The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 18, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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"Mho wants bnl little horo lelow,
But veomnn wMiitH it beep:
lU-r life in lull of little winn.
If they ere only cliaj.. "
Daisy Ribbons, lc. a yd.
Regulation Curling Irons,
5c. each.
3teel-point Hair Pins, 2c. a
Invisible Hair Pins, 2c. a
Shell Hair Pins, 18c. a doz.
and 5c each.
Safety Pins, ail sizes, 5c. a
a dozen.
Fine Pins (won't bend), 5c.
a paper.
Linen Thread, 7c. spool.
Good Lace Thread, 7c. spool,
Darning Cotton, 2c.
Real Hair Crimpers, 3a a
Thimbles, 2c. each.
Tape Measures, 4c, 7c
Brass Rings, 2c and 4c. a
Fancy Cord, 6c. yard.
Rope Linen, 4c. skein.
Linen Fringe. 6c yard.
Coats' Spool Cotton, 3c.
Best 100-yd. Spool Silk, 5c
Star Skirt Braid, 3c
Embroidery Silk, 4 spools
for 3c
Highest of all in Leavening Powlm. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
F ... til VU I
Jollification by Throcp's Cltizme
Oth. r Local of Inmost.
Svecial to the Scranton Tribune,
pRKEDCRii. Pa.. April IT. The citi-r-n
of tile new incorporated borough
of Throop are feeling jubilant. Flsjfs
are liyirtu f rem every buildii.g and they
had a grand parade yeiterday to com
memorate the iniDortant event. The
procession started from Bellman &
Co ' store, headed fty a band.
J. P. Lsasier, Wilkss- Barre corre
spondent of the Scranton Republican,
wis in town yesterday,
f. R. Thomns, A. J. Davis and J,
W Davis, all of Scranton, registered at
the Central on Monday.
The many frtends of Lnke Kelly, of
the BoulsYard, are nrgine him to be
come a candidate for coanoilman of
the new borough.
Janes Brown and James Ean are
also mentioned as possible candidates
for the same office. Election will take
place on May 1. 1894.
The Eagle Hose company held their
usual monthly meeting in their rooms
on Monday evening, business of great
importance was transacted. A dele
gate from Throop Hose company wax
in attendance,
Patrick Langan the genial clerk of
the Wayne house is the proud owner
of a team of greys, which he purchas
ed recently.
Eugene Rafferty, of Dickson, is
slightly indisposed.
it it rumored that somo of our we'll
known politicians abed bitter tears
when the saw the parade.
Nswa of a Hustling' Suburb Told In
Bright Sstericss.
Special to tli Scranton Tribune.
Minooka, P , April 17. An infant
son of John Blaekam, of Davis street,
lied Monday afternoon of measles.
The funeral will take place this after
noon at 2 o'clock. Interment in Forest
Home cemetery, Taylor.
A 8-year old ehild af Patrick Lydon,
of Stafford street, died Monday night.
The funeral will take plnea this after
noon at 3 o'clock. Interment in
Minooka cemetery.
The onse of Michnel Costollo, of
Joycotown, ngainst James MeDarmott,
of the sum" place for felonious wound
ing, will likely be celled today In
court. For many yours the residents
of Joycnlown hayo been like the pro
verbial Kilkenny cats. Nearly u year
ago C'ostello and McDirmott became
involved in a dispute that, ended in
GoStello'l K'ttinir ii dose of hnckshot in
the lg from a musket fired by Me
tis r mot t.
rent or theta f;ouros, prr- S
seated at The Tribune ones, ear- 5
n-r r. mii iiveniH' mill Hnriin., r.r....ft
j entltlee the holder loall the priv- 5
5 Ili-gen nf the iinpuriilleleil offers 5
j for distributing popular i in 5
Z stnongouvr lets. The offers rnsds S
S i The Trlbnee naaaseinent nr S
na pdHowm
1ft I'I'.NTK end Four Coupons lor "3
; nny vnluuM m Hie Celumbua s- 5 2
t s
20 CKNTS and four Coupons for g
Buy linuk in the ICil;liy Betlee.
