The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 23, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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The moat delicito fabric prop
erly cleaned at
Lackawanna Laundry
308 Penn Avb.
Norrman& Moore
120 Wyoming Avenue
Wearo allowing full lilies of
Kid Gloves
- AND -
415 Lacka. Avenue.
Beginning Monday,
April 23, we will otlcr
Moquettes at 75c.
per yar yard. Re jular
price is $1, 85,
We have only a
limited quantity of
these goods. Call early
to secure them.
Williams & McAnulty
'27 Wyoming Avo.
Th Ur.lon Tranfr Company, LtmiUrt
'Pus line. Baggage n'l freight railed far
and delivered promptly. loT Kriuikliu
avt-nue. M
BsoOBcl week of criminal court begins morning.
Ball for the benefit of Iff. James Kee
jjnnat Mimic Hall tonight.
Mr. Thomas i". Tnrrey. of New York,
li gOMt Of Colon) nud Mrs. 11. .M. BoiSI
The liavy rain sform vesterdsy morn
ing made it disngreeabia or church goers,
Haydn Kvau p'lpil will give a rental
at l is studio on Wyomiug avenue this
L;v.' ami 1,-t Uv eonrt, Net TtBI,
Ansicnt rdr of Korester spplird to tbe
couit or. sn;rday for charter.
Tbe sale of 'eats for liar! Brother'
minstrels will r.peu at. the Academy of
Music this morning ot o'clock.
J. S. nwisher, district passenger agent
ot tue Central Kailroad of .New Jersey,
spent yesterday at Tunkbennock.
William Hkcolt, charged with baring as
sisted in the robbery of Jonas ChrteUBM,
waa reltaaed from jail ou bail Saturday.
A fire broke out early Sunday morning
in the barn of M. Brown in the rear of
Madison avenue. But slight damage wiu
St. Paul' Pioneer corpi Will bold its
sv.uth aniiUHl hull at their armory on
Weit Lackawanna nvenue Wudnuaduy
Thomas Lewis, ono of Mayor OOBSOU'l
recent police appointees and SX-poltOSman,
baa bw.n assigned to dnty and is now ou
tbe night Penn baa!.
An action in ejectment has been brought
by Mrs. 1 lire I ii.a K. Lindsay, of this city,
against the Franklin., Coal rnmpauy to
recover posies t.on of a tract of coal land
in Keii towns trip.
Tbe stock la Honaynger A littletplo's
restaurant on lackwanii avenue, was
gold on haturd.iv by Deputy sheriff Jris
wold. H. 0, Keynolda, acinic as attorney,
purchased for M87,
Tbe Ontario and Western train from
Carbondalo that reaches Scrantou in time
for the ball game now Stop St the crossing
near the park and also, nt a few inmate
past C o'clock, returning.
Tbe regular meeting of the I'ree Kinder
gartou association will be held tin even
ing nt tbo residence of Bon, Alfred il unl,
on Washington u venue, at H o'clock. Mrs.
.Milton Lowry, Sjcretnry.
The fxchaug" at the SOMWtOfl Clearing
House associmion for the week worn:
Monday, 1118,808.38; Tuesday, $110,000.50!
Wednesday, B7,U8T.ft: Thursday, -0W.K5;
Friday, '.::, 4-1 1. 6H; Sntunlny. Ills,.
slS-Os: total, 0825,108.01,
Charles Qosslng, aged 1 1 years, of the
Nineteenth ward, appeared before Alder
man Fuller In police court charged with
throwing stones and being nun of a band
of youngster who give the. police of the
South Hide considerable tronbl". He WM
released under promJso of the father to
make him behave.
Anheuser Butch Boer.
Iwonli Lolmnh's, 8ii6 Hprucaut.
Produoi-d Mi ii Up and The Black Flag
on Saturday.
Thomas K Khon closed bis success
ful week's engagsment at thy Academy
of Music by producing "Mixed Up" on
Saturday afternoon and "Tbe lllrtck
Flag" ut night.
Both performances drdw crowded
homes and Mr. Klioa and his company
gave perfect satisfaction by the man
ner In which they delineutad the va
rious characters.
During their ntsy in the city Mr.
Shea and bis company made many
warm friends who will be pleased to
welcome them again.
They Have Gone Down.
That is prices at Guernsey Brothers,
TBI Scranton Bedding Co. are uphol
steriog furniture. Best workmen, iiea
souablo prices. '
Can you blame people for fairly
crying for those handsome Mul-tichromes?
M IS til
Lecture of Rabbi Jacob Feurelicb! at the Lin
den S'.reet Temple.
Christians Erected a Barrier from
Jews by Changing the Sabbath from
the Seventh to the First Day of the
Week All the Associations, Prac
tices and Principles of Judaism
Vould Be Sacrificed by a Change.
