The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 19, 1894, Image 1

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Bee those beautiful Multi
chromes. Seeing is believ
Hits beeu repeatedly replen
ished, but there's no let-up
ing. Noth vjtlMj i'on
vinee. t.vf,' .
to the demand.
01, fin h DIN
Lull rivJjyiyJuli
Ei A F
1 0001 RIOT
Two Rioters Killed and Many Others Seriously
Officials of a Water Company Attacked
by a Gang of Polish Laborers.
Foreman Cathay Narrowly Escapes
Death -The Skull of Sheriff Collins
Opened with an Iron Shovel.
Numerous Rioters and Deputies
Are Seriously Wounded.
DtTBOIT, Mich., Anril IS.
N a ficht wliicii occurred about noou
todny in Cirojse Point township,
just over the easterly county line,
Uetwssti a forct of l'oli!i lahorors
i-fking emplovuifut on city water
works ex'ension, Sheriff Collins was
probably fatally injured, two Polish
riotrs wre l:ot desd, half a doz-?u
ru-ir were seriously injured. aud at
least three fatally. A police officer was
bitdlj hurt, ind U a result, the county
jdl is tonight tilled with fifty of the
riotOTI The list of ths dead and iu
jured is n follows ;
Joski h l'rahowski, shot through breast,
will die.
AfMUtW Kski, bullet iu throat aud two
in -:: I., will die.
Jon KAi'PCHUinT, shot in the thigh
M)0 arm. will piobably die.
Tont UaHICSOWIAK, shot in the thigh.
LaUSKNI Kulwicli, shot la hip, (all
Sheuikk i oli.ins, badly cut and bruised,
will probably die.
Deim ty W. H. BUBCH, badly cut and in
ternally injured, will recover.
(jeoHiie Yathey, water works foreman,
bad calp wound.
DEPUTY BiHSMO, badly cut and bruised.
'iVKXKKT Matt Stevskal, cut and
Diti'iTV V. E. Eusie, cut and bruised.
DIP ITT QMKOl Ely, OOt and bruised.
Uei'lty Theodore BOBXVAV, cut and
The tron'.ds really besan yesterday
when Engineer Wilhanji, of the water
works, sought to introduce a system of
paying the men by the cubic yard of
eicavation instead of a daily wage
rate. The Polish laborers rebelled at
this aud as a result the water board
decided to suspend operations.
This morning Engineer Williams
and a small force of men accompanied
by Sheriff Collins and five deputies,
went to the scene of yesterday's dis
turbance to remove the city water
department's tools. There were 500
Polish laborers there who made dein
onstrations of violence on the ar
rival of Williams and his men.
.Sheriff Collins and Depnty Slmriff
Steyfkall addressed the men in Eng
lish and German and advised them not
to break the peace, when a Colander in
the rear of the crowd made some in
flammatory speech and the Polanderx,
who had picks and shovels, made a rush
on Foreman Cathey, who had begun to
remove a pump from Connor's creek,
across which a supply pipe was being
Cathey was one of those who sympa
thized most strongly with the demmdi
which the workingmen had made.
Then somebody struck Cathey a blow
on the head which felled him to the
bottom of the excavation.
Sin riff Collins waved his arm wildly
and fairly hrieked to the men to stand
back, hut no attention was paid to what
be said and he draw his revolver and
aimed it point blank at trie crowd.
brake ms RKTJLL with a shovkl.
Oiie. two. three, the shots rang ont
fobui bis weapon as rapidly as be could
pnli the trigger, when a long handled
shovel apralccd behind him, descended
swiftly and corner of it pierced liia
skull. As he fell another shovel struck
him on the calf of the right leg
and a stream of blnod spurt"'!
from this new wound. A doa
en gathered around him and
were aiming fresh blows at bin, when
a man rujhed in under the uplifted
ihovels and cried out: "He Is dead,
leave him alone " The attention of the
crowd was thus turned in another di
rection and while the confusion lasted,
the shriff was carried off by some of
the friendly workingmen.
