TTTE SCEANTON TRTBlT"NTE-TTRTT?SDAr MOKNING. " APRIL 19. 1894. 7 CHAPTER XVIII, Tho nanio ' ' Kent Htivvu" Imil been given to tb houso in tliu BOQBtftiBI l" vliioh tho Percys ri'treateil trom Wm Chester. The lint Idea wus to make dm of it for uuly u few Wftka until the war was orer. Noted? in tho n.iutli artcr the t'enfalerate victory at Ball Kuu doBbteU that pence would be Km,' coming. They wore b.uUly settled when Jackeon recaptaiBd WiBcaeeter. They had sent eely I euro" this QtWl Whet) tho town was reocoupiee) by a Federal force. In thi 'as' battle for possession ttiu IVt .v mansion and all QBtballdlBge WVf burned to IN gruutid. OttWH lAUtd the surue fato. Indeed tin' IbBMI of war wiped out a third of the town before ar WM hardly BON tlmu a holiday, For a few Clays alter learaiBg of tins U-.'.ir tbo IVrvye tulfced of lMTtn UjM valley lor so mo point uirtlier south, bat )vit as ;by had made Op tmrir iaiad- lo go M:s. I'ercy Ml seriously til, and that occurreoce i-'beciiuiaud all plans tor lowing Reel Havea. The eenraBta woo bod Bod from Iho house a! Winchester did not raurn. pOt With hundreds of otuer colored peo- do Beade tt eir way to Barper'l Ferry : theac to Wai;iii!to!!. Qncle Boa I ves tbij oat) ue iet't. and but for the VPes-jEce of Mrs faster the l.idies , would have netB iu sore straits, 'the ' slave. Male BBd ftSttlO, WON escaping ! :-vtu the villogoi aud plantation) in I droves, and the two or three wouiru erBOBI OBct Beu induced to euter into service at the Baron disappeared with the first dark night. While Marian Percy felt distrust of Mrs. Baiter, the womaa was so re spectful in demeanor and rtudered her elf iu oil ways to usetul that the feel- ' lag rather diminished than increased. Undo B-.u. oa the contrary, grew to hate her worse and worse astiuu passed on. He could not conceal his dislike of her. though he restrained his tongue i : lOSCtOttoa. He realized that r : . r the oircaawtanceo it was uct only polioy bat dnty to do so. One day he !. ::'. ; i r. ::: :r say to Mjrtati ' MissSuushiue, doyo' 'men; be: what I dun told jro' befo" we left WincheooB 'Ion: dat Missus BuAter .-'' " Ves," she replied, "bnt I think you VOTO mistaken. Bbo is a i;t:!e qooos about scuie thiugs. bat on the whole a very ssowl woman. I don't kaow how we could have got along without her." "Mebbe I wjs tnist-ukcu. " said L'aole Ben as be thongutiully idOtcbed bis head, "bucdar'sa heapo' thing? I can't jest moke oat. Who yo' reckon dan bio i initial letters to her.'" "Her husband ptoboblf." Den why di.n't dem lrtc-rs euro wid ; yT' mail when I dan bnag i: op? I'm seen a strange tttaa ridin by on a mewl tvho btoogal letters to her threu or fo" timeo. I'M seen hrr writtn letters two ' or three times, hot she nebber did send '.;m to tows by BX'i. What all dat mean, 2Ii-s Banohiopy "Oh. it's just her queer way. Cncle Een. and there is nothing to won-y about.'' replied M'arian. though hia tatements filled bof with snrpri-e. -(yuare ways, eh? Waal. I zegwine to keep boaf my eyes open al. de time, fcr.nthin jwine to mm from all dis, M.;s Sunshine. Santhin bound tooome. White foUsdoon'aotdat way L,uiesdey means mischief. I hain't gwine lo say caffin to nobody, but Ire gwme tube prepar' 1 tr,r troablo!" Wken Mm Percy fell iii, Ben suc ceeded in ecurin for awhile the serv ices of an old eo4otod woman who seem ingly had DO longing for liberty, and aucb oMotOBCO as the n-ighlrs coold extend waa fNOif gi rco, The doctor who bai been called Bool V:ven loiles away, and the old man had boojMBtij to ride back and lottt over a highway on which very few farmers had fa ated. On one ut :hex ex- aroor.