00f7 fr 77f Opportunity pass to possess yourself of this incompara ble art treasure. EIGHT PAGES-56 COLUMNS. S( 'KAN TON, PA.. MONDAY MORNING, A PHIL 23. 14. TWO CENTS A COPY. M 11 1 PON HI I HI IF THE FIRST Series of Uultiohromea were bautilul, Hit' Becond are lit erally gorgeous. BE ID. fill CAN BET THE fMILIE SERIES HL? ODE Ml BITUMINOUS COAL STRIKE Tha GfDoral Order to Be llDlienili Ob served Among Soft Coal Mines. SECRETARY IHBRYDES OPINION Ho Thinks Th.it the Striki Will Pc Satisfactorily Adjusted in a Short Time Suspension Will Enable Operators to Work Oft Their Stock. Situation in Co.-.i Fields Elsewhere. Etrkatob, III . April 99 SECRETARY PA I RICK nl'BRIDE olttaa United Mine Workers. ami Jtr. Howelle, ol Colorado ad dressed a meeting of miners her yeeierday, Ht wbicb it v.i decided by r 8t tea tor nitwi to Join th strike. Bscretary McBridv sold iu spanking Of tbestrike: "II means theinaugura. Hon ot t:fw fi rm of Industrial wr fr. We ore tired of local strike, which have en?rally proved dltM Irons, and wed i no; intend : it -it one die trio: in competitive Held shall profit by . strike to another. The pres.'u: sit uation ot the coil trade ia t'u:;l w hare a cool producing capacity do lt pad in xcoaa ol toa demand We eta produce mora cool iu eiht month than Wi can consume ia twe.ve. Ta risul'. is ruinous com pa ti lion among operators, sod starvation ragea to m. uers. We n 0 S re is t::r? arooka1 atcck ot cval oa baui. Oar first object it to remove tlis inr plus sto.S to will bo uiA.'.e possible for Operators to tti lintain price. Oar second and principal pa:poe ii to en deavor to errance conferences with emp'.oyr :o arrive it some nasis for !a"irs eperatioas Taerehor.ll be ao difficulty in nrnv.u- at su opens feeg lasts tef re th coal svpply is exhausted Uu'.rij tha eiapl yera refuse to o -operate with us. If this rffort fails to bring employers to :he;r m se I will b frauls to ae that ortr next movement will be friaibt with s.-rt oo w.jary to trade. HEM SAL ORDER WILL BS OBSERVED CoxstujrnuM, P , April .VJ Ad vices received tonight fro-u all par of th coke Ngtoa fcive is-iarar.c-' that th et-ntrA trier to strife? arill ba tb . va by th.'.-workui-a. The lea'lr y tbt by Ibawmai evr.inif .j.0H) cis oArion will b in :ir..', and to nmroar'i j-cctt.ial aoatoontion will crNr all of ta coke worker cat on a atrike Tbia wao aettll tcday by tbe nnm ber of il'.ejat- Wt.o wer elect'l to Htt?r;l tt.a c r.ra:ion, ihrir iuttrac tioo beir.j to cte in f ivor of the strike nrdr ijsned by the official cf the United 3!:r.- W rkr. JOBSBTOWjr, Pa.. April C'3 At the m..si me-ti:i3 bi'l r.ir Sjuth Porks Betnrdey af I moon, 4' rsfi w-re pres ent and nnaninjoay d-c: 1-1 to mtii Oom thonsaa I iaiar- in th Synth F'.rk r'gion wiil be tfftctcd Tn prin c.;ii -p c.l w is made by T A Lral Iy, nl L liy. Tha men .r- deter r ad f r:y deputy Ik -r.:Ti wr- -nt from fir-tisbcriC t.j LTob tor.iifiit. a Iron I ia feared ara inu tlte striking lainen at tbe hatter point 1 aU, Vjh . April 2i Tnere are no ptobabiiilieo oi a str:ki ain'Jiir th Waebington coal mmera, aa reported tr.u. t III 1h UlnnainoM mines of tbi tat employ 5 miovra, roost of whom ar! ooo-ooioo ron and ar making IpffA n tg on contract and IbtrefOfO ht atifi' I. fCOTTiAi.:;.Pa., April 21. Abont400 in'.ncrs employed at the colte work ti--twen Valley anl Broodford bold a ra-tinir at Bferaon thi uina'. A r-sonlion dt:larin in favor of a ttrik--1- n; -rrow morr.iri wa adopted and tro delegntet, o in''r".ct !, w-re sleeted to attend tomorrow s tonfon tion. f ranoniu), in , Apri: 19. Orot 20 000 miners of this state j 4oed in lbs g r.eral strike y-strday and to '.sy 4. COXfV'S CONE (.WAY. Ai.d Rrown. Is T'mpor.rllr in Com mand of IhS Arm BaOajwrown, hfd., April IS -Ooiey has on from the army nnd BfOWOS Is jrpring tjrllfi ry