The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 17, 1894, Image 1
THE SHREWD Merchant Woos diffident trade by the free use of Printers' ink. WHEN PEOPLE Don't buy is just the time to advertise and make them buy. EIGHT PAGES--56 COLUMNS.' SCKANTOX. PA.. TUESDAY MORNING, APEIL IT. 1894. TWO CENTS A COPY. ONE fair nr?sr the tr m u ins Scranton (SKCrihune. UK'S 00 IB SUrTKES Troifflirir irnniKo) me, mm THE WYOMING CONFERENC Asbury and Park Place Churches Are As signed Njw Pastors. WHERE THE PREACHERS WILL GO This City Fortunate in Retaining Five of Her Methodist Clergymen. Officers and Members Pay a Glow ing Tribute to Elm Park Church and the Citizens of Scranton. The Day Witnessed a Rush of Business from Opening to Close of Sessions Elma Hurst Wilson Christened by Bishop Hurst. YesterJay was tiie sixth amlut day of lbs Methodist Wyoming confer ence held iu the Bin Park chnrcli. From the time ilia doors opun'il in the uiorni'itc until the final ailj mrn ment was tnauV at 5 o'clock in me af ternoon t lere was a continuous rush of business, excepting, of course, the noon meal recess aud brief periods of preliminary devotion il xrcia-i9. One circnmstHuce, particularly, will be happily received hr Scranton citi zen and inemlers of Elm Park chnrch: Out of the large unmber who mud Hddretsts or delivered sermons or in any way officiated nt the conference, not one failed to pay a glowing tribute to toe beautiful edifice in Which the deliberations were held. They spokof its gnndaw and the pluck of the con Krfiation whicn md possible th" building of what Bishop Hurst says is the finest structure tbe Methodist cburch possesses in this country for the purpose of worship. AH thanked V. H. Pearce, D.D, for his indefatigable efforts to make their visit one loug to be rememb'. red. A, the becinnin of tbe afternoon gi-ssinn it was decided to meet next year at Carbondale. Tbe most important feature of the day, or of tbe conference, to the mem bers was the aunouncsmeut of ap pointments for the ooinjng year. The. following will b- retained in the Scranton churches : Rev.E. L. Santee, Csdar Avenue; B-v. W. H Piixrce, D D., Eim Park; R-v, A. Y. Cooper, Hampton Street, Rev. M D Fuller, Providence, and Rev. L C. Floyd, Simpson. Rev. J. A. Cure, of the Asbury, is succeed-d liy Rev. Annum F. Chaffee, who has been pastor of the Derr Mem orial, of Wilkes-Bsrre. Rev. Mr. (Jure lias been assigned to Athens. Rev. J. F Jones, of the Park Place, will exchange with Rev. P. U. Hawx- burst, of Montrose. Presiding Elder Rev. Thomas Har ronns, of the Binghamron district, will no to Say re; Rev .1 0 Woodruff, of Plymouth. hJsppoirite.l in Riv. Mr. Harrjons' stead. CON FERENCc MORNING SESSION. idi Crsstsfl la Behalf of American University at Washington. When the morning session convened the chair in the absence of Bishop Hurs-. wss occupied by Rev Manley S. Hard. D. D. The committee report on chnrr-h ex tension was presented by Rev. George Forsyth, of Rantieoke, and conrained the recommendation that 0.n00 lie raised by the conference next year for church extension, The report of the committee on min ister! d support as read by Rev. Puring ton H. Toner, of Jackson, was adopted, Toe eximining committee report, read by Rev. George 0 Been, recom mending tno appointment of Rev I, C. Floyd as chairman for this year, was adopted, The conference treasurer, R"V. Hugh (' HcDermott, of Kingston, reported $f)9 &9:) collected for benevolent pnr- i'se- in tfce conference last voir, and f.Vl,034 the year previous. Of the aVhols Minonnt, of ctdlections. $49,000 w -re for the fnnd of the Wyoming seminary smi-c-nfennial fund. The Wyoming '.istrict hIoiib collected $17, 0o4 of tins centennial fond, The nominating cotrnnitt-e recom mended trie election of the following conference officers: Missionary Society Kev. .T. K. Hurst D. president; Rvs. J, 0. Woodruff, A. vv. C s per. , H. Unyce, vice presidents. Temperance So( iety Rev. (1. Id, ( o.. vide, president: Revs. I C Floyd, J. C. LesCOCk, vice Presidents. I ddCBllonal Society Bishop Hurst, pres ident; L, I. Sprosne, .1. w. Nicholson, vice presidents; pastorof Kingston chnrr-h, corresponding