The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 18, 1894, Image 1

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See those beautiful Multi
c&romes. Seeing Is believ
ing. Nothing else will con
II is been repeatedly replen
ished, but there's 110 let up
to the demand.
?; . , v. ''XrlJltH
"i 0 " , .
Adiuqiri tviuig
iff MPEi Ill QdUPOl, WITH I1TME, 1EW WEI ft F11E1 MKH
Efi mstm
OnVrU 10 Mn?;i '.ok ReKteterataffon their iiutioaiu it j I n T n'"inrr wHh Mm end ibey have remained I nnrt I O !&! TUT
l At a nun - ww i M.iifr m i i
H.I :Uii!hL
The Commonweal Hivj Afloat on the Ragtag
vVith Flaps Flying and Each Horn in
the Band Pl.-yintr, a Different Tunc
They Embark on a Flee t of Two
Eoats and Sail Away from Cumber
landBrowne Waxes Scriptural
Over the Frre Lunch.
Ci'Mri-rci anp, ?.I1 April 17.
WOXEY'S army has t last changed
U its title and become Coxey'l
Pnavy. The change WtS made
this morning when the Common
weni struck camp t the Cumberland
Base Ball park, nrid marched with
standards aloft sad eaeb piece of tne
band playing a different tnne down to
the eanal wharf, two bots of
Mertaus' Sons Lumber company lav in
wait. Thf start w is made about S 90,
the commissiry and camp WSgoni
groaning uuder the remnant of the un
expected fr lunch of Sunday and
Monday, winch Browue, with bis usual
aptness at Scripture quoting, said:
"Came like the manna in the wilder
ness, where when of clip fragments
Moses took up twelve pakets full."
The march down the dusty pike and
through Cumberland was m MM be
tween lines of ipectators who occas
ionally broke into good natured chaff,
and linally gave a general cher for
A'.miral Coxoy, as b mounUd the
quarter deck of bis now craft and
glided off down the eanal, like a new
Columbus, looking for fresh worlds of
peace and plenty for his followers
Mayor Hopewril Hebb was among
the, spectators of tiie embarkation, ae
was also Sheriff Kinj with hi posse of
special deputies, who were sworn in to
protect tue town last Satnrd ay, but
wno bare had nothing to do but draw
their pay.
Chief Marshal Browne, in his gen
eral orders issued last night, sail. "We
have 'crossed the Alps' of onr journey,
where the ice ami snow smote our
legion, cot with tb?cold hand of dsath,
thanks to unceasing care, and we are
no x in the snnny Italy of 'Maryland,
My Maryland,' anil the Prodigal Son
wae cot made more welcome than we
hjve been since we crossed the line,
bat the good people of Cumber
land, particularly, ttare made onr
fijourn iu Camp Victory and
TliHckeray a feair. oi joy Hnd flow of
soul, and we ri.-nly earned it, and as
American citizens thy bestowed it on
us in that spirit. As an evidence of
the little influence (he majority of
uewspapera now hav, advising the
people to shun us. onr eamp has hosn
graced each day with tne handsome
laces of the nrovsrbially baauttfnl
Marvlaud ladies. Tiiey hare placed
their seal of commendation upon us
and we cannot fail."
The enitiarkition of the Common
weal army wan a lively affair. Under
the instructions of the general Mana
ger, the whole of the army was billed
as "freight, " twenty-dx tons in all, at
M eents per ton, which was tS, 19 more
tbau it Coxey had been handling coal
instead of men, horses and camp lnm
ber. The coat of the trip, including toll
paid the Canal company, was $fio. Tne
idditional amount for provisions was
very little, for the Iiheral contributions
received here were enongh for almost,
half the boat trip.
These provisions, by tha way, though
given with very (rood grace, were the
price paid the Commonweal com
mander for keeping his men outside of
town. And from this sort of practical
blackmail he is likely to be well sup
ported during the remainder of his trip,
for the town en route have found it
eheapcr to pay the Comnuonwealers to
stay outside than it is to let them
come in and "find" themselves.
The barges in which the trip was to
be made were the ordinary coal carriers
that Ijad been aweptoutand filled with
hay. The ten ton of horses ware led
np a gangway, and, seated on their
haunches, gently slid into the barge
apportioned them, while the 13i tons of
men picked np the remaining tons of
inanimate freight and dumped it into
the other barge, anbseqnently drop
ping themselves in on top of it.