-. and when within a mitoof BOOM 00 his return trip, h caught light f a man ar,d wornn a ttiey moved oot i the road an 1 disap peared in a thicket. Hi wa close eooagh to be jatisfiVd tnat th- woman was Mrs. Baxter, and that tho man was a Confederal; officer, and their anxiety to avoid him ar vjsed all his suspicions. Ho intended to commonicate with Miso Marian at on . nnt circnnstanf es pre vented, and r,-xt day the honsehuld w,m suxpriied by call from Captain Wyle and his cavalry conposy, He stated that be was on detached dnty In that i.'ignnorhood. While the captain had been given to understand that his suit was hopeless, ind while Marian fully fOOllzod that he bad done and was still doing nil in hia power to fJOgTOdo ud disgrace the man she bad ooooptodi she neverinelMS (oil that It was policy to receive bin conrteoasly and nbiin anything ttuil might lead to BfOOOiBg a DOWfMliflg "f 'Timity Igaioot Kenton. n his pait the captain was careful to MJf nothing that might wi,und or oSotld, nod Ids Hour's tuft was therefore a very egrce able cue. He eXtOBdod his iympOUiMi offered to do anything In bio powoi to relievo their anxn tia find rodo away with a MOllool satinfaction on his face. He argued that Marian was wavering in her faith in Kenton, and that time and circumstance would biing aUjut tbo change lie desired. Man's niuf-t. fNqaOQt txiust is that Dl can read and understand won, an. and yet it is in that ho is oftenest doOOiVod, Few women can read und IndoNtood UmbjmoIvm, During the captaio'l visit Muriuu had been fnfcod to DOtico the demeanur cf Mrs. Baxter, fifao MODod bODOfoi tni d into a new being Ubillng, laugliiug and appearing to lio full of Joy OVCf somothimr. When tbo visitor had de parted, she was fulsome iu his pruisu, and for the first time since coning to the Percys' she betrayed ber real state of feeling. She was an ally of the cap tain's. Why? After puzzling for a time Moiiau asked: "Did Captain Wyle bring you news of your husband?" "Yos'm. Ike has got back to Win chester, along with .tbo others. The F COrHlinTtO M4 8T AmCRiCMt PROS ASSOCIATION Yankees got ufi'imtt that Iko would brOOk loose and do KWfol damage, and so tboy lot him go. ' ' Bo was woaododi WMQ't ho.'' 'Yos'm, and BO OB won't bo BttOfl to o back to the army lilt' souio weeks yit. Whl n be DB does, he'll bOV a irit tor and a IWOrd and rido around With UoptOiO Wyle." "Perbapatboy'U maki bin an dMooi for his bravery." "flo DB flOMirm it, fur tiah -of CO N bin does!" NPliM Mis. ButOti with u good desi of vigor. "If it wasn't in r that ouery Yankee" "Do j'i ii moan Mr. Kniton.'" aoked Marian as tho woman caught herself, "l l dun forgot!" abo itonnwtdi "Tbor'a binMnocb fosoiB 'boatwor ilii hour'j Moll UNI BWrtOBJ 0 Vl tll' ttUOl (NU . tbat I'n talk in bout Yankees twif the How. Ves. I bopo they'll mako Ike au otaifer right away." he excused beiself and was hasten log away when Marian detained her to ask s "Mrs. Baxter, has there ever bet it auy troabkl isstween your husband aud Mr. Keutou'.'" "I I jest can't declar'!'' "But you feel bitter ton a rd Mr. Ktu ton. Will you tell me why r" "Why. he an stands iu Ike's way, aud I crter feel haidwise, hadu't I?" lean': understand how he stands iu lie's way. ' "Xor I Mther. bat that's what Iks says, and that's what Captain W'yii says, and him jest orter be driv' over into the Yankee army whar he belongs! He un's a spy. Miss Percy, a regulat Yankee spy. and him's mean as pixon, and scmebi.siy ortet shoot him. and Cap tain Wylesays" Bat she checked heisulf agaifia Her feelings had been aroused, and she had said far more than she intended. She was half lauzhing, half crying as she bogged Marian's pardon and withdrew. N I Marian knew why Mrs. Baxter had come to her. She had a snspiciou as to the flight of her servants. The QOeef actions spoken of by Uncle Fen w-re BOW explained. Ir looked as if Captain Wyle and Mrs. Baxter were conspiring together, and the object was very plain. For reasons of r.:s own tne captain had aroused Mrs. Baxter's enmity toward Kenton and made Ike an enemy to be feart-d. There WM a i orr.pycation which puzzled Ma risn, and as the days went by she was no ariaer. If L'nile Ben mail any new discoveries, he kept them to himself, and the mother was too ill to be Worried over anything that could be kept from her. T;,ree days after Captain Wyle's visit there wpre a clatter of hoofs and a jan gle of sabers, and the road was alive with Federal cavalry for miles. It was a portion of Custer's brigade making a rocbapcaOMOCI in force, snd C'usW him self rode st the head. Wbffl the com mand halted at a creek below the boBM to water their horses and '-at a noon lay BMOl from their haverhuoka the PtBOWl and hia staff halted at the door in search of refreshment. They were politely and Of 01) kindly received by Marian, who insisted upon supplying them with wh itvT t," house afforded. ' iptaia Wyle bod boaaofolly aanffanttd that IheM was nrt. Taokee in uniform within miles of Rest ( iven. Here was proof that theye.i-n bold the terri tory round about her. Win n GeBOtal '.'ustT Dadentood that sb" was a refu gee from Winchester, he informed her that the Federals then held nearly all the Shenandoah arid I.nray valleys, ami there was every prospect of their per manent ob Bpetlon, He kindly offered her all DOBriblo resistance if tihe dOBiri d to jiu through tbo lines in any fifOC Hon, but It was plain that tho mother was then to') III to undertake even tin shortest journey. He begged her to ac cept some contaieaary itoNO oosm rogar nod meat Ind lenllzlug tbO iiiit wldch bad prompted him she did not i t ii i. Tlie first t wo articles had not only become luxuries In tho war ridden vidley, but were not to bsi had even in exchange for gobl. That was Marian's first sight of Cm ter, but It waa not to bt her last. ( HAI'TEH AIX. a tbo Federal! poured latatbflfaen- nndoah valley and regained lost ground I the pjBajrtem after and nnnuissary i Htores left by JaoklOO under the guard i of a low scorn men at Harrisonburg I Weri made icady to he forwarded to Bichnondi While Boyal Kenton fully ii;aliz"U that his being left behind was but another move In tlm conspiracy to destroy him, h allowed no ono to mi nd the real state of his feelings. There was Work tu do, BOd plenty of it, I and ho took hold so willingly that only n lew (lii)M nan passnri neiore ho was commended for his zeal by (ho major in command of tho pust. Unexpected diftlciilties MOM about securing transportation, and though re ports of a Federal idvBBCe were daily received the major hung on in hujies of Hiving tho htores. One morning at sun rise his pickets were driven in by troop ers in blue, aud 10 minutes later ho re ceived a sauimons from Oencral Custer to surrender. He bad only about 200 m DMQ alt told, while it W8J plain to be mob that be wm fairly inrroanded by tho force opposed. Ho aaked for minntcs to consider ami at ilm end bl that inm returned a refaeal. Bis little force ulmoft to a man had ngroed lo light to the lilt, Three or four earth work! had been thrown up to protect the BHpply'depot, but tbtoy Wibn with out artillery. Tbo force was dtvidl d M as lo man ttten nil. nud Royal Kenton and Btevo BraytoB found tbcrnwlvei inul about BO other men in u work with out even a BOBConniialoBad officer iiuioiig tbOUc 4b they wero already nn dor tiro, Kenton was by common consent giVM command. "Wo uns il koiio up thin tine for IDlbi" observed StlVI us Custer poitod his brigade and then opened tiro with u buttery, "but 1 reckon we might sorter i aja r pttd iu("ijiit( und tin it opened flit K tlh il billticp. Ining on fat awhile aud let 'em see wo hain't iktari Yesterday I BggtNd that one CoBfederate could Hob about seven Yankees in auy sort o' KfUnnggOi dod lot my buttons if things don't look different today!" The earthwork ibeltered then from the slmt and shell of the nitilleiy, und Kentou ordered the little band to be ready for the dash be knew would sooner or lati i be made. Tho Federals could be Men dismounting just outside of noaket raugo.uud. us a force of uhoiit 501 were moving out to charge tho fort held by tho major be raised B White Bag in token of surrender. Tho other two refused lo be bound by but action, but one oi theiu was charged with i bOON and hurrah, and capteud after tiring a single volley. "Waal, Yank, what's the word now?" liked oue of Kenton's men us all roll' Ued the stuio of utt'uirs. "Fight!" was the brief reply. "I alius knowed he nn was game. Three cheers for Kenton!' ' shouted Stove Braytou. They were given with a will, but be fore the echoes hail died away CoitOT'l etitire battery Whs turned against the fort, while a hundred dismounted men crept withiu rule shot and opened a tire w hich obliged the defenders to remain inactive. Kenton knew that the lite would cease as a charge was alKiut to be made. This, owing to the nature of tiie giouud, could only bo made from !ne direction and by a small body of men. The lull came, and under cover uf the smoke 800 dismounted men of the Fifth Michigan dashed forward. They were received by a volley which staggered and checked them, and while rallying the little bund had time to re load. One more l ley cent the troop ers back to cover, and Steve Braytou threw his hat into the air and shouted: "We una has just licked the hull Yankee army right out of its butes and ar' gwino to march on Washington!'' Kenton expected another charge with in 10 minutes, but instead of that Col ter sent in a flan uf truce and a demand to snrrender. lb' -tated that an at tempt to hold the position after all the others had been taken was simply a NcUeM waste of human lite. He knew lb i exact number and knew they had to liber food nor water. They had proved tbenMlVM brave men, und he trusted they would now realize the situation and accept it us brave nen should. Kentou read the note aloud, so that all could hear, and when he had finished it ho said: "Wo might stop another charge, but they at! certain to capture us iu the end. I advise surrender." There were a tew dissenters, but l"i irnrnite later the 13 men had marohed out and grounded tin ir arms in token of surrender. Tin ir CBptON wero men who could appreciate bravery, BO mnt ter by whom displayed. As tho suiren der was made 4,000 troopers waved their hats and cheered. "I am not an officer, and I therefore have iiosword lo - nrrender, " laid Ken ton as QeBortl OnitcT rode to tbo bead of th" short line and seemed somewhat astonished to find only private soldiers. "But who Commanded In there'.'" asked the goBl nil. "I gave what orders were irjven. eir. " ' Well. the so ithern con1' i,n y made a Bin of it in not making sou a captain long ago. Had the other forts held not as pluckilv as you did We should have had a bind light to get at Hie ItorM," While ii list of I he prisoners was be ing ui.i-ico.r mil the arni collected the troop n i u b( d their attention to the stolen. Th idea WM not to TOUtOVO but to destroy them. The (pin kest way to do it was to apply the torch, and in the course of an hour everything was iu Humes. Tbo Confederate major hud, as Mated, aorrehdered the tort be occupied with I boat 80 of the mm without tiring i shot. A COOrt tnlrtlll would have promptly cviiiciatcd him from the charge of cowordlM had been mfdo, fju tbO situation WM ll Jfe ,j "h Tint one of Ilm forts ihounl have I,, Id oul ami thai the high private in com mand of Itihoavjd bive bean conpll nenfed for his OrtVary rankled in tho najoi'i leiiit. He received pernliilon toonter the Bold where (be rank and flle wereiarronndedb) i Pederal guard, inul Marching out Royal Kmilon ho an giiiy denanwdt "Hv whut intbority did j presume to bold Hint, tort after oiy itirreoder of tlm pOetf" "We did not know that your surren der Included more than the fort you were holding," replied Kenton. "Captain Wyle told nm something nboiit you before ho leit." continued tho major. "Ho regarded you with the greiMt suspicion. It would not have sin prised mo had yon '-urrendered lirsl of all." "I believe rbftt bbnor wis left to you, sii," nuielly replied Kenton. " llooiny fur the S'anl three qhot is flir Itebton I" shouted the excitahlo Steve. And they were given by the whole force of Confederates with groat enthusiasm. "I fully understand your inotivo, sii !" ei claimed the Btajeji when the cheering hud ceased. "You simply wanted to roup a little glory to stand well in the eetimation of yoo friandi, Yon baveacobnpliibed it, but there will bo u beroalW( Tb fnirffito I am ex changed i itbull pNfarcbargMiBd have yoa court martlaled. tf yon don't con- Oladl lo ii i, nun among your Yunkeo friendi, I siuur'-- - " Hear be on talk like .rind!" inter rupted Steve, tr ading in my discipline under fool In hii excitement, "if the major hadn't Him iideivil befu' n man was hit, IheM Yanlnicouldii't 'a' got us iu ull duy!" "That's so! That's no!" shouted a hundred men. And the entile lot began cheering lio- Sieve Drayton. "And who are you, sir?" denuded (he major, now pale with passion. Tui ato Steve lira)' toll, sir, of Cap. tain W le s (litter ci in pa n y und 1 was loll behind In in because 1 Wus a n und of Kenton h. "h, 1 ON I Well. I'll bee lo your ouso at tlm biime time. " " Yes, ind tell (iu Hill's I. 'idend and Wounded nn ii tu show what wi una did befo' W0 surrendered, " replied Steve. "Rush him! Hush him!'' iboBtod the ciowd, ovt itvone bj exiiteinenl and forgetting the reepoot duo an Qfflcer, Xbe major bucked iwiy, but in uu insiimt he wai carried off hii feel ind rushed to the sentry line, and when he ploked himself up ol)' Ihu grans ho was broiled and battered and his uniform iu very dilapidated condition, Oroani and hisses followed bin us tin wulked away, and the laughter of the I'Ydoral troopers WM IU no sense u balm fur bis i Milled pride, It was doou before the utorci wore destroyed ami the list of prtaonen oou plutedi Thou came an ilarn, Colonel Id j who has been dilbbnd 'The Kamlit of He' i'oloinac, " but who was as legulurly oonfmlMloned aa any officer in the Confederate arny, appeared In .lin neighborhood with BOOI.' 900 inon, ami before he wm driven off ind tb priMneri were ready to atari down the valley under guaid it wus midafter- B0OB. "Yank, I've been tbinkin this thing over," said Steve Hrayton to Kenton us they moved olf. "and I jest lull yo' wb ar' iu u tix. Webliu't neither Federals uor Confedl any mo'!" ' How do yon nean?" "Why, if we litis stoy yore, we'll be bold prisoners far goodneM knows how long, and if we nit back to the Confed eracy the major will muko it hot tur us. Say, yo'? I don't know what yo'nt tbinkin of jest this very Uliolt, but 1 want to ask yo' a itraight qOMtiOB" "Oo ahead. " " Yo' won't git mad?" "No." "Waal, thin, don't yo' come party nigh beiB soft in the head? We uns don't wantyo' onouriide,and the Yanks Hunker to shoot ut yo' every show they git. If we uns don't want yo', what do yo' waut to stay fori If yo' don't want to fight ugiu us, vliy don't yo' sorter drop out of the hull bizness und let go like a coon fallin frotf a limb?'' TO BE CONTIKUKD, N. A. HULBERT'3 City Music Store, Vi YOMl.Nll AVR. M'HA.'i KTi;iWAY SON DECKER lUtoTMKRa Xtt l; It ft HAV1L hi 1 l.l, l; I i.u JAB PIANOS ORGANS UtiSK' I, Mi:iU II ANMISU MUMU Kl'U. Km Rooms 1 and I CommonwsaUh M BGftANTOlV, . 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It produces a soft and beautiful skin MOQSIC POWDER CO i.fV mM IBS wmm ' .ir fs v. x mm sVI 1 17 n 'in r VMAieffti&LW gegajgaTnK l .1 ; It J Op THE Art Students' Series of Ov arrivea X 4' ujui paint ings, and every lover of pictures hails them with . delight, as they comnletelv .w -v his ideal for home pictures either for framing brary table. The Ittr ty flia I 1 1 1 1 i , 1 1 iw i ui iiK .V I ll I I I ' 11 extraordinary, Part repeatedly replenished. 1 his popular recep tion ol the first series indicates the interest r..non.l 1 i t. -A aiuubeti in uiese an sale for the subsequent numbers. Everybody should take advantage of this remarkable offer. One Coupon, with 'I en Cents in cash, for each number. 4 I SPRING Another charming puinthg by the famous Medairy. Sky trse and pond are indicative of a warm stitniutr iliiy. wben nature ia at her bst.and in viting all toerjoy her unrivalled beauty. The Multicbrnin is a a positive copv of tbe original, and will, therefore, be a delight to er- I ery one. It must beseen to be really appreciated. AUTUMN This painting by MeiUirv fnr the Art riei il eati tied "Winter," Which ia many respetts Il lustrates at its bejt Medairy'a peculiar'nrtistic skill ami marrelloui insight into lnndKcapo painting. The scene is capitally chosen, astf in its every line reveal a maeter'e hand working out a pleasing sub ject The richness of the contrasting oolorings are so ploasiag us tocliarm tlieeyo and faecin ite the onlooker Here is an outline its REMEMBER, ONE 00U - PON WITH ONE DIME SECURES 4 PICTURES. THIS IS THE COUPON. ana iar surpasses our liJ apicuuiu pictures are and typical ol the highest development. lhey accurately portray, in the most del icate tints and colorings, the beauties ot nature as lour seasons, Spring, Summer, Autumn VX. appeal to all oi our best Vfj artists, because of their fill or the li demand thus ,.1.1.., 1. I ' 'I I I D lJct UCC11 One having been 1' a 1 4 leamres, ana predict wJr. XX XX NXX Art Students' Series of ultichromes CONTAINS TbU d-ligL tf u'. o.ctur is oLe of Mtdkiry'i four wtn I colon, "Tfle s iq," which are all faanii in portfolio No. 2 of this st-rie. "Spring' ii a bruit-colored work of ata ; gular merit. Tbe drooping ppl rw. bnrdeatd witk their pink sad wbite b;ojin. contrast 'ffo-tiTelT with tbe rich green bickjjround of treei at.d tne rig-friogl pool in front 0 SUMMER Student Be. WINTER sketch of "Autumn, but you rare beauts iron, this drawing. Jiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiigiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiigiwiiiiiimiiiui s Scranton Tribune, Scranton, Pa., April 19, 1894. 1 1 Send this coupon, with 10 cents in cash, and get four of the marvelous j Multichrome Art Gems by far the 1 greatest offer of all. Mail orders 2c. extra. iii(uiiiiiiiiiiti!iiiiiioi;3iiiiiiiiiiiiaiiii5iciimumiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiHiu Multichromes has expectations, ine j i I r luueeu wurws 01 art, exemplified in the and Winter. They technique and re markable faith- fullness to the ori'c. vV. i inal a a lartre tv" s x rx I A bl2of autnrcntl glory if re -Itcted in thii pastoral scene Tbe grszing catt'e Vt tbe riveraiie, with tbe arching trees, glorious in their fall beastr. form a picture of tcprtiue eSecta. earef coy worked out io every detail Nothing CiiuU be better for framing, as it ii a snt -'ct that always wears well, aai proves in teresting to young and old. cannot imagine How to Secure Them. The only way in which those lour new. novel and attractive Multichromes can be obtained in this city is to cut out the coupon and send it to u;; with 10 cents in sil ver for each part Please be sure and address all coupons to "Art Depart ment, Scranton Tribune, Scranton, l'a.