THE BCHAHTON TRTlnfTmiC - IHTSDAT !VrOTTNTN"G. ATTTTTj IT, 1S94. WYOMING CONFERENCE 1 'tut commute on iiiiuper.1111: n mi probibttion" wus adoptf). A resolution aikiug rueuibt'ia throughout IhH ei)nferueo to ooriiitlls' loceive lt.iv. A. Griffin, Rppolntud to nolleit funds for tho Pnniohors' A'ul uo ciaty, wmI arloptad. Tbn tonulitn on ratolaUoni pr tit - 1 n a ! of ffru "fn r-"ti 1- r Mr ' '? 'Ti, P if I J I Ashley, !. H. Sweet, Atknni, i . V, Hoiitb Avoca, G. T. Price. Cartrarton, Abel wrMay. Centraninralaud, .1. w. i'rice. Dalian, w. u. Wostlaka. Entiu, W. s Wllroak. Forth Port, L. E Van Ron tan, in. n Lyon, 1 1. H i 'loiinb 1 1 1 n. TjConnolly&r Wallace Concluded from Page I. A Word' i' ni oar. R u- K. B. Oinii ml, - , , i m rOit ' much, "f - l'n' uj ii ill Li I UU I) i Ml I JoVU tlrtiv 'II, 1 WH OppiNM itreunouly by U-t Latliar W. Peok ami others and mi tiu.illy withdrawn Tiio Sunday school lommlitea re oommendtd oma In iMttrioi teachar nd Unit class?! for instructors b inaugurated Tbe report was adopted. THE AMERlOtN fSlVERsll'Y Bllhop Hurst then snoke about the ; rogNM In arraugemout for sttaultsh ln the American university at Wash ington, It wae tuned through u pati II hi r Americ iu stndaiiis in lieruian thsoWlotl college!, who grayed for instruction on broader and uon-tkeplical prluciplat. The board Ol trc.steet ws appoint I pv COtJ tfiess aud continue ! by the gantral conference; it commit a two -third uu'ir.b rsuiti of a! tnodutt and a ou - ttnrd ui- uuerhip of other deuoiuitia- : tiont. fourteen m.tioual collection ot VarlOM kinds will be accessible to students. Iu ustusl tubictiption and Iha value of uinety acre ot land the m lversity ha a "fuud of 1 1, 000000 The rirtt corner itone will probably be laid befort autuum ta00 the su'o scnptious ar li.000 (rem a Catholic : priest aud $10 Iron a nephew of Pope I L-hi X'.ll. two of miiuH children attend u Metuodilt Suuday acliool. j KollowiuK tL ll adlresi the following , contributtou wero ubacribed by mem- ! lets of tbe e inference : Key. J. G Eiikmaa $100. Kv Luther V Peek, i D. D . $1U0. Mf Kate Klovd. $100; ! Mr. A. ftnfflu, 100; Ra H. M. V-n! Deue. . K; v I ii Hirrou;), f.'5; Kev if Snow e . ISO; Re. Amu ctuO u Caiiaa.1100; R-v V II Tn-: rev. llW; Re. J. W. Price, fit . R J t Divi. 10. Kef. W M Uiller, 188; Ker. J L rbomas. 198; Ke J, V.. Lille!!. .;.. K-T. F. K Dotv. ttfl . Re. Stephen J . -. yj j. Rev. L K. Vat! Heteu, i-'.'"' Rt J imes Benniugar, i 23; a tncad. fli; Rs. L. Saute-. i'M; Rrv X. B. Ripley. S9; R,v. E. I Cooh, I0; Mra. Ami S Carrl. 10t K v tL t-rsonea. 10; total, 1,KK) I Previously tu toliowiag uad e-'CO subscribed W0: P.jvs. A. F. Chaffee, M Bard, D O.. L C Murdoci, W R iurner, J V iJicboton, P. R 1 H '.vi' nr-, J. A Faulaner. Kmc. Revs. L. L. Spr.i?ne and J S. L wis ba! previously 'ibserib'd 10 each. R.-v. W. il. Hi.ler wi appointed treasurer of tae fun ! and an adjourn iun: was tiateo uattl J o'clocS. CCM.-SC -FftSriOOM 5ISSI0N Thrse Emf H a s K'tlaaaa a Delus : B is .i . and H p rti. v S Hard, D D.. oocnpied r q j'st of Biattop Hurst at R.f t '.;.' i! . tn- bazinoi .: . tin aftarnooaaeatlan. Pr !-: .vis tf-r-d oy R-r J B Sou B'-r, of EiUatoSa QamoUoaof RiV. J. G E.craa. I B i SI, Ward, of Syracuse, vrai admltttd '.o members'.ip in the confer- ' !We. Ai:red C. Brackenbury, Joshni Brandalf, Ferris D. Corned, Robert Hoi -i .OeorgsH N..rtbrop. Curies M. Olaataeid, L.vis D Piiunr. Will i itco Wilcox iud Davi 1 B W;ioa wer adaaittad o-i trial. The catu t of Jeremiah S. Ollald WW referro l to tne coafi Tiace c iumi::ee w-.o later r ported favorably, Uaeratary 0 mataad read the report I mi urn rooiniittoa on Sinbttn obaert an;e, arhn recommended a mor , trie I of