The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 21, 1894, Page 4, Image 4

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BCRArNTON tribune
f. EL. WOOD,
General Manager.
fnuisnr.n haii.y ami W BORA
yon. PA., iv lut 'luiUL-VK poauiHaia
JtBW '
J' HA Mi
tORK (irncr: TitrinNc
s. liiiAv. MAVAoaii
nrn.Pi no.
Attend u ffi roitofllct nt SenmUm,
Becvnii-CUM Hail Hatter.
i'rt., u
Tnr. bxact difference between tho
v"pil ruin for cotintin;; a qvoxniB Mlfl
the rale which thiaoongresa haBobostn
isou. Mr. Retd did hi own count
In, whereae Mr. CJtlepwlll have two
teller, and jrti not be happy.
Euryitif; tlic Wires.
Qoeton'l boanl of aldermen evidently
tlisnpree with rt'iiresonUtivoii ot oloc-
trical companies who contend that un
derground Wirei (ire n practical impos
Btbility. It baa just ordered not only
the Western Union Telegraph a n i
pany, tn New England Telegraph and
Telephone company anil the Boaton
EHwtriO Light company to plate Ihelr
wires in bntied conduits, between thii
ilnte and Nov. IS next, Upon pain o!
forfeiture of all franohiee right, bnt it
has also extended tHi command to
cover all the feed and return wire of
the West End street Railway com
pany"n overhead trolley system. And
what is more, thse companies nr.' pra
pariDg to obey.
Thii action renew attention to ons
prominent feature of advanced muni
cipal government, that i to ay thefe
4ure which emphatically diswntl from
making sweeping fres grantaofeity
franchises to companiM that afterward
inttrpote their tullen oppodtion to
measures of street reform. Whatever
they may py for publication, it is an
undisputed fact that most electrician
really favor underground wire as offer
ng the beat kind ot Berrioewith the
suullest nesd of repair They frankly
con tea that the ol 1, overhead systi m,
with wires constantly breaking under
weight of wind, slet or snow, and
fulj- ct to disarrangement with every
Variation of the barometer, is a cotly
old nuisance, as much out of data a is
the stags coach or the o'.il tyl( jaunt
ing car that ran on OW Brat steam rail
iad. Electrical laieno has advanced
far ahead of snch primitive method,
ami wherever public (ontimtnt has had
the conraje to insist upon protecting
Ha rights, the overhead system Ins
been satisfactorily abolished la favor
of well-ittsnlated conduits.
I'i our own city already begin to
.' partial oonc tssions to the growing
ilemmd for underground wir.'. In
stead of net works of eizziiiiff and
i 1 zz njr live wires, ready to snsp at
Instant and, dangling down, to
Eet fire to property or c irry a menace
to li.'e, we ar i gra inally g itting larg
cables, by wbieh tae liability ts break
age is almost eutirely removed. As
yet these big strands are stretched, ns
before, over the heads of padsora by
and supported by poles that deface the
streets and occupy valuable room. The
service is improved ty tbetn, but it is
not yet freed from atmospheric influ
ence?, and it seemingly does not occur
to the electrical companies that by the
time they g-t thir overhead cable sys
tem into smoothly working order they
will, in all probability, have expended
mure than enough monoy to have paid
for the one nltim ita iaiprovo:n--nt of
buried wires which, asithing now go,
will soonr or later represent a heavy
ad litional expense,
Certain journals in Lnzirna want
to abdisli the ilibi'-kissing oath in
conrf, for fear it will dis- ruinate dis
ens germs. That boo!.-, come to think
of it, never was really popular down
there especially tho decalogue.
oebtly lockad horni witr, Lomnol Kly
Qaigg, Gotham's x-journsl!l con
gressman, is nursing a severe feeling of
disappointment. Not o-,ly was Lsmusl
nblo 10 bold his own. but he actually
turned h 1 the tables on that VttoVan
Democratic swashbuckler, amid deaf
ening sppl use. It doesn't pay to bo
.oo belligerent.
CONGRESS UBD0DBT1 I i. Y :oes right in
declining to pry into the private char
acters of its members. Their public
Shortcoming aro plenty largo enough
to occupy all possible criticism.
Our Fish Preserves.
