liiJi KCBANTON TBIBXmE-MONDA MORNING. APRIL 23, 1894. 3 Lacisum All Tilings Musical STELLE&SEELEY 134 Wyoming Ave. viKADLi WEBEB, Ml AW, KMKIUOW, OIHEH HAKES s Ai.i riitrr: See tho Shaw Fiano from the World's Fair in our window. II Foe to Dyspepsia GOOD BREAD USE THE- And always have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED ANP FOR SALE TO THE TRADE BV The Weston Mill Co BEWARE 0? COUNTERFEITS ! THE EFMtllMF PfJPlH .R Punch Cigars HAVE THE )WITIAt9 B. & Co, irprtn!" t f irh C'flar. Garnev. Brown & Co. Mfr's. iii HUI -. Mil AUK. DR. H. E3. WARE srr.t 1 vnsr. EYE. KAli, iSOsE A.SL HI BOAT. OFFICE HOURS: UR&fcfrk 35 WYOMING AVE. MM ATTRACTIONS. Wedo 1 1 y evening L'irlow nrothere' Binetreli will h.; tli attraction a: tne Academy of Mnie. Tlio Omaha lie ' Every ffiitnre . nil turn in the I v i ir.r.t. cl "in anil lirst-eUss. Tin- curtain rni.e on a vry pretty set fir--; iart, with tho oroheatra teated on a r.Jcoiv to the r-ar of th circle of r.rtit. Tiie lieantifiil salmon colored drapery for a baakgroond jtiv-s a harming viT-ct to t ie x-tMnif Kry thing c 1 off with a deiti an 1 . j;ol that II appreciated. Nothing dragt or in "cbeitoottyV Billy Barlow i u funuy ao'l enti ruining i ever and has selected a good eompanj all around. All tl.e dancing is especially fin. Bealt iu bis ict "The Proai Pastime." loads a great bit, Hti a contortion ut will) hai faw i (pi " MONTE CARLO. PHmroaa ic Weet'i "Monte Carlo," which will ba praaantad toon theater gown nit Tbnraday niitiit t tn Academy of Made, is not n f.-ast of rtaaoo, hot, a tri anthor states, nf fun. prepared for tli-s- who Inaist Ibat that ihallnotbe aski'l to )im(jh Ht tii pricH of tlmir sol. rsp"it. Tho entertainment arabraeaa the rol licking fnn ol minalriday, the pretty facet of bnrleique, tha melody of grairl op-ra and tho bandeomi tajr letting of a Parisian sptacit. The company in a lari; one embracing ovur twenty people. OOBINNE IS HENLiItiCK HCWON. Oorlnhe, landing the Kirnhall Op-ra Cotniqna organiiation, will prodnoatba aurr-(fnl burl rjn "Hmilriek Hn l- ann" at the naw Protbiogbam nasi Thnr iny tvenlng it i a bnrlaiqaa In the fn!lst sense nf the word, abound inif iu kvuvi, and situations of a moat ridicoloaj character. Tha plot of the ptaoa il 'ita bick to the time of l'iOU, the year of Hudson's eer-ond voyage to Manhattan aland, 1 1 ml -is a ay young plrata and lover an'i playitad havoc with the baarti of the naidant In N.-W Amsterdam. He anils up the river, ha a tight with In dluna, captures u beiiutifal Indiun pnn ce, and return" covered with honor, liaviugjdHcovvred tlio river which re ceived his name. Hudson next aeti out on a voyage of discovery, eeekinr to Dnd tin. whereabouts of Chriitophor Columbus He sets Kail for Florida, bit hip U wreokad mid ba it cant on the shore. He again finds a field for his love making and wins Ysabel, a dusky mniden of Hpain. WONPKKL.VSD'S ATTItACTIONS. On acouunt of the naqnaatlonad su periority of "A Oalabratad Case" over any other production aver Heen at Wonderland, Manager Davll bas de viated from his uiual custom and d termiued to continue that sterling drama for three nights more. It will therefore be given on Monday, Tues day and Wednesday by the Haiiia excel lent company that produced it last week. Oa Thursday, Friday and Sat urday the sensational dram, eritlthul "The Child Stealer of New York," will be given with gpcial sceuury and staa accessories. Don't bent your curpots. Havo the Bcranton Uuddiug Co. clouu them. DIED BEVAN On April 22, Wallace Frey lievau, son of Jlr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Hevnn, Rgcd 1) moul.lin. Services at the house, 4!