THIS KCB A'NTON TttrUUWEWBDNESDAT MOBNING. APRIL 18. 18!) i. SCRANTON TRIBUNE F. E. WOOD, General Manager. rntt.IMIT) DAILY AND WtEKI.T IN BOOA ton. Pa., iy Tub Tliiau-NB l'COLislilxo Ooupaxt. NEW York Omen: TnincNS Bdildiso, Frank H. Uhay. Managch. lufeie.l at the rotloflct at SenmUm, PUt StcondCtaM Hail Hatter. 1 HE SCRANTON TRIBUNE. 6CRANTON, APRIL IS 18W. through nu uppoul to viuilatitt! jiutico, it virtually insults Itl cwn citizens and tU'livrrs a blow which inevitably re coil on itself. Lookiui; back ut tin crime of Antonio Ferro, dustnrlly and villainous as it undoubtedly was, tboro is probably no rifl-ctiVH Scrantoniun who in not profoundly glad IHat it confided to t'uo culm ml ju Mention of the authorized courts; and who would not Iiryo been profoundly sorry bad the fust impulse of vengeance uwept away the dictates of reason. When the Wilkes Barre ball c'.ub Hicertaius bow to play ball, it is possi ble that Boranton will favor it with s trouncing. ror ins Ycung Who Toil. The or. roforin in raodera oTan;:?i ism ttuich is conspicuous above all Othtrt i3 the c'uurcli a recent roeogni tion of tbe need of greater social and secular uselulnsss Followor of all MOil and creeds Sf realuiuu in ampler measure the ueed of u practical promul gation ot tbe gospel which shall not feed the souls ot men while their im ten il bodies are starving and shall not confine its attention to spiritual truth while confronted with the intensifying ldologiotl fact of growing poverty, increasing crime and multiplying secu lar evils A faith that addresses itself to men not only during a few hours ou Sunday, but throughout the activities of tbe entire week, is the faith that to day Is vital, and that tomorrow will win In a thongbttul leading article in the April number of it. David's tfuirduu, Rev M Horace Mill, rector of St. David's Protestant Episcopal church, ou the Wt Mde, gives the outlines of a local project which admirably llltti trutrs CbrittianltV'l latest mission. Noting the limited locoUUI of man) families in Hyde Park, woereby hun dieds A I, us and girls are under the necessitv of working for a livelihood in the different coal breakers, factories uud mills instead of being lu attend ance el school, and recognizing tbe ln iidiouacv of street comers and other vicious places of resort in the furnish ing to these young toilers of who'.e M Hi ' recreation aud amussmeut, Hev. Mr. Mill proposes, if nsnlsted, to pro vide "a large, cemmodious building, vntainlng bath rooms, reading rooms, an entertainment room and a gym nasium; to furnish it plainly and sub. tmuialiv; to invite the young tospeud their evenings here instead of ou the street or in the low places of amuse ment, and finally, to off r these oppor tunities entirely free of charge." Dur ing the winter he would favor a series of plain, practical talks, such as intelli gent parents give to their children at heme; while occasional coi;c-rts and entertainment oonld be utilized for sake of diversity. Ic sfforis Ike TbdCSI sincere pieis ure ;o ic7 thi; prop; mica before lUCh A its reader! a? any esc hare recti Ted ,'ne Gusrdiar. in tha hope that an en terprise so E.anife;tly pratMWOTtby may not languish for want of practical support X an auxiliary totheintel leciualand moral development of Hyde Park's young boys and girU w do not see how this proposed home could be improved It wou'.d be tbe means of doing for the people of that portion of oar city virtually what has been so well -tone for other portious b the Central city Young Mens Christian association ; and as it would doubtless open its doors without reference to creed or race, tilers' Wuul 1 exist for it a fil 1 of practically unbounded useful DtlS. LAST FriiiM the union punters of Williamsport went out on strike. For two davs tbe four daily papers in that city were forced to suspend publica tion. But mi the third day they hail offers from B80 idle compositors, or JOO more than w-re needed. Without assum ing to discuss tbe merits of the Will -iamsport difficulty, it can be said that this is decidedly a poor season for