2 THE SCRATSTON TKTBTME-TJIURSDAY MORNING. APRIL 19, 1S94. L There is every probability tliat the stockboldsrs of th IVnnsvlvauin at"' Maryland steel ootnpanie, botu oi wliioli are BOW in the hsml of vwlv ors, will stroiiijlv oppose tbe adoption o? the new plan of rtowrantiation. Some of the Itookholdtn claim it is simply, a creditor's plan, and that it- x'uil text lmo not Veen siven for pnhli cation, especially thnt part of It whieh request the stockholder to euwesdat BO per cent of their holding. Fifteen per oent of this itook, they eleim, i to lif tiieu to the creditnrs a bonne, while t hey roeeive in addition 40 per ceut. of their claim m citsii end CO p 'r ..! in linud Thu babiuc of 111" SO ir ceut. of the tlock contributed is to le used iu raising- additional capital Thu stockholders nr tlr Is uo ur gent necessity forraoricauizlugtrnMifp' erties at preseut: that the 800,000 guarantee fund promised hv the so called steel rail inakera' combinetlon is sufficient to protect the tl atiiig debt interest They believe, alio, that the Condition of the iron aud steel market will get uo worse; that anr change made will be for the better and, there fore reorganisation shouhl be post poned. In thp opiuio'.i of Arupe," who li practical engineer, authraolte c boond to lose it plaoe fnel for loco motives ''It will travjrs the satitt reed a did wood and there is nothing to. prevent it. Railroad men know it, too, beoenee each day thii kind of coal is beenmirn more expansive; each d O ti:e bituminous opet iiors are Whet&lni with a view to outdo the tutthr.icit? pradooere a:ui eaen d y son road takes advantage of fte liberal offer made it by in bitumtm u 1 srons. Among tb i roads In tbiavii Ini y I i bate adopted th-sinuttv -tuiT m many of their en gine! nr the Ce itral li,tilro.l o( N iW .leisey and the Philadelphia and Read tug. Tnree companies claim that through the u. o thie kind of fnel u snuuii savuiK of juw.ojd le realised. Of coiw it will require eoneiderabli time to diap'.iee anihr-.icite coil 0:1 siicii ro.id as those whose interea .rj cru.ercd iu the Laakawaana ealley, but the gaswrel ispposition 1, !;ow-?vi-r, that a big chutist iu t ill iiii will ..veutually b- wrought." U will, per Imps, when psSi-u.;tr consent to be turned iuto burnt ork artiste very time tb-y traval by st.-'aui transit. Coke prodnetion received a serious set-back Cnrinc the week ended April 7 The itriks csnaed a elnnp of ov.r 83,000 tons and suiptuents (all olf near ly 1,600 cars This is the great est decrease in production dur ing a single week since the strike of 18W. The works affected by i; wtre nearly :;U large ones, aud with oa'y two or three exceptions were In the soathern hail oi the rs.ion. thip luhuts to Pittsburg consuming points were most seriously affected. Much of t tie coke produced is a total loss to the opsrators, It remained in tbe ovens turee and fonr days and by that time was reduced almost to asues. 'i'h re ports from iron centers are such as to make the future look somewhat brighter. Baysrs do no? teem to have t iteo any ai-srin yet from the coke trike. A prolonged stoppage would take cut of the market the districts which have been the most aggressive and most powerful in catting prices. Their enforced withdrawal wonld en able producers iu other sections to brace np. Iron men do not look for early eisets of the coke strike upon the prices of iron and steel, and te- aides there is no occasion to Income frightened yet as to the supply of material on hand. Not mere Ik an BO per cent, of tbe coke furnaces are in blaat. and t'ae sorplns pig ircu p;oduc tion is enormous. Bather than pay a ahigher price for coke now tne fur nacemen would blow out tluir stick until lbs stoejke diniinkbed sufficiently to allow an increase in the price of pig iron. The regular monthly meeting of the Northeastern Pennsylvania