The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 18, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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    TJELE M liANTON I IMItlliii. W iajM.MA V MOiiNlJN A1KII. 18, iVM.
The most delicate fabiic prop
erly cleaned at
Lackawanna Laundry
108 Penn Ave.
Morrman& Moore
i20 Wyoming Avenue
Nu?elticj in Dres3 Goods
415 Lacka. Avenua.
For one week,
beginning Monday,
April l6th, we will
sell All-wool Extra
Super Ingraius
for 60C.
Regular 75c. goods.
Williams k McAnulty
"27 Wyoming Ave.
Th Union Tramfar Company, Limited.
2u iice. Baggage jn! freight called fur
izi deiiTrtd prompiir 197 Fraaklia
Suiuciary u being piaawi ta tiij yan
MUrasattBg the pabrtc itorary baUdlag.
Io .a3fi of c;a3ie3 and one uf dip a
tkcria Wtn reported to the bcarl o( health
yesterday. .
A of reecistious a;sei 07
GoucQe tit la tha taidj .f tt mayor
availing his sigcatar.
'fu pool board me: ImI e . 4niag and
approved ut a aumber of bun Noolbtt
tusluea-s fids trauaacted.
Assitaat City Eogiuser Sherwood was
eiiijagsd yesterday in making cue ourvey
for tie Roariug brook bridge
street Commissioner Kbit is . i In
repairing the Washington avenue pave,
between dive ani QlDBOO s: isets.
The-sale of seats for "Alabama,' which
Will be the attraction at the Frothingbaoi
theater on Friday evening, will upeu at
Powell's music store at o'clock this morn
tnirward l.siy, the world famous Scotch
tenor, now traveling with the Adeiina
Patti rompaoy, will give one of bis con
cert under the auspices of the "cranton
Caledonian club in foBSI .Men s Christian
Association ball on Friday evening,
April :7.
Anheusor Buna Beer,
lxai Li.Lrnan s, Sii bpruceat.
Vosbuirf Hlr to Jiaks Effjrt to Have
Orphans' Court Sale St Aelds.
There la likely to be litigaton and
trouble over the Votburg; farm, ar
rangements tor the purchase of which
from George W. Beemer were com
pleted by the Scranton Poor district
last Saturday. The price to be paid
was $-5,600.
The farm consists of 140 acres and
adjoins tin Hillside home It was pur
chased by Mr. Beemer about one year
and a half ago at orphans' oourt sale
for 12,500. The farm was sold at the
property of ; Mr. Voeburg, father of 0,
H. Vosbnrg, who cow resides at !,,
0 H Vosbnrg and bis two brothers,
ntso alto reside in Illinois have re
tained Attorney C U Sopsr and pro
pose to make uu effort to bare tea
orphan s coart aale tet aside on the
ground that they were not gi7en notice
uf tbe sale of their, father's property.
It Is possible that tbe matter ma; be
compromised. nowever, without litiga
tioa. The peor board will not form
ally accept the laud or pay for it until
the title is made perfectly clear
Pisstnwd with Handtout
Clock Li CaiadeolaDs
Jataei B. Skeocb, tba chief or the
Scrautoo Caledonian club, wat agreea
bly surprised latt evening on being
presented by the members of theulub
with a baudsome marble olock. iu honor
of bis maniage, which occurred two
week i ago at Sarnid. Ontai in
Ei Chief John Pine, in bis presenta
tion speech, made happy allusioub to
tbe elegant smile which ailoiued the
chief's happr face, and concluded by
wishing In m aud his fair bride happi
ness and prosperity In years to come.
Tbe chief replied with a short tpeech
thanking the inembert Afterward
tbe club went into tocial session, where
tongs, etc., were enjoyed
e. ;
Th Lergsat Assortment la Scranton
Tint it tbe time to look over tliefi Bros
ftsaoi twent of shoes aud ua torsi. ton
are missing a great deal if you dou I far
they have auytbiug uud everything iu the
hue of footweHr.
Five Bnoa'. Hhul Sioric,
SOB litckawuuna aveuue.
Eaxan Creamery Butter, 22c. btrictly
Fresh Eggs always on hand, at
Tb Evrtc Laadt.
Wait for Oaemtoy Bret.' new goods.
Her Incorporation as a Horough Was Glori
ously Celebrated.