Cathy did not escape with the first
blow. Again and again did the sharp
hovels fall on his head and his uplift
ed hands until coneiou9iiesa left him
and he sank downward into the water
which covered the bottom of the eica
vation. He would have drowned there
but for Jamea P. Mnrtagh, a reporter,
who, with the assistance of another
man, miaed him from his perilous po
sition and carried him off to a place of
Whan the sheriff firsdsj Turnkey
BUyskal and the four portci officers
who had been deputized followed his
example, and for a few moments there
was shower of bullets, all fired at
abort range into the dense crowd.
There was no time to discrimi
nate Anybody who happened to
he in the way of a bullet was
struck whether he was taking any part
in the riot or not. This did not deter
the Infuriated laborers Though several
of their number fell they pressed on
until the muzzles of" the revol
ver were at their brentta and
mowed down everybody who op
posed them. Early iu tie fight
ftejskall was struck on the head and
shoulders, llo was not badly hurt, so
he succeeded in escaping. Patrolman
Andrew Bersig was struck several
timea on the head with shovels and
badly cut. He escaped by running
through a field. There he was placed
hi a farmer's wagon aud hustled
off to the city. Many of the Poles
saw him and were ijuite close
to him, but they did not attempt
to do him any further injury. Another
patrolman received a bad gash in the
aide. He succeeded in escaping to a
Neighboring riouse. The remainder of
the deputien fled towards the river, and
iu the shelter of the woods and bushes
near the batik, managed to elude pur
suit. The whole affair was over in a
few minutes.
This afternoon and t-vening deputy
sheriffs scoured the Polish quarter for
the rioters, and by tonight fifty of the
law breakers bad been gathered iu.
About G o'elooka group of 1'olauders
gathered about the jail and made uglv
demonstrations. Cue of them, An
thony Poski, was shot in the leg by a
deputy sheriff and was carried off to a
hospital. The crowd about the jail,
mostly spectators, continued until
after midnight.
The Polish quarter is all excitement
tonight. A meeting was nrrauged in
a Polish hall for tonight, from which
It was declared the Polandera would
inarch to the jail and wreck it, hut the
police were watchful and the meeting
did not materialize.
Jercmt, the Mlninir C.iinp
Ariz ma, Dwtroytd by Fire.
PrHOOTT, Ariz , April 18. Jerome,
the largest mining oauip in Arizona,
was destroyed by fire yesterday. All
the business house are gone, iucluding
the records and property of the pot
office, The loss it estimated at j ' 1 " 1 '.
with very little Insurance.
Many miners and their families are
without homes.
Relatives of Mme. Joniaux Die Mys
teriously After Taking Out
Life Policies.
Antwerp, April 18. --Madame Marie
Therez Joniaux, wife of M. Henry
Jouiaux, chief state engineer of roads
and bridges in the province of Ant
werp, was arrested today on a cusrge
of having poisoned several of her rela
tives iu order to obtain the amount of
the iusurnnce on their livei. As Mad
ama Joniaux occupied a prominent
position in society in Antwerp and in
otoer social centers of the ;kingdom.
ber arrest has created a profound sen
sation. Madame Joniaux is 59 yesrs old, is
the daughter of the eminent Belgian
Ceueral Ablay. She was married at
about the age of 89 to Frederick Faber,
an emiuent author, and lived with him
until he died in 1881. In 18?d Madame
Faber was married to M Joniaux.
Although H. Joniaux's income was
confined to a salary of only 10,000
francs a year aud his wife was virtually
without private means, they live in
great style, maintaining a magnificient
lv appointed establishment in a large
m nision in the Ruede Nerviers, where
they ei tertained lavishly, and where
the relatives died for whose murder
Mme. Joniaux has been taken into
The first of Mme. Joniaux's alleged
victims was her own sister Leonie, who
was married and lived with the Jon
iauxs. When she died it was an
nounced that the cause of her death
was intluenz i. A short time subsequent
to her boric it was learned thai her
life had been insured for 70.000 francs
in favor of her niece, the daughter of
Mme. Joniaux
The next victim was Mine. Jonianx's
brother, II. Alfred Ablay, who was
formerly a captain in the Belgian
army. "Shortly after his retirement he
emigrated to Buenos Avres, where he
led a dissolute life. In 1877 he returned
to Antwerp, and in February lust went
to live with his sister. A few weeks
after establishing himself with his sis
t -r he died, as it was given out, from
heart disease. Ilia life was insii'eu
for 100,000 francs for the benefit of his
sister a low days beore his death, the
premium, as in the case of Mile Ablay,
being p.iid by the Jonianxs.
