The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 19, 1894, Page 4, Image 4

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General IVlansgcsr.
Pnuinn daily ash whklt id boa
ton, Pa., uv The 'Immiki l't'iiUuuiso
Km voi:k oftiof.: TMBinni Bbiumw
Littered a: Ike ImtoTlre ,if NeMfttan.
Gatxmd-C'oM Aoi' stutter
With a majority of seventy nt liist
back, Spi;iki.r Orip w been forwd to
eonfm that he cannot galde bit unruly
teeilssive by ronort to the Reed corn
Mr. Reed's Vindication.
Thene ure not nappy dayi for Judg
Crisp; and it is nmnll wonder that there
should bo a rumor crtdltlog Uiin with
wishing tiut he had iicceuted that
lirotf' red eenatorfhip and thus spared
hinu. If the httffllllatioa of h"ViiiK to
rrHwl before his ohnokllng rival and
faectioua niitiigomst, TIiohhs r. K j I
When, not many das go, be aato
ciiitirslly ordr jd ix-8peakar Reed to
it doiro, under ttronnMtaqtM of tztra
ordinary atperlty, it beoaint known to
the world that ti parliamentary tattle
was on between these two giaati of
luatiouver in wbloh Mitbtf WOtttd
k'iT t!:t other ouart.'r The oue ob
ject of Mr. Eteed'alift, -luce tb coun
try's mUtaltfh repudiation of his con
mon mbm rnlinir, hat been to rompcl
his tradaoert publicly to t)ti bis
don. Toll be has it mat done, after mi
of the moat memorable strutc:! on
recor L
It will be remembered that when, on
March '.'. 1890, Mr, R ad l.iu down tha
apMker'a gavel, be nude I snerch in
which there wna tmbodied this ; to
phecy: "Time and diatanee are needed
for a rip judgment, and the verdiot
of bitlory i tli- ouiy verdict worth r.
oordiag. Confident a I am of the var
die of tint :. what w.-liar d ".i 1
tu still moreeonfident that the highest
commendation will be giren na In the
future, ;:ot lor wh:it measures we Uavo
passed, v.iiu i'.-le as tbey are, but tie
cause wo have taken o long itride
in the direction of responsible govern
ment. Having demonstrated to the
people that those who have h'aa el toted
to do tlwir will can do it, henceforth
excuses will not be taken for perfotm
acre and government by the people
wiii be stronger in the land." How
thoroughly this has been fulfilled is
shown in the popular condemnation
and disgust which bure greeted this
overwhelmingly Democratic congre-s'
nfter incapacity to transact aggrtssive
work, Xbsy had ouated a Republican
unjoriiy by deceiving th natiou with
fulsome promises of better things. In
stead of redeeming th-'e promiei,'thay
entered np.-n a career of imbecile vacil
lation whi"!j alienated sympathy, sac
rified popular faith and turned pleasant
expectation! into embittered disap
pointment The publie cor.fess.ion which this
same congress ha now mile that nil
its past abuse f Raedism L is bsen '
ceitfol, untruthfnl and wrong; the
dogged yet ilecisive manner in which
the present domineering speaker has
been deserts 1, overruled and deliber
ately prostrated by his fellow partisans,
and the compete dropping of the mask
which has tak-u place in th offices of
Democratic newpaners and in the
githering-places of Democratic gossips
unite to irm a reversal without prece
dent in tii history of partisan warfare
and comprise a vindication nnsurpissed
is the annals of par.. .r. debate.
No wonder, toon, that Jndga Crisp is
rulleo, vengeful and full of oh.igiin.
No wonder that wiiennver his victori
ous silvers. ry a; p-ars, lie is greeted
with au enthusiasm not eicee lad linos
the gala day -i of that other gnat and
glorious man from Miine, Jamsa G.
Lilaine, N" wonder that in a few
boon time the political situation hai
entirely recast it33lf, so as now to
point With startling distinctness to the
nomination an i citation, two years
heiice. of big, brava an 1 brainy Thomas
ii. Reed.