Rftbbl Jacob Feurelicht lectured last
night at tne Linden Street temple on
tbe advisability of changing the Jew
lota S.ibimth from Saturday to Sunday.
Additional interest Was added to tiie
subiact from the fact that at a recent
debate of the Culture societv, the ques
tion of lnulnng tbe change was deoided
In the affirmative. Btnrrlng to this
decision Rabbi Fourlicbt introduced bis
remarks by saying:
This induced me to select for the subject
fot my lectors this same iuetlon. We
Cannot Stand idly by when uch (U'-'tkms
lire agitating tbe mind of our youth. I.
as your rabbi, cnuuot remain indifferent
or silent when qMStlOM are raised which
I oi. corn the honor, the mission, nay, the
very life and existence I f all Israel.
The Sabbath is the mam pillar of Juda
ism. Like the uuity of Clod, the Sabbath
forms a part of the coveuant ou Bloat. As
molality derives its sanctity from Ood, so
does purity of life find its ftreiigth in the
Sabbath, Without the Sabbath Judaism
is ii religion without tlol, a life without a
s; int. The state could never endanger
i lie vitality, the hoe and vigor of the
Jew H ui es the general neglect of the
sabbath today. 1 na violation of the Snb
bath in coineii'jence . f the pressure of
oomn Sfcial competition robbed the Jew
i f his Idea ism. loot ened his family tie; it
materialized the Jew.
More than fifty years ago the question
bow to rescue the Ssbbaiu and with the
Babbath the cans of Judaism, was the
grave object under di9cusaiou m the con
ference of rsform rabbis in Qsrtnany,
Then already the trauafor ot tbe Sabbath
to Sunday was advocated by som of the
rabbis- The Sabbath wbicii is allowed to
dlS (li Friday Will never aeo lt resur
rection I u Mindav! Dr. Steiu thundered
forthi and Ins words found a deep echo in
li. saw ttlblv, nud it was decided to retain
the hUtorioal Sabbath at uuy
matter now great the inroad wa wtflih
business and social life had made upon
it. By v iv Of cotupromiso tbe iu
trodnotion of laddittona) Sunday Hrvices
was proposed, but this was also
defeated. I n Berlin Ueform congrega
tion, under Dr. iloldheim, was the ouly
that persisted in the Inauguration of
the Sunday aeiviees. But it is a well
k wn tool t.iat In the evening of hi life
Dr, BoMhetm deeply regretted this atop
Which cau.ed the desolation of hi temple
Dr. Qelger, who may well be called tie
fonder Of reform Judaism, advocated
in bis y Onager years the Sun lay service-,
changed his muni atier doe consideration
und experience. I'll quote the word
be wrote with reference to De.
Kinuorn's proposal of b.ddiug San-
day lervices uiade at the Phila
delphia conference of Rabbi in 1800
"Every attempt to elevate the Monday to
tbe dignity of a solemn day of worship
will hasten the uef-'al of the nsitorical
sabbath. Tbe radical cure of a tramfer of
l!i.' Sabbath to Suuday, however, tt aside
of the impossibility of a trausplantatiou of
tne Jewisu sentiment counectod with the
Mhbath to Sunday, tantamount to a recog
nition of Christianity as the ruling power
of all our conditions of life. It is the sub
ordination to the ''brutiao principle. It
is a surrender ta tbe conflict of ilea rui-
iiig the worl i history. To jive lu here
. i re ui our ni-t rical mii oi
Mr Kobier. rabbl of Temple Beth-El
of New York, one of th" tnot learned
and prominent Babbis and one of tho
greatest reformers lu this country, was for
i i'bteeu vears one of the chief advocates
and promoters of tbe Sunday service
oneiilv declared three vears ago that
he found that be was ull tins tn
mistaken and therefore changed bis
views end nbandoued the Holiday service
as a great religious failure, an I toe Fridav
evening services since Introduced in bis
t-miile nr.'Ved t.. be a great siirces; also
Othet cougregatioae gave up Muudor ter
And what are the rrsnlt in those
congregations v. ho still hold Sunday ser
vices? Did those set vice render Judaism
-tronger and liriner in thehiarts of the
meinb-ri.' Did thev deepen religious sen
timent and conviction sod create a real
7 '.al and rutbtisiasm for anv ancestral
(iuth It apeak very badly for
the religious m-eda of the Sunday audi
ences that all but Jewish and religion
topic are wanted, it is not heavenly
manna but artificial stimulants that ther
caro for. hither personal inagnetiam r
morbid sensationalism most draw lie-
. r, sei rices are
of altu.r offer for the future, for the
healthy growth of Jndahi. in- I this tbe
loiiiidation niK'ii which tlo'synagogu will
stand f rill a.abihwark a ainat tha ma
terialiam of the age' 111 the S inday.
with its f inns of devotion void of the
tioaitive Jewish chnra'ter. awaken th
dormant mark of religious fervor Will
it aronso the much needed self! in the Jew, to imbue him
with the true spirit if hit f hi 1 1.