It is evident to all who am interested
in the preservation of gmo Bsh In our
few unpolluted Pennsylvania ftresmi
tnst unless rartieal nctiou lie soon
taken, the day of trout fishing will
quickly passu Already the streams
that used to give frrriy of their shin
ing treasures to expert anglers with
bait or fly have begun to manifest an
extrem" stinginess. Not even tho an
nnnl effort! at roplonishintr those
streams, bogu n after most of tho finny
inhabitants had been extracted, nr.e
adequate to stay the ruthless decima
tion ; and it is a question with serious
students of this problem whether any
action on tho part of the stato can avail
to nvert n total extinction.
As with our fornsts and minerals, the
early lavishness of which seemed to
defy nil possible extravagance, wo have
permitted the natural resources of our
once well-stocked streams to slip
gradually away, regardless of Ofca
sionnl warnings, nntil poachers and 1 i-
jiodni bogs have achieved well nigh
their ported work of waste. Tho laws
which exist today would perhaps be
adequate to stay this slaughter if they
eonld be adequately enforced ; but from
the very circumstances of the esse,
their enforcement is next to impossi
ble. There is no fish warden, howevr
vigilant and determined, who can be
personally present at all the centers of
violation ; nor is thero any practical
plan whereby a forn of deputies can
bo maintained sufficient to patrol the
waterways, unearth tho gosrst lish
traps and discover the seines that con
stitute, in spite of legal prohibition, tho
great menace to our fish preserves.
The difficulty, if it can at this Into
moment be solved at all, will need to
bo approached from many sides. A
strengthening of present laws would
be one good step; but behind these
statute it is necessary to place a vigi
lant public Benumaat awake to all the
violations and rendy to uiaki nerj i:i:;l
sacrifice iu order that tho violators m lj
be apprehended and brought to jo nice.
I ho man who chuckles beoaut be has
caught trout out of season, or by illegal
mean, should be made to feel that
instead of having done a clever und a
smart thing, hu has committed an BOt
that carries with it general Oohteuipi
and forfeit t' r him tho go:i t::1 ea 'ii
of all his bonsst neighbors an ' frlendii
Snob a sentiment dots not exist today
among the masses, and until it dow,
nil le'al Btep will bo futile to reach
the roil root of the evil.
Tin: individual who started the base
leas that Secretary (Iresham
WOUld resign it responsible for a terri
ble quantity of popular disappoint
ment. A i.h !!;, M which was visibly present
in the house of representative bul
which, for partisan purposes, refused
to respond to the roll call, was first
oountod by the speaker on Jan, 30,
1'A. Air. Ueod, on that OOOatlon, eim
ply Substituted the evldo.ioe of sight
(ortheevidenoeof sound; and tbesu
preme court, iu subsequently p sing
on the validity of leifislatiou enacted
onder the operation of tbisrnte, rati
n d the substitution us ono iully us
prop t in law as i: W8J fair and DSOSB
sary iu fact. The Diinoiratic party
usually requires more than tour years
and titreo months In which to briu;
Itself around to tho adoption of Repub
liean preoedentsj but under resent ex
pert tuition it has evidently acquired
a more rapid capacity for learning,
. . . ... -.
base hall Itke ores-
lion Of the newspapers! and lik pugil
ism, it often does its b (st to show how
little it appreciates the tavor.
Iioguery's Twin Triumphs,
( 1 IB year ago th legislature of Mloh-
; Igan enaoted a bill whiob imposed a t ts
of D par COOK on all property of the
value of 500 and upward, inherited by
corporatidps oreollateral beirs, snda
tSX of 1 per cent, on inheritances of
lineal heirs amounting to $5,000 or
more, said revenues to go into the
state's general fund. After the sta'"
had, under thia law, collected $150,000
at tho expense of those persons so un
fortunately fortunate as to have had
rich relatives or fri"iide, a teit case
was carried to tho Mlohigan supreme
court, which in a unanimous opinion,
has just declared the Doran inheritance
tax law unconstitutional.