Haileton frien I that he'll "poll
t'arouch if they will only let him alone."
Rnt they won't, brother, they won't.
With Aivan lfarkie and. loan Liin
ring camping in the lower portion of
your trail and Morgan li. Williams
2nd Crmrlet A, Minor attending to the
Wilkte-Barrt end cf yeur aapiratioai,
not to mention several thousand dis
gusted cooatitoents who have had en
I'tigh of your trimming, squirming and
Wobbling, there is absolutely no disposi
tion to let you alone. You may ' pull
through." In a county ilka Luzerne
many tilings ure possible that would bs
scouted tlaewbere, But if you do, it
will be no child's play. Yon will
realize that you hare bsen in a spank
ing battle.
Mr. Cleveland Is to Blama.
We don't life to add aanecaiearily to
tha alreidy Urgn i urdca of Mr. Clefe.
land's woes, bttt it really looks as if his
administration were dtreotlyretponti bit
for the strolling cow nui6anc iu met
ropnlitan Scranton. If this statemsnt
isn't sufflniently clear withnnt proof,
we shall proceed to nnfold tho logic
whereby it was adduced.
It is generally agreed, wt believe, tbtd
' o l mocratic e,litic must be er dil I
the recent hevere contraction of our
national finances, and the stringency
xperienetd in processes of husinest.
This being conceded, the neit step is to
almit thatSeranton has shared in the
general panic, and that her share in it
hat eaued a falling olT iu the munici
pal revenues. Thus when councils, af
ter passing an ordinance ordering
n'roliiug cows to he imp I, ili.c v
red that it had no funds whrehy to
make that ordinance effective, are we
tint justified in blaming it on iIr.
We feel in this matter that somebody
onght to be censured. Tho idea that
itinerant spi-eimens of the bovitm
genus are agnin to meander nt will
over tho neat lawns of our pretty city,
nippiug at cherished lluwers and play
ing tag with valued landscape ndorn
uients, involves an injustice for which
somebody ought to be msd to suffr.
Mr. Cleveland is getting used to blam.
Ha has so many other things to answer
for that be Trill uot iniud the addition
of sue other grievance. Therefore we
shall frly shunt all oar rritic'mni over
en thoihcnlJerg of his admluiHtre.tioti.
Let luwnowtiprn vote nrcordiucrly.
BUEEAKD BjntlKNCBKOU continue to
occupy a prominent place in the col
umns of neighborhood contemporaries.
Stephen Rogers, of Bnglian Onter.
l.v ' " Cinnfv, r mbert thet n
. n 18, in o i 17, IBM i r w i-i
indie i snow; Ap 10 . 3D 1837,
- 13meh.; ind April 4, Q 7 ion 10
1SCS. witneatad loj inch.-s of tn- be .n
1 1 i til. Klitor J, M. Bnokley, f tbt
Ohriitian Advocate, writing in this
week's issnt) concerning his recent liv
ing Irip to Boranton, iluring the session
of the Wyoming conference, eiys he
crossed Mount Pocono, feet high,
"in a hurricane of rain and snow, ami
found the city wrapped In white and
pil s three foot nigh In thettreett."
The nest day he traveled tlirouga the
tine scenery of the Delaware and Hud
Ma Canal company's line to Albany,
crossing the auinmit of Mount Ararat,
mush higher thau l'ocouo, yet there
the suow was lighttr, uud soon he
nam to a region where none had fallen.
Two days later, Sorautoui ins were ply
Ing palm leaf faui. Truly, this is u
u'reut eouutiy
Political Theatricals.
After all, there is a good dal of liu
in n nature in politics. Even prosaic
m -ricaus i ip i i.iiio. a degree of ad
miration for their "hero with tin
"word" which seldom reward! the mosl
conscientious plodder. Oar people are
willing to be Inatructed and tord, but
tuy insist upon als hsitig ouo isiouallv
thrilled. The candidate to their en-
tiiusiAstio favor need not bo learned,
nee 1 not be profound, but he must, of
ill things, bo dr imatio He must know
ow to nun and to iiartlt
We are getting a nw evideuse of
this In several directions juit now. Mr.