Indeed, tho facts themselves speak in u:i
; .. t - r 1 1 1 - - 1 he. i rlnclplea . f .lev.
lah faith have nowhere taken a deeper
hold ou those who attend Sjndny services
On the contrary, In those cities where
Sunday service are held laxity appears to
be the result. Scepticism nud agnosticism
in" on the increase .Nowhere i ti.e etli
leal culture movement so flourishing
among tbe Jew a lu those oommuuilies
v. r" the Sunday hcrvirea are lt.troducd
But some raise the argument, -ibl we
in t rather see the Snbbath observed on
Sunday than not nt all Besides, what
wrong can there bo nt holding divine ser
vice on Sunday, suioe Jewish tradition
commands us to go every morning
and evening to the Louse of UoO
to way und study in the law
Hut there are OOCatioOl where an apparent
virtue is a crime, and crime a virtue
presume you In nrd the interesting little
tale of two men one of whom had a bad
son. though he fed his old father ou delict
0ns young pigeon, nud the other a truly
affect mnate mil, though be caused hi
fnth to work for him nt the tread mill
It you want to test the worth of an action
try to recognize tho underlying principle
and aim that produce It, or observe tho
consequences thereof, it cannot be denied
that Sunday servile has the tendency to
v. ak"ii the hold of the ancient Sabhatli
and sooner or later also of the other boll
days and commandments of tho Jew until
nothing will be left except a nuked theism
which in time will make an alliance with
free religionism and will become a religion
without a uoa.
To verify mv iiSM-rli .n I I givevoii
Instanoe winch i a well known fact. The
Sinai congregation of Chicago was the
lirst in this country which Introduced Sun
duy services. At tho einne time tbe main
leiinnce of the regular Snbbath service wi
made the condition of tbe inovatlou. The
movement seemed to be very reasonable
and meritorious. Tuey said: quite a num
ber of people are nimble to attend divine
services on Sabbath why should they not
be offered bii Opportunity to snlisfy their
desire for a spiritual elevation But
alas I heboid the cousequeucosl A fow
years later the ancient Sabbath was
btm ruled out. Tbe Sabbath Is deBd!
Died of consumption. This was th offi
cial burial permit for the old Jewish Sab
bath lsi-ued by tbe spiritual leader of that
congregation. One year later the presi
dent of that congregation proposed nlso
to transfer nil the Juwish holidays to Sun
day as the most convenient day for divine
sorvioe. And It wa merely logical con
sistency on his part, although he was then
defeated by a few votes, but it is only a
question of t ime when his ndvico will be
lollowed. The Hebrew prayer book was
abolished, all Biblical and traditional rites
and customs were unuuled. Ono relic re
muinad in their synagORUP, the sacred
scroll, although it was not used
any more, lUU it reminded them
ou the past, mid tb;it they were Jews,
but at last this was n'.so thrown out to
gether with the holy ark.
A few weeks ago 1 received a circular let
ter which, I presume, was tout to all min
isters. Iu this letter tbe suggestion is
made to establish anew religion called
Unlon-creedj it is signed by free-thinkers
and loaders of ethical culture, and also by
the rabbi of the Sunday Sabbath congre
gation. These aro the eonaequenooi Of the
Sunday Sabbath movement. And still
there are some even in onr midst who co
incide with that radienl divine to trnusfer
the Sabbath to Sunday, declaring the old
Sabbath to bo dead. What right to justice
have those Sunday apostles to call tbe old
Sabbath dead? If tho Sahbatb is
dead in ono congregation, that does
not signify its total extinction.
Let them look at the Sabbath as it. is kept
at largo by Israel 01 today and they will
retract their statement that tho Sabbath
is dead.
Numbers, nhvavstoil the truth. Count
ing all the Jew of Asia, Africa, Europe,
America to Australia, wo will find that at
least 70 per cent, still observe the Sabbath
with ancient revorenco and piety, and of
tho remaining 30 per cent, who do not
keep the Sabbath not a tenth part is will
ing to exchange tbe Sabbath for tue Sun
Daly a few years ago the new Turkish
Synagogue was dedicated at Viotinn. The
majority ot tho members of that synago :ue
are moiioy-kings iu the gay caiiiial of
Austria. TI.ey have built this house
t worship with all the luxury
that great wealth can secure.
The interior to exterior is full of sculptures
of rich marble aud gorgeous gildings.