la day ol rant and ! ci:inra-n d t'a prceoti of tr.e Amen -can Sin atu anion. Rev. F. A. Dony, . disruT s irreury, mu I baa had for bis ' work i j t.eii-ilr of tile anio . Tn- f-p rt of the eoanMttat &n fuid Cm coi.t-reoce mi&atvs s ...tveit us: j-Kir's enTfrttoM to ba fStlLSO, f'nit year'-, iOl -':', a deficit f, t;.i5 Tn- j commit. e v as cnntiiiucd toaoitcit a nb criptiotis from Dioiatan w:i i not I aHDiariba-t. Tb c-.niniitte's rcnm ! Baaitaiion th aecretary end n env?!opes to tha dellMjoanti fc.r tho I pitr:.oe of jecorin' paymanti wi, a'- lar roaiHierabia daout, a'iopti. The mission.-irv collecrin ownitt Trfrr .1 foctln i f .? M9. fi:,,r,i, iso-i a; u-ia; lM M,4I ; an IkCrtaa ts'j'J y-r lS'Jl ma aiicraof in'i'J (( lust year, TIM CUenango hii . ij Moau diatriota aloa bfva I in cr aa i f 39 .n I 09 rspectiyiy. Tl.n KMeaoptl lOttd MMiltMt re porr. reail .y R-y P, O. Rnckmin. ot Brooklyn, revealed a rt- i reate of 6l3 The comm;ttr on adocatlin recom men led mat ftOpa be taken to offset the encroachment of the Catholic c'. i'.r. M in ii.e stal l:umnt of educa tional inttitntiont particularly. tljardt of visitor to educational in tttaiiow w-r- reeonaMsdad na fol lows: Wyoming eminiiry Key. T F H ill. C M Sor lam, ' . H. Newing, (;. A. Benja ndn, J. vv KiaiMtooa, H m, Crydaftwtte, ir. li. T. Dauhar, r. b Rarruon, Tiiiie B.nkalv, W. i'. SchencK. H. ' . Perlrius, Vmf. E. W Orifltb. W oman's CoilegH-Hsyt. L L Sprnune, W. fl. Parce Weilyari ( niverxity Ftav. E B. Oim stead U. Hi Van Denn. lyraema (Taiyerfliy Btya J. F. War ner W. It. l-liopson. I)r"w Tbef.loii.jal Seminary Hsvs. J. A. I'u;kuer, ft, ". Hill. Dickinson College -Revs. J. R Boyl, L. t loyo Bo;pQ L'aiverity f'.ey. J. V. Vetl, J Bone. A retolnti on. preeented bv Rev L L. .Spragne, for pator on tiny M to take ctdlection on that dy iu all :i iarg where contribntiona have not i.een mad for the Wyoming nummary i ittnl-oentenniat, wa ndopUM, The steward' RppOrilonmant for the : following tnperan listed list and others wat adopted: Key. Aaa Bronte, B. B Carrotb, L Cole, R 0. Gill. J. H. LeUll, A. V. Harding, J. W Hewitt, Philip Holbrook, W. I ,ludd, A. W. Lewis, J. W. Neavi, D. Pemoti ens, G A. Overton. A. D AleTanilnr, Q S Alexandor, C. V. Arnold, P. Iarllett, H. A. Blaticliard, doneph Hartley, K. Hlorna. G W. Loach, G Parson. J. K. I'eck. R. S Rote, E Hibley, C. W. Todd, W. D, Thotna, Mrs. G. C. Lewie, Henry Hallatuad, Mr. G, C Andrew, Mr. Iaao An tin, Mrs W. H Gavitt, Mr E M. High, Mr. R. L. Kenyon, Mr W R, Lynub, Mr. Francit Spencer, Mrt U V. Spencer. Mr. David William. Mr. U Worrell, Mr. W, Breckinridge, Mr. William Bnrnaidl' Mrs. D. Copeland, Mra N S. DViit, Mr. J. I) 8aflor., Mrs P. G. Whll , Mr. J. T. Burrtdl, funeral expedsea or tbe late Rev. William Jlurniid. The report of the committee on tern -perance was honored with a riling vote of adoption. It contained u denuncia tion of the liquor evil and recom mended that there be no cessation of the tight to tuppret it. A resolution offered by Rev. J. C. Hogan, of Forest Cuy, to change the committee uuine to I ilea Mild We i 1 1 u pro til- OUIUVtUO A motion by Kev. Mauley B Hard, D. D., to racomldtr tho qttastlon ot rqoal uiiultterinl and laity represent u liOB at the t'enaral conference, which wus lout on Saturday by a 34 and 108 vote, wae not earrWd. Tho ratio o( r-pretetitatiou rttuaius 1 for from 49 tO BO member. The mlnotN of tho aftoruoou MttlOD Wore then read and adopted A motion to adjourn immediately following the announcement of up polnUMOta WM carried. After prayer the ippointmaiils were read. mm ' JfPCINIM N s rOW THISVfcAH. Place Atsleunt to iha Hrsauhare of the Oonfsreaoe, Kollowins it tho ht of place where preachers of the