THE WtlAXTOy TniHTJI'.j:-v;EDNEST)AY MORIflNG. APRIL IS. 1SJM. Lacisum All Things Musical STELLE&SEELEY 134 Wyoming Ave. IIICIII ORADB PIANOS;: WBBICBi , W, tin ritsoN. I HKB M.Vlil s ORGANS all nun: See the Shaw Piano from the World's Pair in our window. GOOD BREAD -USE THE MOW WHITE FLOUR And always have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALE TO THE TRADE BY The Weston Hill Co, Daniel Scotteu's Polka Dot STRIPPED SMOKING TOBACCO 20c. ib. Wholesale. GARNEY. BROWNE CO. 537 LINDEN STREET DR. H. B. WARE SPECIALISE EYE, EAR, NOSJS AND THROAZ 0FF1CB HOURS : (TOU.SO A.H. IL80T-J I 35 WYOMING AVE. PERSONAL. If, T. Snyder, of Hawley, was la the city yesterday. W. J. Dpwu, of Kingston, was m this city yesterday. J. B. Waii, of Binijhumton, wasyestor day iu Scranton. L. W. Chase, of Wilkes-Barre, was iu this city y3trday. Mr. and Mr?. E. A. Pinkney, of Utica, are at the Wyoming Georjjo W. Salisbury, of Casnovia, was yesteraay in this city. Superintendent Morrison.of the Pullman car lino, was in the city. W. C. Sloan, of Bloomsburg, was a Scranton visitor yesterday. Qeoraeil. Kellofrg. of HornelsviUe, X.Y., Was in Scranton yestordsy. T. J. McTisthe and C. V. Estabrook wore Carbondale visitors yesterday. C. . Estabroo'r. of Carbondale. vras one of y?nerda icraston Tutors. I P. Hsley, of Paiis'Mphia, f "can ton T'actloa corr.piiny. i in tb city. Hilton B. Sommenc, of New York, well kuwr. in tne millinery trade, w a", th Wyoming. Mr. am' Mrs. F. L. Furgerson, of Roch ester. N. Y., are visiting hor brother, Alex Dunn, jr. (A I). Kchnoley, Luzerne; A. A. Siawson, Wnverly. N. Y, and A. h. Davenport, Plymouth, are at the Westminster. Perry Dean, Danville; P. S. Harman. BJoomsburg; Charles Dietrick. Tunkhan noek: R, B, Knight, Bingham ton, am at the Valley Tlouse. ArehbiRhoTi Ryan, of Philadelphia, and Bishop Horstmann, of ClnvMnnrl. 0.. re turned to their homes yestorday af;er a Vi-it to Bishop O'Hara. A very pleasant informal qocinl gather ing took plar at the home of Dr. J. N. Rice on Webster avenue, last evening. It was in honor of Miss Ora Dlmmick. of Oneontn, R. Y., one of the brldoomsiJs at the Connell-Fulton wedding. Inoraiv carpets cleaned for 3 Cint9 per yard by the Scranton Bedding Co. COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. A capiat waa is-ued yesterday for Chris topher Walsh who failed to appear to answer a chargof assault and battery pre ferred by John Honnigan. Marriage licenses were granted yester day by Clerk of the Courts Thomas to Pat rick Newcomb and Msry Dougherty, of BCTaB ton, and W. V. Kilmer and Urace Goodrich, of Greenfield. Michael J. Walsh, charged with bur alary, yesterday intered bull iu the sum of 1600 lor his appearance at court and wa discharged from the county jail. His father, James Walsh, became his bonds man. A veteran s license to peddle was yester day granted by the clerk of the courts to William H. Hobbs, who served during the war as a private iu Company H, One Hun dred and Ninety-eighth regiment, Penu syitania Yoiuuteers. Dr. Keunedy, of Pricoburg, was taken before the court yesterday and testified that Constable Max Koebler, of Priceburg, who was stabbed and seriously wounded about two woofc; a,"o is ot of dansor. -vCffn Arehbeld thereupon ordered that his assailan'.s be allowed to entered bai1 in the sum of H.O'jOertch. Ska sure. The opening of the nev: houre furnishing good" store of K. Eloesor at 121 Fonn live-' uoe on Saturday last was a grand success. It is sui pi if ing to see the articles that are sold for 5, 8 and 10 cents. It would bo im possible to mention any article of tin or glssswure that cannot bo found at this store. We ask overyoue to come and t,ee our new store. F. J. Johnson, practical house aud sign painter has letnoved from court house square; to 2-ti Spruca street, opposite Tribune cfUce. 1 I ft Foe to Dyspepsia 1 S OF WEST SI Death 01 Rouen Colcby a Well Known and Respected Citizen. They Will Have It Kenovated and Re modeledDeath of Mrs. Julia White, of Ninth Strcot rVlnkinp; Ar rangements for the Cominp Tri Coursty Convention Conductor Isaac Edwards Injured. Tha Waal Bids oQce of tha Bcbaoton lBIBUMI la located at 1040 Jackson street, where subscriptions, edvertieemeata and oommnnicatloni will receive prompt at tention, j About t o'tloek yesterday morning. Robert Coieby died at his home, mil B wetland street, Mr Coleby had bean ailing for some time (i.iat, but his friends did not imnsme that death was near. The result whs due to n com plication of dlieatea. Mr. Qoleby was born in Yarmouth, England, and had Iwen engaged in tho meat bUllnata on the West Side for many years, lie was very well kuowu and a multitude of : 1 It mourn Ills loss. The lunaral will OMQI tomorrow at 8 o'clock. Key L. C. Floyd, pastor of the Simpson Methodist Episoopal ehurch. will oflS ciate. iutermeut Iu Forest Hill ceme tery. Dsath of Mrs. Julia White Mrs. Julia White, a rejidtnt of Ninth street, died at her bOBM at 5 JJ o'clock yesterday morning. She had bson ill for several waeli past with bronchitis, which malady caused her death. She was 52 year of age and bid been a resident of the city for thirty years. Mrs. White is survived by nine chil dren. They are Mrs. John McDonnell. Mrs. Frank E Kyan, Mrs James J. GHbney, Mis Anna B White, Miss Julia White. T. J. White, James W. White, and Edward and John White. The fuueral notice will ajipaar later. Burld YtaUiday Afternoon. The fuueral of Authony WitllgUMkO occurred yesterday afteruoou from the undertaking eitablisment of M. F. Wymba on Jscksou street. The ser vices were couduoted iu St. Johu'e Uet mau Catholic church on South Main avenue, aud were largely attended. Rev. Fitther Friuker delivered an elo QMat sermou iu memory ot the dl ceaed. The attending societies were St. Joseph' German Catholic society of this side, the German Benevolent society aud Fituer Whelun branch Iri3h Catbclic Benevolent union The pall bearers were Nicholas Glopner, Christopher Gother, Wtliiaza Breiwtl, Jobs Sssitb. Alott Fies.-b sad WiiiiaE EttiisoII. lEierisent vr",j caade in St. John' om.;rT. Will Rtmodol the Building. Hyde Park Iodg, No. 339, Fre and Accepted Masons, have purohatad til" property on North Main avenue known as the Masonic building. It it to be renovated throughout, with paint and paper, and somewhat remodelled. When complotPd it will be handsom1 in ap pearance as ,! a more convenient for lodge purpeses Christian Endeaysr Conysntlon. A meeting was bold at tho Plymouth Congregational church of representa tive of tbe Christian Endeavor tocie ties of this aide yesterday afternoon. A general committee waa nppointed for the repetition and entertainment of the delegates and vlsitori who will visit here during the tri- county Christian Endeavor convention to lebeld on Mnv 23. Mias M. Louise Williams was ap pointed secretary and' Charles E. Dan inla president. Ths Nsws in Brisf. The funeral of the youn2 tbild of Mr. and Mrs. McLoughlin. of Scranton street, will take place this afternoon at 3 o'clock. Conductor Isaac Elward', of this side, reeeived a painful bruise on his foot from a flyingswitch while running a Providence car yesterday. No. CO was the lucky number in th contest of the Onr Night Out club last evening for a handsome plush rocking chair. Mijso: Blla and Emma Wiley, of IvIont7D39. weroamosg friend? ia town yesterday. :; x. Pei roid i -::i ot hr borne on South avenue. Company F drilled on the atreet last evniiig tinder Captain E. D. Fellow. Alvin II. Woodhouse, of Snnbnry. called on West Side acquaintances yes terday. Co-Operative hall was being finely decorated last evenin? for the