The grounds upon whiob this finding
Wt3 granted are technical , rather than
stbic il. The constitution of Mlohigan
provides that the proceeds from all
specific taxes shall apply in payment of
interest upon tin educational fund,
nasmuoh ns there is today in Mlohi
gan no educational interest debt to
which this $160,000 revenue can bo ap
plied, the court is under the obvious
uecessity ot declaring tho tax uncon
stitutional. Were tae next legislators
to crrate an edueational debt sufficient
to accrmuiodatH tho revcuuf from an
inheritanco tax, the D ran bill could
be re-enacted an I under t!m terms of
:. i-"'in court ruling would b.
cotae a valid law
lint what is to be said of the ethics
of a law which, for the sol s pnrposs of
despoiling these porsocs in every com
munity who have the thrift, economy
and genius to succeed in business,
would l"vy ghoulish blackmail ov-r
tho cofiins of deceased testators? In
what respect do's such a law differ
morally from the outcast who furtively
pries open tho vault of the tomb for tho
purpose of robbing l.ii jewelled dead'.'
Take the Inheritance tax, hitch it to
tbe income tax, and you will have as
vicious a pair of legalised schemes of
theft as knavery ev r devised withal.
NBW Yore has bad six constitutional
convention!, and not one of them has
had the good sense to relegate the gov
ernment of rities to the tnxpayers
thereof. It is ttrno home rule got a
fopt-bold in tho Empire state,
p imi eltitsns of .Mr. Breckinridge's
district want n cad, a hypocrite and a
morai leoor to represent them in con
gress, he will bo triumphantly re
jected. But it la to be borne In mind
that the talk io hit behalf has as yot
emanated principally from him3lf.
One Question Asked.
It is tho Philadelphia Rjcartl which
asserts that " Tnero are mills in Pitta
burg In which the Knglish language is
not beard among the workingmen from
on week's end to another. Tho har
barian hordes that invaded Italy under
Alaric and Attila earned with them
their wivas and children. Bat the
modern linns and Vandal loavo their
wives behind them. In tbir invasions
of the industrial fields of Pennsylvania
(heso nomads rofnse to bs encumbflrod
with tite tocial impediment of a family.
Instead of making permanent settle
ment in the conquered rgion, after
th rn-dom of their Mtic"rors, tliny re
turn homo with their spoilt in a fw
yenr, and aro succeeded by fresh ir
ruptions from Hungary and ,Sarmatia.
WblLlt tho moral souse of the country
has been terribly shocked by polygamy
in Utah, tho twin evil of polyandry in
Pennsylvania snsms to excite no con
cern." "If the importation of this for
bidding element cannot bo arrested"
adds the Record, "the laws of this rem
monWOSltb StlesSt cn Io so amended
as to limit the suffrage to such priont
s mnv be cnpablo of its exerciie.''
Thi is ponpel truth. But it has n
strance sound coming from the organ
of a party which haslet slip no con
ceivable npportnnify to play on the
prejudire that uriti through immi
gration, and wkioh has for ItSorssd
the theory that government dare not be
made effective, when nSCeSBSry,
through Centralisation or abridgnmnnt
of the personsT liberties of the pooplo.
An smeadasnt to ths constitution of
Penxsylvauts eisludlng from the suf
frage, nfter a inffioiant preparatory pe
riod, all citizens who csnnot read nnd
write the llnglish laugnags and inter
pret tntelligontly tho constitution of
the United Htates, might enjoy tho
support of the Philadelphia Uncord,
but would it be rqtvilly acceptable to
ths Domocrntic party?
TlTKRH IS no disposition among those
whe favor the raising of what is called
the Cameron issue to do any injustice
to Pennsylvania's senior senator. All
they want is for him to stand ut and
tnko his medicine like any other candidate.
v r l xicr
une woman.
There ie ouo man who comes into our
office pretty often and who knows more
ossip tuau auy five girls 1 over met.
Now, if there is a.iTtluu t positively
lie it is a male gossip, l- ort umttuiy
lam able to state r.iat Il-n't know
many, but if tho troth rradml ted
there is u very I r e number composing
this ulats wlii were ijttvef aorm tl
ibeled, hul whom the title would hli
uevertuuifss. lounnowii evertnarB
is a women who knows a partieiilarlv
risky story and repeats it to her womsn
; .'. HQs, li n , always nor nnsnanu
who eonflded it to her first. So the
men are w Hy more responsible for
gi ilp than they gen 'rally confess.
II man above mention gossip so
prettily, however, nnd so entertain
inoiv that be nrobablx doaau'tael all
tbe condemnation ho deserves. lie is ai-
chronic growler about something or
other, only somehow tio doe, n't I
with enough ferooitf to disturb bi
listeners. Ho it Was who complained
the other duv in my hearing about the
temporary quarters of the high school,
and yesterday lis was wondering what
some mothers mnst be thinking of to
allow young girls of i ! or 18 year of
age to linger around the railway sts
tiontof tiieceutrul olty ut tho hours
when the principal passenger trams are
coming in and going out, H dd thai
there uro many of thus- ;rjrs win i;eem
to have no other aim In iifo thRu to be
on the platforms at such times and that
it is a dangerous amusement He de
clared with positive assnrauct i that
these foolish creatures were already
pretty well known by the traveling
men who make frequent trips to Ser ni
ton and that it the average traveling
man were not a bean whiter
than ho ii painted there
would be more ruined boiut it
tbs i nre chronioled already. Traveling
nun have more opportunities ior mr
tatiOO than tho girls who haunt rail
way stations would be willing to con
fess: i o said our friendly gossip, and
when we teaslngly aeoussd Kim of not
being an nnwilllOg object of attention
from young girls, bo shook bis bead
d--i.!edlv. nsnl remarked: "Nixy! bnt
I koow tbe names of several of these
girls, an I I can tell you what, even if
1 am middle aged and getting gray at
my temples, some of them would be
perfectly ready to flirt with me if 1
gave 'em tbe slightest en touragement.
Ci iris need watching," and after utter
ing this seditions sentiment he wont
out and took the elevator before any
of us could bhv a hook at bit head.
Then we have a political gossip. If
you bad blm on ths editorial Btsfl of
TrIOI NB yon would gain the repu
tation of being th greatest prognoati-
cator of our times. He knows the hp-
crat tiioi.v,! actuating the inmost heart
of every aspirant ior ofll.-o, past or
present, in this city, He doesn't care
anything about girls, and wouldn't no
tice the difference if he saw a group of
them standing in front of tho Young
Women's Christian association or at
the door of fasionnble billiard parlors,
or beheld them promenading up and
down tho Lackawanna and Western
plstform in defiance of Officer Shatter
and VV. P. Hallatead combined. If
they blocaded his way too much so
that he couldn't go up to M, W. How
ry's office, or anywhere else, ho might
happen to be headed for, ho would
ay absent-mindedly nnd cosxingly,
"Hun home to vyur mamma, Sissy !"
and that would be tho last be would re-
member, whether it was your pretty
dau .titer or ouiy a typewriter like my
self, and, too, even it we were so silly
as to make eyes at him; but jmt lut
lm Mr. Wormser and Prothonotary
Pryor talking together mysteriously
mil solomnly in tho shelter ol a big
telephone pole, where they fondly im
agine themselves to be out of sight,and
be immediately begins to wonder What
tl'.ey are fixing up. Generally before
night ho knows. JUBt let him behold
Mr. 1'tdlows or any other politicians iu
a carriage belonging to a funeral pro-
C Ion and lie will straightway tag
after tho line to find out who the corps
is and if there are auy prouablo dele
gates in the bereaved family. That's
the kind of a gossipout political friend
is, and I tell von lie know a lot,
He knows who is related, to whom
and is prepared to state, whenever he
spies an office Feeker talking with a
politician as to what the onto me of tho
ti nferencs is going to lie says he can
tell by tbe attitudes of the two n:on,
I Io knowi just how long John Thomas
is going to continue in that court house,
winch is more than John knows him
self, nnd ho can divulge but he won't
just what some inau l,y the name of
Powell will do with a few of the. men
who are hanging around him at the
present time. But I loll you ail tbil
keeps him bustling; and I don't see
that be makes much by it. NOW, if he
would devote soms of his effoi t to get.
ting points on stocks or tbe next spot
where a real estate l oom will break out,
he might bs of some use to his day and
generation, but at present be is a trifle
of a bore, and as my employer is only a
sort of a politician at odd epulis he
doesn't cara for political pointers to
any prodigious degree Henos we wol
come the viltof the go, :ip who talks
about girls more than tho other follow
who is "Op" on p ilitict.
I, for or,", urn glad that Scranton U
to nave base ball this year. I don't
rare anything a! out base bull, consider
it fast and vulgar to go to see games,
but my employer and bis assistants
ami moit of the men with whom he
does businest hold to a different
opinion, nnd b is apt to sav on hot
summer afternoons: ".Mist Helen, I
find I have to go to Providence on ur
gent business, and I don't believe
there'll be anybody in this afternoon,
mi you may look up early nnd go
home." I notiee there't something
about base ball hire Christmas time
It sort O1 makes a mac feel at peace
with nil mankind, That's the way my
employer acts when ho is sotting out,
I'm never around when ho CsmeS back,
put nave been tola tout in tho history
of has" ball in Srranton there have
been tunes when my employer wns uot
the Hweet tempered and courteous gen
tleman be usually appears to be, but
that he baa been known to "ramp ami
tear," to use the expressive phrase of
my informant.
My theory ns to Ibis universal sweet-
nsssandliRht that seams to pervade
the atmosphere about a man jnt us ue
hi going to start oil' to see a game, is
tlut in his In art bo knows it In be a
sort of sill v way to spend bis valuable
timo niul his quarter of a dollar, and
that liko the boy who is about to play
truant and steal a holiday. ho
feels it bis duty to bo purtienlarly
adorable before disappearing so as to
ward elf any possible criticisms of his
Imsginary motives. I'm glad we nr.'
to have Dnso ball oven if our club never
amounts to anything Until about the
next to the lust game of the season.
Cue to LnziniH and Btlnglntu.
WOkitsBprn BMora
Wltilo tho I'UHl year buo bupn unojuaily
fruitful of erlroein this count ry, und nl
t bongh the KU'.lmi Itiss have DO been able
tocatl Ii and punish as m.uiv of the crimi
nal. as they could wish, it does not by any
mean prove that reign of terror exist In
the Community, No.thir Uue it prove
t tint that the local aatiiorltlee do not poe
tess tho necessary mogne 10 turn down
ii.. i criminals and pnnWi tbem, Their
slowness in this rtantiot a not tborougb
lacli ot fupda it. it the lack f " norgy und
false economy that halts it tho outlay o!
raffle! tit mi ':ev to provide for the rest
ami I'm;, fiction 1 1 the wrongdoers.
Ov d ' i profwilom
miatiitphia V '".
The mdical collet ; torn oot
at a rate of 0,000 nor year, The
of population ii abont 3 per cent
num. naainst s me- cent. Incrosi
ptT line
n ill tic
number ot doctors. Aa the public boaltn
ivianiii'i uniiutiuired. it i-, evtd'-iu tliul t "J
medical department t pr teeslonal hntl-
s i- overdone, There are too many
lawyers nnd doctors, usalltho lawyers
nnd doctors are i---:ui to admit..
Swells In Km llbl "slnc.'
H . :' FHBton
Senator Gorman n snendlnB coiiai.'er-
ablo 1 1 me keoplnn oniet.
is but one
way In the v.'orM to bo sure
of having the best paint, and that
I-, to ure only a well-established
brand v( strictly pure white lead,
pure liiftccd nil, and pure colors.
The following brands are stand
ard, "Old Dutch" process, and are
always absolutely
Strictly Pure
White Lead
" Jewett,"
"Armsti ; & McKclvy."
:;: If you want colored paint, tint
any tif the above Btrictly pure leads
with National Lead Co.'.s Pure
Vv'liite Lcn.1 Tinting Colors.
Then colors are told in onc-pouti 1 cant, cath
can being Mine It nl to tint tj pounds of Strictly
Pure White Lead tbericalrcd sbadet they are In
im seats ready-nixed palnta, hut a combinaUon
it perfectly pats colors iu the handiest Conn to
tint suiiiiy Pan White Lead.
B nd ut a postal card and y i our U.nU vn
palnta and cot r-card, Bee,
Thai before purchasing anything
in our line yon should be sure to
examine our stocks.'
3a and
Toilet Sets
All the leading shapes and decor
ations. Baby Carriages
All Prices Rock Bottom.
Conrsen, demons & Go.
Meat Market
The Finest In tbe CiU
The latent improved ftir
nlshinai M,' apparatus for
keeping meat, butter and cgts,
899 WTonttaa Ave.
Up to DATE
Something New for
An extrn (i nn !! nrv
Mill r Sciinn
J yi,.,
An os i rt Hoe "t hicki)rloB"8qttarj Plaao 175 1
A Rood tUlni'H Brothers Btinaru Piano.,, in i
Ag i Moyor BrotboBfr'Hjuaro Plaao.... ttti
A good Firth 4 PonilBqanrn flano TS
A k I Plnphonta Hqnara Puuio no
A vary good BoitoB Piano Co. Walnut
(tprlulit Vl
A very j.,"i Wbeolook llprigtil Piano.. IM
a viiiw r I Whoelook Dprlgbi Piano.. IMI
nr :v:
Tff 111! T
Xo article of wearing apparel for I he ensuing six months will bo so prevalenl and universally worn.
Millions have been and v, 111 bo urn Le and nearly every Dry Goods Store will keep them. But io jet tho
proper lit, "there's the rub." Wo have mode this branch a study, and not a single garment It is been
placed in Btock before being thoroughly inspected as to fit and workmanship and at the Baine timo to bo
Bupplied at prices within the reach of everybody.
this year can be obtained at acarlj tbe prices of Cotton last .year.
Just think ofiM will purchase a good Silk NVaUt, stylishly made, with balloon sleeves.
And when it comes to 'niton Waists we have thein from -" centsnpwards.
.i list closed out from :t
'ou can gel your pick
With the Ne-w Valves
Cut of Sight.
Our new liicyclcs are now
to be seen at our 3 1 4 Lacka
wanna avenue store.
And a full line of Boys' and
Girls' Wheels. We arc mak-
1 1
in extremely low prices on
Second-hand Wheels.
314 Lacka. Avo.
Reception and Visiting Cards,
Menus and Dinner Cards,
Stationers nnd Engravtra
N. B. m
wo ouoring n new
e Book of 'Common
edition of tbe
Prayer, well Ix
ui'l in cloth.
Two Copies for 25c.
Single Copies, 13c.
Reynolds gros.nta
no or Organ
a n good Blionlnget uprtgut Plaao..
ORi ;an.
A Mnion A Hatnlln.noitrlj oow.hlgli top,
tlntll'l.' rv.Ml
An A. B. PtllUM, mariy w., bgO top,
uonblo roo'i ,
A i lilronoCottuse.notirly ni w,bUfhtop,
ilonlti" rood
A worcettar. nearly now, high top,
lonbla road
and Organfl at Wkolatalo nnd Bataili "n
TH S $
v: y i::'tAJ I if
Oacss er.d
prominent mannfaoturer ids eniin;
much below the usual price.
Brothers &
For ONE WEEK we will
sell Enamel Ware
cedented iriet-.
Tea and Coffee Pot3
fl 7c.
Also Dresden and Preserving Kettles, Sance
Wash Dishes and Tea ivottlcs at equally low prices.
Reliai Goods
One Price
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Lackawanna Avenue
EVAHS & POWELL, Proprietors
Dr. Hill & Son
Pt trctii.-f.'.ro: beftt sat, ft tor efu "251
an 1 tix'tii without 1 lite", callaq crowa "J j
bridge work, rail fbr u;ul weryi e 1
TONALCtlA. tor trMtlni uatu wlt ..'ut
l aiu. tiootbW. No M
By Dr. Slumber t,
Tho BpBCtalM OB tro Kyt. HoadoOhN Ktki
N.'i v.'usm-w rot. 'vol. l..uost ar.d improv.-il
Style ol i'.yo qIumi fipaotacioa at tho
LowattPrloaai BBrtArtlaalal Byw bawtad
tor 5.
jos SPKUCE ST., op. Old Post Offlca.
A Standotd.BBBtly now.bjgb top,donble
A : liniiiiici'r. ni'.irlj m'w, IiikIi l"p.
Aonble rood
(sol And ibout .Mother wm oeoond hand or-
u:w. m to W.
The above ooll ioI Ion Hocond-oaad Intnl.
nientoarokll In good otdor, fully gnaraU'
,Mi li'i'O. tli" itrrntost liarRnlnii i'vi r rflori'il in
th to city, cau ana no taon. inataiuiwiiii
or iti looanl t'r oaib.
. ... z
sample line of the most Stylish
til the following unnre-
nvr QUABT,
Tans and P
ISA and l l BtKS AVl.M r.
On the American Plan.
Bcranton'a nawan and beat equipped boM
now OPBM TO THE rt nr.ii:.
Boated bj Rtearo. Kleetrle Bella. JatU
lulls mi nil l Boon target Wall"
l Ightod and Airy ttooma,
1 1 oi j tiling Complete,
Office on aooond floor. OoodsaatptB .
room ottaffhod.
P. J. CONWAY, Prop.
O Al.l. II
Ami all
kinds QABDEN
bulk ;vml in puck-
Pierce's Market