iUjrc U reOtiTS nini on tits return It i. prohaWe that from factories to WashtriKton thn roui) orii(innlly Mleotod will I,, ebunjfed Tlii, howt-ver. Browns s.iy-. depends on the information that b ' xpects tonii(ht If th statt-inerit tn(ani nnytlilnir, it nlniosi nTininly m 'ans that l ira re lnfor':eraiitH hay bfn MOOfOd to join ,tlif army betwoen hern and WntbtOf ton. possibly a jflnotfOfl by rail with soin of tlm tit tr west'-rn bands or the centrulizition of a DQfltbvf of smaller bands Hint re said to )n waiting be-twi-Ti Frcderlok and Ilockville. lint if Hrowne la dallyini; to await the return of ','oxey, it la equally cer tain that the last hope of a bin demon stration is ended and that a dispirited baud nf bOBMtiol idlers will he dis persed In n few days on the confine ot Washington. BARN BURNLR . IVNCHIO. Thrso Nscrosn Ars Htroudiburir.d b7 a M,b. RrAHIMOHill, Ala.. April 2 Thre DtsroeSfTom U'nck, Jonaon Williams, end Tony Johnston, were lynched at Tascumbb, Alu , about midnight last nichi. The negroes wore charged with hav ing, a month ngo, burned tho barn of Clnnde Klnc, a fiirmer of that eily. They confessed to thu crimo. . s TWO BOMBS AT BRUSSELS. Th Royal Theat.r BUfhtly Dsmaifcd by an Explnnlon. B&UtlEtA Apiil 28 Two bombs ex ploded todny just outside the mayor's house In Lilege. ine uoyal theater, which is but a few yards Iroui tho house, wns slightly darauitod. Nobody Whs wonnded Many persons suspected of having set tbe bombs were arrested tbls evening. Vw- m u h nji i w a u u I I u w Ul uj nj sn ADMIRAL. lrfMIM EMf. VellUANN A N (k ONS OyHsV, KtVOLOTjOH F0illlfH VlEEK -n- ' V rA, . inV-'U rWOi y if,: ;v i Tin TdrlO Talk Will Ko:n fy Ba'jBAul. 5e A40f J a ' TROUBLE AT BIRMINGHAM. Intensa Excitement Governor Jcnes Sent for and the Militia Ord?red Ojt. BrjtKDOHAK, Ala . April 29 Botb Ibo miners and mine operator of this district are in a state of intense ex citement tonight. The fo-mer are atu-ry, tb latter anxtons. Governor Joiivs In bven tul'graphed for and will arrive at midnlgat. H will lie .- br th mir. operators', tt:-s sbriffs an 1 fficers of the losl military, and a conference will be held relative to im mediate scion. The local militia hav been ordrd to aisiuble at thir re spective armoria ei-rly tomorrow morning and to hold themselves iu rediues to le called out. T ie Strike situation is abont this: At P:ton the irn-n t work doelino In unit. The strikers tliSre threaten that not a piclt s.all fall In the mines there tomorrow. Arms and ammunition bote boon provided by the striker. A posse of deputies bars ben snt there by The saer'ift At Iiln rek the r,pro miners at w rk sr friiftitened ba lljr, Tne com pany hiis nt her for ner to bolster np thir coura.f-. A inriro soMtnbn iry force is on th t-r n-id It is fsared that tf -morrow's Darado and demon stration l-y the strikrs will b n"d to fire the strikers and incrs their en thniasm. From Z.W) to B 000 men wiil ( artic-ipAte In it Open threats have be- n made by the iiidiv!dul miners to tar down tii fckdes and, r.-loase toe noovlrts, and to barn the commissaries. Witrda a w.-n all of the gnn stores in this cttv bars been drained of arms and ammu nition, snd more have been telegraphed for. o FIRE IN A r.OM MINE. Tt.r. Hunftr."! tad Mf-.v K.n and Floy. Out ' f W-.rk AHt.AM). April 29 Fire brokn out in th mine of the St. N'ir.holae colliery of the Kevling Railroad company yus terlay. 