THE SCtt ANTON TT? T BTTN"E TU E S D A Y WORNINO. APKIL 17. 1894. Beccharn's pills are fot biliousness, bilious headache, dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid Invr, dizziness, sick head ache, bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue, loss of appe tite, sallow skin, when caused by constipation ; and consti pation is the most frequent cause of all of them. Book free ; pills 25c At drugstores, or write B.F.Alh n Co., 365 Canal St., New York. GORMAN'S GRAND DEPOT This store can never be . 1 1 r tna receptacle tor poor old and second-hand stuff no matter how low the price. IHE NEWS Of TOWNS nt or town oorroeuonaeats of Tri Tutu ITlflibooldfttQ MioiruviiH In full to ' newsletter, not tot publicitiou out t.i nuarJ (UlllSt dl'CULtioU.l ARCHBALD news notes. EveniB of by Llva or We stand by what we sell and we request you not to keep anything that does not suit you. Our reputation for abso lute reliability will be ;is zealously guarded in the fu ture as it has been in the past, and patrons may rest assured that our prices, qual ity considered. will uniformly and invariably be as low as anywhere quoted. There Is Always a Reward in True Merit. usiness Comss to Us Because Go After It. 3UR VALUES Ta tic V Imoer. We OUR NOVELTIES Giv- the personality to our store. Our Consistent Prices Are Trade tiMkerj. Close Attention to Business Shrewd buvinif unit dUooantiOK of bilis nre btUineM principles closely followed by n. The re unit is we hatt your cootiience iiiul yonr trade. The Spring IS OUR Banner Season We Expect You Daily. OLYCHANT GLEANINGS. Ail th- News of a Dny Told in Crltp Parmrraphs. Sitinl t6 the scranton Ti iltnnc. Olypiiant, Ph., April If! -Mr?. Wiliia in Kennedy nnd daughter Btleo, of Green FII(1cp, spent Sunday with friend in town, El. Enaiun, of Binshnmton, spent reaittdaj wiib biaparmti oa the Weft Sid. F B. Ferfrnson, of Lucks wnnnn trait, spent Sunday with friends at A rib bald, T. V. I'owderly, of Cnrhondalo, cir cnlated anion 8 Iriendl in town today. Joseph O'Brien, of Scvanton, was a Oaitef in town yesterday. John O'Malley, of Carbondale, was ii visitor in town on Sunday. Mrs Eli Iiniraksr, of Hyde Park, is visiting her mother on LacKawanri.i street. Edward K-Oley, of Dniimore, passed Sunday with frieuds in town. Thomas B. Jones and family, of Green Kitlee. :ient yesterday in town Mrs. M, Sweeny and daughter. Alio." nnd Maine, alao Mr. and Mi . Villintu Blnke, of Arclibald. spnnt Sunday with J. w. Sweeny, on Lackawanna street. Janus Knrk, of Carbondiile, whs In town ynfterday. C. r. O'Mnlley and Frank Beamish, of Scranton, were callers in town yes terday. William Harper, of the West Side, is risitinif in New York. Misses Anna Brown, Maggie and Mary Carbine; visited in Scranton on Sunday. Ban DbAIXAOI causes much sickness, and bad blood and improper notion of the liver and kidneys is bad drainage to the human system, which ISurdock Blood Bitters remedy. uiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHMiiifiii 1 TRIBUNE BOOK COUPON. I FOLK of lliosn COUPONS, pre- tented at Tim Tribune Ofllee, eor- ner Feiin esrenoe end Bprnee Street, m entitles the holder t" nil the art"- S Meg of the unparalleled offers S for distributing popular hook iZ atttong i-ur roudnrs. 