conterenoe will Offlcil vte for at least tho coming year T no uuouiiceiueut wa made by Bllhop Hurst. UKOHaUTOtl PisttttCT. J. v. WoodtutT, Piesidiug F.lder. An Dam, l'a. 1 U liamo. Blnghamton, Centonary, M. Colyiua. I'htuangvutteet. J A Kanlk icr. Clinton atraat, J. w. Nicnoiiou. High atreol. iv, i Simptou. Lesteranire, W. J. lid:, oak timet, W. R, Pilliuer. Tabernacle, E B. Uliustead. Brooklyn Pi, P, Q Knvkmau. Daltoui J. K. Augel. Ka. tervvillr, rl H. Wilbur. Fairdale, Q, L. Williams. Falls, C H. Newuig. Franklin Fork-, E. D. L'ook. liibsoo, U C Jacobs. Q euwooj, J. Attstln. QtMtBnd,J 8,Cronptoi Harford, Thoin Eva. Hawlevtou. A. Eatmau. Klrkwood, J. B. WU..o. Utneahoro. t! I Hubbard. Maine. F.. 1'. E drijge Montro-e, J. F. Jones. New Milford, Jonaa I'aderwood. Newton, J. C Jo'inaou. Nicbo'sou, li E. V.iu Woert. Oakland, A. Eastman. Randolph, t. be supplied. Kjsh, Abram Bcofiold. -;.': ingvilD, J. il. Weston. Susiinehanna, Stephen Jay. L'diou, C H. Have. I'niou (.'enter, (X L. Uice. Vearal. Isaac Jenklna, West N'ichjUoD, L. T. Van L'auipeu. 1'HESaNl.o DISTK1CT. Rey. H. L rydeuwise, Pieid:ug Elder. L'a-tli- Creek. H. li. Blair. Cbeuango Bridg-. F. D. Walters, (.'beuaugo Forks, Levy Janison. hoooaat Center, Char lea imiiu. Elmeston, F. D. Hartsock. Ex-ter and Schuv'sr Lake, A. V. Finch. Garrattville, A E. Thurston, lii bertviUe. J. il. Correll. I i-tfe e. L. B. Weeks. OoiUord, M. QodhaU. Lisle, J. F. Joues. .Marat hou. E. R. D. Briggs. McDoni agh, Ueoio Pope. Morris, G. F. Ace. Mount L'pton. W. T. Blair. New Bei-un, E. L Jeffrey. Ncrth Fenton. D. .V. ; wetland Norwich, J. vV. Bradshaw. Uxforil. William Frisbie. Plymouth. R Lowry. Preston, E. li. Cavaaauga. .-herbnrne. W. H. Alger. Smyrna S. H. Wood. South New Berlin, J. W. Davis. Triangl -, M. T. M -.ttoon. Whitoe--'' ' iut, J. B. Man tee. toil ' HO E-DAI.E DISTRICT. W. L. Tborpe. Presiding Elder. Beach Pond. B F, Larrabee. Eethanr, Samnel Horaaa. Canaan, P. R ToWer. ( arbi.adale, William Edgar. Catlt Brook, J. A. Tiansue. Cherry R:dge Clifford, Pmiip Ilojck. riamasca, H. E. Wheeler. Dnnmor. J. C. Leacjck. Forai City, J C Hogan. ... Itboro, H. C. Braokeab'jr,'. QaUlea, A. C. iiiackenbrg Hale's Eddy, In . ma Burgest Hawley, I. N. Sliipman. Herrick Centre. J. S. Lewis. Honedale, C A. Benjamin. J ick-on, B B. Wilson, .lermyn. F. B. fiend ill. f.uckawaxen. a. M-.rris Like, L. W. Karhner. I oscotf, A. C. atmrkin. Narrows). urg. David Evan?. North Arlington, B N. Butts. I I yphant, to be supplied. Paapai k. J. 0. ftaymon l. I'eckville. F. P. Doty. Pleasant Mount, W. N. Sliaw. Kileyville. Halem, H. (i. Harned. Sterling, J. fl. Brdce. Thomson, A, C. Olver. Throop and Nay Aug, J. V. NeWell. Ui.londale, W. L. Dindaburry. Waymart, O, H. Prentia. ONKONTA DI8TRI' T A. J. Van ( I -IT, pieslding elder. Afron, U B. Personeu. liainbrldge, T. F. Hall. Cooprtown. D. I' RipUy. Dnvnport, C. H. Reyuold. Daostur, Worcester. E. E. Pearce. Fergnnonville, B. Bweet. Fly Creek. A. M. Colgrove. Harpertville, Joshna Bruudle. Hartwirk, H. A. Green. La iren. Masonville, U. it Stone. McCtart, . H. Taylor. Mlddleford, W. Habcock. Mllfard, N B Itipley. North Hiiiford. One rata, J E. Bone. Ot.g ., J. H Utt il Ouqusg, W I' Itoice. Port Crane, S G. SuoWdaO, raiiitana Springs, J. L Iboiuas. Sidney, A. D. Decker. Sidney MateY, C. E. D. Shepherd. S:hetivus. C li. Sar-kett. Cnadllln, II. A. Williams. Weetforo, c. c VtootMtt, W- ll' BridKe, ltiil-rt. Ronao. Windsor, Mtrt KiliHttiick. Worceiter, ll, H. Benedict. OWi.o tilsTHIt.'T Wilson TralMa, PraddMl Elder. Apalachln, to be supplied. Athena, O, a. Cure. Barton, H. A. Terry. Berkshire, A J. Cook, Uamptown, J. I! Dnvls. Caodor, G. J. Beer. Dnnbv, J. K. Allen. Flemmitigvllle, EL A. tninby. Harford, I. 0. Este. Hornbrook, . Le P.avsvllle, T. It. Wnrrnock. Litchfield, C Sweet. Little Meadows, .Tcremiiib Custard. Lookwood, s. B. KaMtoi Uohoopany, R, N. Vau Deuseu. Meshoppen, R. M. Paacoa N-wark Valley. J. U. Cook. Nichols. A. L Ellswoath. North Tioga, O. II. B. Aitnstrong Orwell, P. M. Mott. ( iwego, .1 F. Warner. Roma, S. H. Florey. Savre, Tbnnai Barronn, Skinnei's Edd. W. H. Strang. Mataryllla, O. H Northrop. Bontb Denny, s. D. Uaipin. Speedsville, A F. Brown. Spencer. 