I'hey have uti'.i.ed the latest acieutiti,' uu-
provemeut. That tempi was pronounced
as one of the grandest achievement' of
architectural skill And what is more.
there is no mortgage ou it. At the dedica
tion they owed not a ceut.and that I more
thuu can be sai l of most synagogue . m
tins country. And with all this splendor
and beauty and modern luxury, and wilh
all their intelligence, with all their Indi-
lual culture and itches, the members of
thut synagogue keep Iho Sabbath intact
not only lu theory but also m Dractice.
I'hey obrve the Sabbath strictly as their
ancestors did one tlioiisind of years ag
iocs that look as if the Sabbath was de 1 1
Similar congregation mav bs f iund iu
nearly every large city of KuroH The
number of the lews of i; i i atone is
ues'ly one-half the Jews of the world, aud
yj er cent, of them observe the Sabbath
with the greatest rover, nee and devotion.
If the BOn-obserVaUotl of the individual
kills tbe Sabbath, then the Sun lay . , vi
ui ON dead tua'i the S.ibhaib. There are
millions and millions of baptised ( hns-
llatis who do ii 01 keep tho Sunday, but
will, for that reason anv I'hr.vtlau oro
laim thi Sunday dead! The Individual
abuse Of the Sunday uoei not forfeit tbe
sacred mission of the day for Christianity:
aud tbe mdivi lual abus.' oftbl s tbba'.b
cannot annihilate its holy stgniticauce for
t ool and ca'.ciKtinj a is tbe Jewuh
cl. urn ei ..t ir-'.v i:. intu a ,d
I t what c ,u Judaism gam by giving
up it hi.on.'iii nabbi!..' H:,, i is tbe
Jewish Sabbaih-break"r thtt will keen
::. mil I iv iio.v' l nw., ,n -iv 1 cm-
led to the request of th board of our
gremlin n to -leaver once a nioii ii a
lecture on Mjn 1 it, a mere lecture, in order
. r nn i p o- limn v -o tii.' y, . r
neratioii to receive religious luatri.ct.o i
How inauv of thoe ad
vocate avail tbemselv.. of this opportu
lt' Th e who plole ili.c,. tip. Sabbat!,
lead and are cold and Indifferent t wai 1
I'e.igion will uev. r altend diVUSe
rvice iu order to become spirit
ually elevated. Neither tbe Sabbath
nor th Sunday i an exert any
reviving mil lent upon tbein. '1 bey are
the dead, ibouh physically living. The
Sni day bv th who have lnca.disl th .
lewish Sabbath Is not ui.b m witb tie-
Idea of a day of rest ; it la the same wil 1
hunt after s ine gain: only la tdifferool
feimfi m the ordinary occupation. The
excitement Of work is replaced by th In
ere i d excitement in the work of gamiu.'
foe practical discarding of the Jewlni
S ilibath cannot be replaced bv the auhsti-
tuti iu of Sunday or any other day. No
itber day but the Jen nil Sabbath cm
Is dies, so far as tbe Jew is concerned
those elements of divine con.ecratb n
which constitute it soul. 'Ihe rever
"ire which Indwells the Jewtah
Sibbatb, Ixirn of It great anliqmtv,
Ii unbroken tradition of hitorv.
.'- n etry, an I legnd. can not le Usui--
f.-rr.d to another day. And If uch a
transfer ivoobl bo osibl, we would gain
nothing by It. Will the Sundar-Sabbath
break the barrier, erected bv the ,-arlv
Christians through the lustilutiou of the
suuday sabbath
BATUO OAOnO tiik i HAS' in.
It Is commonly known that the Jewish
iabbath was observed as aday of rest and
edification by Cbtlsteudom until BU
A. I It was hatred that caused
tbe change of the Sabbath from
tbe seventh to the first day of the week,
in order to have nothing in common with
Israel. And now shall we imitate onr
Imitators Will the change of tln Sabbath
remove the hatred and prejudice that atill
exist against the Jow Will It roo-
vluco our fallow citizens of our
loyalty to religion aud state
Why, the progressive Jew is most
liable to tbe charge of disloyalty and la
1 preeO me von have read the letter
which Bar, Father Ignatius, of Ufale,
wrote last month to the Jewish World, of
londoii; It was ptibllehed iu most of the
Jewish weeklies here. That gentleman
being at tbe World's fair, vinted ;he Sinai
temple, in Chicago, and had a religious
conversation with the rabbi of that tem
ple, whom he calls an arch heretic and a
real atheiit, and expresses i.i- astonish
ment and grief that the Amorican Jews
have given up tbe whole of historic Juda
ism and l divinely revealed religion.
A change of the Sabbath would surely bj
regarded by cur Christian nrlghtnr a a
cowardly Surrender, or as a compromise
with tli ranug church. No, a thou
sand tlmse no. Our duty today is
to maintain onr Jewish identity
and to preserve our Jewish Sabbath with
out faltering, Without yielding.