The third victim WM Jacques Van
den Kerchore. a walthy uncle of Mine.
Joniaux. 11 Kerchove, who was a man
of gigantic statnre and robust health,
paid a visit to his niece. While ho wss
ner guest he died, as it was said, from
cerebral congestion His life was in
sured for a large sum in favor of Mine.
Jonian x.
The bodies of Mile and ex-Captain
Ablay and H. Kercbofn have been ex
humed and examined, with the result
of finding unmistakable truces of
poison in each.
Mmbr of 'he Houte Deprecate Action
Toward Uinaattnsr th Kentuoklan.
Washington, April 18 The feeling
among leading members of the house
of representatives is that no action
should he taken or recognition to the
litigation in which Representative.
Brockinrldga has been engaged. No
member has indicated a purpose of
championing the cause against Mr.
It is held that any wrong doing
ahonld bo passed upon by a member's
constitneuts, and not by congress. So
far as congress is concerned, it is
obliged to accept the certificate of a
member's election without going back
of the returns and investigating his
private character.
mi mi
Children at William port Fatally
Polsonscl on ths Root.
WlUilAWPOST, Pa.. April 18. Alva
Beemer, aged 10 years is dead, and
Thoin-s Misimer and W. II. Messor,
aged (i and .r respectively, are dying as
the result of outing wild parship.
The children pulled the roots from
the ground and nte freely. In a short
time convulsions ensned, and tonight
Alva Beemr died in groat agony.
There ia no hope for the others.
At, Kingston, Ont., Mrs. 3, A. Allen
mother of (iriiut Allon, the novelist.
Ernest Kube, f tho piano manufactur
ing firm of William Knabe Co., at Bal
timore, ltd., nged 96.
At Mont Clair, K. J Mrs. A. H. Sieg
fried, wife of the bnslMU manager of the
Ladies' Home Journal.
At New York, General Oliver L, Shep
herd, aged 81, a veteran of the Florida,
Mexican and Civil wars.
Isaac W. Keim, recorder of Burks
county, at Heading, Pa., agad 49, tbo ouly
Uemooiat who carrteu tlenuing last tall.
Dr. Joseph 0. Tack, ex-deputy minis
ter of agriculture of Canada, and a pre
llfic historical writer, at Torouto, aged 73.
Mrs. Lucv Kossotti. wife of William M.
Ronsetti, the critic and model of the
fre-Kupbnelite brotherhood, at San Rotno,
They Represent Two Sides of the Same Im-
portaat Issue.
They Are Bound Together by Neces
sity, and Ono Without the Other
Must Break DownRadical Ideas
Advanced in a Speech Before the
Senate Yesterday While Advocating
a High Tariff the Speaker Also Ad
vances a Plea for the Despised
Metal Glimpse at the House.
V vsiiiNiiToN. 1. C, April 18.
TiTIK. CAFFERY (La), ning to
l a question of personal privi-
; lego, lead an extract from a
JuU New York afternoon news
paper quoting approvingly the dnun
elation of certain Democratic senators,
including himself, on account of their
supposed position to the tariff bill.
lie declared that he was tint an ob
structionist, and was not opposed to
the spedy passage of the Wilson bill
as amended by the senate finance com
mittee. He would support it actively
and would vote for it, either for it or
for a bill substuntiallv embracing its
provisions as amended by the finance
'lh hour of 1 p. m. arrivd. and, un
der the nrrangement,Hhe tariff bill was
taken up. Mr. Turpie (Ind.) spoke in
favor of the bill. Mr. Turpie said that
both the house bill and the senate bill
had each their separate merits. They
both enlarged the free list aud revised
Mr. Cameron, Pennsylvania, nd
dressed the senate in opposition to the
bill. He said that for a hundred years
the mnlter of a protective tariff had
been thrashed out but still remained as
serious as it nearly broke up the Union
sixty years nao. Iu one sense it was
now more serious than then, because
the interests which it involved had
steadily become larger until now they
were iui mensurable.