'Three bondrad and fifty s and boys will he thrown out of work for ssrfotnl weeks while it Is living drowned out. SPARKS FROM THE CABLE. F,irtioni in Porto gal for members of tbe Cortes resetted in a fovsTument nut jortty or sr. H'iriL'ry will hold an ttposltl'ri in 1 in leorstion of thn milonninl anniversary of 1 lie establisrnen t of tbs monarchy . At Antwerp, Mosdarnn Jonlane admits kIih pOiSOOOd li"r i.tr, bfOtbOf and BUI I", to ohtnln tho iiimiranee on their lives. An "t inny of the lirs.lllan OT0rnmMt and the InsUfgOPl QoMrol Martin met at. Itflonot Ayf as to consider terms of pacs. A tn hint to the memory of .Ion ny Ltnd WAS nOVOitsd t. Westminster Abbey by PriOOOSI Christian, daughter of 'ueen Vie lor Is. After a frightfully rough pnOMgO, the itensnsbtp isritan iiio ronontd ybsos town. Heavy seen swept the vessel for two days. TboOomMM ioarHHstS and authors mo clamoring mrlno amcellatloo of lbs copy riifht agri-ement lietwesn Ainenra and Unrmany. ThaHpnnish Oarlistl DAfS solemnly ds dared that the I'ope, however mfslllhle hn rmiy he In matter of rell(ioii, is doottfttdly laliihioln politics. Advices from Panama state that nuo' !...r revolutionary plot has hnen dii" ..yernd. ArmO hnvo Isien itelzrd and in-.ay persons thrown into prison. Mowbray, lbs jondon tonrchlst, is on his way to this country to ptOAOb anarchy to tbo Amnlnmntod Tailors of Amorion. He nui v ho diibarred. Despite protests of Krench rosidnnts. ex-United Slates Oinsiil Waller is said to boTO secured a OOOOSSSion of tho whole sontbaro part of Madagascar. The wedding of the Princess Josephine, daughter of the Count of Inlanders, And Prince iinrins of Bobansoliarn will bo celehrated at DriiHsnlH on May 'ii. The suit of Colonel Lee, the American Inventor, against llerr von Mannllcher, i lie inventor of the (hirinan armv rilln, for infringement, has been dismissed. Tho HiIUhIi Labor Mtnmission report ad vises airaiustn general Hystoni ot labor tri bnnnls, ut'cnn protection of non-uniou workmen cud the extinction of sweatshops. ' Jtr ' jtm MkJ.M I THE NEWS OF THE WEEK AS KELLEY TALKS OF BLOOD. The Western Coxeyite Thinks That Someone Will Be Sacrificed to the Cause. CHICAGO, April 89, A special from Council Blurts, Iowa, says: Oeueral Keliey and several of his aides made addresses to their forces last night in wbic'u it was prophesied that blood would be slmd before tile array reached ill d.-stination. Tue army gath-red aboVai (nerui K 'lley's headquarters at 'J o'cb ck in responbtt to a gener.il order. He mail a wordy nnslauKht on tho Democratic party. He charged that party with being directly responsibls for the present deplorable plight of the commuuweil industrials, and declared the Democratic leaders had forfeited the resp-ct and sympathy of the labor ing classes. In conclusion ho sai l - "My comrades, wo may hav t run Ola before we reach Washington. S uae of us may nevar return. It may be yon or it may be me. and I huve DO dout it will be sune of us." Bare be paused torn moment The 9,000 men who surronn led him become still as death. I ..on he con tinned: "All revolutions have received a baptism of blood, and I don't expect this on will be AO exception to the rales " Then, turning to a nnmber of olti sens who had oome out to bid him idien, be said: "Friends, you who have been no ifonsrons both by Word atfd deed, farewell." As toe tills tin SMI retired the soldiers sent up cheer liter cicer nntil tbe demonstration be ! oa rue. aluriit. hysterical in its i-ntliun ism. av DEBS DUC.S JENKINS. I hi Piery Orator Makes Some Sartiine Assertions. Mr.M Wii.k Minn, April 22 A ensntionsl fontnre of President Debs' sddl M to tlm American It ill way union moetlon last mgnt nras ins allnob upon Judge Jenkins, in wlii' h lieaihl: "Jenkins ia tic- most corrupt scoun drel that ws over outside of prison walls lie is n man whose whole Hie, b th pnbliC an I private, is ro 'oil to the very core, and I lUMld prepirnl In prove ii, too Jenkins is n disgrsos lo tbo bench upon winch bssltsand to the p.". pie who oiOVntnd him to tho posl ilon." -a BUI F Tell S FROM 1 It F WIRE. Congressman J it Brown is orltlenlly m at ins beymonf (lad i boms Kx-lovernor .1. W. Thr ck morion, of Texas, is probably on bis dentb