Large Procession Parades Through
Neighboring Towns and a General
Holiday Is Observed Olyphant,
Priceburg and Dickson City Are
Vioited-Dr. B. H. TViroopjLeads
the Parade of Citiions.
The eagle screamed, the ban 1 plavo 1,
the tiag of challenge was tUmited in
tne faces uf neighboring borough,
there was a large parade, firework
were exploded mid a goaeral holiday
observed at Throop greater lay.
Tbe oi:liou Was in c?Ubmtion nf a
decree of th ;-jart b&acld tbwu AI?c-d-iy,
incorporating Taroop iato a
All the pent up enibuiiasra which
hud lain dormsnt in tu etltWalle
"Tillage of Throop, in tue boroagu
of Dickson City, ' tor itVeo
yours, wai roleasad in on lnUr
lonaabandeD tn th -joyful foiling of
tue OCOeilOQ The l.iwience band frotu
tins city, was pressut and play id tne
slogan of the Tbroopites In prooet
clonal through n-ighboriug borougin,
headed by Dr. P U Throop and C 11
Tha incorporation of a borough Was
tiro t anvfreatad anil a petition UlttstI
June 19, 1888. but owing to obj OttoDl
and ri 'IK on the nart ot CitllSQI of
Dleksoa City, put iloalat Ijr, an actual
application w.ts not made until nearly
tlf ye-irs later, Marob Tu up -
pUoati 'ii a approved by the grand
jory, but conftruiation was refuse i by
the aonrt, Owing to a Mohaloal error of
date In preienting the applioation. A
ecood application wt granted. J.m. -t
ot this year, and again ttie giand jury
approved it, wlucii approval wat eon
lit toed by the court Monday.
V HE ftKsr itdtOTIOX.
The Qrtt borough eliciiou will b
conducted by I'atrick Cirr. julga, and
John 11 McUouald uud Hury Arui
tttong, Inspectors, all appointees oftba
court, ooToeaday, iMay 1
Considoring the long delay in secur
ing the incorporation, it is not surpris
ing that the freeholders of the lite
village should want to celebrate and at
the same time proclaim by the token to
ill tax towns tuat they could eipend
their tsxds in future.
At HO o'clock uuder the taper v lit on
.if O. D. Siuderson and B W Udl
man, the procession wat formal in
front of the B dliaau A 0 . store. E I
ward Bantield assisted in the arrange,
moots The cavaleade, including
about thirty carriag Na, started at J 46
o'clock along the back road to the Dun
;uore road at Anderson's Corners. O.y
pliant was entered on Lackawanna
street. Tne procetsioa contians l down
through Priceburg aud Dic'uSJii City,
and, conntermarcning at the latter
clace, crossed the rivjr anl eaterjd
ihroop by the Boulevard road.
In tbe first carriage was Dr. B H
Throop, after whom the borough is
n inied, accompanied by C M. Sinder
ioo. Preceding them sad lesdiog tbe
prcc3iica vre these bicyclists: B
Lad'J, Kase. Or. B. Head. Vose
rlrotzer Gav Staaton. Charles Siar
kty. G?cr?e Staotot! Fraak Fatriaier
acd William Cclemaa
In tbe carriage ahtad of the L.W
rsnae band of this city were ti W.
B-ilman, C D. Sanderson, Master
Dudley Saoderson. E. R. Bvllman.
and Thomas Moaohan. came the
conveyance containing V. J. Apple
man, J H Law, G. H Haverly and
Mr Evans The carriage containing
representatives of the Scranton news
papers pveceded Joseph Birtley and
John Indian, superintendents of tbe
Fancoatt Coal company. Following
came tbe Taroop Hoiecomptay and a
long line of citizsns. including Mahlon
Ksse, John byket, John Burnett, Jack
King, John McDonald, Charles Wil
liams, .Mr. Henderson and Cbarlea.
All tbe carriages were bedecked with
flags aud rilled with overflowing enthn
siasm Bits of repartee and give and
take sailiet ware pasted between the
paraders and tbe citiieni of tne towns
on tbe route, but it wat all good natur
edly done.
in tbe evening a large boa-bra and
a iirework9 display terminated the
dav's festivities.
The last application for Incorpora
tion wat signed by 106 out of 1 Hi free
holders. The January census showed
the population of Throop to be lflo'i
and other particulars si follows Mi
dwellings, 9 hotolt, 8 itoret, 'i store -boute',
9 chnrcbes, I scboolbbuses, 1
railroad depot, a post office and 266
registered voters. Tbe Pancoaat col
liery employes 700 hands. The geo
grxphical boundaries of the new
boron ah are as follows:
Beginning at the corner of the center of
the I.ackawanua river at a point btween
the tracts of laud of Levi and William
Pierce: thence -.nth VSO perches, being the
southerly boundary line of Olyphant
borough to corner of Benjamin Morgan
tract; thence 20 perches to the corner of
h not on. n Braham tract; thenoe along
said tract 412 perches tn point in line of
Koaring Brook township; thace along
said boundary line i"0 perches to tbe
northeast corner of the borough of Dan-
more, and thence aiong sam oorougb nae
to Jino of Scranton city; thence west 1470
perches to tbe ceatef of the Lackawanna
river, and thence up tbe river to the plica
of beginning.
Four Muitichromes in an artis
tic cever, for one coupon and
one dime.
Clro''eries, Urocerletl At
Hit Will B Ccmfirrtd bt I i .. ;. W h
The rite of ri.iiflnnation will be ad
ministered at Orace church thiteysn
iug by Bv. W R Nicholson, D D
bishop of the !.ew XorM and Philadel
phia synod "f the Hijformed Epltcoptl
church (le will also preach.
Bishop Nii'i.'ilsoii lias the reputation
ofbaing one of the l last Kihlioal tubol
art in our laud, uud is alto said to be
an eloijiuut preacher,
Qo and Se How II I Don at th Scicau
ion Casb Blot.
Mist Young stands ready to answer
all ijuestions in reference to tbe art of
making bread.
Oo with the crowd aud profit by thit
HU m l' Aoademv of DanolnB.
J. Frauk Siegel't semi-monthly toolal
this evening. Fortner petrous aud their
friends iuvited.
The Scranton Bedding Co. are uphol
stering furniture. Sett workmen. Rea
sonable prices , '
It Will Be Qlven by the Young Peoples'
Pcototy t Curialtan Endeavor.
On nasi Tuesday Waning, April 24.
at No. 4 school in Greenwood, there
will hen high class entertainment of
the doling People's Society o( Chris
tian Endeavor of Hint pltc. Afler
the musical part of the oiitei'laini'i 'ir.
h ovi-r a social will tntne, at Wbloh re
fnainuiMits will ba lervad, The very
trifling sum of 10 cents will be charged
for admission. The prograinou i.-i RI
Opening Addratt A. F. Doud
uonbie nartttte
T. D. Miwchnl) and Party
Dialogue .
Miss Tvihi Knapp aud Party
Miss Hat tie lingers
.Misses Anun Lorering and Delia Knapp
Recitation II. E. RaWlOO
Baas S ilo David Levis
Drill Bieroltaa.
' Miss Delia F.vans and Parly
Silases Hay Moruan. Anna I.iver-
Ing and Ltlaala LoTeringi
Soprano BoJO MI"H JanniB Phillips
Aoaraai "TbaOH h:ueiiu,"
Joiiu P. Thomas
Obona, "Ccai? Whtra the Lilies iiioom, "
Qrtaswooa Choral society
fflnta Sio harry Ci Doud
Unit jo Solo iiij9 Jaante LoTarlag
Whittling Sol v "The Mi eking Bird,"
Daniel Clements
A, B, C Duet air mid Mrs. Jliu SVatltiat
Chorum "iTeiutalen,"
UreeuwooU C Moral Bocltty
The Club Scored Twanty-Thraa rtuns
of Which Two Wero Earned.
ivi.iny Errori Mada
Iiiniiaiiitoii retbugad its crotbtug
dafeat ut Nw York Monday by titbliig
I be Scranton olnb oni lotbwlt grounds
.a tiio Parlor city yattvrdat amid.
ftHtiug ihem to the tana of Hi to 1U
t ins uult was not HOUllfdd, it is
but just to say, by ihe grtut laptrlor
ily ut tilt BingOt as bill toss -is The
Soraotou plavers gonerou ly assisteil
heir opponent a,
Dotau did the twirling for Scranton
and under tba tttadtaat gala of 1,400
m ile and fani do udinlrert of th uu
Uottal game lost his ucrve. lie was
wild and gave ligbl bases on belli, be
sides bitting Sbortatop Long with t lie
Mmsey, Wat Is) and Wesllal.n mado
errors that materially assisted the
Diiighuinlous. Of the 23 runs thoy
scored only two were earned. The
tgora :
a. ii .I-", a i ii. B. pn. a r
Ma.-k. Sb ..i :i I I Staltz. If, I i i I u
l.yth, of.. .9 2 ii u UBogan, of.. 2 2 :.' 0 U
Dowse, rr 1 I D 0 0 Hatehen, e 4 1 2 0 1
ttaym'd. ins U 9 llMjuaer, 1U4 6 U 0 i
Power, lb. .4 l in o i K ttteT, u .4 4 i i
Long, If 4 1 ii 1 1 Wttt'ke.tbO 1 S ii
Lao, si . l -i v o rteese. , u a I i 1
Kr:ti. c I 1 7 0 WNolaOi rf ,0 0 :i Ii 0
1 7
1 Ii
U u
damett. pO 1 Ii 3 llOomn. p...l 1 U
Delaney, p.u
iu in :: n w
Tots'. ,. St U '.'7 11 6
Bingbamton 8 3 0 II 0 4 4
Scranton 1 1 4 0 t 4 0
First base on balls Binghamton, 8; Scran
ton 3. Earned runs- Binghamton, 2; Scran
ton, 8 Struck out-BT Doran. 1: Barnett. 1:
Delaney, 4 Three-base hue-jia9sv. Two
base hits-Wetzel. 1; Barnett. 1: Fritz. 1 Hit
bv pitcher Lang empire Dennis Casey.
Tirae-2-1). Attendance 1,400,
Ret ronr carpet' cleaned by tbe ccran-
ton Eedding Co
Fs-r ivi jltichroms in art a
tic ccvar. for ore cc-pon
or.o dime-
Funds cf l 0:caoic ition Ais Low ana
Economy Becomes mciiorr.
A meeting of tbe directors of tbe
Associated Charities was held last
evening There were prttent, Colonel
Ripple. Metirt. Moore, Cohen. Thomaa,
Kelly, Smith, Gibbons. Kirst, Lynett,
Secretary Israel, and the agent of the
locietien. Mrs VY. B. Doggau. Colonel
Ripple preaided.
Several reports were read showing
that the funds are being reduced to a
state where it behooves the organiza
tion to pracUce the most rigid econo
my, and on motion of Mr. Cohen it wat
decided to dispense with the services of
a clerk, the potition having been filled
during the p ist two montbB by Oeorge
B. Thompton. For the service! ren
dered Mr. Thompson was, on motion of
Mr Gibbont, allowed a compensation
ot . (0 a month.
Mestrs. Smith, Ruane and Cohen
were appointed a committee to audit
the account! of the societies.
Ou motion of Mr. Tnomat, ; wat
appropriated to the park fnnd, as asked
for in the nport of Mr. Moore, chair
man of the employment committee.
Much trouble is experienced iu keep
ing an v ict record of the expoudl
tares owing to the fact that orders
given out for work are not in many in
stancnt accounted for. To remedy thii
trouble Mr. Roane snggetted that the
orderi hear the words, "Not good after
forty-eight hours." Rev. Mr. Israel
moved that a rubber itamp he pur
chased with which to prefix auoh a
declaration to the orders. The mo
tion prevailed.
Tha report of Mrs Duggan, the
agent, was read by Secretary Israel.
It gave a tnccinct history of every oste
inveatigated during tha patt two
weeks, and iu a number of inttances
revealed that not only th tocietiet,
bnt the poor board and various religi
out societies had been imputed upon by
lige aud worthless pertont.
During tbe two weeks embrace! in
tbe report Mrt. Doggaa visited fifty
eigat applicant!, thirty eight of whom
were found worthy and twenty uu
worthy Sine acc pting tbe position
Mrs. Duggan bat investigated 533 ap
plications performing In to doing a
vast amount of work.
On motion of Mr. Lynett the matter
of increasing the membtrthip was re
ferred to tbe rititation committee.
REiisnsar'B is tbe place forgrocerlti and
mnrket goods iiow price.
