ma&bOOd, Iin,otomy. MuLtly Kitil .i--t.ii-. N outl.liil i. , t Mi'litAl t ofrT. t i-ooal V iiai if T ,r I no n rt, wli l.li 1 1 i t , ,t. - aiiH. ;ui t-v. r oA.lom. tivt- r wtlli:i tuttr- CASH AVre 0lO8d our crodit book. CASH W" buy for cash, will you? CASH If you do wo can save ycu 25 pr cent. CASH Hrinz it nnd wo'll prove our na ertion as to savini;. CASH We believe a bird in hand is worth two in the bulb, ther fore we prefer cneh to credit in business and can easily nllord to do just what we eay, CASH The low prices and the new syi tetn go Into offset, Siturday, April 21, lflri C. W. Freeman Pi nn At, and Spruce Si RAILROAD TIME TABLES. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF N. J. LEHIGH ANO SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION AtitVraoitii coal used exclusively, Insuring eleannnMa and comfort TIMKTAHLK IN Ki t KIT n il 1, IBM. TrniiiH tear Scranton for Pittston, Wilki's Bam, ste . atn.in. u.15, n 30 . m., urn, 2m, aaOv A.iWt 7.2."i, 11.1)5 p. m. Kiinduys, K.UO a. m., 1.00, a.oo, 7.10 p. in. For Ailantic City, 8.10 a. m. For New Yurk, Newark and Elizabeth, P.10 (press) a. m 12.:i (expross with Buffet parlor car;, U.uu (exprctsj p. m. Kunday, iOO p. ui. ioit MAUCn CRtntK, Ai.i.fntown, Br.Tiu.n IIKM, EAITOa and PatLADKl I'lllA, 8.10 a. nt UtaO, ISO, 0.00 (except Philadelphia) p. ia buiidiiy, '1 CMJ p. m. For Lo.Nfi liitAMt.ii, Ocean Oiiove, etc., at 8. 10 a. m liSOp. ni. l or Beading, Loliaiion aud Ilnrrlsburg, via Allentown, s.io a. m., LtSO, .i.oo, p.m. Bandar, 2.i II p. m. Fur PottavU, 8.10 a. in., 13.80 p. m. HotiirnliiK, leave Nsw York, toot of Liberty strist. North river, at t'. 10 (express) a. m., l.lo, LW 4.:i (express with lluifoi parlor carj p. m. Sunday, 4 :) n. m. U ays Pnuadslphia, Beading Termhal, om n. in , -.01) and M) p. m. Kunday. S.S7 a ir.. rnronffb tickets to all point at lowest rate may be bad on application in ad van 0 to the ucKin iiKeiit at, iq.) atrttlou. II. r. BALDWIN, Out Pais. AKuut J. II. 0LHAU8EN. li'.ll. Ullpt rtRf , ivapv awn iitti. 44 JU BON RAILROAD, i ominracing ssny cv. ts-.rj, trains will run as follows: mis Iimv., RriuL'o Street Btatlon, Beranton, for Pitta ff M HBt) !17, 10.42a m 12.10. Mm g r nnd 11 Bo p, tn, Aff for New fork sndPhila- ' tluli hia. H0a. m l: 10, ;. 2.TK. 4 If, and II p. m. F'or Honmdal I 'rnii Delaware, Lackawanna and western d poti, 7 00, U I'l a.m , U.Od m.. 17. .'i.lO p. m. Por Carbondale an 1 intermeiliate rtations. 5.40. 7 0), MO. 10.10 a. ro . lion m ,.' 17, 3.1'i.S in, 1.9) andS Hp, n ; from BiidKe mroi t Depot, LU3 a. to., S.Kand U :5 i . m. Fast express to Alb ny. Sarato 'a, the Adl rindNck .Mountains, Host n and New lCm;laiid pointa. A.4U a ui., arrlt rin at Albany II.4& Sar.toxa 'J 21 p. in , and lonTUH Scranton at P in srrivina at Albany tj.50p in., Sara t. ua. I'J.Vii iii . and B ston, TJB a. m. The only direct route b-i ve"it th" roalfleMi and Beaton, "The Leading Tourists" Roiita oi America" to the Adlrondaok Uonntaln re sorts. Lake O.-'ore and Cbamplain. Montreal, etc. Tttn tables snowing local and through train service bet vn eii stations on till divisions Data ware and Hudson systeui, may bo obtained at all Ie.law.ro and Hudson ti-ket oflj.es. II. YtiUNti. 3. W BL'RDIOK, Second Vice I'resident Oen. Pass. A,rt gtiiaa yallky railroad Iv Feh. II, l-Wi. Train leaves Scran ton for Phliadalpnl an I Ksw York via D. B R R at am., Itlft LK and II 8t p. in via D , L ii W. R. it , ti U0, s o. ii a. in., and LS) p. ni. Leevs Beranton for Pittston nd Wirjb Barre via L., L & W. 1 It, rj.uo, (, il li a. ra . 1 It S AO, 1 07, Ml p. in. Lsava Beranton for white Haven. Baatstoa, Pottsvill,, and all p,intH on tt- B-av"ir Mead ow and potlsvilfe branc'ie. via K A- W. V . Otiia.m . v a D, .ViL R It. at IA, LiR bSB, 4 18 p.m . v:a I) , L. & W. K. It., '1.00, 8.0S, 11 Ji a ni., I H UO p.m Leave S. rant, n for Bethlehem. Eas'nn, Reading, Harn-bur anl all Interroedlat punts via Ii aS R. R . I a in M 10. MS ILSJ ji in .viaO., L. A- V. R R.,1 uo.h 08, 11.3) a. nw 1 K p m. lxave Scrantn forTunkhannock, T wan 1 L, Etuiiru. Ithaca, (b-iieva and all Intermediate puinta vu 0. H R R..1" '17 a null 1'iand 11.11 p. in., via D UaW R R.. 'is a in., imp m. Leave s.-rant . ii f .r R.?li.s,tr. Hurfalo. XI- irara Fall, Detrmt. Oncaito and allpolnti we.t via D II R. R. W.07 :m.,13 10,11 II .11 li I. m. via D. L A- V. IL R. and ittt t "I Junction, i ns a m l.'W J 3S p. m , via g & V. R R.. ail p. in. Por Kim ra and ths wet via Salaminoi. vi I . A 11 R R .07 a.m.. IS 10,1 IS p. ra . v la D . L. W it K.. 01 n nt, 1 i and 8.'7 p m. Pullman parlor an I stwptng or tt, V. chair car, on all trains between L M H Junction or Vilk-s Brr" and Hew YorS. PhLad lp'iia, Buffalo and Snaiiension Rridire ROLLIN H vi I.HL'K Don Bapt F. Div (HAS s. I.KK tt.ei Pi.. .' t. Phila.Pv. A W NONNEMACRER Aas't Om Pass A't Bontb B.'thh h. m. I'a. ni.i.Au LaC'KaWANNA A.sL) w EXTERN RAILROAD Train leav.. Scrant n as (oOownt Fx; r.n for Sew York aud all .ints Kat. 1 ,"J. iiu, i Ik, oo and n o a n . it IS and I H p, m SIPTSS t .r Eaaton. Trenton. Pluladelph'a and the Booth, IIS, MM and n .Vi a m ; Uii and I sn p m. v sanugton ar.d trw st.it:.. n. i0 p tn, Tt byhnana aocomm station, i lti p. m K; r so. for Biniihamt m. ism.n, F.'.nilra, Coming, Bath, DansvUda, Mount Morris ana Buffalo. I'.' 10, I IS a, n, and I 21 ;i. m.. makiner cl.sa. cout SCtiottS at Buffalo to all point m the Watt, Northwest and rsouthwesr, Bata aaontiirnodatliMi. MO a m. Bii.KiaMit, n and way stations. Iii? n m. Ni--holaon and wav stati -us. j 4.', p. m. ntglutsnton and Blmlr Lxprca. r3 0."t p. m. KxiTess for Cortland, Syracuse. OswesrCL Vtlca and Rn lilU l I S;.rl:iffs. Ill a m. and 1-4 p m lthsca. J II and MO a m mid 1 JI p m I r N rthumls