The world contained now no markets
in which the United States could com
pete, on a gold basis, without the com
plete and permansat sacrifice of its
labors. Europe could always squeeze
her laborers to a lower stage of misery
than oonld be risked with Auieirsnn
laboreri. Amerisau laDorers knew ali
that better than any one elss did. and
it was not for them that this bill, or
any free trade moasnre would receive
support. The situation of the world
today was mora sritical than ever bo
fore iu recent times The people would
see it and act, as soon as they could be
He did not fear the result. For his
own part he wanted to do more than
restore the tariff. I he tariff aloae
was not euough to make a complete
or a strong national policy On the
tariff alone he could not appeal with
confi lence to the whole people. Hie
tariff and silver were two sides of the
same issue.
They were bound ilogether by neces
sity, lho one without tne other must
break down. So long as the people of
the United States narrowed their am
bition to becomiuc a large England or
a more turman Uermauv, they could
become nothing worth their trouble,
and could win no markets wortli hav
ing, not even their own. Mr. Cameron
concluded the reading of his speech at
O.S0 p. m.
The reading of the journal of yester
day's proceedings was listened lo with
close attention bv Mr. Reed aud other
leaders of the house.
Mr. Grow, (Rep., Penna. ,) con
detuned the policy of the present ad
ministration toward ll iwali, denounc
ing it as un-American and antagonis
tic to the growth of liberty among
Mr. Wise (Dem., Va ) read from the
Record to show the position taken bv
ex-Speaker Reed when the ameiMmeot
. ft -red by J. Randolph In- ker, of ii
ginia, to tho rules, providing for the
counting of a quornm, was under dis
cission in the Forty eighth congress.
H" (mowed that Mr, R?d opposed the
amendment and added with much
spirt "that this adulation of Thomas
I!. Reed by the Republican party was a
miserable pretence.
Mr. Urosvenor (Rep., O,) occupied
twenty minutes of the time iu detailing
some or the etisuges l hat have been
made in the Wilson bill since it left
the house and averted that tho Demo
crats would vote for tho bill as it
would come bsck from the Mstiate, th
work of the trusts of the land. The
Wilson bill as such, was dead beyond
hop of resurrection.
An Atlantic City Viotlm Snt to the
Pasteur Inattlutn.
Atlantic City, N. J., April 18. A
mad dog belonging to Jaeob ICimmick,
ran amuck In Egg Harbor Citv last
night, and before It Whs Hhot severely
bit Mrs Kimnilcl; and otto, the son ot
ex-Mayer Theodore II Boysen.
In both cases the wounds w.-re cau
terized, but the boy's condition became
so serious that Dr. Boardinau Reed, of
this city, was selii lor. lie at once
ordered the boy's removal to the Pas
teur Institute in New ork, where it
is hoped the dread hydrophobia may
be averted.
Can Accumula te Hard Dollars on th
Professional Track.
Nkw Yoiiic, April 18 Zimmerman,
the American champion bicycle rider.
who has inst announced nix intention
of turning professional, sailed for
Southampton this alternoou on the
steamship New York. A great gather
ing of cycling friends of the champion
were on the pier to see him oil. A
banker, the well known cyclist, accom
pauiss Zimmerman on his European
tonr. '
The inducements which have been
ottered Zimmerman to necome a pro
fessional nave oaused Hportiug people to
open their eyes with astouishmeiit.
I hera is a certlhsd cIwtk for So, 000 in
the bands of Mr. Troy, his manager, to
be paid Zimmerman when he signs the
In addition to that Hum 15,000 is de
posited In French bunk, and to be
given to hi in when ho mounts his
wheel for his first race for cash the
Frenchman will give Zimmerman $2.10
for every race iu which he starts, win
or lose, und 110 per cent, of the gross
Tim latter money is given for Ins ap
pearance as a competitor at a meet. In
the event of n defeat, ho will be pre
sented with S'i50. but In case of victory
he will get the pin-., instead.