E 35 CENTt mid Four Coupons for S
e nn.v boob In the tlxiord series. 5
In teres lies 2C'.,vr- i ucfi; Gith?rrt,i by a
RuatltM Journalist,
ovriu to til., flurtnifoa IVAtNM
Arohbald, Ph., April 17. While
MM William Clark, Of. I'll h Sl eel,
waa barulng refuse In iir garden tln
afternoon, her draw oangbt lire and
before the 11 linos were iiueueiiwi hi r
rltfbl arm end imth uf Iter bands were
severely Imined. WltOQ Mrs. ('lurk
awlher olotbes on fire she ran to a fa ace I
betide the iimis.- and turned te water
on herself, But for in-r prtatnea of
mind she would be seriously buriied,
h8 there war DO one iienr to put out tli'
hile playing with it piatol this nf
teinoon, Archie Niobol, of Main street,
shut himself in tne Index linger f his
right b "id The bullet was removed
by Dr. Van Doren,
Martin Mabady, of Railroad street,
who has been very ill with typhoid
lever for several weeks, if steadily im
proving and i ncuv beivad to be onl
of danger. Ilis sister is still iu a criti
oal condition.
Tii is afternoon the funeral of John
Sheridan's child took place,
A ipecial session of th council wmh
bold list evening. -Messrs Lane, cf
frey, Junes, Blake and Padden were
present. The auditing committee im
ported favorably ou a number of bills
that had been referred to them and or
ders were ordered drawn for the several
amounts. The bend or Treasur.T
O'Ronrke In the amount of if 10,000 was
approved, and John Farrell wis u
pointed hili constable totneeeed John
Newcomb resigned. Sixteen active
members of ATobbbld llo.e eompany
were x-,niited from the payment of
borough Occupation tax. It was stated
by Mr. Jones that thu traclioa oompanv
waa about to bniti work ou their ex
tension and he suueated that tho ro ad
committee look closely after the m-in-tier
of luyinif the truck on the hill be tween
the present terminus "and the
gravity track.
Bad Draixaue causae much sickness,
and bad blood and improper action ot the
liver and kidneys is bad drainage to the
human system, which Burdock Biood
Bitters remedy.
O I."l .'.1 . A .vov
porier'e Kidali
RpMtattotht 6cm as on rVowiia
CAHnoNDAbit, Pa,, Apiii 17 Uondnt
t:r Ken wormy, at the Delaware and
Hudson railroad, Ut evening h i I thre
Qngers mi ins left band orntheil while
malting a coupling ill Ihu Nineveh
Ou Wednesday evening, April 30
lluii AtkluMQ will bo nuiteJ iu mar
liage to Misa Lnnra Tonkin, ilnt'ighur
.if Mr. John Toukio, if us D.Hiok uve
line, The ueremouy will lake place at
o'clock p. ni.
Airs .1. li Van Birgan, of pbnroh
slrol entei lniiied as her ull sts tnd iV
Mrs. J 1 Fonlbam, of Scruutvu; Mrs
Thomas Dickson, of Norrlstowu.N. J,;
ami Miss Cleveland, of Cbiongo
Miss lelieltn McMillan ivuinied to
New York today after 11 uton the' visit
with her parenii in this cny.
The Yonug Ladies' league of the
Methodist onurob eUoted the following
officers his: evening to serve duriug lbs
enening years President, Buttle Par
col; Vine president, Alioi Butler, treas
urer, Mrs. j. V. Petbriokt secretary,
Com Bell; ..srisluni s-cret.iry, Liiia
R v. William Hiller, a former paatoi
of the Metbodist ObntOtl nl this place,
u the gunst of bis son, Fred, 011 .North
Clinroh sire.e.
The L idles' Aid society of the Meth
odist obnrch serve their monthly sup
pet toutorow 1 Wednesday) uveniug,
BEWAMOV FKAVJDS Be sure yob get
the gniiiiine Dr. Th.iuius' Uclecti ic" Oil. It
cuies Oolds, (.'roup. Asthma, Desfneas
aud Rheumatism.
Nevra from
Notes of Genarsl Intnrost from Suaijaa
henna's Eetsrprinina' Tiwn
Swciil to the Scranton IWoase,
Forest City. Pa., April r Rev. J.
C Hunan's frtends will be pleased to
learn thst he will b-the pastor of the
Metholiat Episcopal church in this
place for another yar. This will be .
his third year in this pbice, an 1 the 1
church has grown strong numerically, I
II well as financially, uuder his pitcr
ate. A now parsonage worth 2,000, I
one of the handsomest residences in
town is almost completed, and nearly,
all the money is raised. Mr. Hogau I
has gained a wi le reputation abroad
as being a champion advocate of tem
perance, and Forest City people in geu- 1
eral, are pleased to welcome the return
of Rv. J. C. Hogan.
Charley Leonard was the happy pos
sessor of a large catch of speckled !
beauties wbieh he waa di.-playing to
friends last ereniug. Charley says it
about three hours to catch tneni,
hnt some of his best friends said be
bought them from an expert fishurtuun
who went fishing yesterday
Joseph C. Lappeus, after a short va
cation at his borne in this borough,
returned to his school dutH'3 it Key
stone Academy yesterday.
Blanche May, daughter of L. V. nnd
Lillie Arnold, died Sunday afternoon,
aged 3 years 10 months and 9 days, of
scarlet fever. The funeral was held
this morning, beiutr private on acount
of the fatality of the disease Inter
ment was at Clifford, Rav. D. P. Lap
pens officiating.
The Woman's Christian Temperance
Union will hold a parlor meating at
Mrs. J. D Caryl's tomorrow afternoon.
Elijah Carpenter, of Uuiondale, was
looking after his business interests in
this place today,
IVorrytnr; a Itig Uatlroud.
Them is a story attached to the OOBdtnV
nfrtion proceedings instituted by the Chi
cago and Northwestern Railroad company
by whinh Bridget Burn : received IO,Cii
for 23H test fronts gS on Ft rent, near
Canal. Her busbstAd waa known as
'"Micky" Barns to all the river men, ships'
crews and stevedores in the port of Chi
cago. "Micky's" junk shop whs a favorite
place, nnd had a reputation that reached
to every port on the inland lakes. Ho
bought. some land on the rivor near Kinie
snd Canal streets. Tho Northwestern
roiul laid its tracks over the river to its
depot on the north side, and it. btppSUed
that they extended four inches on
"Micky's" land. Them was talk of con
ilntiination, but as the house was not in the
way they were unsuccessful.
xben the fun began. Abmt, four times
ayear the railroad company nt hills of
dntnawm from "Micky" fur the plnstnrthnt
WM regularly shaken Off his oelllaas by the
fevering of the train. They were em
temj.norudy rejected, and the owner final
ly strartnd to retaliate. He painted bis
hoiisooocnnionnjly, and when lie did so or
wrmtod to drive a nail over a second story
window ho waited until It wne time for a
traM-nto psslh when he carefully placed t he
foot, of his ladder over oncpf the tricks.
Just within his own property, and crawled
motile rounds.
The i.r.iiii.c.'iine. but. the engineer did not
dnro'to.knook "Micky" down, as Imi knew
tho mrm had a s-rtect right to do what be
phwied on his own promises. 8a"Mleky"
sat there' for hours, hauimering away or
swiping n claplsmrd vfth a paint brush.
No entreaties WOOjd bring litin down, and
tho whole, system of the. Chicago and Nort h
western was blocked. Several tines he
climbed upon the ririgefKile of bis hOUM
with a slK)Unin, and Umvitened to shoot
t.lii' BntWngfiieer that drove an engine over
hisKround. it took a good share of Chi
cago's' police force in tlrbso days to get him
A few years ago "Micky" died, and his
widow, Bridget, diil not koep up the hos
tilities, and at list was compelled to sell
her lions". But nho got a good price for it.
Chicago Herald.
Livulv 'loioush Trsfl;
Awcful 0 fit fleromfea TribWnt,
Taylor, Pa,, April it a grand
concert Will be held in No.ikes hall a.
Lackawanna on May 8 nnder tho aus
pices of Lady Washington lule, No
'19 American Pro.etant Lidtea' assuci
utioo, Many young people are spending
leisure moments in gathering bouquets
of irailiiii.' arhiitus.
Mrs. M J. Lloyd spant today with
fri-nds in this borough.
Joseph Nolkie, died on Monday after
1100c, after months of illness, nt his
home on corner nf Main and Grove
streets. Ho was 89 years old and cam"
here twenty em lit years a.'o. H" leaves
five children to mourn his loss and
wife of his age. They are Frank,
Ferdinand and Mrs. John Younghlorts,
of Taylor; Mrs. Anton Fisch, of iSsran
ton, nnd Joseph, of Detroit, Mich. The
fnueriil will take place Thursday nioru
Ing. A high mass of requiem will be
held at the Gt)iiii:iu Catholic church in
Hyde Park.