We admire tho efforts of the late organ
ized Sabbath association, the members of
which nre the most prominent rabbis aud
laymen, of New York. The aim of this so
ciety is to restore the ancient Jewish Sab
bath to Its glory. All we can say Is that
we wilh sincerely that success may crown
their noble efforts. We used such socloties
in every city. The time has arrived for a
universal ctTort to reconquer tho lost Sab
bath of the Jew Wo cannot but gain lu
the world's ropect, lu our own self -esteem,
by a restoration of tho Jewih Sabbath
And instead of lessening Ha powoifui
bold upou th" people reformed Juda
ism must do it h utmost to atreug' li
eu its oauae. The very namo of
reform evinces a desire for reviving, not
for destrryiug the e.-'outial of religion.
TrUS progress lies not in abolishing, but in
improving the ceremonies of religion, and
in making snub improvements that will
tei.d to strengthen the religious leollng of
tbe people. The question of form and re
form should not interfere im matter per
taining to the very essence and vitality o
the Jew.
now TO Kltl I' TBI
The Sabbath must again bo rendered the
great ednoator and Instructor of the Jew;
and if circumstances hinder us rrom giving
the Sabbath the required sanctity, let us
do everything in our power to make tho
Sabbath evu ngaiu resplendent with its
charm and iutter. The Friday evening
w as always the Jtwtah fountain of joy,
From Its crystal waters the nllllcted
and persecuted Jew drank and tolt re
freshed and strengthened. The domestto
virtues of the Iowa were cultivated at tbe
feHtive board Upon which tho Snbbath
lamp cast its radianciv We sorely irnud u
revival of the Jewish family pride, it
household reunion every Friday evening,
as breakers against tho treacherous pillars
of the clubhouse wilh it life devouring
whirlpool. O frlonds, let us rolnstltute
tbe Sabbath queen in her bridal garb ou
Friday oveuing. We will llud In It that
consolation that soothes the troubled
heart; it will regulate aud moderate our
lives, aud wo will attain real joy and truo
As the conclusion, I would say a few
words to our dear ladies: It is deplorable
enough that we men have the excuse.
We cannot help it, circumstences compol
us to violate tbe Sabbath. But yonr
children ought to bi made awaro that
they can and must keep the Sabbath holy.
Give tho Sabbath a friendly welcome in
your homes. Show your children a differ
once between Sabbath and week days.
Give a good examplo to your growiug sons
and daughters. Let tbero be au air of
peace and huppiness in your homes, show
ing to the visitor that the Sabbath is not
dead, at least not in your homes. Hake
your homo on Friday evening especially
bright, cheerful and attractive. Mako
your bosbnuds, sons nud brothers think
"that home is tho best placo on earth, not
tho club.
Sues Proprietors of Scranton Republican
for $10,000 Damages.
A libel snit for 10,000 damagea has
been instituted against Joseph A. and
Robert Scranton, of the Scranton Re
publican, by Martin T. Wilkes, of
Plym iuth, through bis attorneys,
llnlsliinder & Voaburg.
The suit is a development of the re-
final of Judge Archhald to grant a
ttansfer of tho liquor liceuss of (leorge
llilwig, of Dickson City, to WUkts.
Concerning this refusal th Republi
can's issue of Batnrday contained tbe
Judge Atchhaal, who posiesso a pro-
dlgious memory and atone well Informed
on the happenings in loth counties, evi
dently remembered thai Martin Wilkes
was one of the ringleaders ill the war two
ars ago against tbe Polish priest in Plv
in uih which resulted in a riot diirnut
which the priest was barricaded in Ins
residence and rev dvers and knives were
lieely used; also in a number of th- Polish
people dofying the authority of Bishop
1 1 Mara to appoint a pastor with whom
they were tod whollv ph ased. The cu d
authorities had to he invok-d to iiuell tin
Judge An hbabl also remembered that
Martin Wilkes was c mvictod iu the Lu
zerne courts for desecrating a cemetei y,
but whether be remembered; or was in
formed that It was Martin Wilkes who it
was alleged made an attempt ,,u the life
of Bishop (i Hint by discharging a r. -
volver at him. it was evidently ImprOMed
on In- mind, as he refused tile tiaiisfer.
bal fixed a hearing for Monday morning
in order to satisfy himself In regard to
tl i n li e llt'itlo:.- Cpoii these i
being made know n to bun, Hon D, W,
Connolly, the rlforney for the petitioner,
withdrew from t! ci'.-e.
At the bearing of tbe liej.n case
this morning witnesses will be present
to testify to the contrary of th- In
formation, which, it li uJ, induced
Judge Arobbald to refuse the transfer
of the license. Mr. Nv dikes' attorneys
aav that DOthlng in the damage pro
ceedings reiLci upon Judge Arch bald
ThO papers iti the case are returualle
May 18
Attorney Voiburg told aTimit M. re
p iter yesterday that the court had
been misinform 1 by or in the intereit
of a Dickson City saloou-keeper, Who
wants to prevent Wllkee' locating iu
in that place. '1 he attorney said fur
ther that his r.ioiit bad a let t : from
Polish priest referred to, Itottog
that, though present t the riot, Mr
Wilke was not implicated sni wit
friendly to the pi iest
That Wilkes v.u arrested on lb
rbargo of desralii g a cemetery it
true, bnt be claims to havri b)u eo
'I 11 Ilea by the L.tizrn comity coerti.
Ooooernlsg the allegation of the at
tempted shooting of Bishop O'Btrt,
it it claimed that the story it manu
facture I and that Wilke na a per
nai and amieuble actjuAintaAcs with
the prclat".
Nw Bvafm if Fenlthr Heat an.:
P. wtr ;o 11 I nvldtd fat Scranton.
A cui.trtet' was cio.e I Saturday be
tween the Economy Light, Heat and
PoWet company of scrantou and the A
Harvey'l BOBS Manufacturing competit
or Detroit, according to th terms ol
which the latter company is to it u;
iu tins city a steam plant for furnis .
beat and p 'Wrr. the tue to be com
plete I by Spt. 13, of tbe present year.
it will bj in the neighborhood ot
J he porjine or tbe P.conomy, Light
llvat and i'owar company is to furnish
heat for tbe t.omcs. buiinesa houses an 1
OSOM in tbe city aud to provide power
lor ttnall factories. A pips line Brill
b laid, the same to avoid tue streets at
ntneb as p tibie Th oompsiy m-
t' li l II i e ,r to pipe adi.ti cl tn it w !.
ji Vide SerVlOS for the residents of the
Eighth, Btxteenth, and a portloi or the
Ninth and Seventh ward, the ytt m
t ' i" i.fterwarl Urgiy exieuded.
The company has secured franchises
Iron tOUndll for laying their pipe
Qood men are at tbe head of th cor
puration Attorney V, N Willard I
pretident and W illiam F. llallstead. I
II. lliutis, Lieutenant Oovernor Walres
and Lrmueli Ametiiiau are the directoit
and itockbolden
i .
Thy 111 Uitd a 11 it and Smathed a
Martin Mullen of Robinson street
hired a bono and buggy from a llvory
man ou the F.aat Side at I o'clock ye
unlay afteruoon for th purp no or
taking a drive Patrick Welsh of
Bellevna and John Mullen of Psrk
Place, a brother of Martin, later cam
in possession of the vehicle, and began
to take in the eity.
They came to grief, however, at 0 :'J0
o'clock last night by colliding with a
telegraph polo on south Main avenue
which completely demolished the
buggy. The horte showed sigut of ill
uage from the whip and was tsktn to
Prioe'l born on South Main avenue
Patrick Welsh, who wa badly hurt
was rtmOVsd to the West Side ataliuri
bouse, Wbsrt Dr. Liiiderhury atteudtd
to his injury, wlilrh resulted in a bad
cut ou the face. Mullen made hit es
cape. NOW
That we are here and
all opened up, we can
show you something
new in the line of
White China
for decorating.
417 Lackawanna Ave,
President Harris, of
Huckiiell, Fills
s Pulpit.
Mentally Jesus Is the Highest Typo of
Manhood and Morally He Is the
Ideal Man Courage, an Element of
Manliness, Was Perfectly Embodied
in the Character of tho Divino Son
of God All Should Learn It.
Rev. John H. Harris. D.D.. Dreiidsnt
of Buckuell university, oconpled th 3
pulpit of the Penn Avenue Baptist jg
ennren at doiu strvicts yeiteraay. '
text in tho morning was, "What Think
Ye of Christ? Whose Son Is Hv They
Ssy Unto Him, the Sou of Dsvid." Tbe
speaker said :
Jesus is in character tbe Idtal man. Be
ing mutt be the true ground of seeming,
elue seeming it unreal. Life mutt b the
spilng of activity, or activity is merely
mechanism. Love mutt bo tbe root of
morality or morality it more formalism.
Reality, life, love three are tbe substance
of manhood. Before, then, we Inquire what
a man it In hi relations, we must inquire
tt l. .it l.u is in hlmtulf.
Mentally Jesus it the bighojt type of
manhood. He has a tirm grasp on reality.