Ii pew's little presidential joke startled
tn country, at a time wheu it hail p -Itioally
settled down to a rather lum inous
routine. Anl tho country i
oorretpondlngly grateful Itweloomet
tb vari ttiou. I. enjoys the humor oi
I tie thing. Aud it nn loubt II y feels
in r lenient tow.ud Mr D-p'W it t .is
moment tii in it ever did bufor . An
other instance suggests itsflt in Sana
tor Hill's ct. llillmiy ho bs 1, but
bell also 1 old; his command of the
unexpected keeps him ever Inovldenoi .
His February "snap" convention wat
us desperate a piece of knavery as our
politics over evolved; bnt it was dra
matic; and it kept Hill in the public
sight. His recent attack npon tiie Wii-
?on bill W38 foundsd npon personal et
mity and v-ounded pride rather tha
upon any settled principle. Yet it we.s
timely, Bdroit aud melodramatic. An
it may yet make Hill a candidate for
If a uolitical philosopher wers asked
what d"feated (ineral Harrison, he
wonil siy his lack of im irrin itiou.
Perfonally able, conscientious aid
clean, he failed to fire toe enthusiasm
li I party; an 1 intellect alou d.iesn't
win nr.tlis. -Mr. Cleveland, under the
light of Mugwump adulation, one
ookm l'.K s. pc.r.icai "wm wit ii a
sword" and la that semblance won
three notable pornlar triumphs. Bnt
the fact is at Inst apparent that he has
been systematically overrate L H:s so
c llei genius was dullness misunder
stood; nis vaunte l Doiuncsi mere gross
obstinacy. Tuis discovery terminates
Clevelandism in politics. Undo the
mask of a politician ; show the wrinkles
and age and commonness of the real
hero, nnd he is dead forever; as dead as
is the coryphee stripped of hor grease
paint, wig ana falsa teth.
Tii.- strength of McKinloy is largely
in his Napoleonic resemblance. Di
vest him of this pleasant fiction of the
paragraphora nnd he is little more than
a clean man who knows statistics. He
is in'chsnical, constientions and sin
cere, He works ondeviatlngly toward
oalcdatel r.-ul s He is machine
inciirnale, pe-rless in his sperlsl fiel
bnt neither magnetic In personality
nr apt in political spectacular. Tbla
Is why many fear bs may never bs
president This is why a "character
lilt. K-e', k-.l--.pi- on in in it , versstil
tiow-r, may at the last moment seizs
t.y a sj urt tho honor whieh patient
rtrivi.ig has nlmost within its grasp.
RgUOOTBraD OFtttOH ought csr
tainly not to be adverse to the revi
sion, from time to time, of laws
Wblcb,- wlun passed, referred to con -
ditions that the public has ontgrown
H ere is no wish, among the great
conservative in ijority, to suspend ut
terly tlioie law wlnoli guard the
sanctity of the Christian Sabbath
neither is th Te any particular prsent
reverence Inr the unrepealed laws that
a r used to fit the sooial conditions
of 1794 It is possible, we believe, to
strike a better mHinm than wnsstrnek
in a sut of E 'in'lay laws which can tn
lay, If interpreted strietly, prevont the
running of strs'-t ears, stoam cars, car
ringes or hleyclei; prohibit attain
hiagcs lor otlir than the pnrposns of
Btetarlan worship; place a ban on all
kimls of neeessnry Ktinday labor and
in numerous other directions represent
the txtrevs vigor of aninfirglbls Puri
taiii m Tim friends of an orderly Sab-
bath Will m ikvi a t iotical mistake when
they hold out for the scrupulous latter
of laws or n generation utterly ais-
similsr to onr own,
AUtlASi Tin tu; are conspicuous
sign 1 of a revival of popu
l ir interest in base b II and other out
door amusements, One instance in
point is suggestive at this time. It is
aid that a train-load of New York
base ball enthusiasts will iiccompauy
the Giants tu Baltimors at the leugue
opening iu the OriolsCity, Such a lact
hal not tieeu recorded since that lU'tiu
ornble season of sev n yeursago, when,
all over the country, men, women and
children went wild ovur the national
sport. It is evident already that the
orsgt will thit year be on the iucreass
in Boranton; anl all that will be neces
sary to oause It to exceed the record is
f'-r the local aggregation of b i -e b ill
talent to do for their admirers what
Sain Crane's club did in days gone by,
nnmely, wipe their antagonists otf the
It is to the credit of Dwight L.
Moody that notwithstanding the un
savory revelatione of the Br cklnridgs
trial be Is emphatic in contending tiiat
there never were so manv good and
true mi ll in congress as today. We do
not anticipate that tblt eulogy will be
believed. To tell the truth, wo have
doubts nbout it ourselves. Tne moral
tjUslity or a congress which would, by
t large majority, roh ths prosperous by
menu 1 of an iticums tas, cheat the poor
by means of a li it dollar and disturb
th-'whol me'duiiiism of domestic com
merce iu order that certain sectional
Interests my pr-ifit does nor Impress
n with i x siv- favor Y - W
. nnhl no iv Mr. Mo-i v s ill tii
k st I- o iu - .il t e t S s ..f
e bright, Tiii is -r i. .u-i-
a. n.r his id- snr- I dm u d y.
he members oi this congress tutv tie
the moral t qu ils of anv predsosssots,
Coll-e.tively, however, tuey are uope
lossly and helplessly bad.
Tut: cOlfMBMTg of the Lonisville Cou
rier Journal upon tho Brtoklnridge
verdict are signilicant as icpresenting
ths honest and respaotabls isntlmsnt
of the Blue Grass state. There is no
mistaking either their authorship or
their meaning. We give way. with
pleasure, to Colonel Henry Witters hi:
That there ure fur too ninny men who
re rucreiiut. to duty and deceucy, no ou
will deny; that there are iiiauy whose
lives, fan on the exterior, ale tn reality
as foul ns any WhOSS corruption line been
Ntpoted, tvery ouo knows. Itut wheu the
deliberate assertioa is made tliat nil men
arerusnes. whose ctltne only cuiiniit iu
diMt-uVi ry, uii i ii 1 ii 'ii 1 1 1- ami horrilli-tl m-
tet will i;o up troin Hie hunira of Auierica,
where conjugal love and loyalty imvn
tliollHiiinU and 1 . of hiu-i-iiI ultilie,
anil fl olu a iu i u 1 1 u :iu ! of men w -boon
liven me manly end wholesome, because
deep in i en hearts It that ennobling ev
ereino fur Haiti w, uiiunlio ti wun-li litlie
lii-pn a. r in and h..nUmiini of true man -
u.iiid, ni.ii k long at coat txistt men
charges m thoat m i-le bv Colonel Thou.p--II
cannot be othi tl an slanderous.
OK NINETY-EIGHT traverse jurors
Irawn In Ducks county this week,
twenty begged to be eiCUStd btOBUSS
they could get nobody to help them on
their farms A similar condition is said
to tnerail iu uiiuy portions of the
northwest, where, within a few miles
of overcrowded cities whoso streett are
thronged with discontented idlt-rs.gmli
a siiircitv in firm lalmr pr vails as to
greatly cripple the processes of agri
culture, Something is cleurly at fault
in aistriDution of lai nr wiucn masses
iis surplus iu ill gi v irned cities while
the in .d farm Itiiuls languish for want
of cultiv lion b i.t.m- it needs to teach
that tanning, --o far from beiu disre
putable, .a urban stuartiea often pre-
end, is in ie lity the most honorable
of all oallicgs, mi I the only oue which
briugs its follower face to face with
benignant nature.
Of Politicians.
Simultaneously with the announce
ment from W isbington that the old
Wallace wing1 of the D -mocracy of
Pennsylvania favors tiie nomination of
Eekl -y D. Coxe, the millionaire c al
magnate, for governor, the York
Qazette, Chauncey F. Black's paper,
prints Its ideal ticket, which is made
unas follows: Governor, K. Brncs
liicketts, Lugsrne; Lieutenant (iov
ernor, Hannibal K. Sloan, Indium:;
Auditor General, Benjamin Whitman,
Eriej Secretary of Internal Affairs,
J. Henry Cochrau, Lycoming; Cou-gretsiuan-at-Large,
George F. Dior,
Berks, and George A. Jenks, Jefferson.
The Gazette douots whether Mr. Coxe
would accept the Democratic guberna
torial nomination if it were offered to
him. and thinks that inasmuch as he
refused it in 1889, the present uss of
his name is unauthorized.
In connection with this newspaper
inrention of Mr. Cox it will intereat
his numerous Boranton friends and ad
mirers to read the splendid tribute paid
him by the Republican Philadelphia
Evening Bulletin, which, while scont
ingtne possibility of hiselettion, nev
ertheless admits that "no man stands
higher in the business circles of the
state than lie, while he would be able
to rally to his standard powerful Inter
ests, controlling Urge bodies of voters.
His political record is as clean as a
-beet of pipor fresh from the mill, so
that the managers of the campaign
would nut be co'mp lied to defend the
candidate with a shotgun or a steel
pou. There is the greatest interest
bsrs among the Pennsylvania Demo
crats as to whether Mr. Coxe has rt ally
iriven his consent to go into the con
test nt this tnu, when the distress of
his party is so pitiable and its vot-rs s-
Una of the significant developments
of the hour is the uppeiirauCH of Chris
Magoe us the enrnest and almost ex
cited champion of Senator Don Cam
eron. Through a doubts-lsadsd edi
torial In his Pittsburg Times he brands
as "exceedingly injudicious at this
tune" the "disposition in crtaln ijnar
ters to interject the question 01 the
succession to Senator Citnoron into
tho present campaign in I'euiisylva
nin." IT r. Uagee reaches this ingenious
conclusion by an equally Ingenious
process of reasoning. Hs fays that
Mr Gatnsron represents the stato and
the party in the Tniled (jtutos senate"
which, if tru", would entitle him to
cordial support, but which, unfortu
nately, is not ths truth that "the de
feat ot tho Wilson bill iu that senate
is of paramount importance" and that
if Mr. Cameron be not coddled and pat
ted Incessantly on tho back while Ma
lieutenants are "setting up" things for
his re-election, he may get mad and
sulk and the oahSS of protection may
loie one vote. This is tne drift, if not
the lang'iagp, ot Mr. Mageu's defense.
It answers itself.
A Philadelphia Press artist thus
photographs one of the most personally
popular and most politically unpopu
lar of Lackawanna leaders: "Sheriff
J.J. Fahsy, of Lackawanna county,
wnov mime is in ocrenion, is a t ill
broadnibonldsMd, brongsd man who
looks as if he would not allow any law
Isssnstl to occur in his jurisdiction if
he could prevent it through coolness
and determine 1 action, lie was Intro
duosd to a man at the Glrard bouts
yesterday BS one 'who relies Demo
crats,' bnt admitted that the late Feb
ruary orop had bsen a small one
Sheriff Fabey is a member of the
Democratic st ite committee. He mill
that there was 110 giiuemalionul timber
nronn I Scr niton on his side of tb -house
this time. Congressman Scr. 111
ton, in ths Republican camp, he laid,
is out for r - lection iu the Twelfth
district and will be opposed in the
fight for the nomination by John H.
bellows, ex-mayor of Scran ton."