(l Webster avenue, this oveninK at 7 o'clock. PIANOS organ S OF WEST IE Branch cf D. L. and W. Railroad Being Constructed to Webster's Quarry. STONE YARD ON THE MOUNTAIN It Will Be Located at tho Terminus of the Branch Funeral of James Mosos Chilil Run Down by a Wagon MarriaRe of Thomas Rich ards to Miss Jennetto Penwarder Will Take Place Tonight-Notes. The Watt Siiln oOOO of the BoRARTOM Ihiiii xk is located at UHll .lacksou street, where Hiibsrriptions, advertiseuients and communications will receive prompt at tention, Work on the new branch of railroad to extend from the t'ontiuuutal mines to Webster's stone quarry on tun West .Mountain is lieiuj: rapidly patha I. A gang of about thitty-riva men ar. at work on its construction and it will be completed on or about June 1. The railroad is about three milu long and is being built tor the purpose of galu iug easy facilities for briuging the stone from its tar away bad, with a treat saving of labor. Qround was broken for the road on March 08 by the Sornnton Stone company of which Mr. Webster is manager. There is in the quarry about fitly acrea of solid stone, which runs very deep. It il known as the yellow stoae and is suitable for anything from the roughest work to the tiuvst Bniah. Mr. Wooster tzpeota to run about live curs on each trip with a email thirteen ton engine. Each c ir has a capacity of ton tons and with four trips daily will bring about '.mi tone of tho material over tho road. The stoue was lire;o fore brought OU Wagons, and consider ing the rough roads an 1 the step In cline this wss a verv laborious m -tho I. The road being built will allow any quantity of the stone to be brought down without trouble. After the com pletion of the road a stone yard will be erected at the termiuui for the trim ming Mr Webster expects to ship to New York and other large ritios. t he Webster stone quarry was opened about six years ago. A Hig-h Mass of R.qnUm. At St. Patrick's church mi Saturday morning was celebrated n blgb mail of requiem over the rem dm of Michael Walton, of Eyuon street, by kl-iv. F. i'. McN illy. There wore in the sane luary Uv. Pather Millay, of the 9 nth Side; Patberi MoManaa,of Provi dence, ind O tTev, McUabe and Ilussie, of Carboodala A large uumber of the Sisters of tho Imm loulate Heart, of which Mr. Walton's three daughters are member!, were in attendance. Kev Father McNally took for his text the following: "lil-ssed ai the dead who die iu ti e L r I, for their good Works follow them and their end is peace." I'.iternif u: was m:de In the Bydl Park Catholic cemetery. The pill bearori ware Tbomaa Jordan, Tbomai McDon ald. Wslter Lynn, l'uomas McAloon, James Buckly and Tbomaa Monanan, Jamee Mos-s Burid The funeral of James Moies, who died at bil home on Washburn street on Wedneeday but, occurred on Satur day afterno'in. A large number of people gathered at the family home, wtiera Intereating s-rvice were con ducted by Rev. Dsvid J mes, pastor of the WUh Congregational ohurob. Court Pri le of L tckawaiina. Ancient Order of Foresters, tne Philanthropic lodges, and the Mount Pleaaaut Mutual Accidental Fund, all of w ucu he was a member, were In attend icon. Among the beautiful flral tributes, was a pil low insciilieid "Father." Iutermtut was made in the Waabburo itraet oemetery, Tne pill bareis were seUeted from tho lodgea. 1hi Xwa Condsnied. Miss Mb--1 Cox, of llitiKiismton vic Itod Miss Edun Elevens, ol N'ortu Sum nr av-nu. on Satarday. A abild of Jamas Dr-rry, of Bynou street, was kn eked down liy a butcher wagon b-bmging to Air Einmareobite, Of Hampton street, on Saturday. Tiii chill was attempting to cross tne t or"Uzl.fare. When nis injiiries were examined it was f nod tuat his head ws badly bruited. The Infant sou of Mr. and Mn. VA wnrk Tark-r, nf Keiaer Valloy, wss burid on Saturday in tne Wasliburn Str --t cemet-ry. At the meeting of the Welib Pbiloao pbiaal loeitty on Bttprday evening, Pred J, Weaver spoke on the sifety lamp and William J Hrace di'cussed the question, "la Gravitation Equal to the Mass." Mrs. limnah Jones, of Wasliburn str--t, is aeriouilf ill. Kev. II I Kvans, of Si. nth Main aVeOUe, preached in Wilkes-Ilirrs yes terday. The West Side Stars, a junior base ball organization of this able defeated th e Hyda Park Avenue Stirs on Saturday morning on the f,''tle Woods grounds, by a score of -i to -1. They won a second victory with the same lean in t lie afternoon with a score of in t,, y. The little fellows did some marvelous playing Enterprise lodge, No. 21, Loyal Knights of America, Will hold especial meeting tbil evening in Clark's h ill at T 80 o'clock. All members are re quested to be present. The marriage of Thomas Richards, of Bcranton street, and Miss Jeanette Panwardtn, Of Washburn street, will occur at the home of the young lady's mother tomorrow evening A full rehearsal of Mrs. Nellll Mose Tbomu' female choir will be held at Prolesior Prothurou's studio this evun ing. The members ol the First Welsh Congregational church contemplate an eariy excursion to Lake Ariel. Miss Muggie Davis, of Mile Run, visited friendii hereon Saturday. James Bendrlok, of Wilkes-liarre, has returned boiul after u visit with fr lends on this side. The Columbian quartetto, consisting of David Davis, U. Morgan, Emerson Morgan and Albert Jones, will goto Forest City this evening where they have made an engagement to sing at an entertainment of the Ancient Order of Foresters. Seymour Jones, of Jackson street, is visiting relatives in Nintieoko, Miss Magnie Kline, of Robinson street, has returned from Trenton, N.J. Rev. D. P. Jones, pastor of the Tab ernacle Congregational church, U in receipt of (an invitation to participate In the dedication of the First Welsh Congregational church at Johnstown, Stenographers Furnlshad. We aro prepared to furnish business meu with Ihst-class stenographers by tho day or hour. Fxpert bookkeeping a specialty. Bcranton Commercial Association, Lim ited, 425 Spruce street. Inqrain carpets cleaned for 3 cents per yard by the Herimton Bedding Co. JUI.ORS DRIWN SATURDAY. They Will 8tv on th- Grand Jury and at Criminal Court. The following jurors w-re drawn on Saturday to servo on the grand jury which meets May 21. and at the two weeks term of criminal court which begins June IS: Oil ANI JUBORS, MONDAY, MAY 21, It. J. Blonards. clerk, Scranton. John Reapt miner, Bcranton. (.!. D. liruwn, lumbar merchant, Scranton, Thomas White, clerk, Bcranton. Joseph Patoh, milk dealer, Sciauton. William Warner, moulder, Peranum. Peter i'. Smith, ageut, Boranton. Thomas Devine, miner. Boranton. c. 0. Clay, carpenter, Bluburat. Thomas Komiey, uiusio dealer, Jermvn. A.A. Davis, wheelwright, South Abington. W. ,1, Hyrue, hotel, Carbondale. Patrick McHugb, miner, Scranton. Miebael Lavln, miner, Duutuore. John J. Bowley, merchant, Seranton. James Jennings, clerk, Moosio. Patrick Qllleran, laborer, Boranton, las. T. Parrnll, tax cnllector, Carbondale, s. K. Henwood, draas. Boranton. M. .1. Uoran, miner, Archbald. Abraham S.ilim, merchant, I arbondale. J. M. Chittenden, jr., clerk, Scrautou. Henry Lottos, miner, Pell, Aragonl Ferdlnuudo, hotel Seaantou. PITIT JURORS, MONDAY JUNI IS. Obarlea Qrosveuor, farmer, Boott, Thomas Ifotiinnla, laborer, Berantan. Deo. M. Davlea, laborer, llil Forgo. Mark Unllan, hotel, .lerinvn, 1'at. McDonnell, miner, Miuooka. F.d. (i Oounor,aonerintondent,Borantott. John Qibbona, mine foreman. Scranton. The-. Barrowman, gent, Boranton, P. K. Wilson, ceai Inspector, Taylor, ti.-o. V7, Burton, farmer,Bouth Abmgton. Albert Van Hauten, painter, Boranton, John Walsh, miner, Scranton. P. W. Costeilo, clerk Bcranton. J. Mr Dade, jr.. yeoman, Roaring Hrook. Joseph Uamm, machinist, Bcranton. Pred Bpenoer, farmer. Wavorly, Tbomai Kearney, mill hand, Scranton. -I. C. ( lark, farmer, South AblllgtOD, M. M. Bofford, carpenter, S. AblngtOU. Obarlei Weiohol, laborer, Boranton, Joseph Vanan. maciilniat. OarbondalOi John '. Barrett miner, Archbald. William Henry, laborer, Covington. Frank Oakley, tanner, Bcott, John Coggins, butcher, Scranton. Henry Wejdman, farmer, BentOO, Wm. it Robinson, earpentar, Elmhural Conrad Luther, jeweler, Bcrntou, EageneO, Qrady, tailor, Scranton. Joseph Kowalasky, carpenter, Baranton, P, ,i. Farrell, Bremen, Boranton. D. C. Kenyoo, farmer, Poll, Morgan Lake, gent, Boranton, Thomas 11. Walsh, merchant. Scrautou. John J. Morgan, laborer, Scrautou. John it. Bmltb, builder, Carbondale CharleeA Wlgglna, barber, Scranton. T. c. Uelvln. note), Bcranton. Jehu T. Uavm, stonecutter. Sorauton. Job. i Nieholae, watchman, Scranton. John P. Qriffltha, miner, Scranton. Michael Davies, booKkeeper, Scrautou. Andrew Smith, mine foreman, Bcrautou, Aiou.o Benderahot, blacksmith, Taylor, Robert Alexander, hotel, Ryda Park. J. V. Qriffln, farmer, South Abington. John J. Campbell, reportor, Scr.ititou. .lames Harnett, hotel, Sciatit. n. Alfred iiaties. clerk. Blakely, UjP. Rod ten, real estate agent, Carbondale. Win. T. Votk, machinist, Scrautou. J. L Clark, farmer. Scott. Frank Mover, contractor, Scranton. Bamuel spen, miner, Si-rantou. Joseph Reynolds, miner, Scranton. Evan L Morgan, miner, scranton. John MoBngo, Bremaa, Boranton, TllomaH Htlthmnk-er firm.r I?imaih John Simpson, merchant tailor, Scrauton. VV I, L" .1 r. 1 li. neiiiiiii-ier, engineer, M-rantnn PETIT Jl'Ri IBS, MONTI.VY. JCSE 2j. Frank Devera, plumber, Carbondale. Edward swaru, engineer, Boranton, Evan W, Wiiltama, marenani Beranbou. Thomai 11. Kelly, laborer, Boranton, John Coon, farmer, Newton. T. S. Parker, fanner, ( lark's ilreea. John Cotton, miner, Scranton. Qeorge Weavor, miner, Olypbant. Charles lilassius, lab irer, Scrauton. Peter H"ec;erty, mill hand, Scranton. Byron l,ob,bire, conductor, Boutb Abing ton. David J. Williams, miner, Bcranton, L c. Bortree, farmer. Covington, -I. JJDavIa drus, Scranton. James it. Jamee, miner, Bcranton, Joseph s. Knight, teamster, Dunmora. .1. J. '.'lark, farmer, 8 ott. ' harles E RoblUSOU, carpenter. Scranton. E J. WpMiman, farmer, Benton. NaaC J. Il"llfsniill Tinner S.-rnntnn tlohn ' ZerOUab, merchant. Scranton. ('. D Furnbam, furm.-r, Benton, Noah Hunt, wheelwright, Clark ' Green. Owen Walsh, mill band, Heranton. J. B. Knight, fanner, North Abingtoo. J. Abuer Cobb, farmer, OreeuOeld, JobnB, Harris, clerk, scranton. W m. ( ran:, deputy sheriff, Scranton. Bbeneser Drake, farmer. Old Forge. Win Poole, carpenter. Boranton, Pat Level le, laborer, Boranton, Moaei B Bvana, rodman, Hcrantoa, J. L Knapp, itudent, iii'ik.-iv. it. rltausbnry, harnaaim'k'r.Carbondalo, Pred Bine, lab irer, Scranton. Baoi Mnrven ansinw tu,ii..:,i Edward White, mill hau ). Scranton. Prank Clark, teamster, Boranton, John McNally, miner, MosMla De wilt on sw-nt, farmer, Heutnn. Btepben J idrt, steel ..ric-r, Boranton, J .1 s nth, farmer, .s-ott. A Idison (iverbangh, engineer, Scranton. William A Simp-on. laborer. Ma lison. F. P. Detwelller, agent, Boranton. MathewJ Italia, laborer, Boranton, Matbew Menu, engineer, Old Forge. An'li i n- Tigbo, miner, Scranton. David Vaughn, grooer, Scranton. F, Lotiny, farmer. Booth Abington. John Farrell, miner, scranton. Terrenes McAndrew, miner. Moosio. David Shea, mill band, Scranton. Anthony u Horn, laborer, H-rmton. A. it. simr. ii, engioeer, Boranton, etlebael Ullmartln, bottler, CarbiBdalo, E. P. Edmund, hotel, Hayfleld. William P. I raven, miner, W inton. T, -I Price, track layer, Scranton. J. M. Roar, elerk, Boranton, WHY 130 YOU DO IT? Why run alt over tha nlty looking fortoM dollars with on., bnndri Ian i ten eeati' worth oi noil in tli in- lint ron will cme v.o i i .se to it it it oi will sail ii the right place ililuif your ih.llnrn (ud, yar i ,,.,. hacka In A. W. JURI3CH 4t!-. kPRCOK RTIiBKT, and get full vlu. for your iimiiej t i BICYCLICM, PIRK A It MM, I isiiim. r tCKMi, r l i ' I I 1,1 It Y, IM X. ( It 11,1, V KM AMI (.I NI. KM, SNORTING OOODii Th- VICTOR WR1IL Leads Bicyclea Bre aimH. repaired at short notice. Key llttln.- a at laity. Hu e iii.i u cull Huntington's HOME BAKERY. Wc have a laro assort ment of PLAIN AND FANCY CAKES, ICE CREAM and WATER ICES Leave your order at 227 WASHINGTON AVE,, or 413 LACKA. AVE, Our Lackawanna nvrrn restaurant open until midnight. FOX'S LICHT SENTENCE He Escap;d With Three Years Imprisonment in the Penitentiary. HIS WIFE WAS GIVEN ONE YEAR She Will Spend It in the County Jail Anthony Ferro Will Spend Five Years in the Penitentiary for At tempting to Kill Contractor Timothy Burke Verdicts Taken and Sen tences Imposed Saturday. Saturday was sentence day in conrt end n number of convicted law break ers were given occasion to realize how true it is that "The way of the trans gressor is hard." Ira Vox, who during the week plead guilty to the charge of having assaulted Clara Dixby, a 11 year old girl, was brought before Judo Archbald to receive sentence. When naked if he wished to address the court, Fox stood up witti tears in his eyes and confessed Ins sorrow for what had hap pened. saying that he had always been a good man. and that lie could not mi deritand how ho came to commit inch a crime, lie slated his desire to soil' -r all Miponiibillty for the sake of shield ing bin wife, but d-clured that alio wanted to share hia punlihment, to the end tuat tin y might not be separated. Judge Archbald, in passing sentence, said that he would gladly be merciful, were it not for the enormity of (ho of fenie to wblob the priionar hud plead Utility. As it was, he mint perform Ins duly and pass sentence according to law. lis then sentenced Fox to p ly a line of , coats of prosecution, and undergo confinement in the Bittern penitentiary at hard labor for the term of three years. Tilt; WIPg SKNTKNCKD Til JAIL Tho wife, Tillie Fox, was then called before the bar Judge Archbald said tuat he intended U visit a lighter pun ishment upon ber than that meted to tile husband. He did not intend to send her to toe p'tiilentiarv, unless ihl desired to go with ber husband, and stated, that in his judgment, sue bad bettor not go When asked if she really deaired to accompany him she replied that she did not Jndgl Archbald then laid that while the was donbtleu re girded by the aommuuity as the lesser sinner, yet he had uo doubt of her gllllt under the evidence, and she Was accordingly sentenced to pay a line of $1, rosts ol prosecution, and ba impris oned iu the county jail for the puriod of One year. Antonio Kerro, shoot Contractor February, ceive sentence, mooted upon of the prisoner who attempted to Timothy Iiurke last the next to re The court cotu the recklessness in firinc iuto a inauru .street car, anil expressed an in clination to deal with him as thouch be were guilty of murder, as ha must he a dangerous man to the Community, The sentence was that Ferro pay a line of $100, o sts of proteontlon, and under go confinement in the Bittern peniten tiary lor five years. VgRDICTS OF F1KK BAMQIKO JURIE& Tie- three jurors that could not auree Friday afternoon cams to u conclusion soon ufter adjournment The verdicts were rendered Saturday morning Michael Uennessy was found innocent of having assaulted his wife, Helen lien nt s.y. but was directed to pay the coata In the rise of Miehael (Iroy, tried lor committing an Itsiull and battery up in William Acton, a verdict of guilty wat returned. In the aaaault and battery cise auainst Harney I revalia and Matthew Tofflllavic, a verdict of guilty was returned as to Urevalil, while Tounlavio was pro nounced not guilty, but was directed to pay the coats. Michael Henneaiv was sentenced to piy tiie costs, and Mary louea, who as united Maria Roland, waa aentenoed to pay tho cmti of proteeutlon and n line of Paul Vongoilo ilid not ap pear to nroieonto In his surety cae agalnai wolf MoTiafirand Stephen Slnvlnakt, and the cas was therefore illimiated at the prosecutor's c ist. PROWSKD in William Noll BUPPORT Ills WIPg obarged by bis wife with detartion, promised hereafter to provide for her. and th" case was con tinned until the n. xt term of court. Ciiarles'KirKin was held in 500 bail for havinir threatened thi life of John OUTi nnd John Holland, who plead guilty to assault and battery upon Mary Thomptnn, wis sentenced to par $1 and costs nf proteontlon, F il. Krogeruan, who was teamed of ittanlttug John H Qrey, wai tried before Jndge Slttaer Biturday morn ing. Aiiistant District Attorney O'NMI coodnoted the proeeoutlon and Attor ney John F Scrngx repreaanttd the defenea, A verdict of not guilty was returned by tin- jury, tut Gray was ill reeled to pay the cost" s Mmlo Rosea Exclusively. Boat made, Play any desired number of In oca. Qeutiohi Bona., manufaetnrara, IfsBO Cbeatnnt itraet, Philadelphia, Won derfnl oreheeirial organs, only IS and 110, Bpeoialtyi old mnslo botes rarafnlly re palrtd ami Unproved with new tunes. DON'T SKIP THIS. ' i'. II K lie- Rnel line of sweaters in town Just I 'link r It. an nil wool boy s sweater for i 10) all wool men's from J2.0JM ti l. All colors. Florey & Holt Y. M. C. A. Building. 222 Wyoming Avenue THE CELEBRATED PIANOS Are nt Prcfrnt thu Mont Popular and Trefrrreit tir I.pailiiur Arllstl. Wareroomi : Oppoiite Columbus Monument, 205 Washington Av. 8oranton,Pa. SPECIAL SALE Import samples of After Dinner Cups and Saucers. They are bargains. The sale will be for this week only. It is not often you get an opportunity to buy this class of goods for less than half their value. CHINA HALL WEICHEL & MILLAR 116 Wyoming Avenue. rhe Great Marvel ol Dental Science Ansssthene .V recent discovery and the sole property of Henwood a Wardell, DENTIST 316 Lackawanna Ave. WHAT J (1. BEAMON8 SAYS ABOUT ANjESTHENE. lilt-: III u OOU .V H ABDKLL! After bavlog eleven leeth extracted at 01 '""a by Ute painless method, I pre- aonaaa it eutlrel satisfactory in en-ry I'artlenlar. j. u. IBAMONI f V' . Il 1 j 7 w w 4 " S2C tlKlala S k- ..- c COLLINS & HACKETT 220 Dunlap H sik r "'- SPRING STYLE ON SALE CHRISTIAN. TH! Sole Agent, 205 Lackawanna Ave. MULTICHROMES. Art for the masses. One Dime and One Coupon. Handsome line of Long Frocks and Sacks, made from Fine Grey Clay Worsteds, Vicunas and Black and Blue Cheviots. Custom Tailoring at Moderate Prices. Martin 3c Delany Clothier3 and Custom Tailors. nan .30S Lackawanna Ave. Millinery Depa In order ' move stock, we have made sweep ing reductions all around. Hats, trimmed in tho latest fashion, WORTH $300. WILL SELL NOW AT $1.25 WORTH 4,50. WILL SELL NOW AT 1.50 5 WORTH 5.00. WILL SELL NOW AT 1.98 Flowers, worth 15c. a bunch, sell new at 5 cents i Sprays, worth 35c. - - - sell now at 15 cents Sprays, worth 45c. - - - sell now at 25 cents ! Lace Curtain Department. Si THE VERY LATEST DESIGNS 3 WORTH 12.50 Will tell now at $1.85. 3 2 WORTH 3 SO Will aall now at L 78 Z V. IK I H M Will sell now at $2. 75. S - A fnll ataortment in real Point da Raatiaant and Heal Brussels Car- 3 S talni at leu tbtn cost of importation. SasU Cartains in all the different 5 m styles am widtbl H ?!!HUIIIIIIIII!!ltllllll!l!li:3liriilllII!IIISI.I!Ii;il!tlltHSI!llirillllllllllllllllll r li ,f,l il .vrr III 'II' 'I - -3" f" I t-'l I a. A Where the Good Clothes Come From. fln-d. nisrli from connlne wml taken from tho steep's hack, mami- factured by expert workmen, tin. lr arovenaad iast dyed, Baelf rv.t nnl firmly made, an the p,oi ofT.-r cur oaatotaera, if fei l nn.i -.ight w.-n't doltthe a ear will convlaoe y a tbal fat dyi - n flna fabrfes, w.-H cut and i 11 tfivL unf.n tni; n.itlsfartiotu If you want to net tbs verfbett in quality II fairest prices, come to our store It is Mer? (ba Good doilies Com Frcra. ft a Lackawanna Avenue. Women's Coats and Capes We Bhowod VOU n larfffl eolleetion Easter-tido. Today we have just twice as many. jackets in Covet Cloth and Twills, Moire and Silk Trimmed. Thry Fit Wet, Wear Well. Look Welt The Pricea are WAY DOWNi $5 50, $7.50, $9 to $12. Think of FIFTY Styles of Tho very newest and neateal are of Qro Grain Silk, Moire, Glothand Lace, Notice the price tickets: $5, $6.50, $9 TO $20. Jackets, Capes and Top Garments for Everybody. G-. W. Owens & Co. (i.OAKMAK BBS, SUITS AND WRAPS, IPRUOB BTKBBT, COURT ihum; syt Fashion! rtment . .'I l ' F B -If J - A of Hnnoa and I 1,. lot j .if I-' 11' 59 Mr I AJT CAPES