THE SCTi ANTON 'IttlBUNE-SATlTTtDAY JTO"R'NTN"Q. APRIL !. 1894. I -4 The poetry of flrnn 'I !u oaee prerogative of royalty ami nobility Tli" sign of aristocracy Hll oflat ' Steamed s tmany beauti ful forms Unit LACES ARE ORDAINED For nil trimming tuot dii mmoq( ii,mgi!iiiii!iiiH!(siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 5 p i:is, Feb, r.. U. 5 h 1 The rag for Lacus continuoa ': .1 I S obarlty baser n. Mat tho Ulaisl ire del 2 H 'lotertenr la1 week, where eree to be 2 j tcSn all the Pini PttUH 'f the Par w Itlsu world of Fashion, nearly all the S teei were well oovered wltu I ... S 2 DM I 00 D 1 ONOMIM 5 nilllElttlIIIIIII9SIIII!illlllllMIIIIIIIIBin What Porta We.irs, Wc Show L1CBS FOR HATS LACES FOa WRAPS LACES FOR DRESSES UGBS FOR UIGBRIB In a word EVERYTHING. Point du Venise Tlio rtal articl lu- IritfOtely muzv us the enchanting cauiUof Veiitoe itself and iv(ie,l f torn old, rtoh prieeleai pattarni son on exhibition In f -rtrtx art KaHerie. 11 to l luetics wide; solid and not top-- for yokes, rnfflea, fortheowell do Joioville bowe, tc, etc. Inser tion also. Point d trot and Pare silk nnd very, nua and rtoh, cream, 3 to 10 niches vrlde, and in insertions. Silk Guipure Xt top, i!si.:ri -.fter Svtuish lac, oj to t) incnes, Point tic M-irgot Lace -PenoDa, other th in ol roy . hlood, eanght wearing iheso lice in Queii Elisabeth! tiui" w. r puKtcy .. bip-.vd tli-refore. No wvu ler royalty clained it for its OtU. Upon uet and profusely and rietilv OOVerod -1 And 1' niches wide. Ioatrtioni alto o same. Point Flanders A dream ia pnro Whtteillk; mediant widths, for mil linery and druses. L'Anduleux Lace, or Sepentine Law, to te platted In foHs, toen you have the lateet modernity Flemish Lace 1 patterns made as far t' uk the 13th ceutnrv Von set- i i-. . . . , j .ircnu.r iui jh, vv rai'S ana orMm Btaak,oldiToryaod white; all widt, s oli I a id u-t I:isertio:ii of satu. I Chantilly Tnlle with light lucre I beoaty, Black and whit and ereatu . all vridtha, Spanish V,ilnc', grjipnrA tor- i vhon and all the other tracer! 00 from ' PUcea a i St, OalL GORMAN'S ORANDDEPO T i PAICCBUM Pic:' IMS. His'.Iira Co-reipondsn'.'s Tally R-s-icj" of E7tnti. f frini to Me Scraitton Tn"tr. PSKTtBTftO, Ps , April 20. John Turner, a highly respecied yonng mm of this town, an l Mbel Italloo, an fl'eeraed la y of Hyde Prlr. wr rr.iterl in the bonds of wedlock on H".dnday, Ft t, H. Hijinson rffieiatinn. The bri 1 was attande-1 by Jlias Gwynne Lloyd, and Thomu Tnrnr did honors for tbo arooni. After the ceremony a snmpnoua re put was serve 1, 1 1 w iish a'int fifty Invited gnalta lone jutic The hnwf coodU will citum'tir? honnikeepint; on Main street. B'.wirl Erans and 0 car Wooticott, of Dickson, made a trip to Scranton the other nitt'.t Mrs. vTIIumi Rome, who h boon on a aix months' visit to Wales, her na'ive h'me, ha retn-nd tothisp'T-e Y.t. ar.d Mr Fsa ir Divis, of f f ill snl nv r.n, nre Tisittntf friends in Hyde Park Mrs a. L Lloyd, of Dtokton flif. who has neen seriously ill for aoms time, .