THE TBTBTTlfiS SATURDAY MOTtNINGr. APHTL 21. 1894. 3 Lacisum All Things Musical stelleTseeley 134 Wyoming Ave. HIGH QRAI3B PIANOS WBBEB, SHAW, EMKBSOH, Ol Ml K MAKES ORGANS AI.l PRIOI See the Shaw Piano from the World's Fair in our window. GOOD BREAD -USE THE- SNOW WHITE FLOOR And always have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALE TO HIE TRADE BV tie Weston Mill Co IIUU OF COUNTERFEITS ! Punch Cigars HAVE THE 'MITIAIS B. 8e Co. ImnHntort nn Ech Ciac Garney, Brown & Co. Mfr's. DR. H B. WARE MTc I Al.lsr. EYE. EAR NOSE AMJ THROAT OFFICE HOURS: '35 WYOMING AVE. PERSONAL P. L, Lacy, of Waverly, N. Y., was in this city. E. (i. Coarsen is engaged on business in New York city. H. M. Ott, of WilliamsportJ was yester day in BcrantOO. Homer Greene, -,f Honesdale, was yes terday in horautoa. F. E Clark, of Geneva, N. Y., was in this city yesterday. W. W. Drinker, of Plymouth, was in this city yesterday. A. J. Dvereaux and A. C. I.eet were Binghamton vi-uors here yesterday. B. H. I'arr.enter, of Wilkes-Bsrre. was engaged here yesterday on husiuess. H. B. CbamberliBj of Denver, and Clem ent BaiubriitgH, of Klmira are at the Wyo ming. Dr. W. H. Pnrmnn, of Northumberland, ami W. J, PnrmsM), of Bloomsburg, wore in Scrantou yestenlay. The engagement of O.A.Williams and Mi-s Osrlaajl .li.sspb is announced. Both reside on tiie We.t Side. Gecc- V. Fowler, Ithara: R. 0. May nard, Willtamsporti T. M. Fuller, Hones dule, are at the Westminster. Alison D. Birchard, of Philadelphia, a native of this Section of the state ami well known in I ho insurance world, is at the Wyoming. L. T. lioyse, Towanda: Charlte. L. Kist ler, AllentOWn; H. W K-rn, Easton; A. W. Pierce, Danville; K W. Penlmdy, Binhanitoii, are at the Valley House. kev. i Hauaer, pastor of thn Adams Vvenue G-ruian .Methodist F;piscopal hnich, lias tieen returned hy the confer mce for the tilth time to that pastorate. Georjje B. North, of Wilkes-Uarre, W. j. McKenna, of Washington, D. C, and Jlr. Whitmore, of Bartford, fv.nn., were the guests last evening of Robert M, Scrauton. George May, of Itinghnniton, who for many years has travelled through this sectiou of the slate and is one of the most popular men in the hardware trade, Is at the Westminster. Rov. Dr. J. H Harris, of Bucknell uni versity, l.ewisburg, is the guest of Mrs. Thomas Moore, Mifllm avenue. Dr. Har ris praafiea in the Penn Avenue Baptist church "omorrow, and his many friends mid uciuaiutoncHs throughout the city will undoubtedly gather in largo uumbera to bear him agaiu. Y. W. C. A. MOTES. The Juniorn will hold their sono and Scripture half -hour service Monday at 4 'cluck. All ciils under 14 years of ago will be welcome to this meeting and also as members of Junior society for which membership feels 25 cants qaarterly in ad vance. A social religions meeting for yonng women and girls will afford a pleasant hour Tor all who gather in Young Women's Chrlslinn Association rooms tomorrow from 4 till 5 o'clock. Miss Doersam will giro a thort talk and all will be privileged to participate in soug aud testimony. An acquaintance social will be held Tuesday evening for members and their girl triends. A delightful musical and lit eral y programme will be furnished by the Shakespeare circle, after which the fun of a peanut hunt will bo enjoyed. Members are requested to be present to assist In en tertaining the strangers who will come. 'J he Invitation Is for all who want to have a good time and who desire to help others to Lave olo too. Fix watches and jewelry at Relchert's 8CC Lacia. ave. Music Boxes ExolusiVelr. rest made. Play any desired number of .tines Gautscbl & Sons., manufacturers, 1080 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won .lerful orrhestrla) organs, only M and J in. specialty: Old music boxes carefully re paired aud improved with new tunes. I A Foe to Dyspepsia 1 NEWS OF WEST SIDE Funeral Obsequies of Mrs. Julia White Con ducted Yesterday. HAPPILY MARRIED THURSDAY NIGHT Mrs. Hannah and David Williams Join Hands for Life Choir of Sixty Members Organized to Compete at Eisteddfod on Decoration Day. Meeting of Welsh Philosophical So cietySmall Items. IThe West Side oftlee of the Schanton Iiuhunk in located ut HMO Jackson street, where nl. mi 111! 1. 'in. advertisements nml coiutnuiiicalious will receive prompt at tout Ion. Funeral obsequies over the remains ot Mri. Julia White, of Ninth street, were condueted yesterday moniiuK in St Pel 1 cathedral. A solemn huh mass of requiem km celebrated at U ,80 o clock, the audltortuiu of th church was completely fllleJ. Tim ceUbraut was Kv. J. B. Whelsn, who preached an r.lii, (limit sermon, speakiutf in eulo Kistio terms of th tiim qualities whioh the deceased possessed. Her. Father McNully officiated as deacon and Father Goldeu a sub-deacon. There were baudsoine tloral tribute. After the ceremony the cortege moved out to the Hyde Park Catholic ceinetery, whora interment wns made, The (1 iwor bear era, were VI M. P. McCaan and Michael Flynn. The pall bearers were John I-', ik'-n, Dotuitiick U isley, Jonas Oawlev, D. Jennlujji, J. J. Healey and Johu Barrett United in Marrlaue. Darii L. Willinuis, of North Main avenue, and Mies llituuah Williams, daagliter of the lato Phillip William, or South Main amine, were united in wedlock on Thuridey evening at the home of Thomas Diwie. ou North Gar- Beld avenue, ot S 'iO o'clock. The cere mony ' performed in the presence of a lare number of friends and relatives hv Rev. W. S. Jones, pastor of the First Welsh B iptist church. The bonse was tittiuuly decorated for the occa sion, and the youur couple were the recipient of a lare shower of congratu lations as well ae numerous and value able presents. After the cereinouy the newly married couple and their im mediate friends repaired to the groom's home ou North Main avenue, where an eicelleut wedliui; supper was served. Mr. aud Mrs. Williams will go to housekeeping on this side. Another Choir Organiz d The organization of another mixed voice choir to compete at the eistedd fod to be held ou Decoratiou Day in Pittston has been perfected. Daniel Thomas, of Bromley avenue, was the chosen leader. The choir will compete ou the main priz-, "Aud the Glorv of the Lord," of .250. It has about sixty members, all of whom are requested to attend a rehearsal in Co-operative hall tomorrow evening. Sheeting- of Philosophers. At the meeting of the Welsh Philoso Dhieal redely this evening. Fred C. Weaver will read a paper in English on the safety lamp, what the laws are u'overoini; the wire gauge and why they want a certaiu number of holes within a certain ppace. W, J. Brace will speak on the question, "Is Gravi tation Equal to the Mata?" There will be singing at the opening and closing of th meeting by Professor William W. Evans. Minor N'sws Notes. Rev. B. I Evans, of South Main av enue, will preach in the First Congre gational church at Wilkes Barre to morrow. The funeral of James Moseg, of Washbnru street, who died on Wednes day last, will occur this afternon from tho family residence. Rev. David Jones, pastor of the First Welsh Congrega tional church will officiate. Interment will be made in the Waslibnrn street cemetery. Rev. A. J. Parry, of North Wales, a celebrated Welsh divine, will visit this city on or about June 1. and will preach in several ehnrches on this side Mr. Parry is well known by many of the Welsh people here, and will un doubtedly he given a haarty welcome. Robert Morris, of Jackson street, was in Plymouth yesterday. An entertainment an 1 pie social will he held in the Plyuv utb Congrega tional church on May U Mis Maggie Djvia, of Kingston, has returned home after a visit with friends in the city ami Taylor. Mis Annie Small and Gertrude Longshore, of Tunkhanaock, were cal lers ou this side yesterday. Bert Edwar.ll, of this side is tne guest of friends in Delaware Water Gap A meolingof the Hyde Park Liter ary and Debating society will be held on Monday evening in their rooms on Sonth Main street. John J. Mullen, of Pittston, called on friends in town yesterday. Charles H. Alden, of York, is visit ing friends in tho city. Mrs. George T. Mitchell and Mrs. Martha Eynoon, of Syracuse, N. Y.. have returned home after a visit with West Side friends. Harry Davis, of Wilkes-Barre, was caller in town yesterday. . COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. Thomas Jeykll, whom Daniel Rafferty accused or malicious mischiet, was return ed not guilty. In the matter of a public road In Fell township tho report of the viewers was yesterday confirmed absolutely by the court. John Holland yesterday plead guilty to navtng committed assault and battery upon Mary ihompson. He will receive sentence today. The jury in the case of John Warzer. charged with resisting Constable James Clark, yesterday returned a verdiot of not guilty, county for costs. ( apnises were Issued yosterday for Frank Higabin and George H. Dowrle, two defendants who failed to respond wnen tie ir names were called In court. Court yesterday appointed John Ht John conBtable of Lackawanna township. Anizi Rosencrans was appointed to fill a like vacancy in the township of Newton. William Websr, of North Bromlov ave nue, yesterdny began suit against William Humphrey from whom be seeks to recover ti.WO. The allegation is that the plnintlff Keeps a vicious ounuog anu that ou April 18 the animal ponnced upon and severely bit the plaintiff's son. which so frightened the child'f mother that she became il 1. FOB good veal, Armbruut, 211 lVnn ave. Shoes at manufacturer's prices at the Factory Shoe store, 411 Lack a wan n a nve. Boiled hah, Armbrust, 210 Penn ave. Can you blame people for fairly crying for those handsome Mul tichrorncs? DUNMORE. There was a largo and apnreclutive andieuse at the concert given at the Presbytoriau church Thursday night undsrthe uuspices of the Ladies' Aid so ciety. The programme was rendered in an excellent manner aud the partici pants merited and received liberal com- Herniation. The proceeds of the con cert will be devoted to paying the church singers' salaries. Mr. aud Mrs. Arthur Squiers, of Tunkhannock, are visiting at tho home of Sudler Hopkins. Frank France, a brakemiin on the Erie and Wyoming Valley railroad, had his baud badly smashod while coupling cars on Tuesday Dr. Ely, of 1. 1 iv Ariel, was a caller in towu on Weduesday. A. L. MacDonald has removed to Avoca, where he will engage in the florist business with his brother. The marriage of Mr. Michael LoUgb uey and Miss Maria Corcoran was sol euiuized at St. Mary's church yester day. The groom was attended by Thomas J. Golden, while Miss Kate Corooran, sister of the bride, acted us bridesmaid. Kev. Father McMurrity officiated. l oo Independent Hose company will run an excursion to Like Ariel ou June 10 A number of Young people held an eujoyahle sociable at Odd Fellows' hall Thursday night. TOMORROW'S CHURCH SERVICES. Giiac'e Kkkoumku Episcopal Cnintcu Moruiug prayer and senium at 10.80 a. m. Subject, "The testimony of the Word of Christ," John A, 8'.). F.vening prayer and sermon at 7.8(1 p. m. Subject, "I ho Sec ond Judgment." Mark 13, ;i5-87. Sunday school at tho close of the moruiug ser vice. All Bocl'i Church Rev, George w. Powell will preach in the chapel on Pine street, near Adams avenue, tomorrow, Sunday, tho '23rd. Morning and evening at the usual hour of service. Moruiug theme, "A t all to Go a Fishing." Fveulug theme, "Feathers for Wing aud Wing for Flight." Seats free. All made welcome. WaBHBDRM St. PRB8BYTCRJ.AM CHURCH Kev. Mr. Liudeumuth, successor to Kev. G. N. Mntely, of Moosic, will preach at ooth services in exchange with tho pastor Bible school and Christiau Endeavor as usual. All cordially welcome. PlNH Avkni'k Baptist CHURCH Rev. Warren G. Partridge, pastor, Prt-achiug at 10.80 a. in. and 7.80 p.m. Prof. John H. Harris, L. L. D.. presideut ot Bucknell University, will preach both morning aud eveumg. l.veryone welcome. First Prkshy tkkian Church Wash- iugtou avenue. Preachiug iu the morn ing by Rev. N. G. Parke, D. D., of Pitts ton. lu the evening Dr. McLeud will de liver the fourth lecture ou the Johns of church history, the subject beiug "John Hubs, the Martyr of Bohemia." Saint LCKX'8 CHURCH Rev. Rogers Israel rector. Fourth Sunday after Eas ter. Holy Comiuuuiou, 8 a. m., service aud sermon, 10.30 a. m.; Sunday school aud Bible class, 9 p. m.j evening prayer and sermon, 7.80. Nursery open at 10 a. m at 3.'& Washington avenue, where children will be kindly cared tor while parents at toud service. Saint Luke's Dunmore Mission Rot. A. L. Urban in charge. Sunday school 8 p. in . eveuing prayer and sermon. First German Methodist Episcopal Cucrcu Adams avenue. Morning 10.30 a. in., sermon by Rev. G. Bobiliu. Even ing 7.30, sen in hi bv the pastor. Church of Christ, Scientist Spencer building, 510 Adams avenue. Bible lesson at 10:30 a. m. and church service ut 7:80 p. m. D. N. McKee, speaker. All are wel come. Seats free. Elm Park Methodist Episcopal Church W. H. Pearce, pastor. Morning service at 10.30 o'clock. Sermon by Rev. J. Walter Jackson, of Philadelphia con ference. Rev. J. C. Leacoek will preach in the evening. Sunday school at t p. m Epworth leaue at 0.80. Trinity Lutheran Church, Adams aveuue, corner Mulberry street Rev. E L. Mil ler, pastor. Services at 10.30 a. m. aud 7.30 p. m. A series ot sermons on the life or lain l-i, addressed especially to young people, will tie begun in the even ing. Fews free at every service, aud visitors always welcome. Jackson Street Baptist Church Tho pastor will preach tunoirow both morn ing and evening, 10.30 a. ni and fi D. m. .Morning theme: "A Dream Remarkably rulnllod. Lvening: "A Beautiful Ex ample, Joseph Forgiving His Brothers. All are welcome. Seals are all free Morning prayer meeting 0.15. Sunday school ii p. m. First Baptist Church Pastor T. J Collins will preiich Sabbath at lu.30a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Tho sermon in the morn ing will be another in the series of pn phetical history. In the evening the theme will be "Losing the Burden at tho Cross. Seats free. All welcome. second Prisbtterian Church Rey Charles E. Robinson, D. D., pastor. Ser vices 10 30 a. in., nnd 7 30 p. nu The pas tor will Degin in the oveait'g a aenea of sermons on the Women of the Now Testa mentSubject "Tabitha" All seats free in the evening. All welcome at all ser vices, s- Green IttiaiE Baptist Chircii. Rev. W. J. Ford, pastor. Services at 10.30 a. in. and i.3h p. m. Subject m the morning "Blind Bartimalns," in the evening "Tho Beginning ot the Baptist History." Calvary Reformed ( hi rch -Corner of Monroe nvenue and I'ib.ou street. Rev W. H. Stubblebine. pastor. PreaoUlng 10.80 a. m. and 7.30 D. m. Christian Ea- deavor 0:30 p. m. Evening set vice 7:30 S. m. Rv. R. Hirons will preach. Every ody welcome. 'Irimty Evangelical Church Corner Luke and Kurtz streets. J. G. Whitman nastor. Preaching service at 10:80 mid 7::i0 p. in. Sunday K ln ol at 'i p. m. Call at AyUswoi ih's Whenever yon need good meat. (li lt CUSTOMERS nre our advertisers: they tell you of the nargams at the factory Shoe store, 411 laickuwnnna avenue. Don't bent your carpets. Have Scrauton Bedding Co. clean them. 1 the DR C. Q LAUBAOH, dentist, Gns and Water company building, Wyoming ave nue. Latest improvements. Eight years in Her an ton. " Inorain Carpets cleaned for 3 cents yaid by the Scrauton Bedding Co. por Huntington's HOME BAKERY. We have a lare merit of assort' PLAIN AND FANCY CAKES, ICE CREAM and WATER ICES Leave your order at 227 WASHINGTON AVE, or 413 LACK A. AVE. Uur Lackawanna avenue restaurant open until md night. 1W POLICE OFFICERS Sketches of Men Confirmed by Select Council Thursday Night. WILL MAKE GOOD POLICED Three of Them Are Men of Experi ence and the Other Two Are Trained Athletes -Joseph Block Is a Linguist -He Can Converse in Five Different Languages Their Historios in Detail. Following the eoiifirnmtion by the select council of Mayor Connell'g live newly appointed police (dllcers, there coiuus a curiosity ou tho part of many as to what manner of meu the appoin tees, are. From the following sketchos it will be seen that all are qualified to per form their duty. Some of them are athletes of no mean ability and all are endowed with physical courage suf ficient to meet the tests which may somctiuio confront them. Toe fact of their appointment is of itself lufflolent testimony of character and oilier necessary qualifications. Tlia police lorce gains in Ofliosr Bloek a linguist with live languages at his ooniiunnd, and in Officer Day one ot the heat nthletss the Young Meu's Christian association possess-. I be sketches of the men follow: James H. Coleman is 81 years of age, native born, and has been employed for years in the steel works. At pres ent he is a rail straightener. On dif ferent ocoasious he has given evidence of his muscular ability. He lives in the Twelfth ward, and is the oulv Dim ncrftt among the newly appointed ofli cers. Ht.iiCK is A UHQOOT, Joseph Block is a resident of the Six teenth ward. He Is a Hebrew and one of the few of that nationality wto have Bought political favor in this city Several of his friends endvuvored to dissuade him from attaching him self to tho police force, even off Ting U uld him in establishing a business, lie is 'il years of age, ! ft. Bin. in height, was born in Russia and bus eerved live years in the United States army. Officer Block will undoubtedly be the linguist of the force, as he speaks flvo languages ilueutly. Among a large number who recommended his appointment were Colonel E. H. Rip ple, J. George Lisele, D M. Jones, A R. Ruubnnd E J. Lyuett. Conrad V. MenizT is a resident of the Seventh ward and lives at 841 New street. He is married nnd Scrauton has been his home since 1804 For a number of years he has been a special policeman, his duties with the Swift Dressed Beef company not preventing hi m from 'assisting the regular olhcers in making many important arrests and in making numerous others unassisted. He weighs ISO pounds and is 5 feet and 111 Inches in height. M L. banders William Bellow, R. G. Brooks, Victor Koch and a number of regular police men petitioned for his nppoiutniout. LXW18 AN OFFICER AGAIN. Thomas B. Lewi is an ex-policeman nnd was removed during Mayor lows' regime for indulging in au nffrav with Ollicer Gleuson. I hat his clteiise has been suffioientlv punished is at tested bv the fact that such citizens as Colonel E, H. Ripple, Frank Spencer, John T. Williams, Thomas D. Davis and other prominent innn recommended iu reappointment, wiieu ou tho fore- Officer Lewis repeatedly performed act of bravery and once entered the cell of a maniae in the old station house and mi dned him in the presence of a number of brother officers, who, without demeaning their prowess dared not enter. Officer Lewi is 43 years of uge, lives in the Fifteenth ward ami has been a resident of the city twenty-four years. He is 5 feet inches tall and weighs l'Jj pounds. Long U Day is ' years of ago and lives in the Nlnih ward at 5011 Linden street. He is a picture-framer bv trade and is employed by Fred L Meyer. He is a uiemhsr of the Ynun Men's Christian association, and Physi cai Instructor Weston pays him tribute in saying he is a trained gthelele being very active and muscular. For seven years he has been u member of cotnpanv II. of the thirteenth regiment and during the Homestetd riots ranked as commissary sergeant. Later he was reduced to the ranks, but hns siuce been appointed to corporal. WHY DO YOU DO IT? Why run all over tot clti looktna for vol dnwri With on luni'livilnn I ton ctnts' worth or gold in th in ' Hut von Will Com TO close to it it il v 'U will u th riffDt dUi Bring your (loHrim ifoM, tflTtl ami grMn UflCKS 10 A. W. JURI3CH I3S "-I'm R for your money I'll BET, anil get full vnlu I BIGYCLH8, FIRK ARMS, FISHING TACK LIS, I INI) CU1LMRY, Dm; COLLARS AN D ObiNURAL BPOR UNO (i 'DIM. The VICTOR WHEEL Lands. lin-yei 's. tire armi, etc. repaired at shot nut i' e. Ke II 1 1 in ' a -.1 i ilt v. ii'..i' me call DON'T SKIP THIS. W E HAVE the flne-t linn of (Welter in boy's sweater for $1 , "til; all wool nieu's from (f.'.iW to Kami. All colors. Florey & Holt Y. M. C. A. Building. 2P2 Wyoming Avenues THE CELEBRATED SOHMER PIANOS Are at Prnncnt the Mont Popular and Profernd tr l.i imiiik Annul Wnrorooms : Opposlts Columbus Monument, 20B Washington Av. Scrn n ton ,P SPECIAL SALE mport samples oi After Dinner Cups and Saucers. They are bargains. The sale will be or this week only. It is not often you get an opportunity to buy this class of goods for less than lalf their value. 4 WEICHEL & MILLAR 116 Wyoming Avenue. I'lic (ireiil Marvel of Dental Science Anaesthene recent discovery and the s;ole property of Henwood 4 WardelL DENTISTS, 316 Lackawanna Ave. WHAT J. G. SKAMONSSAYS ABOUT ANivSTHKNK. lilts. HTNtVOOK A; WABDELL: after having eleven teeth estreated nt onu sitting liy the iiHllllehH nielllod, I pro Bounce It entirely satisfactory In every particular. .1. O. BKAMONsl CHINA HALL f k ' Where the fT 'Wf " Good Cl0the3 tSJfe'f CemeFromM rr'S-! It ( Ji Onrds from peanlns wool y- fsH V ni (A yJh " lri'" ,h" sh"''''s !i''"'k- f"1""1- wsfdfy ,1fl!l ill I lliM facturcil hv expert worhmen. finely UlVcK JrW ' Fi '11 1 WM woven and fact dyed, Bnely cut ami EA cOsh S jtl ii!!! ! rrtWX flrmlv iiunle, are the Foods we offer 1 1 Sfif, .WIiilSW ) ourcnsioraers. If feel ami sight won't (SJeS L (Sf V jW ll'hl do it the v car will convli you that fwJvT IjSS' ) HlTllI fast ily. a , n fine lai Tie', well cut and WjfkSjK .7 ''I well made, sive unfai Inu satisfaction, ia 5 & bpZjv If you want to cot the very best in jSpSC fewrL- V , ..n'.htv at fairest prices, ceiae to ov.r ,T ? ( h tf? A Ulitrelh! Csoil (loites Ii, COLLINS & HACKETT 220 Lackawanna Avenue. Dunlap Hats SPRING STYLE ON SALE 'I CHRISTIAN THE BATTER Sole Agent, 205 Lackawanna Ave. MUL TIC II ROME 3. Art for the masses. One Dime and One Coupon. Handsome line of Long Frocks and Sacks, made from Fine Grey Clay Worsteds, Vicunas and Black and Blue Cheviots. Custom Tailoring at Moderate Prices. Martin & Delany Clothiers and Custom Tailors. ua ... -r-"ivrTnTSf the r-ashioru ()S Lackawanna Ave. Millinery B In order to move stock, we have made sweep ing reductions all around. Hats, trimmed in the latest fashion, WORTH $3.00. WILL SELL NOW AT $1.25 I WORTH 4.50. WILL SELL NOW AT 1.50 I WORTH 5.00. WILL SELL NOW AT 1.98 Flowers, worth 15c, Sprays, worth 35c. 5 Sprays, worth 45c. Lace Certain Department. WORTH 12.60 Will sell now at II 80, W iRTH 3 50 Will sell now at 1 75 B WOK 1 H IS 50 Will sell notv at $2.75. jj A frill sfsortnioiit in real Poiutde Ilenaisant aud lical Brussels Cur S tains at less than cost of importation. Sash Cartains in all the different SS atvleq anrl widths niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiElfi !!;'!. .fHi,.,ri . . ...uLii .. . . i .fin; 1 !,'S,ifflK,. omen's Coats and Capes Wo sliowotl yon i hwgo collection of Capes and .Jackets at Gaiter-tide. Today W6 have just twice as many Jackets in Covet Cloth and Twills, Moire and Silk Trimmed. The Prices nre WAV DOWN: $5 50, $7.50, $9 to $12. Think of FIFTY Styles of The very newest nnd neatest Cloth and Lace. Notice the $5, $6.50, Jackets, Capes and Top Gr.TKT. Owens & Co. CI.OAKMAKKK8. ftPntJCll STKEET, epartment a bunch, sell now at 5 cents sell now at 15 cents sell now at 25 cents THE VKRY LATF.ST DESIGNS (fAi LA IlrcTVN ,- i. They Fit Well. Wear Well, Look WelK CAPES are of (iro (iraiu Bilk, Moire, price tickets: $9 TO $20. Garments for Everybody. SUITS AND WRAPS, COURT HOUHK syi All. -