TUh SCKANTON Tl? I B 1111 E N A T if 1 I HAY MORNING. APRIL 21. 1894. 5 LACE CURTAINS Tim most delloata fabric iiroit erly oloaned, at THE Lackawanna Laundry !2LE2 iiwARMAjj. Norrrrjctn & M oorc FIRE INSURANCE 220 Wyoming Avenue Waara allowing lull hues of Kid Cloves Corsets -ASH- EQUIPOISE IVJUSTS, 415 Lacka. Avenue. CARPETS , BARGAIN NO 2. Beginning Monday, April 23, we will otter Moquettes at 75c. per yar yard. Regular price is $i, 25. Wo have only a limited quantity of these broods. Call early to secure them. '27 Wyoming Ave. TELEPHONE NO. 525. The Unloa Transfsr Comnauy, Limited. 'Rus Una, BagfageBttd freight aiiletl f..r nml ileiirered protuptlr. 107 Franklin ivenne. CITY NOTES. The first rrmoti ag of the amlitin;? com mit ten of the nv.v solect council will bo oilii Monday night. Tim many friond- cf T.im Mack will be phased to Isarn that ba la meeting with mncb nweaai with the Barlow Lira, min strel?. A vlippin? party" will bo bald by the 1irl, Friendly society at the Guild rooms', 3J." Washington avtmie, next Thursday even in','. t. Leo's llattalion will nwt at St. Paul's armory at 1; o'clock tonight to at tend in toll uniform the SC. Aloyaioi soci ety fair at Jermyn. ;.(. Jfaiiy, s.-cretiry of th.- ( ity asso ciation, will address the meeting at tli railroad department, Ygiiiiji U to s Chria tisn association. Sunday Ht ::.!. p. tn. All ari welcome. There nil be special music. I'rederick Sk-rix was yesterday jriven a bearing hforn Alderman Foliar on a cliargo nf having d.-:ij;iri-d and robbed Jonas t'rismnn In ii.irm' hotel on Frank lin RTanna, He was held under (800 bail to acswor at co;;rt. At next Taaaday nijht'i nie-t.ine of tha Board of A-wociatod Charities it i expect ad that I ha reduced fund will lie aug mented by fees received fr..:a the sale Of membership tickets, twentr-live of which w. re slven to er.c'n member at the last Beating to be sold at 1 each. Frank afarisbo, of iir! Qreen Ridge street, aml.ltimns Dnnangi.i, of 1X15 Kla'lr street, two Italians employed nt tho glass works, were yesterday committed to jail by Alderman Fuller in default, of ?M ball each for receiving goode which were stolen from Peddler Benjamin 1.071 February 19, Tho sertlMsat the All Hoals Univeralist. chnrcli on Pino street to morrow will hi ndnnally interesting. The talented and elnncnt P.ev. (..eorsjo VV. ( onnell, D. D will preach both morning mid oveaioff, and spetial mane hu been arranged Ii.r both services. The subject in the morn- teg at in::io wiil be 'A call logo a daning." The evening theme tor 7:80 will he "Feather for wind's and Wings for Might. ' Charles Moon, who was released from jail but twelve days ago after serving ona-year sentence, was given a bearing yesterday before Alderman Fuller on the charge of stealing a diamond ring rained at from tho residence of sir. Joseph .1. Kline on Franklin avenue. Moon pawned the ring for & Ball for lfoon'a appearance nt court was fnnn-hed by K. J. Bbfgoodj of Dnnmoro, in the sum of t-WO. A fine of f 10 Jra at'-, imposed for flrnnkiiesa. It has lint heen paid, mid Monti will go to jail on the latter charge todny nnless.thn lino bo settled. sv Arhriisr iJusch Boor. toais Lobmap'ai ttBlpraoalM Notice. I, Jonns Crlaman, do hereby certify that the article in tho Scranlon Truth of" cv-m date, alarming that 1 was robbed nt tho hotel of Jersey Mncl.iv OB P( tin avenue, i-i incorrect and that, the job whh done at. Horn's hotel, ou Franklin avenue, instead. Jonas Ckisma.v. H-'i:iiit"ii, April :;o, mi( I . No. 0 AmetioB No. 0. No. 9 ot this handsome portfolio is now ready for distribution h m SUnoirrnriliers Furnished. Vo nro pnpared to tarnish business men With first-class stenographer!! hy the day or liour. Kxpert. bookkeeping a epeelalty. Boraoton Commercial Association, Lim ited, 486 Hprnco street. Tiik Kcrantnn Bedding Co. are nphoU storing furnituri!. Jiist workman, itoa Bon itblo prices. F. O. Waldurr'd New Ilalrny Is located nt -in? l-pruco strntt. ' In Armbrusts frankfurters, 210 I'onn