bed. Burglars looted tbs bank of Monterey, ind , onrrylng off sevsral thousand dollars. To enter upon the mayoralty Of ' iiifiit nati, Congrsesmnu Ualdwell wiil resign ins .eat Veering be was to lose his pension. Jefferson Ksrsoy, of Lsybanon, lad., ont ins in root, Baltimore etpltnllsts am otganlslng tne Maryland Trust company, wlih fl.isin.MSi oepil ni Tboastntt of Qeosval Bloonm Is worth nbont9TW,00A OOnSUltlng largely of street r ml Any stock. I'or ' I in mm the Now York capitalists bought the K llokltat ami ' sckiina railroad In VViishlugton. Lynchers ended the lives of "oc" lllnh oil ami Prank Lithatn, boras thieves, st Woi awnrd) 0. T- Tim annosl convention of tlm Amsriran Motaoraloglont soeloty woe opsnod at tbo Colui..'"su university. A DOW hank has DSOO OrgAtllgsd at. I Ins Inn in, N. and will OMH for liiismoss soon. Tne capital stock Is linn, OiK). Alabama Presbyterians named a com mit!.... to coiiferwphslinllarsiain coininlt leoH to pri'iiiotn mill v In I he church, Lldildge llerry wsnls Ihn play "llan nel" slopped in Now York Isicaiisii It sac reii(ioiiKiy barlssqaos tlm rssnrreotion of Christ. Tbe Brwln Cotton mills at Durham, n. ('., will add tin looms and (l.OlW Hpindlm to their plant at 0000. A dve hoiiso and ma chinery will also bn added. On tbs ffrOOnd Of nelf defense, Kdwani KudeHiil, tlm A uiei lean Protective Asso dntion man, Who killed Michel Mornn, wns ccjttittsd at Lsfoyette, tnd. ObarlesB. OoOO, Who mice became an nasiuaut. secretary of the treasury by pro mutlon, has just rcHlgned an $1,800 clerk ship which he hold under the quartermas ter general. SEEN BY THE TRIBUNE TRENTON POTTERS' STRIKE. Prospects of a Satisfactory Settle ment in the Near Future. TitltSTiiN, X. J, April 22 There is some probability of tbe long drawn out pott iry difficulties being settled in a manner satisfactory to both manu facturers anil iti the near futore. pos sibly during this week. Already olio nf the ireneral ware .lotteries tho Ktrnrla is working at nearlv its fnll capacity, and the old Fell & Tbropp pottery now ongngnd by J. Hart Brewer, is working a number of hand" Tha grievance committee of tbe Potters' National union and John Monen of the Manufacturer's association hud a friendly talk during the weak ami have fixed a time for B farther talk on the sul j ct of wages this week, when nn agreement thnt will meet the ap proval of both sides may l renohed, The day wage system, it is understood will ba the basis of the probable settle luont. Tho new pottery list of priOS went into effect in all tha general ware potteries in iho city January 99 "f this year and during ibeso'18 weeks but two union men have returned to work These are two warehouse men who returned after being mil seven weeks. Dn paoker refused to quit work nt the time of tbe reduotlon. Not one of the general ware makers has returned to work and not on union clay worker bus gone In, Titer are, all told, b tween 8,000 and 4,000 man, women and boyS lucked out. DOCKSTi DiK'S DlbBANDED. The Soa.nu of th. Company Abruptly Bode t Amsterdam AMSTETlDAM, N. Y , April 22 The ssseoa of the Lew Dookstndof minstrel company, which was to have given performance hers last night, cams to a rather abrupt close yesterday after nOOH. Tho dlffsrenOM which have e isle I between Mr l.'Ckstador And his manager Colonel Many T, Clapbam, culminated in tlm breaking tip of the company 'lie company reached tins cilv from I Syracuse snd made tbtir hsadqoartera at tbe Warner hOUSO, winch place was thu scene of many lively dismissions during tlm remainder Of the day. A parade was mads at noon, and it was expected that the ihow wool i he given but nuitler took a sudden turn, and the season, wluca would bnVO closed next Baturday night at. foWAnda, Pa., was sndsd here, vVhils th sotnpany's bnsinses has not boon th