DOM r beAt your carpet. Hare tbe
Scranton Beddiug Co clean thorn. "
Seeing it behaving. You II be
lieve when you tie the beauty of
those Muitichromes.
gtranton'a Bualne Intarett.
The TniBHilK will soon publish a care
fully compiled aud clnssiflnd list of the
leading wholesale, banking, manufactur
ing ami professional interest of Scranton
aud vicinity. Th edition will be bound
Iu book foii, beautifully illuetrated with
nhotoaraviire views of our nnbllc build
ings, business blocks, streots, etc., together
with portrait! of leiiuiug citizens, No
doiilar work ha ever given an equal rep
lesontation of Morantou't many indut
trlet it will bean invaluable eipoaitiou
of our bmineas resource. Bent to
persons outside the city, copies of
ibis hnadsonie work will attract
new comer and be an unequalled
advertitemeot of tbe city. Tbe circu
lation is on a plan that cauuot fail of good
results to those conrerued at well at tba city
at large. Representatives of Tub TribUnb
will call upon those whose names
are OESinED In tblt edition and explain
its nature more fully.
Tbote desiring viewt of their residences
in tbls edition will pleat bar notice at
th office.
Sbe Denied Ad; Participation In tbe Outrage
Wncn on the Witness Stand,
He Said She Knnvv Nothinp; About the
Assault at Ihe Time -Ganges Black
more and His Son Convicted of
Burglary Wolf Bocner Tried for
Attempting to Kill Police Officer
Johler on Fob. 22.
After court opened yeitirday morn
iiiir tba trial of Airs 'fills Pox charged
with assisting Inn' liuslund, Im Pox, to
assault li-ynar-old Clara ISixbv nt til tit
home mi i (iu West Side on the night of
Feb. 24, Wis resumed.
Mr, t'uf wviit on the stand and de all ktiowlalg of th? Mianlt So
laid that on tlii' night of Fob. ; oh"
w is awakened by Clnra B'.rliy clittib
iiiS into the bad she occupied :3he
lintuodtatbly nftarwafd went to sleep
again Sim did nor invite Clan koto
iwr bed) oaltbar did she assist bt bnt
uanl in any way to comin t the out -rage
Sim knew nothing of the occur
tanoa nt the tun
Mr. Cos also went uu the stand In
his wife's defense. II uu I till
responsibility lor the nsiiuuit and OOtU
plctaly txoiierated his v.-ife of any
knbwfadga o or particlp ition in th-
iissunlt. 'f Iib OatB was given to the
jury a short time before tha noon ra
l ess and when court enlivened in the
afternoon a verdict of guilty us indict
ed win returned
Hp BIOW lib Till: NIQKSU,
.loiin it. iiamas piaanmi guiuy 10 iar
oeny and receiving before Judge An h
ti.ild ami Was sentenced to pay il tine of
110, em's and Hp a t two uionlht in the
.oiiiityj .il. S'Varal in i nt II ago thii
reataartnt of W. J. Bym , t Carbon -ilnle,
wai entered one night by burg
1 .i's. Among tba artielti takan waa a
nickel-. n-th"-l'it naobina, which con
tained $37. James admitted getting
tha UOttey that was taken from the
Oiaubina, but denied the burglary
Miobael Oavaaton pleaded uuilty to
robbery and was laotenoed to six
mouths imprisonment iu the county
j ill and a Hue of ..' and costs five
ston resides at t'arbindale. lie met
an old mini named Ulcbael Covgioi on
one of the street'! ot I 'arboiidale sain -time
ago unil took a fc-M gold piece oil!
ut the old gantlamau's pocket,
Michael Tohin admitted that ho bad
assaulted and batt'Tel Anthony
DoQgherty during u dispute over a line
fence, and was sentenced to pay a line
of f 10 uud costs.
'1 nreo cates growing out of the riot
at l;riceburg last f ill were dispose 1 of
before Judge SUN r In court room No
2 iu the following manner by agree
ment of the p rtiri concerned: John
Hnopts, Frank Zariovitz and Joseph
Kulinoftki, riot, Richard Barron, pros
ecutor; county to pay cottt. J. K
Goodman, aggravated assault and bat
tery, Annie Siefofski, prosecutrix:
county to pay costs. John Ki llattkl,
perjury, Alick Jebofski, pros-jcutor ;
county to p iy costs.
n'oi.r BOErrtt-R trial.
Wolf Borner, the South Sid ba:e
iar bo attempted to -bej; OfScr Joha
Johicr on the South Side on Feb. 2,
and vTa9 bimaeif shot and Svrioutly
Totinued by Officer Thorn is Lowry.
was p".t on trial- before Judge Arclibald
yesterday afteranon, charged with at
tempting to kill Omcer -jouler point
ing tire arms nt Fred Hanstlm in. and
attempting to burglarize the home of
C. Hantelman Bocraer wat unrepre
sented by counsel, but went on the
stand and tettified in hit own behalf.
He made a general denial of the
charg9. The court decided that the
evidence did not indicate that Boerner
had entered the house of Q Hansel
man, or pointed a waapoa at Fred
Hnnselman. The esse with regard to
the attempt to take Office; Jollier's life
wat therefore the only one which the
jnry wat directed to consider, it re
tired at it o'clock. At 4 30 it agreed
upon a verdiet and aealed it.
black mores found QintTY,
Yesterday morning a jury returned
Oanges Blackmore and hit son, Daniel
Blacltmore, guilty of having burglarized
the Delaware and Hudson station nt
Dickton City, The father wat sen
tenced by Judge Stttser to pay a fine of
cotts and ipend two yean iu the
eastern penitentiary. The boy will
have to ipnd sixty day in the eounty
jail and pay a fine of $ and cotts.
Joseph Kalinoptko and Marion Men
gesick were oalied to answer a charge
of having atsaulted and battered Mar
tin Purtorski la an aggravated manner.
Mengesick did not come forward to
make a defense and Kalinoptko went
to trial alone, it wat charged that
about two months ago the accused men
met Pntonkl at Prieibarg and after
assaulting blm threw him down asteap
embankmtnt from which treatment he
received severe Injuriot. The defame
waa that the prosecutor was drunk and
creating a ditturbanc in a houte and
be wst therefore ejected. Kalinoptko
wat found not guilty but directed to
pay the costt.
mrs. Yorra war the cause.
John Yoppi, of Throop, wat the next
pern. n callid to the defendant' table.
He wat charged with atsaultiog a
neighbor. Frank Zuhcsr, with n piece
of board and a carpenter' rquure, in
flicting leriout injoriet about tb head.
The defendant, who wai repretented
by Attorney C Oomegya and A. Bau
man said that Etthott had been Instru
mental In oauilng Mrs Yoppi to detert
him. It wit during a dispute about
her that the trouble occurred Yoppi
maintained that it was a general flgbt
and an equal number of blows were
ttruck ou both tide. Mrt. Yoppi it
again living with br huibaud and tat
alongside of him iu court yesterday
The jury returned a verdict of not
guilty and divided the cost equally b
twten the proseentor and defendant.
When oourt adjourned William and
Annie Paiquinia of Lloyd ttrt this
city, were on trial before Judge Bittter
for ntiaultlng Mrs. Roiana Praneikina
They taid la defense that Mrs. Pranei
kina charged thtn with stealing (3,
and thereupon thay forcibly ejected her
from their home. Attorney C. H. So
pr and Dittriot Attornty O'Neill rep
repreient tha protecntlonand ex -Judge
W. EL Stanton the defento.
Before Judge. Archbald. Jam is Mc
Derraott was arraigned, oharged with
felloniouily wounding Minhaal Coitello
on Oct. 14 Int. Attorney Toteph
O'Brien defended McDermott and Col,
F. J. Kit Simmon atilBted District At
torney Kelly In prosecuting tbe case.
It wat aatirted by Coitello that on
tbe day of tbe trouble MeDtrmott was
throwing stone at hit (Coitelloa) chil
dren. Coitello made objection and
MoDeimott ran into tha home, ob
tained a shotgun and fired at Costello,
theabot it contained lodging iu bit
legi. He wai disabled for many weeks
in consequence.
Mr MeDtrmott admitted tbe tboot-
ing but taid it was necessary as Cob
tello, hit brother-in-law John Dolan
and the children wore bombarding his
honsu with lurgo stones. All of the
evidence was not In when court ad
Lcoal Art Loveia Art Oettlna Euthusl
aitlQ Ul.i T lien .