1. B. Wiltou. Tioga, Zlba Evan. Waverly, U M Siirdnm. Windham, L. P. Howard. Wyaln-lng, I. J. Smith. WetlUiiby, ArthurG. Blootntleld. WYOMING DISTK1CT J, u. Eckman, Pretldiug Elder. i i -oi:-. w, Qaier, Pltiaton, .i it. Bumaor. PIbIun J. N. Lea 1'lHiusVllle, rlymonth, 0. L. Soveraou. I'l lllgloville, Raadnan, w R. Cochrane, BcrantOO, .lbury, A F. ChaftV. Utdar Avenue, E. 1.. Sautee. Elm Park, W. II Ivwce Humpti ii street, a. w. Cooper l ark Place, P. li. Hawxhuut. Proviilence, M I), 1'nllur. Wrnpaon, l. Q Pioyd Taylor, r. a King. Truokyllle, Clark Callander Tttnkbanaook, w. m. Miller. Wannatnlr.Joaaph Uadltonaad ami J. H. Bi'iiiigii'ss. Wayarlr, P, li. Partoni, Watt Nanttoaka, a. D, David. Waal I'iltnion, II. II. Mo . null v Wllkaa Barre, Central, J, w, Wubb. Den- Manorial . a. Plaoa. i'n-t ehuroh, J. it. iioyie. Parrlah Btraet, L, Q. unrdook, WeUli Mi-m,iii, T. Jonklu. n foming, g . ' l.vinau. Vatesville, T. M. IVniry. Manley s Hard, assistant eorra ipondlng MOraUry of the Church Ex tension society aud member of King--ion quarteily coiifrrsuc. L L Sprague, principal of Wvominn temi uary and nauoei of Kingstoi- ip.lar- Urly aontaranea; F A Dooy, dltirlol ciotary of the American Sabbath union, and nieutbat of Aabury rjuartar' K oonferauoe; Austin uridlu, agent for the Preachers' Aid fun.1 , lc, H. Hin -dici, miationary In Booth America, ROMANCE OF THE CONFERENCE. Elrna Hurst Wilson Is Christened by Bisbop Hurst, Assisted by Rev. W. H. Poarce, D. D. i he conference romance not on the programme terminated last night at t be residence of Au lrow R. Raul), Ht !U7 Jefferson avenue, wheu Bishop Hurst, assist I by Rev. W. H. Pearce. D D christeited Lima Hurst Wilton. 1: was the culmination of au interest ing incident in the Wyoming confer ence that lent nn uncommon element of romance to that grave and IttiOQI body. At the retidenc of Mr. Raufa the preliminary event ccntrred lust Fri day, Mr. and Mr. Raub had been entrtainiug Kev. Mr. aud Mrs. David Wilton, of Troy, N. Y., the former a student at the Drew Theological semi nary. Ignite uuexp "Ctedly Mrs. Wileon preseutei her Husband with a baby girl. It had been auggested that tho pink nd white conference protege b name I Lima Scrantoo and many other Elmaa iu view of the circumstance! of her birth. The "Eitna" part was settled definitely wheu the followiug letter, with au enclosure of five new and crisp $10 billt wat recioved at the Runb residence : To Eiina Wilson : From friends in Elm Park church, recall ing one Ini ident which occurred in QotLlo h. m of Judea some centuries ago. Scrantoo, April Hi. IIM, Rev. Mr. Wilton supplied tie middle nam.iof "Hurst" in honor of tbe bisbop who preside 1 at the conference during wntcti his child was born. The christening occurred in the room with tbe taother which wat ttstily decorated with fliwers and contained a number of presents from interested Iriends. 