The etart was made just before noon,
three mules on the towpath plodding
along at n lively gait, the Skipper
smoking hi old clay pipe with one toot
cocked np on the after cabin and the
members of the commonweal swarm
ing like ants over every part of the
The first camp announced in Browne's
general order last night was in honor
of the citizens of this place. Camp
Cumberland, to be pitched at Hancock
on Thumday. Fridav night it is ex
pected to mako Williamsport, whore
Cnmp California, a tribute to Frvn's
followers, will bo located, after that
the army takes the road once more and
marches to Hagerstown.
Cincinnati, Ohio, April 17 Colonel
John H. (irover, the defeated People's
party candidate for mayor of Cincin
nati, last night addressod a letter to
the editor of local papers announcing
that he would soon leave for Waahing
ton with 5,000 unemployed to demand
work or rations. He (declares he will
not march the men, bnt will go by
train, which he figures will cost 110
000. '
Foroe of Ihs New Havsn Register Bafore
the Bar.
Nrw Haven, Conn., April 17. Early
this morning the entire eaMtonnl force
of the New Haven Register were sura
morfd to appear at 10 o'clock to give
reasons why they should not be held In
eon trnpt of court. Tho article to
whieh the conn took exceptions was
one relating to a mass of testimouyin
the Dr. Leo murder case which the
court claims tne Register did not state
Judge Robinson delivered a leotare
'.o the Register stuff on theit duties iu
tbe court room as toporters. He stated
tbat ) Were trero .-.imply b" the
conr'esv of ta conn, and :hy should
reaped their prerogative by faithfully
ud separately reporting toe proceed
ings tail not celling refleotieu on the
doing of the judicial v.
Ho then temporarily diomiised die
ease, .1 1 ! l Robltisou stated it was
hie purpose to dleoover what Individ-...-.!
'"uorier wrote tlh objectionable
article ana to 'Ken arrilgn hi in per
sonally, charged wttfc criminal intent
of contempt of court.
Howell Thriven-, Who Victimised an
Amerloan Held Without Bail
London, April 17. At the Bow street
polios court today HoWell Thomas, n
ex-solicitor, was charged with obtain
In through tales prejtsusss, 1.100
from Colonel J. F. JaeqUSS, tne Aiueri
can claimant of the Xownlsy estates.
Thomas was employed by Colonel
Jacques to COBduet his case, and got
61,109 upon bis statement tbat it was
wantsd for the solicitor of tin- treasury.
Thomiu was held without bail.
Mrs. Sartoris Has Decided to Settle
Down Permanently in Wash
ington, D. C.
Washington, April it Tiwre are
few pTsous in this citv at the present
time in whom the women folk take
snch a qniet interest as in Mrs. Nellie
Grant Sartoris, who has lor several
davs been a gust at tho Arlington
It is only a few days ago tht Mrs.
Sirtoris arrived from England. She
cime almost directly here and lias re
mained very quietly much of the time
iu her apartments at her hotel.
She is only waiting, it is said, for
Mrs General Grant, ber mother, who
is esDeeted to arrive here from San
Diezo, Cal , at any time, before pur
chasing a resideuce.
Although Mrs. Sartotis is not a soci
ety woman in the sense in which tne
terra is used h-re, she will undoubfdlv
fignre prominently in many social
Alth'Ush there have been many
changes in the youthful flOS and slim
fiirnro or the bride who sailed away
across tbe seas twenty years ago in the
Mrs. Sartoris of today, her old time
friends see many rmin lers of the
Xeliie Grant of 1874 Although now
a matron in appeaiance ber ys are
still bright and frank, and hsr manner
has lost none of its quiet tenderness
Tnere is more of a resemblance now in
her features to those of her father, and
although she resided abroad for so
many years, Mrs. Sartoris is iu mauner,
sneech and appearance an American
JjShe has laid aside her widow's weeds,
bnt dresses quietly in dark colors, and
is passionately fond of her children,
one of whom, her eldest on, is now a
a stndent at Oxford university in Eng
land, and wiil not join bis mother here
until his gradntion.
Mrs. Sartoris may be neeonnted
wealthy, even in these days of great
wealth at the Sspttal She hag an an
nual income of 80,000, derived from
the property left, to her upon the death
of ber father iu law.
Startling; Rsv.latloaa OonRsralng
Dsftth of Joshua Santa.
Hazi.eton, Pa., April 17 It now
transpires that the saw mill fire which
occurred at Mount Yeager a week ago,
in which Joshua Santee was fatally
burned, was the work of robbers.
Smte bad in the office where be slept
$1,000, mostly gold. To get the money
Santee was chloroformed, and tha mill
was subsequently set on lire to cover
tbe crime.
Thess facts have been kent quiet by
friends of tbe deceased in the hope that
the guilty party would be more easily
apprehended. Detectives working on
the case claim they have a clue to the
psrnetrators, and that an arrest will
soon be made. Before his death Santee
told where the money was hidden, but
none was fonnd. The affair has created
great excitement. Santee was a
wealthy farmer. He owned a 800 aero
farm, operated two saw milis, and era
ployed a larga number of men.
Coxsy's PhilsdslphU Division Trsadlne
UDn Plaasant Highway.
BlJtTOX, Md., April 17 Christopher
Colombo Jones, commander in-ehief
of the Philadelphia division of Coxey'l
army, arrived in Klkton at noon today
with about sixty men. They stopped
for a time outside of tbe town limits
before entering
Jones was pleased when told by some
fish peddlers tbat th citizens of the
town had decorated.
In one honr yesterday. Judge Abbright.
at Allentown, granted over 200 liquor
Behvylklll County's Pen and Pencil
dab elected J. H. Foster, of Pottsville,
As a memorial to his dead wife, Henry
Fisher, a tanner, cave a S-jMXi organ to
Kissenger's church, at Hern.
The coroner's Inquest 1ms revealed the
fact that the man lulled near Tyrone last
night was Morris wniskey, f gbstnukto
.Melting snow caused a Hood In the west
branch of the Susquehanna river, and loe
are being rapidly boated to the Williams-
port mills.
Samuel Thornton, a colored boy acred 8
was killed hy a car on the lleilly street
line or the luist llarrisuurg l.lectnc reil
way this afternoon.
The First DSiSnaerS' association, nt
Pottsville, will tomorrow celebrat" th
thirty-third anniversary of their response
to I'rosidents Lincoln s call for troops.
Death warrants were issued yeterday
bv rln- governor lor -lames ,N. In or Alle
gbeny, and damns K. Carpenter, of Juni
ata, both of whom will be banged on June
The president yesterday sent to tho sen
ate the nominations of the following
among ot'ier postmasters: lvnnsylvnnia,
TbomaS W. ration, Bristol; M. J. Kyau,
If 11-' r . 1 1 , i i . t i . i- I I I
ru nir nmiir
Railroad Employes or Ibi Nortbwnl Will
Slant! Toge nor Id Ito Utter Contest
The Northern and Canadian Pacific
Trainmen May Join If Non-Union
Men Are Hired -An Important Con
ference of the Chiefs of the Railway
Orders in St. Paui Today.
E EATTLO, Wash., April 17.
TBE Great Northern Railway yards
Wet's as quiet us a graveyard
yesterday, not wheel turning
nor any freight being hauled.
An ff.r was nude by the atrikers to
taks out the wail cars but the offer
was declined, Leil officer mads no
attempt lo get uin to tags th" slrik r's
places, an i apptrently none will be
mad" until after the confer nca in St,
Paul today with the chiefs of the rail
way unions
There is a small landsli ie on the coast
line, but Superinlsndent Copsiand
could not gut a crew to go out and clear
it away. At a general meeting of rail
way smnloyees on all lice It wad de
termined 'to uphold and sustain tlo
Great Northern men in their strike.
It is confl lently speotod h"re that a
L'ener.d striae of all 'intrant-continental
line, ssoept tbe Union Pacific, will
be ordered belore ttie en I of the week
unless the manager of the roada n
st iro their schedules to that in force oti
the Union P icifie,
An officer of tne American Railway
Union s;iys thai the first move made by
the Northern to hire non-union
men will l in t by a strike on tie
Northern Pacific and Canadian Pacific
lines, thus blocking absolatily all tr., f -C
List night the Northern Pacific
men refused to move Great Northern
freight, althongb it stands in the
Northern Pecitic yards and obstructs
business. They declare that they will
go out before thy will move that
B lCCKiriRIOGc'5 fcPPl&L.
Tht M.-.tion for a N.w Trial Filed This
Washington. April 17 Counsel for
Congressman W. C. P. Breckinridge
today tilwd a motion for a new trial of
Madeline Pollard's suit against their
client. The rensons given iu the motion
are as follows:
!. BecSDSS the verdirt is contrary to the
2. Because the evidence is insufficient, in
law, to sustain said verdict.
i. Because tbe verdict is asainst the
weight of evidence.
4. Because the damages awarded by tho
jury were excessive.
Forerrors of law founded on tbs ex
ceptions reserved duriug tho trial and
not-d on tiie minutes of the justice who
tritd the case.
6. For errors of law in grantine the
written instructions prayed bv the nlain-
tiff's counsel HDd in refusing instruction!
prayed tiy counsel for the delendnnt.
. tor errors of law contained in the
charge of the court to the jury.
b. ror errors or the court in oomrasntina
on tho evidence of witnesses and on Wit
nesses whose testimony was offered on the
9. For specific orrors to bo aliened here
after on the bearing of this motion.
The motion is signed by Bottsrworth
and I) 'wll, John T. Siinlby, Willlftin
A UlKfOney Rod Phil B. Thompson,
couuiel for 'lofendant.
Arraignad for Robbing and Shooting
Isaiah Shsffsr.
Lancaster, April 17 - -Th trinl of
Mart BuBBsrd and Joe Brownswsiaer.
for robbing and shootinL' Isaiah Hhuf
fer, an aged fsrinr of Oroffdols on tbe
night of Oct. 86 last, was begun here
today. Ab Buzz ird, the brother of
Mart, nnd tho reformed Welsh moun
tain outlaw, WtS the principal witness
against the two accused men. BuSCird
testified to bating overheard the two
planning tiie robbery.
Hvo or iii other WitOSSISS gave
strong circumstantial evidence against.
the two men. liolore the adi 'liniment
of court, today counsel for the defend
ants stated that tomorrow he would
present witnesses who would testify
that Abe Buzzard was the principal in
the assault and robbery as affirmed by
An Erratic Individual Threatens to Burn
the Benatoi's I'rnpwrtv
Washington, d. c, April 17. Sens
tor Cameron was in his aeat today for
the first time since his illness. He
stated that it is Ills intention to make a
sp -esh on the Wilson bill aa soon as the
opportunity occurs
Senator Quay received an anonymous
letter In his mail this morning from
Pittsbnrg, the writer of which said that
if he did not lake n position I o clou i the
tariff bill nt 0001 that ha would lnm
down his bouse at, BsaVCT and consume
his family with it Thl would-be In
cendiary says it is either action or
flames now.
An Explosion in Los Angelas, Cal. ,
Wracks Three Souses,
Los Anoei.EH. April 17 A terrific
explosion hen- shortly after midnight,
shook the city IlkS an SSrthquSKs, and
three stores with brisk fronts on the
north west corner of Bp-ring nod Fifth
streets were entirely demolished,
Nobody was hnrt. Tbs SSUSI of the
explosion is unknown,
Tha Nepdaon of Flnancs Expire nt
sVsbsvXlle, N. a.
AmittviM.K, N. ('., April 17. Henry
S. Ive.a died at 7 3d o'clock to.iight. He
came hr about two months ago in the
tertiary stage of consumption and Im
mediately leased a hiuid-oiiio house
situated on one of the foot hills of the
Blue Ridge mountains, live miles from
Asl.eville, Mr. Ives brought his family
With Mm nud thev have reuiuimd
svviitiuc recovory ir its opposite In
pit- of oxeellont physicians and in
vigorating nhmats ho passed away
this eveulng.
i!i was conscious of his approaching
end, bin received hie Intimate friends
who bapuensned to be In Asbsfnle un
til a few days ago Yesterday h bad
a bud nun, but remained conscious
until i, nun today, The remain win be
embalmed and carried by his family to
Ills old heme Hi I do.
1h Fninom Stallion Di-op Dead Whili.
B,ipi- BssalOletd mi L-xinKion.
Lfxinoton, April 17. Illaok Wilkss,
a stallion ty George Wilkes, dam
Fanny Bell, dropped dead today while
being exercised. Il was 1 1 years old,
and sired Winslow Wilkes, Promise
and other good performers
He belonged to W. W. Adams, of
Lexington, and l P. Coleman, of Au
gusta, Ga.
Women Huv Juin.'d tlo Northwest In -dnslrial
SeaTTLB, Wash , April 17. A new
featnre bas been udded to tbe North
wett Industrial rrmy by the organlsa
tlon of b woman's auxiliary composed
principally of the wive of member.
The aniinunecliii-iit was made that
botb tbe male and fsmuls contingent
will move on to Wasbiogton in u few
Remains of General H. W. Slocum
Consigned to Their Last
Resting Place.
Brooklyn n. y. April 17 The
funeral of tbs late Ci 'iierul H. W. Slo
cuin took place this afternoon. Rsllg
loUl services were held at the church
of the Messisb after which an Im
inense escort oi Grand Army of tbe
Republic posts, military companies and
civic societies marched through the
streets to Greenwood cemetery.
Thousands of persons lined the streets
during the progress of the pageant to
the cemetery.
As the marching Grand Armv men
guar. ling the hearse came in sifht of
the church, the scene of the mnltitud"
siting there was most impressive
Besides the thousands of spectators,
fnilv 8,000 men belonging to the vari
ous military orders and companies that
were 10 take part m the pageant from
the chinch were drawn up in formal
lines waiting for tho nrrivul of the
The eight sergeaute from the' First
artillery, United States, Aui-rica, des
ignate, I by Colonel Lsngdon as pall
o-arers, stood at the curb of the walk.
iney luted up the colli n and bore it np
the aisle to the altar of the church
Following the colli n entered the family
of the dead general, then the honorary
p.dl bearers and then the intimate
friends. I he church was crowded to
tbe door.
R"V. Drs Charles R. Baker and K
L. Storrs conducted the service. At
their conclusion the body was borne
out by tho sergeants Slid placed on a
caison and the inarch to the cemetery
began. 1 he ceremonies at the grave
were very brief, consisting simply of
tho tiring of a aalute by the Uuitod
States artillery men.
A Santnead Forger In Rome Jail Hud
I.ockplck, Saw nnd Wrench.
Jtica, April W An attunpt to
break jhi! at Rome by Silas William
Schollield, under sentence to Elinira
reformatory for forgery, was frustrated
Inst night.
A woman smuggled in to him a stpel
saw, a monkey wrench nnd a loekpick.
Mr. Lorkhart Announce He Is Hot
Candidate Against Breckinridge.
Lexington, April 17. Hon. G. c
Lockhnrt, of Bourbon county, today
declared that he would not o a candi
date for congress egainst Colonel
-4 i
Rscord of Yastcid -v's Base Ball Games
Thronthout the Count it i
At New York -New York 10; Spring
field I.
At baltimors Baltltnors l"; Frio 2.
At Philadelphia Wllkss-Barre J.
At Toledo Toledo 0 Cleveland H.
The Docksry OomniSSioa Will r-nrcani?
tile msthOQS of the Now Yolk CUStOU
( nlv acclimated crews for vessels In tin
tropical fruit trade is the latest project in
Congressman -tern Simpson, who has
rheumatism wbiub tbrestena his i
very low.
Congressmen are satisfied the Chicago
public building will not fall down iu tin
near future.
Report of further defects in Carneeii
armor plate are not credited at ths aavy
Kihvnrd I,, llenick, of llenrgin, has been
promoted to ho obief i lei liKhip of the
state Department,
Senator Mill yesterday gained the first
ense ever srgUSd bv I. im in I he Unit
Slates supremo court.
The I niliiin appropriation lull enrnes
i,4T, fllll, and nhnlisho the olllce of su
psrintendsnt of Indian schools.
.lnm"s M. Harvey, of ! unction City
Kan., ex-governor ol Kansas.
Count Adoiph Prisdrioh VonBchsck, tin
author and UllllonSlre, of Municli.
Captain . J. Inx'gs, harbor master of
t he Fort of Norfolk, Vn., of paralysis, at
tne age oi on.
James r, (iillnrd, ndistinmiinbed linguist,
at London, Oao,, who imd been Interpretel
to the I i in ce ol ales ami Dune of gain
Isaac W. Keim, recorder of Berks county
aged tf) years. Deceased waa engaged ,o
many years In the wholesale li,o;i r husi
to ss. He was elect ad county recorder hist
tail on the Democratic ticket, receiving
tue nignesc, voio cast, in iuo county.
LAui yiion
Ills BfuuJnlDil
and Pcit-Slrick?it
Crew Are Givsn ',
The Remain! of Ihc Erazilian Insur
pont Tleet Arrive in Buenos Ayresln
n Dilapidated Condition The Crews
Suffcrinrr, for tho Necessities of
Life If the Rear Admiral Is Taken
He Will, No Doubt, Eo Court f.'ar
tinlecl and Shot.
BUEX08 AYl'.l
Til Vj remains of the )i
fleet, commanded
lie Mello, which al
port lust night, ari
Buenos Ayeks, Ajirii i?.
Brazilian rebel
by Admiral
arrived off this
port last nignr, are meannjeoi
of extensive exebunga of telegraphic
messages between the authorities of
this place and the Brsziiiini govern
ment, through the Brazilian minister
The rebel shins sro the Republics,
Meteoro, Iris, Urano and Esporausa,
They nr" In a dilapidated condition
and tho rebels on board of tuxtn are
suffering from sickness, wounds and
lack of proper supplies. Their tempo
rary wants have b'"u supplied, with
the consent of the Brazilian minister,
Who has received advices from Rio de
Janeiro, saying that the am
nesty will be granted to the insurgent
ink and file mid that the Brazilian
government will pay tbe quarantine
xpobses or the ships if they are stir
rendered to tho Brstillan minister.
Consequently, tbe Argentine govern
ment, with the consiit or the reb-d
leaders, is now superintending tho de
livery of the five War vessels to tbe
Brazilian minister, auJ this will have
been accomplished by the time thia dij-
patc'.i rescue ; the United States.
The crews of the rebel ships are beim:
disembarked at the Lziritu here, and
will be cared lor until further orders
are received from Rlods Janeiro. It is
believed that when the men nnd ships
ire it: a proper condition they wul re
join the Brasilian v-ssels under gov-
rniimnt officers and return to Rio de
President Peixoto's government has
notified the government of Uruguay
that the i xpeiis-s undnassige monev
homo of tho insurgents who landed in
the department of Rocba, Uruguay,
will be paid by the Brazilian govern
ment, and that thev may all, with the
xosptton of the leaders, return to Bra
zil with no fear of being severely pun
ished lor the part which they hav
taken iu the rebellion,
it is understood that President Peix-
oto, in adopting this wise and lenient
policy, bas acted uuder tne afivioe of a
foreign power which has the Interests
oi the republic or Brazil at heart.
iNothing seems to be known ot the til
timate destination or Admiral le Mello
and General Salgado, tnoutih it is be
lieved that tbe former Will take the
earliest opportunity of escaping to
some foreign country where he can
hide himself for the rest of his life.
(In all sides the utmost contempt is
SI pressed for Admit il I) Mello, whose
base desertion of Admiral Detiama is
looked upon as being a piecd of
cowardly treachery, which even the
idmirnl'i most Intimate supporters
To such an extent dries this feeling
prevail that it. is openly stated that Da
Game propoaes to sek out Admiral De
Mello nud compel lnm to meet bun It)
mortal combat Those who should
know Admiral le Mello the best be
lieve that be will tal:e care to avoid
any such meeting,
If the rebel admiral falls into the
blinds of President Peixoto there is
little doubt but that he will be
promptly tried by court martial and
- .
Bamslt Addr sa Sent O it from Pittb
burg lieadq larlSSSt
COLUMBUS, ., April 17. ThS head
quarters of the united mine workers
here is a busy gepne. They StS prepar
ing for the great strike, and reports are
constantly coming in from fifty organ
izers now in the field? The following
address was sent out today by Presi
dent John McBride.
Miners It is now or nevor that the
power of concerted action on our part
must do its work. 'I'he interests of bom,
family and organization; the interests of
the coal trade, and tha prosperity of the
mining communities demand that you do
your duty, regardless of local and null
vldosl Interests, Bs not deluded by news
paper reports, nor mere rumors, but apply
to OS for information. Act promptly, aOt
peaeeably, act in line With your crafts
men, net to win better wages and condi
tion. The directors or ths Booking Fuel
company and Hie Ohio Qoal true! met
today and'dtsonssed the situation, They
ngreid that, the outcome depended
largely on I he action of the Pittsburg
A Serious AS ny in u Prominent Indian
HDolia Law Office.
IMDIANAPOUS, April 111 Tha law ol-
fica of Miller, Winter A; IVain was the
scene of a sensational shooting today,
w. R Copsland, f Madison, lml. , shot
Allison C 1 1 mi ta iu the arm, Inflioflng
a pninfnl wound,
US also abet W. 11. Binning, of Mai
iion, in the face. Mr. Harris is one of
the most prominent lawyers in the
state, and is one of the Iron Hall attoi
Snipper! of All Hie Clothing Except
Shirt, He Enters a Chinch
Philadelphia, April 1 A madman
stripped to his shirt nnd standing in
front of tho altar wildly threatening
auy one approaching him carried con
sternalinu into the minds of a dozen or
so men and women who were saying
their prayers tins afternoon in St. Jo
' scDb's Roman Catholic church. The
man entered tlm crunch unnoticed by
the rw people at piay.,r. aud eutsring
or.e of the conrssionah. n movoi .;11
his clothing but his shirt.
With any tbat startle ! every one h
ran down tne aisie aa l taking a slam
before the alter with loud OQICrl ho
began to break tho altar ornaments
and overturned several statues. When
the Sexton of the cbutoh attempted to
approach him the lunatic picked up the
bell that ie struck when th ' priest ele
vattes the host and hurled it ul him.
An officer was found and he sue-
seeded iu taking tbe man into custody,
Tue man was unable to giV any ac
count of himself nod answered all in
quiries by wild muttering. 1I was
taken to a hospital
The Coal Mai:nat MsnttOBel as Proba
bls Aaplrant for OfBca of Gjveroor.
Philadelphia, April 17. A special
from Washington says i
It is stated here that the name of
ESeklsy H. Coze, the coal msgnate and
million ore, will bo presented as a can
didate for governor to the Pennsylva
nia Democratic tate convention, wbioh
will meet in June.
Where the Popular Knights of the
Willow May Ee. Found This
Washington, April 17. Secretary
Young today announeed ths following
base ball contracts:
With Beading B W. Beeomont, Oeorre
Qoodhsrt, George B. Fox, V. c. Bhoads,
H. C Stephenson. Tiiajer Torreyson.
With AltoonuMy'iaiik, J. II. Iiutter
more, P. J, Hnggerty, W, W. Setley, Am
brose McCann, Pred Miller, George Ross.
With Kaston Frank Wilson, Percey
Oriffln, J. W. Hoimes, Jcbn E. Dnnn,
Jacob W. Eihl, Frank SLarp, Tbomaa Oil
Ion, Harry Hughes, Charles H. Lewi,
John Wonts.
With PottSVillS Thomas Fleming,
Frank Gillen, John Tigne, William Mc
Cooet, Oscar Hill, Harry Lecuiion, Thomas
B. Golden, Patrick 3. Fox. Philip Hade
man, Theodore Shilsky, Charlsa Eoyce,
John Backel.
With Harrisbnrg C, Q Baldwin. M.
Mctiind, Patrick Meaney, ("harle. .Moss,
Peter Eagen, William Smink, ijus Mackey,
Roger Gaston, Charles M. Hamburg.
with Bcranton Tnomas Flanagan, W.
s. Wetsel, George ttecse, George Hodsnu,
W, T. Patcben, George Btalts, H. F. Ho
L'ati. W, H. Msssey, George T. Weitlake,
bdin F. Doran.
With Hasleton Zske Morris, John w.
Ely, b. P, Cenroy, August Land, E. H.
KoitertnaL. 'ins Uoran. Charles T. Jordan.
With Allentown Henry T. Cute, J.
Walters, Dan K. Alexander.
Released by lioston Henry C. Cast
right; by St. Louis, ( barks J. Crooks; by
Pittsburg, W. 11 E.irle.
Tbe Etaerer of the Bi-rnttiean Police
Bill in th Spaakei'a K.'.m
ALBANY, April IT. Field .Marshal
Louis E. Payn has transferred ins head
qusrters here from the senate library
10 the room of the speaker of the as
sembly, whence he is given his direc
tion, on the bi-partisan police bill and
other measures, eharge of which has
been given bim by his in ii-1 i This
morning he was on hand early, before
the session began. His post is one of it affeids ample opportunity
tosent out into tu chain her aud call
in his lieutenants on the floor as Well
as to ream those whom it is necessary
to smooth over.
Tins room has been the headquarter!
the last two ye ire of BdWard MUrpby
and other Democratic leaders and ua
fors that of other corporate and polit
ical representative.
. 4
They Held Up ( able Cars in Crowded
DiStrlOtS and PhtadSr Passengers.
San Francisco, April 17. Two
street cars have been held up by high
waymen In Ban tranctsco within four
lays. The last robberv occurred early
tliis inoriiing, when a cable car was
Stopped by masked robbers in a thickly
populated district and the conductor,
the giipman aud the single patseucer
robbed oil all their valuables.
Another street cir was held np on
the Su Bruno roa I last Sunday night,
lor which crime two youug men living
near the seen of the robbery are uow
Under arrest.
Kurd recently attacked and killed
many American Immigrants in Southern
The body of Lady MacFberson, of Tor
onta, Canada, was cremated In Italy, as
she had n piested.
Rich Hanker Cornelius Sehloss, being
discouraged In huslussa, bled himself to
death at Mannheim,
Germany will assume a protectorate over
Bamoa if Uncle Bam withdraws fiuinthe
existing Sainoaii ngreeiuent.
Europeans are making much of the fact
tbat on Friday a heavy hammer fell from
1 he roof of a Vienna railway station at the
feet of BmpcrorS William and Francis.
Contrary to explicit orders from the 1'a
rlslan municipal authorities, 11, EtayeaL
French minister "f the interior, has seized
tbe Hotel de Ville, in Parts, for official
Thirteen thousand carpenters and .join
ers in Vienna yesterday resolved to su ike
for nn eight-hour day; UiiUKi metal work
ers threaten to follow suit, anil trade m
the Austrian capital is quite generally
paral ii d.
Smallpox D steadily spreading in Chi
cago. There were 861,490 new hilvor dollars
issued hist week.
The steamship LsBretagna has arrived
at New York with S7U,U00 in gold from
Bx-Presid nt Harrison yesterday de
livered bis last lecture or the course at
Leland Btantord university.
The :ilst anniversary of emiincipntion of
the colored popnial ion of tho District of
Colombia was oslsbrated yesterday by ths
colored People.
11 a -wBa
Washin.itom, April 17. fore
cast for Mi sdnov.' For tatttr
Aransgteanta, oiar, olieuied by
elouilu trcaihrr in the creaiMri.
mttMMsi letadfi For rv"tr
raavlaaa fair, ofmceii by coiicfii
Hllicr, ense Minifs; rimler in southern
and Rvui'Bterta soriatra portf on,
YOWADAYS Hermsdorfi is practi
cully the only Fast Black Dye for
Hosiery aud Gloves.
All our "sellers" bar Hirmsdorf's
stamp, and we are going to signalize
onr Spring Opening by a HERMS
Monday, April 16
We shall open in our
Hosiery Department
the most complete i.siorimsnt off
Hermsdorf Hoilery we have tvr
shown Plain, Dropstitch and Boot Pat
terns and shall present to every pur
chaitr or the;,, I a valuable
Hermsdorf Souvenir
with Ilermsdorf's compliments and
our own.
Ladle' Hosr, 25, 35 and 50c.
Children', 6 too.-, all size, 25c.
Genti' Half Hose, 25 is 35c
Wo 1 islicv these to be tbs best vslucs ever
offered iu Fat Black Hodiry.
510 and 512 Lackawanna Ave.
Maltese Cross
And Oak tanned Leather Belting,
H. A. Kingsbury
513 Spruce St., Scranton, Pa.
Lewis, Reilly k Davies
l.-i, b--show friends our (.1.50, SU. ne.MI
anil sia StfOKsx end so enthusiasslc are they
over their parch that one sals i sure te
bs the means ot nwkhlg another.
114 Wyoming Ave.
WAIT UNTIL I get in my
new quarters at 408
can get bargains in
that have never been offered
in Scranton.
I J.
The Jeweler.,