THE SOUATON lIBUNE-SATURDAY MORNING. A PHIL 21. 1S!M. 9 CHAPTER XXI. y?elinvo rando uo note of tyroe, A yosrof war seems to fly wore swiftly by than a month of peace. Tho initiates or war arc made ap of it dead, Itahonrs bfbarjgla, its days of battles, its weeks of campaigns which move a tuition, it months of black flgnres relating the number of ttiduws an I orphans and tho tof of millions ol dollars expended, its years t( despaii and desolation crying to tu ra en. Winter bad-fallen npon mountain u I valley, oponth i blackened rains ol i ace happy hornet, npon blood snot and bttri al ground. While things bad gone vary quietly :;t Beet Bnren they bad uol gone welli Now and th a : i! tachment many of the inhabitants bad fled away. - : i i Wiping that she woe! I - ni ad that slu' con On i r 1 want thnt it nut it fofosinati f rum ii' r faint, "Only rnmorid. bnt' ''Dot you believe ta- rnmot will be noflflnned "I ninitt say that f do. Mr. Kanton wa-( I believe, ;fri' ad of y-nr". nnd of f:onr..e the n'r.vM , Ids death will b k and grieve you. He and l would .-.Ih-j have Is'fri friend but fur hi. to ray tie b iiht, disloyal condn' t toward tbt cautt ho for witiio reason best known to him self sspows 5." ''Captain Wyk. you WTOOg bfnji liv ing or dend;'' ( xrliiimod Marian its sli" braced benwli a;-,iin-t. the ihock i by report of the rumors, "lb in becanse be was imbued with the l tme feeling 1 hope yon w n n f ling that ho owed allegiaiKo to Virginia lir. I of all." 'He lia.s acini vory strangely for a Virginia patriot, i mutt deolare" said to" captain. "How Ktrnngoly?" she demanded at tlin color began to return to her checks and her tySl to fTai b, "Every one in my company firmly believes ho joined nit that tho Yankees Bii;.;iit huvu n tpy within our lints." "And who made them believe if . Royal Kenton has pi riled hit Ufa in tlw canto dftenei ,Miin tny man In your company or regiment! Tell mo of ,,no Krbgle instanco where an hone 1. un biased man could have questioned bit loyalty!" "Why was be left bohind, detailed to gnard stores, and thnt at Qenerai Jookson's snggettlon?" asked tho cap tain. j "Yon am already possessed of that knowledget" sho scathingly replied. 'There bss been a coMplnoy against liim frotttrlho very outset, and it in not the fault of tho conspirators that be Was iot otsassioated befoiv a battle had bee . (."OPVRKiHTtO 1894 BT fcMlRlCAM PRttS ASSOCIATION. "Private K aton, If alive, i it n 1 1 1 reel grateful for such championshipl "It is lay doty to champion biml 1 am 1 1 i -i promised witV!" While Captain, Wyle fell pretty cat lain that tbore was inort than friendship between (hem be had hoped iiiui things had mi gone that far. As she stood be faro him and looked into biseyea and spoke tho words wblob wade lits heart fall like lead he was dnmb fornme tni : !. Hi v (ace wat pi and hard, and bo real!) ed that liis fate nealed lor ever. i'hi re was bat one thing for bun to do, and be tiiil it. Thongh rage tad despair filled in heart, he did apt forget lb fact that lu was u born southerner. I: required all bis nerve to take hit I ava gracefully, Imt !ii accomplished the Feat, tad it was only when be wan In the saddle that oari st pasted lii:i lips and bia amiles were replaced by wicked frowae. "Soathern chivalry." bat been held np to ridicule and scorn, but only by the ignorant or by those who had a purpose to accomplish, Chivalry wat born in tjv bean ol the I ruosouthenter; n came down to biru legitimately in the blood. Now and iii "a be may forget binuell in tbe pretence ol a man. but uever in the prest uce of a woman, Had ill ! ofn well at Resfflaveo, Ma rl in ' rry would have giveaway to her grief and monrm I a women do. Bat U, , , . . condition was still regard ed a- dangerous, and the moil not ev d tut I tbesad blow wbioh bad fallen on l danghter. uncle Ben