Siieet Commissioner Rio5i is doinn
gool work on Main street.
The school board will organizo in
Henry Rich, of Wayne county, was
iu town today.
ErUf ar d Catchy Personal of In-
iorat Generally.
sclfll fe th Scranton Tribun:
HALL8TBAD, Pa., April 17. Mrs,
Gtnorge Deweny, of Bingbamton, who
hus cen visiting lin aister,Ir8. George
Lamb, lira returns I home.
Jlrs. John Crook was visiting friends.
in Bingbamton today.
Warren Blmrell, who has been visit
ing friends in Willinmsport. has re
turned home.
Will McCreary was in Binghamtoti
; rie Clnbloe, of Boston, will give a
literary entertainment in the Baptist
church on Friday evening under the
auspices of the Voting PeopU's Society
of Chris ini Bndeavor of that church.
D, C Hamlin, of the Novelty works,
was in BinghamtOn today.
Henry Wtlbml nnd daughter Josie,
have returned In ine from a visit to
fries (Is and relatives in Scranton.
Eeoosmn t VMS HlSMSSf MtDi:t AVTNesmtl
Ktf sntimfOLlNHIUJCR
Mill I II Kt'l . iw.. ..... .
HoKierfiil bi.-.n to f u1Iitio
F r ... S -..I... ........
'..i. n . i. Branekltlt,
irllii i-rvi'ir
, ImntSwtreutf. An eftirii'iit
rcmMy. cenrenient In enrrv
Mr. Wrilinm K. Vanderbllt smokfis a
apooiartirnnd, which ho hna importnl from
Cuba. Back cigar has a golden band
around 'it, njsin which is Mr. Vnnderbllt's
coat ot arms. At. wholesale in Cuba' they
cost him twenty-five cent each.
M. L Blair, Alderman, ftth ward, Scran
ton, Pa., steiod Nov. !, '83: He bad used
Dr. Thotnas'Eclectrlo Oil for sprains, bums,
cuts, bruises and rheumatism. Cured
every time.
. i. '.' i.'i i'ii iii i iviirr.
In nneset. reaty to n" n (li i in.i..- i.i
-iillnietl IH IfferU IVrmnnent l ure.
BaUtiSI tl'i'iinmiiinteeil nrmnnny rcl'tim;."f! Prlee,
norls. 'trial fri-e at liniKirisis. I("mslere.l iiihiI.
Ml cents. H. D. CUSHMAH, Kfr.,TtrM lUicri, lich., D. 3. 1
i oxpit-caacA-wsa
MENTHA! TSs "Uct niiil safest remeiiT for
nuraiL .. LiiskineisessosJJ!sema,ltoh.Hsll
Wsjmlrt Soril Jlorni, OUU, Wonder-lil rem
SrforPI.K. PrlecfSotS mlinia-nAI M
sj;ts ..r i t roell prtpsl -s .1 ! re - n o.i.e P H L IV
For u.iln ii v JhitihewH HroH.. Morgan llroa and
MOtSjia I n.
Complexion Prasorved
viola mm
Remoyci Frso'slns, Plmplun
Livor Moles blacl.Seadsi
Sanburn ami Tan, n'ld n
stores tho skin to It.i oii;:l
rat fMihnfiaa. tirrtntuitna n
eleai and healthy com-f"
Dioxion. BnnenortoiTi fun
.Tciinritliins end porfocuy harmless. At all
JtU!Sjlsts,ornHmcdorSOetn. Scud lor Circular.
VIOLA 6K1N SOAP mi'T lonnmrfth'n M K
Iklm (luriftlinc Hcsmp, HMHM Pt tltf tnil-t, i- l wlth-nit i
rival ftrt" tli" nur'fy. AM"liitr-lf ruirn nxA (ItllimWy inf-sll-..-!
At tlnifglain, Prln 25Cfnvj.
G. C. BITTNEH&COmToi.edo,0.
For 9$Xt by Mat Hi own IIrot ,Mor(cAnIsron.ntid
MorHii V' Co.
Everv Womai:
Boffleiintej noods a roll
able monthly rceulatiui,
t medicine
n nri 10
LSI . rCNL o
Are prnmiit, SSfS ami rerialn In rminlt. Thp a"
ISO (Or. Penl'si nerer Slsiiprniint. Sent an whci ,.
"I.'. 1'oiU Modi in.' c. , rii'veiiind t).
Bold hy JOIfI H. riIKf.PS Phsrmaels
corner Wyoming ayonne and Spruce street
Scranton, Pa.
r s
What is More Attractive
Than a protty faco with a fresh, bright
complexion For it, uso Fozzont's Powder.
Au Kulertainliix Write,' Uaooid of
IDii'ly HuMisTitec
(geotol to tie: ic. oiiiuii lyAifiie.
Avoca, B.i.. April 17. The 11-inouihs-old
child of iir. an I Mrs.
Martin McGowan tliatdied OU Friday,
Wai hnrii-d ynuday iii lie Mny'a cum)
lery. The funeral was largely ut
lended The Hillside Coal and Iron ootnpiny
p i I their employes today.
li. J McDonald, r Bersnton, spent
yeaterdav in Avoca.
Mr Kate Lewis, who has been riait.
Inn friends here, returned to her hum -in
Bi ad ford, Pa., nn Ifooday.
Uv. Dr. T C. Ed Wards, of Ivinston,
Will deliver his potmlar leoturn "A
Trip to the G dden O In the Avo!s
Priuiitlve Methodlel church on featur
j.v ' reninc A;.nl 91,
A Urge Hum .. r of peoiil attended
ihi lecmi'u delivered in I'Utstoa las!
evening it' ltv, D1 pj Clark
Mrs, Martin CurWy, who has been
a reel loin of this tuwu 101 uunv years,
died I IP s I iy morning ,it h -r home un
M.iiu nt I . el .Kiel uvea a hush. iil.l ninl
ten children to UlOOm her loss,
Willie Bitglien mid b'rauk Collins
seut Bnnday evening with friends in
Ifisi Agnes Qilleiple spent Sunday
iu Avoc. i
Mr tUese, ot the Wllkea-Birre
Ki cor I, w.ia a visilor to our town yet
ter lav.
llichnrd ll-are, formerlv of Avooa,
but late ot forest City, spent Sun lay
Willi friondi in town.
Why ll Is Bstpanelve.
Allit t C l .'I .line-.
It costs the people ol ih United States
each year, to be horn, i'j.'i.llllO.niSI; to lie
married, eMal,0UO,UUUi aud to be burled,
t7ll(IO,IMMI; Whiie to yet drunk the people
p) 100,1 oil 1,000,
A. l . 'A
' s;
'i,". ,,st 'Viil .
2fn, Annie ScUrcincr
AUentown, m.
food's Is M Grandest
Raised from a Weak
Low Cctidicicii
To Porfoct Kcr.lth and Strength rcii.- Yccrs Suffering.
"C. I. i'.oori A Co., Lowell. Mass.:
"(Icntlcinon I think Hood's Sarj.iparilla Ii
t;'.'.i srar.'Iot discovery yot ar.ti it
even rr.orc than yu claim for it. My wife lias
been sicl; for the pa:t four years. For three
years she "-as so tad that iie was unaiilo to do
slty Of h?r lior.scv. ork. Wo had good riiy.iiclatis.
ln:t olio did net recover her health. Sho Ta3
uScrin;: from Bright! disease and
Lcrr.i.-.ess in tha Caclt.
Her torijuo rai covered y.ith biistcrs ; had no
appetite, and was very weak and low with sen
oral debility. I insisted on her takis? Hcoii'.i
SsrsapariUa, ani sho has been hnproving ever
since Suo has taken five bottles, and is so well
Hut for three months sho nas done her house
work, and wo have seven children." ACQ.
BCBBKtXXB, AOentOtm, Tcnnsylvania.
Hood s Pills euro liver ilis, constipation,
biliousness, jaundice, sick headache, InuigcsUoa.
mane a wen
Man of
17 n B sTTAA
Mil I. Ki lt
KUI LT$ In HO OATH. Cutfg All
Ncrvuutt Dlea.ei, Kn I litis Mttnury
r,trt'i, ni' iii' -nt --. itiiti r.miis-
ttuti .-1 . i 'I - I i -t . i "i - irlvt Vlpur HtiUcUfl
to vtiMinkcn oruitii! and quickly but surely roFturro
l.oat l it ii L nod in old or vountr. Frttllvran led in tMsI
pocket i 'i letflsfO e piolcafl. Six for $ft.00 with a
ii i ii I en iciinrnnlft' to Hfl nr mntit'y refunded. Pon't
li t utiy untirtiiriplod dr iKtflft sell vou any tnnn ol
in.ittttum lnfit on hnvinir INHAIMI nonv nth-T It
he hn not vot if. we will - t.i It hr mnll tipun m'
of prlie. fnmphlet In vunltd envelope free. Add re
Oriental Medical Co , Propa. , thicnito, lit, or our tfrtnti.
SOLD by llatlhtWI Bros , Whulcttalc and Retail
Dtnpaist-;. SCRANTON, PA., and otboi Luad
inn lJtunKists.
Tho GENTJINB New Haven
"Mathushek" Pianos
New York Wareroonis No. SO
Fifth Avenue.
Sole (IsnlerH in this section.
OVFICB-121 Adams Ave., Telephone BTd'g
We have the hand
somest line of Parlor
and Drawing Room
ever shown in this
state and we would
like you to see it.
Hill &
Wantt S'el't Ever Seen, tags, IlundB,
Anns, Body One Solid, Deep,
Humility Sore.
Bogsn (7sing Outlcurn. la Two Weeks
Grout Improvement Followed
by i: Complete Cure.
Hy ch0tl betjan t" be irhen two months
nlO Kesemaon IiIj Caco and peed. It ni.iiiy
i,ri':tii over .ill bis iimiv. Bvety one vii wiw
h.m SiilU iio the worst tight they ovet .uw.
ii,. nau fi ue wounn in
llnni (..".in eve BO many
HnOS ii '"'iv. and then lm
WOUld sti, k to Ills
Clothes. 1 could not draa
htm alone fot months, ilia
little logs, hands, and arms
v.oii' iist one s.lhl d'jep
running sorc. Ho was Horo
r.n cvornut tho (loopo -totes
ilns&oonnd jowKvI
rri fii ,i ,". .'.., us in ilw ili-sli. anil wi ro swiil ,11
mi 1st Iw ,i i uoc looi i.i. 'i uhikl. ni' sroru
iu, i wiir.-.r. hiii-i',1 j have o"oi seen ot thi klndi
VVo bemui nslm the riwici ra RcMEnnss, and
111 Iwn ,','l,s M" l oil I, I ;i ':,'i at illllil'OVllllli-Ilt,
unit now hr Is conitiletuly cured, His skin u
smooUt :'ini wbtto,anil linsooins entirely well,
rl'ortrall Inolosed.) Wearesoiliankful. would
like io it'll en ryono who has a unfforlns 'mby
about CuxicuttA.
Wlnfleid, biUtiui County, Mich.
frrirrilA RBHBOIRS have offrirsl tlio most
wonderful oumt ol toruirlna and dfstluiirlng
skin and sealu diseusi nt iniauiH and ofnlilron
evernx''d. TlirynMnid lnsianl rrhnf. ,, rinlt
rest and hii','i', nnd point ton isssly cure, whon
Um host iliynlclans fall. Cruimts save your
children yours ol needless suffering, cures
made in childhood ar.' nominal nt.
KnM thronghmrt the world. Irl"o. OurictlSA,
Mo.; MoAP,sAii,i Usmlvskt, $1. I'uttsr l)ace
mi linen. Uoap,,Moln I'TOprlutors, BoetOB.
fri" " Ilfiw to Osra si. iii LIUomi i," rissdted
r s
Hldn sod Pmlp parifiod um beaatUM
byCOTK 17 iu duifs Abwmitoly para.
'.( Find in Ontlenm Anti-r::ir. Piss.
l y(i terlnstnnt sndantefttl relief, it
V fL Is the first and only nauvkllllnir.
-. sucujtbeni:: plastOT.
Dr. E). Grewer
Tbe Philadelphia Specialist,
And his ssaoetsted itutr of Kncllh nnd er
msn i iiysk'iaiis.uro now pcrmanoutli located
Temple Court Building
Whi-re ihuy may U. cunnlted DAILY AD
Tge Doctor Is n graduate ot ttio Unlvorsity
ci Feunsylvaun, formorly dfmonstrator of
gjysJelogTand sarsery at the llodlco-Chir-
wuvm ui rniiaasitinM Hi tm also
f- - i i.. ...1' i i.i. i no is aigo
i '.'vmuor oi ino nieaico iwOirur
Jlcal Association, and wa physiclaa nd
uraepn-inhief of tho most noted American
nit Ucrman hospitals, comes hlchly Inuorsod
by tho loading professors of Philadolphia and
1 '. .I
'". . v, ii i-iin.,, IAUCI lOUUt
Miles this eminent physician snd surgeon to
correctly dlagnoso nnd treat all deformitiss
snd diseases with the most flattering success,
snd his hiifh standing in the state will uot
sll w him o accept sny Ineursble case
LOST Jlnhimii ki .iiii.i ii
11 you have neon given up oy your physi
cian cull upon tho doctor and be examined.
He cures the worst casesof Nervous Debility,
fcVrotula, Old Bores, i atsrrh. Piles, Kemsla
Weakness, Affections of the Ki.r, Eyo, Now
snd Throat, Asthma, Deafness. Tumors, Can
cers snd Cripples of every description. Con
sultation in Entillsh and Gorman Fres. wbiob
shall 1 considered sacred and etriotly confi
dential. liftlui, Hours: 0 A.M. tu 0 1'. M. llally.
Sunday, U . in. to U p m.
Third National
Bank of Scranton.
Statement lb 'H , 1804. called for by
the Cum ptroller of the C'lirrclicy.
' eans SI, 310,340 00
Overdrafts 114 7. .17
Tutted Strifes llouds 80,111111.00
Other Ronils ftlS,5TS.TA
llnnklllg House '-.i.ii,:
Premiums on u. s. Sonde,.,. t4:t 7ft
Due from U. s. Treasurer 7,000.00
liue from Hunks 208.410.7:t
Cnsli 14ll.040.ft4
f'apllol S200.00000
sin nius '.' in nun on
Dniiividcil Prottts on 180.00
Circulation 70,000.00
lilvldends I npnl,! S84 fill
Deposits.' l,BS4,eeO ."ii
Hun tu Hunks 611, .Hill. ftll
s, SOS, 580.60
WH.I.IAM CONNKM, President.
tlliO. H I ATLIN, Vice-President
VVIIllam Contrail, tienrge II. Catlln,
Alfred Hand. .1 nines Arrhbiild, Henry
Helln, Jr., v.ini .in T. Mniiii. Lutbsr
Tills bank offers to depositors every
in. un i warranted by their lialsiices, bust
in .- anil ri'spoiiHtlilllly.
Speeiul attention given tn business se
en unts Interest paid on tlino deposits.
That wo are lmadquartors for everything In
tho lino of WATCH !. If you have any Idea
of purchasing nny kind of a Watch, ladv's or
gnnt'a. Hold or Silver, you will make a griov
oua mistake It you do not give us a call and
get our prices, which you will find far below
all otners, especially In all the high grades of
Klgin, Wsltham and Hampden movements
If you havo any doubts aud are at all posted
on prices glvo us a call and we will hare no
trouble in convincing you. We still havo a largo
stock to dlspo'o of, and will offer you won
derful inducements in Jewelry, Silverware,
Clocks nnd nil othor goods which we havo In
C. W. Freeman
Penn Ave. and Spruce St
3 a. I
isfor feve
The Fair
400402 Lacka. Ave.
"Always the Gheapesf
Dry Goods, Ladies' and
Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Notions, Fancy Goods,
Infants Wear, Cloaks,
Curtains, Hoys Clothing,
Boots and Shoes, etc.
Commencing Monday, April 16,
we will place on sale Special Bar
gains in Every Department.
II New Goods
$1.40 EACH.
The greatest bargain in the market. A few of the
Brass (Onyx Top) Tables left at $6.00.
406 and 408 Lackawanna Ave.
Just (0 Give toe Editors a Chance
A DETAILED price list of our im
mense stock of Furniture, Car
pets, Baby Carriages, Refriger
ators. Mattings, Stoves. Crockery.
&c would crowd everything out of
this paper.
And we have too much respect for
editorials to do anything like that;
besides, of what use when all can be
told in a single line.
The Lowest Prices in N. E.
Cash or Credit
With every purchase of $50 or over
we present an American Onyx Fin
ished Cathedral Strike Clock.
With $75 or over, a 100-piece Din-
ncr set
Washington Ave.