'I lie off el? made m by Tii Tribune annnaffement are M hi, follows; lit CENTS end Knur Coupons for 5 any volume In the ColumbM BO" 3 ries. Over 100 title to eeleet front, 2 H XO CKNTS and Pour Coupons for g any book In the Uugliy Srrlos. !!5 CKNTS and Knur Coupons for J nny bonk In the Oxford series. a Djv Compiled Cnrrsp ndnt. Sbeetol to the. scranton IWaniia Abcubald, April lu Tomorrow tba Beranton Traotton company will burin work on tln extension to Us Hue in this borough. Three gangs of men will be set to work at once and the work will be hurried to completion. Mr. Caffrey will nave oharga of one gaiii; and John BS, Fiynii, who w.n Injured In sireni car c dllelOD at Jermyn about a year ao, will have charge of the other. It it the intention to have the road in oomplatt operation before Juno i. Mr, O'Ronrke who wai Appointed postmaster early in the present month, received l is commission yes tarda and will at onee assume bis duties. It ie a consolation to know that the eic dlent service which wil given by Mr. Ooigrove will be con tinued by his sncoetsor who is admir ably qualified to conduct the offlue in a bui-inest-lik" manner. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Soiumera, of Hill sfreitt, are mourning the loss of their 7 year-old boy who died this morning. The little fellow was bright and cheerful, and was the joy of the household lu which bo moved. The funeral arrangements have not yet been completed. A B-montbe-old child of Mv. an l Mrs John Sheridan, of Monroe street, died today after a brief illness. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Cawley.ol Main street, are visiting friends in Carbon dale. At the meeting of the Presbyterian congregation, held on Friday evening, Q A. Battenbery and C A. Sameon were appointed a committee to go be- j fore the Presbytery with the formal i call for a naftor. Mr Thomas ,Morril is visiting friends i in Plttaton, The nnditiiig committee of the ooun i oil met on Saturday evening ami ap proved ot the bills presented at the ; last regular meeting of the couneil. W, H lHakie, manager of Jones, Simpson & Co. ' store, and H. C Lin, manager of the Rivereide store, leave for New York tomorrow to make spring purciiases. At a meeting of the Knights of Fa ther Mathew, held yesterday, Jmes F and Milei J. MeAudr-w were elect ed delegates to trie diocesan Totul Ab stinence convention at Wilkes Barre next month. BxWAMOf KiiM'PS Be sure you get the genuine Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. It cures Co Ida, Croup, Asthma, Deefnen aud Rheumatism. " THE HON iiSOALE CONTEST. More Evid-ncs Introduced in the Os born Voight Case. SOfffoJ to the Scranton Trihnne. Hcnesdalg, Pa,, April 10 The con tested eleetiou case was called up again at 10 o clock this morning. William Porl retailed, produced tax receipt dated August, 1801. but swore positively it was paid in 1392, which wnt corroborated by Tax Collector 13 .i ley. HOI was printed on receipt. Patrick Coghan was away from Honetdale part of 1803 clerking at Rondont during canal navigati re turned to Honesdale immediately af terward; wss ti-mnorary occupation; home with sister at Honesdale. Chnrlts A. MaCarty and C. J. Browu oallad to prove going to R audout was only tem porarv nrr .ngeinent. W. A Wood gave evidence to show that absence of W. F. Weston in iSOU was only temporary. William Flannigan, of Carbondsle, voted a February election. Has resided here lince March, 1303 Produced receipt for tax signed oy Mark Dug gan, of Carboodale, paid in 1802 On cross examination was considerably mixed up. Evidence closed except an to that contained in th ballot box. NamOJ conceded to be illegal by counsel. Supposed to be for contest ant: W, W. Ham, Joseph E. (iriftis, Jacoh Theobald, jr .Charles L) Mahone, Carl Sehneller, Lorenzo O Qrambe, William J. Schiesslr, Frank Hentog Snpp"sed to be against contestant T. Friink Hain, Charles Leary, Freil Bcbieaaler, George B irnei, E. F. Tor re, 