Nothing iu the art biitory of Scran
tu i has ever lurpasied thu great and
growing d-mand evinced for liiote
Wonderfnl Bpecimvna of artistic Illus
trative printiuu, TBI TmBOMB'I new
muitichromes. Just think of it: four
of the linest landscapi views over
colored, in a delicacy of tinting equal
ling the fitieit p:i8tel and all sold in a
neat cover for tho nominal prloi of one
coupon and olio dime.
Come or send. They're going fast,
Frank -J. Durham's Sodv rc-nd on
tho D-, L. & VV. Ra'.irocd Ons
Mile frcm L. & E. Junction.
Frank J. Dufuatn. it printer, who
cams 10 this city from Rvalue OB
April 9, Monday uiglit met ileal Ii in u
mysterious m inner on the Dslaware,
Lackawanna and Western railroad
track, naal the lUllstnnd ureaker.about
one mile ami ii half tui side the Lick-
awanuu innction
Dorbam left Scranton Monday af
leruoon In company with tare fellow
workman for tue parpoi , he itafad, of
visiting hispireius who resi le in West
Obatlar, tliis state. At in o'clock Iton
day uigut Kugiiieor Mlappy,ol the south
bound expies', taw tha holy o( a uin
lying aloilglida tlie track at the point
where Dorbam '.v is found. Tbt engi
neer did not stop his train, but re
ponu I the oCCttrrantl ut the Junction
Old Bogtnaal Helms was dispatched
With an engine to secure tb Dolly. He
found it as deter 1 bad, lying by the Bido
of Urn track, ant returned with it to
Piittton. Tha rem ilna wen depotltad
in the baggage room no I later was
Idoutltiad by the printari who are sup
posed to have latt the city with Dur
bam, An iaq ieit wai held and a ver
dict of accidental death renderad,
Tha three printers mentioned are
named Jervaie, Norri an I Faucet, and
they nad worked on the iistiers ot this
city for a short lime, but not steadily
They state that Durham went away
lirst and the first they heard of hit
lesth was wnen they leached PlttltOO.
A rumor it current, however, that all
four were together in Doc. Styles' ho
tel at Dtuyoa early iu the evening, and
that threats were mi le against Uur
Little eiedunce ia given the story, the
supposition being that tho victim came
to his death by fulling from n freigat
train as if rounded the sharp curve at
the point where Hie holy Was found.
Yesterday foreuo n H. 0. B.icon,
president of S.-raiitou Typographical
Uuion No. 112, aud Undertaker Raub
went to Pittston und secured tb body
which now lie3 in the undertaker's
establishment on Spruce street. The
skull was found to be crushed on the
left tide of the head and tho right aide
of the face was badly bruised. The
body bore no other m.rke.
Durham was apparently about 11
years of age aud Wat an intelligent sad
comp:t?at workman, bnt soaawbit
iaciica to unnK. t dispatch an
ncaaciag bis death vras 3 jnt tc Yi'est
Chester and it is thought bis frienda
wiU be heard from, but in cue they
are not the faaeral will be conducted
by the Scranton u .ion. the expenses to
be bcrce by tbe international union
1 he biggest bargain yet tnose
magnificent Muitichromes.
Aim Sound Talk or th Right Ssrt.
Vellow shoee, eh! That's right at good
a name ns any. We have toeni from a
nstht straw to a chocolate color or armv
coffee, and at prices, too, which keeps u
ousj, wuue our cnmpeinors cierti are
discussing the lateit tire, go9tip, etc.
These popular shoes wear better and are
presentable at all tunes without the labor
and auiioyauce of polishiug. 5 Bros',
"spot cash store is tho place logst'etn,"
508 Lackawanna avenue.
AyUsworth'e Prlo
Will mit everybody. 223 Wyoming ave
nue. We are prepared to furnish buslnen
men with first class stenographers and
typewriters by the day or hour, Scranton
Commercial association, limited, 188 Spruce
tieet. s
Soring Lumli
At Aylesworth's, 2.M Wyoming avenue. '
Pink watches and jewelry at Relchert'i
300 Lacka. ave.
Fir Sale.
Balance of my stock, 4: Lackawanna
aveuue, to families ut wLolestle only,
Friday and Saturday.
FlNt watch repaitlag at Reichert't, 806
Lacka. ave.
Dl KD.
CLANCY-C'harlie 11., infant ton of Afr.
and Mrs. Ilollle Clancy, age 4 month.
Funeral tervioe at the home of Mr. and
Mrs, Dea Huntsman, in Breaker street,
That "vV e are here and
all opened up, we can
show you something
new in the line of
White China
lor decorating.
417 Lackawanna Ave.
Best Sets of Teeth, $3 00
Inolndlbg tb painless extractlbg
ct teeth by au entirely uew pro
cess. S. C. Snyder, D.D.S.
Masi ur s"
1 The Best Potato Masker
Floor Bins, I
Call in and ex
amine them.
W wer the
flrst to give real
ly low prices on
Agstewar. We
are still the low
Ml ;n this city.
The iroods iinrl
V urlres Hpenlt for
aaranlmi't nnahoid ipoialit B
12S Wyoming Ave,
1 1, b fall line of Ladies' aud
"hi Id ten's
rncluding all evenine; shuJeu in
Silk and Lisle Thread.
.l l - nJBM
''-CEjii' '
Four Great Bonanzas
THE INCREASE of trade last week is very appar
ent. The Handsome Gift we are presenting this
season appears to have met with public favor, which
accounts for the increase of sales in every department.
This week we will give a special offering from each
Four Genuine Bonanz
500 Men's Fine Dress and Business Suits,
cut in the latest fashion, viz.: The Long
Cut Regent Sack Suit, worth from $12
to $15. Price this week $ 7 i v! U
300 doz. Men's Fine Cheviot Negligee
cftirts t-.vo attachable cellars assorted
patterns regular price; $1,501 This week,
100 doren Men s Fine Alpine Hats, in
Black, Brown and Nutria regular price, I f
91.50. This week .$SUU
1,000 pairs Ladies' Fine Kid
loe and Lommon Sense, sizes :l, to ,
all widths: regular price, $2. This week,
Tne above specials are positive bargains and can't last long.
REMEMBER, every purchaser of Man's, Boys' or Children! Clothing.
Shoes. Hatt or Farniahlngt, whose purchaie amounts to jl or over, it pre
sented with a chance on tbe beautiful Parlor Suit ditplayed in our window.
Complete Outfitted ra, SCRANTON, pa.
Represents Bniliter' new
Razor Toe Last. If you want the
latest styles in Footwear trade at
BANISTER'S PRICES are a little less than yon
are paying elsewhere for inferior goods.
BANISTER will give p MORE for your money
tban any Shoe uonse in tne city. Patent Leather
and Russet Shoes in endless variety.
OUR $2,500 GIFT
Enterprise has proven itself a great success. Our cus
tomers are delighted with it. Have you got the right
idea of it? If you haven't, call in; we will explain it
to you. Ask your neighbors about it. The Free Dis
tribution will last about three waaks. By permission,
we refer you to the following a few of our customers:
Mr. I. E Moitfao. SBTdtl . Hcllevut
Mr iti'iiii ttaaaoh. 90 Irtjai avenue
Mr Klulinril .elfr. C?6 Prospect aynuus.
Mrs. s. II. Harris, 417 PenU sve
liiniiiss BliinliM. ICtd . ArchbaU, Fa.
Mrs. Hrswsr, U Larch itrcst
Mr Mullen HI" DiVUIdtt itrt.
Alls Maggie- Atullirrln. Oil Gibsmi Itrt.
Mi Howard Davis, TO Eynoii strew:.
Mr. h'ilv. V. Slutter. 116 Oswells Court.
Tho U Tliomat. :or.Flltmor Jackson sli :
J. B0LZ, 13SAring
Shoes, Opera
and Wpicj tonuM,
Mr. Di O'CeHaOti Ml Koblluuu streut.
Mrs. H Uiilarh, i' i. ..
Mi: Sum .1 I'M II i ii. I a, i i
Mi .1. H UHlllgati !:il Providanc KoaX
Miss Nelll Kaiir OS) Momoa i.wuus
Miss II I'unssv, 711 MndtsoD arim.
Mr. t hus tlery Priceburg Pa
Ml..- l euthiiFr 56 Capnuso f..liue.
Ml John T Allan. Taylor Pa.
Mis. I I miii iH S.-ato Main street.
HOW will
this estrlPca
you for