.mmeruiau - first appeal auc in
Franco will he nn June 17,and between
then aud June SO, he will compete in n
seriea of contests with W A. Harris,
the Kngltsh champion for ': .vm a side
and the gate receipts, toe winner to
take all.
Trouble with Former Officers Brown
Recognized a3 an Indian
Medicine Dealer.
HANCOCK, Md., April 18 There was
lively liuio alter the commonweal
reached Hancock. It was said that
iztarro Smith and Childs, formerly
I he advance agent of the common
weal, I, 'id reached Hancock together
yesterday, and representing them
selves sb authorized agents of Coxey,
bad raised a considerable sum of money
and bad left for Williumsport the next
town ou the route. Browne and Coxey
at oneo issued a manifesto to Charles
Hubert, sheriff, and the public, de
nouncing the recent, commonwealsrs as
impost-is, and asking their arrest
should they be found.
Ihe Commonweal tl ottilla was not
hospitably received in Hancock in
spite of the large crowd that greeted
it. 1 he town c mucil rulUBed to make
any provision for feeding the travelers,
and the men had to take th-dr supper
on the boat, after which the;' spread
through the town, tilling tae suiooui
and drinking f i -elv.
I here was a revelation iu Hancock
concerning Browne. Burgess Ditto, of
the town council, recognized him us
Professor Loriuan, who had visited
Hancock three years ago as a patent
medicine fakir with a great Indian
blood remedy. Browne declared that
this is a case of mistaken identity.
Say the Gaylord mine Accident Was
Dun to Error of Judgment
WILKBS-BaBRK, Pa., April 18 -The
coroners jury, WHOO has been lnvesti
gating the Gaylord mine disaster for
ten uays past, completed its work to
niaht by returning the following ver
The jury finds that the thirteen en
tombed miners at the tiny lord mine came
to their death tin ongB an error of iikIl'
meat on the part of one or more perous
in chargeof itio party, who lost their lives
thereby, and remaining too long in a place
that appear to tho jury inuet
have been i lainly dangerous for some
hours prior to the cave. Tho cause
of the cave is In our judgment due to the
unsutllcient size ot the pillars left in the
lieu Ahu veiu, winch were tiirili-r reduced
in size by the chipping of the pillars dm
to atmospheric ouieais and the shocks due
to shotH or blunts tired in the overlying
The jarv recommend that the next le '
islaturo o amend the present mine laws
(if it he possible, as te prevent miners and
laborers from poiug or being sent into snob
placei as make posiule euch catastrophes
us that under consideration.
German Mnchinlais Bellvn That Cablse
and Klctrlcitv Will B. Repined
Washington, April is The coming
motor Tor the propulsiou of street curs
will bo gas, according to the report of
United States Consul Mason,
at r ran K tort, tJermany.
The Germans have investigated the
subject of an ideal motive power, and
hav determined that tho gHS motor is
the cheapest and best of all.
Result of Encounters That Dellghtsa the
"Uech(T" YeHtMdny.
At Urooklyu iliooklyu, 14: Sprine
field, li.
At Hnrrisburg Harrisburg, 9; Syra
At Baltimore Baltimore, I8 Mono,
mentals (lo. id amateurs), t.
At Philadelphia-Philadelphia, TjWilltM
llano 1.
Crisp tales from the wirs.
,Srti' Krani'sco banks holds ?19, 000,000 iu
Wilt. , , .
awaiting gilt-edged invest-
Ill I
The annual meeting of tho Nntional
Academy of Sciences began at Washing
ion, I.. (.'.
Chicago Is alarmed with ' 73 cases of
small pox in her pest house, and lots of
tlm-mm .... .,.,
uiunn uu mme.
'Vlillo enting sapper In a Cincinnati
hole!, Ilenrv S. I arson, a New York drum
mer, dropped dead.
Comptroller of the Currency Eckels will
be given a reception Friday af taruouii by
the .New erk Clearing liouso.
Huston's aldermen have ordered the W est
End Street railway to put all its trolley
wires under grouud by Nov. 19.
Struck iu their team ou a BallstOD N
Y.) railroad crossing, young Charles Col-
lamer and wife were fatally hurt.
By the collai se of a floor in a Point St
Charles (yue.i i-chool houso a tou of stone
fell ntnoug the aclioiars, nut only Hurt two
BobbWt looted Bnrrv A Powning's pri
Vste bank at Nashville, Tenn., getting
fci, i no in currency and $400 in postage
Reformed Train Robber William Watson
was hunted down and killed himself on
tliueveot' his wedding lo a belle ot Clin
ton, Miss.
In a sudden lit of Insanity Private Basil
Williams shot dead Corporal John Hart
well at Kort Buford, N. D., and narrowly
mis'ed a lynching.
Haiunel Ij. Clemens (Mark Twain) and
I'n il J, Hall, composing the llrm of Charles
.1. Webster v Co., publishers, mndu an
assignment yesterday.
A New York court has ordered flint that
citv pay I.BOO.AO for Pennsylvania Na
iloiial Guards' expenses at the Columbia
celebration iu October, ltir:.
The mysterious murder of William Woo-
t en. a wealthy rancher of Kesdly, Cel., is
laid to W. F. Sauders, a retired professor,
to whom ins laud was ueeaoa.
American Railway Union Will Hit Recoguize
Old Orsanizatlons.
The Action of Chiefs Erainard and
Clark of the Old Department Is
Condemned Mr. Hogan Says They
Want to Keep Their Salaries .from
the Conductors and Trainmen.
They Will Be Ignored in Adjust
ment of Present Difficulties- Sym
pathy for Strikers.
BUTTB, Mont.. April 18
I oontinnlng the (ireat Northern
strike Ht this point, and is iu r
hif ceipt of many telegrams from
various towns on the Northern Pacific
indorsing the American Railway union
and condemning the action of Coiefs
Brainsrd and Clark ot the old depart
ment railway organizations.
The company's local agent met Mr
Ilogan and produced a telegram sigoed
by Clark, chief of the Order of Kail
way Trainmen, and Braiunrd, chief of
the Order of Railway Conductors, ask
ing the strikers to allow the difficulty
to bo settlad through the old organiza
tions, Mr. Hogan replied that the
matter would bo adjusted by the Rail
way Union only, and all other railroad
organisations would be i','iiord.
Hogan is very indignant at the
action of Chiefs Brainard and Clark,
whose only motive, he says, iu keeping
up their organizations is lo retain their
official positions ami salaries.
Superintendent V. V. Currier of the
Q-reat Northern was arretted at Oreat
Kails by tbo United States marshal for
refusing to carry the mail.
HELENA, April 18. An immense
meeting of eitisjens was held here last
night to take action on the Orent
Northern strike. Speeches were made
by railroad men, prominent business
men and others.
Resolution were adopted netting
forth that the (Ireat Northern had re
duced the pay of employes below that
of other trans-sontinentnl, lines and to
a point whore it is not sufficient to sup
port the men and their families, and
that the uivn, ns a inst resort, have
struck to protect tlu-ir rights.
The meeting extended to tho em
ployes its nympathy in their struggle
for living wages, aud assured them of
its best wishes for a ep-edy and satis
factory adjustment in Uieir favor.
St. Paul, Minn., April 18 The
crisis has come in the (.treat Northern
strike and the company will Irom this
hour play its hand with sternness.
Judge Sanborn, of th United States
court of appeals, to lay granted an in
junction against the strikers in both
Minnesota and North Dikota restrain
ing them from interfering with tie
company's business and tiled fhem to
appear in his court in St Paul April 37
It is learned from inside sources this
evening that the great Northern has
had applications enough already from
new men to fill every position on the
road, and the offlcrs would doubtless
begin putting them to work at once,
but for the position assumed by the
brotherhoods of firemen, engineers and
conductors, who aland ready to move
their trains, but say they will not work
with nvw msu.