'Ihe rhild was held iu the arms of Its father, in the presence of Mrs. Wilson, aud tha following: Mrs. French, Troy, X Y. , mother of Mr Wilson; Rev. -V'. and Mrs. V L. Thorp, Hou--dale;Mrs. Bradbury, Arnot, Pa,; Wil liain Conuell, Captain W. A May, Mr and Mr. W. H. i'eck, Dr W. W. Ivo, Mr. and Mr". Arja Williams, Miss Cliff. Mr Varnes. Mrs. F. T. Vail, Mils Helen Vail. In addition to the gift mentione 1 BUOY, E ma was remrmbered at fol lowi Silver epoon. from Miss Helen Vail, haul pain tail cup and mucer, fi niMr?, J. T i'urt-r; fiowert, from Mips Sophie Schlager; ice cream, from Mrs t, D. Jones; sliver sp ion, from Mrs. Mrt Ar.ji William, i'ha parties respontible for the letter and enclosure are not known, but per.'mpt from the list of names II may to inferred who oma of them are. Rev. Mr. Wilton will grndtwte next month and Biaamo his ministerial ap pidutinent at J ickson. I'e. M. V. Scott, Lay., of the I'. f. Mumtmll s Offloe, Allmitii. GO., wiitcs: "For many yi iirt my wife hus been n ennstunt sufferer rrom inulaestloii. sick lieadn' lie, nervous proe tratlon and all other complaints that the fe male sex Is heir to, und, after tiyiiit ninny r- in -1 1 1 ami ilieitiH'e with hut little nr no re lief, I persuaded hey to tn Dr. Pli roe'e favprlta Pn script loa und 'Onld en Medical lllsenvcry . ' Htie Wat so out nl heart. he i M urnad the unswer that it WOUld he llko all ihe rest of nn irnnil ; I, nl on my tie , ouol ika Fuld aliii would try It, an I ant one bottle est n i ana before Jin. bad n''l Mno S. iiTT " iiiniie lie ii'n ll i, lad the liSJ i 'ititlinicil to Inipruve en r elmc, and now thinks It the moat irondtrlul remedy on earth inr her set. mul reeorom ndi H tu nil lutferlne. fetatlra. She hat not been mi well iu ten v, iirs. I write this without any sullellstliin and iritha tree, ((odd Will, SOthlt 70U may le.t all who may sulTei know what It Ims dene rof her." Sold bj iiieillclnn il 'iilera vnynlitiic. E!SM Propoaale. VK.Al,r,ll PROPOSALS WILL BB RK i reived liv the undi rinn.'J until Tuixriav. th nri ixof -sv. MM. f,,r Iha hnUdlneoI a niiw M E Cliuriili nt Pe"kvllle. Pa, I'luns and tpeciflcatl u nii),eH,n liv ealKiiK nn .1 . . . i, ,. . ii.. i, , i. i ... i i .. .. ,, I ' I 1 . lev i w. i ne u ji , i u i ii te reiervrwrltht to reject any nr nfllildi II. CHAP A N . Hee Bnlldlna Com . Box MM, Peckvlue, Pa, April 12th. HHI legal I N THE i OUBT OF 0MM".N PLKAB FOR 1 the en , niy of Lukawanna n lnsmatter of lliu dloollltlnll of Ul" Mllllh Lllliolll t'oul company, No Mav turm, ism. Nonce laberebj liven ttmitiie Houtii Ltn coin Coal Coiiipaiiy lllud Its peililon lu the I 'ourt nt Coin moil I'lennof i ackawiinus eoun ty nn Hi" "Itli day of Mulch. IHl'l. praylua tut a decree of dlHKolutlnn, and that tin) rmirt lutllxcd AprlU'U. ISUS, nt U nVlnck a, in. for beanni mm ap plication for dlMtolut tea, when ami whore til pereoni interustHii can attend if tins- deem it expedient apa snow eauia iiuaintt tliu aianllii ! of lhn i raver of uald petitioner. JAIl-d W. (lAKPtiBl). Sol eltor for Petitioner. INSTATE OF UK SABIKA HW1ET, LATE j of the hornuith of An hbiiUI.Luckawanua county, l a. Letter) of administration up tho above nnnnd estate natinfl beon i.l anted to tile ill .'' r .:i- 1 all poreons havlnf elulin nr d:" Btandl nKiimst aai,l ratstt will or ewut thorn Inr aottleuient.and thoHu Indeliteil thereto will i I ., in I. luimudlalH Miymmit to JOBN J. 8W1K: , Auiiilnlstrator. Arrhliald. Pa. John H. Joni s, Attorney for Estate. , i. ot ..X i .- .a. V li st ol i rmc... '( in. avunue. 'I n i l fl "i w IT..' A I i k" 'wan II. u ildios. L. A WCUAN Would lliie to net work wora uy me u 'y i watnmi or cleaning .in i... wasuiuu noma Addles. ilAltV UdN.N'l-XtT, 7W uroa .'u twee U AM iai -by aIiov w VtAlti OFAOK, taplaymtnt In hotel, store or una riui Address w !uB'a-s BtitcU laMStroaaa bnrgi i'. OUNW MANriT WHO HA8 BAD E.TPS 1 llUeu as a t K i k und L I b00aktPr, duilres position . vltbur or bulb Kxijeet small salary at Ural would iikuan Interview, tddreea Boi nt, Tunkhannock, Pa. StfUA'PION WAKTBD OOOD PBlt 0 man and Kbolai dreaaaltnatlpawbare llu Is Willi, . In liiuku lillllHull gemtiallj usolul. T." i rlbune nBlce ClTI'ATIO.N WANTglJ UY A YOUNG p nan it elera in irooery, dry goodi or elothing ttore Hud tapeHenee at urooarj loi-ini sr . ii, u i I'feiani e. AddrestTA M, Tribune oUue, ic m vi in:: w am 6D ns - (i6'db 1 uauri betl refurenaet. Addrata Baker, Kl 'Washington A venae, Help IrVnUd Male. "ant i V. ' y i?r MaAStU 5 USDS it tluiids Itli-iruuliy and li .(.!. uoIhk i ') "ill uf lliu ci I J . lull ul SMIliUB Cl.ll. . iil Agents Wanted. CAMtsiiKM wanted to dell ouh I' g, ,!,.! In unid, to t li- liolii-ult! und it tall trade: tail on eight to every baainace man ui'iii; nn 1a. '-ttiai v jii'i .i.-iihu iuia. pu- a. lion p.-ini oieni I'ui terms udurcss with ttamp,CKNTENNlAL M P'O.CO .Mtlwankta wia U'AMlili Ma.N .n'U UVK AMit'lKb Insurance enparienoa u aoUoltor tn Lai kawanna eounty; umd :u ' . i'l .' to riiiiu nan AddreM 1II-N B.its bnildlnf, ('Idlsdrllilila. I'll w A N TKD AOENTtt ToTAKK uitUKUS bl suniula; uu will pay expense and sul ui y or ailow liberal oonniitalon; -muides m on application, a . i . i - - i . .. itux u r.'.v Kew York City. for Kent. nOR ItCNT AI'Hli. i-'I'ltK lOinMS NOW 1 iKTim .-ii In t!iu Teli uliune Dxi lmnKe, :K 1 ... uveiiiio. Apply at Hie oBee of Lehiah bait Miniiia Coy ThW H huilding. L B. and B. C FUllar. Nutioiiitl Hank IXiK ltEST-'-ril.NOLE, HOUtSE FINS, I room with olty water, upiily s'l (?uutu N.utn street DOB RKMT BUILDINO 6l Lcka- I wanna avenna froin April 1. CHABLEH II WELLE 8, Coal Baobange. UOB BKKT-TB REE H ioMsTeroxT ON " euro, id floor, ovor N A Hnlbert's miisla ttore, 117 Wyoming avenue, from April 1. In quire iu the turi. rpo LEX rib A TERM 61 YKABB 1 1' .i . ur til ut threi.- hundred (eui uf yarrl room sloug railroad. AUv ut ssiiFrauklin avenna ncEl.Y PURN18HED lluuiis POB RENT, is with net of bath and gas; ventlnutij prefemd. Mi Adums avs 'rn RENT bTOl E SizdU OB FURNISHED 1 hall on (iraeu KidcH street. Very desim- ole location m i on rcasoiiublo term. APo.r UiF. K. NETi LL TON or C io ptililii an Inlldinti. WuuUliLl-F, For Sale COH BALE A PAIIM OF EIGHTY ACRE , J one and one bait rattet trom Daltau ou tho Deluwtre, i.. i .-. ... and Westeiu railroad farm house with a never falling Spring nearby; tn-o barns, good and and food orcuurd Will tie sold cheap. Terms ess'. Auuress d. r U.N asVHUH or IsAAi ELLIS, aleOUtora Oalluu, Lackawanna county. Pa. nOB BALE QBOUND OYTitbHKLL JT tor potiltrv All nit llsslam s Lime Hon. lis cliff street TSOB SALE FOWL MANURE, EIGHT I barrels lor il H': also brown legtiui n ugm for hstcliing. Apply to Ed Urnlitb;, (N Rock well street PHAETON POB BALE INQ1 BE OF & I H. Cost nn, court stenographer, court house, or 110 Clav avenue ,"oK SALE - O-ACBK FARM. STUCK SHKKHELU, fM and utsn.lla. J, M. Slonroi1 Ave. 1,'UK SALE i'K EXCHANGE HUH SCRAN 1 ton property A bearing orun crovo incrfnfitiK lu iirouuctlon anil valuo yearly to tlie orantre section in llorlda. Aililres F. E. NETTLBTON, Lake Helen. Florida Stenographera Furniehcd. U? B A li i ' 3 Bp ARE l") ' " To' ' I T R. ISU oiiKiiiei men with Brtl class uti'tinra Dhers bjf ISO diiyor hnnr. Ripert bookk-erinr a speetaltr, ucuantoN COUMBHCIAL ASaOC'IA i ION, Limited, 1.3 Spin, strc t. Rcai C.tate. noR s a lb - simile abcii, m (juincv J avenue; vury desirublo Iqpatipn. Anply 0 F.RBYNOLDSi or WTLLAIU). WARBEN KN .M'P. Jix,Ml) WILL BOTf HOOBRM NEWS-ROOM p house, all hnprovementu; terms easy: cor uer Madison avenne and Uelewaro atreat An ply HARRY l BBS a,m W ILL BUY VERY UEH1RABI.E LOT r corner Radltoa tvsnu uuJ Liwr street Terms ewy Apply Barry lees. Charter Application. V'ot'ce i-; Mi ii'in Vii ln't'h at"an is applleatlon will lie tmi le tn the governor uf the slate of Penn-ivlvanla nil Tliuikdi y, tho third day ol Jiuv, A, 0. IIM, bv Frank M. spencer, ndrew o Bratiot, Conrad Behroeder, illiiiin V WhartoB. Stanley T, Allan aue! wlitlani IX Boyar, nnoar tne act ofasaombiy of thti comuenwen th of Peimnylvtida, eit tilled, An act to provide for the lucrporu tinii and lemilstlnii of i eitsln i oipnratiurn," approved April 2P, is;i, and the siipplenieiiv lliureiii, for the cltsi ter of an Intended cor noratloni to be called Boranton Mannin-nn ma eonnany, the charaetar ami iiMMt win root it the manufacture of Imn.or Moel.or botk or of any pthi I- motsl or article of com iiietce from iuoihI, wood, or notll, and for taste purposes tp have poaieM ami enjoy til the i lulu, iwiicfitt and ntlvOyai i ai t of i .. and IPi suppleuietiti. WILLIAM D, HOVEL, Solicitor Special Notlcen. M" EMIIEIts "u'r ' Tilt:' I'ltir'.i.'n V N I . Columbia Bnlldtai und Loan aseoi In Hons art reonaatad to mil nt room IS. Burr tittildlna ashlinili'ii aMnue. JOB I r, IIABRIH, Bupsrin endern Blank books, pamphlets, haga tines, etc . bound or rebounii at thk Tiiiiii ni . Quiet1 work MaMnaUe Ijteei r-RHCANT TO THE RYAWB, ,HE mini u ineetiui. ol' thestoi kliolders ot the W. il Itldi e Coal cinpaiiy n il) bo held at t he i, llb e ol i ) compuiiy. m tho city uf Si-ranton. on i ondayi April IK, at j pi tn., foi- the election of ofnoart nnd tiii tratjaaotwtt ol 'men otnar I il ill I i -ci us lliuy ci illie belol e I be meet ii Au amendmenl to the ByLawsnill la. submit ted. rhiinyiiii: thotliiieof the iiuiiual stock. Iinldri-s liieetinij. E. A. CLARK. tfuiMctul V und Treauurer. ' I ' , 1 1 AN N UAL MEKTI N O oFfMBBTOI !K I lolderi ol i ini Jerrayn w iter 'u . mil im hetd nt th.dr orrie,' iii jtrmyni Pa., on WmI uevdny, April Is, at loelook ' M. tor the pu, pn of vlecllUK dlreOtOfS for Ihe eusuiliu yosi . uidtuen ewer nuttaeie ta mar onme before them. Wus. RUTCiilWOT. Becretary, Ifl ii. 1 leu I T8 c,N HE RAD it 1 II. J I. corimr Spruco atreut and Eruukliii avu nue Twenty meal UdClU for III. it tliaxl ttbln board. CAM KN f JtAs TAKr TIIE LlVltvY i 1 1 1 iblt lately nplnl by Frud s. Warren 117 Monroe avenue, rein-. U'liere he la ptoiiarisl to furiiisli llrst class l.iitidauv. Hun-ova, rhea tens and tliiKius food homos ami e.n-uful drivers. Telnplione connect loua. v'ii.i MinLHEus See riNH-TRE an nut miHin: of the stoi'LUolduia of Uln Proridanee tiai andWttor t'ouipuuv win ! h Id ut tho llsluwaro and Hudson Cilia) ' ' laoy's bulldliiK, in. rt'SDkl.h nvouuu, v, ran ton, l'a, at V a. tn.. Monday, in T, iv'L to elect otlleera to Ivraa duriua the ensuing year, mid CrattfMt any other husinsss tlut may lie pietentnd. ll. F, A riii'.KTU.N. Becrotary. Scrauton .April 0, im. bitJiiii UkJx OUR LEADER ALL SIZES HOSIERY FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. POSITIVELY FAST BLACK. 1 8c. Per Pair. 3 Pairs for 50c CONNOLLY & DUPONT'S MINING! BLAITINa anu BPOBTIN0 POWDER llunUfacLin td ul llu. W, t. wnllciia.ii Mil', Lu. lerne coosty Pa,, tad at Wlf udLKton, LlI..Wkr HENRY BELIN, Jr. QeBOMl Aitent for tb Wyomiug District. 118 Wyoming Ave., Scranton Pa 1 bird Ntio:,al Dank Bulldiuj. AOBOIH TROS rORD. Plttston. ra JuH.N li SJllTH A KJN: i-lyinouth Pa. E W. MUU4GA. Wilkss-harr. l'a Agents fur the ilupauoo CLumk-al Com tuny' iliU Oh, My Poor Yes, they are undoubtedly poor and will continue so until you have them properly and scientifically fitted with suitable Glases. Our Mr. Adams is well qualified and we do not charge you a small fortune, either. Try him. No fit. no charge. Mercereau 307 l.ACUAWAXXA AViMi. "No star was ever lost We always may be what we might have been," A HAPPY PATRON OP THE RICHARDS LUMBER CO. Scranton, Pa. 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building. ' TRY US. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO KRaMTOX axd whkf.s Pxnr.E. PA. IIAITOFACTORXSB Of Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers. HOISTING ANO PUMPING MACHINERY, QtMHl Ofie'c. BCRANTOH, P.v HOW TO MAKE MONEY ThftNan hnndrada of yonug uvea nml jrovtog wotM i taU country who huve iplcudid ability, but they buve uever been WaltMMd Upi Wood's College of Business and Shorthand. llns been au Ittipiration to buttdndi ot you& people. Ifyoa ttro tirwl of imutivity ami want to ilo souiething tangible, come to tho CoUogo, comm6m bnqlwb courrb. BURtNBM OOOIIRB, hoithanu oocRti F E QOD, Proprietor. LUTHER SEWER PIPES, Office, 813 West Lacka wanna Ave. MANHOOD f.a..rt as Went ' " r bv miill ureimlil. Wth Ulimlloii ur linmi.l.. itlrflRE ANfl ICTFR l?MG nuoiuei Addro.n xl ,,i,i. UlLlinUHl I LI1 U.'IIU ... For Sale in Scranton, Pa., by H. C. and Idpruue atreeta. III, Bl kill MM WALLACE 209 and we Factorv The Scranton Bedding Co. UO l aud but Lai-a sunt Ait eeraei Attaint Ate Eyes ! & Conneil we once have seen, KELLER KING'S WINDSOR CEMENT FOB PLASTERING. FLUE LININGS. Quarries and Works, Portland. Pa. RESTORED! 'NERVE SEEDS. TSU -eadirfkl M t.u.a all u I. ,1'.- Meiiiiiry , Loss uf Bis... Pr, Hesjijc gaa 1 ,, ,Pl .il it ll II, i nl . ,M. II 1 1 j r.iui..nm., rier'iMi.uw. - . , rP-r-. UUailttlfWlsottltharsa-tai di.,.taraft..i n.M l l .l, r.. ..,.,.. Af MM i,li, iirsllnu iil. WhltJI Iw-'l' 10 '"""il'l'- i' i . . ..... ii,,i i nnr hus, u iur . un ne ranam, -e-iTi- - - . - ..- li oi der we live rtSlta .UK.-I l-. .Tr.-ui-., tree. JoUfcr til drofjUtS. M outer lu rul e Ait mril, imi .UV IKhUIO., lsoiili! 'inmius, IWIHiaa SANPERSON, Druggist, WagUUflM Of 51 AC H Ui T.Z?lME - Clean Carpets, Renovate Feathers, 4 Upholster Furniture, Make Over Mattresses, Retail Mattresses at Prices. FROTKINGHAM : 1 HEATER W tc auo Tbursiu. ij i. v.iMMiLaJl IDIXEY A: heMaai I RICE'S bio EU'KI.KMJI E COM PAW JL llif ' SpliVt .LL' Mir ! ADONIS in rturt tverytuing JTetr to Date I Nea- Ideas n.nt Keiuett ill Kew Joyous V 1th Novelty. w w laetiaaa. PRICJLS-Orthenra. H.w: OrL-Lestra Cir cle, ti; Balcosv. Tic; Baico&v Circle. Sue.; 0 try, m Ffothingham Theatre OKI PEP.FCRilA.VCEuNLY FRIDAV APRIL 20 'to Fanom Ka v.jl Copauy la ALABAMA A ttorj of the South l y Augustas TLvmts The best and most successful American play ever preaexiiMl lo tbe public. PRICES-Orchestra, fl 0) Orchestra Cir cle. 75c: B .lcotiT, Tic bi. ... C.rcle. He. Galler;. Kc, VTeek coBuneni-iiic MPS BAT, APRII IS Wonderland Theater Co, .niar, Tuesuay and Wc-tnesuay, GRAXn DOL'BLF BILL. A POOR GIRL S DIARY ANU Nan, the Good-for-Nothing NA.S MAQOtt W11.TT Thursday. Tridav .n Stturday. A CELEBRATED CASE ADMISSION. 10. and .'OCEXTs-rai-roimaaecK every afternoon x.-ept Ron hhts and rhin tdsys. at S.SO, and every ven g t b l.V DaorS open st l.Su and T.iKJ P si Eureka Laundry Co. Cor. Linden St, end Adams Ave, Covar Uorsi Svitaaa All kinilt of Lauudry work guarantaaJ tha best. MULTICHROMES. Art for the masses. One Dime and One Coupon. SCIENTIFIC SHOEING. Hatlnaatmirad tka shoeing forge of WiIIIhui niuuis & Bm fur a paimaneut bual nwi 'itanii, 1 shall conduit rjetentlfif aud ratholugioal Bbaaittl Iur tli 1'reventluu, Ht Uti and Cnit Or l.siuriietKaud uthsr Inipeill uicnts in tha luaveineutt of Uoitm IncW.ntsl ci dua to imierloct shoeiui I bsll !leta work my porsousl attnuti. n anJ auarantee no extra .liRige,os..i'i)t for Iruriovsinent. Lams nttt, ate., will h tie.'tsil atteruuuns. A frsa ofinTc anii piclessltnal aclvioa givsn srerr llouilsy In m i to . e. M l JOHN HAMLIN, D, V, S,