secretary! v.. K. D. Briggs, re. ordinal ucretnry. Tract (Society J. B. Davis, president: H. Prentice, secretary; U. ii. Hayes, trees, nier. Prtedtnan's Aid Society GK A. Cure, prudent: J. K. Angel, vice president; F, P. Dory, secretary; C. H. Ssckott, trens. nrer. w yoroing Conference, Epwortb League --O. L Heverson. president; O. K. Van Woert, secretary; M. D. Fuller, tretisdror; J. '. ItnrdOCk, corresponding secrotary. VeinransN Association O. C. Lyman, M. D. Fuller, J. F. Williams. Histor ical Society M. H. Isnd, presid ing elder ,1. K. Warner, (j A. Benjamiu, J. N. Shipmau, L L. Hprngue. Home Missions Mrs. W. H. Pearce, nresident; Mrs. 0 B, McAnnlty.sscrstary: Mrs. S. O. C'olvin, corresponding secro tary; Miss Grace Crary, treasurer. Foreign Missions Mrs. Fannie J. Sparks, president: Mrs. (ieorge I. Weber, Mr-. Mauley H. Hard, Mrs. Maltie Menker' Mrs. R. W. Clinton. Bishop Hnrst arrived and tbe chair was relinquished by Dr. Hnrd. A motion waa made by Rev. W. I. Thorpe, P. E., to refer the place of the next conference meeting to tbe presid ing elder. Tbe motion wag with drawn in fnvor of an Invitation by Kev, William Edgar, of Carbondale, to hold the next conference in that city. Tlv Epworth league report, pre seniel by Rev, A. E. Decker, showing a conference membership of 15,488 in 279 chapters, whs aiiopted. A resolu tion offered by Rev. G. A, Place com mendinK the work of Rev. J. O, Wood ruff as presidont of tbe league, was adopted. A resolution eigned try Kev. W. 11. Pearce, D. D., Rev. L L. Spragne and Continned on Page 2. i Oat STRIKE IS ENDED. Th Rush for Work Will Soon Be Gen eral. rjmOKTOWN, Pa.. April Hi There il not a sign of life in tbe coke strike today and it appears hardly necessary for Thursday's conven tion to formally announce its demise. feelings were held last night at Lemont, Oliver and other plaees.aud the meu decided to go to work pro viding the Morrell and Wheeler men weut back at the Friok scale. Th latter voted to stay out, but many strikers returned to work this morning anyhow. All seem to realize the strike is over and the rush to get baek will be gener al in a few days. Not a sign of vio lence is reported at any of the plants where many new meu went to work this moruiug. - . KIUEO BY A LEAD-PENCIL PRICK Blood roiioniuit Strungslr Ends tha Lifs rf Qacrgo C'rofut Bkipokport. Couu,, April Hi Blood poisoum; from a lead pencil prick ended yeeterday the life of (jreorge 8 Crofut, aged 41, of Norwalk, in th hosmtal here. He ehauced to strike n finger against a pencil in his waistcoat pocket while brushing bis clothes a week ago and blood poisoning followed. correllsvIlle strike. Workmen Are Driven from the Cam bria Iron Company's Plant by Women. COXNBLLSV UXX, Pa., April H. Tbe Cambria Iron oompany attempted to start at tneir Wheeler works this morn ing, but the men were driven off th vards by the women. The victorious females now declare they will guard the works night and day. The men at the Wheeler and Morrall works met yesterday and deeided to continue the strike. All the raun at the Mahoning and Atlas works of the Cambria Iron com piny this morning accepted the new scale and will go to work tomorrow morning. Trontde is expected as soon as thev start, as the mou at Wheeler ind Morrell declare they will attack tbe works before daylight The com pany will place a large force of deputies on guard and hope to repel the attack. Tbe Wheeler and Morrell mu also threatened to attack the Leisenring and Trotter works this morning, but did not show np. Tbe Frick men are willing to work and toe company aro prep at ed to pro tect them. The Anchor works oi tbe Atcheson company at Dunbar, resumed tliis morning. The men at Wheeler and Morrell are the only men now ont, and it is believsd they will accept the. new scale and go to work in a day or two. All the Frick works are running full, exept Leisenring No. X. A GOLD HUNTER SCARED. While Digging for a Miner's Treasure Es Sess Ghostly Fiffursa. DOTUBJTOWK, Pa., April 10. A dream of a golden treasure that he thought had been hidden in Charles Gable's meadow, nt Rich Hill, induced Charles Miller to make a search for it. Armed with a picg and a lauteru he went at midnight to dig for the treas ure. He didn't find it the first night, nor the second. On the third night, while digging away in search of the missing gold. Miller beheld an appari tion that made him almost stagger from fear. Three figures in white stood near anil the lantern made them look ghostly. In a twinkling Miller was home, and, it is said, he didn't leave bit tied for three days. Three youag men were re sponsible for the s'-are. - -KIRKWOOJ'S MI3TAKJ. He Invitss the Wrong Mn to a Pugil istic F.r.c omtor. KlTTAXStSd. Pa, April 10. White the primaries, were being held at Apollo Saturday dispute arose between union and non-union Bfcn, After some hot words Hugh Kirkwool invited his op, oniOt across the river. Two hnti dred men went ove.-to see the fight and a ring was f armed. KirkWOOd mistook his man. Be was badly Peaten and a gener al light, start ed. Eleven men wr curried home. Kirkwod was gashed across the fc ind another man named Keerer was used up so badly that, his life is endan g-red. GRIM ' . HARVEST. Jotepfa M. Hand, H yenrs old, of Rio Grande, N. .1 , frrm paralvsiaof the In-art. Decessed made a for'uuu in cranberry culture. Mary Wykoff Packer, widow of ex Otfreroor William F. Packer, of Williams port, Ph., aged Si Hit husband was tho fourteenth govern.:'- of Pennsylvania. . FLASHED FROM THE WIRES. ColOfadO miners will close every mine in the stnte May I bvrefiisiritf to work lnnir at pre!it rates. Two marked men Iw.M tin ., Cnn Vm. Cisco strret car and lied with tin-passen gern' and conductor's money. While sitting hy his fireside, Thomas Wntdron. a I'hillirothM at. r, shot dead by an unknown nsMin. ' Pfeslllefl t, ( Invplnnil will h i...,;. ...l attend the annual festival of fSemaa American singers, ar, ixew i ork, Juno '12. In 1 ha new Willinmatnwn VV . u ... ... , y field, thousands of gallons of oil nrn rnn ulng to wssto for Inek of storngo facilities. The sudden insanity of Juror .lohn 1 ' . . , t . , i . t . : ! t , i r I - in. mi. I ... li-i r- ' i i in i mill ing, W. Va., of Jarries Dachmarr, for be- iraynu Fnilitiii to hi. rnreil ot thn ilrint l, .,,.. i... - - w - .. ......I, t,j Ki .'ley's g ild cure, Charles F. Johnson, of Tonnkii. Hired the doctor for firm ooo fa ruined health. Ti.L-inir o , li.l.i ,. . M.i. , anililA t nult. il.H.lliM Mm .lannm l.M. of Anderson, lnd., fatally assaulted hi in wnne asieep, wir.u a oeor uotLie. Apostolic Delegate Batolll and Uishop Douahue, of Wheeling, W. Va.. wore given a reception and banquet at Baltimore last hi, ii. i i ii ii . . 1 1 1 1 j'l'i hi HMouueu. Waller Venable, B'.l years of age, son of Commodorb Thomas I'. Venable, now on tbe retired list of the army, committed suicide in Williamsburg yesterday morn ing by cutting his thrust. FIGHT OP THE BROTHERHOOD Strikers Threaten lo Faralyzs Transportation in tho Far West, THE GREAT NORTHERN IS TIED 0? Not a Wheel Has Turned on tire Road tor Two Days Tho Strike Is to Be General on Roads West of the Missouri The Mail Car, as Usual, Brought Into the Wrangle. Struggle of the Railroad Organiza tion tor Mastery Promises lo Ee Lour and Bitter. St. I'm i., April 10. ftCB PRESIDENT BO WARD, of the Amuricaii Railway Men's union, arrived in this citv today and told tho Associated lJress representative that tha strike on the t treat Northern would not. be extended to this end of the line for a day or two. Lsst night's train went only as far as Crookatoo, and the road from Grand Koi ke west is reported tied up com pletely. The triangular nature o( the contest is exciting much boumenl among both railway officials and strikers. It is considered somewhat in tin na ture of a tight for existence on tUO jnrt of the brotherhoods: for if defeated and comp-dled to join the American Railway union, the present members of that nnion, having a large majority, would control its affairs, and engi neers, Bremen, conductors and train men or the brotherhood would have to submit to the greater voting power of tile lower paid employes. A local leader in Hie union said to day that when the first cut was mad,- last ran their organisation was too weak to fight, but now tney bate ') per cent, of the men in their memher snip, and will fight the cut. President Hill and Qeneral Manager Case were todey in coaference with the local chiefs of the Brotherhoods ol Eugineers and Firemen. Mr. Case stated that as far as (iraud Forks ev erything is running us usual, but be yond that point he was entirely with out informstiou. When askel regard ing th staiement of the Amric4n Ruilvvay union leader at Brattle, that a hearing had be-m refused by the com pany, the officials turned the questions over lo tho brotherhood leaders, who said they could not speak for any one but themselves, lint that they had al ways been promptly received. Chicaoo, April " Hi A local paper says tnis morning that it is now settle I that within the next week or ten days strikes will he declared on several northwestern roads running out of Chi cago. Arrangements are about com pleted for the inauguration of list gle with Paeifla coast lines, which is expected to result in tbe settlement for some time to coins of the di Hereout existing. The contest will DS the more inter esting in that it will involve all the ex isting brotherhoods after the manner of n three-cornered nght, in which the older organizations wiil seek to aunilii l.ite the American It.ilway union. Bkattlb, April 10. Despite the state ments of the officials that the strike on the Gret Northern docs not extend further east than Miuot, N D., tin leaders here say that the claims of James llogan that the whole system is lied np are correct. Rntnors are afloat that the Northern Pauiflo is to be tied up on Tuesday mid that before next week every road west of the Missouri river, with the possible eXOepliou of the Union Pacific, will meet th same fat-. The mail car of the Booth West minster and Van Coiiver train was brought out this morning to leave at !l 11, but the officials refused to let it go without tho paasengw cars, and it was left on the trarK. The strikers then Jook out the Cana dian Pacific uirs which inn on this train and transferred them to die Seattle, LakeBbore and Bailors tracks, over winch they went in Junius, con necting there with the Canadian l'a cih- bPOKAHi, April 10. 'lhere is no change in iin. situation along the Great Northern, Not a wheel is turn ing from Miotit, N. IJ.. to Seattle, Assistant General Superintendent Purrfll had telegrams iast nigtt from head oiH -ers.of m.- Engineers' and Km men's Brotherhood and the Order ol Railway Triiiim.ii assuring him thai the slnke Wottld receive no moral or Dnandlal support from them No at tetupt will he made to move trains oui ..f Spokane until the trouble is settled. (Jiii:at FaUM, Mont., April 10 In answer to Hie circular Issued from IDS (ireat Northern beudqasrten at st. Paul, announcing the sonndoment of trams on the .Montana Central railway because of the strike ol thu employes' Chairman Uik'T has issued u counter- circular denying that I lit strike was run hy a man never iu the employ of the company, and explaining that no tiue wis not giVeO to the com nan V be cause tho employes did not tlieiusel vea upect to strike Until they heard the railway was going lo ibip in men. m WAS A MUWOtROUS LULU Sh Fires at a Coinpiu.i n. Misses Hr and Kills Htr Blst-r St. Louil, April 10. Iii n Quarrel lust night witii Lorinda u ir Iner, aged 17, Lulu Willnims, aged III, drew a re volver and lired at her. The bull missed the Gardner girl and entered the lioart of M mil Williams I B years old, a sister of Lulu, killiiii- her instantly All the participant are colored. OLD SCCUNOktL PUNISHED. Osy Lotherlo of Ssvoaly Yearn Oosi to Jail. Air l.-'Ti ilv Pn Anril Id . -I 'L.i.I.l B, H. Sell, nued 70 vears. a retired Ulerchaot. him hern .-oliVli'Lod of mi uk an nit upon a young girl. Today he was sentenced to pay the costs, s.'.hi! fine and undergo six months imprisonment. RACL RIOT AVf.RTED. Threats to Lynch a Negro Asssllsnt Pr oipltiitu Trouble In Ttxss COBIIOANA, Tx., April 10 Ooe week ago Mr. Moss, living oa the outskirts of this place, Was assaulted by n negro. i, ist Friday Morning a negro attempted to assault Mrs. Mayn ard, a widow living near Mrs. Muss. Siturdriy night John Watts, negro, was arrested nn suspicion and idsntl Mod by Mrs. Mnyuard as her assailaul. About L00 white people congregated on the streets Saturday night and strong threats were made of lynching About as many negroes congregate I and declared they would not allow the lynching to occur A number of white people made an appeal to thu crowd to disperse and a rsc- riot was av- rt-. I 4 C PIURE OF A JAIL BI3D. Wlllam Bain, an Eicp a Oonvletj ng g-.l ul Keaob l hunk. Mai i n Chunk, Pa., April ll Will lam K. Bain, alias Robert 1'. Lord, who escaped froul tho slate prison at Michigan City, lnd., on March 5, was arrested here today. II .iu was serving a three-year sen tence for larceny when be made his SSCnpe, J W, French, warden, of the prison, arrived here this afternoon and will take lisiu back to Indians. iiiid. OhaunCCy Says That tho Reporters Misunderstood Him as to Presidency. Chicago, April 10 "Do i want, to be presidontt Why, certainly; but I have not as vet become a candidate for the nomination,'' hkm Mr. Obaancey M. Depew as beSSUnt -red up and down tho platform alongside his private cur iu the Lake Shore depot this morning. Then Mr. Depew went on lo explain that the St, Louis reporter bad misuu- derstood a pleasantry for a HriOUS statement when ha wrote out the in terview to the effect that the gn at railway pr. hidt-nt was an avowed seek er for the people's greatest gift. "'1 lie candidate who begins running thus parly will loco his breath hetore 190," continued Mr. Depew," and should he obtain a lug lead would find all other candidates conspiring against biin " "Well, who are the most likely can didates!!" "Hold the convention right now and the nomination would lie between Mc Kinley and R"f, but it can't be said what two years may bring forth iu the way of eligibleS. There is a pruce detit for General Harnsou's ro el to.ii. Mr Cleveland was retired and canie in again. Why shouldn't, the general do so',' He is n strong man and it pure man, and tiie policies he espoused during the closing months of his administration notably Hawaiian annexation have, become overwhelm ingly popular Besides, under Harrison times were prosperous; iiud-r his suc cessor they were distressingly bad. Might not the people desire to change back again',' lint it's too early to talk ot candidates." "Then you may enter the rnco later on, Mr. depewT1 ! "You can't tell what two years may bring torth," he replied with a laugh, which might be taken to indicate either the probability or thu improbability ot his candidacy. "The Democratic tariff policy 1 Well, none of us knows what it is now or what it is likely to be. The debates ml discussions of tho much-divided Demi oratic party remind me of s story. Ouch two men. Started out iu u Yankee schooner on a fishing trip, and to neon, with they cast lois to decide which should be captain and which should be crew. The lellow who won took his place at the tiller, and ordered the crew forward to manage the jib sheet. By nrnl by the captain thought things looked squally, soil shouted to the crew to shut the jib sheet. T'm managing thing up here,' Shouted track the crew, as he consigned the captain to a warmer clime. 'YoU 'tend to your own busi ness.' Before long the schooner went on the rocks and was smashed to pieces. That's the way it is With the Demooratio tariff craft. Captain Cleveland can't manage the ctew. " i . BASE GAIL NOTES. Wilkes Parr.'i For Defeat OUit Gntnsa ft ported. PHILADI LPHIa, April 16 The WilketBrrs team did not afford the I'iiillies even good practice today, the score nt th end of the seventh iiinint: being ;it io 0, In favor of the Pbilsdsl - phis. Score: Philadelphia 0 4 8 H a 18 8-:t7 wilksa-Barre 0 0 0 0 U 0 o o Hits Phlladelohl , Wi VVIlkes-Barre. fl Kirors - l'hil.iileli!iiu. .'; Wilkes-Barre, H Itatleries Siinri-ntl, laylorand ( lenionts; Kesnan and Warnsr. At New York New York I 0 4 o :i 0 0 x in Blnghamton . 0 i 0 " Q 0 n 0 l His.. Bits New Y' rk. Bttsts and Vi. son and Doyle. Bnrauamton Dolao and PoUtl. Uwplrs Hurley. At. Itrnokhn llrooklvn, 18: SnriiiL'- II Id, 7. ai now York- New York, id; Bingham- ton, 1, At Baltimore Baltimore, hi; Erie, ft. ai Philadelphia University ot Penosyl viinni, '.'I ; State iollsge, 8 s W . i . i 'i OVl R THE SEAS Bnbenstsln, the composer, is to retire from public life lo his "slate in liussia. Artist. Yon Loubacb, of Qertnaoy, is painting a portrait of Ilisinar.-K for the k steer. Brsad riots are a daily oconrreno in Bes head, I'eiHiu, w here there is iiili n... HulT oring. Oerniany will try to put. a protectorate over Samoa, If the t'lilted Stntos wirh dl aws from I he 1 rlple agieemeiit. Before MOO Bpsnlsh pilgrims the Tope beatiiled the Bpaalsh ureacher and theolo gian, .loan d'Avlla Diego, at St. fitter's yeeterday. Lord Fl'nncls Hope, presumptive duke of Newcastle, who was recently reported to have married Hay Vobe, the Anencao actress, ha. been dec.lsn-d a bankrupt, A moth's festival will bo hel l at Argen tfUll, Fiauce, in honor of the famoo tunic, which from HIM nnnienioi iiii has boK.u looked upon ss the Inuorgartnsot worn by Christ when l.o was scourgeU at the pillar. COMMONWEAL CANAL VOYAGE Coxuy's Anny Will Float un Ihi; Chesapeake ami Ohio, ME NOW RESTING fiT CU1YIBERLAND Tho Street Car Company Reaps a Harvest Making Lotr, of Money Carrying Peopli; to Hie Common weal Camp A Contribution from tho Company Tho Kelly Crowd at Council Bluffs Watched by Militia. Agitation at Spokane and Oilier Points. Cl'.MIiHltl.ssii. Mi, April IB. lias been decided hy General Coxey to remain in Cumberland Until Tuesday. The army has been a gold mine to the etret car Ootnpeny that carrisd tho crowds to II e camp on side of town, and It is understood that a $100 contribution to tin) army yesterday eras the substantial Indneementio holding tlv common weal army here another d-ty, Coxey nas had trouble, however, in getting transportation on tbe canal, tbe canal company refusing to oome to terms wltnont orders from Qeneral Manager Nicholson, in GUorgetown. 'red Merlon's Sons, lumber merchants, have agreed to hire boats if the canal oompany will pass them through the locks. The trip by water to Williams port will give a muob needed three days' rest to the army, wbioii is thor oughly worn out mid footsore The police force has been strength. :!. .1 by the the addition of thirty di puttee, hut no trouble is anticipated. Tho next crimp is to he known as (.'amp Thackeray, a tribute of Browne to the novelist's description ofisurround ing country. OOXaT'S ItOATs MY SAIL THROUGH. (J-neral Manager Nicholson, of the Cbssapeake mid Ohio Canal company, whose office is at Georgetown, or West Washington, today telegraphed the agent of the oompany at Cumberland to permit tbe Coiey canal boats to pass through tbe oanal from Cumberland to Hattinsbnrg at the regular rates ol toll. The Cumberland agent refused to make an arrangement with Citizen Coxey for transportation over the ennui without the permission of Mr. Nicholson, and telegraphed tbo latter for advice. At the Cntial enmpmy's ofliee it was slated that the company bad uo right to refus- to permit the passage of any boats or persons over the route of tbe canal provided the regulations were complied with aud the regular toll paid BPOKAKE, Wash., April Ki The In dustrial army is growing stronger here, and yesterday a permanent organisi tion wa effeoted and captains were elected. A committee waa appointed to engage one of the large empty build ings in the western part of the city lor headquarters, and parada grounds have also been selected. Two largo meetings were held and the leadsrs said tnev ex pected TOO men from S-attle an 1 adel egation from Tacoma and Portland by i he first of the month. Tbe army will commence drilling today, and daily meetings aro to be held, Oregon's costinoknt on ihi hove. UiiNKI'.rnu. Ore., April 10. - Company A, Second Regimen) Industrial, com prising sixty men. nnder the leadership of Captain Charles E. K nn. arrived from iiie south on Batnrdjy morning's freight and are being fed by tbe city. They talked ot g- ing north on Satur day night's overland train, but tailed, Tho Soul hem Pacific will send a woo l train north to Divide this morning. The army agrees to walk from there to Etagooe, twenty-five miles 5UEO FUR A CHUHCH PEW. Novel Contust ti Dstetmies Whether Ii is "Real Rotate " BaLTIMORR, Md., April 111 An in teresting suit Was filed yisferday 111 common pleas court. Mrs. Caroline Dannedberg susd Isaac Dan nen berg to secure possession of it pew in a Hebrew synagogue Th defendant is the step, sou of tbe plaintiff, who lie widow, and upon the deatli of his father it ii alleged that I ) inni ii hcrg took posses lion of the pew, though his father hud left nil hie property to Hie widow for lire. One side claims that Hie USW is Nel estate, and that, therefore, the sou of the dead man bad no right to trespass upon it. The defense is bsroontrn. IN OUR OW.i COMMUNWtALTH. Western Pennsylvania last week sent. 9,000,000 bushels oi soft ocal down the i iino river. Canal boats propelled by llttls electric motors instead of mules are talked of for i he Uohlgh Valley canal. Tbe Pennsylvania Chautauqua will hold IU summer meeting ai Uouut Qretna dar ing lbs whole month or July. Lancaster's missing tailor, George M Ashen, who toon (d.l-'iii) cash vvt liini, lias been beard from in New fork, Although totally blind, Lsroy McDoo. sld, ol McKeesport, will aoou start on a journey across the continent on f.. Teiimg ins wire in win areary of life, Isaac Spin r, a wealthy fanner near Al o.uin, yestenhiy shot. Inin-ull lo death. The entire family of Key. Q i gterllag, of Bethlehem, was overcom by coal iras Priday plgbt, but no ooe suffered er! onoly. Her Slotbss having caught lire, JsOUls Stoller, while picking coal along the railroad near PottSVllW, was burued to deal b. Prison Waichniaii Pallou, of Wilke. Bar re, hasbeeu hauled up by the comruls sienera on a. charge ol cruelty, made by seveial jaii inmales Tim supremo court yesterday sfflrmsd the Judgment of tiie ioer court In the folio wing case i Oommonwealth vs. Mats et a!, trom tbe quarter sessions curt of Luserns county. Rsess Davis, of Reading, has lost a horse that lived thirty-sis years, and bis long lite Is attributed to his whisky drinking. Tbesnlmol liked nothing better tbaa Ii pint of oid rye in a bucket of water, and his owner freiiuoiitly guv,, him til's Isvor ite tipple. CENTER OF THE CONTEST. Pittsburg Will B Headqaartets of the Great Deal Sir. lie. PiTTsnuiio, April 111 The nntional officials of the United .Mine workers are now in Pittsburg to remain until after tin. inauguration of the wage battle snthorised by the reoent con vention at ColnmbOS, O. There wiil be no conference with the operators ol tbe Pittsburg district unless the r..- in"st for such conference comes first from-tbe mine owners, It is believed certain that throfonrtha of the min ers in this dlstllot Will obey tho strike order. , The presence of the officials of the miner's organisation in tbl city is taken tnindioate that the P'tlshnrg district is lo be made tho center ol the contest. CHRISTOPHER'S ARMY SWELLS. H Is No Followed by Forty -Six Kuniry Coxtvltee. WnxiHOTOK, Del., April 10 -Chris-topher Colombu .Jone and bis coui niouwealera stayed at Newport iut ITlgbt and were lei by cltlSSns this morning. Tbey then moved ou toward Newark, six miles south. There were forty-sis in the party. Near Kikton then- is another party of fori)' waiting to j .iii Joai hello in nieS place. The Loader of the Brazilian Insur gents Driven Oil the Earth. Kio Da Janeiro, April it; The gov eminent is advised that Admiral Mello did not surrender himself to the Urn gnayan authorities, bat remsiaed on board llm BepUbliea. It is said that it whs ins intention to surrender to the authorities of Uruguay nod that he offered to do so on condition that they would ijut turn him over to the Brasil inn government. The Urnguayians were not prepared to give bimaoy such guarantee, and he put to tea in the Republic, After Mello had sailed away from the Urguayan coast he returned to the slate of Ifio lirande do Snl and at tempted to land with his men, bnttbe government troops drove him back and oe re-einbarksd and steamed away. Hi destinatien is not known. It is reported that the state of Santa Catharine has declared allegiance to the government, THE PRISON CONGRESS. Pennaylvania Ri.rsooia:iv AppoinUd by Governor PattiSrOa. BARRISSrjBa, April lti Governor Patlison Iims aptfiintel the following persona to represeut Pennsylvania at tin- national prison congress 'o bo held at St. Paul, Minn., on June 10: .1 li Patlon, of Huntington ; Samnel McCamont, of Tyrone:.!. Henrv Coeb riin, of Willismsport; ,1 A. IJiisr. of Morgans; Joseph Albree, lsid..reCob lenz, .liuues McCntchen, Kev. C. L Bradsbitw, John HoAlbese, E s. Wright, Hv. W. A. Kinler and Rev. J. A Uilligan, of Allegheny City; Rev. James Allison, Charles V. Hous ton, A F. IKeadng, W. B Luis; on, A J. Penticost, Thomas Wightmsn. tleorge A. Kelly. T. I). Cseey. James K, Reed, .1. Presley Heining, Rev. E. R Donabue, R. h. McGonigle and ttev. r.. p. urima, of Pittsburg; J. M. Bnobbnan, of beaver; William H. Chambers, John a, G. Hopper, D. J. MoAdam, J. B. McBride, Jsmes UeClsllaud, Thomas UcKennan and W. v. Smith, of Washington county; Henry M. lioies, of Scranton; Hon. Richard Vans, An drew J. Moloney, W, Frederick Snv der, Henry 7. Ziegler, Qonrad li. Day, Michael J. CsSsldy, Dr. M. V. Ball, Frederick Collins, Dr. G G Davii.Ei. mun.; Smltb, Richard D. Barolsy, Howard Perkins and Dr. Benjamin F. Butcher, of Pblladi Iphia, i WERE NOT ALLOWED TO DIE. Andonrisd Citizsns Vainly Cast Them s iVS B'f r-. th Motor. HAZMRON, Pa, April lfi Goflieb Swain aud Stephen Girdrr, both of Andenried, this afternoon tried to kill themselves by lying In front of an eleotrio car. The men prepare.) for the ordeal by bearing tlvir breasts above the waist. 'He- oar was crowded with passengers as it spproaotteil Jeanu ville, and nil were horrified to see the moil throw themselves on tho rails be fore the cur. Tho motormsn quickly reversed his current, hul did not stop the or before it struck the men and pushed them some distance along the track. The OS USS for the men's attempt at suicide is not known They cursed the man for stopping the our an! had to be forcibly driven from their ok. Swain is mid to be BFaae hot no ana can account for Ilia action of his Com- pamon. ACT JUST UK CORGrtf S3MEN. Dnnxn Reiohstaa Bttmbsrs Abrent lbnroIVBs unit 3ii p Saetaus Brrmn, Anril 16 The relehstag is having i.s mnoli illffisulty iii doing husiiuss as tin- American bones of rep rose u l tithes Abs ii to-ism continues unabated, Half the sssts Inthehous vere emptv nil loo week) and main hours passed without the presence of a quorum, Tho newspapers try In remedy the abuse by publishing homilies on tin. dnties ol deputies and exhorting the absentees to remember their obliga tion io ineir constituents, SEVfN THCUif.ND MfN OUT. Serious Anp.eti el he Great Stiiks ai Bitsalngh un BtKUiganas, Als,, April IS To days developments in the miner.-' strike snow that every mine in the .lis iriel except those at Warrior and Tus caloosa lid WallCT county Hie shut down, fuiiv 7,000 men being opt, The stnlte is growing a. d th situa tion Is becoming m .r.. SSrioitS. WtATHEfl FORLCAST. Wasrimsion, April ki, - nre nisi )or v tfsdatr: '..( fihetsrs nmnaifeaMia, genera (e mr, rind icarniet' miii. miii ICLEAR IVntsra fopnttffvcmfai ti spiifiiusf wimh, yiMly oiulei- in uui.Uru porUoa. VOWADAY.S Hermsdorrs i practf. oally tbe only Fest Black Dye for Hosiery and Glovos. All our "sellers" bear Hermsdorf's -tump, and we are going to signalize our Spring Opening by a HERMS DORF FESTIVAL. So on Monday, April 16 We shall opi?n in our Hosiery Department the most cotuplefe ssiortment of Ilermsdorf Hoiery we have ever shown Plain, Dropetiteb and Boot Pst-t-rus and shall )ireg?nt to every pur chaser of thee foods a valuable Eerrasdorf Souvenir with Heriui.d'jrf's compliments and our own. SPECIALS Ladies' Hose, 25, 35 and 55c. Children's, 6 to3;, all s.zes, 25c. Gents' Half Hose, 25 to 35c. We t oh. ye these te Ira tho best values even oller-od i 1 t Biuet. nod. n 510 and 51? Mmm Ave THE GUTTI mm 4 Mm HIT- in FAWOUS Maltese Cross RUBBER BELTING AND HOSEi. niAS A. PCHIKKF.X A- CO '3 PERFORATED ELECTRIC And Oak-tanned Leather Belting, H. A Kingsbury AGENT ?13 Spruce St., Scranton, Pa. Lewis, Reilly & Davies Ladli ihoar friends our llt.SO, as, se.itor ami :i Mints, sad so enthusiastic nre they over their purchases that one ssl.. is sure to ln 111.- mcsnsnf innkinn snotlier. LEWIS, REILLY & DAVIES 114 Wyoming Avn. w AIT UNTIL I get in my new quarters and you can get bargains in that have never been offered in Scranton. JEWERY I J. IB The Jeweler.