rUtid.l'ittston.Wi.kes Barra, I'll in nth. Blooeaabarg an 1 Dnnviilis makitu; ejpss conuoctlons st N TthumlH-rland for WttUsnMport, Hamsbnrg, nalllnaaa Wasn- ht ti and the Booth, Korthnmberland nd ro termed tat ststintsa M0, I ' a in aiul I and HOT p. m- Nsnticoke '..! tn termed late etarirrna, an and II ? a m I'lyn outh and nitTiuedlat tailors. ISO and .. p. tn Pullman pal lor aud lleeptng coachea nn all SXprt -s trsins f or deiailed Information, rsv-kettim-tames, er. p- . to M. I. Smith, city ticket oflle ,t Lackawannaavano, or depot ticket otUco. I'll tTHN niVlsiJOX. In I It. cl .lanunrT IJSth. SI. nrili llmino. .tin sW " ? a s s - ....ti 'i Hound, OS 01 ?Dsi 81 at Ions m - " - r h v ru Tr.lna tljlli- P r. 7 cept aunday q a a N 7 7 .V 8, I J H -.'OS I 11 I- Arrle I , m FraaniB s; 7 .0 West 4V':d s( reft 7 ui WTeehawken r a 8 U . s " , 1 V 7 S. T4.V , 7 s . i:: rr " 7 Sna i- v rrve l eave , i Hancock .lutictlou, tin.i i i. Dane a?k lil .. li IS .. I . . A:l .. I4j .. li is . IIH .. IS Vl 1 1 17 IIS) 1 '.... IB Siailk'ht Preston Park Oomn rOJ irlle ii, imont Pleasant Mts lidoiiilale F.ux'l t ltv carboatta e Whit.' in t.i re Mayiuld lerntyn Archibald Wlttton PeckrUle Olrpbant lnckson ThtiHip ProYldeuoe park nam I 31 S41 I H I .14 I n t -' . tii Shi . . .i US s it : lfa III .Wll 41 7 1 ' 9 W .1 34 4N'ft'.,7 f 1 141V flwta'.'.' .... e -tit .'A'ti a e.tv mi ii at n.w ntuij.v 7 :i i n m t, crfa.ts 7 31 H M H 4S 7 4.i'!U! S 51 7 4.1 10 Oft1 3 M 7 4X 10 M 3 f T SS 10 IS 4 04 7-M1017 4(T i -' ' I Id Sim In it t 14 s In." ul III 4 IT er.'1 soriti si I ii n a II 17 evil m re in 4 v is I v fn in ft M 11 1 II IS 11 1.1 I 11 n. 1 V' 1 1 IV. scranton sp. in llll . J I r w t s1. al.Psve Arrived w u It a All trains run nail except Sunday, t. signiieatnai train etop oa signal for pa4 linger. Atldltl'iiiul trains leave Carbondale for scrnru ton I in and tt.1.'i p. in . an tunc at cruiiton 1.6 a- I Leave Scranton tor earbondale 6Ni snd s.80 irtlMtitfat fart) nidale at ; 16 and tU'.'p. ni. MCiire rnt.'R via Ontario Weston before purchasing ticket and mi vo money, Hay and! Mlligt Kiprcss to the West, J, C. Anderson, Oen. Ptaa, Agl. , T. rUtoroft, Dlv. Pass, Agt, Hcranton.Ja. t 17RIK AND WVuMINu VALIiBV RAILi lit Ut'Mi Train leave Scranton for New York and in termediate, points on tho Krio railroad at 0.HJ a m. and lllH p. m. Also for Ilawtoy aud local polntl at rl :t.ri. II. 41 and il.1'4 p nt. Train leaving nt l4i a. in. and Itil rim. are through trains to and from lloneaualfl. Trains leave for Wilkes Unrro nt (1 ,40 a. nt, and S4I p. m. Every Woman Sometimes needs a reli able monthly regulating medicine. Dr. PEAL'S PENNYROYAL PILLS. Are prompt, euro and certultt In result. Tho (tcr.a. nelDr, nal'a) never disapisilnt. Sent sujrtr.;-u, 'i"0. Poal Medicine Co . f 'eclind. O. Sold by JOHN II. PHELPS Pharraaola corner Wyoming avenue aud Spruce stree Boranton, Pa