-Ms atmoot rcov-red EVraoiiali and other nwi items, may be left at Bqoin Logan'i off! They rrill reo :v- prompt IttOntiOQ V, L Blair, Alderman, :,th ward. Seran ton, Pa., sta etl Nov. 0, US; fn had used Dr. Tbonias EcIeetrir. () I for sprains, bnrns, enta, bruises and rheurnatisin. t ;re. evry time I "' 0 MlfiROHE'J US MOOSIC Sprln'!ma n4 Nws V.'alfs fr'.rn a Pleassnt Pa bar baa Town Tfial loth fmnt'tn Trih-tuM. IfOOtKj, Pa., April 20 Tlia 20 monthi old dangbtarof Mr and Mn. .I'nph Widdall wis bflriod yeatnrday nftertioon She was sink a fiw days with the morales. The Methodist BptlOppal Cottage prayer meeting will be held Monday evening at Charles Snyder'a. Mis farm Eksbarbltn bus rotarnod home after apondlqg some weeks with Mill f.'lty and Tookbannook friends Mrs. Vandanborg rill tad ner dangb ier, Mrs Robor I J;urns, of QftOB Ridge, yesterday. Tb Lsdlea' Aid sofiety cloar- d over 1 8fK) at thjir 'eoent supper. I!au DlUTRAOg eancs murh sicknes", and had blood and impropOl BOtlon of the liver and kidneys is bad dratnagO to the li'irnan system, which Bfirdoci Blood Intters remedy. o The hiK';,i' bargglfl yet thoso magniflconl Multichromcs. f?!ll(tsl3irilN!llllll'e. 1 TRIBUNE BOOK COUPON. 1 g voi'ii of IheM COCPOTfS, pre- 3 Jg nrnti-d at Tho Tribune OfllOVf oor S nir rnn iivi'Tint nnd Bprnoa itranft. g otltltM the holder to All the priv- !"F;' t Mio mi put :i 1 1 ')( I onAN for il UtrllniMiif4 ptpiihkr DOOkl 2 eMnong on? reedorv. 'i lie oflTen inMde - 3 y The Trlhuue rfina-iuiit r Jjj nl u follnmi: S " S 15 FNTS niHl Tour f'onponH for la j; any vbfnme lw the ColuiabiM s- rles. Over i titles to Bel-eel from. IS SO CKNTN nnd Peilff f'oiipotiN for S nnv book in tho Unirbv Snrles. M M N'i s :nHi Four fmipotm lor 5 im nnv book In tb Oxlord HeriM, i aiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiigiiiiiiiiiHuiiHgiBiif: HA! LT.TEflr) ITflVIS. Amos Bunn-ll's Pllji imao--0:her Per sonal Notes of Interest. Fvrntii ia th,i Sareatea TWtiuns. 1Tai,i.sti:ai). IV. April 80. Hrt K no Dayton h returned homo from Washington, I). 0., whttra alio has been ponding tho winter. Mrs. John Crook was in BloghamtOU today. Mrs. (' H Butt, of Binghntnton. is rill ting friends and relatives in town. J.-s-o Nloholi ima rotnrned home fruin visiting friends in NiuholHon. Nliio pagan, of Branton, hut ro turned liome from n pltaiant viait with friends in town. Mi-e Lillie Lowli, of ScrantoD, who hai been Tisltiii Mrs. J, J, Compton, hai rotnrnod home. Mis Daisj Thomaa, of Franklin, ia rlliting friends in town N. 0, Mujor hiia rented the Major Hons,' to K Bowdtih, of rllngaton, hi . who will t.iko poiaiaiion of tho latno at enco. .lone Younu, of Milanville, who has boon vialtlng at tin rofldonoi of sid II y Doonll, hrtl returned home. Mrn. B Hiyvs, of Blnghatntoo, hss rotnrned homo from Till ting friondi in town Mr-, s. B Wllmot, who hna been rltiting frieudu in Kirkwood, has re Inrnod home Mm k p istirton was in Bingham ton jreiterday, Mary Scotten u viiltlng friondi In Wilkaa-Barroi Capt Baoho and family, who hara spent the winter in Washington, IV ('., hare returned to this place. Mrs. BngOM Wiltnot has returned home from Vlliting (ridiid in Hon tros. Mrs. I'd Nichols visited Hin'hum Ion friends today, Bva S.i;e is visitiii); friends in Nidi elson Mis Urae. Shim, of this place, is viilting frlendi In Buffalo, N. V. R . U W. Cbnroh ha rotnrnod homo from attonding presbytery In i BDanaunooK Mr. Jumea Moratt, of K!mir.i, is Ttiiting friondi in town. Chariot 1'iint of Iowa. a. fortur resi dent of thi place, ii Tisltm) old friends in town. Colonol 8uorir ii in Scranton today on business. Amoa Bnnnell of Birohardvillo, this county, ;.d 00, i making his Hml Hiit;ii il purimi;e to visit hie Forest L ike frtemU He nukes the journey ou tool, R N, Ive of lhnghnmton w.n In town tod iy. Frauk Lawronoo and L 11. Donclais w. re In BinghamtOO On Wednesday Mrs Richard Barnnm ami ou El ward have returned froui riattlng friends in 5?rantoa. . Specimen Cases S. IT. Clifford, Now OaastL Wis., wa troubled with ueurnlcia and rbeuoiatisiu, h.s Itomaoh was disordered, his liver was af!'ociel to au alarming decree, appetite frli away, and he was terribly reduced m tlesh nnd strength. Three bottles of Elec tric Bitt-rs curl him. Edward Shepherd, Uarrisburj, III., had a running sore on his leg of einbt yeais' standing. Used thrre buttles of Electric Bitten and stven b-ixes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve and his le is sound and well. John Speaker, Catawba, 0., had t'.ve larce fever sc-s on his leg, doctors said he Wfi Incurable. One bottle Electric Bitters and one box Bucklen's Arnica enred him entirely. Sold by Mat thews Broe, CA3 BON DALE AN 0 VICINITY. Pionssr Ctt7 Fictu'ed f jr Hurried Peru sal by a Live Corrsipondsnt fiptriril to the .Srroaf'ia Triftua. CAKB05DALA Pa, April 20 Last sight at 10 o'elook Mrs Patrick K-lly lied at the honv of her daughter, Mrs. 1'itrick F.amery, of Powdtrly road. Deoaaaod wis a reudent of Scranton until about four years a'O, when, npon tbo i-ithofher hnaband, aha tok up hr resi.ince in this e;- Mr. Frank nnd Fred Colwall hive r-turned from a we-k's visit in Jersey City, where they Went to use their brotbor, Bart, who his foot taker off a few weks ago Miss Merretta Donovan, of Sal'tn ratine, ia spending a few days in rr'cranton. Thi evening noenrr'' ! th grand hill o' the teison. It was that of the Cot t ire Hose r. impany in K -yton hull. William vVo'Oott In rftorned homo from a Till! w;th hii daughter, Mrs W P. Kvans, of CI icago. The marriage of Michael lioland nnd M'e'i Lotilta VVhitney occurred last nigbt at Trinity reetory. it -v. B J. Daisley i Dciated, Tomorrow iSitnrd iy morning (here will be a onion inatitnta of th" taaob re of Carbondadjl City ami F-ll and Carbondalo townahip Tne meating will he bald tn th high school build ing. Th-i programme xrrangod for the oooaaion u m follows: Hinging. Institute Paper, "Pbystology" Mis Ifnllady IMscnssl n B sae, harsrti r" Mis Ella kfaloni Singing Eighth grade Iniys Paper, 1 Moatal ArittaMlk?,aJnnot Brydrn Maetuaioo, Paper Mis Ratio fJetblni Violin soifi Miss Mary htliwell Paper, ' Heading" htaybert Banter DisCtHMasW, Debate, "BoofnorNo Iteeaea. Aftirrnntive M;s Kellv, Mr. Serrity. .',' gutlve Mr. Oiiiinirlin, Misa E. Iavia. Jollne Btepbeooon, of vVaymart, calb-d on fri-ndi in tins city this after noon, Saturday afternoon the Indies' anx iliary of the Young Men's Christian M wciatioti wui miet in tbo parlon at 4 o'clock. Next week William I'.reese will p moTa his household iffeOtl from his present residing place over Mohr's ihM store on Salem avenue tn the Didy.ird block on Llueidn avennn. An infant sou, but one day old. of Mr. and Mrs. James Martin, of 1'ilte ctreet, died today. s AVOCA AND THEREABOUTS. Psrtlnant Parser apbl Concerning a I.lvs Town and Its Teople. fptcUxt to iht eweefon IHrbaaa A vi H a. Pa.) April SO Mr. and Mrs. .Tosep n Wid II mourns the loss of their 12 month old child that died on Thursday of bronohitli. Pnneral this af term. 00 The lunernl of Mr. Mnrfin Curley took place this itfternoon from ber lute homo on Main itreet, Tbo remaini were ronvcyed to St Mary's Catholic cemelery. Ilurcl irn entered the bnrber shop of John Bnokley on Muiu street lastevou ing but did not aeciire any money. John Qlbbone, of ProvnUnce, 1 .upending a few dnye with Ilia parents 00 Main street. The fnnenil of Mrs. Filtery took place on Weilnesday morning. A high mail of requiem wai celebrnted In St. Mary's church by lt-iv. J. .1, McCube. Interment in Catholic cemetery. Miss lliidget Coleman, of New York, is visitiug her mother of the North End. The handsomo now dwelling of Michael Cannon, of South Main itreet, ia Hearing uomptntion. Tho examination in physiology In No. 1 school room wan decided. A gold modal, firet prize, was awarded to Liis- ileQreen;a rinu, lecood priz-, was awarded to Bra Oamobell. Cirpenters lire busy at work on the house of Leon Sobrager, of Main street PECKVILLr. P.: t CII.INGS. Meny Littls Lnosl Cuncsrnlnir Men of the Present Age. PgCKVUXI, Pi., April 8ft Mrs. Wil lard Henry and two children formerly residents of this place but now of Chi cago, are visiting her parenta, Mr and Mrs. D. P. Taylor, Miss E, E Loach of l'rovidenco was n euiler In town yesterday, Mr. and Mm. M. C Bhonk of Ply. mouth, are visiting the latter sister, Mrs. Henry Chapman, of Main street. The Consumers Powder company and the Bine Ridge Coal company paid their employes yesterday. The Ladies' Aid society of the Kap tiat a 1 1 1 1 r i-1 1 will hold the Bret ico-crenm octal ef the MMIOO ut the Bltptllt par Hinuign in xi Monday evening ,i. (i. Btdl has nnrobaied three bond ing lot! on llirkory t rit of ,1 W. Peck, and expects to sooner erect a tenement honielOO them. William Rooke, nf Qrauy itreet, has boaitlifl d Ins house With a now coat of paint. Mrs. Mindy Dowerlok, of Boranton, i calling on her many friondi hern Tne work ot moving the Mlthodlll Epiioopal ohnroh baeh upon the new fonndationi i progreiiing latiifaotur ily. It will require another day to place il where ii will permanently re main. Diving to the removal of the ohnroh Rer, Doty, will preaob in the tj a K ball to-morrow morning and evening. Rev, John Davy called on friends in Peckvtlle on Thnriday, tie will preach at Olypbint In Bdward'i ball Sunday, at ID 80 a m Now thst tho building committee h are idvertiied for proposals to build the new Metbodllt onurob, It is hoped that some enterprising partv, or parties, residing here may get In the bid, and loieourethc woik for men who resi le In the town. Mrs. Cunningham ha taken ground for her new residence (in Main etrct illiard Frear's new house i Hear ing completion. - FOREST CITV FlAKES. News ef the Day Oomptltd by a Con sclsnitous R'pirtrr. gjteeifll fe the Seraafea IWdaae, PoRKST CtTT, Pa.. April 2d Mrs T. B Crawford, of Jurmyii, spent today at the home of her parents. Professor and Mrs. Y. C. Trim, on Main street Many partlee go daily from this pinch In lenreh of the fr agrant trailing arbutus ami alto ia (earth of the sp 'dtled beauties, ret timing Inter on with a few ''ipeeki" in the bottom of their baskets. F. W. Miller, of Wilkes-B irre. ws i n this place on business today. Bmqnehena'e connty sheriff. E. A, Leonard, of Montrose, was in town yes terday. Couueiltnan William W.ttta and wife are rusticating fjr a few days In Wayne cotiuty. Muslims culled B D Caryl, of Scran ton. to this borough io-dy. Dr. D Dwyer, of Carbon dale, paid one of his regular visit to Forest city to-day. C irdeni are being plowed Enterprise Hose company members were drilled Dat evening in Maxey'e hall by C. S. Alexaud-r. who is an adept at that work. The members nre doing excellent fot beginners, and will make a good showing in their parade ou Decoration day. , ATTEMPT AT SUICID: Kaggis McCae Indulge In a Large Doss of Laudanum. Opteal in the gsroafoa IWtama OLYPBART, April SO Maggie Mc Cne, daughter of Joseph McCue, who resides with her sister, Mrs. (leorge Pieket. took landannm (olar with suicidal intent. Dr. Van Sickle was called and administered restoratives, at pcesent writing ber recovery is hoped for. No cause is known for the rash act. M JSRMYN AHO VICINITY. St Alr.ysiiu' Fair 0 h-r News of 0n- ral Intsrsit. .(rre- tit the 'rritntmi Tribune. Jr.iiMVN. Pa. April 80. Miss Whe,.r is visiting her uncle, A. J. Wheeler, ol ThompklniTilla Thomas Walkley, Calvin Vil and F s. Friend spent Sunday in 8naquo h an n a. Siriiilly and H i inci illy the "lemon p irty" under the nnipioeoof tho Bp worth Liagne wai success. Tne programme for Friday evening at St. Aloyiloi' fair was well rendered, Among tboaepreoanl were Miss Qulno, Of Mayfield, who delivered a lenita tion the Misses Roche and Collins iii a duet Tbe CtHssnV baud wai also present n t rendf' d several ! 'e'llons FIRST MORTGAGE 6 BONDS ! THE FORTY FORT COAL COMPANY. A limited number of i he Bbo o IihiiiIh nro for gale iii par and ao orned Interesl by the following parties frorn whom ooplei of tho mortgage and lull Information run be M;ii I: B.W. Mulligan, Oasbier Second Matlonal Bank, Wilkes Barre, Pa. W. Ly.Wutaon, Gabbier Pirst Na tional Bank, Pittgton, Pa, J, L. I'oloi), Cnsliict I'coplc's Savings Bauk, Pittaton, Pa, A. A..Bryden,Presldenl Miners' Savings Bank, Pittston, Pa, Ami by the Boranton Savings Bank and Tsdst Company, Trustee ander the Mortgage, T. H, Atherton, Conosel, WILKES BAiatK, PA. The door nr 1 7: for the evening is H gnt'e toilet i' en. St. L )' battalion of Scranton will attend iu full uniform this eveiiinir, and no doubt many uf yonng Indies will be present to greet them. OI.VPHANT NiWi JOTTINGS. Crisp News Paragraph ' Onllsd in a Live Town .S'i'ecui jp the ScrQHtOH Tuhune. OLVPUAMT, Pa., Atirtl 80. B, Ii. Bonier and family, of Scranton, called on friends in town today. Bartly Lully died at his home on Lsukiiwaiiuu street this evening at (i 'M) o'clock, after 11 lingering illness ol several weeks. Deceased was born In tiio Connty Mayo, Ireland, and lived In Olyphiuit thirty yn.irs ago audghll since lived ill Avoea and other pllO'l, Two year ago be returned to Oiy pliant, where be bill aince rilldld, DlOiail I was 70 year of ugl and is survived by a wil'n ami nine children lie w ui bo buried from bit lute nil deuce Monday morning, Interment in st. Patrlok'i imetery. The long looked for. nine , talked of entertainment to be given for the beu etlt of the Y n m Men's Liteiary null Debaling soeivty will t ike plact Mon day evening Klai Edith Mason, of Liokawannn itreet, visited her liiter, Mn Ling srker, iu Scranton yeiterday, ' e HONI.SDALE HAPPtBINOS. Our Own Oorrstpindent's Vlswe of the 9 Dad j I Ituai 1 a, AeecfeJ (e the Scranton fWhuaa BONBSDALB, Pa , April 20 While loading In tUUer at the upper Delaware and Hudson d-'pot this afternoon the large gray 1111:1 ot L E, Bnunoll be same Frightened at the noise of a loco motive and dashed down the short bill Durliind St Tbompion'i ihoe fun- lory and ran iolo tho iron picket lance inrronndinu the National bank. The railing was badly imalbld, but the horse wsrt apparently uulnjured, A number of large brook trout were exhibited in tho windows of Bennett's attraction store last evening. The liih were caught by W E Beunett and N. E Blgelow, The lnr:;est one, weighing one and one-half poundi, was the re sult of Blgelow'e expert angling H.'iNNAH'S KALE SNO HEfiRTV Celsbrates Her 105th Birthday In Frs sue of 142 Urent-Orai dchlldren. Woodbury, n. j , April 80. A large number of relativei and frlendi ol Mrs, Hannah Chard, who restdts witn her sou at Kerrell, QloncOSter county, cel ebrated hot Moth birthday today. Mrs. ( hard was horn In Chester, Pa., audi probably the oldest worn in ill New Jersey. She married Ml the age of 22, nnd her husband died twelve years ago She II the mother of twelve children, four of whom are living. She Iih forty-eight grandchildren and 148 great-grandchildren Her health is good, and lier sight and hearing are perfect. Nervous Headaches Dyspepsia, Impure Blood A Perfect Cure by Hood's Sarsn parilla. IK wtbtttcv Balcor Votk, Pa, " i jv i son iiiy reoominend Rood's BarnparPJs to my frlendi and others, wbenever I have an opportunity, and I mn wilting that this state ment ho used for publication. This medicine has been el meat benefit to roe. I ban hern itificilug more oi less -villi dyipepsbi and tier- Hood's'js Cures '.mis hoadachfl fol several years. Aftir nilhg other preparaUoni wtthout sue. ess, i eoiwliided to try llood'i Siraipartna. I am pleated to iaj that I have been benefited more by the um f ii r i Banaparula than by All Other Medicines Combined, intact, I bare been cured by Rood'i Bariane iit:s. I alio find llood'i riiis very beMlobU,M il Wboitki Raxi R,ns, PennSL, York, pn, Hoorfo Pills ire puretj vegetable, and do ut parte, pain or gripe. Sold by ail dntcgtiti. e have the hand somesl line 1 Parlor and I )rawinc Room ever shown in this state and we would like you to see it Mill 6c Connell Washington Ave. America lettglAVTirtL PIOTtTBBS. EVERY MOTSO PLACE IN ALASKA, THE I Ml 1 'BO status ANl HkXtCa i ivk NCMBHB1 on THE ooun ti;k. ticn 0BMTS and nk couroN roil any mjmiikr WE BELIEVE Furniture The most Effective Skin Purifying Jind lieautifyinff Soap in the World. The Purest, Sweetest, and Mo'it Refreshing for Toilet Hath and Nursery. For Pimples, Blackheads Red, Rough, Oily Skin and Baby Blemishes For Red, Rough Hands, with Shapeless Nails and Painful Pinger Ends, For Irritations f the Scalp with Dry.Thln, and Palling iiair it is wonderful. Sale greater than the Com hi ned Sales of all other Skin Soaps. Bold UtroueboetUie world, Pries, ttv. l-ierrrn Daue sen use, one., Suls Props,, Bostoe, ee " All Aboettbi i Skin, Hi sip, sod nir," fr. ACHING SIDES AND BACK, Rip. Kidhi-y, ftOtj DttrlM pfllDI itfui w hi iiwwi t n iii v'i in ona nilnuli hvUn l.'dlirtirM Itilt-FMln l'lMtr. mm Bnt Md only j . i , ,t,s pltittf. Dr. E). Grewer lh Pblladelpbla Fpadilist, Ami his .Mcs-tato,! ,tult ut Knell-h and Oer- nun, rsveieiana,are now parnuuMotli iocui Temple Court Building at t SPRUCE st. SCRANTON wter in.,, Um i consalted DAILt and It NUAY, i ne portor is s rrsdoate ot the rr.lrersitv ci i , niisy 1 vsnia, formerly d monstrator ot pnyroroogv and nrgery at the si.siicocoir ergloal L'dk'ge, of Pbiladeli.hla He Ls also S' bpnorary i .-nils r of ttie Medico ( hirur fical Aaseciatlon. siei was pliv-trtan nd ungecaidn chief of the nwsit notAl American sn.l (1, rrasn lios,itnls. romes hiehly indorsed K-w Y'rk '"0,' "rHor PbfladalplUaanl Il many rears o: hnstittat ri.-rlenee en shies this eminent physician slid surgeon to correctly diagnose and treat all del . rm t ss sn.i dlsi-sses with the newt Mattering success. Slid lii huh standing in the state will uet n him n accept nv Inenrsbl eaaa 1 os k s in, ,n, id , ,ii i VVTAKXKS8 Ol VOUVO MKN CtTItBD, 11 you hsve isen Biven ur ev vour t'hyl elenosll upon the doctor and 'he examined. lie cures tin. eroret osaosot NerveaeOeblllty, frreliihi. old Sire atarrh, I ilet. Keroal .nn.'s. AffeetinM ef the fesr. Dve N iss sinl I l r..s' Atii:i'v. Ie.sf:.s T-iiuera 'an eei atul CHtilee of every deoorlpttoe Ooq snltstioQ la Knslisb sod ilannea Kree, which Imll In. eoaeldered sacred and strictly court lientisl. me Honrsi ft a. n. to f. at batty, Pun, In,, !l it.,,,, in I ,, in. Third National Ermk of Scranton. Statement Feb SS . 1104, salted For bj the Ceeaptrellet el the nrreaej I1K801 Hi I I ' onus Ol.etC.IIO 00 Overdrafts I47.;i- Ultlted --talcs lt mis 10,000,00 Othet lion. is S18.ATO.7A llonblag House Premlatns out'. R Reside... . ea ta tlus from t I rreasnrei T.A0O.O0 live from Hunks roe, 41117a disk 1 40,040.51 l,sos,sso, no 1 1 1111 mis Cenltnl a joo 000 on Inrnlns MojNNioo Undivided I'mflts 00100.00 rirealatlnn 71,00c 00 ptvldenOs Dapald SSI. 50 Deposit.' 1,804,000 A4 Dae i" Hunks 00,800 .- 0'.'.ii'.'.:.Mi.ito WILT.t AM rONWKt.l, President .i i) 11 1 1 1 is. Vl ,' President w 11 1 1 vi 11 PKt'K, 4 ashlei linn 1 ions tVlltlem 1 ennell, Genres 11. CetlliL Alfred Mend .lames Arenbeld, Henri Helln, ,r., Willi 1111 T. Smith, lulhar Kellef Ikls ttnnli ofTetS lo ile fll lilt) 1 1 milvd by ih fir l!iliinr, buih HVM ftlHl ii-Npotitliillly. ' HpCtttftl Hltt iiHcn ntvt'it to bttttBMNI HO 0fJllUll lti( ti Hl ( Hilt oil (Into llpOltli CASH We've oloild OBt credit lioiiks CASH We buy for Cllb, will yowl CASH If yon do wo can save yon 80 per cent. CASH llriint it, and We'll prove onr ns -sort Inn aa to saving. CASH We believi a tdrd in hand is worth two In the bush, there fore we prefer cash to credit in business and can easily nITord to do just what we say. CASH The low prices nnd tho now sys tem po Into effect, Saturday, April St, 1804 r rTB' '.aK-0t."aT jig e".vjk.- C. W. Freeman Pl nn Ave. and Spruce St IB3HimRinnHllllllIIHI!llllllH3 M , EverythingFOR Everybody The Fair 400-402 Lacka. Ave. "Always the Cheapest'' Dry Goods, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods, Not ions, J'ancy Goods, -Infants Wear, Cloaks, Curtains, Boys' Clothing, Poots and Shoes, etc. Commencing Monday, April 16, we will place on sale Special Bar gains in Every Department. ASI New Goods FAR BELOW REGULAR PRICES r-(iiMnsiiiiiitiiiisiiiiiiHiiiiRiiiHtiiiniiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin il IE MAHOGANY TAB $1.40 EACH. i The greatest bargain in Brass (Onyx Top) KERR & SIEBECKER 406 and 408 Lackawanna Ave. I "BOILED Just lo Give Hie A DETAILED price list of ourinv mense stock of Furniture, Car pets, Baby Carriages, Refriger ators, Mattings, Stoves. Crockery. vS.i-.. would crowd everything out of this paper. Ami wc have too much respect for eilitori.ils to do anything like that; besides, of what use when all can be told in a single line. The Lowest Prices in N. E. Pennsylvania. Cash or Credit With every purchase of $50 or over wc present an American Onyx Fin ished Cathedral Strike Clock. With $75 or over, a 100-piece Din ner set AT 1 i 1 n s, H Uh the market. A few of I ae Tables left at $6.00. Editors a Chance