He sees thing:, as they are. Men aro liable
to illusions illusions from reverence for
great name, or fioiu disregard of nil
authority; illusions from roapecl for tbe
pastor from contempt fur it; illusions
from idanlificattou with parly, or froui
notation Jesmrltea above all Illusion
and grasps reality. He face toward tbe
future yet does not break with tbe past,
lie Inucntifie" himself even with the Jews
(we know not what we Worship, for salva
tion I of th Jtvi; yet heals the daughter
of the Syro-pliouiciau, c with the
(ireelia, pleaches to the Samatai Ian. IPs
mind lelSet the umveital. Tue precept of
the aeiuioii on the mount are for ull
tunes, all places. There is scarcely uny
lornl coloring in it. Peoples of all lauda
ran understand its allusion. The power
d Jesut mental grasp It shown in the
limpid simplicity of hi utterances. We
fail to recognize the drift of Hit teachings,
beCSUSS they are so cltar. St there is no
UttSrsaoSOO practical morality that can
tie placed beside Ills. This is true also of
His other discourses. Compare w ith any
ite r ((imposition, the discourse to tha
disciples on the night laifore the cruet Ui
. in, In Its profound reach of thought, its
Simplicity and gi undent of expression; or
the intercessory prater in WblCb, 'if any
where in human tueech, divinity i mam
fest," and you will Im constiaiued to joiu
iu the Verdict of the olttcers.
Never man spoke like this msn. Hit
was tbe intuitiuu of pur eouL Itiiau
i. lustration of the fact that the spprsbsn
lon of the truth I ethical. No truth ba
been ditcoVred by a nun morally impure.
Men who love the truth nnd do the truth.
Will know tne truth. A loan cannot ou
day accept and utter a falsehood, aud the
nest day find bis apprehension of truth a
boiraa lufore. If a man bows to have
v u.hington'a lucid, aim t Infalllblt jsdg
eat, he must like Washington, from
ohildnood OB, sssk sud do the trutu. For
the impure soul bee ne s ti e blind sou!
Purity of heart, llMSTity of purpose,
uuaelfiihiiea, make men such a was Llu
coin, alight and leader of the age; selfish.
Dee, falsehood, ambition, will obscure and
dull the brightest intellect, at intheiase
of Bonaparte, totucha degree that men
una- qnaiuted with Iks ultimate relation
of the intellectual aud ethical, ttand
atuazrd at tbe fully into whicn a man of
M high mental powers can plongS, But
any tbe cleanest toul among mtn-ls
th" ruth light to the tun light compared
with the pur heart and clear vulon of tbe
.Si, 7. u me.
M rally .teen I Ibe Ideal man To a
clear appreheiilon of right, was added in
llim an infalubl judgment himself in the
light of tb righteous law, He Kuw him
self He made uj mit ake In tbe judg
ment of IliuiMlf. Hit conformity to law
was not a roar teiuiou of wi'l
holding Hun t the linea of recti
lude, but a loving, healthful, manly d
light In doing tti will of a
loving falhr. 'i delight to do Thy will,
1 1 my Qod," wa the utterance of Hit lip,
the lutplrati n of His life. K His obedl
. nee was a moral, HtSCOBrsgO
a mora! c urage.
i ourage Is an esaeninn element of man-
lu es But i i courage wnlcb lira at the
basis of moral character mutt be tharply
disorismeted from courage merely am.
mal. J SSU' courage was the courage of
principle. It was n it an occasional im
pulse, bttl a settled condition of the toul.
a lire with li I tsSroftbOSS who r uld kill
the ImiIv and after that bad nothing thai
they Could do; with no dread of the up
using of kings or the gtlhering of values
against him, lavause tSMrS n the baud
and counsel of Hod. Thui was tberotir
age. Ootiisiiently, that could stand alone.
Worthy of honor, to be sure. I the courage
that goes in battalli nt and bngadts aud
divisions, BOf is Waterloo plaint or up
Lockout np unUint; worthy of higbar
honor it Ihe courage that stands before
assembled prince with only a handful
of supporters near and but tew and
fee td anywhere, and firmly declares
' UuIsM I am convinced by the testimony
of scripture, or by the c est eel reasoning,
and un lea tbey thus render my conscience
b and bv the word of iled, I cannot und
will not retract, for It is unsafe for a
Chrlstiau to .pak against bis conscleure, '
worthy of tb highest honor, was hit CMir
sgs wbe. satirely alone, saswsred tiii to
the ipiestlon. Art thou a kins their Thou
sayeet that I am a king: to this end have 1
beeu boru, aud to this end came 1 into the
world that 1 might bea witness to th
truth. It w a lieorje ot I'rendthorg, who,
w ith bis lander, broke tbe left of the
PrS0,0h army at Pav.a, who no! p. l.u
thr, "Thou art non- going to make a no
bler ttand than I or any other captams
have ever mad In the bio dieat of our bat
ties That stand Luther made. But
Luther we protected by powerful princes,
encouraged by a host ot friend, upborue
bv the sympathy of i lei many lu the pal
ace if the pile. t aud in tbe hall ot Ihe
governor, trod the winepress of wrath
alone. That was the highest reach of
manly courage and tbt severest self-control
thi" world ha OVSI seen, and hat beeu
the copious fountain of moral heroism
sine. At that foiiutaiu drink not IttBtsd
draught, Ther learn the courage that
can wait. 'Jliro,igh the thirty years at
Nazareth bo waiteth, and thought, and
grew lu favor witbtiod and man, until bis
hoar came.
