8 Lacisum All Things Musical STELLE & SEELEY 134 Wyoming Ave. I IIQ1 1 G hai IE W Kit Kit. MI A W, t Ml RSON, til II Kit MAUI ' ORGANS Al l. Mm r See the Shaw Piano from the World's Fair in our window. II Foe to Dyspepsia GOOD BREAD USE THE SNOW WHITE FLOUR And always have Good Bread. AOTFACTCBED AN P FOB SALE TO THE TRADE Bt The Weston Mill Co, mm OF COUNTERFEITS ! rye efwimme pppu'.tn Punch Cigars HAVE Thg IMITUI.S G.. B. Se Co., fmprtn'i i Fs"h Ulnar Barney, Brown & Co. Mfr's. HOI K -tjl, DR. H. B. WARE RPKCIAl.IST. EYE. EAH. NOSE AND THRO At CfFKS 300R3 : Ufflttt&t 35 WYOMING AVE. PERSONAL Pay v,,or as bllla today and save the bcoant. William E. Ah. of LehistlitOD, was ia keranton yeiterday. Hra. Adam Pooler, of New York street, is Serb. 01 JT ill with heart riiseaae. K. L Botipt, uf Wilkes-iiarre, was en gaged on bnxlnna hen yesterday. (r. J, W. fiuerns.iy and daughter, Berth SBd i!av, are Vhitiag at New Hares Rt-v. T. . Edward. D. D., of Kingston, wnl lecture rn "A Trip to the Golden Qate," at ihe Primitive .Methodist, Avoca, Sainrd.iy nijjtit. Rev. Dr, J. H. Harris, president of Buck nvll university at wisbur?, will occupy the pnlpir. of the Penn Avenue Baptist en arch sen Bandar, E A Barnard nn,l William Mason, Bingbamtoo; Georgia w. Hnrltrart, Pitts- tOOJ E. E Hookr, jr., Ifooot Poeonoj H. P. Cooper, Putiaville, nro at the West nmiMter. Mws Helen McDonalil, superintendent of the Lackawanna hospital, h none to NOVa hootia on a month's vacatioi,. Her POeUlot Mbeiiiz assumed by Miss Heckler, or Wlllutmrpt rr. a graduate from Belle vue feotpiw, New York city. AMONG THF. BUI.DERS. Work on the building of the Eureka Laundry co-npa-iy on Washington ave,. uue is piogiessing rapidly. The roof hxs been pnt on the new fida ware and Hudson depot, which practically completes the budding so far as the ojc terior U concerned. Nothing but the foundation remains of the late residence ot iJr. (iates on Wash ington avenue. An imposing business structure, will, in the near future, take'its place. The stone foundation of the new Hotel -Jermyn is being laid at the Wyoming ave nneand Borneo street corner. Considera ble exenvntintr reinslns yet to tie done, hut the Heed building will first have to be moved. Very nearly all of the exterior work on new No. 19 school has been done. The structure presents a fine appearance arclii tec tu rally. The building is of frame work with a brick veneering. The timbers Id it are unusually heavy and are joined and batted together to prevent serious injury to the building in case of a mine cave. It is feared that the recent Are at the Arcade has weakened the south wall of Westminster and John Jermyn, thn owner of ti e building, has decided to have It taken down and rebuilt to prevent, possi ble accident. To insure safety while the wall is being taken down it has been strongly braced with heavy timber. With in the hotel temporary walls of wood have been built, so that the patrons of the house will not be incoiiveiilenced by the taking down and rebuilding ol the wall. A great ninny brick will Imve t.. be removed nd relayed and it is prohibit that at least a month's time will be consumed by the work. DIBTA WALTON. In Scranton, April 10, 1S94, Michael Walton, aired 71 years Funeral on Saturday morning at 9 80, with lie qnlem MasB, at St. Patrick's church, lutcrinont at Hyde Park Catholic ceme tery. SMITH. John H. Smith, at his late resi dence, 1371 Penn avenue, age OS years. Funeral at 11 o'clock Saturday morning. Interment at New Mllford, Pa. Fink watches ondjowelry at Keichert's 800 Lscka. ave. Muslo Boxes Exclusively. Best made. Play any desired number of tunes. UautHchi & Sous., manufacturers, K18O Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won derful orchustrial organs, only 5 and $10. Specialty: Old music boxes carefully re paired aud improved with new tuuea. PIANO s or WEST SI Pictuasqud Eotertalnient at Washburn Street PmbyteriU Cluircli. TWO EVENING PARTIES HELD Given at the Homes ot Miss Gertrude Beavers, of Lafayette Street, and Seward Biesecker, ot Bromley Ave nueFuneral Of Robert Coleby. Complaints About Corner Loafers, and Short News Notes. The Weal side office or the Boranton '1 i:im NK 1 located at 1010 Jacksnu street, When subscriptions, advertisements and communication! will receive prompt at tention. 1 The auditorium of the Wathbnrn street 1'ivsbvtenaii nhurrli, was com pletely tilled last evening, at the enter talnmant aud aooial given by Omaha amp, In oojoneetlon with the Lediei' Aid sorietv of tlie obnroh, During the evening, Misses Dally and Anna Poole rendered an excellent piano duet, and ui alto solo wei rendered by Miss Pan ola Jones. The feature of the evening wai u tableau taken from Indian oamp life. The atuge Waa elegantly fitted with tepeej or wlgwama, and the mr ronndlnga were made np Of largl tree boogha, making too whole appenrauoa aa natural us possible 0 the center of the ttsge waa au ln diuu oamp - tire. The wiiiwaini were richly made. The partioipantl of the tableau were Miss Kile, Bandera, Mrs. Brown, Robert Cooper and Mr. Ken. Thty were arrayed iu the costume of the Indian and iqnuw, and the tffet was most plo tnreiqne. Miss Bertha Powell, daugh ter ol County 1'reasursr D Y Powell, ami an alocutlontat of no mean ability, gave a reading during the progreaa of tlie tableau which was taken from Longfellow's Hiawatha, Alter the eii tertaiument was concluded the audi ence repaired to the lecture room where a maple sugar feast and social time were enjoyed. The nttair was pleating thtonghont, and mnoh credit la due to Mitt Little Mum lord, uudtr whose direction the tableau v giveu. Two Eveniuir Funis. The borne of Mi's Clertru le Beaveri, on Lafayette street, was a scene of much enjoyment laal evening, the oe ension bei:ii; a party gien iu her honor. Th rooms were neatly decorated with Sowari and evergreens, fonverttng ihem into Teritable DOWera, About 8 o'clock the young poilt. began to ar rive and mirth resounded tbrongbout the bouse, (.lames and otner diversions formed tii evening's amnaementa and were indulged in tor hours. K-fresb-ments were served. Stewart Bieaecker, of North Bnini ley avenue, was pleasantly surprised at bit homo laet eveuing. The house was brilliantly illuminated and a large nnmbar of guests were present. The evening w::s thoroughly enjoyed by all. Games was the prieipal fature. Kefreahweuta were also served Those Uai uly Itoye. Complaints nre continually being made of the grfiig of hcys that nightly tnfeet the Hyde Park streets, and make nituselves obooxioua to the public At tue corner of Bromley av-mw and Bwetland street ther ia a crowd that lonngei atiout the corners and create great distnroaace. Tney ptts insult ing remarks and in other ways annoy 1 iBstrs by. The police have made several attempta to diaperie tbeae ru: Bana, but to uo avail. Ua North Main avenue there is auulher crowd that ia almost eiiuslly annoying. The vicinity Of Weill bOjrO street is infested in the same manner. Complaints have b.en made in almost eveiy Way, and t a cris.s mnat come aooner or later, and as a West side resident puts it, the aooner the better. Bcbr! C' leby Rnrisd. The last lad funeral rites over the rerasina of Robert Coleby were con ducted yesterday afternoon nt his home on IjWOtland atreet. A Urge number of friends g itbr-d at the family home, where Hiipresruve services wre con ducted by HV. L C Floy I, D.D., pas tor of tbo Simpaon Methoditt Bplaoo pel church. The floral tributes were numerous aud included nuny neat de signs. The funeral cortege moved slowly out to Forest Hill oenwterv, where i.iterraent was made. The pill hearers ware George Doebir, Josaph A Moore, .1 Doyle, J T. Jones, Dsvld Weir end Ivlwar l Biruett Th Nws In Brief. Miss Maud B I wards, of Pittaton,wai a caller bere on Wednesday. David & Jonea and John Saandiri, of Mile Hun, who have been visiting friends her? for ar me time past, have returned home. Miss Jeasie Evans, of .South Main aveaue, is the guest of frion Is Iu Wan ami". Mr. Evan Williams, of this aide, has returned from a viait with friouda iu Plymouth. The Druid Gln society held a special meeting Inst evening, A large num ber was present. Key. Hugh Dvis, pnstor of the Welsh GalVtfllttlo Methodilt church, has returned from a three weeks' visit to New York state. Kev. It. J. Jones has rstnrn'd from Tnnkhannock. The organization of a chapter of the Brotherhood of St. Andrews, will be perfected on Sunday evening in St David's Episcopal church. The West Side Stars would like to plav n game of bull with the Qtenotl or the Myde Park avenue S tars Decora Hon day, Louis Davies, manager. The infant child of Mr, aud Mrs BynOOi of North Fillmore avenue, was buried yesterdsy afternoon In the Washburn S'ret cemetery. ll"V D ('. Hughes, pastor of the Jackson Street Baptist chureb, officiated. 'lb" Young People's Liternry and Debating society will meet this even ing In the First Welsh Baptist church W B, Lsjtohworth, of North Hydi Park nvonne, has returned from Tuuk bannock. T. J. I'riae, of Academy street, angled for trout In Spring Brook yes terday. Mrs. Dnnlol Orady and her two daughters, Mrs. Parrel and Mrs. L:i vellf, formerly of Scranton, but now one of the most proaperous families of Bntte City, Moi , urn the guests of Mrs. Patrick Uallngher, of Jackion 1 treat RII.VF.lt (IIVKN AWAY. On Saturday, April 21, wo will pive a sterling silver pin to every customer buying goods to tlio amount of 0110 dol lar. Mkauk & Hamkn. Sum s at inanufnctnrer's prices at the PaOtory Shoe store, 411 Lackawnmia ave. iej Can you blame people for fairly cryinfr, for those handsome fylul- tichromes? BOftHO OF H ALT H MEETING Qitibiiir" foetiiice W ad s and Improve mints CoftOUSorod tor ' ' v.tn w . At 11 meeting of the board of health reiterday afternoon the garbage oon tracts for the Pint, Bicond ami Third distrirte were let to M. T. Prendergasl it 88 cnts per family per mouth Robert Harlan received ihw coiitraol for the Fourth district at 10 onta jier family per month, It was decided to rtqUllt City F.U gineor Pllilllpi to make plain and ipec ifioationi tor u retaining wall about the crematory and Hdvertlll lor bids on the work to be submitted before the next meeting, provided the plans are furnished early enough lor that pur pose. SOUTH SIDE. Oeorge Bheohan and William Joyae, two youths of thil lldl, Itarted to catch the train for Wilkes Bam u few nlghtl ago, and cut across the Ihdds towaril the Mn Ka depot of tho DtllWara and Hudson Railroad oompnny. Near the national breaker they were set upon by threa at range men id' bmly build, and relieved of all their picket lUOUey, Every pocket in their clotbeH was turned inside out, and the highway men secured about ten dell ars between the tWO. When every cent waa taken. Hi,' robbers let them loose aud told them to gel home as fast as they pleaild The young men turned toward h one and Win IVetaa to telling of their mishap In this way their assailants had plenty of time to escape, 1111 1 their identity will fjlikely never be dis 00 vend. Tho choir of St. John's chureh will hold a concert next month under the direction of Profesior i) E, South worth, the inusieal director of the choir. Weekly rehearsals are held and n programme of much excellence ia be log arranged. John Connolly, of Palm street, whose mind baa been falling for tomo time, was removed to the insane department of the Hillside home yesterday after uoou by Officer Flaherty. John P Donahue, of Stone avenue, and Thomas O'Boyle, of Plttlton ave iiuj, will leave for New York next Ihursday to attend the graduating exenisesof the senior class of the New York Medical institute, ot which Peter Lai ly. of Rendham, well known on the South Side, is a member. 'I tie mariinge of Nicholas Noary, of South Washington avenue, and Miss Katie Curran, of Prospect avenu, will be aoleuiuiz 'd next Friday morning at 'J o'clock with a nuptial uusa iu St. John's oburch BlLVftB QIVIM AWAY, On Saturday, April '.'I, we will giVl a sterling siiv-r piu to every customer buying gooli to the amount of one dol lar. Mi.AKs A- Haiikn Nc. 9 Amtrloa No. 9. No. '.'of thin handsome portfolio is now ready for distribution. Members of the Homeopathic Society Express Their Opinions on the Question of Vaccination. The bi monthly mooting of the Homeopathic Medical Society of North em Pennsylvania waa bald last evening at the residence of Dr. John W. Cool idga at I'h'J North Washington avenue. It was attended bv Dr P. B, Peterson, of Honeadaie; Dr. Sarah Coe and Dr Charles A. Av.-rs. of Wilkes Bam; Dr. H B. Ware, Dr. F. D. Brewster, Dr. Mary Shepherd, Dr. Bureth, Dr. John W. Coolldge, Dr. H. B. Vm Bergan, Dr. J. W Roberta, Dr. Anna C Clarke and Dr. II F. Hell ner, of this city. The latter is president of the aootety ind presided over the 111 :eting, Dr. Sarah Coe read an exhaustive pap'-r on "Obatroition of the Boweli," reporting several intertaliog'oaeei that came under ber observation. The paper was afterwards discussed in a general way by those present. (Jnder the head of ''Diseases of the Month" an interesting dilCU'tioo oc curred on smallpox, it being shown that each visitation of that scourge is less terrible in its results. Some of the doctors expressed themselves as op poed''ova,cmation1 but it was the opi nion of the majority that vaccination is Useful at a preventative Ot smallpox if clean, pure virus is employed. Tile members of tho society were urged to use no other. The next meeting will b the annual one for the election of officeri and 11 oanqnat will be held, The time an 1 place for the event is left to the di- oretion of a committee appointed last night. . A Rufe lrivestmnt. The history of coil properties in this vnliov lias I n cue u! cnstanllv iticre-is Ing values, ami it is surprising, when the met receives our attention, that investors to a great "ite'it have overlooked the se cunl es of coal companies in this valley t,, place their lands In the securities of foreign aorporatlona, often to their Borrow. 1 here is 1111 bet ter class of leCQI ities I ban our coal bonds, with sinking funds to pro vide against the eihaoitJon of the coal, and there has never been a dollar lust on thlsclaaaof luveatment In the valley. We therefore are pleaaed tu notice an isoQiof this ollsl r.f iiivesttiient bond made bv the Forty Fort l oai company, bearing ill per cent, interest and for sale by pTOnlneol banking men, whoie idvertlatment will be found in this issue VV. are prepared to furnidi bn.inets men with first class steOOgriphiri and typewriters by the day or hoar, Scranton Commercial aasoclatlon, limited, 49B Bpruci street. . s . Da ''. C. LAUBAOtf, dentist, lies aud Water company building, Wyoming ave. nue. Latmt improveiueuti. Bight years in hi lemon. Imiiiain carpets cleaned lor II cents per yard by the Bcranloo led. ling Co, Huntington's HOME BAKERY. Wc have a larffS assort mcnt of PLAIN AND FANCY CAKEi, ICE CREAM and WATER ICE. Leave your order at 227 WASHINGTON AVE., or 413 LACKA. AVE. Our Lackawanna avenue restaurant open until midnight. Of Mil 110 Mayor Connall'i Nominees for PoIIcjiu ii COulirihYil by Suiect Council, OBJECTIONS WADE TO LEWIS Mr. Fellows and Mr. Lauer Were Op posed to A',ain Giving Him a Place On the Police Force They Re hearsed the Glcason Aflair Noini nationt Voted on Together That Proposition Was Fought. Mayor fonuell last evening Hunt into leleel council the names ui tivo pariooi to aerv.i as iiieiubers or the police force, all of whoso appointment! wore oon Brmod after a spirited contest The new patrolmen araAlonaa U Day, Conrad Maimer, Jamea W. Ooleman, Toieph Bloik ami Tnomaa 11 Lswla, lu his oommunoation acoompanying the nomination!, Mayor Conuell slated that ho was inllueiirtid to appoint Mi I, -wis by that gentleman a past reeord of efficiency as a policeman, and by the number of lettere received from prominent alticini of the West Side and Central City, urging that I'm up polatment be made. Air. Clemont. us soon aa tho mayor's communication was mad, moved to coniider the nominations, Mr. Fellows moved to refer the nomination of Thomas B LlWil to a ruin mi t loti and Mr. Alanley uuieiidod that nil tho nom inations be referred. Mr, Bellowi then gained the Hour and made a bitter speech In denunciation of Lewis. Mr. Clemoni commended the pastaf Bcleney of Mr. L -wis as an olllcer dur ing a period of eleven years' service, although he did not wish to lie under stood aa defending his participation in the affair with Oleason. Mr. Clemona Htated that he aaw 110 reason for refer ring the nomination, Mr. Mauley saw no harm 111 referring the nomination of Mr. le wis, lu his judgment all the nominations should he referred. WANTED VIDBNCI BIAO. Mr. Fellows asked that tho evidence which Mr. tileaiOU gave before the committee that investigated the Lewil Qleaaon affair be read. The request was complied with later. Tlie motion to refer the nomination was voted on with the following result : Nays Rosa, Fi Kelly, Clark. Kocho, Hurr, Wagner, Clemona, Borna. Council 10. Nays-Thomas, Williams, Bcbwenk. Menley, Fellows, KeUow,WettpfhaL Luuer, Chittenden 9. The motion being lost, Mr Lauer moved to eoiiaider the nominations separately. Mr. Clemens moved to amend tuat thoy be considered to gether. Mr. Lauer gained the floor and said that he nude the motion to consider separately because he wanted to vote against the continuation of Lewis, whom b severely arraigned be fore sitting down. He read apart of the evidence L'lveu by Mr. Lewis he lore the police investigating com mittee. Mr. Clemona and Mr. Fellowa got in a few wordl and then the former's motion to proceed to consideration was adopted by the following vote: Yeas K iss, Finn, Kelly, Thomas, Wil liams, Clark, Roche. Dnrr, Wagner, Bcbwenk, Cillowa, Kellow, Oltmons, cou-uell-U. Nays-Manley, Wesipfhnl, Lauer, Chit toudeu 4. T he motion to consider the nomina tions together was carried by a vote of 10 to 9: Yeas--Boss, i- inn Kelly, Clark, Dnrr, Wagner, Keliow Clemoni, Hums, Con nell 10. Nays Thomas, Williams, Koche, Man ley, Schwenk, Fellows, Weatpfab), Lauer, Chittenden A Mr. Clemoni moved that the nom inations he continued. This waa done. Yeas Hoss, Finn, Klly, Thomas, Wil Hams, Clark, Koche, Purr, Wagner, Ivd- lew, Clemoni, Burns, CoonelL Chitten den 14. Nays -Schwenk, Mauley, Fellows, Wait pfhsi, Lauer s. The mayor's appointment of Tarrenoe B. Rufferty to be inspector of the Spell man court sewer waa unanimously coii tinned. . OUR CVBTOHIM are our advertisers; they tell you of the bargains at tho Factory Shoe store, 411 Lackawanna nveutio. I 1 N r bent your carpets. Have the Scranton Bedding Co, dean them. Cnll at Avlerworth's Whenever vnu need pood meat. WHY DO YOU DO IT? Why rfm all over the city looking fnrimii dell, ns wiih hundred an t ten centa' worth Of gold In til -ui Hut yen will come very close to it It If y in will call It the light place. IhTiu! your ilnllnrs gold, silver and green hacks -to A. W. JURISCH ' y I'Kt CK ITU RBI, mid gel full value tor your money In I'.K'ViM s, FIRM Aims, FlHHINfl I ICKI R, FIN I'! CVTIiKRV, DOG COMjAHH ami i.i, m i; i, spoil 1 1; U IOIM The VICTOR WRKBL le ads Bicyei'-a lira aims, otc, repaired at short notice. Key flttlni a anealaltv. Olve me a mil DON'T SKIP THIS. WI HAVI tho finest line of iwestera In town. .Inst I link el' It nti all went Imy'i la-eater for $l.fl0i all woolmou'i from J:'in aj 10.03, All i .ilers. Florey & Holt Y. M. C. A. Building. 222 Wyoming Avenue THE CELEBRAT1ID PIANOS Arr at PMMBl Hif Mont Popnlnr mid PrtftlTtd lr l'tttiiiiK Arililt. Wnrerooms : Opposite Columbui Monument, 205 Washington Av. Scranton, Pa. PEGIALSALE Import samples oi Alter Dinner Cups and Saucers. They are bargains. '1 he sale will be lor this week only. Il is not ollen you get an opportunity to buy this class of goods for less than hall their value. CHINA : HALL WEiCHEL & MILLAR 116 Wyoming Avenue. The Great Marvel ol Dental Science Anasstliene A recent discovery and the sole property of Henvoci k Wardell, in :m isis, 31G Lackawanna Ave. WHAT J. O. ska MONS SAYS ABOUT ANiESTHENE. nils HEMWOOU t M Alllil After having eleven teeth street! ut one sitting by the palnlesa method, 1 pro Bounce it tatlreljr satisfactory in every particular. J, ;. BKAMONN . . i I. l.i,.,.i: fcTT 1 ,". I I ! !H.'"l l' .. III,. 7 i Ki ar 4' M l! i n r; i i '"4n !,i COLLINS & HACKETT 220 Lackawanna Avenue. DunlaPiWomen's Coats and Capes Hats SPRING STYLE ON SALE CHRISTIAN Till', Sole Agent, 205 Lackawanna Ave. MULTIOHROMES. Art for the masses. One Dime and One Coupon. Handsome line of Long Frocks and Sacks, made from Fine Grey Clay Worsteds, Vicunas and Black and Blue Cheviots. Custom Tailoring at Moderate Prices. Martin & Delany Clothiers and Custom Tailors. JDnillHIIIIIIIIIIIlllllMMiHHIIIIIIIIlllllllllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii IJLFashionl 308 Lackawanna Ave. I Millinery Department In order to move stock, we have mads sweep ing reductions all around. Hats, trimmed in the latest fashion, I WORTH $3 00. WILL SELL NOW AT $1.25 S WORTH 4.50. WILL SELL NOW AT 1.50 WORTH 5.00. WILL SELL NOW AT 1.98 Flowers, worth 15c, a bunch, sell now at 5 cents r Sprays, worth 35c. - - - sell now at 15 cents f Sprays, worth 45c. - - - sell now at 25 cents 1 Lace Curtain Department. E WORTH 12.00 S WORTH 8 r,() f. WOK) H $5 00 5 A full assortment in ral Point 5 tnins at tliaa cost of importation. mm niHrnniiu ninmn niiiiuiinici.Eiciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiini i ll r .fi.iiiOl1 TV .iltl.n. VSA i ! f'- f Ml Tl-y.rT'.K.' 'H n- " Tttrmiirvii c . Ml w Where the Good Clothes 1 Come From. floods nmrle from ?eantne w.il taken in m iiie ahvep'a baok. nana factored by exiiort workmen, finely woven and fait dyed, flnely cut and firmly made, are t!n goods we uffer nir enitomera. if feel nwi sipht won't de it tin- near will con via 9s yon that fast dyea on One fabrics, well cut ami w. 11 mad.-, aivo unfni ins sntlsfactlon. If yon want to get tba vert- twst in quality at fnircst prices, cume to our store. It In A Where Hi?, Good Clothes tome From. sW 1 1 We showed you n large collection of Capes and Jackets at Easter-tide, Today W8 have just twice as many. Jackets in Covet Cloth and Twills, Moire and Silk Trimmed. They Fit Well, Wear Well, Look We!!. The Prices nre way DOWN: $5.50, $7.50, $9 to $12. Think of FIFTY Styles of The very newest nml neatest are of irn Grain Silk, Moiro, Cloth and Lace. Notice the price tickets: $5, $6.50, $9 TO $20. Jackets, Capes and Top Garments for Everybody. Gr. "W. Owens & Co. CUIAKMAKKHS, SUITS AND WKAPS, M'i: i 1 1 : ITHBBTi CUUHT must; sgUAHE. THE Vl.liY LATEST DESIGNS - Will .-.. now at 1 35. S Will sell UOw at 11 75. s Will aell now at 87ff. de Reoaisant and Real Bruesels Cur a Sasli Curtains in all the different 9 ., I. "r - I, i, - 'i I H Ii V . . - ' ! . v ? CW4B J v m I s CAPES S