I TTIE PCBA-JSTOV THIBTJNE-TUESDAY MOK:TNG. APRIL 17. 184. 8 Lacisum All Tilings Musical STELLE&SEELEY 134 Wyoming Ave. men iikamu PIANOS WEBKB, Ml MX, KM I ItSON, Ol mi; HAK1 I ORGANS Al l I'ltU'K See the Shaw Piano from the World's Fair in our window. GOOD BREAD SNOW WHITE FLOUR And always have Good Bread. lttimS4CtOBBD 4JOD FOB TO HIE TKAPE Kt le Weston Mill Co, Dante) Seotten'i Polka lkt STRIPPED SMOKING :0c. lb. Wholesale, GARNET, BROWN &.C0. :1T tCQDSN STREET DR H B WARE Ul CI UJHg, ETZ IAB, NOSE AHB TiiBOAT. !W1 r.'.r'Jfl . ro mo 2. it ... - .... '. r k. a m 35 WYOMING AVT PERSONAL. T 7 si Beaeedade, mi aSeran M 1 si:, 1 ;errt!r. Edgar i''-i..r, f CuipUnra, wa ia tbe Ed . of Um mika B.irre eel last -Taiair la the oitf. S. L. I ORpI arl a W Labor, of If v e-Baric, werwia law 1 lit jvasgcilaji . Ear GaWaety wu hi ia a:r..ata.'ice at .- : ptlMKIUUtl Wita Ik mea sles. Eb f:- r., .V, -ti.. aref J fca B, ?-Uows is a.bsnt lb ettj an will nut retur-. natil eeeto. H. '"i Exr.eb. of Wash in -on, D C, H -' at te home of his mother, no T r;...r ar.e. . D. L. Har ef Wilkes-Bar??, witnessed fte wtBaeee given Dork.stadev'a b i!i.; n I'. sv 1-1 . . night af. a I If: ! it) Cassrra, ..f pnntf-7.1..-. Sn-i ,.mn rnnnry nt- viavting mcM Depoty f-rotoonoury Myron K.i if. f. Mcf rn, of ri, Vvest in r. Sew 7rrk 'ity r.ri.asi-g a stre of rfrfsffr the tui'. friitiLhinr (tan he piffS la f.jn on f'sr.n HVr,ae. V .f. La b af Klagaloa; H. B. Wit Hns, ot N'icle. -mi: aa.T.e- I o ,!, of '.Vilkes Berre, a I . 9 oneid - .,f A iil-y, reg " la Valley Fiona- faiuiilai, ftfc awntag Major Oeoffl H, WfeHawy, of Hfi.i: will T.rnrt-. tha nnrom twnd i.fflors of 'Jorapany r . Tr.e x !! i..n will ba hrl.j i.-, ... -i,. armory. Xi .Vlm. in I M.M f.trhara Jfanar, of i.ironrtl, rtnrnri homo laat "1 o- foir 'lay I '1 lifaatoa1 ' 'ho .Vloth'oJist in Ism amr, They we tv.r 01 the aiiitfaadia Epi.'-optl coraifri)e M,ih Viola i'Hrj.., Batalafeao): fithoi E".o, Pblladelpbla (mr;ofiliiol.H .t.i Bean, Kutn HittvK, Mo-ie: M. f'ar rih. V, ' Anfi-i'.rr-, nl forii Karon, ,hafi l'arri-h, i!af.hlhem: II W. Lofa latid an'l Lawranre k d of Kmon nom prul a party thnt (n'. Honday In thin city at th! fcorni of J'.wnh Hrnnton. R ZING TH? OR. 6ftTE3 HOUSE. A. Floa hntlnaaa Hi V. II; Boon Anuiar on tha Bit. Workman yeaterrlajr bgan taaritig lown thn Or. Oate hOBIt, nr tl. lOfOaf of Waahinitton IVfOtM anil Sprnco atret. In Itma a nrw liinMing will l orecteil on tfia ait, Hit aa no plana bare bri cOBplatftl it ia not known what klnrt of a atrtiuture will go np thiTj. 7 he immediate ol joct of Ntlof the home it to enable .Uiorii'-y Arthur Dean to carry out a pftrjaot he baa in Yiew of axtandintt the re.ir of Ml batttV Ing faciri on BprtM "treat. Th work will be bagno without delay am) hnr rlnl to completion na toon ai poajtblf It ia thw intention of thou who own the propertma at thn OOfOI of VVunli in ton and Spruce to yet have 11 Boa, anbatantial bnniuaa block on the gronnda. A Eon Flowr flnnlnt. Tbe Young Women' ('hriBtlan aaaocla tiou girla will miin a rare good time if tbey do not come to thn nan Mower Hoclnl tomor row, Tuonday, evening nt 7.30 o'clock, In tbe rooms, ,.r Washington nTenue. The reception committee, by whom tlio pro KrnmniH has been prepared, lina apared no trouble lo muke this ooe of the moat at tractive and Mii-resHi ill affairs of tbe aea pon. Refreshments will be served. Bring your girl friends. . Call at Ayleawurlh'a Whenever you need pood meat. IIarim just returned from New York with a Hue lot of carpeta, rugs and mats. UtH Penn avenue. p ft Foe to Dyspepsia NEWS IF WEST 1 DNN of David Jones in a Fluid NJU Main Avenue. CAUSED BY HEART FAILURE Caso lnvos!i,.iteil by Coronor Ki-lb-y. Micti.ud Ni'.iry's Uis.iiiHrly Con duct Ho W.is Arrostoil but Esc.iped from tbe Oflicer Wtst Sidti St.irs Issue . Ch.illono Conveelion of Ani iont Onli'r ot Hibcrnl.uu. Tha Wail BtdooBoaot 'ha Bo RAN TO 1 aiauKi ia looatad at ifMQ Jaoejlon itraat, whrre aobawriptloaiL idTorliaaoiaBla and couiqiq nioatioili will raoaiva pronpl t taatlotv 1 At t' BO o'tlook fMaardny nornlnB Davtil JoOM, wall known aa "Naba" J004 WM found Ivuiti dcid III Held balonftai lo tli Daiawara, Ltoka wumis m4 Wattarn Railroad ami MOT. bill laed bv K. 11, Titfinv, ait lusted about 1,000 feat nortli ol HKltl iv.Miua rba 000) was QtaOOMfM OJ oblldran, who attraotad the aitaatlon of Km I wo men, 11 Tiffany tod Otorifa UoQta, wbo wont at work In the Raid Pbaj at ono snt two boys of Otfl,"tr tSlaason and Thorn is, who 00:1 OUM u,ul attar thov arrived the 0,'toner was diapitohed for TUobod ( ttie man Isv ,-p,d from tit it tim until 1 18 oVIook in tba afieriioon, wbota aba wtion of Dodortokai Will I rrloa rtriived Rod conveyed him to iho ome of ins mother, Mrs William Hill, ol ;it Nonh Lloacda avaaoa I Cutooar Kallay arrlaad al 5 o'clock and iatpM lOllid the followlni) nirv William 5mu1, Mtturioa Welsh, X C Vlivo. Henry Davtaa and John fVatoa rba body waJ saatolnad au.lthever lltt aW toawa it that tha maa died of heart fallute JottSi had btfeti drinking, Wblob BJldotlbtaslly produce I tS condition thst r suited in da.itb. 11 tMtln S.-outv MeetJ. ft".l.ir weekly meeting of tbe Hyde i'ari l. teriry and Debating soci al) oeOMCtd List evaniug at the twoal liui' ar.d t,; ice. Af:er short dicns i,vis 00 "rba Wllaoa Uill" and "Tba 'Mouoa Doatrlno," Iba debate of tba 'rr mg. "BaaolTtd, That th aotiua ol tua I'Oiuuiotiwtalth iu aalling out jtbetaiHtia to protuat property during I time of strik or riot is not jnaiifloblo, was taken up. I'ua p.iker tor t ia ! uative. wr Louis How-.il and I iloward Dvi, while tha affituiativ-i ws u:aitied by EBOraoB Oweni and iJaui-s Pttwali The jn !ge alter s'lort I delit'fr:i.':i decided iu favor of tbe 1 negative. Among the visitors pres;it at the na liaf was Att orney Cb irl 's E Oli ver, wao at tbo Maalnooa itqaaai of tbe soiety. iav- a abort and vloqaant addres Tae executive oomntltao re ror:ed the following pr .vrsturas for next M.'nlay eveaing: "Risolved. T.i: tbe Wilson bill, if psse l, w.m'd ba benaSoial to tha cou itry." Nega tive. Wallac Moaar, Arthur Da via; .irSrmative, John Eiwird. Em rsou Owscs. S.do, Philip Davies, He t.d ia Ax oa ths Door. The npir portion f Lnz-rn street wss tue MOM of a lively cotumotiou rtalardo? a.'trnoon. Th cam- was il. . .aei N-try, wno had feaan imrdt- h raiar too :rly IU intOXlAating bi.vratfa and was c nsrq'aeiitly a rifl hilartons. He trisd to gain ad mittance into th riome of bis onther, Tmmm N'-ary, of Lnz-rae street, and ; K owing that his brother and .'iciity wr insida th boase, Nesry prt laedad at firs: in a deliberate