Car Bet vice association was held yestrr iay (Wednesday 13) at the managers offics in the Commonwealth building, 2Ir. O. W. Creighton, siieriatendant Pennaylvanta railroad at Hun bury, Air. F. E. Hijtbi-, general car sgSfit Central Rsihroad of MOW Jersey at Jer sey city; Mr. N L. Bfooo from Bnpsr inter.dant .Manville's office at Cirtion dale and -Mr. Bogart, inperintendant of the Delaware, Lackawanna and West ern WSTS) in attendance. Manager Tbomaeosi report for March showed that uiyJUl cars bad been reported to the anaociation during that month, with an average delay in loading or unload ing of but 1. 25 days ptr oir. Minor Isdistrtai, 2fS)WI Notes: There waa .1 demftae of only M 190. IT Com in rba hdisseeoa) tonnage tut the We'k ended April 14. It uow seems to he genorally conceded that tbeCtarphant-Vanderhtll tickot will be fipctnl Mar sat the ai.mial mevtiog of Delaware an A Bndaon itoi ako 'inea. 'ib 1. Krie riud Wsstem has isSolaiefl tto ittular QjMitntaf dMdSSd of 'J per ceiit. ou tlw jrnvrrisj .-.i -.'i. piyaii.e Ji.... J 5. Uiogs c. lag Ari. Ttante 1 ffti.ial.sof ;h Li iiigh Vallr-yan ! Pet.naylvania railvada w- 1 .pi. lake and rail rates (Chtnago and New Vork) for the prei-ant mn. Tha rates wer.. made 5 ctmts aliiiiidred pounds lower than prevailing an 1 ail rafi'a, ai d as the latter are lower than a year ahu me former ui .- , Ivwer. fipenlmen Cases. K H. ' liffonl, Nw (,'asrtel, VVie., wai tronbled with USWalgia and rhrnumtitiui. bio KtomacU was diiortetettj his livtir wa tffeeted M an eavmiUg degree, appetl fell away, and be waa lurribiy reduced firsli and strengih. Tiueo bottles u( lbo trit Bilters rur-il him. r.dward Bbspherd. Hai il'tnirg, III., hsd a ruDDiug curb 011 bia leg of eigut ywaia' tauUni(. Uaeil 1 hrue iMittxK iif Btastrii Hitters and seven bines of JiurklenV Aiaioa Salve and hid lag is sound and well. John BpeMer, OBtawba, ft, bad hve larva V v.. a on his li g, ikistM aid he was Incurable. One lailihi Kli i tri Hittnra and ono x llnckUiu'.i Arnica haive cured bint entirely. Hold by IfeJ thews liros. fINANCIAL ANUj;0WMERCIAL Btr'Oka and "nidi Nkw Tokk, April in. Tijp gtook Mar ket opened irr. gular uwing ti ihn belicl that coneW stable-gold would he ea ported, The bulls in tbe Industrials, however, did not permit i heir opponsnta to make much prouresa at tins lime, and the) look hold of Distillers, Chicago Uaa and. American hugar nnd run tlioiu up. 'Una Hi I, the declining tendency and a limit r (e ing prevaiie'l, aud the nortK who bad been putting out contracts with no re OOQ Bdence (ban of late i.tariml in to novel Tho foil wmif roiupleio talilo . nvimj the dn.vV fliictuationH 111 aotlee storkn 14 luppHad anil revised daily by Laliar A 1'ullsr. atui-k brokers, lid Wyoujlnc aveuuo; 9nen- Hii-h- how Cloe 13 ant est Am, Cot Oil W!4 SIM VM in. Huaar. WH :'if. '. ,'(, A. T. & IS. If 1 m 1.. Csn.Ho, SHJli MJt falfu tM con. n. J 11a lia na na Chic. N. V WH iJSItt UWH lost GENERA NEWS OF IIDUHIS BIW BT'J M h lii'i Ilia SI m iff 11 MOW tt( j n6 a 111 7is Via i m i HII-4 DiiU vH M m 4ia( w MM 11 B ml m H Si m 11.14 m 06 V Ul M tQ Ml,, 1 .'(4 ml m lrai MM isnff Ub MM m 11 UM iiii WM uiiti ion mt 1 ;it KM SOU 126 "..a, 8:1V, II WK MM jit, .',1 M isu Mil m I m m ewe ''4 su UM Chloeao Oral . .1 t'lovlsloas. Si'ranton. April is. -The follovvlu uinta- tiouare anppliail u t .'.'rr.H't.ul daily by I.a liar ft Puller, etook brokara,!'