conven tion of the Ancient Order of lliber nians. Ooard of Erin, which will be held this afternoon and evening, com mencing at 1 o'clock. Benjamin Reynolda is ill at his home on South Main avenue, Edlson'a phonograph will he exhil ited at tho Sumner Avenue Presbyte rian chnrch on Thursday evening. April EG, when Professor Doyor wil I give an entertainment. Can you blnms Deoplo for fairly crying, for those handsome Mul -tichromes? TOLO IN POLICE COURT Complaints Mndi Aicainet Prisoners Given Hearings. Georgie Williams, aged 17 years, horn in Scotland, and Pater Kotian, an BagMlbman, were intoxicated on the streets al ". o'clock yesterday morning and affectionately embracinir each other. UfBaer Palmer and Rod baa took them in tow and at yesterday's police court llavor Connall sentenced them eacli to thirty days in the county jail. John Reynold, 35 year old, of Now York city, who without visitde means of support is touring for his health' auk-, told Officer Schmidt in Center street at 3 o'clock yesterday morning lie wished a night's lodging. Reynold was accommodated witn a uuuk at the old station houe. A short time later he was again found in the same hall way in (.'enter street very drunk. He bad escspfd by going icto the cellar and out through a cool bole. K v.ts vriveu twenty days 'or rvtrotpeci ij jil. John Fle'ly, of Pelleru", 24 years oid. taxed toe strength of six men to bold him while crurri Troai drink MonUay night. Kis raotUvr com plained BSaioat him and the mayor gave him thirty days to become sober iu jail. Kuelo Boxes Exclusively. Best made. Play eny desired number of tunes. Gautschi & Sons., manufacturers, lOilO Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won derful orrbestrlal organs, only jft and f 10. Specialty: Gld music boxes carefully re paired aud improved with new tune. I E6CHERS' kXlMINATIONS. Dates for Thorn FiZld b," County Siper intHndeut J C. Taylor. County Superintendent of Schools J C. Taylor hss fixcil the tollowiug dates for holding teschers' examinations throughout the eounty: Curliondale.YarriiiKton lobool, April 2? Moosic. Priucipil Davy's school. Msy -5: Minccka. Prinoipal Joyce's school. May 12: UOBtOUi PlottVillO cbool, May ';. Jermyn, (traded asl i, May 10; Dalcou, graded aohool, May 83; Newton. Newton Center school, MaV 24: Arcbbald, central school. May 20; Blmbnrsti graded itbool, May 00; Mot cow, graded achool, .May 81) Blakely, Miss Kanyon'i school, Jnne 2: Seoit. Blown Hollow SOhOol, June (i; Old Forge, Principal Coyne's school, June Ot Tavlor, Prinoipal Foley's ecliool, June 10; Olypbunt, oentral aohoolnne 38; Diokson, Principal Lloyd'a iouojI, June 80 The txnminationa will begin t u o'clock a. m Uohbol directors his in vited to attend them a BROCH INSTANTLY KILLED. He Was Trying to Allsht f. om a D., L and W. Fieiuht Train. Elmer Broch, of Philadelphia, was instantly killed on the Delaware! Lick awanna and Western rattruad at Aditms ivennc "t n 49 ut night while trying to get off freight train, Broch and . harlot Winkler left Washington, N J , on a freight train at 7 o'clock last evening. Wnsn tie",' arrived at the Lnokawauna Iron ami Steel COtnpanv'l stor-t they made prep aratloni to alight before tiie tralu should reach tOO Station, Broot) was a cripple and compelled to use a crutch, In attempting to alight Iienr the Adams avenue bridge he fell nnderthe wheels and must have been instantly killed He was cut Iu two and Ins body dragged to the west end of tbe bridge. As he fell he called the name of his oompanloi) who was riding a lew cars in advance. The latter, fearing 'Hi NO Oldent had occurred, jumped nil and walked up the track until ho found tbe body of hi companion. The polios were notilid and tbe body removed to Raub's undertaking establishment. Broch is ,i barber and formerly worked in this city. For the putt six years he has been in northern Idaho, where he owns property. Two weeks ago hepsseed through this city on bin way to his borne lu Philadelphia. Helen there Sunday night In company with Wink ler Broch was 31 year of age. His father is a shoemaker in Philadelphia AMUSEMENT NOTES. rlenry E. Dlxey and Rice's big bur lefque company will be at the Proth Ingbam theater this evening in the famous burlesque, 'Adonis." Henry E Dixer is a whole shew in himself His imitation of Henry Irving, which l by fur las luasr-r impersonation and ba; n.;T?r cen equalled by any imita tor, i? partiouUriT well r'c-'iTff:i: the song, ''Us English, You ?now, " being recalled again and again It is doubt ful if there is another com idian on the American sta jr- who could step into Dixey's place aul in so short a tune as sume such a variety o." impersonations, as the marble statue of "Adonis," the chevalier. Henry IrTiUff, Wilson Bar rett as "Ciito," the country girl, a dry goods clerk, a druggist, n Jew clothier, th barber, "tc Mr. Dixey seems to be just as popular with tho theatre -going public as ever. ALABAMA. The success winch Augustus Thomas' American play, "Alabama," whioh comes to the new Prothiogham on Fri day evening, bus achieved in every sec tion of this country la probably with out paralM All northern critics have declare I it the pest Ani-ric m play yet written. What the south thinks of this noble work can be judged from the following extract from the Nash ville Herald: 'it is an epoch-niaking drama. The author ll tlie first dramat ist that haa succeeded in depioiing the smooth, even tlnvof southern life and in presenting ctniractre that nppcnr to be really to tbe m .-inor horn. FIRE OH WESf MIRKET STREET. House of Jstch MoNaraarai with Fur nitu'e, Entirely Destroyed, A firo broke out in the houso of Ju seph MoNamara, on West Market street near tbe Note:), at 9 13 o'clock last evening. An al inu from box 0 brought several tire c imp mic to tne seene. The building, two-itory one. was almost wiped out oi esisteuce b'tore nO!nfltr,nc? tld be r'Tittred. T.vrt streams were turned oa by the Cnm herlaoi! and Excelsior Hose OOmptuii 9, but despite their exertions everytblhg was destroyed. Every particle of the lions -hold foods was burned np The iir started in the kitchen and bad g"t good hen 1 way before it was noticed The loss which is considerable is partly covered I y insurance, The fir at McNsmara's broke out a second time, which necessitated an other alarm. The t lorn berland's extin guished the lecon I fire. SKrft IN NOfHtR ROLE. Pleased Ano bei Leit Aulleiss al c 4 my ef Music. ThoroaeE . leawas greeted by nnntli rr huge i ou e nt theAc demy of Music last night. "The Stl res of New York" win tne piny rodttced, It li oi the seiiSHtional melodramatic order and r eel fed splendid treatment Inst night at the ban-Is of Mr. Bbea'l company. Kn Gordon MsxWell, Mr. Shea Showed his v.-rsitility and strength as an ac ll-nry Teste, Jere HoAnliffe, Jo- ph Greeii, Harry Brooks, Elinor Erancis. Winifred Greeus and Loula Periue prove d by tuelr clever worK that they are riete-it lelin oitnrs at pheraot r com- BAKERY, VVe have a Iarg3 assort ment ot PLAIN M FANCY CAKEi iCE CREAK and WATER ICB3 Leave your order at 22 WASHINGTON AVE, or 413 LACKA. AVE. Our Lackawanna avenue restaurant open until midnight. HuntiRgton's ns tnie of the Nsv Policemen htti Eadly cu tii: SoutL Side. TO PUT ft CTOP TO R0WDYI1 Which Is Assuming Anrminr; Propor tionsNo P.-.ult of the Present Policeman Rev. E. L. Santoe Will Guide the Cedar Avenue Methodist Episcopal CIiiiit.Ii Flock for Another Year Personals and Other News. It is expected that at tomorrow night's meeting of tbe select council the n iinns of th new police ofiicrti will lie read, and it is also further hop'd that the police authorities will not forget r;ie South Bide in the assign m-nt o( the new i UWra lo positions, i'ne disregard for p-.icefulnoas among the risim; youth on me$intb Bide was never before enuiilletl ; and as a eouae nneiiue the pedestrlaus are cocrespoud lugly aubj iot to all inabnM an I fhrm of liisttlt i his occurs ai'er darjr. There are spoia along the main hlghwi.vs that it is Unsafe to pas This condi tion is not due to an) reiuTsha on the part ot the present system of patrol ling. There are not enough of officers and they eaunot be blauied for not le-ing everywhere at the sam time. Bo'DJ of the black SpOtS l" 1'rnspect avenue iii theTwelftb witnl, Ptttstoli ,.u i Biruey aveunes in the upper end of the Twentieth war I, running to tin- city line, ami Washington avenue iu tile fSIOVOUth ward. ot Peter K.ib. The funeral of Peter Kelb, at 729 till ton avenue, yesterday afternoon, was one of the largest OU this idu since the iutermeut of Stephen Gutbeiui Nay Aug trine, No. Ml), Improved Order of Bed Men, the Scranton Sien- runde, tbe Kriegervercin and tbe H ly makers attended Ibe obsequies lun iiody. Among tbe numerous lieautilul tl irsl offering was a pillow of 11 iwers, with the inscription "i)ur Brother," presented by the Haymakers. Bev, August Lunge of tho Hijkory Street i'resby terian church conducted the sei vices and presetted an eloquent dis course. The cortege that Weuded its way to PlttSton Avenue cemetery was over three-ii'iarters of a mile long. This Mineral wns death's invasion into tho ranks ot the Krsigarvereiu ; and members of that society, iu new uniform, bred a farewell salute oi twenty seven gun at the grave of their departed brother, Rev E. L Seutje Sotatced. in the list of appointments to minis terial fields of the recent Wyoming conference it wiii be observed that no ehaoge was rnado by Bishop Hurst in the pastorate of tbe Cedar Avenue Metho list Episcopal church. It is no less a tribute to the pistor, Hov. E. L Bantee, than it is a gratifying recollec tion to the congregation of the church Bey. Mr. Bantee has endesrod bimseU to the heart of every member of his congregation, and has commanded the respect and good-will of those of diff erent religious beliefs with whom he came iu contact. It is to be hoped that he will be spared many years of useful ness. Miss Westoott, Monoloaus Artist. Miss Adelaide Westcott, one of America's best monoloirne artists, gives, as a favor to the South Side Young Women's Christian association Friday evening the monologue "New York," which was written expressly for her use by Cnnrles Barnard, and is by far the best one written by him. Miss Westcott is gracefnl and wonderfully pleasing in her recitations. Too much cannot be said of this pleasing enter tainment, and none should fail to see it. TieKets may ba had at the rooms or from members who are selling theni. News Notes and Personals The condition of Mrs. Mary Fasa- hoid, of Greenwood, remsini unchanged aud it is teared her death is but a ques tion of a weeic at the utmost. Thomas Girvey, of Cedar avonne, is nut of doors again nftr a severe Illness, Tho funeral of Thomas J. Cnnniu will proceed from tho family residents to St. P. tor's cathedral at 11 o'clock to morrow morning. Call at Aylet orth's yn" 7irri ?Av, TrifXt. WHY UU VOIJ L'U IT 7 Way run aiinvr thoeity looklnsj for sold lolUr i with "ii" sandrodan I ten cents' Wortli gold in theni Hut yon will oo tne very i-losi. tO it It II yilU Wilt Oai III thn fight Pl I 16. Brian ynur iii.'iisrs euM, silver end green- lilH.l!-IU A. W. JURIS CH SPIIUCE BTRBBT, snd set fuli vnliif for your money in BICYCLES, rim: ARMS, PISHING TACK I B, MM; ODTIil' IIY, DOG COLLARS ANRGKNER l. SPORTING GOODS, Tbe VICTOR 7REBL Leads Dioyoiea fir" arm1--, etc., ropalrsd al short ndtico. ECoy.llttlnt a sneoialty. Oive mr.i .-nil A TRIP Thronghonr Bloyela Department will show ytni lli.i tiin : line iif'ii.w and el.'gnnt goods at reSSohahle prlees you ever taW, Especially BOtli ithe HOCMKhTKB. It Is the neatest and Fast Sflt cycle in the market. '.'nil mid itet priOM on our SECOND ORADE WHEELS. They will surprise you. of ey & Holt Y. M. C. A. Building. Trie CLcSmATEU PIANOS Aro nt Present Hip Mont Popular snd Treltrred by Lradlns Ariltt, Wsrerooms : Opposite Columbus Monument, I 205 Wnohlnscon Av. Scranton, ions f SOUTH I i i?:.U-, 4,- frwkfc v".5K bole agknib roii Hey wood's Our lini! of Dinner and Toilet Sols is n. ii equalled la tho city for Price, (u:tliiy or Quantity, Jardeniera, Lamp3, Silverware. ii ii 1! " WEICHEL & MILLAR 16 Wycminq; Avenue. TheQreat Mai ve oi Dental Science I W IIIUIIU recent discovery and t ho t,ole property of Heraood t Wardell, DENTISTS, SIC Lackawanna Ave. W II AT J. U. BE A MO N S BA YS ABOUT A.N.h.STHLiNE. UltS BENWOOO i WARDELL; After havlm eleven teeth xn out silting by the painleni method, 1 pru it satlrelj satisfactory in every Darelonlar. .;. g ssahohs lini 11 Ii -y . .. i . Ail ,aK4 mmmmt 3 rii mw$ uaiTittg ii -ii an An Aw-, tap ? ( COLLINS & HACKET7 220 Lackawanna Avenue. Dun la Hats SPRING STYLE ON SALE CHRISTIAN- HiTiw Cole Agent, 205 Lackawanna Ave. MULTICHROMES. Art for the masses. One Dime and One Coupon. Handsome line of Long Frocks and Sacks, made from Fine Grev Clav Worsteds, Vicunas and Black and Blue Cheviots. Custom Tailoring at Moderate Prices. Martin Clothiori and iiiiiiiiHiiiimiiiiiiiimuimmiiiBitiKEiii S9MsV J 3(J8 Lackawanna Ave. Millinerv In ordor to move stock, we have made ing reductions all r. the latest fashion, I WORTH S3 00. WILL SELL NOW AT $1.25 I WORTH 4,50, WILL SELL NOW AT 1.50 I WURTH 5.00. WILL SELL NOW AT 1.98 I Flowers, worth Ibc. Sprays, worth 35c. sprays, wot tn 45c. 1 Lace Curtaia Department. WORTH 12 50.. WOR1 H :rJ 00.. woai a is j) . A fnll assortment in real Point da Renaisiint and Heal Brussels Car- g tains at less th n cost of importation. Sasli CiiUitu in all the diiicreat 3 g styles nun widt - X liiiilslliiiiiiiiiiSil . . : ,.., i.miiy,r...r i.aiitiiiiiiiiliiB rii ...1 itflr in .ill " I '' ,1 SIDlRrjTil cv vrxr v wtx: t mm i ; , for v 5" v. 11 .. i i s-nur ' m r TfiiTfiifttn'. - . ,ftt.sVi Vhcre the Good Clothes Come From. Oocils from genuine woil taken from tne sheep's back, manu factured by cxiiert workman, fln'-iy woven nnd last dyed, tiurly cut and firmly niuae, are the goods wo elter our enstomere. I' feel and sight won't do it the .ear will convince you that fust dyes en fine fnbric. wll cut and Wi li mn.i", Biye eww rag nwim If you want to get tho very best in quality nt i.iirost prices, cemo to our store. It is flta (he Good (lollies Conw Frcifl. jt 1 i3 J-JS' 1 if 11 m ills' r ' x iii .y is W showed you :i large collection of Capefl mid Jaoketl at Baater-tide. Toddy ive have just tzvice us many. Jackets in Covet Cloth and Twills, Moire aud Silk Trimmed. They Fit Well, Wear Wtll Look Well Tbe Prices ate WAY DOWN: $5. 50, $7.50, $9 to $12. 1 1 Think of Fir i Y .... Styles of The very neost und noest Cloth and Lace. Notice the $5, $6,50, Jackets, Capes and Top Gh W. Owens &. Co. CLOAKMAKKHS, SUITS AND W&APS, pruce: ithebTi covin house bqcaITSt 6c Delany Custom Tailors tni a vs Pachinn am ni v snnsssi sn 1 BIV E Department sweep- around. Hats, trimmed in : r. a bunch, sell now at 5 cents - - - sell now at 15 cents f - - - srjll now at 25 cents s THIS VERY LATEST DESIUXS -. . Will 8ill now at tl 35, S , . Win - ill Bow at l 75 VH seii tlUW MT . i, $Mi 11 1 1 n r -rv. . - j mi mi "ill a A mi.: if l; y IffiO si U s Goafs end Capes CAr are of Cro Grain Sili:, JToiro, price lickcta; B TO $20. ' Garments for Everybody, S S ,e
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers