THE SCTJAXTON TTUBUIE-WEDNESDAY M OBoNTKG. APRIL IS, 1594. GENERA L OF INDUSTRIES It. T DM st. Puui imi t..i, i itm Tests & IJae Ml Union l'ac MM Wabash, pf ITU W. Union M W. & L. E IM W U. K. jt BOM M "d B3li t4j 03 IBM U 17' 18 Wa ("4 mi I0M BS 18 Wg M14 rm MM jnj Iffij UM toff Wl Bin DIGESTION Tb ro!)c?ylvni COBipanj made return in the United Strifes cir cult couit at Philadelphia Monday to tua writ oi! nlternitiT mmdaou in tha proceediujj brought by R. B. VTigtou & Sons, in wuicb the company whs charged wsth discrimination in .iirryiutr rates for bituiuiiiou-i coal Tha railroad company oontanda that tha court hag not jurisdiction, is tha state court of i-vnusylvatna and New Ji-raey should determine the dispute. It denies tbnt the plaintiff have ban chaiged more than other shipper!, or that by uiian9 of device of rebate, drawback or ullotViinc; iu:li reault u attained. Reporti from twinty of the leading industrial plant in the vicinity of Wheeling, V. Va., ihow that fully bo per cent, of the men employed by theiu at this time lat year are uow employed. The percentage of men employed would be very much higher, were it not for the glats and pottery strikes afWting four concerns. Four concerns of the Wheeling Steel and Iron company have returned within the past ten days, em ploying over 1,000 men. It is anuounced that the l.shiiih Val ley Coal eompauy will store in the vicinity of Boston 500, 0U0 tons of an thracite coal, to be shipped from Perth Atnboy as speedily as possible. The coal will be shipped iti bee-line barges. A fleet of thirty of the barges have been tied up at Perth Aiuboy, out of couiuiUslou for four months. "Holland" say, apropos of L Grand B, Cannon's departure tor ilu rope, that it may ba aatdown as assured that the proposed M, 000, 000 issue ot new Delaware and Hudson stock will be issued at par la exchange for the bonds dollar for dollar. The opinion grows that before many mouths a prop osition will have beau made to the stockholders to lease the Deluwaie mi l Hudson system, for so long a term of year as practically to be perpetual, to tha Now York Ceutral upon an y par cent, batis, thus agaiu illustrating the inevitable tendency of that corporation to control every interest whose associa tion woulJ provide protection through ampat helix management. Chicago Gram aad. FrOTillOBI, ycr-AXTos. April Tbo rciie-inj ;v:?t tons are eupyliodaad cjrrect-'t dilly by La E;ir 'i Fv.Ihr. stock tJTOi.CTa.Bl Wyoffllnl ntO' nac WHEAT. j;.iT Opening ia). Highest ., CI I.o-xest to Cleats! toHi CuRN. Ooeniug &u cientific Discovery That is Food to Life (.hanging CEHT Connolly &W a A Word Etlthaaf. lowest... Closing. .. OATS Opajriag., Highest.. Lowest . . jolt. Sept m -J W 40 gsj Coil a) CI ifin ppaaiai ... post Opening Hlghnst , i.owcat Closing LaRD. Opening ... highest Lowest Closing. 3H RT RIBS. Opening Highest Lowest Closing 1310 Mi im li.SU Hi :o Ui 666 642 642 134T i3; ?45 748 7-:g m til 647 047 047 CAREFULLY EXPLAINED, Wny It l That This Food Wn:n Taken Into the Stomach Does Not Have To Be Digested New York Produce Market. Nkw York. April 18 Flotjb-DuII, steady. Wheat Dull, eauier; No. - red, store and elevator, C'saOBlfu.; afloat, MaMVc.; f.o. b., 83tatJ4)ic ungraded red, OOaMC. ; No. 1 northern. TllcJn'. j options closed weak at ,Hic. up to ,'sc. down; No. - red cloned, April, BtJCi May, 6IX.! Juue, 01c . July, WXe.; August, wie. , Baptambar, 07 v.. Octuber, W4c. ; December, 70" .'c. ( 'OKN M ore. active, tlriuor; No. H'4a llt'c. elevator, 45.'a4jJii'. afloat: ungrad ed iuieil, 4.r,M4Co ; steamer mixed, iSM 40c.; optioii cUied steady at )a'sc. over yesterday; April, 44c; Jlav, UVc. July, iMfO. 04.T4 Fairly active, tirmar, options dull, flrraer; April, S7?c j May, S7c . July, KOc. : snot price, No. 'J, 38c; No. 'J while, 40a40Wai No. '! Chicago, c; No. a. .(7c; No. a white, ayaSy.'c.; mixod western, SBaB9fC.; white do. and White State, b!la44c. Uff -Steady. Tiehceii Beei. - Inactive. Cl'T IflATa Plraari pickled bellie. i'3c. pickled shoulder, t;l,c ; pickled hams, lUc. Misoun Nominal. Laud Upeced linn, closed wenker.ouiet; western steam. Is 19; city. TKtfffO.: op tion sale, none: refined, weaker, contin ent, IS.50; Bottth America, S .86; com pound G.iftJc. PoBJCFlrm, quirt. BiTTEn Moderate demaud, freely of fered; state dairy, new, I6a88)4j0.; do., old, UalTc. ; do., creamery, new, -4c.; Pennsylvania do., '.'4c. ; western dairy, new, 12alUc. ; do., creamery, new, 17a-,'4c. do., factory, iUaUe ; elfins, ilc; mutation creamery l.lalSe. Cheese Firm, fair demand. Eoos Quiet, easy; state and Pennsyl vania, lfiVai9W, western fresh. l'2c ; outb?ra, ly5ialfJc. Minor News of Industries: Receiver Paxson and Superintendent Sweigard are making a tour of mspeotiou ot the Reading railroad. A deal has been effected botween the asicnees of Elbert H. Coleman and Jacob Si Sbeuk and Thomas Evans, of Lebanou, by which the anthracite furnaces at Corn Will wiH be leased to them. Estonsive repairs cr; :o;7 in prcsress aati the capac ity of th? f urnaces will oo doubled to in ure an output of 100 tons cfirona day. Sir C laman rnasag I the orks. About 1 100 miners in the Lchign rsgion wiii return ro wotk on May 1, after an idleness of ten weeks. The wori; of trip- ijiug '.-11'! be begun by J W. Crtlin sc Co., a- thek i: "Veut; and Coyle Bros. Specimen The new bridge across the Lackawanna I b a. CHSord Now OMML Wis waa nv. i at yuryea. )ut oppoaita tM Will- traablad with nauraliiia and rh piimai ism. if.TTi r. Ilpi-v 1 , r. p ...i nnrl Th im- ... . .. (roaches are now being ttlied in, Tue VTanlavf dtt kinds cost '.hat m-.icft, c.T en( tations tTonfd,wAA or inserted FKEL s t cii.-.i?;2bia Tnilo-rr ilark't. PciIADirniA, April IT. Tailc. was I quiet ana unengaged. Prices were ; Piirue city in bogabcads. 47:;c; prima , country, in oarreij, 4?Jc.: do. dart la Oar j rels. imiz. ; cakes, 5a5c. i grease, c , , Casas hio stomach was disordeted. his liver was afTa.-rtlA tn a. l..n.inn .Inn-.... .,nT...i . tructure will be ready tor use m a tew , U .... . k ... ikT. ?ZZZi i ' n. b and strength fhies bottles of ti.-c- tric Bitters cureii Lirn days and will b a great convenience for the Conceit Coal company and its em plu'.vs. D-url.rwt truli.l IM w, re. n . lltu Pas linff 1.' .... . i U. . v ...p ...i ....... Dispatch will hereafter be run via the main line to Wiihamsport, thence over the 'Williamsport and North Branch to a point near Bernice. from which point to Euffulo uud IsiispenMOu Bridge it will use the tracks ot the Lehigh Valley. This will uive the Beading a haul of Kub miles over its own lines, whereas under the old route the distance over its owu route, Philadel phia to Bethlehem was only OS miles. The freight buciuess of the Schuylkill . - .-.. Valley division of the Pennsylvania road y J ( )V(r shu.tssiaus of improvement. The night A- shifter at Norristown has aain been placed in service. Prevention is better than cure, and you may pierent that tired leeling by takiug Hood's taraaparilla, trhioh will r.eep your blood pure and free (rpB acid taiut aud germs of disease. Edward bcepherd, Harrisburg, ill., had a running sore on his leg of eight years' statiding. Used three bottle of Electric Bitters and seven boxes of Back ten's Arnica Salve and his leg is sound and well. John Speaker, Catawba, O., had nve larso fever sores on his leg, doctors said he was incurable. One bottlo Electric Bitters and one hot Buckleu's Arnica Salvo cured him entirely. Sold by Mat thews Bios. Our Neighbors. Hood's Pills gripe, but act efficiently. oc. do not purge, pain or promptly, easily aud FINANCIAL ANU COMMfcRCIAL Stooks and tonds New York, April 17. There was a fall ing off in the transactions at rbe stock ez i hange today, the total sales of stocks hav ing amounted to iiO.oOO shares. Opening fifOfaaai aruio were ioor. The rcilway tronbta at the west were us'd by the traders bat thoy did Lot haro much effect It was currently reported that the em ployes of the Uiasonri Pacific would strike and that the men on northwestern roads would go out in order toassist their friends ot the Northern road ine impies however. Towaid the close the nositwe 1 -:nu cavuiTa). to be held on Nomerous old residents are out with parallels to tbo recent April blizzard. April 13, 1867, witnessed such a storm, mid It w.ih h corker, if we may believo tba Wilkta-Barra Record of that 'late Several rooi were crushed in by the iCanmnlatad snow and loa They didn't build very substantial roofs in those days. At Pottsville. on April '0 of the same year, the snow was eighteen inches deep. In 1841, April 14, Wilkea Barre mountain was covered with snow; while on Mar 2. of the same y?ir. mow fell and ico fonaed thr---loartii"- of an inch thick. Jaao i. 1S41; there vra a killing frc3t. Spaakiag of that bli;;ir i, the fact itious young stroudsburg O.ily iims buriesciues it as follows: "A number iif t.romir.ttnt vrtnni t . I1, . ... i unnlL. ! men ol kht towns are arrancinK for a Cut a short Uwa ago some eminent scientist made a groat discovery They discovered that fat and oils didn't tatten thin ptople Everything seems simple after someone else has found it out. If we had thought, wo would have remembered that for ages doctors have i'orbiddeu ITARCB food to people who wanted tog get thin. It follows that they onaht to re commend STARCH foods to people who want to get fat Nobody knows why they didn't do so. Nobody knows why they all don't do so now. But they are learning. More are re commending it every day. Thoy are beginning to believe in Paskola, be' cause Paskola is u staroh food. It has long been known that starch food il the most natural food for man. Of the four chief cliomical divisions of human food, viz i starches, fuN, al bumens and salts, etarch is the most important, fats the least Important If we had only starch we eonld do without fatty food. We would die if we tried to do without starch food. Many people are dying today because their digestive organtt cannot digest stau h food. They eat plenty of starch but they can't digest it. They keap thin. They keep getting thinner There is but on hope for them i Pas kola. One reason thnt Paskoln will help them is because it is a pure starch food An thar reason is becauso it Is a pre dicated fprd Nothing but starch food will ever make yon fat, strong aud hearty., Meat or alunuiinon.s food merely repair waste tissue. But even if it wera pre digested, it would not make you fat. Fat food cai not ba pie-digested food, combined with natural vegetable' ferments which aid the digestion of other food. Paskola is the only starch food which will tuake a continued thin pertou fat. Paskola creates an appetite lor other foods and held your stomach to digest them. It also tones up and gives strength to the feable stomach. The old, old uotiou about fats aud oils and fatty foods making a pernon fat is fast fading away. Th most eminent scientists aud medical men lnv Ions since c?ased to beiievs in it. The rank and Sio of the profession ate fast following their example. Even if fatty food could make peopia ' strong and fat ail the good it would do would be to well people for it is only well people's stomachs that cm stand it. Well people don't used food that will make them fat. Tbey are gener ally fat already if tbey weren't fat, they Wouldn't be Weil It il just the people who need food that will make them fat whose stomachs can't stand fatly food. We can't fight Naturs Thin sick people have a very general and decided avei sion to fats aud oil'. That ought to bo sufficient proof to us that fat is not what thoy need to make them well Evrn the thinnest and sickest people like PaskoU. They like other starch food too. They probably eat a good deal of starch food, Nature allows them to do so. They have uo decided aversion to it. This is proof that starch food is a good food. The reason that the fool that thin people eat does not makl them fat is imply that they do not digest it. They are sick, ami that is the sickness they snlTer lioiu. Most dyspip ics ofettOOl even retain Htarcn foo I on their st nu a. i. It ferments uml forms u noxious gat. They are in the unhappy state of needing starch toot) so badly that they are slowly dying for thu want of it, and yet Ifagy cannot digest it The most delicate stomach can retain Palkola. The gnat diffarenoa between ordi nary goo I starch food and Paskola is that Palkola is pre-digested. Paskola would makl you fat if you hadn't a atom ich Willi a stomach, no matter how ?iek it m y be, PasKoU m ikes you fat all tba quicker. P.ukola is supjr- ' Cod Liver O.l, BhtoatMtit is1 pleas mt to the tastl and is far more effective in it cper ition. A pamphlet giving (nil particular? respecting Paskola will be sent on ap plication to the Pic-Digested Food Co , 30 Kende St., Nt w Y". rk City. Situations Wanted AlSTL'D-a YOUNG MAi JM wt.N- aral education 0 Mini a pesmoa wmm he can devotn a ttiu hour i a day ro a special studv Is I ioeUlSbar, ttpiimtir and pros IKfttive stenosraphvi. Experienced in law office Good itfcretues. Tflall salary ex psctad. Address H J . u-i X' .iroc-t. city SITUATION WANTED B"i A lOLNU V-' lady with experience in a umlinoi y stoie Can BlYI hclt of retorence. Addrjss L. P , 'M Penn avonua Third floor. GREATEST HOSIERY Ml 1 IF m AGE. SITUATION WANTED - A O leo-jkl htp in MS work bv WOMAN the d-y tt a'jhinit or ciu&mnE. r will take washing lorn AddriatUABi DONNELLY, Oreb rd trei"t WANTED-BYA BOV 1.1 YEAKS OF AGE ' ' employment in hotel, store or on a larrn AddrSM W BAKKE3 Bt'IiCH, East Stroua burg. Pa. YOUNG MAN, U, WHO HAS HAD EXPE rioncoasa clerk and D, E. bookkeeper desires position 3 either or both Expects Bmall salary at first Would likean interviow. Addiess Box 3:.', Tunkhannock, Pa. Si SITUATION WANTED C? baker: best of references. Baker. 307 Washington Avenuo. A GOOD Address. Help Wanted -Male. UrANTED-TEN rofivshinuutH w Gu 1 BOYS TO HELL at Hi - new base Hall Uruundaat goranton, Pa Apply StlUwy mini.: avenue NTED Yot'NG MAN WHO UNDEK stainls teleeraphy wd h . c . . i . to go out of the elt). Call at WOOD'S e'OL LRGB DALESMEN 1 K"ods bv I i i rfiRAL V-l liikt now Agents Wanted. WANTED -TO SELL OC R ample to the wholesale and le- tall trade: m. o.l sieht to every business man ornnn; lib ia; ..ami V and expenses paid. Do aitiuu peiiaiinent For terms address with ltrap,CENTEN NlAL M F U.CU , Milwaukee Win. AGENTS WANTED-SELL- articles to .1. .i. i aXelttltVI territory, no campltltlon, no capital le ipiired; '.'OO to iloii per cant proht. C'oLUM lilA CHEMICAL CO., tin and 71 Dearborn tdreot, t'hieaifo, III l ' A A I ED MAS "5 I in LIFE AND KIKE v v insurance experience us solicitor in Lackawanna county: good inducements to right man. Address fl'i'i X Betz building. rniiauelpliia. I . AN 'I ED-AGhM TO TAKE uKDEKS UV ample: we will tv exiieu-e and -a! ai y or allow liberal commission: samples sent on application. Address Lo.k Box GT'.'V New Yoik 1'ity. For Rent. IOIt KENT-BUILDING MS LACK A X wanna avenue from April L 0HABLB8 H WELLES, Coal ExchaiiKP. UOK RENT-THREE ROOM'S. FRONT ON IT seco id tioor. over N A Hulbert's music stors. 117-Wyoming aTenv.e, frcru April 1. In quire in the store- Or YEARS rd feet of yard at MFrankita OUR LEADER ALL SIZES HOSIERY FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. POSITIVELY FAST BLACK, 1 8c. Per Pair. 3 Pairs for 50c. CONNOLLY & WALLACE 209 WASHINGTON AVE, Opp. Court House. DUPONT'S MINING, BLASTING AND SPORTING POWDER Manufactured at the Wapwallopou Mills, Lu Urns county I'a aud at wit mlnijtou, Delawaro. HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Agent for the Wyoming District. u8 Wyoming Ave., Scranton Pa Third National Bank Buildinj. Clean Carpets, Renovate Feathers, Upholster Furniture, Make Over Mattresses, and we Retail Mattresses at Factorv Prices. AdlnCim, THOK. FORD HittHtmi. Ta JOHN h SMITH ft BON t Plymouth. r. I. W. MULLIGAN, Wilkes-Harre, Pa Ageutb tor the Kepaauo Chemical Com luny'b High Exploaives The Scranton Bedding Co UU'i uud (104 Lackawanna Art., corner Adam. Ale. rpo LET FOB A TERM 1 ?rt or ail of three hu:i i rccm nlons railroad. aTcr.ue Applj M ORDINANi - 1 staclishnienE rpO RENT STOKE 26SII OR FURNISHED 1 hall on Green Ridge street. Very desira ble location and on NWonabli terms- Apply toF E NETTLETON or O. S. WOODKbEE. Rtpnhltcan 1 n.; For Sale fOR BALK A FARM OF EIGHTY ACBE8, J. one and one hair miie3 Itom Dalton on the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western railroad First-clssi farm house withanev,;; uil;n sprine urby: two barns, good land aud good orchard Will be sold cheap. Terms eas '. Address B F VON STORCH or IAAC ELLIS, executors, Dalton, Lnekawanna county "Pa. T?Oh h.,le r barrels f for halchiiiK. Will str et. FOWL MANURE, EIGHT r S4.0e: also brown lep.hoi n cues Apply to Ed Griflitbs, W Rock- FARM, srocii SHLEpIELD. 4Jo pHAETON FOB BALE-INQUIRE OF R I il. Coatoa court itanoitraphari conrt houa.-. or 4 111 Clav avenue. 1,'OR SALE - ACRB 1 and utensils J. M Monroe ave. LHUi SALE R EXCHANGE FOR SCR vN r ton propel ty -A boarnv orange groye increasing in production and value yearly in tna orafiM nation in Honda. Addraa v. E. -i . iliETON, LakaHaUn, itoiMa Stenographtrs lurnisheil. vv i ll. rs be t a spi ASSc ALL PREPARED To FURNISH bucmess men With Hi st ilass stenot-ra e d.iv or h'ttir. rxiwi T -eruiur altv SCRANTON COMMERCIAL IATION, Limited, liSonrncB street. Hcj estate nOR SALE-SINGLE HOUSE, UK WUlNOvT .V atlJUUi very dnJrabla location. Anply G. F. REYNOLDS, or vYILLARD, WARKEN & KN'APP. wLS-aueineDt ot" half a million Bold frirahip- inent to Enrope by Saturday's steamer was iir.C'j.inced and the Grangers again devel oped weakness St Paul loll nearly a point, and the other lesua fell off propor tionately. At the close a steady tone pre vailed The following complete table shafting the day I DOCtnatiooa in iiutlvo stocks is supplied an.l r I l.nly by LaB-.r .t F.aler stock brokers, 121 Wyoming avenue Open HL'h ing. Am Cot. Oil 3IV4 Am. augar IQj A. T. ft 8. F l&H Can. So. il Cen. N. J Chic, ft N. W. HXVtj Q , B. ft Q 31t4 'i.i, Qas 0o4 C, C.C ftBt. L. .. 3nVj Col , Hock. Val.aiT D. ft H 141 D., Li W lbtl D. ft C. F '.'It Erie le G. E. Co 41 Lake Shore LW L. ft N ti-M Mauhattan Miss. Pac W Nut Lead UHH N. Y.ftN. E lit H Y. Central 1UM -M. Y O. ft W inn? N. Y.,8. A W .... U. 9. C. Co 'im North Pac M North Pac. pt It Omaha W Pac. Mall 17 Reading 2IIV4 Rock Island TOifj Loir Clos est, out. bg, 314 31H ai't, '.H4 Tsj VM 15 16H SI 61 CI iJS'jj 1USM, lus sivi mih cm iiU'a oiU (KIM, J anki rj' lii" 1411)4, i4' luu ita miw !Wl i SuV), Ibid 'el 1'M 42V VfK 41H LHW UM ni ok; .iij im inti unZ j juvS un ;m, iftrij sdh ;wv twvii n1. haj, n inuvi I14JV4 '""Mi WH I6V leVi 2li I44 14, l4 f'H m, lUVi ICH Mi 39lJ IT 17 17 i i aii 7(IU 7014 70W VA5WW1LL F-UY MOOERM poaae. an improvements; terms csuyti cor- NEV7 ij-ROOM tor- rtreet. Terms easy Apply SMALL BUT EFFECTIVE, VTas the little Monitor that met tho Merri M0 at Hampton Roads. So too are Dr. Pleroa'aPlpaant Pellets, efTectiT in ronquer iu the pneiny disease When tou take a pi I it's an important point to bave them a:nail (.Tovided they have equal strength and efficacy. You find T,-hat you rrant in these little liver pills of Dr. Fierce. Thej'ro ptit up in a better way, and thoy uct in a Letter way, than the hugo old-foshloned puis. "U'hat you want when you're "all out of sorts" grumpy, thick-headed and take a gbotr.y view of life, is these Pellets to clear up your system and start your liver into hcf.lthful action Sick Headache, Bilious Headache, Constipation, Indigestion. Bilious Attacks, and all derangements of the liver, atornach and bovrois, aro prevented, relieved, and cured. Put up in sealed gloss vials, and always fresh and reliable. JauX3 WiiMAMCnAlG. I.-., of Qccirgcloun, fii . says: "My wife thinks your little 'PU Htf arc thjjrontoat ?iii3 oat" July 4 next, provided, however, U the weather ecintiricws ai at present. The club will be called tha 'Early Winter Boolal,' and they ixptot to bave skating parties evety week dunnif July and August (Jn Tliankiuivini; and Cbtint mni tennis parties and ont door fetes will be Kiveu in the garden of u well known Udy of tins DorOOffbi and 011 New Year's an elaborate pimilc will bo iiiven ut tbe Water LUp. to wuiofi tne Pri'sident and Mrs Cleveland are to bo invited." all An old guteer, publish-. I in 1889, speaks of 11 1,, to, I ti as "one ot tlix audden creations t ttjoted by thu coal trade," contaiuitiK 40 dwellings,',' stnrea and 8 taverna. At its "suburb. New Dublin, thore are 180 luanties, oucu piid b minan " aai The iiipervisors of Lsbigh township, (,'arbon county, did not relish tht last April blizzard. Thy had just paid nut fJ 1 7 i4 to shovel away the snoiv drifts that blocked their highways, while the net amonnt of the town ship's tax diiDlirate for the saw year was only $83G. 10 Fortune hunting has temporarily auperieded theatrical wars and social scnndali m a pastime of Wilkes Barrean. About 1UU yean hijo a man Darned 1. I want; came from Walei and settled ou what is now Now York. He bought considerable laud for $1,000, upon part of which the city of New York ii now built. The estate is now worth In the nei(hborbood of $80,000, 000. The original Edwards died, leav ing a will in which he bequeathed all the land to his sod, who went to Aus tralia and ha not since been heard of. It il not known whether he took the will with him or left it in Great Britain. Tbe lawyers now lay they haTO discover .id trae i of th enroted 1 naner. The familina intsi-patpd have contribute 1 considerable sums in hav ing tbo investigation goon and they received several reports of an encourag ing nature. Among those interested as ucirs tire v. B Bartles, the Harts, the McDonalds, ihePacei, of Forty-fourth street, the Edwards family of South River street; Judge Rice, Drs. Hughes, of Plains and Ashley, Dr Lampuiau and others One of the latest bunco tricks pirpe trutcd ou an unsmptcting public by a irio of ibarptri h aided by one, of fOtUttlla, consists of the following procedure Scott enter a hotel and, throwing down n 10 bill on lbs conn tar, iiHkH to have 11 oiLinged. Boatvuii two conle ' inter and aro present when lh- change II handed over. Scott claim! that the bartender is 5 snort, and tha oilier two man, who apptaf to b diiintariatal, corroborate him. They 10 contnil tba htrtendir that Im gives over another f, whereupon the trio iltpiirt The trick has been ittCCMI iuliy workad leveral turns and the tricksters are still at large 1 a. st 8P Shots at Otheus Doings' Alleiitowu hasn't, at yet, furnished re cruits lor L'oxey's armv Stroiidsborg will this summer have a dog catcher and a dog pound. Fishermen ay that thu recent snow storm will letard the trout fishing at leait one week, The Wilkcs-Ilarre board of trade is en deavoring to havo a new silk mill estab lished in 1 hat city. Rending ministers will preach especial sermons 01; April i:, thu one huiidreclth anniversary of tbo pnssnge o( the Sunday blue laws. Fifteen cae3 ef smallpox are now undor treat men t at Lee, in Luzerne county, and thedls.'aie has spread lo Ultu Lyon and Wnuamie. Attorney General Hensel will institute quo Warranto proceudiugs agaimt Pitta- burg Urdor ot Solon, After au idleness of several months, the North Rending foundry resumed operations with 100 men. Farmers in the -.- uear Philadel phia will pinnt a greater acreage of pota toes this year than ever before. eer Madison itannt and Delaware itrcot ;iv HAKRV LEK3 Qlim V ILL SUY VEBV DKbiKAKLE LOT ccrner "' . 1 , and Delaware BAR St Ll'KS. Proposals. QE.VLED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE j? . htm by the uaaerttfiied until nt iflay, ilo his: day ot Way, INI, to'l 111 bnlldlna ot a ne.. il L. Oburcn at reckvlllt. Pa. Plans and ipfomciu in can bo wen nv calling on J. ii Pick, Peckvilla Pa. 'ina bulldiai commlt k i4i vr-wi da tortjaat any 01 illtrld H CHAPXAil Bnlldlna Com.. Boi J: I, Pacfrnle, P.i. April l-th ISW FF.OVIDING FOR THE vi a 5s c: outnat 12 toe Btxth wara si tha corocgo of imsaore. Bo it crdair.?d by to- Bargni or.a Tots Council o the Bcrouh oi Dasmori, ana it i hereby ordained by the autbonty ot tho same Section, 1- That the territory in the Sixth Trard oi the Borough of Dunmore embraced within the following boundaries suall consti tute a seer district and be khottu i.i tienr Drstrict No i. Beginning at a point on Marlonstrnt at tie Borough line adjoining the City of Scranton, thence aionr llanou street to itj nil ;rsection with Monroe avenue, thence along in line of ilouroe avrmif and iBolndtng thu sevei:il lots on the southeasterly side thereof to about three hundred and sixty (BSC) fet beyond Delaware street, up to what is known as the Dickson estate line: tnence along said Dickson state line and parallel to Delaware street and dista .t therefrom about three hundred and sixty (360) feei in a northwesterly direction (.crossing Adams avenue) to the borough line idj'oininf the city of Scianton. tRenco along said boiouth and city boundary line in a westerly direction to the nlace of beginning. Sec. it All ordinances heretofore passed Creating a s.jwer diltfiot inconsistent here with are berabj repealed. Passed by council April .'. IHI A. if H AOUKRTV President ot Oanncli Approvad AprU bid T J. Dt'no vN. Bargets, Attest: Cn.4Hl.Ksl'. v.4iiB Secretary. 4 X UKIUN'ANCL I'HUVIIil.VU FOR THE il coiistructioii of a terra col tn pipe main sawar and lateral sewers connecting there- witb, retuiaciiig ttwnnarol paying ana ool kctirii: Hssi'ssnu'iits to def my the 13 penis thereof and 1.. o ... an appropriation 1 1 fundi for the tame, and providing to the appoint mem ot viencl s. Sn I Bi- it ordained by the burefss ami town 0 mcil of the borouah ot Dnnmore. and it II 1 ereby ordained by tbo author. ty of the same. I hat the First distrli t sewer intern in tho Sixth ward of said borough as btraaftirde s. Tibed together with th. necessary ba-li s mm-holi's, bunp-hoiaa fixtures and appliance! bo constructed and laid in accordance with the plans and si ecifi ntions Slid in the olioe of th" borough clerk, the "aid plans and puri fications havinj been pr "pared by J. H Kit :eihcuse. clvliengineer. and that 5 terra cotta pine main lawir shall bo conitractaaon uren Ridge street frrni th borough line adjotnmg t'H- city "f ? r.mtnn cn snd r.l?:i? th: saij street to its latiratcUon with J onroaayecue. andtns; lateral sewers connecting thtrawttli shall re conitrttctad as follows- On Adams avenue fro: tcrch line Ordinances. ' I Src. 4. The lums assessed for the purp .se of pavmg tne uamsges costs and expense'.' ot said se tii upon the properties bsaefited thereby shall bo payable as fodowi: One third thtTtOX on the execution of the contract for sa;d 3ee: one third i'o reel four months the dtte ot flnr.i coaarmatien t it the roport cl vieyrets tee j , amsiniintl and the baiancs or so much thereof as may be necessary within sit months from the date of said haal aseessment. ' And the bcrough attorney shall within six , 1 months from tne said r.nni assessments or con- nidation, file liens tor ail said assessments- aii-, hiiii:iji . ... -, ..1.,. , . . ...... . iuh, ob 1 yattjk i.eioie il 13 uuv. anu l.iieiesir UltKvt. shailcease from rhe dale ol said payment Sec 5. Immediately after the nnal conflrroa tion of the rep., it ot tbe laid viewers the Borough Clerk shall advertise foi sealed pre pciall to c nitruct said sewer systsm and the contraot shall be let to the lowest responsible bidder. Each proposal shall be accompanied by cash or a certified check in the sum of one hundred dollars In case the 1 1 met to whom the contract shall have been awarded refuees or omits to execute a contract for the work in aecotdance with the plans and specifications theietor, within ten days trjin the elate of award, t e encicaure ao ompauying this pro posal shall be forleited to the use ot the Bor ouaii of Duninoi e. sec. h The contractor shall, before thec-xe I cation, ff th,.. contract, glra a bond in the i ion of five thousand dollars with sureties, to I be Hppioved bv the harness and council and conditioned lor tne taitntot narrortnanca ot the work a... oi.luif to the eoutract and the plans aud Ipei itlcations The contract shall ba euinploted within t months after the exec .ition. and shall contain a penalty of twenty dollars per day for every dav in excess of said thai limit Sr.. 7 The 000 tractor shall lie .aid ou monthly estimates ttiada by the Borout'h En gineer, less ten per (out . which shall be held until tha completion of the w ork, and its hp proval by the Borough Engineer and the Stwei committee, All nmounis not paid within thiitv days after they shall liecome due. shall bear interest at the rate ot six per centum pel : annum. I But iu no case shall the contractor be enti- j tied n receive nny sum whatever in excess ot the amount actually receive t by the Borough from the assessments on properties benefited 1 by tho construction of said s -wers. Sec (L If it shall appear when the actual amount of damages, cost? and expenses of . constructing I ne eaid diwara shall be ascer tained that he apjrcgate thereof is less th?.a I th" estimate", amount asflxcj uy ice retort of the viewers, the Borough Engincft hall pre para a re-;3?d csc?n!n?nt in which he snail j ivhkv uiuHSHBfan ivi ioi';Jri . a... in tne prcport-.on tnat to-: aamaces. costs am estimated nv tho -.--.ewers. ..-ceods Marion street to tbe Dickson Vcn i the actual damr?cs. costs and c-pcas:s and Oil Jeflersou nvenu" from Marion I shall certify tho tame to th" Forcigh Ciori: FR0THIN6HAM THEATER . April Is. sal IV DIXEY RICE'S IistLc CdHi.-diiii.- Bui 1 e i c ' - ' L, t .tic ' NEtV iPEC i.iLTIES COMFAXV Acta ADONIS New Fa..: New feature j New teati U. Sh Ideas I II I New Joyot W W iLciaeots. FRICES-Orchcstra cle, , Balcony. 76c , G-llery, 5c. ETti ., l'..rf Up to Data And Replete Vith Novelty. Si.oo: Orchestra O Baicocy Circle, Uk ; Ffolhiogliam Theatre ONE PERFORMANCE ONLY. rRIDAV, APHIL 20. The Famous Mew Vol k Company 10 ALABAMA ! A story of the South by Augustus Thomas. The best and molt luoceaafa) Aiueri, an play tii I.J-. seliled I,, he ,,tljlu PRKEs (irchtatia, Si uj . Orohtstrs Ctr cle. Tic.; Bdcony, "41 Balcwuy Circle, SOc; (iallei v, Sic. street t .i the Dickscn-Vcu Itorch Una an I who shall deliver a copy thereof Co tba Bor Sr.c, .ii Notices. VI k i. i.l. II, i, OI i"l 1 h. I ii i. Lc 1 "i. CoF tba Itay Aug Palis and Ehnhnrit Bi .iie ratd onnaay it as resolved that a Meting of tba atoekholrtara be oallad to convene at the general otlt-m ol the Cuinpauy rootji Id, Repubncau building, ou the ith day of .luue . D l-'i to Hike aeinm on the approval or ilisLppioval of tho bropotld lmrc:iooi the eapital slock of said company trom s-.'.Vi0 i to I Dnim, and that tbl secretary ba and ha ii, hereby directed to give ttottva ther.-i.r as ie quired by law. T 11 WATK NS, Bacratary. A -EUROPE. HOLY LAND, CALIFOR . ii nia Mexico, Florida, etc. Select party Muv L'. "Fuldl Exourslpna atut individual ticket ( h 1 'est ocean berth ' by nil lines Tourist Uarene free. M . -1 .- SilN'H. 1IH Broadway, N Y (Kit. IHMo Official ilcket Agents f -i (.i.i.'t Trunk Lines MEMBERB OF THE FIDELITY ANU Coluuiliit BtiiUliiiv- and Loan aaaocla. ti n' mv iii,iu'3'.ed to i all ar rooin )i Hun building Washington avenue .IOHi V IIAHlils, superln endent. pLANK 660KS, PAMPHLETS, M i! a Xj tines, ate , bound or rebounil at Tbk TribuMK offiea Quick work Ueaaonablo prices. Mom oeavcnuo from Ciieun Kidke rtreet to the Dickson-Von Stored line That the isll. work snail w denaundu the supervision and direction ar,d to the satlsfac tion of the boienigh engineer ic i- ror the purpose oi paying tot tne consti uct o i o! s.ud soviet svrom theu n hereby appiotr.ated the sum of ELVOiM or so miich th. No! a muv I Decenary which said uni sIihiI be derived from assessments uc oldiiiii to the benefits ou let- and land - haute Bttd by- sai i sawer. Hi I liilllll'.llt flV on tll-f DISS toot tllli ordinance the attorney for th,- boiouch shall ippiy to tu com r or common p'aaa ot Laaka trauua county 'o appoint viewers toassess the iniiiHgs w inch m.iv ho done to private nop' irtr by the location and ormstruoUon of ssid sowers, and also to assess the cost) n 1 ex lu n-e; or ....nstl o. t.l..' Srtl.l i - 11 J also I i assess the benefits to propeity benefited bf said sewors in the- manlier provided by law Criticising: a Young Lady- "She would ob a pretty girl for but one thing." 'What's thatf asked Charley. GeorgeHer face is always covered frith purple and red blotches. Chariey Oh, that's easily enough dis posed of. Used to ba the same way my self, but! caught on to the trouble ons day, and got rid of it in uo time. George What was iti Charley Simply blood eruptionj. Took a short of P. P. P. I tll you, it's jhe boss blood corrector. Tbo goyernor hadtrheumatism so bad that you could hear htm holler clear across the country erery time ho moved. He tried it, and you know what au athletio old sent he is now- If somebody would give Miss Daisy a pointer, she would thank them after wnrclo. Ali the drug stores loll it, I BAL TICKETS CAN BE HAD AT 14 lij. corner spruce struct aud l rauklin ave nue, twenty meal table board. tickets for fciiu. Uood CAM KNAl P HAS TAKEN THE LiVRi.Y O Stable, lately occupied by Fred S. Warren' II, llooroe avsnttOi rear, where he Is prepared to furnish first class Landaus, Surreys. Phea tons and Bugirles good horsos aim careful e'rivers. Telephone connections. t-TOCKHOidiEKS' MEEITNO-THE AN O nual mettn,; of th stockholders of tho Providence (4 as and Water (. ompnny will bo n m nt tne Delaware and Hudson UjiibI Com pany s building. 43i Franklin avenuo, crau- ion. Pa . at V a. m . Monday. May 7. 194. to oivct officers to acrv" durin the envjluc vcai and transact any other business that may be presented M. I, ATHERTON. Secretary. Scranton .April 5, ISW. BE SURE AND get your choice of multichromes. One coupon and one Diim ouch Treasurer ate 9 Betore work is commenced on said sewer the Council shall appoint an inspector to oversee said work who shall bj paid two ' dollar! and titty cents per day Sac, lu The Bornugn Of Dunmote llflby I de lares that v.hcnevt-1 said seweis or any I part thereof, pa-s through private property, ! tha: it disclaims any rule ... rujbt to such pti- j rati property, except so far as it is necessary i 1 t0 us,' and oQI upv th.1 samo in the coustiUe- ; ! ttonaad tnainteaatKeotttn ewer herein pro iided loi be .e.ith the snTfacaol the xround, and 1 1 till as it may l.e no -osaai , 1... antei I tbtfeon, tiom time to time, foi the purpose t I making nsc salary repaits and const ruction i Paiied t, Codii. il Apiil -' 1W4 A i. hAUOEKTY, Pi est of COUttOU A I proved April .'. If.'l T J DDQOAN, tuigess 1 Attest. Cnxt p Iataoi, Bacy "No star was ever lost we once have seen, We always may be what we might have been," A t-1 A PRY PATRON Or THE RIBHARDS LUMBER CO. Scranton, Pa. 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building. TRY US. Weak commencirr MOWPAT, APBII. 10 Wonderland I heater L'o, Ifonday, rtundayand Wednesday QRAHS DOVBLE BILL, A POOR GIRL'S DIARY AMD Nan the GoocMVNotliing; NAX MISS ilAiicUE VYii-LEIS Thursday r iida, uBd Saturday, A CELEBRATED CASE ADMISSION, 10. 40 aud 30 CEN (3 Peirormaaces every afternoon, except Mon days and Thursdays, at an and avr avin U( at s 16. Doors open at I and 7 cm r il Uwh Laundry Co. Cor. Linden St. and Adams Ave. (,'UL'IiI Uoo Iiwi.-a.h. All hinds ot Laundry work guarantojil the best. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO, SCRANTON AND VTILKES-BARRE, PA.. MAJfUFACTO'P.ERS Oi Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND MULTICHR0MES. Art for the masses. One Dime and One Coupon. PUMPING MACHINERY General Office, SCRANTON. PA INfRVIMMM. utcstd to can oil t.rKci 4U- MANHDUUktETQKED! eases, such aa Weak Memorr. Lois of limla Power. Hsudacte. Wakeluiness Lost Manhood Nithtij Ertlailoiii. Nertouancii unuriii".'u ''iJ1- v nOeueratiTOOtiana of either sckcaascdhroeeieieniorjcaurnl CL,O01..a,O. iiiiiio " . L : tarn Wsumptlon or Insanity. Can oecameillo vest pocket. per i EfORt AND AFTER USING no other AUUiis; KUV BEEUt'O tUSOOM Temple, CBICASO IU. For Sale in Soraaton, , by H. C Sa;"DERoOiN, U: Ux, vr c:l tri'j opruoo atro2t3. Havine secured the bin. i . - FORGE O Wliliatn Slttine Sou for a permanent bustt ness stand, I shall conduct Scientific ant Pathological Shoeing for the Preveotios. Rai lief and Cm e ot Laaaasjsjaa and other impsdl meuta in tbo movements ot Horses tncidenta or duo to Imperfect shoeing. 1 shall give ta work my personal attecti. n and guarantee n extra charge, except for imtuoTement. Lame ness. etc-, v. ill be treated aftaraoans. A tret clinic and professional advice giv.u ever; Monday from I to - f al JOHN HAMLIN, D. V. i