TTTR SCRANTON TRTBTTITR TIITJ1?SDAY MOttlTOTO. APRIL 19. 189. RHEUMATIC Sciatic, sharp and ".outing paint, strains ami ttv.i'. nenet relieved in one nun , to I iv the O i w vka Am i- 1'ain 1'i.Asi'Ku. It instantly relieves weak. Mutual "" lu)', btck uehe, uterine tslti .nt.l weaknesses. A V V V pains. It . i,'..7 .v. the ner SWJvmi force, an,! hence cores nervooi peini an J muscular weakncH when all ethers tail. Tri.-f, 3c. ; live, $t.ix. Al iltl ilrm:Kil or by BUil. iVrtbU l.fl. AN.' Chum. C.'kl-., I'hisIoii. Amj ! FECIAL sale 2 DAYS or- Pacrrd FINE ENTERTAINMENT. St. John's NOTIONS LET BIG VALUES IN LITTLE THINGS SUG GEST THE GREATER VALUES IN THE HEAV IER LINES. "Man wants but Uttl hero MOW, Bat woman want bMp; Bet lifo la full of UttU iranto, If they rc onlv aheap." Daisy Ribbon?. Id a yd. Regulation Curling Irons, 5c. each. Bteel-point Hair Pins, 2c. a paper. Invisible Hair Fins, 2c. a paper. Shell Hair Pins, 18c. a doz. and 3 c each. Safety Pins, all sizes, 5c. a a dozen. Fine Pins (won't bend), 5c. a paper. Linen Thread, 7c. spool. Good Lace Thread, 7c. spool. Darning Cotton, 2c. Real Hair Crimpers, 3c a package Thimbles, 2c. each, tape Measures, 4c, 7c. Brass Rings, 2c. and 4c. a dozen. Fancy Cord. 6c. yard. Rope Linen, 4c skein. Linen Fringe. 6c yard. Coats' Spool Cotton, 3r:C. Best 100-yd. Spool Silk, 5c Star Skirt Braid, 3c. Embroidery Silk, 4 spools for 3c GORMAN'S 8RJNDDEP0T CaREONOAU CHIPS. Llttli Lr,-.1, GHMM4 on tha Ptonaar Cita'i Mid-r7. sytrial to th Afonim fVfeavM CrtRo7T. r.R, P., April 18. The fol lnwtr.e it the fpirt of tna bnsiness done in Carbon 1l pst fifaow rinring th r p-st ttWIIsc Mareb 91: Anni 1. 1803. loJanM 88; .Inly I lo Soptmbr 20, til 53; OetOtMf 1 to Inibr 31, 13.517 00; .ftnnarr 1. ISM to Mrcl 81, fi.m 37. The re port hr,7n nt iMtim over ImI Tar's bnsjriaa. Howard Joint, of Forst f.'itr, main a to thi any thin afternoon. .1 J. JmowMk waa a Reran ten viitor this roorninz. Th lappet arffl by tbe Ii.ptlt llt9kW AM swatv this Tnint5 in tha chapal waa literally patrorr.z.fl In connection with tha anf,r"r a literary anrl mnaiaalo proramm wu ramlars'l rl nrinsf th amine I'jaaph AI'XAn'lor, of 8!Tntr.n, waa a visitor in thi city thin ftrn'r.n. The atoros ',t many of onr Main placia are hiing edOTDOd with new awningi Three hnn'lr.l an'l forty-aix dolltfl waa tha amount reellied from tna ra nt ball which was iivri in benefit of th OwbootelO hovrnl. A nak thief stola a pail of shoe tU moroint? from th atora of .. W. iimoclt. Ht r,tra'l tha.Salim arannn antranra ari'l lifta-l th'im from the dl play In the window. 'orifa Mecham, of Ilirizhamton, ia on a hnsinaaa visit to thi city. Mia Mary JJaan, of DttBBOMt ' T'11 1 itiri(r frui(la in town. " a Kan IJp.AfJAOr. rnn.c. murh oirkri".", ni hail Hood nmi Improper action of tb livr ami kidotri i bod droliioM to Um liurnan avatem, which ilurdock Blood llttt ru ly. The birrest bargain yet thoo mapnifir.f-nt Multichromea. sjiiiaiiiiiiiioKiiiHiiiiiiigiiiiiiiiiiHiiii'; I TRIBUNE BOOK COUPON. 1 l'OI It T Mii'.n OOCPOXI, pro- Matad ait The TrlbOBt Ofltoa, r- 0t I'Aiin nvfinnnnil Spriiei- liealet, ealttlea the holdar to oil the priv r tin. onpantlleled offer for dlttrlbntlag popnlor imiii otnong inir reader, 'i he offer node hy Thu Trthoae maoegoneiit rii an fill low.: IT. t'l'.M S nml Fear OttapoM for any Tolotna n the Ootnaibaa si rloa. Oti-t I4M CfrTe te feleot Iroiii. Concert Given by Chinch Choir. dpaWdl to fftd iVrraiifoii 7Vftiin. HONBSDAIA Pi, April 18 Tbo grand aucred contort at Bt .lobn'H church Inst night drow tosrvthcr tht mnjor part of the uiunioal titleut of lloueidalo well ns a nrg nuiu'uar of the lover of aoiiu. The cburch wa well filled, but the programme which had been ao cnreftltly aelecteit ami pre pared merited, n packed houe. At B o'clock ti e concert opened with a Krftlu' chorus, "Tuntum Brgo," by st John'i eholr. Tbti tbrlUlng pton WM a tittiiiK Oponlng for what Ml to follow, Ot)t ol the pleasiint teat lire., which ptrhtpj oicap'd many uu DOtlCOd, wna the protnptDOM Willi wblob each new MloottoD waa ren lend. TbON were BO tireiomo pAttltt, Wblob are uanallv tbe cue William Kallllmn huh i; "I'.ce Pant,1' Millard, lu a highly plvaimg BMBDOF, A duett, "0 Balatorli Hoitlo," by UInn Mkdgo Hirmaa and UlnnU Uetlly. did Kreit credit to thi) young ladt.M Proboblf one of tbe lineal pttOM of th evening waa the trio that raUowtd, "Ave Maria," Bonjamlu Owon, by Mum Blla Dohtrty, Mr Bn tvrt Ktllj and Howell lvi. Tbtr va hatdlj a atir during thu rondOfloi of i'm. nelectioii : a long breath ol MtilfaotlOO from the audience fol lowed. Tbo protrrammf throughout wa of tbo Ugbwl character, and the excel lent manner in which thy were mng ' a port of each. Solo, "O Saving Hunt,' bv Mia Maine Kelley . "tiloil in Bzeoitlr," Qonnod't, by tbo oboir; tenor olo, "lu Native Wortti." bv Howell Davit; duet "Rookol Agts,' Misa Annie rallicbau and ThoUM Kiunertv, Jr ; aud (OpMno olo "O s il utarn," by Mi BIU I'ohertv, with Onto obligate by Obafloi Hentley made a closing of the highest character, - IN AND AROUND ARCHBAIO. Hatter and 1 h 111 O.naral Int. Ill treuilv Dlcu.i1. fiawotal to tAe sVroatoa IVfoaao Abchbald, April 18. Arobbald i Don to hv a Wotkly pair It will bo oallod Tbo citizen and will proba bly make it appearand next welc. A atloman from Olypbanl with con lorablo nowapapor zptrlonw will be the publisher, and tot the proaont at '.ast it will ce printed In Olyphant There i rocm bare for a live weekly v. 1 there i no reaon why tbe new j umal ibonld not trop?r im 'rrow Poatnaator t-'Hourke i axptotod to take obargoof tbopoatot rice. Mr CoagroTe ha Bniabod up hi work an t ha everything iu readlues. for bil ucceor. Fred Kmback ba returned from a brief but pieasaut viit In the west. iMoceph. the iufant on of lr. ami Mr- J J Kelly, died early thi morn ing after a brief illue. The' funeral takea place tomorrow rbnrtday) after- nwn. By a ingular coinoidenoe three per I on tolay sustained painful injurie by teppiog on rusty nails. James M E.ton tppd on one while doing car : enter work at JaniM Simpon St Co.' I mine, and Charles Tiuiliu aud Patrick Loftu. of Wayne street, sustained imiiar Injarle while removing an old fence. No serious results are antici pated in either case A large delegation of Knights of Father Mathew went to MayHeld this evening to attend the fair or fat A'.oysius' oeie?v at Jertnyn. Mr. John A. Foote spent the after noon in Seranton. i ; wing to a break in one of the en gin of the Creoent Eiectric company t ,ere wi no electric light furnished here last evening or thi evening. Mr. Km back, of South Main itreet, was in ficranton. The pupil of the graded school will hoi 1 a grand entertainmnt in tbe school building on .Saturday evening. The proceeds go to th library fund. Mr. D. biake, of Hill atreet is aligbt ly indiapoatd. Mr. F, J U'Boyl ha fnroiahed each of the :hool in the graded building with new faucets and basins Hereto fore th water nsed in th entire build in.' w.i drawn fr .m one fausit. - Bswanior Fnacoa-Be sure yon ge', tbe genuine lr. Thomas' F.clectric Oil. It enres Cold, Troup, Asthma, iJuofniHs and Rheumatism. . M OliRYEA DAY'S DOINGS EV r'.ammsn' bv the Alzinl Society. Oth.r Not. ft-r(a' lo the srrnn'nn Trlhw. D . ITU, Pa., April ll The AdffOnd Literarr and Debating society will 'ivn a pnbiic. meoting Fridav. April 27 1 be following ia the programme to tie rendered i Mr Branoe Miss Menirr ....Miss Main waring that a tra'ln is Door a proieaadon, Afllrroa- Sugg, ( linrlfs I'rlre; Mead, Mlcbael Dixon, Mis Kennedy . . Mi Ssdin Benedict . . William Mainwarlng Mlis Anna Ward Journal lames Clark J I!. Iia k. of Archbaln, called OB frian Is Vera yetr lay afturnoon Mr. White, of Clark's Summit, 1 the gnkst of Mrs Cbtrltl Marcy. Tn many frionda of Rev J. L If ao" will glad to hear that the rnverand gentleman win oontlnoe bli paatorata The l'reaivtrlan cbapsl will give a phonographic c.onrrt Hatonlay even Ing The employee, of tbt Penmylvaola Coal oompany received pay ye trdjy nock since Jnnp, 1800, when ebot by Larry l'ost. The bullet was lodged nwar thesbouhlHr blade and uiiieh prob ing wm necssary to eOeotltl removal. Although the onuriitiou wa a painfnl one, Mr. Capwell did not allow it to In terfere with hi Hchool dutie. JERMYN SCINTILLATIONS. Crlp Parairraiiha Hnlattnir Mews of a 8irluutlm Uav Am' to ine SoroAloN XVlbtuta JRRMYM Pa., April IR John H. Griffith is confined to the house with lerioni illness Samuel WaMidv broke his arm while cniiling on Monday 'uiit Mr. aud Mis. Charles I lav is, of Ceiue lory street, ntleiideil the luner il of the child of Bdwin iioweii in Dnntnora yesterday. Bobble the only bild or Klwln Stnbb died Tuaaday morning, aged i e n, B mouths and '.'I days, the fuusral win take plaoe Wedneiday afternoon. Interment in Boia Bill oemetery, l,uit forget the concert under I lie auspice of the Cltilim baud, al (JBlmore hail tbia evening lirnnis McUoVem was the lucky bidder of ticket No. Q0 which drew thi' door prll on the Ural night of the Si l,n uini fair. The program laat night, was well ar fled out as follows Duett. Mi.S'S linrke and Walker, recitation, T' Ncalon; solo, Mis Urudy. The d00( prize was a paper rack Thu Fair Journal which appoan dally i a cred- ble iheel ami is well patronised iy our boaineia men. Mi-is Ploule t,l,'s, of Seranton, is the giwst ol Mim lOdith havi iKnit fail to buy a liokitt for the OOD tata lu the Congregational church on Fridav, May IS. i. I T'avlor.i, f T'oinpkinsvill trans act. -d bnineai In Jormyn veatardny, John t arrel, ot lower Stain street, is improving his property by meeting a substantial porch. The t 'iioptioii at tbe First Haptitt enuieh in honor of llev A F Sanford was well attended. Mr Sanford did ev ingeliatio work here last winter and mony of the new lueiubvrs were pres- edt to tu t loin welcome, The funeral of tbe only child of Mr and Mrs I', Twin Stubbs took place v.s- Urdav afternoon. Interment in li ise Hill cemetery. T'h concert of the Jermyii Citizens' band last evening was well attended, I'revioll to the evening entertainment the band paraded the itreet and dis coursed weet mulc. T he attendance at the fair of the St Aloyalna society is steadily increasing 1 he attractions last night were aleo tiou by the St ir drum eorp of Jermyn aud the Knights of Father Mathew of Arctinaid. i no door prize was a obeoilla table covor. The irrepressible small boy bas now to answer lor nnothar misdemoauor esterday one of them threw a hat which lodged in the rapidly revolving wheel of llieodere lownonds bicycle, breaking th machine. Forest House today : A. II Brown, Seranton; Itobort F. lieeve, Jermyn; W. L. Andrews, Seranton; VV. J. Shieye, Philadelphia. Harry S. Skeel, ono of tarhondale most popular young inon, wa giveu th fraedom of the "city" today While liere be waa chaperoned by Knu Station Agent, U. M. Hlicpberd, oue of the Klin's moat obliging agmifa. tcev. llavid Fvan. of Kingoton, re turned to hi home today after a few day sojourn irt Voreit City. Attorney 1, p. Weil. .man ll profus- iouallv engaged ill Seranton for to morrow. I'ho debate "Rtiolved. That Napo leon as u obtiraQter wa to ba adnalred" look place last evening ( treat mi t was ibown and Itood argumont pro limed 00 bolli aides. The jttdgM, At- Lornay li p, wedaman, Tbomai llrown, sr.. and Mus Jennie Adam, Uoldad in fay, it- ol the negative. HI LLSTf AD ITfMS. I lit. LSI I'arional and Oth.r Notes of from a l.tva Town flpeotOlfO IAe .Vniuhm Vntmn. II t fin m, Pa., April IN Mrs I. DV and Mrs A. M. Sllkva visited lliiighamti'ii yeHleiday. Mrs I i ilus i ',ii neuter is visiting friends In Foster. ir. and Mrs. ( '. N, VauneaH wer visiting friend in Montrose yesterday Mrs. I,. I) Siiumniis and Mm II. it Tanner went in Pingbainlou on Tut day. T he ladies of the Uaptiat church will have a market day on Saturday. The Railroad Young Mwu'a Christian aaanciatlnu library in this village has bout BOO volumes nml noarly "00 are giveu out each month. Tb board ol directors of thu I; ol road Young Men' ClirlHtiru asiociatlon of this place have deeidod te sol apart one Sunday in each month for apscial aorvio for men Railroad Young Men' Chrittian as loolation choir will practice on Thura day at , In p m I tin goapal mooting on Sunday will be addressed by mem bers of the hoard of director nud other and Indication lu their worst forms are cured by the use of P. P. P, If J ell am debilitated aud run down, or If you need a tunic to regain Beeband lust appetite, itrengtb and vigor, take 1. P, 1'., and yon will lie strong and healthy, r or shattered OOnatltUtion and lest manhood P. P. P, (I'ncuiy A.h. Poke Kent and r 1 , - hi is the Knur of all. medicine. P. P, P. is tbe greatest blonlf purifier in the world. For sale by all druggists. WE BELIEVE We have the hand- ancl Drawing Room Furniture Mnic Ksay itar.ltation inbate Reeolvtd, profitable than live, William negative, T. H. Moeto Reading Oration v'oral Bolo STROUObBURG NOTES. A Lively Lattsrfrom the Land of Thrifty EDterprt. Qpeciu. to raa ocranroa tnhune. . - e btroudsbcrq, iv, April is -The son ie st line ot Jrarlor trout fishermen do not report the best kind of luck. The recent heavy torm has swollen the streams and made tbem very muddy. Visitor from out of town have not yet begnn to arrive in large number. M H. Sivscool was in Eiston on bu ines. this morning. C. van r.tton and family have re turned from shohola. pa. The Hon. Ueorg P. liaser is viBitiug his friend, Joseph Kerr. Mil Helen Schock is atPhillipiburg, a. j. Miss Nettie L. Mervile, of thi place, it spending a wk in t resco. Jthn I'edrick an I wife are guest of Aaron Lrooks, ot hast ntroodsbnrg, Htirry Kacener caught seven trout yesterday, three of which were eleven mcbe long. Uiu Lizzie Mervine, of Mount Poeono, spent Sunday and Monday visiting friend in Strondsburr. Miss Adeline H'ilig has returned home after a three weeks' visit among friends In North Wales, (.uakertown and hiton I rank Robert, of Camden, N. J formerly a resident of Delaware Water was in town this morning. Mr Jennie I'.tirger purchased what ia known k the Rily farm on Moii day, The farm contains eighty acres. and with th" stock was eoM for 13,000, Thorn H. Fsrr and E. L. Steel, of I'niiadslphi.t, are guest of the Indian l'i"n hotel. Messrs Mchetridge & Thnralow, of tho duckery, will on April U ship to .vewiorg lor the- farm allow, which open on tlm 87tb Instant, at the Mad! son Snnare iardn, sixtn hundred bent ";.'g and btwan two or three hundred duck's eggs a Iwar I llellrnn. of NowYork city, called on his friend, Bigloy, on 'fliurs u IV Bill BoMi of Mcrnnton, pvnt Nuinlay with her tri-ii'l, Alary Davis. it. m iirsicnaii'i wire, ol Willi" I'.irre, were registered at the liidim tn"en hotel, Mr. Drakn is dlapatohet at vviiior r.arre on thu Wilkes Han and B i.tern railway. i V. Mcneiv .y, g"Tieral aiipnrm tendentoi th n. y. s ,v w ll It., ( V. Demarest, paymaat-r, and W. il. Slanle, trai kmaster, were gueat at the Indian Ijiisnn bolel yesterday. i . 1 ever sliown in tins state and we would like vou to see it. Hill & Connell Washington Ava. RICK DRAIN TILE, FRONT, WIRE CUT. HOLLOW. VITRIFIED, FIRE AND COM MON B R I C K Best In the market, " :K.NTS and Knur Cam poll any bonk In the KiikIij Serins. B CFVTS anil Four Coupon any book in the Oilnril series. for 5 for S IliiifiniiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin M L Blaif, Alderman, .'.Ui ward, Seran ton, Pa., staled Nov W, 'M.I lie had used f r. Thomaetcleotiio fM for Bpraini, born, rnts, bruises and rheumatism. Cured ev.ry tlfAi " o KEV5T0NE ACADEMY NOTES. T'nrnRrnDh of Interest to l-Men'le .f Well Xnnan Insllt'iHon A,eriVl lo tlir Nannltm 7V'il'ae, FA'KiltVVlt.l.K, Pa., April IS School opened on 'I nesday with iulte a aatia fartory attendance. F M. Carpenter, who has been do log business In VVillitnantln, Conn., for the psat yaar, haa returned to ion 00 1 and will graduate with the class of 111 The very line weather which W0 are now enjoying afforda ezoillenl oppot' tunity to engage In out. door ipoftt, and tudents aro taking atlvautage Of it. Mis Ettfi Phillip, of Dti Kytr, N. Y.. ia Spending a few day with bet ooniln, lrs k b, Wbitforl Among the new atudenta who have registered are tho following! BUi" lielcher i.nd (Iritce May Howell, of South (ibon; Mary Kllen Fry and Hattie Fva Shupp, of Fast Lemon; Vida Frnniea Sherman, LanOXVilUi Saliio Helen Paaaett, senttviiie, Ralph M. Archibald, Lenox; Warren (. Hen sen, Katonvill; David D. Cure, Jor myn; CharU Flwin Freeman and Robert Hurl Carey, of Seranton. Tho many friend of R. U. Capwell are pleated to note the lOOOOUfol effort of Dr. Nowton and Heller to remove the bullet which he ha carried In hi FOREST CITY FLASHES. Current BVantl Oorrcotly Ileported for ll'irrlad ..oil -rs, Fitrttoi in the Saroofon IVfAuaei roRtST CITT, Pa . Anni 18 - llrltlsh American lealge, No rj73, Urdet Bona Of Bt LHOrgO, have engaged the Oela- brated ' lolnmbien ti m. n , of Boran ton toning at I hair cone rt next Mini uy evening, pril , 111 tho o)rn I en i" I hi llu r tnttit I composed of young men of unusual musical ability who barn established an nviah1t repu tation I er harmonious hlumling of tone, evenly balanced and well cnlh rated voices and for brilliant stvle they tland without a rival in the I i.-1-tn. City. Some of PorOat City's beat talent will at, pear on the programme, wh ich Is n ful low: PART I Selection i olumhlan Ijunrtetln Addree itev. f, QendaJI Hong, "Anchored" Henry I'arr Song. Selected Al rn leol ge M a ley Song, "Noble liny'' p, Thomas Recitation, Boleutad Mamie Reynold Song I). J, .Inn,,, selection Colombian Quartette Brandt Clay ProductCo. PPlCBt Blngbamtoa N. Y. PACTORTf Brandt, P PART II I A') dlan l,vro" QlOC, "Awake, Ity the Pbllharmonle nice Bodatf Song, "Only Bpeal K unity to Me'' Mrs. S. Mnv Recitation, Baleoted . ..Manda Reynolds' Song, "The Hong I hat H.airhed My Heart. ,MaV Watkins BoSg, "Plaoai a Itltd" Iteulah Mines Intel., I' lew I onitlv lleva" 1'rof. J. I,. Morgan and 11. J. Jonns Song, Selected P. It. Thomas Selection t'oiumbian Quartette Tho above 1 an tiniiesliy fino nro gramme.aud tnosn mieeing it will have cause to regret. Price, 15, 25 aud US cents. The following wero registered at the ' ttr. Frederick Seller Bt Paten, Peon. Like a Young Man Although 71 Years Old Rhoumntlsm Cured and Strength Clvon by Hood'a. "('. I. BoodAOO , UVell, Man : "1 have taken thro bottle ot Bood'i Kan- naiilla and am now uiliiu the touitli. I call truly lay It has uiado a new muii ot me at my ail Vaiioed age of Tt. 1 have I Uttered with rhemna Ultl bir many yeais. got tan VOaTI thefe liui been a swelling lu my allies and alto meter lay kne lOUlU, It was so eveie I SOU Id not 1)000 in wllle ail pain. NOthiUI gave me mild uu HI allri I laaiiinencril n, lake II ! riurv. n il ilia, i have oonttnued te hnprov b-aiiny Hood's5;" Cures and the pain has Irfl my sides and knees, en abltng me to Itoop to tlm ground wltUi-ase. I am wit kha' lite a yeiuig man. tbaokl lu BOOd'l Hananarllla, t iiiaUe it uuuukIi in n lui a Ini' tie- I'eoil tl hai d'liic for nit-, not alone I'M i In a mat t Mu . Iml ai0 101 kidney trouble gHaoBmi a ski.i.kks, Bt i'eteis, Man. HoodW Pillu cur i QnitlpaUoq by n iter lug uiu pertttaltlc action of u.- alimentary canal ynHuiiifiiimNiiiiiiitiiiiiiiHiiiHimiiiiiieiiiiiiiiiaitiiHiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiii Dr. K. Grewer The Philadelphia Specialist, And bla asaoolated tafl of Eiutllsh anil Ger man 1'hralclaLa.are cow parinaneLtlj located Temple Court Building 31 I SPRUCE ST.. SCRANTON Where they may be consulted DAILY AND TODAY. The Doctor Is graduate ot the University of l'l'Dnsylvaaia, formerly demonstrator of phymologv and surgery at tbe Medico-Cblr oratcal College, of Phlladeli hla. H la also an honorary member of tbe Medlco-Cbiror-Klcal Aasocistton, and wa physician and turgeon In-chief of the most noted American and Uerman hoanltaU comes blirhly Indorsed by the leadlug professors ot Pbiladelvhla aui hew ork. nil many years of boeoltal eiperlenea) n bles tbls eminent physician ana surgeon to correctly dlaguose and treat all deformities and diseases with the most flattering sucreaa and bl likh standing in the state will not all w htm o accept any Ineurable caw LOST Mv.Mloiili t.i -i, ii. i i' WEAKNESS OF VOUVG MKN rURRD. If you have rsnsn Riven up ey your physi cian call upon the doctor and he examined. He cures the worst caaesof Nervous Debility. (Scrofula. Old Borea. i atnirh. Piles, Female Weaknesa AtTectinna of tha Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat, Asthma, Deafness. Tumor. Can cel end Cripple of every description. Con imitation In English and Gennan I'-ee which shell tie considered sacred ami strioUy confi dential ill. IIomm: O A. H. tu 0 1'. M. 1 aniiday, O a.m. to V p m. Third National Bank of Seranton. statement Feb 99 . 1894, relied for by the fuinptmiiei of the Currency. UKMll iu r. l oan l 1 i l, on IHrrdt-eft United Mates llonds other Bond I ... I. 1 1 II rreniillttni en 17. K llotnls line from I'. S I rrusnrer. line front Hanks (ash !4:..S7 S0.0O0.00 Bllt.JitH 7.-. VS.in4.4fl 041 7,000 oo 50S.4IU ,:i 1411 11411. ',4 a.soe.Afto.oo LiAniLmn Capital oson.noooo Siii i'lu : in eon 00 linillTl'led l ,.ilis AIIINIIOll Clreillatlon VJ.000 00 ll 1,1. i, , l I niielil SSI .10 llrooslts.' 1.SOA0O0 54 Hue to Hanks 00,300 .VI WV.0',A50.(iO jt 4nvniiaf si - DON'T FORGET That we are beadqnarteTI for everything In Hie line of UAH his, If yen have nnv Idea of purchasing my kind or a watch, lady 'e or gent s. i mill , MVer, yon will make a grluv OUi in i ii k. It yoado Oo! Hv" a call and get our pi-iees, which you will tlud far below allotnerx, espeelnll hi all the truth grades of Elgin. UalMiain and Hampden movements it you Bays any doubt aud arc nt all pnstiHl 00 price g, usa eaU aud we will havo no troutile m convincing you. We still havo a large stock to dispo.o of, mid will offer yon won derful Inducements In JewrtlT, Hllvorware, Clocks and all other goods which we have In stock. C. W. Freeman Penn Ave. and Spruce St Wll tMll I OVMII, rreblrnt til l) II 1 I 1, Ice rre.lilent WILLIAM II I'M K. t e.hler DltUtOTORS xviiiiam ConnalL Qeorn h, ratlin. Alfred llsnd. .lames Arililmlil, llenrv llellii. Jr., viiin,,,, T. s.eun. Luther Keller Thl lintik offers In ilen, I,,, uu, warranted be their balnneee, iut- ness ami resp,,iisllillitv. hperlnl attention given tn linslliess ao eooOta Interest publ on time dpolta 11110 TRADERS National Bank of Seranton. ORGANIZED IM CAPITAL $250,000, SURPLUS $25,000. BAltUEL HlNKWiirresMent W.W. WA'I SliN, Vice President A K WILLIAMS, Cashier. MHKCTOtt. SAMpnr, HiNra, jamm m- Evfruaut, litviNo A. 1'iNcn, Piaaoa B JoaEI'll J. .Ii inn n M KKMKIlKlk, CUA. P. .Ma 1 1 ui u a. Jona T 1'ohtkh. W. W. WAISo.v. PROMPT, ENLRGETIC, CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL This bank Invites the patronage of buslaes SB and Arms generally. EverythingFOR Everybody AT The Fair 400-402 L.icka. Ave. "Always the Cheapest" Dry Goods, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods, Notions, i'ancy Goods, Infants' Wear, Cloaks, Curtains, Hoys' Clothing, Boots and Shoes, etc. Commencing Monday, April 16, we will place on sale Special Bar gains in Every Department. All New Goods FAR BELOW REGULAR PRICES I nmiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiMiuiiiiiwMuiHimiiiiiHiiiiiiniiiniHiuiiiiiiiiiiiiHR il 06 1 $1.40 EACH. ANT TABLE The greatest bargain in the market. A few of the Brass (Onyx Top) Tables left at $6.00. KERR SIEBECKER 406 and 408 Lackawanna Ave. "BOILED DOWN" 1 Just lo Give the Editors a Chance mm A DETAILED price list of our im mense stock of Furniture, Car pots Baby Carriages. Refriger ators, Mattings, Stoves, Crockery, eve. would crowd everything out of this paper. And we have too much respect for editorials to do anything like that: besides, of what use when all can be told in a single line. The Lowest Prices in N. E. Pennsylvania. Cash or Credit With every purchase of $50 or over we present an American Onyx Fin ished Cathedral Strike Clock. With $75 or over, a ioc-piece Din ner set.