sntpect d i calamity from the grief In Ma rian's I ce, and from the fact that Mrs. r dcxlgsd oat and bad a word with C i Wyle at the gate before he rode : ab : d nth of Kenton, for the tion at she returned to the house. There bat Just then Uncle Ben bad it all to himself. A Knit an hour after the cap t tin's d partnre Mariau appeared in the enter dandbel re she could say a word, Captain Wyle say sun- torrowfol ::rs L gan hat heard tetroteot lain V. .! told mo be bad Fi ii i i-'.n!,urg a day or , bbi r dun believe it!" )m ' fsm ytte, dnn ha i 'I V.MH Killed, !7J,0fl, i an' yo1 I IbrW nnv i Bat I m -l'in afraid jt't true!" she wbl at, I leaking 9Wn at last. ' . t J W, 'i!''," Itid tbe old man after a bit, with te,irs In bis own eyes, ''yo jl . keettdniet till wt Sod : out all nb'rtit It. I'll bev ilisshoo Bted in Txral 10 nrlnnfet', ta den I'll start. ' fniHaxrisenburg, When l ritdar, I km find out. if Mars Kenton was killed.'' "Bat it's almost dark now, Qnole I Uen. . ' Mako I no dim renre, honey. I know do road nn am fetlin purtygood. By dis time tomom r I'll bo back wid da news." Bat what if yon should tfifoove thai that" i "Dit Winn Kenton was rflllly killed? Nobody can't ditkiber'wbat hain't so, kin dey? rsegwino obey lnr Jeti to prove dat ho wn n't dun killed." "I'liebi l!i n," Kiid Mori. in mi 1 .Ii" placed a hand on either sbodldtt tnd looked Into bit eyes, "if you can brim: ma at wt thai .Mr. Kenton It olive, I n make von a fret mail before tho week boot I" "Hul What l want to leave y'o' on do mittttian becora froonbigor fur? Beokon I wnntn to go ta dt poroht u or jail? Hain't alias bin like one o' do family? Uould de'fnmily git along Widout (Tnolfl Ben? What would yo1 be right now but for mef" "That'a true. Undo bun. Vouwem bom en thti place, nnd yon know how much wo all think of you. It would break our hearts to Imvo you go, litre though you pre and ilnayi bfve boon in Iho eye:) of the law. DQt you tbsll DO rewarded, BnolO It' Only bring ni" gootl news, and yon r reward shall be great!" ''Huabfup dat ooite, boney 1" ho cbfd- ed ns ho inndo iciitly to deport. "If yo'll b t do ole mini lib rigid on fit do family. dttH be reward 'nuir. I'll lm back by foah o'clock tomorrer, and I'll bring yo' do news dat Mars Kenton nin all right." MuTiM watched him as ho slrodo bruvely down the frosen highway and vanished Into the dusk 61 evening, and at the turned away fresh teaxa cams to her i yet, and she murmured; "Brave and Unselfish old slave! God giant that he may bring a message io reliove my auxi itie8V fto I H OONTljrf bd.1 !( W at 'I ,, Hoitttftt, A Detroli life lusuranes agtut recently motived a letter fromauiaa in the lutorior of the state who tatd he was thinking of taking oul a nolley, aad he asked that a blank be forwarded him, tl was retained yesterday, and following Is a spuolmen of the man . boned j i "Wli.'il tint ; nut' lullier (lio of!'" "Consumption." "Vnnr mother!" , "Tho same," "Ever have bear! trouble" 'A r. very bad." "Loel any brothers or litters by death, iimi n ! towns) did they dn of f" "Lust Sveof them, and all died of eon sumption and heart disease," "Did v hi ever tpll bloodf" "Heaps of linn's." "Kver bndan) ttrlont oeoidtntf " "Yes Had nearly all mybonea broken t ,' or i brae t an " " teraor) ik i!?" . "No." "Shwp.wellr" "No." "How's your sppetitef "Very poor." Boveral ether Important qnestlont were at tri ml after tbs sameoandld fs blou, and tin' agent had to writs him i oat i bare is no life Insurance for .so truthful a man. Detroit l tee Press, .n i a cm. iw Vo.u . ontiiii thinks the hat solved the question of managing servants. "I've done too much talking heretofore," i the says, "given too many orders, aad tie j ponded too much upon their not being eir i t ii'tl out. Two or three months ago I i(ot I n EVenob maid who speaks no English. My Vrtnch is very limited, but l have never pt on no beautltully with any person in my employ before, The first day slu' earns I I showed her bow I wished certain things j done, and being unable to enlarge verbally j upon tho method I gave her object ics- His. VI a the things bad hern dona I I'viti.'isrd iii the s.imo material way, sbak J Ina my bead aad pointing out practically i where deficiency wtw, and Indicating satis taction by a cordial bat limited 'Cast bleu.' I In this way she j-.t my idoa perfectly, and feeling my weakaett iu the matter of Ian ru uta i have looked .hut her daily, and ai- tiu'r-t without oomment. The result Is smooth sailing in her department, wbieh 1 attribute hugely to my inability to give elaborate orders, "New York Timet. A Place for it.ui CompUneuts. The thrstbold of the monkey h mss 1 1 ems to i" the great exchange for cheery bad compliments bet treen festive acquaint' onces thronging in or out of the swinging livKirs. ".-Veil jour brother?" "Mind they don't keep ymi there!" and the like iktsou oiitles, Which age does not wither nor cus tom stale for those who utter them year after year, All the xear Bound. ''A. 3 Utt ii READY RELIEF. H u IMTBBMAL AFDKX1 CBNAL t BE, Ii ' :".u Til 1: ' i - t ' up ;ri;n. IV" 'ill'l l' l av.t t su-h in infl.t injury on th" sy itmi. Optast, Mofpblns, t'i.l rofomii Kthor, fi cams And hl' stop nm ly 'I'3;royini( ttw wgao of Hronitton, tho patient ' t,w;, tbe onuvoti, liver aad towels, and, .f eoatwoad in foe a 1im,-:u el tlraa, kit:- tii : irvat and prodaoas la -al or gaaaral paraly- i. n i:"'"si tv :' .r -ii- g :'i-s inr-.r-taia tjwntuwhonn oxlttve remedy like BAD WAVB Ii1 aiV RfiUSF will itoptbom'Mt excru laUo(pa!0 qadikar without antatltng tb) I'-.'i ia,iire'', i'i lithar lafaal or a it tn-ta-ifly -'ops the moat excraciaUnK jniu-, allays laflammatioa a. id enraa e m- i: ..NV OTHEB i lik" ma ',c:x iM- CURI8 A M PBEVftNTfl Colds, Coughs, 2ore Throat, I.iflammation,, F'.r:) , fr,thra?, Difficult Breathing, Influenza, Rneiimatlsui, Hanratatia, Belatlea, IstOM liBC". of I In, Juintr, Palas III llaelo ( In ' M I.I mix. The application of tbe RIA1 v RBUVte h part or parti whori the illnViilty or pain erlata will rffonl 'in aiel oomfort AM. IMTCHMALPAtKH.t'AINfl Vf DOW v.i. oil imA' i: i p. ...... HI ' tMa. H'iCH 0TOMA01I, NACHRA VOMITtNO, HKABTHt'RN NBRVOU."EHH, mi, LRRHTtRf8,MU'RIICAiMI II. ,r!AII KlKEA, ( OUt'.HiATI I E il ), I ,IN'I I. .11 . VKLIM nr.. rat levari lostantli and tiulekly osrari by ink vg Intarnally .iiiir to a taaspeonfni of R. illv lfi "f I.. Ii ill . I Hurler '.I wilt r. Malaria, Chilis and Fover, Fcvor and Aguo Conquorod. Tbareiaaeta naieiUsI assails tbswsrii tbsi sfin on Vavar and Aaae, and n othaf Malaiiosjs, Billons aQn athat rsvars, aeini by I lul wny ' i iii i, no (i i Ink I y as llnl wii R y Bt bet Prion 50c. pir holCn. S-dtl by DruyijUh. WW PILLS a ni tits ears al sll dlsordai i of the ttt m aeh, l. Ivor, Dottplt, Kldnaj , Rladder.Kar via DlsOasct, Baadneba, Conattfatlkto, Cottlveneas, Inaljrssslpa, bjtspapala, im Ifiaanaaa, Bsvsf.lanansmatioaoftlia 't. iv i t-, pjlaa and all a nuMtemeati of i he In 1 1 noil Vlsoare, Pasata Vagntabla, e n talnlng no marearjri mineral! or 1)1.1.0 TI'.ltKll'S IlKl.liM. PVleettoi par boit Beil iv ii dnmifiHiii, or on reottpl drtop will ba Mat bi maO. I'Ito Imxm lor 'Hi" Dollar, RAD W At & VU.. .C Wnrnni Ht . N. V. anil vlrror qnlrMy ftrtoftdtl ni n o,-, in, "li. til,- , ((,- U) CtJffd bl IN iffiniy fin l -.mi, IIAPO. tho trr-Ml i' . 1 ii."t.U'ijv. . r.H wi-intn u.tTriii.vva DKO..lrafl I t, .1 Jy, V, itli nrlllviiffiiarawbtniuKiini, tjolti ttjr . mull, i'.i. A Hiiivdaorr.o Complexion In nni. of tho uo'Rte'.t dharinn ti woman can I pounds. I'uxxom's Comixuxion POWSBBl I fpvun It. Beechara's pills arc fa iliomfiness, bilious headache, dyspepsia, hcaitburn, torpid liver, ili..iiK'.-s, it:k head- ache, bad lastc in the mouth, coated tongtie, loss of appe tite, sallow sLin, when caused ly constipation ; and con iti pation is the most frequent cause of all of kjiern. Book free ; pills- jc. At drug ;torcs,or v rite B.F.Allen Co., '.- Canal St., New Vork. Atlantic Relining Co. iMiiuuliiflttrcta kiii liicilortt in IUamloating and Lubricating Linseed ill, Naptbas and laso lines of all grades, ABloCrrease, Pinion Oroato and Colliery Com I . mill : ni u, a largo line of 1'ar rafflae W ax Candles We ul o handl 1 tbe Pamont CROWs ACME OIL, tl ily family safety t in nlng ml hi thp mtrksl WIL !AM MASON, Manaor. Ofllosi Coal Exohanm, W iuiumi; avj. s orks ut rlua Rroos N. A. HULIiERT'3 City Music Store, m t'OUlMU Ar. WliAMOi BTB1NWAT sot DECKER I'.UOTIUCllS KIIAMCH & HACK Bi t LI, llAUKlt in pnsza h Inr.-t fltx.-k of fliit-c!m ORGANS MUSICAL RUBRCHANDUMft altbic. I'.XU. Li'U fiooms 1 and 2 Commonwsaltli Bid's BCRANTO.V, PA. MINING nnd BLASTING Uade atth i ilOOSIO aad BU8H DALE WOBKS, Ltfflln I Ran i Powder Co 'i ORANGS GUN i lectrle Battsrlsa, Foim for ripljl iuq blasts, hiifnty Kusa nnJ ncpaunoChcmical Co,'sHii;h Iix;)losi7C9 ; CK DRAIN I ILE, FRONT, IRE CUT, HOLLOW, VITRIFIED, FIRE AND COMMON B R I C K Best in tho mnrket, OPFICBi Blngbomton, N.Y PACTORTi Brandt, Pa h .'Willi; ui- "p. (tipi'.ai. Bi.utiD.oon. uuaT a i. np iuue in nitc tuim.i'. ".I hillttr miftit I 'i il'itUir fgnt&t Thlit4MllvsBoliFranali uminnin Ki MiiO Inn Hoot ileli;. -ii'il to in , vhoi in Ok, I rm'iha nf( 'mill, Money i o -l.-i , or I'oil'il Nui" (..r 1 1 .81), ioutl ' SVoiy tvny loo b SSn In nil raisll turrn '..1 (4.110, W mass Hii.i l ool ciuwolvrii, tlicreoirn WA guar atilt' tl..; ', Htult titut irrnr, leiil it any 0110 l sal i aUal I wo will rrfnnil tho monry L or aoiiJ tatrtntt pfllr, Oprru 'I'm' or ConuBBn Hi'io ", L- 'V ftlillba i', K, .V BK, ir 7kl-"'i ' I" 11 anil IUi lias Saitlunitritl ; t HI jnii. - Ilfurtrm I . . V I'"" Eexter Shoe Co., SsSiftt l-ptcl'il (mill to Viuleis, M00S1C POWDER CO Brandt Ciay ProductCo THE SECOND ORTFOLIO ril-aa JsL JLJLtvj; contains Four incomparable paintings by the world-famous Medairy, which surpass all of his previous efforts for faithful ness to nature and unparalleled beauty. They comprise every phase of Nature's changes, as de lineated in the four seasons, and will prove a revelation to most persons, of her peculiar moods. Lowell has well said: "Onr seasons have no fixed returns; Without our will they come and go; At noon our sudden summer burns, Ere sunset all is snow.'' The Ottman Lithographing Company in reproducing these paintings from the originals, has achieved a marked success, and produced four pictures that will easily hold first place in either home or studio, not only for their artistic merit, but as line examples of the work of this renowned artist V I SPRING Thi9 delightful picture is one ol Medairy's lour water colors. "The Seison9." which i arc all found in portfolio No. a of this Series, "Spring" is a brightcolored work of singular merit. The drooping apple trees, burdened with their pink and white bloom, contrast effectively with the rich qreen back ground of trees and the Hagfringed pool in front. The light and shades are superlative) and the whole ciiect is wondrously pleating as a picture, or when critically considered as a study. REMEMBER, ONE COU - PON WITH ONE DIME 3S CURES 4 PICTURE3. THIS IS THE COUPON. OP . V ' Si:; 'writs' Series of ultichromes rtiiiiiiiiiiiiBiiiiiiitilllliliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiilillllliNiiitigHiiniiiiii Scranton Tribune, Scranton, Pa., April 21, 1894. 1 1 1 Send this coupon, with 10 cents I in cash, and i?et four of the marvelous tu O S Alultichrome Art greatest oiler of all. niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i Gems by far the Mail orders 2a extra,