nvenuo. - i-'ki-sh Creamery Batter, 85s, strictly Fresh Kygs always on hand, Urinhaht'h.' Aylesworth's Prinss Uill suiateveryboily. Wyoming nve. 11119. Okt your carpets cleaned by tho Hcrnn tou Bedding Co. mmmm Williams k McAnulty PH BOARD El Report of Finaoci Couiniitti'e Arioptcd and Cut Few Casts Heard. m LEyy fl p01JR m m Among Numbcr f App,ica- tions for Aid Than Usual Is the Pnr- licularly Sad Qua of Mary Ford. Opening for Inspection of New Wo man's Building at Hillside Home Causes Debate. At yesterday's meeting of tho poor board there were present I'reaident LingataS and Members Tropp, (li! bona, Sbqtton, William,) Murphy and Mr. Swan, The most important feat ure of the meeting was the preeenta- tiou of tb report of tbst iinauee oom mittee and tha adopttbb of its recom mendation that a I mill tax he made on til ' ndjaited district ralaatton of I7,I 98,081. After hearinga had ban glrjn to a leaser number of Rpptyoatlona, than an rI, tiu Qaanea oommittee pragantad tba following report of Its esUnjAta ol rtrtnaH and txpeadlturei for lsoi: COUB VXLL TAX t. W. V e Qnd the valuation s ftdjUetodbj tho roonty ooaunlationerato bo ns foUpwes For Hcranton 115,847, 103 Por D no more 1 S45,0'lii Total valuation W 7, 098,081 A .DM levy upon this valualton will raise 808,878,19 leas percent, opmmis sionera expense, abateroente, etc., ?5,- KiO.77; Det proceeds, W3,(WS.8fl, l-'.tiina!...! lit, f ,M.MM I ar.V I, 1898, with a out mill levy: uiiieetlont, 1894, duplicate 180.000,00 In treasnry January 1. 1894 17,403.87 Collectible ou duplicate Is'1.: 19,000,00 KeTenuee from otbersoureea. . 8,OCQ,00 Total 8B9,043.S7 ESxponditora for 18M1 Salaries and service! I8,B00 Outdoorrelief 18,000 Bappliea 18,000 Improvements and repairs , 18,000 Printing ami itatlenary TOO Furniture ),6uy Uiscelnneous,incladiQg farm,hortea, Ci.ttle, etc 10,000 Total 878,700 I .:i re on hand Jan. 1, 1898, 181848.67, to which may be added a belauce'of about .'.'. 1 0. collectible on the duplicate of i:m, t help through the early month of 1898, We had hoped to be able to make a re- II 1 in the levy for tuis year, but tho purchase of additional land and proposed repairi on tha bonding up to this time - 1 by women makes that impracticable. .. 1 therefore recommend that levy of 1 mills of adjusted valuation of the district be made to meet the expanses for 1894, ciiAKu s Tnorp, Thomas miottbn. The report was adopted aaanimonsly and ."'r. Murphy moveil that the four- taill levy to mule on the adjusted val nation. The motion was c irrii?d. : Qnanca eotnmittae uiso reported (45,8 1 insurance of tha poor district property expiring May ::, 1894, and ree-itnr-.'iilfi renwais with -rncies as follow.": C O. Bolaod, flS.OOO; A. Conra !, silO.i 0 Pefor Iioblioc, jr., 10.000; W. J. Lewis & Co., $10,800. It was also recommuu led that an ad ditional ir.s ;rar,c- of s:!,0i'0 1 - vvri'ten for tba new boiler house and (i.000 on the new womiu's bnllding, to be plucnd as follows: c H. Bchadj o; 0o 14,. 100; John H. Teal. 14.00a Xbe recouimen.iat.oii8 wero adopted nnar.imons'y. Mr, Swan siid that Hirim Schnft'ir, who had heen granted relief at a pmvi on meetinir, was unworthy. The can was referred to Mr, William?. Aciti. z-m had writtn Mr. .Swan that 11 Mrs. Unl earn, who I receiving fanda from the board, ia not a daaaraing person, rhii cue, also, was raferrsd to Jlr. Williama Ciiarles BotWell v:ss grantod trans portation to Buffalo Mrs Jamea V. dogle'l application was refused be caUM her hnabaod draws a .onsion. HKR PATHETIC STOttY. A paOUlisrly sad case was that of Mrs. Mary Ford, of Fit'ili nvsnue, who n;,M'ir;il with tnrs trickling down her cheeks and a nursing balm in her anus, fl-r husband baa deserted her and sue baa not a relative in the city. She sal i be bad relatives in Chester but would die rather than make her distress known !o th' tn. .Sue was granted tS par month until aba was able to worn. William Lords, of 108 LflSftpe street, baa bean ont of work esveral montha; iie said ;ie was a maon an L Mr. :;'n bona angagaa Mm to work for him at Dnryei. ?jif erintondent Bsemer of the Hill side homo submitted a report of pn 1 and unpaid patintai Than is due the di-tr:c !i to April 1. Tbf opening for inspection of the new woman's building crale,la heated debate between Mr. Uibbons, who wanted It opened pttbltcly for ino day only, anil Mrs. Swam who argoad that a re txtandod iengtu of time was desirable. Mr. (libbon's motion that a particu lar public loapeotiop day ba annonooad WB seconded by Mr. Murphy. After (I biting th motion It was lost by a 1 and li VOte, Members GHbbO&f, Murphy and Laogatafl voting in the minority. It was finally decided that when the building is completed, which will be in 1' 1 .:. that ii. ri tiy an nounce tho fact tiiron'li tliu news papaya and invito inspection by tho pnblic. suNOftr oastHVANCt mownient. Snb-Commlttses Callstt on ts Oriranlzi for Prmanoticy and Work. The Sunday o!nrvnnc executive committoii met in Anociatiou hall last eTaning and pissed 11 resolution dirool Ing the Various sub committees of the city to organic for pemanenoy and work. Those present nt tho meeting dis cussed tun situation carefnllv, ami from present indications the loaders in the movement 1I0 not seem to bi dis couraged. (;,! wnrk. it is claimed, bus bean done in Hyde jpgrlf, 1'iovi- denoe and Qreen Ridge, and It is now proposed to iusIi Sunday obier ranoe la tho central part of the city, - 1 Waldaerii OpnninT. F. O. Waldner wishes to announce to the public at large and to bii patrons' that ha baa opened at 4H7 j-ipruc street another branch to his already successful circuit of hn-iness places. An:7 Spruce street he will carry a complete lino of fancy home made bakery and pnstry, also the most elaborate ice cream nml lunch room in tho city. PanCy bonbOns at popular price , nml to the gentlemen, thefineet liue of ci gars obtainable, Mr. Wnlduor is located nt. i.u'j West Lackawanna avenue, 888 Penn avenue and the last crowning effort 487 Spruce i.trcet. CatiTing Hollcitml, nml Sunday ico cream orders tnkon tho Satur day previous. Telephones nt all the stores. Special attention given to entering for wedding par tice. t No. 0 -Amerioi No. 9. No. 9 of this handsome portfolio is now ready for distnbut o n. , . Countv pork, Aruibrust, 219 Penn ave.J FUNERAL OF BHNJ MIM REESE. Many Companions of thg Youth in tho Funeral Procession. The funeral of Benjamin lieose oc curred from the home of his parent, Mr. and Mr Evan B, Reeee, 1727 Sum mil uveiiue, North Dad. Tho remaia were taken to tha, ohurcli beaded by Sunday school children, the Junior So ciety of the Christian churoh and stu dent of Wood's college. Hov. D. A. Evans, pi.stor of Puritan church, ami Jvev. W. V, D.ivios, of , lsli Baptist church, officiated and poke tonoblngly of tho deoaaaed, c pccially to the young people. Tha floral oiler lues consisted of a "roll of honor given by tlm students of Wond's college, a beautiful floral "barp' given by the No. 88 public aobool icholari aud n "acale of lif," presented by Welsh liiiptlst Sunday school Tliu Moral bearers wore Misses Mag gie Bell l Miner, Katie Smith, Mettle Protberoe, Baobal Jonea, Bertha Sims. Mattie Jones, ami the pall-bearer' Thomas Jehu, jr , Johnny Jonea, David ECvaoa, Willie Lewis, Willie Bhapherd, Oaoar Daviea, The remains were con rayed to Hyde l'arlc cemetery fiu- inter rnant, BARLOW BKOTHEKV MIN'ilKLS. Will lis Sseu at Ajudsmy of Muslo Wmlnsccluy Nleht. Th famous Barlow iiros.' mlnatrel seem to be rapidly Winning their way to popular favor wherever they appear, They give one performance In tno Aoildemyof Alusic Wednesday night. From among their many preaa notlota wo clip the following from the J Oliver, Col.. Journal: "The largest house of tba season greeted the I'mrlow llro:.' minstrels i the Tabor Qrand Optra house last night. The first part was the lines) 1 ver seen here in point of costumes and stse draperies, and presented a icons of oriental mugniliemo'. The miuic was flrit'Olata The marvelous Brother Kennard were Indeed wonderful, ami Beott inbatantiated bis title, 'King of Novelty Wonders. ' Hut Harlow Brother themselves made tho hit of the evening and wero given a friendly groetiug 11s soon as they made their up pearanoe on the stage," - -4 . DR. JtKVLL ANO MR. HIDE. Characters Portrayed In eBealis ic Man ner by Thomas E. Bhsa. "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hide" was given by Thomas EJ. Shea and his company at tne Academy of Music l ast night. It is a play that nil intereat centers in the dual charaeten of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hide Mr. Bbea eeaayed these lust niitht and it is no disparagement to his previous effort to say that his work lust iiit;ht was the linest ho has yi i done in this city. The passages from the amiable soien tist Dr. Jekyll to the terribly ferocious Mr. Hvde were reproduced with a nat uralntat that was startling. This afternoon Mr. Bbea and biaoom p iny will giv "Mixed Up" instead of "Rip Van Winkle," nml tonight they will bo seeu iu "The Black Flag." 4 Y. M. C. A, NOTES. The uew Young Men's Christian Associ ation (lloo club is doing good work and 11 soon oecotne a Very attractive feature in the various service bald at the associa tion. The International conference of tho rten- erai secretaries ot the I'nited States aud Canada, will meet at cedar Rapid, la., from .May 'J to li. Secretary Many will have ou April :!0 to attend the gathering. Secretaries (e'oriroii. Itahy and F. W, Pearsoll will exchange plaoea on Sunday at :;.4o. Mr. Mahy will conduct the ser vice at the railroad building, and Mr. Pearsall will bead tlio men's meeting nt the central building. In connection with the recent develop ment of work along educational lines in the Y'.ung Men'.-, Christian nsociali u tho following facts nro published by the international committee: Statistics indi cate that six-sevenths of the youth leave school before the nge of 14; one in thirty one of the remainder continues until the a'" of IX. Fully !j per cent, leave SCbool before they are old enough to know What Is best for them, and enter tha factories in our cities. But one p-rson in ten fin Ishes a primary education, and one in 120 a high school education. One person iu 1,600 finishes a d Diversity or technical coarse, In an average city or 78,000 pop ni ition one boy in 800 completes a course in tho public schools. THIATIMCAL JOTTINGS. Matinee performance nt Wonderland this afternoon. "A Celebrated las ,''wid bo presented, Thomas R hhea Will produce "Mixed Dp" at t.e academy "f music tbja afternoon, and "The Black Flag" at night. The Bpeotnter bperatio company" Monto Carlo," v;ith Qeorge Wilson nnd the thrao Gorman brothers, Iu the casto will b seen at the academy of miuic 'ihursJay night. Corrine aad tho Kimball opera com pany will present that beantlful operatic spectacle, "Hendrlck Hudson," at the vrothingnam Thursday night. Miss Virginia Barned, who cored such a decided hit in this aitv as Mrs. Ilyyltm iu "Lady rVendermere'a "Fan" is a member if the PalnerBtoch company whleh wUI bo ut.llie Fotthlngham April 87 aud 'M. 437 ' nrnoe .stret Is the number of Waldner'l new bakery. Ckisiiaiit'h is the pim e for groceries anil market goods. Low price, BMOOD tongue, Arinhrust, 210 I'onn nve The Latest In ladies' and gents' Bnojohoe for spring ami summer wear at toe Commonwealth sbooetore, Waabington avenue, Boiling meats, cheapest in the city, at Aylecworth's wyomlog avenue. Thoy Have Onus Down. 'I hat Is prices nt. (luetnsey Brothers, Plira watch repairing at HeichcrtV, 896 Laoiuk ave. Dr. Oibbons, of New York city, will bo iu his Srranton oliii'e, 141 Wyoming avi nue, eviry Mon day from x in the morning until ,l in II10 evening. QbooibiwI Qrocerltsl Qrobariasl At Hi'.iniiaiit's Mauki.t. Pcrnntor.'s Bulneae Intxrnals. Tin: TaaOBll Will aooa publish n care fully compiled and chissilhid list of tho leading wnoleeale, hanking, aiannfaatur- ing and professional Interest! of Hcranton nnd vicinity. The edition will bo bound In book form, beautifully lllnstnitn l with photogravure view of our public build ing!!, business blocks, st reets, etc., togelhr with portraits of leading citi.sns. No similar work ha ever given anao.ua ren reaantatton of Bcranton'a many Indus tries. It will bean invaluable exposition of our business ri'suurcea. Hent to persons 'outside tho city, Copies of tins handsome work win attract uow comers and bo au unequalled advertisement of the city. Tho circu lation is on a plan that Cannot fall of good results to tho-i concerned an well as the city ni larifo. Representative of ftta Tuirunr will call upon TR08I wilosic NAMKH ar OEUBIO in tin, edition ami explain its nature more fully. Those dosirii f views of thoir resldeucns iu this edition will pleaso ! two notice at tho office. HR HIM WITH A STONE That Was the Charge Adaiasl i Little Mud towu Wutiun. JURY POUND HER HALF GUILTY ThomgS Hertneeey, of Carbondale, Tried for Pullinj? His Wife's Hair Which Judge Archbald 8ald Ho Had No Rihl to Do, tvon if Ho Had Livod with He,- Thirty Years. Clbur Caso . Tried. 'J'ho enn i a:: unst M dtbew (irsy.niine boss in Eddy Creek mine No. 9, at Otyphant, was oobtinnsd before Judge Areubdd yesterday morning and oocn pied the entire foropoon The defends mt's onunsel, Attorneys Dawson and Qelnton, oonteeted the oaaewormly, while liistiic; attorney Kelly and At torney George B. Horn fought foroou' vlotion with equal tanaoity, Tha feudant did not attempt to deny that bo bad knocked down the proieoutor, William Acton, but claimed that the bitter was an Intruder in tha mine am! that be made the first auault in at tempting to pick up a itooo with which to batter the mine bos The jury was evidently puxaled over the esse, for they wore not n bis i" arrive at a con olu Ion after having been locked ll(i together for half a day, no verdict having been returned when court ad j turned for the day. Before Jttdg Bit tier Mrs. Michael Lyiuan, of Mii'lt.r.vii, a diminutive specimen of th 1 femiuiuo gender, was tried for having actual ted one, Thomas Jooketi a man of more than ordinary physical proportions. The defend int. was represented by Attorneys John F. Burngg and Joseph O'Brien, and the commonwealth by Attorneys llulltuu der and James J. O'Neill. The off suss allege I was that tho defendant had thrown a cobble atone at, the prose cuter, striking him in the face. The Melons denied tho allegation . but asserted that .locket hud called the woman a bad name and deserved to be punished. Too case was given to the .liny at 10.U0 a. ui , and "the twelve good men aud Irue," after July consi dering the mi. Iter, returned a verdict of not guilty, but directed that the costs be equally divided between the prosecutor and the defendant a moss suit. The next case before Judge si its -r was a cross suit, the parties to which were Harney Knvelas and Mayk 1'omi lavies. Tho latter keeps a boarding house whero tho former domiciled Last Christmas Tomllavic and his Wife went out aud left ssyoral boarders In possession of the premises. The lat ter promptly secure! a quantity of whisky and us the result of tho use of the same they were in n state of lii lariousne When the head man and his better half returned, A A fight entned out of which the case emanated. A number of witnesses were sworn ami at 8 p. m, the jury retired to consider, butarrivod at no verdict during tne day. . Anthony Litsras was tried before Judge Archbald on the charge of hav ing kept a disorderly house. Tho evi dence showed that he has for a house keeper a woman named Nellie Connors, who seems to have been responsible for certain disturbances which took pluoe at the home of tho piir, although the man was away nt work much of the time. It was shown, however, that there had been lights on thepremiiei when Lit . -ras was at home, and the in ference of the pros-jeutiou was that he suould be held liable for the same; bnt all the jurymen could not see it In that light, for ufter deliberating on the case for some time they