best, ' pensea havs been met and the plnyors will reosive Ihs slnries due them. OUR M.VjKM) t.in.M.i - u . l-'oii.. n Wrt'ehman to Opnll n Mntu which Th-v Ransaeh, rTot.LIDAYMUl R0, I'a.. April 89 Pom masked men broke into Hoes' general store i Oanistsf last night and heat tn watchmen luniei Dounelly into submission and Comp iled him to open I he safe. They got away with several hundred dollars in money ami then bnrglarlied Ihn PsuntVlVnnls railroad oSoaof con slderable money and tickets The post nfllce wan also broken into and robbed of moiioy, itsmpS and in. ill. "a LOS ANGt Lt S AbHORr. The gtnnmat Enns AgTOUnd In a Heavy I'll. Han PrANOIOOOi April M The steetnvr Los A.ngelsi boned north from BU Pedro, went IShore In a heavy fn: 1 si night at Point Bur, Two boats containing twenty pnsssngers nnd tbo crow reached shorn safely Another boat containing four nf the passengers slid Captain Lsland I missinu and they aro lUpptaod to have been drowned. WILL 5UPP0RT HIM AGAIN. I'rlncMS Cnlnnua nnd Tier Husband Have S.ttl-d Thuir DlfAenltiet San BbAMOIBOO April 'ii. It is re ported here tonight that a reconciliii tion has boon effected between i'rinoess Oolonna and her husband, and thnt the princes will shortly sail for Europe to rejoin the prince, ARTIST THE SOUTHERN RACE W. Whites and Negroes of Tallulah ish Are Huntins; Each Other. Par- TALLULAH, La., April 99 A race war la on in this section ot the parish, and so far one white man and one ne gro have ben killed, one white man has been badly beaten and thirteen m- gro are now in captivity charged wUh murder. The i-onnlry i leinj scoured by poOSJO and every effort pos sible will be made to capture all impii ated. There are lotween thirty and furly negro" implicated. Friday Charles J MsFarland, th mansger of the Dincv Pl.ic ran by Thomas J. Ward as leasee, had diffi culty with a negro tenant on the place, named Josh Bopkina in which McFar- laud was beaten, Friday evening a posse started in pursuit of thi negro, who fled, They cams to Tallnlah In their aenrsh end concluded to give np the attempt and return home. McFariand etui William Boyca started ahssd mid when tlier had gone us fnr as the 1 fancy resilience turned to cross to Bayou wbenot the bridge iu Iront of the residence, and as they were in the net ol Crossing they were flrvd upon from ambusb and Boyeo was instantly killed McFariand esosped unhurt to tlm woods, where he re mained until today ltovce's body wis not discovered until daylight The otimr inemliers of the posio who passed later on the roud knew nothing of Boyoe'a assassination Bo soon as tbe fact wns tiisd" known Sheriff McClel lull with hl posse went to the The negroes W re located in the wools yesterday afternoon about a quarter of a mile from the scene of the killing. Tbooherlff, with about fifty deputies, surrounded the woods and went Into tbem,oapturlng Harris Will lams ebon I p. m , atidstsrted him out Of the woods with one deputy Just as he gol the edge of the woods three other deputies rode np ami William broke AWay from his raptors and ran I'll deputies tired 00 ti I III an I killed him. Three more negroes Were cap lured and lodged in jail. FlHHAHO'S TiRHIBU OFFENSE. It. Mnit. nn A.iomli en nn Italian Woman nt Bull Seed. An llnlliiii named I'erraro, 'who re sides at Hull' Head, mads a desperate attempt ySSterdS) t I outrage an Ital ian Woman who resides Ill a rod frame building bloee t the Hull's Head hotel TbO WOUan'n cries brought help anil ' irrm fld He hni tinoo managed to elude the police. - IN OUH OWN KoMMONWI filTH. A largo fores ol men III begin to build ths Joanua and Lonca tci railroad Tneo day. Uaf ay atts college sonlonwill wear tho can nnd gown during oomtnonoemotti IV nek. A fi-M sr eid child w ho Journeyed alone front ntambnrg, reached hi father m At lantown, Pa., aafely, Actor B. il. Sotbsro, who was itrtoken with neuralgia of tbs stomsch at Reading, SpSOl yt sti rilay in bed. Wading into tin. Schuylkill rivet nt POttStOWn, Michael laOnflSgMO tiled to drown himself, but wan resousd bj friends. QireafUr, the state's sconunting officers say, only ItlStltUtlOhS whloh are strictly public charltise will bo axompl from tan- Uou. A steel bur in the hau ls of Mottll LOO, a Csrnagis smployoat Braddook, onme Iu oontaot with an rlsotrtc light wire. tee wan Instantly killed. Klward Willis and .1 .ill it N'ssh, both colored, qoarrelad over a game of cards iu A Camden saloon ye.lcnlay momlngand Willis shot (fash III the head. lUfllOtlUg a futiil wound. GRIM RF.APtR'S HARVEST. William It. Daniels, evgovemor of Idaho, died Insi evening of llright's dia- sass, aged M. Alexander II. Hoover, of BoOVSr1! Iron works, Norrlstown, died yesterday from neuralgia of the heart, aged H years. Ho was a thirty third degree Mason. Elbert H. Monroe, a member of tho United State hoard of Indian commis sioners, dropped (load at his country home MSOr Tarry town from a stroke of apoplexy. Of THE DEBATE With Runftwed COURTESY OF LEARNED SENATORS An Era ot Uncertainty la Giving; the Tar. If Reformers Much Uneasiness. Opponents of the Measure Arc Mov ing with Modorntion Senator Gray's Proposed Amendment to the Rules- Mr Quay's Kindness to People Wtio Interrupt. vYaRBIMQTOK, April 22. OMORROW ushers in tbe fourth week ot tha debate in ti.e seriate on tiie pen lin a tariff bill and witb it come- an era of uncer tainty that is causing the senators in charge of the me .snre much OnOASiMSS. Although tho present amicable arrange mint under winch to bill is belnr OOOoidered in general debate from 1 o'clock to 5 in the afternoon is to end with the speech of Mr. Mill, of Tens, on Tuesday next, tbs lJvmnerata know that general debate will not end nt that time and that al tbongh 08 the day following, the bill will be toohr.ieally up for SOnsldtrs tien by pargrap! s. trie h'ui of debate will bs broadsned and tne opp .rtar.ity tor the oonsumptloo of lime will b enhanced. It is the imp istibili ty of foreseeing just where this discussion will lead that is esniing tn manag.ri of the bill much worry. The attitnd of lbs Republicans dar ing ti e past week has not been SB conraging, for it has made cossp cirom the fact that th minority considers uny Mesne justifiable to prevent fi ial action on tn tariff measure Mr Quay st rted in with a speech tbst was iu ;de Up largely of c-nsu. statistic devoted to tiie iron anl allinl industries of his state and when Saturday night came Mr. Quny had not finished telling the s-uat Low Uojust the pending bill would be to tim indns tries of Penneylvania. tor bat he csssel to (juote from his formidable and apparently inexhaustible supply of figures A- the earns tin:. Mr. Qoay was very eccpmmodetiug and sr-cr-fully yielded to any sen it ore w-,o wanted to mske a speech, and he veu went so far as to permit any one to la st rt in the body of his speech such "re marks" as tie- Interrupting members saw fit to make. gntATOUAx comer. Meanwhile Mr. yiy yielded to llr. Dolph. nnd that senator started in with a speech which, in its incomplete hap.', wenl I till raunv solumni of the Rrc rd. but ii"V rtl eies is said to be only just began. Mr. Dolph himeoll KSiUt-d the senate yesterday afternoon that he would submit the rem .iuder of l is remarks m serial form wr-ecever the senste w.iul.l hear them, He also, not to be outdone in senatorial n ortosy, yielded to interruptions and poraittsid others to make speeches in his lime. The condition that now OOn fronts the senate is on where two senators have the floor and ar yielding to sue:, of their OolleagUSS as are rea.iy to go 00 with the debate, the two senators rfrre.l to holding thsmsslves ready to tsks up the discussion at any mo ment and resume their "remarks." The preeent tariff situation in the senate r ill to mind the mtr.y long speeches m id" UUHag tn silver h;hL rbat tbo Democrats apprectnta wkal is brewing ii manifeet from the am ud ment to tbe rales by Mr. Gray, ot swarc, Friday, which provide! that "no senator shall read a speech, nor shall he read from anv book or paper i'i ! I it may be to quotean authority or Illustrate a point or argument whloh he is making, without unanimous con sent." This wis aimed at Mr. Quay's census bourse, and the HUmorOU cits lions found in Mr Dolph'a speech from the messages of Preetdent Harrison. nnd at such future rJUOtatioOS tn es- t..iis of which Rspub leu senators are believed to have In store. WILL follow rittPKCKssona. The 1! 'publicans, how. ver. ere not (earful o( Mr. Qrays proposed amend ment to the rule. Ii has goao to the bnriiil ground of nitiumerat'le iinnd llienls that h ave preceded it :ho com lUittOO On rules wh.ro it will proN ably slumber until the next reOOOS of congress I ked at from almost any point of view, the week that the senate enters upon tomorrow is likely to l one of nil USUal Intel est, us tha course of df I ile may at all) moment force, th fricn.ls of tho larlfl bill to attempt to lighten their lines or may compel Its Opponents to openly show that their policy ti on of illitnltabl i delay. Every vote taken on any and all amend mnts Will be by yeas mid nays. Tip. Republicans' have sufficient numbers to demand this and have declared their Intontion Of putting every man on rec old on every point. HIAUO AND NO:i D aT WASHINGTON A lull ia I'e'oie eoiicic.s to pay ,1. ,,uiis Legate, of i iiiuiha, flu. IP-' for securing the sin lender ol Sittinr, Hull, Tbeerroi In th Dsbrmg s.a legislation Is now blamed on tbo priatar, ami a lull will bo pnv.i d to snhstltutii "Inclusive" for ''exclusive," Ocngressmaa HtraUSS wauls all applica tions for giivernraent offlce to ba made In willing, so ns to lehevo over-buttonholed members of congress, Society is agog over the drowning by Unknown occupants of a stylish covered carriage. At midnight the other night, of twenty-lour hour-old twin babies. The nomination "f Charles B, .l Taylosi Colored, of Kansas, to lie unorder of deeds Tor Iho District ol Columbia has been reportsdadVorsly by this District oom- gutteoi WEATHE3 FORECAST. I" WASHISOTOK, April 22. f'orc- ts for tfoadaiK For tatUm I lOllls'liJi-.i,,,,. ci.l;i;,,. ,.r. fnr. RAIN r- proolsor RgAtloool tAotosrs, but tKtlttOtktr Id ill be fair iiinnc; BfSf portion afrik dun' eaMttiMai. I lie gf" crly v intls, slivhtljVOulcr in (lie inferior. UNLETS Dmbrellss A.T) Parasols Colored Silk Umbrellas witb li:-rl ti Knoti I rarj'il -s to miitclat are anions ttir; l-ulin styles foi Ladies' us;. V: show an attrao tivo variety in hlue, lirowu, Green, Qarnet, Black ami Changes alrlo .Silks. Prevailing prices for one wJs 50c. Umbrella, 26-inch, 39c $1. 39 Gloria Silk, 6-inch. $1. oa 2.2S Bristol Silk. 26-incb, SI -95 $3 Windsor Silk, 23-inch, W IHPARASOLS we have all tbe latest desifas anrl newest materials. We call a!ten Hon to our WHITE MOIRE aU 2.00, also WHITE Sl'KAH With White Handle and Frama at 85.OO. FILEY'S J 510 and 512 Lackawanna Ave. IHE EUTIl PE8CB1 L MB mWi FAMOUS Maltese Cross RUBBER EELTING AND KOSi CHAA A. SCKIEREN ft CO "3 PERFORATED ELECTRIC And Ossk tanned Leather Bei&ag, H. A. Kingsbury KS Sprw St., Screnton. Pi Lewis, Reilly 4 Davies l sdtesshoa frtentts onr Nl.nO, a? so no. I :! S HO ICS. sad sti cnthnsinstlc sre they Over tbstr puttbsess that one sale Is sure to be the menus of ntsktttg another. LEWIS, REILLY & DAVIES, 114 Wyoming Avo. WAIT UNTIL I get in my new quarters at 408 SPRUCE STREET, and you, can got bargains in that have never been offered in Scranton. I J. WEICHEL JEWELRY The Jeweler.