THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY MORNING. APRIL 20. 1894. 6 PITTSTON CONDENSATIONS. Th Nsws of Both Towns Told in Short Paragraphs. Special ti the .scrniifou Ti ilnuic. PlTTSTON, P., April 19 Tlw cora mitteo of fifteen who rverti tippoi u til to iIpvUh luaaim of raiatug tna amount necessary tu sewor and ;i.iv tlio town liuv not as yet arrived at any con- oltwlon. . Judge Rioe lias appointed V7, H, Holliiter burgeu of Aroca, to till the THuMoy of 0. D. HollUter. The 'gamp of buket ball between Company C'a team and tli Plymouth Star's club, at .Armory hall, Wedim . day vning, resulted in an tnisy vic tory for the homo player. The wooden sidewalks on South Jlalu (treet lire in a deplorable con dition and a dlijrrao tothe borongn. Where are the authorities'.' On Monday evening qxi a grand ball will be held at St. James' hall, upper Pittaton, nnnar the auspiot of the Ancient Order of Bibornlana, for the benefit of Mlobaal Halloo, who was dangeronely hurt by a premature Must in the Twin shaft ItTtral weeks ago. Mr. Nation lost one. of his eye and is still under treatment at the hospital. A telephone DMBMga received here yesterday from Wilkea-Barre an nounced the finding of a woman nn IWering ih published description of Mrs Anderson, who strayed from her home on Seoton Hill afewdari uo, wandering in the vicinity of Hen Sum mit. She was taken to the Qiao Sum mil Hotel, where she was kindly cared for. Mr. Riobarda, of tho hotel, brought, her to Wilkea-Barre on the train reaching here ut 8.80 o'clock last evening. The Stove works impended opera tions Wednesday evening for the bal anco of the week. Tho suspension is due to u depression iu the stove busi U'SS. Rer, Dr. James MoLeod, pastor of the First Prbytrianohnreb,ot Scran ton, will exchange pulpit with Kv X. G. Parke on next Sunday morning, Mr. Parka tilling his own pulpit iu the evening. Thomas 1). Wylie. of this place, and Miss Maud Sharkey, of Philadelphia, were married at 8 ''') o'clock Wednet' day evening at th i home of the bride's brother-in-law. Charles M. Compton, In the latter city. The wedding was a very quiet event, only the immediate relatives of tho contracting couple be ing in attendsnce. Mr. aud Mrs. Wylie are expected to arriv her today, and will st;:rt housekeeping at once iu the Compton hous--, on Luzerne avenue, be tween Washington and Parka streets, The bus'.uesu men's committee ape poiuted by the various churches to ad vance the Moody campaign, in this neighborhood will ni3et in the Y M. C. A. rooms this evening at 7:110 to organ ize for preliminary arrangements. Fol lowing are the members, so far as re ported: LuzTtie avenue Btptist, I. L Bevau; Broad str-et M. P., Win Drnry: Wen Mde M. K. Charles H. Ccoi; Uroad street M. E , T. B. Stalsy; Welsh CiDgregitional, Banj imin J. Evens; West Side Preshyt, rian, Chns. R. Andrews; Broad street Presbyterian, Alexander Bryden, Tabriiacle Con gregational, Wiliinm G. Thomas. Welsh Bintist. Jacob W. Evani: Tateaville M. E., Hov. James Jones; Y M. C. A.. Edward J. Crowell. Dr. C. J. Barrett is sntT-ring from a severe cold. Mrs. Heatoott has returned from a two week's visit among Oneida friends. Mia Ltllie Qingell, of Broad street, is confined to her nomo by au attack of illness. Mrs. M. A. Chandler, wift of the late Rev. A. Chandler, of Williams ; rt, is visiting her niece, Mrs. M. Hoi comb Clelland, of Fnlton street. Attorney J, W. Sanderson Is "whipping'- the streams in search of trout. THE PASSOVER. The Fsast to Ba 01ebrat,d b7 the He brew Thie Wssk Fvecial to the Scranton Ttihun. Pittston. Pa., April 19 The Feast of th) Passover will begin today and will last for eight days. It will be ob servod by th Hetrows in the usual manner. The orthodox Jews will re frain from all servile work and will close their places of biwness during the days mentioned. The festival commemorates the de liverance of the children of Israel from Egyptian slavery. The seventh day of the feast oom raemorates eepeciallv the event of Is rael crossing tha had see. Moses' song contained in the fifteenth chapter of Exodus is the suripture reading on this day. Special mnsic will be rendered at theie services. - . STRAYED FROM HOME. Two Cedortd Boyo, Agd 5 and 10 Ynr, on thi Warpa'h. ,Sp,ral to the Fcrnnlnii T f&UIM. Pittston, Pa., April l'.l-Wurl was received here from Seranton notifyine; i tho authorities to be