c.itno into court and declared their inability to reach a conclusion, whereupon they were diseharged from forth r consider ation of the cas 1, PULLED ins wipe's haul Jpdgs Archbald also heard the trial of Michael Henneasy w 10 was charge l with bavinir violently assaulted hi wite, Ellen Henneaay, the jr -"cutri x The parties resi le at Oarbondilo, but the 1 fendant baa been oonfined in the county j ii! since February, when th, alleged offence was committed. Bis trice Attorney Kellv repreaented the commonwealth ami Attorney Jam .; Mabon plead the defendant cm M s. lieuii"ssy w. ut on the stand and and swore tiiat on Sun lay evening in February, she being ill ut the time, her husband caught htr by tho back hair nnd pulling her down upon a chair, asked the question, ''Shall 1 kill you now or give yon iiv.i minute to live!" He raised uls hand to atrika her but was prevented in the attempt by a daughter present. Mrs, Henneesy swore that alio hud heen married to the defendant thirty years nuil tbut 'luring the past thirteen years she ha 1 bosn kept constantly in fear. The mother's testimony was supplement I by that of the daughter who w.is pres ent at the timo of the hair palling scene. llcunessy was the only witness sworn by the defense. He is possessed of a countenance not oaleulatod to Inspire confl tenet, but he told his story 1 1 a straightforward manner, denying in toto tho allegations of the wile am) daughter. Attorney Mahou addressed the jury vigorously in behalf of bi client, but district Attorney Kelly did not deem it worth while to reply, whereupon Judge Archibald dellvi n i the following brief but comprehensive1 charge 1 Gentlemen of the jury: Aman baa no right to pull his wife's hair, nq mat ler Whether lie i,:t ' livi ! 'Villi II":' ) hilly years or live years. Tho wife und daughter any that tho defendant did commit the offence charged ; ho WM bo did not. It is for you to say whether he did or did not The jury rotirod to consider the ease, but at o'clock bad no; madeaptbvlr minds as to tho veracity of the wit- neaiee, WAtflgg Full JtJUOftS. At 11 o'clock pn needing came to a halt before both jii g s, three juries having locked horns in their attempt to nrrivo at, conclusions. Judge Sitts r wailed for an hour ami th 01 adjourned court, but Judge Archbald wa more patient and continued In his mat, evi dently expecting that tho jury In the Hennessy case would agree. They did not, however, although word was sent to them that if they did not return a verdict they would be Compelled to re main in their romn all night. At 4 M) the jury In the case of Authonv Lit erals lib d into the court r moii en 1 noiiucvd that it would be ImpOISible for them to reach n conclusion. When upon Judge Arohbald dliobarged them from further attempt to bring them selves to a. 0 alike. A jury was then cmpantieied In the oats of Nellie Hammett again! John O'Neill. J lejwis and Frank Balerlna. rh red with rape. This prOWCUtrix aune months created a sensation I v n - lstiug how she had Iron nswulted In a hoe shop 01 the West Bide, at a lata hour of the night by the three defend ants, aud another young man woo we placed on trial for the offense at D oember term of conrt. The prosecutrix at that tinie took the witness stand und denied all her former allegations aud tho defoudaut was acquitted. Iu view of this face-about on the part of the yotiug woman, District Attorney Kellr yesterday stated that noovidenoe would uo off. red by tho commonwealth and in pursuance of Inttruotion from the court a verdict of not guilty Wat taken A jury was n' xt tmpannelpd in the oaae of F. G, Krngermau, who is ac cused of having aaeaulted John H. 