Proftsior Harris continued his dis
course at sum length, advising bis
hearers to learn tile courage that
ligbtt, retreat, act, waits, obeys. Not
knowledge, not Unacity of purpose
alone, lie sud. but these with obedience
me among tho reguant forces ot Die
A hai'RF.d concert will lie given at Trin-
kity Lutheruu rburcli Tburetlay evening.
April "ntn, I.eaciltiK Vi clmti will pnrtiei
pats and every iirrMiRiiiuent bSS been raado
to prrsi'ut n musical program of tbe bigU
sst oilier. Tickets, Tide.
(,et your carputs clcauoJ !y tbe Scrnn
1 on Hoililiun Co.
1'.. BL Orssasr M Hon invito tbo proplo of
I'eckvllkt anil vlrlnity to call unil Inspect
their honu-msds baking aud ico cream,
also tine line Ot meats, nt live ami let live
price.!, ileitis at nil boura. (live us a, call.
Best Sets of Teeth, J3t00
IncludiiiK tbo pnliiloct extrnctlng
cf tuelb by au eutireijr new pro
cess. S. C. Snyder, D.D.S.
la W VOJU.NU A V 1-
For the accommodation of base ball en
thusiasts tho New York. Ontario & West
ern R. R. will stop trains 208. south, 207,
200, north bound, at the new grounds of
the Scranton Base Ball club.
Dr. Oibbont, '
of New York city, will be in bis Scranton
office, 441 Wyomiug avenue, every Mon
day from 8 iu the morning until U io the
are busy, but we can Increase our fa
cilities If N ECEHSAKY.
Kemumber tbe PRICKS In this & '
nniimr ntmmrti n
i Ht K HA i IN ft
126 Penn Ave.
Scranton's Household Socialists, I
That took Pint Award at our
128 Wyoming Ave.
1 1, :i full line of Liulies' and
Enclading ull erenlag sLadea in
Silk umi Lisle Thread,
Our Children's Department
v placed
ever exhibited, including ail of the
latest novelties in Junior, Reefer,
Zouaves and Vestee Suits at $3.50
and upwards. Serviceable Double
Breasted Suits from $1. 25 to $7 03.
Every purchaser of $1.00 worth
or more is given a chance on the
beautiful Parlor Suita displayed in our window.
Complete Outfitters, SCRANTON,
Razor Toe
latest styles iu Footwear trade at
BANISTER'S PRICES are a little less than you
are paying elsewhere for inferior goods.
BANISTER will gife yon MORE for your money
than any Shoe House in the city, Patent Leather
and Russet Shoes in endless variety.
-a a. a a a w A a A a w .
YJO LASSES catches more flies
vinegar, Good goods draw
trade than poor ones.
Our Ladies' Suits, Shirt Waists, Capes,
Millinery, etc., and Mens Hats, Neckwear
and Furnishings are hound to catch trade.
Each purchaser to the extent of $1 or over
takes part in our $2,500 Distribution Gift.
Greatest Olfer
For Saturday and
Monday we offer a
$4 00 Cape for
H all COlOrS.
I Ladies' fine Coats,
worth $6.00, for
AI30 Ladies' fine
Serge Suit3, worth
7.00, for
138 Wyomin
90b' South Wsshington AvfMUt,
Contract.: ai.l ..:,j r : I'o .-.--. r... if r.f,
I l-'ucrt.i P,i'cli. PoUto. bu::r an! t-jll
I btn. Wirt I'ellar dried -jp Or1r raav be
left at Thompe.n 4 Frail, V :.. ar:. t .
1 Ham and Kyaon blrrat. ur at K-r.r.too
' Btore Worlou Also Pon&daUon. Clsterae,
r-utt Wire Tunnels and Coffin. for
- Oarden '.'uu
j weeii in
our Children's
Department and smashes prices
into splinters. 1,000 Children's
Suits (Odds and Ends) have been
on separate tables and will
D3 sacrincea at ruinous prices un
til all sold. We are showing the
most handsome line ot
UlaJ 1 A A
Banister's new-
Last. Ii vou want the
Cor- Lacta? H vViomlng tines,