an I ifcrwar.l a violent mirner to batter 'own tn door with an axi. His brothar tried to frighten him away by r:n two s'.ots in toe air with a r vo.Tr. r,ns wn p.naOle todOM After tr.e taa had ;o m for so-m tim-, Constable Morgan appird on th- too an ; arraatsd t .e bei-gr Oa t.ie way to tiia station hoot Nary broke awav and raa, ieaving the eon jtaole a forlorn and dlMOMOlall Ian. Brisf Nsws rtmi. Th W-at .Side Stars cballaog" anv clnb nnd-r 1 1 vears of ag- to play baa I bail. Tu personnel of the clnb is as follows: CatfiMrTi W. CHilagheri lt( -r, I0 DiVH; I ot Stop, Frod Oivis; tir' boM(Baah BagbM satsond r. is. HnhM; third is Baoford I'ntilipa; cut-r fid I VVili Hughes; afl bid, I). I'nilli;e; right fuld, W. Mi l.on Imv.s, in i.iag-r. Th- Aoctosji Ordff of Btbarotana, Board of Er:n,win hold Ibaii quarterly c .r.Ton'i Ml in CO'Oparatlfa hill, on Main averiila, torn irrow after noon, ronnfsrMlWI at 1 o'olOth 0 the -tsning an entertainment will lis hal I, foUoWad Irf a bM(nWt, Many pfOIDl nnt speakers will address tha inting or- vV. Jenkins, toe drngKis', la rseovsrinz from a ssvare illris MtflMi Oaftia and Jsile Williams, Of '.'arh I I , tlnitad frinds 01 this si I- yesterday. Tbe bOTM stolen from the birn of John O Mall 00 Jackson tr,it win returned yesterday morning by a man woojresides at the Higb Works, who Inroad tM animal lnt a Bold along the K-jniT OfaaM roi not a gr'at ii'ai c from th o vi alia NaldaoM, and lol I some riblldreo which nApMnnd to b BMr by, lo Inform Mr O'Malll vt th wbarwabonli of nis borM Tba saddle was found laying in th load. 'I ha fnoeral of th yonng child of Mr and Mrs John Jenkins, of 'aelMitn stret, will occnr this afternoon, at 15 fl') oVbrf-K, from the family rnsi 100 PJaTba f onaral of oba, Iba lafaot son or Mr. and Mr. John Jenkins, ol 0M JMMM itrMI, will occur at il 10 o'clock this aft.Tnoon. Illsa M liiiilse Williams remiuiil her duties na laMbtral No. II Mbotfl David Booh, attndani at Wyonlnu seminary, lias returned after visiting frJondi on tiiis aid, Mrs. Hiram li Hayre, of ImIIoii, Is the giiM. of (rlandi on this ild, Miss Edna Kvims. of BlroodabarA', hoi returned horn-: aft..r a visit with fntn Is on this i l A gang of lonfhi nigbtiv aodfrata at the corner of Hwetbmd Itraal and llromley avenue and disturb tha aM of the ri' ighborhood. A Rranilfiil Mai Market. That has just, been opened by F. M Ayles worth nt 'J.'il Wyoiiilng avemie. Slew fiirnisliing and ice boxes and everything about ilii-slorH looks bright, mid neat, Tba rn-nt market is ill tiy IHI feet and Iihh the latest Improved fnriiishlnga ami up-uriitus for keeping fresh meats, huttrraiid Maa in a pror way. Mr. Avlesworth has baatl In business for the Inst, Mrfnta0 years nnd hns such a keen perueptmn of the imblic wants Iu his IteO Unit through such experience it Is a guarantee to nil patron that their wants will be strictly ana caremiiy attottdad tOl Mr. ArlMWOMO Iihs every Incllity for delivering order promptly nnd on short notice, nnd wishes tosnytobls customer i that llothing but the choicest meats will be sold in his es tablishment, while the prieos will bo very reasonshle. A call at bis establishment, will pay you. 3'i'A Wyoming avenue. FATHER AND SON ON TRIAL, Cby Ar Char d w 'h BaTlmrwarglar ic d a bt t at Ulcki... City. Grange Blaokmor, of Wlnton, nnd '.is IB r u old aon, Dan1l Blauktunra, were put on trial bafora Ju Ig Blttaar in eonrl room No. 'i JTMtarday ohnrgod with hiving bnrglarii da tha dtpol ol the 1) duwar and Hudson Oinal com pauj at Dlokaon Oily on tha bight ol Jan ft last. Detective M. OHppin swore th.it the day aftaf tha burglary ba arras tad the DOy !' his home, and upon being qnM Honad mi l onutlonad iv bis mothvr lo tell the truth lie ild that his father ha I compelled him to balp break lol and rob tha depot, Phay did tba job, he asld, assisted I V moil 010 d VV I and rnrnar, JtistlM ol lhaPaMLo gnu and OOMtablO llirron, of Prtc hui'g, leNlitied to hMrlOll th boy mall si mi I it admission. Attorney ToUtl 0'Brlan ippaarad for the ootntuou waallh, Alter ba opening for the llffani BUoknOr ami the son Want on the ' land and denied having tin any hand in the burglary Tha boj tlitiv d mlod ever bsving made any udUttlsiom In Dataotlr Crlppan 01 any on alw Some evidence aa to food chariictei Was also llffrd by Hie d- t'eine. At i BO Jodg Blttaar Bnlihad his charge an I the caso was glVan to the jut i, The BlaoktOOra'a have been In J ill since the bUrgUl V - S hmm I' J.'i KIPWM iNaOl MINI. Xwa Popala? aoaaa ataa In Obargs af tletel St Danll 'I'lwie is probablv no hotel In the valley more popular and favorably known thri BolalBl Danll Thaplaaa tu.: Information oomaa tins wmr thai tlot.'i st Danii haapaasad Into tha bauds ot attain M d 1 1 ' 1 1 v mi l W M. aforan, Iwo yonng man wboia t nlarity is only agaaadad hji their bust It, Si nullities. II t l St. llenls has alwayi born an axoaadlngly high ,vi' Utattoil lor lis exo llent serviee, and its patronage is drawn from the v. rv hesi people, who know now to appN Olata the good things of llf" and are wllliug to pay for thnm whan praparad by iklB'ul and careful band rba lunoh room gira a graal deal of guilatorv gratiflcatioo an I anjoymanl to Iboaa who patroolaa u, for its natuiai ami good order, the celerity and dlsptloh of the a rvic . the izt ram agoallanM of everything served and tbe remHrkahly low prle obarged for tti- aooommod i -lion. Under tim now msnagemenl Hotel St. Denli will .become more pop ular than avsr, for tfaiirs, Baal) and Morau will not o:ily retain the higli rr potation the borne now enjoy, but will ndeivor to go further in the way of exo Hence than eveu tiwir pradeoai sors. Hotel Si lietiis, under the new proorietorehip, will lead the van and be the ti Velty an I par excellence of iio'el life in ibis region, Me-srs. Ile.ily an I M r m h ive I SO tired the services o Mr Din Ring aa mixer of driuka and his reputation tu tins Una is one of the b 'st in the oltv a PRoPtRir OWNiRi OBJcCT. Thy Want tha A; p mtiusut of Viawsrs Set Aside. An f ffort is to msda to have the appolatmeni of viawen set aside nnd all proceedings vacated iu tho matter of ne-uin; lamises that will ba done :o property on West Laokawanna av mi' by reason of the construction ol tbe viaduct ovr tlie Dataware, Laoka wanna and Western trices. Ira B"nott ft Co and Luther Iv-IIer, iwnirs of property that will be daut- aged, thronn timir attorneys, yester lav askd th' court to set aside tha ap: ointment of VieWeri and V. ciite the condemnation prootadingi on the it round that toey ere not in accord anc with law. Argument on the matter Will he hear 1 on April '.' !. Col E H Uipple having refme I to srve us a viewer on aooount of inter est, court yesterday appointoj C. F. Matt-s to tak" hi plao The other rlewer aw xJulg H M Bwlyand T. V. Powderly CMPlCfi Was A HOG. B Asked for F od and Ihn Stolr. J wilry. Willinm Compton pleaded guilty bo forejadgi Arobbdd to u charge of iarcenr and rroslvlug and Wl n teneed to piy a ti i of -Jl and apsnd six months in tne aoUnt) j III, A few months ago Compton went into the feboener reaidtnea in Ball' steail court nnd ask" I for lOfflOthlng to eat. Miss PhMbt Bohoanar want lo tba kitchen to gal some food for blni and during iier aosMin:, b stole two rings that were lyin iu the room in which he was lff sitting. -- -a- SAIERHO BMNTB0 A DIVORCE. (lis Wlf Lafl Him a d OOOSol d II"i -stlf by Tahlntr An: th U Kosbtl i Onofrio Malern , eon of sunny Itily, VMlcrdaf obtaiorc a dlvoroi Inionrl from Ins wife, Bttnalata Salerno, w to pTOVfd faithless to hr tnsritage vo.w The COOpI were maffild 00 I'' b, I, 1800, and resided in Raymond i 11 I no Li I tbe fall or 80l when Mrs .' n erno went to BroAklyo, N V , an I sgalo went through th formality of marriage v.'IMi Hoi 'Ho I, no i, To i H blind Nil, i it i t also said sbn has b aa u r dibfnl, e r'ufci: fins Bseloalvely Pest mi de f in v of v .1". in d iicmber of tunes Oaotachl at Hons,, nianaraeturera, IdMCbeatant ureet, Pbilndelpbii Won darful nrche'iri d orirmis, eulyf 'iand tin. BpeClaliyi Old muilc bolesci illy re paired and Improved iii n inoika fi -I JOM 0 f, pi .aetie.,1 hi HI I n id I o painlar has removed iron eueri bone Meara to " B Bptae street, oppn lie 'i rlbnn i m- . Huntington's l0M6 BAKERY, Wp. havt. a laprfl as'son ment of PLAIN AND FANCY CAKES, ICE CREAM and WATER ICES Leave your order at 227 WASHINGTON AVb or 413 LACK A. AVE. Our Lackawanna avenue restaurant open until midnight. OTES I SOUTH SI SudiL'ii fatO of IbOIDU J. CaiBjff, of Pro::- peoi Mbdoo. AN OLD, RESPECTED CITIZEN Heart Diao.i'.i) Allaikiil Him Wbilu Ho Was .it Work in lb, O.irdcn. Hi:. Flliil'i'.il Will l ako I'l.n on Thunday Mor Marriage ol Patrick bud I o lo Mri. S.u-.ili l.y ni'. I'm , on. il Mention. Thomu J. Cunnlff, of Proipaol av' nut, died nf heart dlaeMs raaterday ifternoon while al work Iu ins garden, Prom He' tael that Mr. CuntllO had al ways en joyed the be it of huallh, bin delb was ai;roil ihoOk 10 111 faiiiilv and nninaroni neqaalntam n n at tended tar vie In 8t Peiar'a ostiiedral in the morning m was ins oustom, and after retnrnluii home ba went to work iu tim garden where be remained nuiii about noon when he waeexi tad to coma to dinner Mrs. Cuunlfl went to o iii h i in and w is terribly hi cl, i to find blm pi one on the ground llfeleii Thedeceuaed his i highly reipeoted tltlaeu, noted lor hi booaaty and tinfalllug friend ablp for everybody He was a atrial total sbatainer and at tbi time of hie de, lib was a ni' mber of St. John's ao olaty, of th Booth Bid i, He li ur vlved by bli wife and all children, John .1., of the Times, TliolrTaa P., ol Washington, i 0,, Bary, Rota, Kttia and Nellie (JunniS The funeral will ink" place Thunday inorulna A high muss of ri'Qttleiu will b oelabrated at St Peler'l 0athHdrl mid ilileruiont will ba made In Hyde I'ark Catholic oemetery, Persooale, John V, Gaffooy, Of U-tlileliiu, n rai' inspector, is visiting Michael t I'Boyle, on 1 1 met itreel rim marriage of Patrick Lnilden, bl Blnooka, and Mrs. Sarah LyOUl, of Cedar avenue, motber-io-law of J'ro faaeor Martin J Lovero, w.ih ioI amnlaed yesterday momlog In Bl John's ohuroh. A reception wss bebi I i t evening at the ri'Hidence of I'm lessor LoVem, on Cedar avenue. The marriage of Mis Rom Balrelgel nnd Heury Sunday will occur tomor row afternoon at J o'olook al t'i" Bel reigel resilience !i,iv August Lauge, of tbe Blokory Street Preibyterian church, will perform the ceremony, ' h it rHi'mri 'epha The funeral of Patrick Clark.of Stone aveune.will take place tomorrow morn Ing at ',) o'clock. I ii term ut iu Hyde I'.irk cemetery. Conductor Richard J tlrimes, of the Blnooka an I Greenwood line, went to ray lor last night and practiced on shooting at elay pigeons. Two otbor competitors alao wra on hand, and aneb contestant shot at fifteen pigeons. Out of the number Mr tinmes broil' foarteeo pigeons, nnd the nearst ap proach to blm was twelve. There is no better shooter with tbe breech loader on tiie Sonth Side tkan Mr. (iniiies. A half doz?n stagnant pnddls stand as a memo to the health of the pupil attending No. 7 school. FERRO VVA5 FOUND GUlLTV. Assailant of Contractor Burke Convicted on Three Charges. Antonio Ferro, the It dian who shot and wounded Contractor Timothy I'.nr!;1, nt Washington avenue and Spruce street on the evening of Jan It! list, was convicted yesterday befora Jtilir Archbald of felonious wound mg, felonlooi attempt mid carrying conoMled weapons. When Ferro was erralgnel be had no attorney and Colonel F. J. Fitz Immoni was assigned to the task of defending him. Tbe Itory of the shoot ing wn tonl by Mr Burke. Frank It tiling, jr., Civil Engineer Kupp nn 1 "tlior. F-rro was the only witness for th deteMta Ba denied tba aboottug and ild he bad no rev dver on that night, II- was standing on the comer an I some one fired a eouple of shnis Who tired tin m he did not know, but becom ing frightened he ran down the street nnd a crowd followed him The case iviih given to the jnrv nt 8 o'olook, and mi hour later a verdict ot i uilly was returned 00 the three in die: nients as abOV noted. S i Tha New Nt re. Tba opening of the new bonsa foVnlahlng (rood-store ol II. Mloesernt l-l Putin evi i aa on Batnrday lant wm grand suoceai, II. is sin pi ising to see the articles thai me s.dd for 4, B and 10 bent, it would balm possible to mentlun anv article of tin or glaHwuie Uial canOOl be found at tins Stole, We ask iiverj ono lo O nn" and KM 0Ur new store. ' S Hahru just returned from New fork with a fine lot of Mrpetaj runs and mate, Of i 'en n ayanne. WHY DO YOU DO II ? Whi ran all over tba rdty looklna ferrml ' i iio with mi l nan 'i d an I ta Is' world u ell in th in Hni run will airs vert I" . I , l it f i , W , Jl Id,, r, ,,,, ,. Ilil'i vo'ir dollars Ifold, silver and meen backs to A. W. JUEI30H Ida ' I II I I IT I HI I, and net full valor. im v ar mona I nn ii 1 1 1 - 1 1 it i utHM, I ' i sit I m . TACK I i , I im, 1)1 iii BY, IKlfJ i "II. its axixikni n ii. hI'oh riNa a ioim Th Vii TOB vTHfcBfi l.e ets Ibcyci ". lire arras, to rsnalrsil i short im, kin Key fllthi a o i di v. line ma a rait A TRIP Tbrongh onr Rleyct Dapartmanl edUthew yen tbu Knost line ofmew nnd elegant load ni roiaeaabl prlcM'yon aver saw, Eroially not tba i.n ni.si i;n n H ti .,, Mini las'eit pyele iii th" market. Call and gat prlcoti arSBOOIfDOBADI VBBILSi They win rarprin you. Florey & Holt Y. M. C. A. Building. mm Hr v.. I BOLE AOENTfl POB Hey wood's Baby Carriages tut lit i I lltinor and Tollel Si'Im in mil equalled in Hni :ily for Pi Ice, Quality or Quitntity, Jardenieri, Lamp.i, Silverware. CHINA MULL WEICHEL & MILLAR 116 Wyoming Avenue. TheGreal Marvel ol Dental Bcienca Ana)stheno A recent di coverj and tbe tole property of HonYood a Wardell, UENTISTS, 310 Lackawanna Ave. WHAT. I (J. SEA MONS SAYS A ; "I A.N.KSTJJKNR DBS. REN WOO n A 1VABD1 Lb After hftvlug ln, a t.-.-tl, rxtraetad at one anting by tha palnlsea method, l pm nonnes li eutirel'j latlsfaetorr la everj partlealar, 4. a ikamoni 'I yfll, a ,r n L V V l y ii t r y laffiii;" i tm COLLINS 8c HACKET 220 Lackawanna Avenue. DunlaPiWomen's Coats and Capes Hat s SPKIN(; STYLE ON SALE CHRISTIAN. Sole Agent, 205 Lackawanna Ave. MULTICHROMES. Art for the masses. One Dime and One Coupon. Handsome line of Long Frocks and Sacks, made from Fine Grey Clay Worsteds, Vicunas and Black and Blue Cheviots. Custom Tailoring at Moderate Trices. IWEartirx Olothieri and u.!iigiBiBiiiBitiiiifffe-fyiP".iMBB;t HtiiiMiiitiiittiiifiiiiirtiiitiiiiMtitiirriiiiia ISlLFashion 308 LackawannB Ave. VI:, ary Department In order to move itock. vie havs rnad sween- 3 ' m n v. i all around. Hats, trimmed in a rav the latest fashion, 1 WORIH S3.0a WILL SELL NOW AT $1.28 WORTH 4,50, WILL SELL NOW Al 1.50 WORTH 5.00. WILL SELL NOW AT 1.98 1 S Flowers, worth 1 be. Sprays, worth 35c. I Sprays, worth 4bc, - - - Bell now at 25 cents I Lace Curtain Department . - 5 WORTH 5 SO '- B1 H 50 S WOK 1 H 5 JM S k. foil aaaortmaat ia real Point do tatna at len tbaa coit of importation. B s tylesand widths riiriiitiiiiiiiini!iiHiit;ii! :irtii(Mii! .lit. f r,.( lll!ll' " k. '"HI1" !' I W an 1 i. 1 h - . r -A. .Ar- 7there the " Good Clothes Come From, i Qooli mfA from geaalai woel taken from the sheep's back, mam- f.ietnreil be expert w-rVmcn. finely woven .ni rast dy A, n-.e-iy aal snd Brm y in. i.l. . are : be c r onr eaaioBMra. irf-lan -..-i t sroal do it the searwitl waivlar.a yTi that fst dyes en fine l.alr.- . well eat sni well made, give anfsl lag asMafeeUasu Ifyon ivan' to get I i l r, bast in quality at (aires; prkasv cotae t our Here, lt'.s l litre lbs Good lo!hp.3 Come Ftoe Bw A '1 r f s I r, We showed yon n largo collection of ruins nnd ,Tatkta al BaUtBi tide, J odgy -llY ;,-.,. twice .is nuw- Jackets in Covet Cloth and Twills. Moire and Silk Trimmed They Fii Well Wear Well, Look Well The PrteeB are W v DOWNt $) 50, $7.50, $9 to $12. Think of FIFTY Styles of Theverj uoweel andneatoal :ir' i Gro-Orain Silk, Moiro, Cloth and Laeo, tottoe the prtoe tieketsi $5, $6.50, $9 10 $20. Jackets, Capes and Top Garments for Everybody. Gr. 12ST. Owens 6c Co. I'l.OAKMAKI'.ltS. SUITS AND V'ltAl'.s, IPItl OE BTRBBT, COURT BOV8B QVARB, k Dclany Custom Tailor:. a bunch, sell now at 5 cents - - --...;! r.ow at 15 cents THE 1 1 ". 'i I M i - r VBmWM WUI eel I now at 1 BS a Will (.en uow at ft 7S g Will ;; now at $2, : 5. S Besaiaanl sl i irosaela Car I Canain- ;d an tb diStereet a S i t I'mmfmntrno i ' O. 1 S ir M Irl rj K ff B jf Kr Fa tm y CAPES