Tho election of a new Democratic
state ohnlrman has let another flood of
slobber Into tho columns of thy Demo
cratic state press) and it is a pretty
slow papsr uowadays which doesn't
contalu at loiitt one double-leaded half
column of --sound adrlce," calculated
to keep .lam s Adtdbert Stranaban's
footsteps from going astray. There it
a good deal of frothy talk about the
people expecting him to "break away
Iroui tho uiachiae." to "realize the ex
pectation of the massea" and to do
other a lly or else vauuelv dr lined
things. jUt as if the fat' of 11 uatiou de-
pended 011 his every tireath. Thejrtal,
cold! hard f lOl is that what Mr S rnnn-
han it xp ol I 10 lo is to ke p in with
Pa'lisoij md 'Sue gang." raik- a frw
p St iea cilli ig the It ' I'llicuis 1 vim.
1 it s ami ire -ii" 1,0 -' ; iu 1 ti
II; to si 1 0 . -x . v uit"-r and
' the W ire llQ tug in bu 1'llnrf
li 1 manual v r r calved.
P l 1 w Small Doses:
d' " on county's two delegates are for
Jni , it 'jiuson.
P Armatrong. Of Plymouth, declares
that ') t.f the six L'ineriii) delegates lire
for Jretk Itubinsou.
Ilines ami MoAleST voted against tlio
adoption by tins CCOgrSSS of the much
abased Read rule
There is renewed talk of Thomas V.
Cooper receiving the appoint mem oftsc
retary of the commonwealth in (iovoruor
liiinlings' cabinet.
Ovi.. JUurkle, of Bttlaton. bunker uud
coal operator, ia again receiving fuvorublo
moiitiou us it pohsibln cauitidatu fur con
grrss lu the Luzerne district.
John Leissnring is malciug a spirited
cauvats for the Kepublii .an cuuvreniiuunl
nomination against iim. . and Murgau B,
Williams Is lucouiiueiided to keep au ey
Veteran B. K. Myers' paper declares
tii ist James Ailelbert Straimliuu Is the
ablest htnte ckaimSQ alueo William A.
Wallace. Is this a "swipe' at Marsh
T. V. Conner in generous enough to iuti
tittttu 1 hut it he nucceedsiu knocking Judge
1 I jrton oft the b. n.-li. Lu would iuterpose
no obstrnoti ins to 1 leyton't going to con
gress. Perhaps, though, the rottrs would.
The Tribune "cannot sue how
Benstor Cameron can have the sstnrancs
to se -k a re-noniiuatlou, nun li leia how
any Republican am can support him.
For it !t clear tbut he has not beeu iu sym
pathy with the party for yesrs, uud hi
lectin 1 votes diniionHtrate that Republicans
who reullv believe iu the principles of their
party will have to look elsewhere for a
Tb Otntrsl Kxiinwiilou.
PitttburQ THnUi
1'uor Btranaban 1
Hrecklntldgt' Lainsnt,
"Alack and alus'" the statesman cried,
"ily fate i bitterly rue;
Thers'd have been uii auit for marriage
If, insteud of tuking a carriage,
We'U goue duwu the street
Upon the seat
Of u bicycle built for two.''
fndfonttjwlll Journal.
rhat before purchasing anything
111 our lint: you should ut: sure to
examine our slocks.'
Dinner, Tea and
Toilet Sets
All the leading shapes aud decor
Baby Carriages
All Prices Rock Bottom.
GouFsen, demons & Co.
Meat Market
llis Finest in the City
The latest improved fur
nUhinKS anil apparatus for
keeping must, butter auJ ague.
li'J3 WTomlnif Ave.
Up to DATE
Something Now for
An I itri Bni lli'tiry F. Millr Square
1'lat'o f,
n aitra Due "Chloh irlni"8qaaN riauo 171
A Rood Halnat Brothurj s.iu m P ano... loo
A good Meyir Brother') iuaro I'luno.... IHI
a (!...! firth A: Pond Itaaara I .auo 7
A o d PtnNotla I'. iii , I'luno gu
A very kuoiI Ho lot) Piano ' o. Walnut
Upright Itaj
A very good Whsilook I'iu'IkIi1 Piano.. 11
A very good Whuelock UiillKht Plan. i . IN
pa trade supplied Tm SX0WERS PACKING CO., SCR ANTON, PA
We will present to every purchaser of Hermsdorf Hosiery
upon that day one of the Beautiful Steel Engravings now
on exhibition in our Center Show Window.
A Tenderfoot in the Mountains,
Standing Room Only,
The Battle of Bunker Hill,
Oh! I See Papa,
Virgin and Child,
Songs of Love,
Owing to the great cost oi these Souvenirs the supply is
limited, therefore it behooves you to come early.
We will have on special sale that day a Fine Lot of 4
Thread Lisle Fancy Hose at 49 cents.
With the New Valves
Out of Sight. . . .
Our new Bicycles are now
to be seen at our 314 Lacka
wanna avenue store
And a full line of Boys' and
Girls' Wheels. We are mak
ing extremely low prices on
Second-hand Wheels.
il ui
314 Lacka. Ave.
Wedding Invitations,
Stationers nnd Encnvcri
N.B. Wc tiro offering a new
edition of tho Book of Common
Prayer, well bound in cloth.
Two Copies for 25c.
Single Copies, 13c.
a Piano
or Or
the: list
A very food flunlnger I'prlght Plnno..
OROA ns.
ttaii n QamllDtOaarly ntw.Ulfb top,
dottbla read
An A. H. C'h iso nearly new. high top,
ilouhlu re))
A I nloagO t'ottagu.uuarlv new. high top.
donlile reial
A Woivestor, nearly uow. high top.
iluublo IMd
f ,
i and ft gan at Wholenalo .mil on Installment.
For ONE EEK we will sell Enamel Ware at the lullowiug unpra
cedents! prices.
Tea and Coffee Pots
Also Dresden and Presemnj: Kettles, .Sauce Pans and Pots.
Wash Dishes and Tea Kettles at equally low prices.
Reliable Goods
One Price
Satisfaction Guaranteed
227 Lackawanna Avenue
EVAN3 & POWELL, Proprietors
Dr. Hill il-Son
Pt tMtt, lUQi lst set. Mi for MM P'
ml teeth without ilte. callwl crown aad
hridgu work, rail for riew and rcfure: o,x
TON ALU1A lor extracting utU without
iwlu. Noutlier. Not....
Scientific Eye Testing Free
By Dr. Shimberg,
Tha SpeHalkt on Ikt F.y Hcadnohaa and
Narvouanesa rellaead. Lataat and Improved
Stylo of ECy QbMM aud HpocUolw at the
l.oweat PriDta Uoat Artiaciai tyi m. i ;, 1
VMi 1tiu,-1 '..
tor ti.
30, SPRUCE ST., op. Old Poat Offlc
M l A Statidatd, neatly new, high toji.doutle
A hhu'iiiiger, nearly new, high. top.
donh Nad .. w
And bout W other good second hand or
gans. M to aOk.
The above oollovtloti of Se.'oud hand lnsrii
menu are ,.11 in gu id order, fully ginraii
teed, the greatoat hurgaiua aver . nvtvd m
thia city i 'all and auo thiitu. lnatalnueuts
or dmcuunt tor caah
An Approaching Storu,
So Soon Gone,
Now Come On,
Her Only Confidant,
Ise De Eiggest,
First Love Letter
IM ami 194 1 lNN AVBKCI
On the American Plan.
eftntOD'l uwst ami Lest muijuieu buttL
BMtad b SMltm. Blactrlc lieli Bath
Tubi tn eat-li tloor. Large. We.l
i i,.i.i.'.l an. I Airy Uooma,
Ever) thing Coiniilele.
Ofliccoi second lio n . Uood tauipl
room attached.
. "
m m
123 Lack.
And all kinds GARDEN
BBBDB in bulk and iu pack
ages. Pierce's Market