Till: FCBAXTO TRIBUNE FRIDAY MORNING. APRIL 20. 1391. SCRANTON TRIBUNE F. EE. WOOD, General Manager. I'l l I IKIIIili DAILY ANI WEKULY IN Sl'ltAN TON, PA., UT '.ill. 1'HIBUMI fllliUDUINO Company. Nvw VoitK Office: TllBtrai ri'li.l'ivn. FlIANK S Mil Y. Kakaon kuitrrtl of the fnntniTIre n' .r-n'"V benmtti Ion oi iiO'ttr. THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE. r-VRANTON, Al'llll. SO ISM. ECKUR B. COXE ti quick to deny that he in a Omndidftta for sovcraor or that ho 00 Old nndM any olMSMtUOH be iudueed to accept the Democratic nomination. Mr. Coxa, vsry eeneiuly, propoaet to do hie political uvii:; vicar iously. An OKI Countiy Example. It is a Into truth to day that, a re Kpeat of municipal uovorutueut, they "order tiling bettor in Europe " With Oltld s oM that ahuxr-a j;et rooted iu lOtprtgaabl tradition!) Europeans navvrtbr'!, as a mK, enjoy tunuici pal adTUtagM ootupareil with whioh those to Which Wt an aectmtoiueil ill tree aud lollghtMMd Aiuiita r.oem iu many directions crude, rU anduttir ly unsatisfactory. Take, for initauce, the veucrablo city of (Husgow and compare it with our Amoricuu lioatou. Tile two cities are noaily oiiunl iu point of population; in wealth, Uottou ii the leader, Boston, too, is our best tdvoattd city.wliile OU?ow is nearly an aTerage municipality, much m 'ferior to Birmingham and surpassed by several other cities in tha L'uitod King dom. With this explanatory introduc tion we proceed to lamnaitiM certaiu points of dttTi?teucs aud comparison be tween Uinsjjow and Uoston, letting the simple facta themselves tell their own story. Glasgow's 200 miles of streets and 11,000 court y tirds aud aroaways are cleaned regularly ouc a day, aud sometimes t!ire times. In Boston, only the streets are cleaned daily; the courts have to truss to the thoughtful janitor and the weekly garbage colieo tor. From the sale of her street sweep iugs (iUstrow derives an anuusl reve nue of $180 000; Boston, with liric. as as mucu rttuse, g- ts oul $20,000, and New York, wi:a five time a much, ge.s absolutely nothing;. Glasgow owes its muuiciptl water supply, has numerous laVjM piirks, inaiutaius a httfa central market nnd sincj 1SC9, wuen at a cost of fs 600,000 it bou.'ht a city ga plant, it has decreased th re tail cost of gas from $114 per 1.000 feet to 60 ceuts while th qnallty baa been distinctly improved. Notwitb stani:;i. (bis d-cna-e i cos; and m crtaaad quality of service Gszows three big gas plauts today return a profit to tha city, With the txception of her arks, Boston has none of tiieae things. Glasgow has built hundreds of model tenemeats and municipal lodging houses tor the poorer classes. A night's lodiriaif, with the use of a ran.,-) to cook on, in the morning, costs men from 7 to 9 cents and women 0 cents. TtacsO investment!, too, all" pay a profit. In addition, Glasgow has enmrjrous public baths and public lanndries, wuere, for a few pennies, the poo.-can enjoy all tha luxuries of cl'janlmom. Four cents is the charge, for a Turkish bath. All wholejale food markets are owned by the city and conducted uuder the constant super vision of exr ert food impeetors, awiiir ing that inati, Bah, same and vege tables i'xpos-d for sale are who!'Siin-. Prices for tL.es food articles are ex tremely low. In Boaton, axoaptlog for fish, food is exptfosive and the munici pality tak s no part in its preparation or sr.Ie. Boston uas many notable cneap lodging houses and public batui, but those not conduoted for profit are opr ated by Organised charity and not as a part of the city's dnry to its c:tiz-ins. Thf question of rapid transit, nwh a common jtnmt'ing tlcck in American municipal government, uas been answer! in Olaagaw in a manner that fairly takes oae's Yankee breath away. When, in ISO, George Francis Train of fered to build a tram car line in Glasgow, the eanr.y alderman of that enterpris ing Scotch city decided to look into the subject themaaivsa Tne result was that tha city took ont its own charter and in 1ST0 began the construction of its own street railway system. Whan everything had been completed, at the city's expense, it was decided to lase the railway's operation to some exner ienced corporation. Hera is how the city fathers r,f Glasgow provided for the welfare of the taxpayers and Hit. traveling citijsens of Glaegow: The lease wan tornn only twnty-twr years, and by its terms the company agrd to psy, first, the Annual interest charge on the full amount of the city's Invest ment, as represented by bonds; second a yearly sum for a sinking fnnd suffi cient toextingaish the entire cost of the road; third a renewal fnnd of four per cent on tha cost of tha road, from which it was to be kept in perfect order, and ristorod to the city in first class condition in lS'Jl, and fonrth, a mileage rental of $700 per mile. Bnt this was not all. The fares were limited to a penny (two cents) per mile; and Glasgow's compactness rarely makes one poasenger'e total fare mora than four or six cents of onr money, while the great majority of passongers pay only the minimum rate. The lease provides, further, that dnring certain honrs in the morning aad evening workingmon shall have special curs and enjoy aspieial half-fare rate. But, it will be asked, would any cor poration on earth be so foolish as to bid for sneb a lease? This question is best answered by a reference to the facts. It is a Tact of record in! Glasgow that a company did bid SToO.OOl) for the loase and that after setting aside inter est charges, sinking fund for the ex tinction of the road's first cost, a I per cent, reserve for repairs and paying its $750-por-tnile rental this company has been for years and Is today paying divideads of from 9 to 11 per cent, at faraa averaging nearly 50 per aent. less than those paid in Scranton. When this least) expires the city of Glasgow will get back the money which it in vested in building tha road; will gat back the road itstlf, in perfect repair; will have received a fair interest on its first investment aud ii fair rental for the use of thoroad; will huvo also a cheap aud yet efficient rapid transit service and will be prepared to put the lease up to another aompatttloa and mske, perhaps, even bettor terms for the enaalngtwnty two yean In ad ditloh to all tats, the corporation wuich dgned tl li leai iouI I it not Wfah to bid or i melon ol iu franobii , will be ali!. lii r iir fr mi ttslni II after having averaged a 10 pel eenl Income mi an in v stBMUt ffnlou put in bank or Imperial icenrltlea, would have drawn not over !l per cent, and perhaps not over 3. Do they, then, order tilings batter abroad? Oxk pom.au in newspaper advertis ing would host ton In a bill board war, Ma, CAHIRON'B love for silver leads him to favor (he ereotion of a prohibi tive tariff wall aromid the United States, with an inscription outside telling the rest of the wurld to go to Halifax. The trouble is that this age ef rapid transit aud speed inUr-com-muuicatieu has knooked this old theory into a cocked hat. A BBUtfi accurate and intelligible explanation of what Brazil's latest revolution was all about would till a loug-folt and ardent waut. The Gaylord Accident. It will be retutiubered that when numerous contemporaries, upon the heels of the Gaylord mine BOOldent, ex citedly broke forth into more or less promiscuous denunciations of tne man agement o( that colliery Tun TlIBUm stood alone iu recommeudiug a suspen sion of judgment until the entire f acts could oe established iu a judicial man ner, The wisdom of this rscommeuda tion is shown in the fact that evon the coroner's jury, aftsr ten days' minute inquiry iuto tho accideut's causes, can find 110 more definite return than n be lief that one or more of the thirteen victims had led the other unfortunates into au uusaftf part of the mine, anil bad suffered fatally for bis erroneous judgmeut together with bis compan ions. Coupled with this finding is, to be snre, an opiniou that the pillars left in the Red Ash vein had been of insuffi cient size, aud had been still further diminished by the disintegrating ef fects of time, wiud aud moisture. But there is no pretence iu this verdict that the management of the mine had had reason to foresee the terrible acoident or that, fereseelns: it, they had delibrr ately ordered em;i yss into a chamber of death. Tue idua that men who own and msnage coal mines are fiends with out consciencs or souls does better in ten cent uov-ds and lnrid melodramas than in actual and sober discussions of mine accidents, and ought to be rele gated to its natural atmosphere. Tin- resl fact is thai Qaylord mine had long acquired deserved reputation as a working most efficiently msnsged ;iand there is uot one scintilla of proof that can in any manner be tortured iuto a direct accusation against the owners or against the hard-working and Con scientious interior executive force. Supreme wuloui is not the lot of mine owners any inoretnau it is of mine employes. Aicidents will happen and honest errors of judgment are bound to occur. But when this is said, there remains little to add with refertnea to the established teachings of the latest Plymouth horror. That Colonel Rickgtts is a brave man was proved at Gettysburg. But isn't it exacting a little too mnoli to ask him to get iu front of toe Hastings charge? Mtss Pcllaud has been kind enough to iof'.rm th" pQbllo that she will neither net nor lecture; bnt may, in a book, point the moral of her misguided life. If there is any n-w moral to be pointed out in her ease it is the wisdom of siUnce, the necessity of penitnee and the indispensable requisite of a long and trofouud oblivion, TtvpNTT 7BARS from r.ow the Demo crats will wear by uil that is saered that Thonas B Itaed w..s really a Democrat iu disguise. Ono Typical Struggle. It is unfortunate that aftjr it had taken years of lucaasant urging to bring public sentiment In Pittston borough up to the point whero it was willing, financially, to nuthoriz need ed ptiblio improvements, a purely technical obstnele should intervene to postpone definite action, The knowl edge that on tne borough's present as .ad valuation nnd with Its present outstanding debt there Is no legal room for a new bond issue sufficient to in augurate a new system of S"wers end paving has acted as a temporary chill to civic progress in this direction ; and there are obstructionists who already declare that wh it they call the n-w spasm rf reformation has ended per manently. Wo speak of this partlenlsr circum stance both becanne we sympathize in the perplexity that has overtaken the progressive element in Pittston, and because it typifies so aeenratsly a con dition whloh is general throughout the borough governments of northeastern Pennsylvania. The prolonged era of municipal stagnation through which Pittston has passed htis boen experi enced or is even now tho lot of many another coinuiuoitv in this neighbor hood. The difficulty of getting out of these old ruts; the eagerness with which certain persons docry atlemptod innovations, and the nnmerous other experiences that arise to discourage aggressive civlo reformers, whatever their politics or pnrposos, are incidents not confined to ono locality. They form tho common gauntlet of all last ing local progress. For this reason it is doubly essential that this present movement in Pittston borough for better stroets, cloansr san itary conditions and larger public con veniences shall not fail. Gtneral at tontion has bsen called to It and a de feat in Pittston would carry with it possibilities of other defeats in other communitiea whero similar battles are ragiug. If it be not immediately pos sible to put forth a new issneof bonds, it will at least b possible to exact a greater economy than heretofore in the expenditure of borough revenue; to require a better management of the borough finances, nnd to direct a more earnest effort at paying oil outstanding borough filligatious. These things accomplished, the road to a new bond issue lor improvement purposes wul not bo dlffloolt; and public sentiment will bo all tho better prepared to re ceive it. 'l imit i: is no more car- fully edited newspaper In the United States, MpSO iailv wit refer to those things w ioh it off Ml 1 i i the family cl rk Trinnnw. It S, 10 ti' el Wil li i ne less MIS of I Br okiuridgi so . dal : No girl or young woman will be templed by Mad line Pollard's example; uu yonug or old man can Bud anything in W. . r. Breckinridge's shameful career that In vites i tii 1 1 ii I inn. Iiiileed, tlie current of newpaper comment ami the whole drift ol publia opinion since the trial began have done much to reassure all who were at all skeptical! its to the ultimate Miui darda of virtue, purity, mol ality, and de cency us recognized by the cuuiuiuuity at largo. Condemned at once and unsparing ly by all pure minded and upright men nnd women, tins man Breckinridge has tonnd, xo Car as we can learn, not even among the frivolous ploasure-eeekers of the clubs or tho coarsest votaries t vice in H.'ilooiis aud lower resorte, n Single do fendar. There are men in enough In apologias for, or treat with tttppanoVi his Ottginal offense, but none so Inst to all sense of decency, and so devoid of the in stiuctof chivalry toward woman whioh re M ies i u iho most iltv;radoit breast, as to palliate his cowardly ami brutal attempt to shield himself at the expense of the vic tim ot ion lust and partner tit ins sin. Tin; BIXTYi-SOUBTH auuuul report of the inspectors ot the Bsstsrn peniten tiary is from the pen of Hon. Richard Vhiix uud contains many views of novel interest. It contends, for In stance, that intemperance lis a causa of crime has bsen seriously overrated. Ouly S per cent, of the BM convicts re ceived (tilling 1898 are classed as in temperate. Neither is illiteracy so greatly responsible as many people im agine. Of those 500 convicts, '175 re ceived a common school education, while 34 wero educated privately, leav ing only 87 illiterates. Mr. Vaux claims that the failure te learn a use ful trade is the grsatest single cause, I'll of the 5116 prisoners being abso lutely ignorant in this respect. Work undoubtedly begets self-respect; and sflf respect is a powerful nntidoto to eritne. We might add a word as to the ciime which frse trade would commit by toarlug down chances for practic ing useful trades, but this would pre cipitate a partisan argument, WHEN ASKED why he was elected in a district ordinarily good for 10 000 majority the other war, Hepressntative Qnigg aptlv replied that it was because the Democratic party had enabled the whole country to express its pent up teeliugs in the ballot boxes of one sin gle district. Tlioss foelings have since growu so tremendous that all the bal lot boxes of tho nation will scarcoly suffice next November to contain the general disgust. GOSSIP VJi Of Politicians. Benjamin J. Haywood, of Mercer, who is State Treasurer Jackson's cash ier, and who represents one of the promising executive possibilities of northwestern Pennsylvania, has come out flat-footed in favor of the nomina tion of Major McDowell, of Sharon, us congressman at-large. He declares that tue major deserves this houer, has beeu faithfully and solemnly promised it, and that if ox-Congressman Huff, of V estmorsiand, wants a place ou the ticket; alw, the eastern section o! the state ought to withdraw Mr. Grow and lot the west take the whole thing. This is ar exceedingly indiscreet suggestion on tne part of exProthonotary Hay wood unless it is meant to kill off what littl remaining chance McDowell has for a piece on the nvx' state ticket. A politician who seriously funcies that "Great M ijoritles" Grow can be played as a Mponaary c msiaerauon to an in dividual Ilka Maj r McDowell mint be i filmed with a bad case of politick strabismus. Representative Jack Robinson's fir ing visit to this neighborhood yester day Was fOT tha ostensible purpose of expressing his gratitude for the unex pected proportions of his reoent vic tory in Lnz rene. That triumph wss msde all the more notable by tba strong i anvsss presented by his enterprising antagonist, waiter byou, wuo had con sldsrabls snpport to begin with, from persona who thought theroby to please senator U lay. While swinging round the circle Mr Robinson was newly In- rormea ot toe : net. that put llo senti ment is growing iu his behalf, partlcu Isrly since lite Philadelphia Press ba attempted, without reason or provoca tlon, to prejudice his candidacy before the people. On every hand it is ro marked that this political blow below this belt is one of the few grave errors that tha Prwss has recently committed. It has had the oppoiite effect to that intended. It has iiiudo friends for Its victim. ess Kckley U Coxe's language in repudi sting the congressional baotnltt pre pared for him, without his knowledge through the genorri'ity of a number of Philadelphia political writers, is char sctsristically terso. "1 do not want it." he renlied with nmliu.iu . i what Is more, I would ml takeit. "'judge Hevdriak. of Venango, is tho I. ile. I candidate for knock-out honors, but he will doubtless also beut a precipitate retreat. An Incentive to Crlmt. tnui York Commercial Aitm liter, DothoSS good souls who view With ftlni ni the extraordinary invrenao in defalcations and frauds in tho business world and hear the excuse mada by Tiimmriny leadors that Its organization is just as honest ns any business concern, over realise tho truth of the nmtterl1 Hi re in n politico-criminal organization Of men banded together to rub the taxpayers, whose members from top to bottom aro growing wealthy In varying dsgrSSS upon public plunder, vitla- tiag tho moral air aronnd them by their vulgar ostentntion and display, fnmiHfir Islng tho public mind with Rand and rob bery, Hotting tho pace of vice and Immoral ity and than impudently turning round and alalmtng that M is no worse than its product, destroy Tnimnauv and you re move the mont fertile tonne of public de moralization. It like vice oontompliblo In its downfall and a wbolpsouio reaotiou must sot In. Just About the S y, of It. KnnUm Iter J'refi. Thomas B, Reed, of Mninn, without rn gaid to bin politics, Is one of the brainiest n. en tho country MS produced, as well as one of tl'.o best nnd meal popular with those Who know him. Doesn't Need to Apologize. terenciMd VnUm. Tho board ol health would bo condemned if it did not ivt) publicity to the facts of iin epidemic, anrftho press wonld fell of its duty if it hushed up tho (net that the suinll-pox was iu tho vicinity. Small-pox news is not pleasant, but It must tw told and it docs luoiii good i ...... barm. It the. Bton or the BraekinHoaa trial awaaens l he ; ublicto tho nmi-al rotwunoss thateit- ai certain elm ses ol sorloty, it will do . and il il dtu's good the press 1101 no to unoloiri.iv f, te il.u nniilie.iit.iou. Tue I . Qinrl ; It. Knforcement Bud. 'i'l .iiiii ilenl. r who iiiVk cash dnwu Mr v. r". I 1 i I v 1 ... pro HCtl i 1. II e for bis money. Dot an vf l)o he, in i - . autoo 'ii i- titl 1 II SVe ki a ha ii i'l g t it In Loierne ouiiiy. The p.-nk-usv is bis groa rivl to far as tba law la concerned. It affords him no prolection wha'ever. Whuihor the law is deft ( live, or Whether those In -terested In earrvlns It nnt are to bUme, iti'e iiiiiilile to miv 1 ni f ilii. ehmnees are thin the law would afford ample protec tion if it was enforced Not a left Load. A'eut Voik Hun. Iust.nl pretont the outlook for a Demo- clinic ninionty iu the ue.'tt congress is not over-brtllfant, and tho party in the iiiue Urasa district Bhculd not be disposed o iske tho nsk or yielding to (ns wishes oi in eel. on kIl'.i s in. nils In bliuuli'.tiring hiicii a follow and losing iioth a repressntstlvs and the respect of tbs public The Demo ooratic party is narryiag already a pretty lieavy load, and Itbas no strength left to Mipliorl the fhi'lher bin den of Ibis inuiis infamy. - Its Mds.on CTellmlted. Altoonu TtiLiitict There Is no inienli.iii of eoiiteiuporauooua iiileiost w hich it live dally nowspupar will shrink from tllscussing. 'i'be nam mid woinen who reinl it have a right to ttnuw what is going on iu every department of the world's life, whether it coucums pounce, religion, science, iilulosupliy, soci ology, or other liiiittois. They uiny Dot agree -n, ins opinions of the nawspapar, but they are willing to read its opinions, mi d hate falhu into the habit of e peeling t hem. The Evil Sure to Grow. .Yen' I'uifc Vrxsti. The Philadelphia Beourd complnlus about Democratic "absuiitenisin" in con gress, uemocratlo absenteeism iu the j.r- sent congress is a nn re bagatelle to vrunt it Will be iu the next ono. Johaun's Lamms L'nguio. ltostun TraHcrtpt, Johann ?'os' says this is ii poor country for anarchists. Most occasionally deviates into truth, Our Bold Peace Warriors. SlJfiltllJietit L'niO't. The list of war governors appears to be growing. DO YOU KNOW That before purchasing anything in our line you should be' sure to cxauiinc our stocks? BBAUTIPUL DESIGNS IN Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets All lite leading shapes and decor ations. Baby Carriages TO SUIT ALL PTOSES. All Prices Rock Bottom. Conrssn, Gtaons & Co. 422 LACKA. AVE. AYLEG WORTH'S Meat Market The Finest in the City. ie latest improved for nls lnfii and nppnratus for keeping meat, batter and eggs. "I.i WrumiiiK Ave. Up to DATE NECKWEAR STOCK BOWS, REVERSIBLE 4-IN-HANDS, WHITE LAWN STOCK TIES AND BOWS, Somothing New for FULL DRESS. WANT a Cl An otra liui) Henry F. Mlllor Siuaio riaiiu fl7s An extra Bne "i 'liii'l..'i'in(:"Hqnaro i'lnno 171 A niioil Hainiii it Bqttrt I'n..... J IN) good Merer Brptosn quwe Piano..,, in) A t'liml I'lrtli ii l'oni) Siiuiivn j'lauo M A (.'.i.hI riiiiili.iniii HiHinr i I'lmio an A very Kii.iil lliil.ii r'iaiin r. Wnlnut (iprfuht i,.. A very good Wl lock Cpnghl PtWO., Ini a vory good Whetlook Dprltfat nkno.. ISO GUERNSEY BROTHERS' HEW STORE, riancs ASK YOUR GROCER AND INSIST UPON HIS FURNISHING YOU WITH STOWEES DELICIOUS, MILD SUGAH OURBD AB30JwtJIEL. Y" rrrXlU HAMS. LARD. EVERY HAM AND PAIL OF LARD BRANDED. I imgBgwn TB rlaatOA (I . .12 J M ON DAY, APRIL 23 We will present to every purchaser of Hermsdorf Hosier)! upon that day one of the Beautiful Steel Engravings now on exhibition in our Center Show Window. THERE ARE TWELVE SUBJECTS, VIZ.: A Tenderfoot in tho Mountains, Standing Room Only, The Battle of Bunker Hill, Oh! I See Papa, Virgin and Child, Songs of Love, Owing to the great cost of these Souvenirs the supply Is limited, therefore it behooves you to come early. We will have on special sale that day a Fine Lot of 4 Thread Lisle Fancy Hose at 49 cents. With the New Valves Out of Sight Our new Bicycles are now to be seen at our 314 Lacka wanna avenue store. VICTORS, SPALDING, CREDENDA, GENDRONS, And a full line of Boys' and Girls' Wheels. We are mak ing extremely low prices on Second hand Wheels. HI IIUI 314 Lacka. Ave. FINE ENGRAVING Wedding Invitations it j) Reception and Visiting Cards, Menus and Dinner Cards, Reynolds Bros. Stntloners nnd Engravera. A17 LACKAWANNA AYR N.B. Wo nro offering a new edition of tho Book of Common Prayer, well bound in cloth. Two Copies for 25c. Single Copies, ISc. Piano v X 1UUU KJ I Vl J.D.WHLUMS&BR LOOK AT THE LIST: A vary sooJ Slimilneer Upright rim.. ORGANS, A Meien f lliiiiilin.e.i'nily iii'u.IiIkIi top, dwililo ri'd... 12S f Till n 60 An A. ft. Chusa, uearlV nnw, liluli top, ilimhlo i. A OtUCafloOottace.neatM MW. UiuUtui doiii.iii ropil A Worn inter, Hourly new, frl(tli top doable rM , 224 '1 and Organs at Wkolejeji nml Ketnil. on liwtallnient ST0WERS PACKING S G.B. m ENAMEL WARE For ONE WEEK we will sell Euajjitl Ware at tie following unpre cedented prices. Tea and Coffee Pots OKE-QUART, TWO-QL'AUT, '1UKEE-QUART, FOVK-QUAST, riVEgl'AET, 4 0o. 47c. SSC. GOc. 70c. Also Dresden and Preserving Kettles, fcauce Pans and Pots. Wash Dishea and Tea Kettles at equally low prices. GLOBE SHOE STORE Reliable Goods One Price Satisfaction Guaranteed 227 Lackawanna Avenue EVANS & POWELL, Proprietors. Dr. Hill & Son Albany ts IS Fot tivjh. S4..V1; bWt not,?: for roU c.'.s nKii twtU u'ltlumt rltm. c.-Ul"ri crown nd bi'lfitra work, oaU f. r pric tai refrronci TOXAI.UIA. for Xtrctilu Wltbonl aiu. INoi tiiar. Ko km, OTKK FtKST NATIONAL BANK. Scientific Eye Testing Free By Dr. Shimberg, Th PpiH-lnllst on tho Ey HwlMlm nil Nrvoumii reliovod. Lotcfrt d Improved Style ot Ey OUuki uid Hpo Uolos nt the LowMtlMcw. Bout ArMUcW Eros iDMrM for V. 30$ SPRUCE ST., op. Old Pot Offic r 1 . 1 liClli A Slnilr.l,neily ncw.lilRlt top.doulilo reed 4.' A I'lionini.'i'r, nearly new, high top, double read , Si And nb.iuli'fl otlior good trnw hand or ,'nm. &'' to t. Jl TUn above colleet Ion of Beooad'head lnsirn inenta ara all III good order, fully Kitaran Uvd, tlu (treataet bartalns iter efleiod 111 tlili elty Call and N them. lngtHhmeut.. or dlwouut lor cash. WYOMING AVENUE, nnrj a XTmtuT kHjEhULV AU1, CO., SCRANTON, PA oAZAAR sur Hosiery Dept An Approaching 3torm, So Soon Gone, Now Como On, Eer Only Confidant, Ise De Eiggest, First Love Letter CONWAY HOUSE 1SII aud 134 mm AVl'Nt'K On the American Plan. tkrant.. ;.' nowi'nt finil bent (sjuippod hotol. NOW OPKN TO THE PVBUQi ltratril by Strani. Klfctrlc Bll, Hath TuI.k on earli llror. Larito. Well" I Iitlitr.l nn.l Airy Kooull, BTtrjrthlng Cnoipleti.. All. THK MOnKllN lMVItOy FMKNTS, Ofllceoa MOOnd flor. ttood sampla room sttiichoil. P. J. CONWAY, Prop, UIHIIIHIIUIIIIIIIIIIHlKllllllllllliaiK S s S DO YOU REQUIRE 5 I ACCURATE TIME? m i; max k ir. EDWIN G.LLOYD42!1 s a miiiiiiMimiBiiimiiimiiiuuiiHin s BED POTATOES ALL BEST VAKIETIE ONION SETS Ami nil kinds GARDES BEKDS in bulk aud iu pauk- Pierce's Market PENN AVE, I 1