-'! Wrouilns; n ana. WHEAT. Uav JulV- Sept. Otieuing oo'a iKU (I3M Blfheal ua rati m Lowest ,'iui, ullj UM cii.amg out,, on, cay CORN, Openhic W 4nV4 4Ki lllllheat SVH 4li-l Sit lowest W 40 4IM CloaiosT oil 4'i 4ih OA FB, ii'iiing MM -'i "li RIgheet ii;ah Bet MM Lowell Mm "'"a -(a Cloetag a.'H '.mi. :'H PORK. Oiiening 1M0 ISM ISM Itlctiost 1806 jmj iai5 Lowest ; i3o v.'s; 1811 Closing 13iv 1,11(1 18l," LARS. Opaning tiin ;ij tit Iliithoat TT., 7,IJ tH Lowest till Tii T17 Cloebur T. '.M 78U 8 RT HIHS. Openin lil (VST MO Ilillhest VoU 6U M Lowest tu M (uo Otosinf iKi" ujj DM New Yo: Produce "'arket. Nisi YoiiK. April 19. lLocn Steady, don ami light. Wuiat Dull, ea-ier; No. g red, "tore and elevator, 8SMaOS,c.; afloat, BBKaMc.; f. a b., BSVatMc, nngradedred, ouuGi -. ; No. l northern, fiaTOc.) options oloaed a ak a tn4. under yesterday; Na " red April, nlkc; ''.ay, 6tKe. Juno, B4X0.) July, 0-' V-i Augu-.i, efiMCL: Beptei bar, tyiJic; October, 88y(c.; December, TOMo, . OHK (jui.'l, .n-i-r: No. It,a4sic. eleealor: 43ja4J.'. atloat: steamer mice 1, 44f ; yellow, 44o ; optiana closed etsady a' -sl'. below yaeterday; April, 44(c; May, 14 .; Soptetuber, 4' .0 o.vrs -Qnlet,flriner; pptious,dnU, tlruicr, April, :Tivv ; .May. .'.7V-; July. ;iV. ; mt prie s, ho. S, V&Mc; ao 8 wbite.40Va So-: N-'- " 1 bu-ag", ;nsc.: No.". :U'. c : So. :i white, SU.o.; mixed western. ii-H'a 8BM-: White do. and white state, SPja44c. MM Steady, inactive. Ticbcid Bncr Quiet. Cci Ham Firmer, qniet, I a';d (Juiet. firmer; western steam, .a0; city, 7Xa7kc; April closed 1820,' ilay. 18. lj; .luiy. IJt.70: refluod. tteadv: a tin r.t. 18 M,Sontb America, IS. J5j coin- pouuu. oav-jc i a iloie active, steady; mew jl4 15S 14.5a K.TTER Quiet; faucy about steady; -t it dairy, new, LflaiBo.; do., old, Hat 7c; do., creamery, new, Mc,; Pcnusylvania du., 'J-lc.;' western (lairy, new. tSalSc; do., crearatry, new, lTa'.'4o.; drx, factory, l(hUtc. i-lgius. Sic,; imitation creamery 13aI8c. "k Pair demand, unchanged. Egus Moderate demand, weaner; state ard Pennsylvania, 1J; western fresh, Ib'iC; southern, lUjfaltXOi Philadelphia Tallow Market. PHlLATELPniA. April IS. Tnilow was iulet nnd uuchauijed. Pricos were: 1'iime city in hogsheads, 4vt'c: prime ccnarry, in barrel-, 4,';c: do. dark ia bar rele, 4 ,a4Hc; cakes, SaSlk) grease, 4-t'c. Thk blood is the -ource ol health. K-on it pure by taking i-Iood's Sai'ouparilla, ! which is peculiar to itself, aud superior ia streugfu, economy anu nieuiclual merit. Hoon'a PlLt.s are purely vegetable, care fully prepared from thu best ingredients. twenty-QTS cents. Criticisinif a Younsr Lady. "She would be a pretty girl for but one thing.'' 'What's that?" asked Charley. George flea face is always covered with pnrple and red blotches. Charley Oh. that's easily enough dis. posed of. Used to Oa the same wav my self, but I caught on to the trouble one day, nnd go na m." ;t In no time. George What was it? 1 harley Simpl v blood aruptlous. Took n short SOUTSS of P. I. P. I tll you, It's iba bote bloed corrector. The governor bad rheamat iatu so bad that yon could bear him hollar c.nr across the country every time ho moved. He tried it. anil you know what an mliletic eld ir-nt be is ijow. If eohiettody wonld give Mi-i Dai-y a pointer, she would tnank Hii-iu ulu-r Wards, All the drugstores nell it. e A MOXG A f T 1 1 vjur ixeigriDora After May 1 Daoie L Hart will saver hie aonneetton with Waite's M'nic hall in Wilkes Birreas resident managST, his plunn to he token hy Dan Shelby, wo", it is said, has acquired no Intsrast in tha leaae. Mr. Siielbylsan old sirens nan and Utsr manager ol tha Star thentor in BneMM aad of tbe -iielby thoater of UuflMo, nln 1 rr th. show "Hoaae with tha Ureen Blinds." ''r. Hart ha asmMld 11 11 Founded on ae'iiai war Inoidenti sad ntroilncing aomnof toe naauSOBaat 1 '-ut-ry av r ptassd on stry stage 1 lis lino of Display li "A Daughter of Dials, " and among Its attrasetona will I an exact ec. nic (SpnMltMdoS of an ll-style Southern mansion sic ('uured lrg-ly in fktion an I pi- 1 .efore toe war. " Frank Karri - ill pi 'V the leading role. 