3r Namet inbmittel to court by con lestiint to decide legality John A Brown, Kalann E. Bignlow, William F. Weaton, Rod Iph W. Goester. Nameainbmltted to court by re spondentWilliam Pople, Ferdinand Krnll. James J. Bracey, William Flan- iitsan, Patrick Crognan, Now that the testimony of witneases la all in, it looks very much as though the respondent, Daniel C Oiborn, would win the case and be collector by a very small margin. Court adjourned election case to 10 o'clock Thursday morning when argn inent of counsel will be heard. The matter of opening up Upper East street will come np in court to morrow morning at 9 0 clock, and de cision will undoubtedly be given -hortly. . M. I, liliiir, Alderman, Stfa ward, Scran ton, Pa., staled Nov. '., '83: Be had used Dr. Thorhaa'ficlectiio Oil for sprains, boras. cuts, bruises every time nnd rheumatism. Cured JSRNIYN SCINTILLATIONS. Notes of Nswa Waftud from a Live J. C Town. yperittl In the Srrnnton IWoWM, JlRHTN, Ph., April 10 The Dodge house so long an eye tore to the r-sideDts of upper Third street, will be sold by Sheriff Kabey on Monday, July II Tho following is the programme' for the entertainment ta (Hlinore hall to morrow evening in aid of the Citizens' band : Overture I!and Song lolm lloggartli Hecitntion Will DuvieB Hong Nellie llosjgarth Medley Hand Song ...lolm Naizhy Song Miss Del) row Suetch (comic) Archio Martin, John lloggurth and John Naizhy. Laughing Chorus Hand Concert will begin at 8 o'clock. R freshmonts provided by the ladies will lie served in lunch buaknts which can be bought at the close of the entertain ment. Another false alarm at 4 50 yester day aftvrnoou called out the lira com pany. They, after searching vainly ruin one end of the borough to the iih-r. returned ditgusted. Last night being the opening night of tho St. Aloysim fair, a large crowd was in attendance. The booths were nicely decorated, although many articles promisid have not yet been received. The door prize for tho brat night is an oil painting presented by Charles Mehim. Father Lynott made iin address which Waa to the point. Editor Thomas BoUlldy is nubliabing an origiual story in The Press The tirat chapter appeared Saturday. It deals with place! aud people in this immediate neighborhood, An eccentric individual known na "Antonio," was in town yesterday talking about and Moiling bis pamphlet on "Key to Business Prosperity." Mrs. D. Lowell is In Hyde Park, called there by the death of her son. The funeral took plnoa yesterday. FOREST CITY FLASHES. Opening S o vice in a New Cliuroll Olher No:en of Internet. 6pcctoJ fotae Seraafea IWoaae, Fobbst City, Pa., April, hi Servloai were conduetod In the now Preabyte rian chinch yesterday for the first lime, Large congregations greeted P. B Kennedy, a graduate of Princeton, at both the morning and evening ser vice. Both services were excellent, In the evening the church presented a beautiful appearance, being light -d with a number ot incandescent electric lights. George M, D, Clement, of Wexford, Michigan, is visiting at W. 11. Hlg- gini Mrs. W. G. (Hies, of Carbondale, was visiting in this place today. Mis Loutae Klefer, of Scranton, was tke guest of her friend, Miss Alioe ( I regory Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Newton and son, of Buffalo, N V , were guests of Mr. and Mrs B rt C, ippen, the latter part of last week Mitt Paarl Weatgate, of Dntondale, vltlteil at her homo in this borough yesterdav. Pride of the Forest lodge, No. 418, Knights of Pythias, in this place will be represented at the Grand lodge's Session In Carbondale tomorrow even ing by