a printers' strike. Is emphatically tBe bttt, Qaizz-d In reaped ot Lawyer Plii) 'i'nouipon' Oefenae ot Breckinridge. Dr. QtiattDcey promptly replied: "TDOtn pacta' phil osophy is false and the stateui -nu which preeoded it are antra. Ninety nine per cent of the Auierk-an people of both st SnH nro true nnd pure in their bone lives. His tacqtattoo of general immorality la a slander, an 1 his charge that nil m "ii are libertines liaiweep log faUhocd." All honor to Depow, the champion of virile virtue! includes tb counties ot 1'r.idforu, Colum bia, bhcktwaaua, Lus--rne, atou'tour, NortfaamberUod, Bobuvlklll, Builrrnn, S 10,11 liaiiua arid Wyomittg. Ml "f wliio'i, iiiid-r District L'u liimau Garinau's able latrtnets ought mxt tall to give largely iui-reiso.l RepuDlicuu pluralities. A Vindication of Justice. The recent prompt conviction of An t nio Fi-rro, the man who ou the even ing of Jan. l'i last shot snd wounded Contractor Timothy Burke as the lat ter was standing ou the rear platform of a crowded street ear, furnishes a sharp rebuke to the mob spirit which, at tbe time of the shooting, sought to take Ferro's case out of the hand of the regularly ordained courts, in order that it might be contided to the pas sionate adjudication of Judge Lynch. Every charge pressed against this would-be assassin has been sustained oy the nrdiaary and lawful processes of instice; nnd the people of Lackawanna count? are freed from the unpleasant (etUDfct wblgb Trould ha7e been their's bad tbe court been brushed aside for Do reason and to no purpose. Without doubt tbe circumstances of ttat crime were untommonly aegravat ing. As in the oase of tue incendiary who, to gratify a grudge against ou man, imperils tbe property of many luo.i this deed ot Ferro's did more than to harm its immediate victim; it jsoparded the lirss of many persons, who, bad tbeir indignation led them to administer instaut pnnishmsnt, might not inaptly have entered tbe plea of self defense. But, however strong this provocation, it remains always to be considered that the effects of sudden nob law lead to a disorganization of law and order which more than off eti iny temporary gratification of tbe excited spirit of revange In the pres ent case such nu arbitrary administra tion of puuisbmeut wopld have not only weakened the respeot due our local courts, but it would, through widespread publication, have incited similar lawlessness elsewhere aud brought a grave stigma to rest on bcranton'e fame in the eyes of the eu tiie world. One fact should always be closely understood iu this 1 connection, and that is that if the regular courts do .ot meet popular requirements of ef ficiency, tb ptople have none but themselves to bin me. This it a govern ment of tbe people; the courts are crea tions of tbe people; aud sooner or later the standard of efficiency set by the courts will correspond with the stand ard demanded by tbe people. Thus when a community insults its sourtt JVfioi AumioiiT has established a rule that in all cases where the costa are put on either tho defendant or proseetitor, the uufortunate one must serve the usual term of imprisonment before being allowed to esc.rpi the pay ment of coats, Tho effect of this rule in counties where lenient insolvency act enablss litigants to t. id lie heavy expenses on tho taxpayers would lu a sweeping step toward justice. Tn onr own county on of the fruitful ctuses that have DtOtttitettd an lotttWedtOZ lew for couutv uurno3B3 has been tht facility with which petty complainants, after Lelug sentenced topiy costs, have heretofore avoided fuch payment A reform in the insolvency act is needed bat until that can be secuted. Judge Albright's precedeut offers a practical method of rectifying cue of the gravest ot court evils. - m Our Dust Laden Sheets. The careless throwing of store and office sweepinijs out iuto the street, where gusts of wind pick the refuse up and hurl it iuto tbe faces of pedes truths, is doubtless responsible for a part of the constant (lustiness of our asphalted avenues. The proposition submitted by Mr Pond to the board of trade pledging that body's earnest co operation with tbe mayor in his tn foicemeut of the city OtdintQOtl relat ing to this nuisance is, therefore, wise and timely lu the case ot l.icka wannt avenue, for rumple, the 0MQ&1 tossing of waste paper into the gutter, indulged in thoughtlessly by several hundred porsous each duv, amounts in the aggregate to a real and formidable evil, which would be largely suppressed if each storekeeper uud euh passerby could be induced to desist from this practice. Dut there is a difficulty which gotl deeper into tho question than this It may be unbesitately affirmed that the M.-phalted business thoroughfares of Boranton will never be reasonably clean, uo matter what the system of cleaning employed, so long as the cross streets that contribute to tbe traffic of these tbon light ares arc paved with rottiug wooden blocks, set in u plaster of dirt or mud. Every vehicle that paste over cue of ihsse stretches of jolty and primeval paving carries for ward u collection of mud, dust and microbes which goes to swell the volume of film on the asphalt surface. Eveiy current of air that sweeps over lues.-street picits op a portion of the fittn aud deposits it ou the smoother paving, where it is an easy prey to the eddying winds t."cdr tb? law iTrai Tiars must u2iOTtasat?iy ciups- in traay localities before tb propsrty-o'.va9r3 airing the line of this wooden-block paring can be comptlled to contribute to new street repair. Bur it is no; loo soon to briua prominently before the public the necessity of modern pavements thiougncut thj city bntiuttl center it tbott streets tuat are already MtitfaO torily pared are to be kept satisfactor ily clean, it can I w done iu no other way than by paring with brick or as phalt tbe contributing streets. Thll may bo followed by or preceded by the purchase of satisfactory street-cleaning apparatus: but it is in itself an India peusabls step toward clean streets One ot tbe sharpest polities! fights ever waged iu the l'eimsylvania judi ciary is now oo in Delaware county, the opposition aiming to dttttvt Judge Clayton for reuoinioation iu the twenty years that Thomat J Clayton has been ou the bench it is ciiarg-d that hie percentage of blunders, is in dicated in eupreuiH court reversals, i i while of 55 judges whos work lias been collated, he is placed 48th in in feriority. In addition, bis opponents say that there art 8,000 liaturaliz ition cases which throw discredit OQ his can didacy, not to speak of other charg-s, of no lest interesting nature. The fact that such accusations can bo brought With impunity by foremost Republicans against this president judg would eeem to leave Dofflrtbei qntttlOO as to his anlitness L I: I Ca-iat's wife, a judge should b as nearly as possible aboVt oven suipicion. Kfkp an et on Field Marshal strati than, nnd you will bo rewarded by seeing regoltr dray load" of fun ( OSSIP -J if D i . vji i oiiticians. Thk worst thing about the Wilson bill, next to its income tax, is its dtttl abandonment ot reciprocity. Coiutu r oiul agreements relating to reciprocal trad has already b-n made with Bra zil, the Dominican Republic, Sjnin for Cuba and Porto P.ico, Oo it-uiiD, 8d 7ador, tbe Uetmaa empire, Qreat Brit ain fot cei'lain colouies, Nicaragua, Honduras and Aastro-Hungary ; and doting the first year of their operation our export trade in wheat, floor m-at and dairy products, lumber und prod ucls of iron and steel mnnufaciure in creased $40,773,61, or an avuinge ol '!') per cent Ttie goods Which we wer--getting In exchange for I best growioii exports weie goods that we could not produce at home, nnd upon which, therefore, a tariff duly adds Itself to th cost price. Vet the Democratic party abruptly abandons this Uagnifl cent policy, not, indeed, because it is not n goo I policy indorsed by Hie wis est statesmen in our billOtJ but l cause It happened to bo formulated t y u Republican congress. - . It! AOOltttRO bit election as Chair man of the Democratic state commit tee, Mr .Straiialian, who, as deputy attorney genera), ton uo serious action todissolve tho tii-pnrtitu Heading lease, which was afterward voluntarily dU eolVed bseanse Of its OOHOeded Oonfllot with tbe Pennsylvania COOltitUtion, has the sublime audacity to Qbtrgt the Republican party with neglecting that constitution, Mr htranahun is far and away the most perfect political cotut dlau iu the state. . Mk DEPnw is supplying an abund ance of readable copy for th inquisi tive western reporter. He has been interviewed within three duys upon nearly 400 different subjects, and has had something bright to say with re ference to each. Tbe latest Depswitm Tim Philadelphia Press, cotuinenMng npon the near expiration of Juig Archbsld s prs-nt term, says "ou Ige Arcbbald's s-rrvic? on tfcj b?nch are such that be is eutit'od to an unopposed reelection and the Democrats of the oonnty could not do themselves a bet ter service Ibsn by teeing that he lias it Judge Gnimter, a Democrat on the bench of that district, was given his Inst election by the nnited action of Democrats and Republican! in bis favor, and this It a good time to repeat that dumontraiiou of non-partlsanthip lu tho election of a jndgt t si A question of some Interest Ju,t now is how the BtCWart delegates will stand alter the complimentary utaga of the lieutenant governorship tight. Tbosi elided ill Montgomery county declare they are tor tbe gonial secretary ot In ternal affairs firtt,)sst and nil the time; but this talk is perhapi for tfftct, The general opinion letlM to bo that Robinson Will be Colonel Stewart's legatee, t a If Carbon, Monroe and Pike oonntlet can be comtined uuaiust Wiii lhauiptnp, Howard alotohler Will be deleated for n renominatlon, if perpetual motion were to be discovered there would be a great collapse iu certain values. The one contingency is aboat us piububle as the other ess Representative Robinson is tar from being ditcoorsgtd in a current in terview b is quoted as saying: "There is not a politician iu the state from Quay down to the ward workers who does not know that i call bent I, you if they will only let us go on our own merits. There wi v. never a convention at Harrisburg in the history of the Re publican party that had so many young, eclive and brilliant Bghtc s as will be gathered together May '!'i, who will have their wits about them and tbeir lance in place. You can put it down that there will be no 'sknll-.lug-gery1 in Harriiborg, ard that the Held I for nominations shall be fair and open, at Mr. Q my promised me it should be and as be intends it shall be.' s One of the i fleets of Lancaster county's strong vole against Cameron's ri-eltciicn will, in the opinion of many, l eto project S-nator Qaay't personality still more prominently be lore the politicians of the country. These who Lo! i this opinion profess to see in bis recent speech .gainst the Wilton bill, with is nar.lisg proposi tion fit silver mobom itatliem unl n 100 p.T cent, ad valorem tariff oi ex change oneehrowd move toward tbe occupancy ol a more conspicuous reti tionsbin iu national affitri tnan has tcn his ami Ition heretofore. It is pointed onl that while the R -public in masses dislike Cameron they have never, in any iinmbcis, Withdrawn perianal admiration from Colov-1 Q my. At th recent Lancaster Cjiltity pn m.iri"s a proposed tmendment to tne iiiies governina Rtpubllctn primary elections was voted down by several tUonand majotity, u provided that any Republican who h :d cir the local, county, stite or national ticket should bed burred from the primaries, see Tho feeling of a great majority ol the average R publican voters ol Pe:m sylvania men who are not Republi cans for the offices there are iu it and wh i are influenced in their political faith by the same honest and upright linis of reasoning ibat m ike t'u-m f ree traden ;r ProteutiouistSi Darwinlani or believers in t:,'. Motalo account of creation Is admirably expressed in ihe following wt.r Is by toe Wilkos-Burr-it cord: "CameronUm isolearly on th - wane Ii ins reached the apex ol its power, a; n i '-very fu are step must be downward. It has done a great deal toward the uolfio .lion of the party in Pennsylvania, end tor this la emitted to its lull meed of praise, Bui the pi plc have onfirrown U this and are be ginning to discover thai R'publluansut cess does oot depend up ninny one mm or set of men; tint it is not necessary to low down before -politic l letun in order to Win at the pol e, an 1 tint It. is not so much men as principles lha: the nuity sholll ! cltfaVe to " T N paint the best is the clieapest. Don't be miiiled by trying what is aid to be "just as good," but when you paint ir.skt upon having a genuine brand of Strictly Pure White Lead It costs no more per gallon than cheap paints, and lasts many times as long. Look out for the brands of White Lead offered you any of the fal lotving arc sure . ' isymw-Saumari ' icnett ' D,-.TtCliaab3r.', ' ranncstoclc," Aiaitiiug a DuKeivy. For Cot ors National I.sad Co.'i Pure White Lead Tinting Colors. These colors are sold In one-pound cans, each $5 MM vncient to ttotss pounds ol miuiy Furc White Lead the desired Aide , they are in 1... -11 -. I, i,l, I,,,,, -.1 (. ,., .. , , , . ..;;,t,, . cl pcitcctly pure tulots in th bandieai ion;, u tint mii.i, puie While Lud. A booJ mar.yihousjnd dollais have bt.,, . , ,.i ,fo.en . -owner h-, haiinjt oik book cm pamtirjj j.M ioIui u. Serai UJ u tosui cuU nJ kii U..U fre N ITIONAL LEAtJ CO , New Yvrk. GOLDSMITH'S O BAZAAR ytJE HAVE no doubt that April's intentions are good. While she shows a lamentable disposition to stop and sit down on old Winter s lap occasionally, she will get here by and bye and bring some weather with her. Oh, April ! Hear our pleading call. We give it up you've fooled ua all. In the meantime come out between the showers, or snows (as the case may be), and see what we have to make life worth liv ing. Look at these: DO YOU KNOW That before purchasing anything in our line you shoutd be sure to examine our stocksf beautiful designs in Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets All the leading shapes and d-cut at ions. Baby Carriages TO SUIT AI,L PURSES, All Prices Rock Bottom. Coursen, demons & Co. 422 LACKA, AVE, Dress Beautiful New Ducks, Striking New Gaiatea Cloths, Hand-made Dotted Svissea, Novel French Wool Challies, Quadruple Printed Brocaded Ca3hmering3; Plain and Dotted Serpentine Crepea, Scotch Crinkle Ginghams, French Swivel and Lace Effect Ginghams, American Creponettes, the latest, French and German Printed Flannels, American and English Swivel Silks, Irish Printed 40-inch Linens. AND Wool AYLES WORTH'S Groods A new lino of Black Silk Grenadines, Printed Japanese Silkfi from 25 cents upward, Changeable Glace and Taffeta Silks, Plain and Figured Surahs, Black and Colored Satin Sublime, Black and Colored Engadines, Covet Cloth, the latest Wool Novelty, Black and Colored Rayures, Black and Colored Diagonals and Serges, Changeable Brocade Dress Novelties, Black and Colored Broadcloths, Black and Colored Cravanettes. Victors ENAMEL WARE Ihf Finest in the City 'Do latest hr.prove-.l fur nlshioss uud apparatus for knupitiK meat butter aud egys. '- M WTOHlttlg Ave. With the New Valves Out of Sight Our new Bicycles are now to be seen at our 314 Lacka wanna avenue store. VICTORS, SPALDING. CKEDEKDA; GENDR0NS, And a full line of Boys' and Girls Wheels. We are mak ing extremely low prices on Second-hand Wheels. Fur ONE WEEE we will sell Luamcl Ware at indented prices . Tea and Coffee the lollowing unpre- Pots ONE-QUART, 40c. TWO-QVART. arc. TEREE-QlAP.T, SSC. FOUR QUART. 60C. FIVE QVAP.T, 70C. Also Dresden and Preserving Kettles, Sauce Pans and Pota Wash Dishes and Tea Kettles at equally low prices. HOISTOR Up to DATE 1 n uuii 1 iftMQ jp. non Il Ul Reliable Goods One Price Satisfaction Guaranteed HiUi CONRAD'S 314 Lacka. Ave. Demotf (' new itnte cbnirman, Juinv A BtraO'i .in, oi Urer, u il Dtiv - f PiiilnMpiiiM and 03 ynrn.. H eiuiliiid law under StilUD I Qrlffl h ml 0 Jo1 tiTrniiJfiir, wan admitted lo t'io - 41- la 1804 ii.i iiici) bal Lten Mii iff in .i lUuratiV ati4 cr.iwin-? irac ii. . 1 1 1H7J, in n dtttriat -uonuiv B p;ili..c iu, in- waa -lecti I i n in lali latafe m a D noorat;)a lbiti n iKittjuiii delegate in iiii- Qmifeotlou that nontnata-i Ill4eo;ia isbJ iieint) piled tne iz roti need I to nmnltiatv HnttiiKn lur gurcrnuf, l'"' wIhci k t I mm Ii- ut cwl.llv LfiiuuJ , in I a-ii.-ii, m tliu tVraniuii tWliveallon in ll)i(. lie aifaia roud noted Hi- Pattil n onin pii"i. be Wnt re ward i-d w 1 1 an wp poiutroeill at ie u y hiIoiii y (iL'n.-r.l Face n.inls and IfnUljM Hi Xal luarm g nd elill i nt hitS hiin-le down -Mi. Stranaban in o ireooally h;ih ul tba m t poi.uiiir y--t diKttlAed polillolaai in (be iin )i hai i buet ul Irieudibnt owing io i.i- BdHtfM'kun ilyuri be hae earned the eummiiat . i 'wippcry J i in " roUTICI in Huu. Dos:;s: Tb Denooratlo f-ta u onuTontion m ni in Barrtaburg M'eduwdajr, Jane 91, Ell lull P. Kin 1 1 usi-ei U iLnil IIizIi-Ilii i newouantr iinijuit U enipbatioallr not dead, Among tbe uti- ir.-n la covet eon tiollerabip ia-v upeniH t-i be gruvrlagla lavor; and lu RMlbllflcatlotl to uovif mailer i oaoiiei hi undenbtedlr a growing io-iiil)iliy. Mali- Chtlrmaa Htranaban Will at onee open Demooratio beadgnartert m Barrle burg lli-njaniiii M. Niwl, of Hurri-buig, win be oontUiarit at cNtaYyrapoeluo4i be ha8 HHpiI for tlv. vear. B. K. Long, or Philadelphia, formrlr ol Uucki, li a caudtdatu for tbe Hiiiblicaii nomination tor seiretaiy uf inteiniil nt faire. Be "nee ritmo within 6Ul v.iif of 0a Frying Hunks county tor stale (ouator. The Seventh dlttricc of thoin iuto wb cb Penneylvanla i di?) led in order to accum modata ambitinus Dantocratlo ptlttlolane aiillotm tor u title) of lumek.i. i will tbu yoar he presided or, In a i)rtian lente, by Jubu M. Garman,i( Nuutiuoke, Luzerne cuunty'i eay-guiug diftrlct attoraey. It NECKWEAR STOCK B0W3, REVERSIBLS 4-IN-HAND.j, WHITE LAWN STOCK TIES AND BOWS, Something New for FULL DRESS. FINE ENGRAVING 227 Lackawanna Avenue EVANS & POWELL, Proprietors Wedding Invitations, Announcements, Reception and Visiting Cards, Dr. Hill & Son . Albany Dentists CONWAY HOUSE Menus and Dinner Card fet teeth. IMfe Mel net. f: for 1 er teeth without rlatm. ill.-l cn-wu nnl 1 blidffi work, call fbl imce nd retcreqeM j T05ALQ1A. lor ettrMtmi pain. No etner. Mogai it-etu witbou: ovbii nux matiomai hank. FASHIONABLE MILLINERY Reynolds Bros. V Scientific Eye Testing Free itattonirt add Er.;r..von. SIT lA OK AWA N N A AVtt I EMIN9 C: MORRIS, foraiTiy rrita t Ln-li Jtnive, dleplay a larfe and Utellsoleoted nock of FaihUoable SjniiiK Siyin in Millinery Bepeni'al attention niren to Artistic TiiiiiiuinJ: 406 SPRUCE STREET xixr to DIM bank : IM. B. u'e tire offering a BfW edition of the Book of Common j Prayer, veil bound in cloth. Two Copies for 25c. Single Copios, 12c. By Dr, Srrmbarg, T'uo Spd-ialiit on tue Eye Headachei riiS NiTTousneJs rtiierecl Latest and improved Styls ot Hye Glavsa and Spe.taclM at the Lowest Prices Beit ArtiUciai tyJ lns.-rt.-l for V iOs SPRUCE ST.. op. Old Pest Office. la-J and 134 rlSHtl AVEXt I On the American Plan. Si raut.m newest and best equipped hotel. NOW Ol EN TO THE PUBLIC. Seated hj stenm. Rleetrte Ueii. Bath Itibunn encll lluor. I-argr. Wll Lighted anil itj l.uonij. tc.-j thlas Camplete. Ait rax hoobbm innrriOTSsizitii, OtEct oa jeomd flo -r Oocd saajjI roam attached ' P. j, CONWAY, Prop. GUERNSEY BROS. Will remove about April tst to 224 Wyoming Ave nue (Y. M. C. A. Building), with a lull line of I Pianos and Organs At Wholesale and Retail, on easy monthly payments, It will pay to wait for them. DO OU REQUIRE 1 t ACCURATE : TIME? I WE HAVE IT. l2BLaok Ave. 3 'iHiiiiiiiiiiikipiniiiiiiiiliiimniiiiiA ASK YOUR GROCER AND INSIST UPON HIS FURNISHING YOU WITH DELICIOUB, MIX,D SlTa-AH OURES1J ABSOLUTELY SXJH3a HAMS. LARD. EVERY HAM AND PAIL- OF LARD BRANDED. WBTRExSiPPLIED THJJ &T0WERS PACKING CO., SCRANTON, PA non mun unuuen mnu mofa l urun nio runmoniiiu iuu STOWER 0EED POTATOES ALL BEST AftiETiis. ONION SETS Ami all kinds UABDX SEEDS in luilk and m pack ages. Pierce's Market fNI AVK. Ak i. M i BiieiirTnMiif'iiii ii ihni i'm wmmmmmmmmmmMmmmmammmattttmtmttmtutt iir iaaw t-- ii eiiii m D