'li'ity, tho prosecutor. No evidence WM heard owing to the lateness of the hour, tho case being continued until ibis morning, when it will bo tried bo Tore Judge Blttaer in court room No 'J D:stnot Attorney Kelly has charge of tho prosecution und Attorney John F. Bcragg reprints tho defendant ALT OAM A AT THE FHOTHINGHAM. An Interi-siing- Drama Well Preaentid Before it Lhikm au.iu-.oi. A lar ;e, repi e aei.talive Scr.nnon all dienee wltnetad th production of "Alabama" at tlio DOW Frothiughum the iter l ist night: Prom a dramatic add unistin itand point, It is one of the best American Iriimna, ami Is moreover clean aud ex quisitely tender, it is a drama from Wbieh an odor of romuuee emanates as as delicate as that Wafted from the magnolias on Qolonel Preston's plan tation. Iu his drama, Augustus Thorns has tobl a pretty story of the reconstruct ive period in the South where obi men with old Ideas light tonaclouily against northern enterpriaa ami sentiments, Frank C. Bungs wan seen to splendid advantage us Colonel Preston, the owner Of tho plantation ou which the greater part of the aotloo takes place. His work possessed tho finish (bat ripe experience gives. Tim Colonel Moberly oi Clarence Montainhowed all the courtliness and chivalry lor which the soul hern gentleman is famous, and Clement Bainbridge, Wholl well known in this city, made a most natural char acter of Captain Davenport a northern railroad man who pioves to be Ojlonel Preaton's won. Ethe.l Irving male a winsome and lovable Carry Preston, and Genevieve Beaman'a work ns Mrs. Page, who clings to the luver of her youth, was much admired. L 1'. Hick'), Will iam J. Beau aud E Iward Mois uiso did clever work. The scenery and stage Retting, es pecially tboie for the moonlight scene at the ruined gateway on Colonel Press ton's plantation, were iu keeping with the poetic thread that liurvadcs the drama. SCOTTISH RITI CONVOCATION. Ten Persona Receivnd Their Digress i: This Oity, Keystone Lodge of Perfection, four teen degree of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Kites Masons, held a convoca tion In their hull on Wyoming avenue last evening, when a class ol ten can didates received their degrtf. Th.y were the following: Phil p K. li.ife, Joseph Hi idle, W. ,i Harvey, John Graham, Francis K. liust, John iinglies, Leo W. Lung, James A. Flem ing, George Z iidor, all of Wllkei Barre, and Boewell W. Patterson, of this city. There was singing during the even ing by the Seoltish Rib s' quartette, composed of L mil .T Siebeckor, John Morris, Fred ,1 YYidmayer aud Muses .Morgan. Refreehment were also served, DR. PlCK ON METHODISM. Pays a Graceful Tribe's to the Elm Park Church. The current number of the Northern Christian Advocate contains an inter ettng article writtou by Rev. Luther W. Peck, B. B., on the recent julrttiio dist Episcopal conference and the growth" and development of Motho- lilsui iu this vie. .my. Of Elm Park church Br. Peck I v Tne Elm Park ohurch has rlson twice from us ashi's aud Juts tin ref ore been thrice built. The edifice is a model ol beamy, convenience and power. The con ference is to be congratulated on its aus picious meeting In Bcranton at this time. The pastor, lr. Pearce, Is abundant m la bors, tho beautiful church Is thronged, soul are added t. the membership by conversion end i y letter, and tbe facilities afforded the preachers nf this region fol meeting and conferring on the interests of the churches mo Ingnly advantageous. G " i ..... i 0 OK SCOTCHMEN. Annual Convention of Culrdoa'.an Clubi Will be Held Hera July I On July 3 the annual convention of the Caledonian Clubs of America will bo hold in this city. M my of tho most prominent Sootohmeo of tho Unii.nl osatea and Canada will be present at the convention. While the delegate! are in the city they will tie the guests of tho Scraut.m Caledonian olub, whleh is already angag -d In iu iking prepara tion for 'lie convention. Un July :i tho viattorj will be shown the points of inter- st In and about the city, ami on tho following day tho an- niui garni of tha Boranton olub will ho held, probably at Laurel Hill park, M UlKItSD, FniNCF.-OLA'-Ult -- At St. Luke's church. Friday, Apni ji, 1194 the rector olliciiuing, liobort 1". Prince and Miss Anna M. Ulaser, both of Bicghamtoa, NOW That we are here and all opened up, we can show you something new in the line of STERLING Silverware AND- White China for decorating1. W.W. BERRY 417 Lackawanna Ave, Best ec3 of Teeth, $8.00 Including tha painless exiractlnj i teeth hy un entirely ueiv pn1 S. C. Snyder, D.D.S. WlU.Ul.VU AVl- Purt 9 Is Here. Fart 0 of the Art Folio "America" has arrived, and a largo supply of the most entertaining number of the "popular aerie maybe lound at Tin; TnmONB hardness ofllco. Parties desiring to complete bets of these beautiful are k ms wiil ho cheerfully served, Vanoy Houio-Medi Baksry. J. c. Waldaar's new branch, -137 Borne street, IJIIIIIUIBIllllIlIIIIISaiglIlEIIBII8JfeGl OTj;-: mm I PLUMBINGr aw AND TIN SHOPS D 15 are busy, hut w() ran InersMS our fa- 3J oilltteslt KBObhOABY. 3 Itomember the PBICES hi this S Department, ' eat aj ... I IIENKY BATH & CO,, I 12 G Penn Ave. I I Scranton's Household Specialists. 3 . (MB '' ' .J.".V - - - I REFRIGERATORS 3 That took Pfrtt Award Atour j OBAKD EXPOSITION. BI iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim; OSLAND'S 128 Wyoming Ave. Wo open on SATURDAY, APRIL 1 1, it full line of Ladies' and 1 ihildrton'a HOSIERY Including all evening shadea in Silk and Lisle Thread. Our Children's Department THE & vH ft3 ( placed ' Children's MM ever exhibited, including all of the latest novelties in Junior, Reefer, Zouaves and Vestee Sui:.3 at $3.ii6 and upwards, Serv:ceable Double Breasted Suits from $1.25 to $7.00. Every purchaser of $1.00 worth or more is liven a chance on th? beautiful Parlor 3uit3 displayed in our window. 137 AND 139 PENN AVENUE, Complete Outfitters, SCRANTON. fA. S. L. GALLEN, tee c:t shown here Represents DanistervS new Razor Toe Last. If von want the latest styles in Footwear traiit at Banister's. BANISTER'S PRICES are- a little less than von are paying elsewhere BANISTER wiil give you MORE for your money than any Shoe House in the city. Patent Leather and Russet Shoes in endless variety. BANISTER'S, OUR $2,500 OIFT Enterprise has proven itself a great success. Our cus tomers are delighted with it. Have you got the right idea of it? If you haven't, call in; we will explain it to you. Ask your neighbors about it. Tho Free Dis tribution will List about threo weoks. By permission, we refer you to tha following a few of our customers: Mfc I). I" miirsaii. 0 Sny lor sv. , Bnllovno Rlrs. iiciia Uattnoat8Su Irvina avenne- Ulr. Rlnliai'.t ZolfR.-i, i'i'.'.'i rroP' i't uwaus. Hi ;, s. it. Unrrls, -t 1 7 Penn see, Tli am as Munis v, Bsej-. ArehMje. Ps. "i rs . Drawer, in Larenstreet, Ain Mullen, lilt Division aire t. Miia M mtfli' ''"I i i-i in, 014 (llhinn ntroot. ntr. iiewartl Davis, en Brnoa 'trest, Mr. Bilir, 1. HI Utter. BIS Oanelli ftinra. 'i ims. D. Thomas, oor.Fillmore A saenoattil BROWN'S BEE HIVE 24 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. THIS IS THE Breatest Offer YBT. For Saturday ana Monday we offer a $4.00 Cape for $1.98 in all colors. Ladies' fine Coats, worth 6. 00, for $2,48 Also Ladies' fine Sere Suits, worth $7.00, for $4.29 138 Wyoming Ave. NEXT OirVIE BANK. ANTONEHARTHAH v tcui.i Wasblngtoa Avtiue, Oon tract or an-i tmildi r nt Ooaerete Fiaarin? OaMrete bki. potto, Jiutter and cJ hum, W ut CmUii irielup. Or-lers may be ,eft tt Thompson a.- prn, Will mus Oa iJain and hynon Htreetn, or a. Hcrautoa ?.t"VH,v""'k'- ANo F mudatlons. Cisterns, llsa "Ire ruansls VoObi, nacgiaa tur AX FALLS v;eek in niir GhiMrAfi'ei Department and smashes prices into splinters. 1,000 Children's Suits (Odds and Ends h ou separate tables and will :c 3 .j. W3 Btturiuceu tn rumous prices un til all sold. We are showing the most handsom: line of y yfi 0 j 'I paagjpaaj for Inferior goods uhBWUW km Mr. D. A. (iTonnnt. Ill) ReSMM t?.t. Urs. B. Waist b, Bollevos iv. sum ,1, Phillips, Talor. Itr. J. ll. Balligan WS0 Providsas lioai miss Nciii.- Kane, Sa? Honroeaveaaa U u 'i Conwajr. TU 'ails.-n airaut. Mr. i iiMj.. Bivry, i rteebarg. a Ulas Leutlnmr. BMCanonao avMns, Mr, John T, Aston, Tavfqr, fa. r-Iis B, Kvnns. 811 youth iiain Ui-t.