nn the lookout for two colored boys, ni(9' 5 and 10 years respectively, who had disappeared from their home In that city and supposed to hav started for this plaee. The two boys are children of (leoriro Miller, who resided in this place some tim ago, bnt loft here to take up his renidence in the Klectric City. Up to a late hour last. niht nothing bad been seera or heard of the run aways in this vicinity. , Farms for thn Million. The marvelous dovidopment of the States of ii Inneeota, smith Dakota. Iowa, Nebrnflka and WyomlntT, within thn last few yours has attracted attention in nil parts of tho world. It is not necessary, however, to search far for the cause ot this wonderful growth, for this entire rgtO&, which is penetrated by The North Wettern Lino, toetna with golden oppor tunities for enterprising farmers, me chanics and laborers who desiio to better their condition. Ilaro are Innds which combine all varieties of soil, cllinato and physicnl fonturo that render thorn most desirable for agriculture or comrnerco. RlOb rollir-S prairies, napabl of raising the finest (unlity of farm products in lux urious abnndanee, can still be secured at low prices and upon most liberal torms, mid in innny cases good productive farms i an be purchased for scarcely moro than the yonily rental many eistorn farmers nro compelled to pay. Reaching tin, prm cipnl cities and tOWM and the richest and most productive funning districts of this favored region The North-Western Lino (l hicawo k North-Western It'yi offers its patrons tbe Advantage of ready ninrkets, unoxcellod tniin servico, perfect eiiiiii mont and all tho comforts ami conven iences known to strictly MrRt-class rail way travel. Maps, time tables and general information can be obtained of ticket agents of connecting line?, or by address ing W. A. Thrall, Qeneral Penser and Ticket Agent Chicago ti North-Western R'y, Ohleago, in. Fucklen's Arnica Salve. The best salvo in the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever Bores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns aud nil Skin Eruptions, nnd posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction nr money refunded. 1 'rice ;:: conta per box. For sale by Matthews limn. Seeing is believing. You'll be lieve when you see the beauty of those fvlultichromes. A Batfgar Mario ii... The shy, tierce badger has oftea enough been found amenable t gentle treatment, provided his education begin in early life; lint probably few of his tribe have evi l proved so docile as a domesticated badge! at Bnatone house, in Oxfordshire. Toil animal, it is.-.tatod, manifests the greatest delight when her master approach, Taken out of her cage she waddl foi she is very fat after him up aud down the lawn, and appear perfectly happy. The terriers are regard. -d by perfect, iiulif ferenoe. Between her and the cat, on the other hand, it is admitted that, "no love is lost," but, even that seems to he mainly tin fault of the oat, who will oooaaionaUy el Vat her hack, but "loses heart, when with in springing distant,'1 This Interesting pet was captured, it appiurs, when a cul at Hook's Norton. She feeds, il is said, on cooked meat, winch may account (orhei unwieldy condition. -London News. Origin of the Marine Band, The origin of tiie National Marine band at Washington is most curious. Nearly a hundred years ago a Yankee captain lid unpad eatrolling troop of musicians on th shores of the Bay of Naples and brought them to tula country. From this handful of Italians the band was developed. The descendant of these stolen Italians air now among the wealthiest, people of Wash Ington. Some of them are prominent law yet, and others have their names con Heeled with the best known hotels and the largest real estate offices in the Capital City. New York World. Mis Day's M'orli. If it is true that New York society doea nothing iu the day time, the reason for the extraordinary activity of society men be twisu the hours of i and 0 is a mystery. Nearly all of I he young men who boor the names of famous society people are to be sen iu u state ot violent, agitation as they rush about from one club to another and call from house to house in the afternoon. Clue of them remarked that he hail paid Ave calls and? had attended three fairs, a wedding, and a high tea in Leas than five hours. It was a feat that might have taxed the powers of a Napoleon. New York Sun. Francis II of Naples, that luckless Hour bon dunce whose throne Garibaldi over threw in I860, and who is said to be one of Daildet's "kings iu exile," still lives inaiiu less comfortableness In Paris, where his sole activity is w alking once a day front his apartment to the church of St, Philippe to say his prayers. Dr. V. W. GutlsaulUa, who is now one of the most popular of ( ihieago' preachers, is an Ohio men, abodt 83 years old. Ills nam Is a corruption of the Spanish Gonial, lie was graduated from the Ohio Woslsynn university in 1875, and has been preaching ever since. Oklahoma consists of a tract of land of nearly iOOO.UOO acres in the heart of the In dian territory. It was not oiiciied until April . lSSll, which will account for its not being ou the maps. Dr Wood's Norway l'iuo Syrup cures congh and cold quicker than any other remedy, because it combines the ltmi; healing quality of the pine-tree with other valuable medicines, Sold by all dealers on a guarantee ot satisfaction. When Tlitiy WM lick, wo trave her Castorfs. V. :, o she was a Child, she cried f , ,r Castoria. When she became Bfls, she clung to Castoris. Wbt-u ho hud Children, she gave them Castoria, pnng Ginghams. We have placed on sale our line of Ginghams for the coming spring and summer. Finer Goods, More Tasteful Colorings and Lower Prices than ever before, are what will recommend them to our patrons. GLOBE WAREHOUSE PITTSTON, PA. MT. PL P. AS ANT AT IU TAIL rolnf th" bMt quality f r domontlti iitfj,nnfl fif nil nlM dt'liver-Mi m huj purt of tho city at Iftwfwt prloe, Orders left nt my offloo, NO. JIH, WYOMING ATRNOtBt nnr room, Bnt floor, Thirl National Hank, nr htnt liy mnil nr tlenhono to thu mine, will reeulvft pronipt attintmn. HpeclgU en ii tract will 1m mnrto for thn talo and (telivury of thickwhoat OjuI. WM. T. SMITH. 1)1 AAA AAIAAM i ' i iiin-irntlrmrnl MnRlc Rem I ajely, anew arwaatf, battel iy f itikiU unit iooifi bow, llheAfetel o - llfufrom ptOAlt ttW.frtfl liy mail When Mot Ririnp I nd tftaryftil. Oof Mnet? nnmedy win I I pOnUTrqir wn niua unmi mi., , ni-nrn. III. What is More Attractive Than a pretty faco with a frcHli, bright coinplexion? For It, use Pozzoni'H Powder CURES Bad Blood. CH KI'.S Bad Blood. CURES Bad Blood. I have been suffering ten years with Erysipelas. Have taken doctors medicines anil patent medicines of most all iclmts, tint Done seemed to dc me any good. 1 iluallv mails an my mind to try liuidoc.a. Hie, 1 1 Bitter Have used four bottle-, of 11 II b , and thins raynclf entirely cured Mus N '.! MOOATLTj Service, Heaver Co., Pr. Purifies The BLOOD. L Robinson's Sons1 Lageh Beer Brewery Manufacturer!! of the Celebrated PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 100,000 Bbls. Por Annum, Seeds and Fertilizers Large Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and Lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HUNT & CONNELL CO. HOW LIRE A MAN HE FEELS r AST YEAH he hud saved 1300, He boughl a luiiis worth $1850 paid :(() down, ;;ivo ;t mort gage for 91,550. Today ho esti mates at) follows: Kent, saved Interest on mortgKfe, . Taxes end repiirs Net saving on rent.... Siived ou salary To apply ,m mortgage, ?J MJ I)) .fir.i ou . J6 !0 in '0 9123 rn 180 u) wST) REFLECTION "In I ! K yem Hint hotutt will be fri from rtobfc and 1 hIihII lirtvr i llOtUfl III my OWn1 ORRKN I- IDO K U thn )iarnillsn for hnmeA Plun How huva recently Hn lehed u beautlfnl villi, which they e fieri on eety puymeutiii ut hih.o. Cull i their offlee, between WMhlngtoo ikiid Adatnaan Olive street EZRA FINN & SONS, MALONEY OIL AND MANUFACTURING CO. itn.l n Burning OILS InkrlniilrirT luunuaiiiij; w bv Mso Shading and Journal Greasi OFFICIO: - West Iarkawnnna Avr -Meridian Streil Hotel Waverly Enrop Piatt, First-olas, liar nttntiod. li, pot for IlerKiier & ItQgtil' 'I'aanbBnaaf I'.eer N. E, Cor, 15th end Filtot ti Ptiilad Most d-sirnblo fi r residents of N K. Penn' lylvatila AU oonvonianoM tor travelers to ami from Broad (street station and tho 'Jwelfth and Market Ktrnet stutlon Da liralilefor rllitln S.raiitonlaus am', poo tie In the Anthracite Hetflou. T J VICTORY, Pi'OHIItTOR. The most complete medium-priced FOLDING BED in the market. Hull U Co. 205 AND 207 AVE. 1 . TO) xj liimnilv'M TV I mi SUPERLATIVE AND GOLD MEDAL The above brand of Hour can be had at any of the following merchants, who will accept Thk TituiUNii Ki.uuit coui'o.N of 8S on each on hundred pounds of Hour or 50 on each barrel of flour. Bcrsnton -F. P, Price, Washington avoiiui I tlold Uedat brand. Dnntnore F. P, Prloe, Hold Medal Rrand. Dunmore F. D Mauley. Superlative Brand, Hyde Far k Carson A Davis, Wuhlnirn St. Cold Medal brand; J, Hepti A. Mears.Huiu avenue, Superlative llrund. Green Ridge A L.Speucor.Uold Medal Brand. J. T. Mi ll de. Superlative I'rovidoneo Fenner & ObappelL N- Main avu inn,, Superlative brand to. J, Hilioipie, W. Market street, Gold Hedsl brand. Olyphaiit dames Jordan, Superlativo brand Peekvillo sdialter tt K ls-r Superlatlvj. Jermyn 0, i). Winters A Co Huperauitlv Arcbbald Jone. S mpson Oo . (told Modal. Carbondale U. S. Clark, Hold Medal Brand, II will- I N. Foster & Co. Uold Modal. Miuouka M. II. Uvollo, IRON and. STEEL NORWAY IRON BLACK DIAMOND HIIiVER i:tka SPECIAL SANDERSON'8 ENGLISH JESSOP'S KNOLISH CAST STEEL Mill.:-.!. SHOES TOE CALK XI KB MACHINERY 8PKING SOFT STEEL ANVILS UKLLOWH UUKSK NAILS WILEY & RUSSELL AND WELLS BROS CUTTING MACHINERY. Bittenbender&Co.,Scranton, Wboloaule aud retail dealers' in Wagonniakers' and Blacksmiths' SUPPLIES. n n Ef r. r. V- PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT g AND POTASSIUM Makes S: Marveloiis Cures IE in Blood Poison IE Rheumatism frand Scrofula cfji-' P. P. P. purities thn Mood, bulldsnp - thn wnak u ml dobllltatutl, Klves itrength to weakened nurve, expels dNeaHes.Klvlaic tho patient hflalth and happinoss wheru alcknesn, kI(M,i7 twJ feol(nj!and lassltudo Urat prevailed. jgjgj Ppr primary, secondary and tertiary ByphllK fr nlnod poison I njc. raercu-m- rial n -jlsnu, malaria, dyspepsia, aud jjfjfc In all hlond and akin dlseasea, like "JT bl'tches, pimples, old chronic ulcers, m tettt r, lOAld heaii, holla, erysipelas, eosema- womayaay, without fear of Contradiction, that P. P. P. la the best fr . blood purlllnr In tho world, and makea fci positive, speedy and permaneut curea ' in all caaua, jmr Ladles whose sy items are polsnned m"- and whoso hluod lalnanlmporeoonal e tlnn, duo to menstrual lrreifularlt ies, urn jioeuliarlr heiinlltcd hv thn wen- e1 derrol tonto tii blon i oleantlns pmp- pw . ortiesof p. P. P. Prickly Aah, Puko Boot tnd Potassium. Pi'iiiHOFirLD, Mo. , Auk. 11th. 1893i I can speak In the highest terms of your medicine from my own person, d knowledge, I waa affected wlm heart dlaeaae, plenriay and rheumatism for ;t;. years, w:is treated by thn very best pnyvlolanJ unn spent huudreds of dol lar's, tried every known remedy with out Undine mUef. I have only tnieO oun Motile of v nr P. !'. P. , und can rf nil v s iv li has dnnn me rnre mod thM anything I have ever taken, i oao recommend yonr medtnine to all BUdorcr 1 ol the it'" dtsnasea. MRM. M. M. YKARY. Bpr jglleld, Green County, Mo. ULCERS, PIMPLES. B LOTC H ES. ABSCESSES. SALT RHEUM, RUNNING SORES, OR SCROFULA IN THE SPRING - If r,o. vour Blood munt Blood muat Blood and URDOGti BLOOD Beuvii.le, Mich., April 12, 1899. MEssafl. For.Tr.ti Mn.irmi & Co. Dear Mrs : 1 wrflr tliit you may know tlio good I lmvn received iron tlio HUUOOCIC IILODI) BITTEttS. I am now on the ninth boltlo of your wonderful Blttan and must ronfesa I havo received prompt cure of a lonp Standing disease BCHOFULA. I have used dollar after dollars' worth of medicines and received no relief, but tho third boltlo of B. B. B. I found ureal rest. 1 have also used throo bottles of BORDOOX Pills; they aro tho best medicino I over took. I cannot praise them loo highly. 1 do owe my whole life to thetu and can recom mend thorn to every living soul that is nlllieted with that dreadful disease, SCROF ULA. I whs nlllieted with lumps as large as an egg in my right sldo and large lumps on my throat, and my limbs wero covered with a burning and itching rash, which very greatly annoyed "me when near the Warm stove. I had spent a great deal of money trying to got relief, and consulted the best medical treatment in tho State, but all in vain, they did mo no good whatever, and I had about given up when I thought I would try your medicines, and, thank God, they have cured me. I am a. well woman toxlay. Your ev true friend and well wisher, MRS. CHAS. HUTTON, V. 11 Bcrvillo, St. Clair Co., Michigan. BEFOItB AND AKTKlt UBINU, For Sale byC. At. II . Kills, Druggist, Ftom tile iV. y. Triune, Kov.t. IKS. The Flour Awards "Chicago, Oct 81. Fb first official announcement of World's Fair di plomas on flour has been made. A medal has beon awarded by the World's Fair judges to the Hour manu factured by tho Washburn, Crosby Co, iu the great Washburn Flour Mills, Minneapolis. The committee reports tlw Hour strong and pure, and entitles it to rank as first-class patent flour for family aud bakers' uae." MEGARGEL & CONNELL WHOLESALE AOKNTS. Tuylor-Judt;e&Co. Uold Medal; Atherton & Co., Superlative. Duryea Lawrence Store Co., Mold Modal. Ifooslc Jobn MoCrlndle, (lold Medal. PJtUton M W. O'Hoylo, Gold Mislal. Clark's Green Frace & Parker, Superlative. Chirk s summit -F. M. Young, Gold Modal. Dalton -S. E. Finn & Soli, Uold Medal llraud. Nicholson -J, V.. llardiug. Waverly-M. VV. llllss A Sou, Cold Modal. Factory villo -Charles Gal doer, Cold Medal. Hoplioltom N. M. Finn St Sou, Hold Medal. Tobyhanna -Tobyhanua St L'Uigh Lumbar Co.. Uold Meilal brand Gonldsboro 8 A. Adams. Gold Melal brand. Moscow Uaige & Clements, Cold Medal. Lake Ariel James A. Dortree, Cold MedaL Forest City-J. L. Morgan & Co., Cold Modal WAGON WHEELS AXLES SPRINGS HLHS SPOKES ItlMS STEEL SKEINS R. It. SI'IKES SCREW Pimnlps. Blotches Pimples, Blotches and Old Sores 3 Catarrh, Malaria and Kidney Troubles Are entlrt'ly remoTcd by P.P.P. ' Prickly Ash. Poke Root and Potas- Blum, the greutent blood puxltlar on W eurtli. . J AnEnDKUM, O. . Jnly 21 , 1891. a9 MEsita. LirPMAS Bros., SavaDnan, Oa. : Dkab Sirs-I bouubt a botilo of 'ay your P.P. P. at Hot Sprlnjp. Ark.,and gf It has dono me moro KooTthan throo months at tho Hot Springs. HouJ throe buitlt's C. U. D. aflf Ruapectfully yours, JAB. M, NEWTON, W Aberdeen, Brown County, O. 1'npl. J. D. Johmlon. w To nil ii horn it mutt concern: 1 herd f by testify to the wonderlul properties igff of P. P.P. for eruptions of the skin. I suffered for MTtrl years with an un slKhtly and dlsnirreeahlo eruption ,,n gg) my laco. I tried every known reme dy but In vnln, until P. P. P. was used, and am now entirely eured. (Signed by) j. d. .ioiinston, "g .Savanuab, Oa. Nkln CMMC Cared. Tettimony from the Mayor of Scquin.TcX, Si griN, Tux., January 14,1893. ktTMiaf. 14PPMAM Bros., M.ivannah, BF On. : tfCTlll, ,iir,i--l have tried your P. ,ga p. P. for a illseaso of the skin , usually known as skin cancer. of thirty years' --tSF standintr. and found (treat relief: 1C purities the blood and removes all tr- SF Rtatlon from tbfl seat of the disease , nnd prevents nny snreadtnti of tlio snr,'s. I have taken flveor six bottles nnd feel ., undent that sn,'ther conria . gga will effect a cure. It has also relloved nte from lndlestton and stoinacb -aW troubles. Your, truly, - -0 CAPT. W. M. RF9T, Attorney at Law. sW Book on Blood Olseoses ih free. ALL DBUOQI8T8 SELL IT. LIPPMAN BROS. -3 PKOPKIETOHS, "y I.lppmnu'. Illock,founnah,0 ' bo impure. Cloan30 tho bo impure. System with STTER RESTORED MANHOODS snBssBMHBBMBansw i 1 1 iu Tho groat remedy for nervous prostration and all ncrrons diseases of the generative organs of either sex. such as Nervous Prostration, Fall ing or Lost Manhood, linpotency. Nightly Kuitsslons, Youthful Errors, Mental Worry, excessive use of Tobaceoor Opium, whlonleadtoCon sumption and insanity. With every SS order we give a written guar antee to euro or rerund the money. Hold at ll.40 per box, Obexes for ...oo. UK. MOTT'S It JM I A t, CO., 4. Icvcluuil. Okies 1 J7 1'euu Avenue, BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL husk law AWiT Wtto BONit DR. U. EDUAR OK AN has removed to till) Spruce street, BeraStOBt Pa. tJust op poslte court-house Hquare.) K. A. J, c6NNEI,L,-Oflli-e 2U1 WUinKtou avenue, corner Hpruce etreet, over rranok drug store. Kesldenco, Tit Vine st. Othce hours: IU.3U to 12 a. in. and to I aud ' to 7.1X1 p. in. Sunday, s u, a p. m. DR. W. K ALLEN, Ufllcu cor. Lae wnnua aud Wiuihttnrtou aven. : over Leon ard aboe store; olllce hours, IU to 12 u. m. und 3 to t p. m. eveulugs at reuldoncu 012 N Wushington sve. DK. C. L. KKIiY, PraoUof limited to Dis eases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat; offleij, L22 Wyomiutf ave. Residence, 02K Vine street. DH. L M. GATES. 125 Wasliington Avenue. Olllce hours, 8 to u a.m., l.lM to .. and ' toH p.m. Kestdonce an!) Madison uvuiu J DUN L WENTZ, M. JJ., Ollieoi 02 and 01 Commonwealth building; residence 711 lladiHonave; office hours, 10 to 12, 2 to I, 7 to B; Suuduyu 2.30 to 4. eveidmis ut residence. A specialty mado of direases of tho eye, ear. now) and throat and KynoooloK v VKI KKINAKV BOBCBUMt I.' sTCitoc, Vewrmar L-riiiarv Burgeon, Den medalist of Ou- li. us tistry a specialty; gold tarlo .eierutarv i,;Ueg, Ollleu. -I2IJ Spruce stnsjt Telephone No. 1712. lam iruHs, CHANCES Uw and Collection of I M . nee, Wo. S17 Hp House. Scrmiton. Pi Suruco St.. ouuoBlte Forest i oil' , lions Kpeciulty throughout Pennsylvania; reliable correspou, rresuoud eniM in every county IES.-sL'J'S ii HA.,Ll, Attorney, snd Couns.-l- lots at law. Commouivealth huildlui Wushington avu, w. ii. j KHsre, Horace E Hano. w ii Jasscp, .ut 11 ' IT I A UTS Wlllllb'M A. K.N API', Attor ncys and Counselors at Law, Henuhlican pub Pa ' in- v asuininon ave.. scuuitoi UATTLitsoN St WILCOX, Attorneys ani I Counsellors at Law; olbcusO and - Library buiidmg. bciunton. Fa KOSWEI.L H. PATTBIlSoe. WILLIAM A. W1U 0 ALFRKI) HAND, WILLIAM .1 HAND, AU bjrueys and Counsellors, Commonwealth huil. ling Rooms IK. 20 and 1 U- !' HdYLE, Altomej at Law. No- Pi io,d HO, Uurr building, Wushington avenue. ITENRY M. SEELY Lawo7)ices in Price II building, 120 Washington avenue. FltANK T OK1.LL, Attorney at La'wl Hoom l. Coal Exchange Scranton. I'a. MILTON W" LOWRYfi Att'y-a, 827 Washing C. li VU. STOK' H. (touav.. C II. square IAMESW OAKI-'OKD, Attorney at Law tl rooms 03, M and W, Conimoiiwealth b Tg CAMUlil, W. KbliAK, Attorney at Law. O Office, 317 Soruoest. Scranton. IJa. I A WATUEs. Attorney at La.v, IS -Li. Larks wanna aue. Boranwm. ra P. P. blllTH. tonu-elior at Law. Offlee. rooms Ttl. !u, to CnnitnouwuHltti bii.l-mssr c. It PlTCHKIt. Attorney at Uw. Com monwealth bullalniz. SarMtMh Pa C. COMKUYH, 81!1 Spruce st l b KhfLOOLE, Attorney -Loans nok-o- tiated mi ru.,1 estate s, i-urity ;!J- Spru,.- B7 KILLAM, Attorney at-Law, YM Wy ouiinL' avenue, Scranton. HAVE YOUR DEEDS AND MORTGAGES writt.n aud acknowledged by J W. BROWNING, Attorney aud Notary Public. Commonwealth Building. S( UOIII.S. SCHOOL OK THE LACKAWANNA. Scran O ton. Pa . orenares boys und Blrls for 1. or businosa: thoroughly trains young children CaUloaue at request. Kev. Thomas M Can Waltkk H hlEI.L MISS WORCESTER'S KINDERGARTEN and KebooL Adan,n avenue. Pupil received at all times. Next term will open April B. UKMTU1 C LATJBACH, burgeon Dentist, No, 113 . Wyoming ave. R It HTRATTOM. offlee Coal Enebsn?e MIAMI. ryUh REPUBLIC Savings and Loan AesO" x ciation will loan ou t money on easier terms and pay you better on investment than any otaer association Call on S. N. CALLEN- DF.R, Dime Bank bnilding REEUI, p R. CLARK & CO., Seedsmen. Fl,,nst. I . and Nurserymen; store 146 Washington avenue; green house,13j0 North Main avenue; store telephone 762. TEAS. GRAND UNION TEA CO.. Jones Bros It IRE RCRERN8. J OS Kl'ETTEU 5u Lackawanna aveuaj. Scranton. ra . nianuf'r of Wire Screens 11(11 KI.S AND RESTAURANT.. T' UK WESTMINSTER, 217-211) Wyum ng ave. Rooms heated with steam; all mod era improvements C St. I m man. Prop yiEOLEK S HOTEL. ia7 Lackawanna ave ij uue, Scranton Rates reasonable. P, ZiEOt.r.R. Proprietor. U- EST MINSTER HOTEL W. G. BGHBNCK Manager bixteentb street, one block east ot Broadway. block east of Hroad at I nlon Square, New lork. iotiarn. New York. American plan, ff 50 per day and npward. lOYNE HOUSE. European plan; g.od J rooms. Opei Open day and night. Bar sup plied witu the best I II. COYNE. Proprietor LM'UAN'ION HOUSE, near IV. l e 1. ' Scnger depot. t ondncted on the European plan. Victob Koch. Proprietor. C KAMI CENTRAL The largest an 1 b-s; I equippei hotel in Allontowu. Pa ; ratoi 2 and 2.oO per day. ictok D. BARiraa, Proprietor, AIU HIT I ( TS DAVIS HOl'I'i. Arciiitects Rooms 2t. 25 and 26 Coinnionweallh h id e Scranton. K. 1 WALTER, Architect. Library I und ing. Wyoming avenue, frrnmnn. I? L. BROWN Arch B. Architect. Price 1' . building, 126 Washington Ave., Scranton Mlsi KI.LA NKOUS. B A1 En's 0BCHK8TRA - MU810 FOR balls, picnics, parties, raceptlona, wed dings and concert work furnished, l or terms address R. J. Bauer, conductor. 117 Wyoming; RVe.. over liuioeri s muse- siore. HOKTON D- SWA UTS liiinlKir. 6 and u Oime Hank building. Scranton. Pa M1 EGARUEE llIiOTHERH. PRINTERS supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twlna Warehonse, 180 Washington ave. Scranton. Pa. IooTK's I.IVKRY. I5,' Capons., avenue I First class carriages n L rOOTE, Agt Pnneral Dlroctor and Emhaimcr. IMiANK V. BROWN Sc CO. WHOLE sale dealers iu oodware. t'ordnee and Oil cioth, W. Lacknwanna avenue jnZRA FINN A SuNS. bull, I, is and contra. Ill tors Yards Corner Olive st. and Adaim avo. ; corner Asli st. and Peun ave . Scranton. THE Thatcher IS THE BEST. Get prices nml see th liirHRce and he con vinced. A full line of IIEAT F.RS, Aupello and Onuze Door Rangaa, CONLAN'S HARDWARE PITTSTON PA, aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiuiiiiiifiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiii I AMERICA COUPON NO. 45. Send or bring two of theso coupons, differently numbered, 5 with Ten Cents, and get one of tlio series of sixteeu magnificent 5 photographs. Eight numbers now ready. Mail orders,2c. extra. aiiiiiiiiiiiuiiuiuiiiiiiiiiiuiuiuiuiiniiiiiuiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii RAILROAD TIMF. TABLES. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF R I LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Ant'ji-aciti- coal usod excluslvelv. innurlnff cleanliness und comfort. timk lAiiLu in nvaoT ran. i, ism. Trains leave Scranton for Pittston, WOke. Bui re, etc . at 8. in, D.lj, 11.30 a. m., 12.J0, 2.00, 3.S0, 5.ini, 7.20, p. m. Sundays, 9.U0 a. in., 1.U0, gOO, 7.10 p. in. For Atlantic City, 8.10 a. m. For New York, Newark and Elizabeth, 8.10 (express) a, m., 12.30 (expross with buffet parlor carj, 3.30 (express p. m. Sunday, 2.00 p. in. For Matron Chuhk, ai.i.f.ntown, bf.thi.r- BBM, BABTOa and PHILADELPHIA. 8.10 a. in.. 12.:j. B.30. 5.i fexoept Philadelphia; p. in. Sunday, 2 00 P. in. For Com; BRAKOB, OckAn Grove, etc., at 8.10u. in.. 1'i.SOp. m. For Reading, Lebanon and Harrisburg, via All en town, ,10u. iu., 12:tU, O.OO. p.m. Hucduy, 2.1 ill p, m. For PottS Title, 8. 10 a m., 12 30 p m. 11' turning, leave New York, foot of Liberty Street North river, at I'.IO (express) a. m., 1.10, 1.30, 4.30 (express with Duffel parlor car p. m. Sunday. 4,:m a. in. Leave Philadelphia. Heading Terminal, 9.')0 a. m , 2.00 and .3i p, m. Sunday. II 27 a, DO, Through tickets to all points a lowest rates may be hud on application In advance to the ticket agent at ih i stutlcn. 11. P. BALDWIN, . . Gen Pass Agent J. H. OtHAUSBN, Gen. Bupt DELAWARE AND HUD SON RAILROAD. ComoMdng May R, iwa tl'atna will run aa follows: Trains leave Bridiro Street Station. HcrantOD, for Pitts ton, w ilke Barre, etc.. H 1)0, .Vf, U1T, 10.42 a. m lilo. 1,16, 2.. 4.1. 16, C.15, and ii.'Si p. ui. For New York and Phila delphia. hiUa. in.. 12.10. 1J& 2..- 4 ID .Hid li m Kor Hoiiesdale ffrom Delaware, Lackawanna and western depot), 7 0), HSU, 10. IU a.m.. 12.00 in., 2. 17, o. 10 p. m. For CarliOiiuale and intermediate stations. 6.40. 7W). c.iJO. 10. ID a. m . 12.00 in. ,2 17, 8.3&,S.ltl B.90 and 9 8S p, in ; from Bridgestr.jt Depot, 2.K1 a. in., 2.l7and II & I. m. Fast eipnH to Albany, Sarutoa, tlie Adi rondack Moantalua, Boston and N-w England points. 5.40 a. m., arriving at Albany 12.15. ; 1 1 1 1 i 2.21) p. m., and leavinir Scrunton at 3 p m , arriving at Albany at 4.50 p iu., Sara toga. 12 7, a. m , and B slou, 7.0H a. m The only direct route between the coal fields and Boston. "The Leading Tourists' Routs of America'' to the Adirondack Mountain re sorts, Lak'-s George and Champlaiu, Montreal, etc. Time tables showing local and through train service between stations on all divisions Dela ware and Hudson system, may be obtainod at all Delaware and Hudson ticket offices. H. O YOUNG, J. W BURDICK, Second Vice Pre-"ident. Gen. I'aes. AgU 1F.UIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. J FKU. 11, lS9f. Train leaves Scranton for Philadelphia and New York via. !'.': I. R. at 8 a.m. 12.10. 2.s and 11 35 p. m via D , L & W. R. It , GOO, -'-1.2 a. in., aud 1.3) p. in. Leave Scranton for Pittston and Wilkes barre via D., L it W. R. R , 6.00, bOS. 11.3) a. m . l ift). MO, 6.07 tM p. m. Leave Scranton for White Haven, Hazleton. Pottsville and all points on tbe beaver Meadow and Pottsville branches, via E & W. V.. 040 a. in . via D. & H. R. R. at 8 a.ia. 12.10, 2.3s. 4 16 p.m . via D , L. 4: W. R. K., ti.'J0, 6.0, 11.20 a iu 1.80, 3i p.m. Leave Scranton for Bethlehem, Eastou, Reading. Harrii-burg and all lutermediat? point via D i H R. R.. B a m.. 12 10, g.:K U.3i p.m.. via D , L. os W. R. H.,6 00 0e. 11.20 a. ra., 1.30 p.m. Leave Scranton forTunkhaunock. Towands. Elmira. Itha'-a. Geneva and all intermeliita points via D. St H. R I; -7 a in.. 12 10 and 11.3) p. m.. via D L. St W. R R.. s 0s a m.,l.:m p. m. Leave Scranton for Rochester, Buffalo. Ni agara Falls, Detroit, Chn-ago and all point west via D & II R. R. 0.07 a.m.. 12 10,0.15,11.1) P m , viu D. L. St W. R. & and Pitt-ton Junction, B OS a ni lJ035p. in , via E i W. R R.. ?.41 p. m, For Elm ra and th? Wt via Salammoi. vi l. IH R R 0.07 a.m.. 1210,6.15 p. m. va D., L. & W R R.. ,8 08 a.m.. 1 0 and 6.'J7 p m. Pullman parlor and sleeping or L. V. chair cars on all trains between L. St B Junction or Wilkes Barre aud New York. Pbilad -lp.ila, Buffalo and Suspension Bridge Riil. LIN H WILBUR. Gen. Supt. East Div. CHAS. S, LEE. Gen. Pas Ag't. Phila.Pj. A W .V iNNEM ACHEK A-,s't O.nPass Ag't, South Bathlehsm, Pt, T A ELA W KE, LACKAWANNA AND RAILROAD 1J WESTERN Trains leave Scrant-n as follows: Exnress for New Yolk and all points. East. 1..VI, 250, .", i " . b.on and 050 a. m ; 12 b and 3 90 p, m. Express for Easton. Trenton, Philadelphia and the South, j l too and 0.50 a. m.: 12.55 aud 3.50 p. m. Washington and wny stations, 2.40 p m. Tobyhanna accoiuuiodation, 6 10 p.m. Ezpr ss f, ,r Binghamtou, Oswego. Eimira, Corning. Bath. Dansville. Mount Morris aud Buffalo. 12 10. 2 15 a. in. and 1 24 p. m., making close connections at Buffalo to all points in the West, Northwest and Southwest. Ba;h aceomnvdation. B.30 a. m. Bingbamton and way stations. 12 37 p in, Nicholson an,l wav stations. 5 45 p. m, Bingbamton and Elmira Expross. 6 05p.m. Express for Cortland. Syracnso. Oswego, Utioa and Richfield Springs, IU a m. aud 1J4 p. m. Itlinca. 2 15 and S 20 a m and 1 24 p. m. F'or Nortliumberlsud. Pittston, Wnkes Barre, riyuiouth. Ukvinsburg and Danville, miking close connections at Northumberland for WilUanuport Harnsburg. Baltimore, Wash ington and the South. Northunils rland nd Intermediate stations, 6.00, 0 50 a r.i and 1 30 and 607 p. m. Nsnncoke and intennediate itationa 8 01 and 112o a m Plymouth and intermediate stations. UOand 0.3s' V, in. Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches on all expt ss trains. For detailed information, pocket tim I tables, etc . apply to M. L. Smith, city ticket offlea, 828 Lackawanna avtnns, or depot ticket oitice. Sr-RANTON niVIwiON. In Filed January 2Sth, 1S04. Korili nmind. too sol 5651 Sinnth Round, .in toi tea 1 r- a C Stations a 5 S S S a a (Trains Dally. Ex- n S I ccpt Sunday.) r 5 a r u Arrive Leave, i , 88 N Y. Franklin St.i .... . 7 to West 42nd street 7 00 Wecliawkon I.... . p v Arrive Leave a m . 7 SS 7 5J 800 r v 1 r m "s r 8 10, . 7 till . 7 45 fn . 7 8 . 7 at . n i 7 08 r i i5 Haucis-k junction 6 ii . DOS i m Hancock 6 00 I is .. 8 11 12 .V4 12 M IS 47 IS3S issr, IS 1.1 lltH 11 ':' 8ttu-llgb Preston 1'ark Como Poyntello Hcliiiont ric.isant Mt, I'nlondale Panel city Carbondai White HrldifO Mayflcld Jciniyu Arcblbiild Wlbtoll peck nil olvphant lilckson Throop Providence Park Placo scranton .. IN 6 43 6 3-2 6 4 l 0 IS 6 8.1 ..! S3U .. ma S.V)1 .. a r,s i a oa .. 3 ul If. 081 i'1, u 3 191 51 nil 41. 7 24S (1 i!48S 341 s is -:, sr i mo : s: ii is 13 , Ktus ss ....I 64: Stall J 6 3.'J 5 1411 ss CO H0l .', iflfllW t; ;isf9.Mf,Mii 7 84 , 0 .',6 3 451 7 -hi 111 (-4, :l MS 7 4Sll0 OBI 3 S41 6 S.i M17.U SI 7 4S 10 10 3 S9I 7.VJI0IS1 4 041 6 ss :-o. II 1 6 4H SO 1 1 It 7 .'.4 1017 4C7J f 1?' 4 .V- 11 ii- 7 lit ;0 Si! 4 10 6 161 4 ii 10 8 00 10 84 4 141 t 02 10 2.1 4 1Tl S O:, 10 3ll 4 0l a ma a r Ml ft-, mi.v. ami 4.-0 11 OBI f n r i Mlave Arrive All ti olns i nn dally except Sunday. f slgnlilcs that trains stop on sls'tiul for passl Bcngcts. Additional trains leave carbnndale for ScranJ ton 1.10 mid 6.1B p. in., arrlrlntt at scranton 1.1 ana 7.00 Leave Scranton for carbondale 6 50 aDd 8.! arriving at carbondale at , 36 aud 9.15 p. m. secure rates via Ontario a Western beton purchasing tickets and save money. Day and Niut Knprcas to the West. J.C. Anderson, Gen. Pass, Agt. T. Hltcrott, Dlv. lass, Agt. Scranton, Pa. I? R1E AND WYOM1NU VALLEY KAILJ U HOA1) Train leave Scranton for New York and ln-1 tcmicdiate points on the Erio railriul at Oil a. in. and .1.44 p. 111. Also tor ttawley auJ local pointa at 6 its. tl.4", and 1144 p in. Train leaving at 0.4e a. 111. and 1144 aro through trnius to and from Hotieslals.l Trains loavo tor Wilkes Iturro at 6 40 a. m. and o II p. 111.