'AD Igb r of D ti"" will bt preinteii locally 1 1 the Fiothingh mi. sue .Indira HSISfSI of LyoSQiag pountv has isausd an order directing Mm iiii m dinl.e Hap"U."i'iu of 'U" slut rnacliin-' tninlnesa m Williain'pnrl. Ihn form ' :anibliiiK IiikI nlniost remrli "1 tho di DMntioTJI of a cruz" and munv of th" liotel barrooina lind biinn supplied with SALT-HHIIIJM; I'LEHIJ ' IIACKKI) dl'HM AMI HLrill Miss I,nrria CLAM, Itlwr t'ulUi, ilui Ceinifi, fHseanstts, 'rius. "it g-ives me pi' 11:0110 to ntprsM mv faith In tho virtue of l)r. Pwreo'l UUldi 11 M. 111 id DHoovery. Raving euflk'rea for three yearn from nlt-rheum, and after having bean un suuonaslully trcatial by a good pnysl lab, I iH-nan mo as nr the ' llisoovel v.' Tin humor wmi In my also, I wa obliged In keep a cmerlnir on them for months at. a time, 1 liainiiuir tint B and nTrnt Tho riBjrnfi noreninj - t'WfKl' ' '"'t nti'l lloliloa aensa- Mir''' St. -e tern would Ik- hi M o, ''f-llMin -tey :- lute nan thu 1. ut V , I t . , I. -i t .11 I a I 'M J'V TkT ' -V&Jl ' :l I C-'oOl-l J'i"'':l."-'. 7njw5Tt " a I is-.l i'm iiiigcid, the m;ul Mm Ci.ARa. vottld crick onun end bled. It la ImposslMo for mo to describe the intense patn anil Binlei IfiK which I endured ulehi and t'av, Aft'T takhiK Bix laitllnt of U.o liiix;uvury " 1 waa entirely curi'd. I cannot prtttee lr. Pterr' (loMrn Mwllcal DieCOVI ry cuouifh." bold ty bcakri. Q . B. Q Chic. Oas C. O, 0. ft 8t. L... Uo . Boek.VaL ft T. r. a h 1).. L. i: w u. ft c. p Brie U.K. GO bate Shore L, ft N Manhattan Miss. Pac Xnt. Lead N . Y. ft N. 1 K. Y. Central N. Y O. ft B N. Y... ft V It. S. Qj Co N'orth Pan North Pa'', yf , Omaha Pc. Mail Reading Rock Hand R.T Bt. Paul T.,0. ft 1 Texas g Pan..,,.,.. Untua Pea Wgliuth, pf V . Uulon. W ft L U W. a U K. it three or four machine in order to au commodate their customers. The peu altyol non-conipliano i with the ord"r is immediate re vocation if tha hotel license. At the same time he notllixd the chief of polios to notify the pro prietur of all oicars itorer, pool room aud other nnlloenisd plaoes that they were violating the gambling laws by maintaining slot macbtnei, and unless they observe tte order they will '"' bron.bi Into the orlmia i c 'urt. Arrangements ar" being ma le for th' locaiion in Strnivlr org o! a Isrg textile mannfastory whloh employe 13ij band, with an svsfags weekly salary ol $la ti'T hand ill Snap Shots a r Othkbs' Dontosi Tbsl WilllanilpWt kirmess returned f l,4(in I'ov.'lnirlty. it cost $13,S57 to run l.ausfntd borough ntlaira ins: year. g Harrisburg eleetria car killed Samuel Thornton, a colored lad. The stain IKliury, near Alh utowu, has sent out boo.uoo trout this year. In Normal school pupila at West Ches ter will ha ,11.11m 1 im Inn,- 4. Eight uuuister have junt graduatud from I.iucolu I'nlversity's theological cbooL ai ( ixford. Tha hint cl Harry Bhssts't four children to die Of scarlet fever within ton days, at Lebanon, expired Tuesday, Reading Bremen are hustling to capture for their city next year's convention of thu Siato Firemen's a looiation, Car Inspect or I'.lward Aumau's hou and iiniueiiak as killed and maugled by a (ram at Reading OU Monday l ight. Uav. M.j. Pirey. l D., nl Akron, O, bai been called iu 1 li pa I - rate of (be Kn- i:ii Lntberan obnrchof I'otisvdiu. After bitter opposition iho oontraoton have broken ground for the pipes of the new water supply f r Bbeuanaoab. With twelve gold and silver watches uu hjl t tnoB, Morris Cilnakey, a bhniiioUin i , ddle ', a na kill id by a freight tram near Tyrone, Hie widow of a veteran of tho war of IM", Mi -. Maty christian, celebrated at l'-dtsvillo the Kighty-Ofth aunivoinary of her Dlrth. Michael Cunningham, a Sugar lluii tC'liu- toucuonty) man, ... uiyniuiiousiy robbed ol 1700 111 gold Dulni winch be bud hidden 111 his house. Sandy Thompson, astudout at Carlisle College, was struck, ninued to tbe giouiid aud almost killed by a bis limb sawed from a sycaiuuiu true 011 the campus. Fifteen cases ot imallpox at Lee, I.u zci ue OOUOty, have resulted in el -iug the borongh school, abutting dowu Ibo unue and ildetracking nil local freight cars. A deadlock iu the organisation of the s I eel 01 nudl of Allentown prevents the er.Ti,Ui4i K; , 1 to run the city from being touched, and keeps back payments 011 salaries. POttlVillC printers have again been ig nored, and tbe S buvlki.i county coiuuus sionsi have awarded the coutract for printed snpplie to the Wult-i'oriu Pub 1 1 is ) . 1 u ; j company, of Allentown. Tbe head of the itata board of health, State Agricultural society and tish com- miaslon 01 n ft ried witli Qoveraof Pattieon and hu forestry committee is ea in Harris bnrg to devise means to prevent the de struction of Pennsylvania toreats. Vlcwcra' Notice. I M RI BEWER slI.KX. MINERAL. CAR I ti -.s AND GORDON 8TREBT8. N'"'i s hereby given tint our report as i w n - in 11 ai 1 ve 1 luwbean tiled tu the Prothonotary s olt.ee ol 1 a- kawai.ua canity Wo tlnd that no ihunays should be awarued. i'he following is n icbedule ut tnebeneflta found by us, and as is IDOWS In said rvpurt; (IXTBSSTB BAKU. its Dy Whom Psyabla g a. Dickson Mfg. Co 10 S UJ Jjil BBVBXin WABD, T. B. (I.ji don 1 3 30 8! S T. B. Oordon i 1 'JO J j Bernard Cantwan 9 3u ma J.g. uordoa 1 loCarbon l .istordon tfl S Hi-rnard Ca'.rvcll 5 3 30 3tf I Mary K. Oarraa M 8 90 uu ti J. J. Ooiuou. 7 3 iiO B a J, J. 'j"rd,iu 8 3 m 4 4 Catharine BU-wntt 3 .V 4(1 4 J.J, oordon M ' 1 -i 9 : M. E. & M. Haudley 101 : JVt e Ellen 'rrett 1SB3 M 33 V Northern O, At Co 1 4 M mi Sarah Bitfliu ! 4 3d ifJt Bridget A, benett 9 4 J) il'J Bridgi t l-'arrett 4 4 IW S,' I M.ohaei Stanton ' 4 ; aas Mrs, Jamve OurreQ ( 4 l.'.iirdon ': Carbijii V" ' Michael Walsh 7 4 B .'til I K. C ft I. Co s 4 ID wi N. c. tt I Co I 4 at- a Mia IRA L ITttST, ISO Car. 1 , Susan Dnle 1 5 30 Min. f J. J. Qordon S i' M s Anthre r K-llv 3 t 1 1 111 t AntbuDV Keliv ir. a U ID 'J Widow Holly I ' 31 3d .1 Tin mas Morris 5 5 .111 :W c Dora Kelly 9 j W M 1 John drndy 7 " H '' - Ann Coar f t ' 3- I JphnO'Donnell 8 33 - Sarah MoAnBrew ,10 6 -'tn m Bi Idget 1 avtne 11 B M i Anthony Roebe li 0 J W I Catherine Burka 9 " 30 M I MaryorThos.8eanlon....H 5 30 Dill M-i v Kelly W -r' 30 M t John 'raouhin IU a 3" w t widow Thomas Is -i -' Sti Widow Thoina 17 j nut .. .lid.. n WaBBT John titfliu 1 i' 3d S t aarx ataasif, Michael Casta t s 30 sw Michael Cqr try I 0 M 3d n 1 . heria Mullen 0 '' t) M I Ittidgel Mtavs 7 :w Ml its ana 1- stkf-u." j'diaT. Cwovo 0 M ra I iknrf McBala V. ti an as 1 MarfRnafaes in ;ti get Mtnafrie Hoeti 11 a W M t 1 -"li-is iUaa U a 3' w ! Edwatd HMltin 13 1 OOMiiLi . tyiSitsxf 82 - Ann !l"rn ll.Vi 30 Min. 1 ... - 0".-. Ut 1 - PatDuggaa 1100 33 Miu, 1 .., , am ii.-i f 4J 1 PatavflM I'-vH m nt Cllen Kennedy -M'd Uj u widow Peageety in n yd wi Mn 1 L'al" It 'I On ;w .M ' h a-1 Uowlej , a it III !! t CethMrin Bcajnloi is I .11 a 1 I 1". a ne .-'on' I j Ii li 11(1 3ii K II ll..iioly -T 3d 'In 1 r, 11 1 iir. 1 ' M R, Hranl n '11 M M S fl . Ilderlg a! H 3d 30 1 Mary Mr Ann raw 19 IU a. 1 J, J, (lurdon :.'l II 31 M l L I A . Co 7 IV I "IM SII. sTBi'HT. ('athsi in Mu lea M a ) t: Tata) ni'ii-iiis ;.'i m ' !n-- vanagBvnfl to the Mpoet view -rs shall be tii "i "1 the Crothanotata'i ofltca within thirty days from tbenltng ..t s,id re poi t, the snni" Wtll I I -ii'il al ulntulv. r"T'l.-ri:r!;V-'v ' - " "" V.l.l. H'.VHlS. - " I' ' Itonographtra Furnished. ABE 'l',.i-,i i.Vn To ITRSWrf vt aetiinoas man with first aMMerenogra tdier by the d) irhonr. I'ipert borhk'nping inei knlf SCI ITON 1 ul MERCIAL ABaOCIAtlON, Limited, IKt Spf itreeti bags! ?BTATg OP ISAAC EEL IS, LAI E Ij tbe township of It orth AUuirton, Cbt 1 if.' iUIIIV oi i.eerawanna una niare or 1 aeeylvanlai 1 "tt is of administration upon the atmas natneo estate h-ivirn been tfenteo lo the 1111 Jgned, nil persons bi rin ol 01s or fteuiaud 1 ill said "into . II pui-ent them for pa ne at. and those lni'iilit -ii ill. ruuith will plrnvi' inalie immi'dtnte t'nymi nt to MAHY B, EI.LIS, Adinliihtrntrit. BO. W. IIEALB. Attr ey for gatate, 1'rlco BttJldlBgi BE SURE AND got your choico of muitichromo3. One coupon and one Dime. 01 CENT A Vsord. Honrs of all Mad roil that nnicn, r.t' erpt SMuattoNI lVnntd,tWnci OrS itiscr'ed FHE Situations wonted. QtTTJATI K WAKTBD BTf A YOtTR 0 O min baa had aeraslenee olvrlt iu (tro- eery bodaee, arlvlng delivery wagop. oohi vt- iavt. Is willing u do Kaiahiinii'.'. willinu' to du STJ kind of Wort, H well :i?iualntad with the city, i;aa piv uwd rsferenss.' must pave " ot hi. in., kind at one. Addre-.s w ora. 'l't hi; ve, (Jeranton, oill,;. WH CATION WASTED BY A WIDOW, I 1. ' reeew tab hiniiv. t.i ,1 ' Hi I'waS"- wora or to eat for ohilarsn, wages aosb Ju, t Ad lies, ' Widow." 1 Kiei'Mi UA - 1'Ul- A rOUMU MAN 'oi BBS ,-rul udui atiuii desirss apoiltioU whein ho can duvutu a taw iiuurs a day to a special utiidy. (s bookkeeper, tyiwrlti r and prus psctlv sUmmr apbr. hxpvrkiuud iu luw utile. Uunl infurencss. lua I salary K larcted. Address K. J., m New street, city, s1 MTI'ATIu.N w v'NTKIi II V A YOCSO ailv with . . . . i , 1 In 11 loilliiiei r 'itore ( an vj iKt or rrrnni.-o Auuresa 1.. r , renn avenue. Third floor, SITUATION WAN I'EO A WOMAN kJ would 11,,.. to wet w.,rk by the dny it wiediliiK in- i-iuuidiiir, or lll take waahlng lioiin- Address MAHY Ml IN NKI.I.Y, 7JI oreh id ntrt. UrANTED BY A BOY it YEARS OPAOB eUliluvuii'iit 111 hotel, stui'u or on a (arm. AddrVM W HaHM. IICHCH, lisst Struuds luiig, I'a. V i'L'M.1 MAN, W HQ II s HAD EXPE- I rleno a a clerk anoD, E, bookaeper, desires p..-iii.,n ks either or bntb Klpeets imall salary at flrjt. Would likuan Intel view. Adilieais Boi Tuiikliannook, I'a. Help Wanted - Male. Ui a i k 1 1 a"' rTui r-i ":l ass WftoC terufi at 3J1 ..,iioi. . ui- .u Apply or address J. hu I. 11. a- Bcranton, Pa. Ut A N 1 T.I 1 -BOY WBO CAM PEED CYL inder pri a No others uoeil apply .Mi buen's I'l intliiK House, 313 Center street. w 'ANTi:ii V11CNUMAN WMOCNDEK- stands tuiuitranbv and b okkeanina to out of itie illy Call at WOOD !i COL UE Helo Wanted le males Ul ANTED - LADY PIANO PLAYBR. hmall; alary. Address. F. C. K., Tri bune. Agent Wanted. UALESMEN WANTED To BELL OUB I- (Joods by sample to the whole.-alo aud re tall trade; hell on sitfht to every buiuens man oi-tlrui; lib-.-iai salary aud expanses paid; po slum perm .iiont For tunas addreas with siainp.cKNTEMNlAL M I-' 1 1, C4 ' , Milwaukee W I-. U' AN I KH MAN ,. ITU I. IKK AND FihK luaiirauco experieneu as solicitor iu Lackawanna county; good iuducoiaouls tu riKht nun, Address uaVM Hotz buildiiiK. Hilladelphia, Pa. U' ANTED AUKNTS T' TAKE iiRDEHS by sample; we will pav Hue use and sal ary or allow liberal comm. -a mi; uamplea sent on application. Addisas Lo. k Uo. O-lM, New York City. For Rent fOlT RENT STORE Ul LACKAWANNA A. Inuuira of HENRY F .KY, iil Lui-kawanua Ave. JOK KENT APRIL I THE BOOMS NOW 1 OCOUpled by tho Telephuiie Excbaugo, 3U3 Lackawanna avenue. Apply at the office of Lehiirh Salt Minlnir Co.. Third Natluual Bank building. U a. and E. C Falter. POB RENT-BUILDINU MS LACKA I wanna avanue from April 1. CHARLES H Will. I. LS. Coal Eichanne. i;olt REST- THREE ROOMS, r'RONT OS r second fluor, over M. A. Hulbert's music store. 117 Wyoming aveaue, from April L In quire iu the store. 'PO LET "FOR A TERM OK YEARS Jl Part or a.l of three hundred feet of yard raiiroaa avi-uue. a . ,i ; at lac FraakUa 'po BBNT-STO I tSxSD OR FDBRISHXD i hall oa Green Iildge atr.'ot Yry desira- i l" location and on r.a..-oi .- tcrma, App.r to F. i:. NETTLETON or 0 a. WOODHUFK Bepuhltean building. For Sale. L'olt SALE A "ABM OF KIOHTY ARES, I 011 and one half miles from Dairon on the Delaware, L,.ckawaniiB and Western railroad. First-cins-i farm house with a never tailing spriua nearbfl two barns, hkk1 iand and if.sid orchard, will Iw s ld cheap. Terms e.-isv. Address B. F. VON STOUC11 or rAA' I EI.LIS. executors, Dalton, Lackawanna I I ur:v. Pa. ,'i it! S vLE FOWL MANURE, EIGHT I barrels for ttM; also brown IsfBum cifvs for hatching Apply to Ed Urifflth-i, lie K.-ejt-well alrtuU DHAETON Folt BAtiS INQCIBI OF H. I 11 Ciit n, curt stenographer, court hmis-, or 410 Clav avenue. L'i'R SALE IK-ACR1 " and ntoiisila J. M Monro ave. FARM, STOCK SHEFFIELD. S-t LX'R SALE ('K Km MANGE FOR SCRAN 1 ton property A bearing orange grove inereasl-g in pio'ltn-tion and value yearly in the oraage vj 'tiin in l.uids Addrue F. E. Nl'TTLKTON, ljtkuHele.il. Florida Re, tetate. 1,'OK BALE SINGLE HOUSB, SUQUUIOt I S veNVSS very Oemiahln Incatlun Annlv Q I IIEY'NOLD or lLLAKU WAHKe) A" K A J'l. V 1 'WILL I'UY MsiDBBB NEW s Room ' -'II "epiov. uients. tenns caay; cor ner 'ml u in eon aud Di lew aiusuoet. A 1 - Y L BXS B1,40U WILL Bin TailiY DIBTBABLE LOT V coraer Madisoa annus and BWawar Hreut j arms easy Apply UAHRV LBBa - Propoaa'a. (JBAriBD PttTJP03At.8 WILL BI RE 1 eelvM by ih undi ralemsil until Tuesday, Hindi, dag u May. IMUI, for Ul liiiileUnu:".il .1 BVW M E. Church at PSslVhTe, Pa. l'ln sni' apaa fii ati ns tin beswtn by oalllng on ,1 l. Peck. Peaki II Pa, 1 ha bnUdlna cqauaife h.-resarve.rl -In to i- ),.,( nny nr ail hids H. (.'II (I'M N li ,hiHeu ( ,. Itox 903, Peckvdlu IV Am ll 12th. IMU i" ' 1 Noticea. NM.I vrt' dlNT BeVI. T. WHEAT , on. Ho. til Lackawanna vca genra ten. Pa H n iw pn-pnred o aim- unci that ill the Improved mailoal'i 'n Ibf praetlc uf i-n'sl art. will- h liar.. en-,t tin. tent of time tad reached beyond Ac Maerlaantal srsgo' i-i" 1 n el i" d -u,hiHp!,Hi,,. lastalunil nem p 1 ( andl rlila k . -v,c, rubber and ml 1 1 1 1 mt - I'm mis,, 1 the teeth, tsriBa amaair thel (tost In.nrovvnjens, Daring saeured the 'v-..--i,,l LH A. D. Pre,'' Missacliu lette, who Is an MQn 11, g.,l,l, sNstra od 1 irldg wmi.-, 1 can mtrantl who ma r.'iv.r mi with their ratronaga tie nioi akii.iui tr" itinmit . Tha enetatiaB tl tatraalkea twth. usually 10 much dr-aded by the pat -hi 1 now a pleaaanl arprle, hv thu uu- of 1,1 Blwg. thetia apnliud to tha uiiins. Having been In 3 runt n nine Is", and n : vii J. a lil.r,l 'line, 1 in.- nuHile.ien .if flm paopWi I desir- lo ox;i:-,uH my H inVrn thank. K. T. WHK ATUR. iji MEALS FOR OH K DOLLAR A5g3 Cj I raukliii av u. :lt llLAN li IUMIKsT PAM PHLKlu" 'A A(M I) iluea, en. b.iun I 01 rnl.uc.in) 1,1 'pug I'liratjaa ufBuo, guii-k work. HeaaaBaal prises, MEAL ; icui ts'i-an nr." 11 C,; ,T i4 corner spruce Itrual wd Franklin ave- nam Twenty mai tii-aets fur && Uood MMe board', SW5 f ABBS JflU tWRtT CT BI ible lately oeoUplen by Fnni S. Warrm,' II , Mouiwnw.nua, rear where la. i vrontml Ui tUEUlah first olal LnarlMus, Surrey, t'bea lonsaiid lligjiuj ,fl!d b'rss aud carstui lrlvrrs. 1 eleiiliuno MimK'tlohs. CTOCKitoi.l.itKK ii I.E I IMC THE AM vp nnal nuatliut ot tho stockholders oi the one n a-n.l Water i ..miny will be h Idat the Delaware and Hudson Canal ( om I'aoy " i nildliiK, is? Krankllu avnnne, i-cran-tou, Pa, at '.i a. in.. Monday, May 7. 184, to elect oiriciirs to serve during thoonaulon year, and trausart any uthsr busluess that may be prt-seutad. B. P ATHttHTON. Secretary. Ucrauton .Api-UJ, 1S94. onnolly& Wallace GREATEST HOSIERY Mil IF TIE AGE. OUR LEADER ALL SIZES HOSIERY FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. POSITIVELY FAST BLACK. 1 8c. Per Pair. 3 Pairs for 50c, CONNOLLY & DUPONT'S M1MNO, ULACTINO AND HPOKTINO POWDER Manufactured at the Wapwallopen Mill, Lu teiue county Pa., and at Wil uiintuii, Delaware. HENRY BELIN, Jr. Us rural A(ent fur the Wyoming District, 118 Wyoming Ave., Scranton Vm. Third National Bank BuUdiun. AcExcirs. TIIOS. FORD, l'lttstou, P. JoL.N li SMITH & SON; Plymouth. Pa. E. W ML'LLIUAN, Wilkes-Barre. Pa Agents for tha Kepauuv Chemical Com pany's llia-h Exulouve Oh, My Poor Yes, they are undoubtedly poor and will continue so until you have them properly and scientifically fitted with suitable Glases. Our Mr. Adams is well qualified and we do not charge you a small fortune, either. Try him. No fit, no charge. Mercereau U07 LACKAWANNA AVE N UK HOW TO MAKE MONEY There are hundreds of young men aud young women in this country who have splendid ability, but they hare uever beeu wakened up. Wood's College of Business and Shorthand Has been an inspiration to hundreds of young people. If yon ore tired of inactivity and want to do something tangible, rome to the College. common ENGLISH COURS& BUSINESS COi nsE. shorthand course. f j. WOOD, Proprietor. luther SEWtr? PIPES. Office, 813 West Lacka wanna Ave. LI. "No star was ever lost we once have seen, We always may be what we might have been," A HAPPY PATRON OF THE RICHARDS LUMBER CO. Scranton, Pa. 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building. TRY US. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO M'UANTON AM' W1UKE9 DAHRE. FA.. UAMVFAOTURKRI Ol Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. General Cilice. SCKANTON. PA. M&MH00D Ul llMihixiil, NUI1H7 iii.xMi, nuuht .:i (luiior.-ulv.iOrssnsore ntres.IT.. us (if loboco. mm KM .WmKU 1W?.,j- r.f.. 1 J ISr m..ny. tlroulsr fr.o. Bold by ull ilruigl.ts. IFORE AND kftl R IKIMtl SooTb Adun... inF iEKDCO.. Mtt.or.lo fcmpl For Sale In Sorantca, P., by H. O. andSoruco atreots. WALLACE W"Z?IMB- Clean Carpets, Renovate Feathers, Upholster Furniture, Make Over Mattresses, and we Factory The Scrantori ttoa aud 604-l.ukauenua Eyes ! U Connell KELLER KING'S WINDSOR CEMENT FOR PLASTfiSlNd KUE LININGS. Ananias ,nrl WnvV y uai lino "iiu w uwy Portland. Pa. RESTORED! NERVE 8EEDS. uui1 lo tar su ntreavi aw Kniinstuiis. listiiMto.aHrtMaandieior pewi Knilnsluns. I of I'l 1 bor (H i-simsO b y oTor nri inn . ... - -. booo. opt afl oi .tlsiulsiKs. which Ijs.l (.. '''B'i'vls' w. on h parried In eestposV b0.1' ""'i , L"r"W.'.hrT,S:.. i.;.,.rltraoa.ruteto A.k fin !(, l"o CHlCAttd. IU. -SANDERSON, Druist, cor. Washington Retail Mattresses at Prices. Bedding Co. Au . corner Adauia Ate. Frothinghcim Theatre ONE PERFORMANCE ONLY. FRIDAY, APKIL 20. The Famous Ksk ferk ( .'oinpanv in ALABAMA ! A story of th South Ly Augustus Ttioiuss. The best and most successful American play evcrprHCTitsd to the public. iVRlCES-Crchestr, l 0): Orchestra Cir cle. Tic.-. B.lconr, Tic; Balcony C.rcle. jdc.; Gallery, 21c. iiHI Wk romni ni-ine MflNPAT. APItll 18 Wonderland Theater Co, McDilsy. Tnesdv anil Weinesdsy, URAXD DOt'BLE BILL. A POOR GIRL'S DIARY AND Natia the 6ood-fbr-Nothine NAN. MISS MAOUIE W1LLETT ThuroJav. FrUn and Saturday, A CELEBRATED CASE ADMISSION, 10 o and JO CENTS PertoruiHticfii tvery slternuon. except Mon days and Thursdaya at 2..V. and every even ii.K at IS. Door open ct l.fc and 7.0U P M The GENUINE New Haven '"Mathushek" Ranos ESTABLISHED 160 New York Wareronni.s--No. SO Filth Aenue. ,E. C. RICKER & CO., Sole dealers in this eection. OBtlCS 10 Alata Av., Teleyhoae B'lfg Eureka Laundry Co. Cor. Linden St. and Adams Ave. CuCHI liotll Ana All kinds of Lauudry work guaranteed t ne best. MULTICHR0ME3. Art for the masses. One Dime and One Coupon. SCIENTIFIC SHOEING. Il.-ivlnir swurerl th.' SHOKIXO FORUE of William Islunin S m fur a peruisiisnt Uusl li' i stsud. 1 slutll mniluct Scliintlflc sad I'sthological ahoIB fur (It rrevsntluo, Ho lluf snrl Cms uf Lsmi'iiess and otlmr lnidi uients 111 tho lnovomsiits uf Horses Inctd.-ntsl or due to ltnpvrlect shoeiuy. , shall give tho srark.rDV pomonal uttvntli u mid Kiraut do ultra cliariru. axoept for Immurement. Lam ness, tc. , will botrsatad aftcrauuii. A fre clinic and irutesloiial advice given every Monday f i vm i to - ft M. JOHN HAMLIN, D. Y. & .-A'.. ... - .