CoDVlotod of Kilduif and K:bblnu Old
I .i.o,;i Bhsaffer,
Lancaster, Pa, April is. The jury
in the case of MartBuiiard and Joseph
Brownsweiger, charged with bnrglary
and shooting old Isaiah BrenHer near
(lioft'dale, this county, la October,
this afternoon rendered a verdict of
guilty. Motion was made, for a n-w
trial. Abe Buzzard, the famous Welsh
moantain ontlaW, who is now a relig
ious lecturer, was one of the princi
pal witnesses against his brother. Mart
made a statement to the court that his
brother Abo had robbed and shot Sheaf;
fer and that he ( Mart) ha 1 nothiug to
do with the crime.
Abe when called lo the stand testi
fied to having been at Mart'a bouse on
the mountains before the robbery aud
to overhearing Mart, Brownsweiger
and time unknown man plotting the
crime, be did not make it known,
though, until alter Mart made a state
ment charging Abe with the crime.
The Dcdy of a Ai ih- Man Discovered
Nar Look Hvn.
Lock Haven, Pa., April 18. The
dead body ot a young man named
Ryan, who has been missing froui
home in Logan ton for soiu time, was
found last night lying along the road
side ou the mountain soulh of this city,
where he had fallen exhausted during
the big suow storm luat week, and
perished from Ihe cold.
The body has since hen covered
with snow, which melted away, led to
the discovery of the body.
Disastrous Firs at Burnhsm Loss
$150,000, Partially Insured.
BuRMBAM, Pc April 18. Tho Logan
Iron and Steel works were totally de
stroyed by fire last night. The plant
when running full time employed odd
The loss Is estimated at if 100, 000, par
tially Insured. How the lire startod ia
not known.
Los Ancsle Army a Thorn In the Sid
of th Authoritle.
San Bernardino, Cala., April IS.
The scond Los Angeles regiment of
the commonweal army, eight of whose
leaders aro undr arrest here, is a thorn
in the public side. The leaders were
taken from the county jail to Colton
to plead before Justice 131ngham to a
charge ot attempting to defraud the
Southern Pacific Railroad company
out of fares.
They pleaded not cuilty, and made
preparations to furnish bail with the
intention of delivering iniTiuiatory
speeches, but were prevented from do
ing ho by the. district attorney, who
filed complaints charging them with
inciting riot.
After id ending to the charge, each
J one demanded a separate jury trial,
and preceded to nili(ena every mem
ber of the army as a witness, thereby
hoping to get nil of their comrades' pay
at the rate of two dollars a day during
lho trial of ti e eight different casts.
General Order Mo. 1 of th Unittd Min
COLUHBUB, O., April 18 Tho follow
ing Order No. 1 was issued from the
headquarters of the United Mine Work
ers ot America here today :
"As order-d by the uaiional conven
tion, coal must not be loaded at any
price, or for any purpose, but where
Companies want engines run, water
handled, timbering or other kind of
repairs done, it will be permitted, pro
vided wages are paid according to th
scale d-mndsd by ths convention."
Memburs Soaked with Rain at Coun
cil Bluffs Incendiary
Speeches Made.
Omaha, Neb., April 18. Kelly army
is mill m camp ell miles east of Coun
cil Bluff, where it has beeu since
Monday night. It is nearly out of food,
but Omaha citizens and labor organ
izations ure getting up a dinner lor it.
The Industrials were soaked in the rain
last night. No train to carry the army
is in sight, aud the Chicago toads and
Iowa authorities are evidently bent on
making the path of this army so rough
as to deter uuy others from attempting
to follow.
The Kelly men stand their privations
uncomplainingly and made as light of
them ss possible. Upon the urgent
request of the citiaeni of Council
Blu&S, (ioverimr Jackson has ordered
l ne militiu, which tins been gtiardintr
Kellv's army, withdrawn to Council
Blnffs' transfer depot, leaving the in
dustrial army six miles away. This
action wiib taken with a view to pre
venting a threatened uprising of people
that would nve away the militia and
capture a train for the army.
Seventy men from Reno, Nev.. who
say they arj going to join Kelly,
stopped at Grand Island for dinner to
day. Th-y say 800 men are two days
behind them ou the same mission.
A miiubc-r of workingmen held a
meeting in this city to lay to denounce
the treatment the Industrial armv
nuder Kelly hud received at the hand's
of the state authorities. Several in
cendiary speeches were made, and
finally one speaker declared that
he would furnish 3,000 rounds of
ammunition with wnicn to wipe out
the stato militia. At this point the
police interfered and dispersed the
- .
Military Board Adopts Black Lather
Viih Baxter Supporters.
HaRRISBDRO, Pa., April 18 The
knapsack adopted for the use of the
National Guard by the military Board,
which met here last night, in similar iu
lhape and size to the canvas back now
in use, but it is made of black leather
and has the Bixter supporters.
The William 11. Sortimann com
pany, of Philadelphia, will be given
the contract, which will be wortp
Ttnnensse Convie. Lynched fcr Fear He
Would Fir W hi: Men' House.
Lr.wism. mi, Tenn., April 18. Henry
Montgomery, a negro, was lynched on
Monday night by unknown men one
mile north of here.
His body wss found hanging Tuesday
morning. Montgomery had just served
a term for larceny and had throated to
Duru the houses of several white men.
(iermany will soon issuo n ?:! 000,000
A tax on lucernes exceeding $47,000 is
proposed iu the duchy of Baden.
A bill to disestablish the Welsh church
will be introduced into parliament next
English and Herman authorities dis
claim any purpose to wipe out the Samoan
Lord Hosehery HiiO'ers so much from in
soinniathat lie frequently walks the streets
from midnight to morning.
The governor of Valencia has been dis
missed by Spain's government for failing
to protect Spanish pilgrims.
Refusal of the to disarm his troops
Is said to have stopped a promising move
incut, headed by the Kaiser,
ParnollitCJ lu parliament will light tho
sp-.tit ta of tl-.o new budget tooth and
nail, and may enibarass the government.
As the supposed murderer of the young
Bister of Mercy in. i Berlin suburb. Julius
Thieda, a Stonemason, has been ar
rested. The hill to repeal the co-ersion act In
Ireland passed second reading iu the
bOUSC of commons yesterday by a vote of
'.'.4 to 194.
With eighteen (iorman stowaways on
board the British steamer Birkenhead,
Irom Bremen, put into Deal, England, to
gat rid of loom.
After winning the first prise of fSO.OOO
in the Marseilles Municipal Lottery,
Baton de Rothschild gave the entire
amount to charity.
On suspicion of being German govern
ment sides two (Ionium women, employed
In the Label Cartridge factory at llelfort,
Trance, are under arrest.
Through tbo arrest at London of the
Italian anarchist, l'olti, pilars have beeu
found which will lead to the cupture of a
large and desperate gaug of bomb
throwers. CJ
I Wamhrotok, April lSo-forc-
WARM I'oi Eastern
I PrattstfttMito, loir iu the morn-
1 no, probably sW-eus duriny the
crelilni; in- ufuAi ii.,Iriiir Smith
lefatff. For jftttern Hmnsyfoania, focal
Mowers, lets oh Aiting to southwest;
siiuhtly cooler.
Colored Silk Umbrellas with
Dresden Knob Bandies to matcb
are among (he leading styles for
Ladies' use. We show an attrao
tive variety in Blue, Brown,
Green, Garnet, lllacku.ud Change
able Silks.
Prevailing prices for one week
50c. Umbrella, 26-inch, &9a
Si. 39 Gloria Silk, '-incUt CD
$3 Windsor Silk, 26-inch, $2,65
we have all the latest designs and
newel t materials. We call attn
Hon to our WHITE MOTKE at
$2.00, also WHITE SURAH
with White Handle and Frame
at $5.00.
51.0 and 512 Lackawanna Are,
Maltese Cross
And Oak-tanned Leather Belting,
H. A. Kingsbury
SI 3 Spruce St., Scranton, Pj.
Lewis, Reilly & Dayie&
Ladlcc show Meads our, as. 13.5a
aad fc.: .Mints, and so cnthuitluUc are rtar
oyer tlielr purchsSSS that one Mle Is sure t7
lie tho nienn of nuking anothar.
114 Wyoming Avi.
WAIT UNTIL I get in my
new quarters at 408
can get bargains in
that have never been offered"
in Scranton.
The Jeweler.