Messrs. Thomas Watt, Richard W. Jones, Lewis Bsvan, Richard Llewllyn, Nathaniel Davies, Ezra Thomas and Henry Vizzard. George Alexander, of Wilkes Barre, spent yesterday pleasantly with friends in this place. Mrt. James ,T. Walker was a visitor in Carbondale today. Rev David Bvani, of Kingston, preached two interesting sermons in the Welsh Congreg ition churc a yot terday. V1 l"" evening u large con gregation greeted him in tho Methodist Episcopal church. W. H. Leek has replaced the old side walk in front of his place of bnsi ness by a good, substantial one. Others should follow liis example aud thus the value of their property will be in creased. Tomorrow evening at the Methodist Ep'scopal church the Epworth league will hold its weekly session. At thi session a debate will be given. The following question will be debated, "Resolved, that Napoleon Bonaparte as a character was one to be admired. Tho affirnintive side will be repre sented by George Maxey and B?njamin F. Matey, the negative side by W. A. Prise, L H May and M D Evans. Bjrt Howard, one of Forest City'a popular young men, visited at his home in South Gibson yesterday. Bert did not go alone, always preferring tho company of a fair one. Mi Flo Allen is visiting friends in Carbondale for a few days. HONESDALE WHISPERS. Brief Itnins of Interest Complied at the Maple City, Srreiol to the ScrantAn Trihnne. Honesdale, l'a., April Hi A new lot of innltichromes inst received at Tin; TitihUN'E agency opposite city hall. A largp plate glass window in Reip's shoe store cracked across entire face Sunday afternoon, probably due to eat and tight fit. It is understood that insurance bad been taken out on plate glass Saturday. Miss innle Rose entertained a num ber of young people Siturday evening H. Scott Salmon giresa euchre partv at his home this evening fot gentlemen. Following is the programme as it will be given at the Stored coucort.St. .lohn's oburcb, Tuesday evening' PART I. Tantum Ergo Lambillottn ht. .Inhn a cnoir. Baritone Solo. Ecce 1'anis Millard William Kelhihan. Duet, "O Salutai ia I lustra Wilgand Mi'ss Madge ilavinon and Minnie lieilly Trio, "Ave Marin." B, Owen ,Vii Ella Doheitv, Mrs. Hubert Kelly and liowaid Davis. Soprano Solo, "8a Vi ,g Host" Holden All .Maine Kelly. I'AKT II (loria in Eccelals Gounod St. John's Choir. Tenor Solo, "In Native Worth Handel Howell DaTIS. Duet, "Rook Of Ages" Dechtel Mi- Annie Eallehan and Thomas Fin-nertv. Soprano Solo, "Ernani" Verdi Mia. Mia I) ilierty. tlorin In Eccelals Millard's (I S .lohn's Choir. Mis. L. B, Bicbtmeyer, Organist. Tickets for Sacred concsrt for sale at Gardner's. CARBONDALE CHIPS. Happurlnes f a Springtime TJay Re ce:ded la Crltp raraernphs. jnfcin.' In lea nVftMlfOft Trihnne. CAitiiNii.M.r.,l'ii., April 10 On Wed nesday evening the Ladies' Aid society of the Baptist church will aerve their monthly supper in the chapel. Tea will be serv d f mm 5 to 10 o'clock ; slso during the evening singing and recita tions will be rnnder'd. Howard E. Foster, of Canaan street, will leave on Wednesday morning for Warren, Pa., wbero ho will bo the guest of relatives. Mis Flora Allen, of Forest City, is the guest of Miss Lottie Giles, ot Lin coln avenue. The funeral of Juanita Maxwell, who died Saturday evening, occurred this afternoon at !! o'clock. Interment was made in St. Rose cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nor, of No. 4. are mourning the death of their little daughter. Annie, which occurred Sun day. Funeral occurs toiuorow Tues day, Interment in St. Rose Mtnetry, It has been decided that the next years' meetings of the Wyoming con ference will be held in Cnrbnndale. Dining the Sunday evenings' sermon in the Metuodlat church, which was being delivered by Rev. Dr. G. M. Col ville, of Binghamton.tliH electric lights went nnt. A large congregation gathered in tho Baptist tabernacle on S ibbath even ing tn listen to the , repealing of tho Easter mntic by the talented choir, under the direction of ehorlstor U. R, Hall. Mrs. P. G. Smith, of Laurel itreet, is a Scranton visitor today. Louis Bunnell, of Scranton, called on Carbondale friends tbia alternoon. The celebration of the tenth R&ntvar sary of the organisation of Loyal Knights of America will occur tomor row (Tuesday) evening in the W. W Watt building. Among the social events of tomor row ( Tuesday) evening will be the ball of the Columbus band in Keystone ball. A dim aiftertaioment under the auspices of the L idies auxiliary or tUe ling Men's OuslStiaO association was neld tnis evening in Aesosialion nail. Mrs. Skinner, of Port Jervis, ie the guest of bur brother, Fred timer, of Church street. A. W. Oorbln snout Sunday in H.iin- bridge, N, Y. Ht the gueat of his par ents. MOOSIC AND THr.KilABOUTS. I.iUht Littlo L.'Oula in an the Lind ot Iiuddnifr Arbutue. Svecmt to the tsofOMtoH IWftaaa Moosic, l'a,. Atiril 10 Robertson & Law are sinking a new slopu to Hn b foot vin of coal. William Jjunings returned home after a brief vinit at Camden. N. J. Mrs. Lewis Fritt -rer, an old and re spected citizen, died at ber home on Main street Sunday evening, after a short illness of pneumonia. nabliath morning liev, Wilcox, ol Lehman, occupied the pulpit at tht Bru le church, Rev, Cromptou preached in the evening. lh memliers of the Woman 8 iJhris- tiau Temperanoa union wisu to return Itevt. luce and Linderinmli a vote ot tliauKs for th a excellent sermon, preached at their reipieat. lhe ljdi(it' Aid society in connec tion with the Draketowu Methodist Episcopal chinch will give a tea Wed nesday evening. Miss tiary ( oolbailgh and John Buroslde will be married April SS, The MUnet Mabel and Lulls Hutch- lugs and Mits Manon Greene, of Main slieet, apeut Sunday in Jermyn. Misses Matti Hinds, Grace Eltell aud Alice Price spent Sunday with Miss Jaiinie Alexander, ot Scranton. Miss Maud Edsell, of Forty Fort, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. H Edsell, of Miuooka avenue Elmer Jackson and Miss Malinda Cole, of Duumore, spent Sunday at the home of Miss Maggie Parfrey, of Rail road street. Rev Mr and Mrs. L. A. Lindemuth left .Monday for Tunkbannock to attend Die prtsbytery being held at that place. Mist Dnrkie Greene, of Main street, spent Sunday with the Mistea Mary and Edith Van Busltlrk, of Taylor. Mrs. Horace French, of Main street, is dangerously ill with the miltnpB, HALLSThAD ITEMS. A Breezy Batch of Live Items from a Rmtllng Reporter. Siirriul 'o the Scranton Trihnne. Hallstbad, Pa., April 10. Some boys from this place camo near being seriously dealt with by Crampj a few days ago. Ibey called the tramps Ooxey'a army when the Utter gave chase. By the good use of their legs the boys escaped. There are some things that even n tramp cannot stand. Mrs. E. E. Tuttle was in Scranton on Saturday. Married on Saturday evening at 8 o'clock by Rev. Father Dunn, Edward Boyle, of New Milford, to Margaret Coddington, of this place. The teacher's meeting will be held at the residence of Rufus Smith on Pine street on Friday evening Hiram T. Law, of Lawsvillo, eon of one of the pioneers of this county, died at hit late residence in that place on Saturday evening of erytipelat. The funeral was held at bia late residence this altornoon at 2 o'clock. Jennie Dean, of New Milford, ia in town. Mrs. John Tyler waa in Scranton on Saturday, Arthur Wiley, of Binghamton, spent Sunday with bis mother in this plaee. The Women's Christian Temperance union will meet at the home of Millard Decker on Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock, Miss J. Lassley spent Sunday in Binghamton. L. G. Simmons is in Montrose on business. The cottage meeting will be held at the residence of Charles Rooney on Daylon avenue on Friday evening. Rev. L. W. Church ia attending the presbytery at Tunkliannock this week. Specimen Cases. S. H. Clifford, New Cassel, Wis., was troubled with neuralgia aud rheumatism, his stomach was disordered, his liver was affected to an alarming degree, appetite fell away, and he was terribly reduced in Ilcsh and strength. Three buttles of Elec tric Bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, 111., had a running tore ou his log of eight years' Standing, Used three bottles of Electric bitters aud seven boxes of Buck leu's A mica Salve and' his leg is sound and Well. John Speaker, Catawba, O., had ttve largo fever sores ou his leg, doctors said be was incurable. Ono bottle Electric Bitters nnd one box Bucklen'a Arnica Salve cured him entirely. Sold by Mat thews Bros. Tho GI'AUINE New Haven Mathushek" Pianos ESTABLISHED 180(5. Now York Wardrooms No, 80 Fifth Avenue. E, C, KICK ER & CO., Sole dealers in this section. OFFICK-ia Adams Ave , Telephone BTd'g WE BELIEVE We have the hand somest line of Parlor and Drawing Room Furniture ever shown in this state and we would like you to see it. Hill & Connell Washington Ave. Jaincx J.Welnh C'rolglitoii, l'a. After Typhoid and Malaria Hood's Sareaparilla Purified anr Built Up tho System. "0, I. lliiinl Pi CO,, Lowell, Mass.: "(li ntlenieii Two years uo I was taker with a very severe illness, beginning with ery sipelas, and then had lyiihniil and malaria fever after I got up anil out of bed I thought 1 wai Cured, but was mistaken. In a short time a humor broke out n my face, at Prat oauiiog the skin to in rough and (toby and gradually devoi uplng into Sores, Which spread until My Head Was Covered a-I tli them, No one can imagine how 1 suffered with the great itching and burning. Prescrip tions had no effect, A friend advised lae to take Hood'sCurcs Hood's BatSaparllla, so 1 concluded to try a hot tie, and I soon found a great change in my con illtlon. Tin- lores began to disappear and I was loon entirely cured. My general health has Im proved and 1 feel like B new man altogether. I slecn well at in,: hi ami have no traceofthat Itch ing anil burning sensation." JAMBS J. Welsh, i icigiiuin, reiuisyivaiiia. Hood's Pills eure all Liver Ills. lllliousncsT Jaundice, Indigestion, BlOk Headache. BO, Dr. ED. Grewer The Philadelphia Specialist, And brn mandated tad of Encllsh and Ger man I'lijBicittiie.are now permanently located Temple Court Building 81 I BPRUOR ST., SCRANTON Where llwy may bo consulted DAILY AND MNDAV. The Doctor tn n graoV.ate ot the Tnlvoraity Of lennitylvania, formerly demonstrator ot physiology and euraerj at tho Medico-CJdr-nrgical Coll..Be, of Philadelphia. He Is alao an honorary u-cmber of the Medico-C'hirur-gical Aesociatlon, and waa physician aud mrgcon in chiuf of ths moet noted American nil tn rman hospitals, comes highly Indorsed by tne loading- professors of Philadelphia and New ork. His many years of hosoltal experlenoe Woe thla eminent physician and surgeon to correctly diagnose and treat all deformitiea and dispsses with tho most flattering success, and his hluh standing in tho statu will not allay hbn to accept any Incurnble case LOST MAMIixin UKsTOKKD WEAKNESS OK VOUNG MEN CUltEO. II yon have noon civei up oy your physl rian call upon the doctor and bo examined. Ho cures the worst casesof Nervous Debility, Scrofula. Old Boros. ( atarrh. Piles, Female Weakness, Affections of the Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat, Asthma, Deafness. Tumors, Can cel s and Criiailee of every description. Con sultation in English hud German Ere which th.-i II ho con eiderud sacred and Btrlctly coufl dential. (Initio Hoani DAJl. to 9 P.M. Dally. Sunday, il K.m. tn 2 p in. Third National Bank of Scranton. Statement Feb '48, 1S04. called for by the Comptroller f tlm Currency. RBSOUBCB& loans i,sin,.t4nnn Overdrafts 1147.37 United States llomls 80,000.00 Other llmiils 8i:t,S78. 7.1 Itanhlng Bonae :i in rreniiunis mi l. S. llnnils..., 043 7ft Hue friun U. S li c usuror 7,600.00 Hue Iruiu Hunks si... - : Cash i 1 1 . i I o . i S.liOa.ftSO.OO 1,1 A It 1 1. 1TI ICS. Capital s.'ooooo oo Sorplni i240.oon oo UliillTlded I'ronts ftd 1811 oe Clrriilnllon 7'2.000.00 Hlvlilends Cnpalil 884 M Depoalta,' l,RC4,(ifio 4 Duo to Hanks 00,860.50 '409,080. I0 WII.MAM CONNKt.f, rrcsldent tilio. li. i, Vice-Pretl den i WILLIAU II. I li K, Cashier. DIKKCTOIIS. William Connell, Georse n. Catiin. Alfred Hand. ,lnnies Arclibald, Henry I' no. Jr., Willi. in T. Smith, Lutlior Keller This bnnk offers to daneSltOtS every fitrltlly watratttedl by thrlr biilniices, busi ness and respiuislbillty. hi.clitl attrntliin given tn business ao- couuts. Intereat paluon Umedepoatas, 9e I 9i : rBaiiiBageisiiiasBxeieiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaCjiiieaigBSBciiiisBi iiiiiiiiieiG9i8isBiyip I i " r-- 1 5 EverythingFOR Everybody AT The Fair 400402 Lacka. Ave. "Always the Cheapest" Dry Goods, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods, Notions, Fancy Goods, Infants' Wear, Cloaks, Curtains, Hoys' Clothing, Boots and Shoes, etc. Commencing Monday, April 16, we will place on sale Special Bar gains in Every Department. All New Goods FAR BELOW REGULAR PRICES islllllltlllllllllllllllilUIUIIHIIUIIIIlllllllllIIIIIIIglllllllllllllllllllSIIIIIIIIIR DON'T FORGET That we aro headquarters for everything In the line of tVATCMTt. If you hnve any Idea of purehaslnir any kind or a Watch, lady's or gent's. Hold or Silver, you will make a tfrlev ous mistake it you do not giro us a rail and get our prices, arnica yoU will find far below all otnors, oeporiallv In all the litli (trades of KIkIii, Waltham and Hampden movements If you have ny doubts and are at nil posted on prices (rl us a call aud wo will have no troublo in convincing you. We still havoa large stock to dlspo-o of, and will offer you won derlul Inducements In Jewelry, Silverware, Clocks and all othor goods which wo have In stock. C. W. Freeman Penn Ave. and Spruce St. MBIT TABLES, $1.40 EACH. The greatest bargain in the market. A few of the Brass (Onyx Top) Tables left at $6.00. KERR & sTeBECKER 406 and 408 Lackawanna Ave. Just to Give ik Editors a Chance ADE TAILED price list of our im mense stock of Kurniture, Car pets, Baby Carriages, Refriger ators, Mattings, Stoves, Crockery, &C, would crowd every thinq; out of this paper. And we have too much respect for editorials to do anything like that; besides, of what use when all can be told in a single line. The Lowest Prices in N. E. Pennsylvania. Cash or Credit With every purchase of $50 or over we present an American Onyx Fin ished Cathedral Strike Clock. 1 With $75 or over, a 100-piece Din- ner set iiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiBiniin