s GORMAN'S HUB DEPOT This store can never be the receptacle (or poor or Did and second-hand stuff, no matter how low the price. We stand by what we sell and we request you not to keep anything that does not suit you. Our reputation for abso lute reliability will be as zealously guarded in th- fu ture as it has been in the past, and patrons may rest assured that our prices, qual ity considered. will uniformly and invariably be as low as anywhere quoted. There Is Always a Reward in True Merit. Business Comes to Us Because We Go After It. OUR VALUES In lie VoInmMb OUR NOVELTIES Givuthe ptraooalitjr to oar store. Our Consistent Prices Close Attention to Business ShrnwJ baring ami discounting of bilis ar bninj principle closaly followed by na. Til re euitiswehaT? your eoatileaej unl vou: trude. The Spring IS OUR Banner Season We Expect Yon Daily. JikMYN SCIrt I ILwflriONS News cf i Day R.cord.d in Crifp. Reada ble Prfraarap '.. Special to tht; Scrnn'on Tribune. JEEMYS, P.. April 15 George Matt hews, wno baa been spending the past eight moiitiia ia Euianl, retnrne'i home Fri';sir. Burton Farm ia m irin into his new h nse on Third airaet. Jams Dnun shipped a larie nonsiarn meot nf fancy ehioi-aa and pigeons to Dojlettosrn S&tardar. At a meetinc of tru council held Fri evenincit ws decided to fewer the borons;!), an 1 the burgess was instructed to IsJm thf n.'Cfsaary steps to brirnft!), matter before the pop!- properly The "cfcooi bon 1 will issue $o 000 bonds to pay for th new buiidin, Th'a !io:i 1 sure b-en spoken for ty tr.e citlzins of Jerrayu. Jo Waters and family, of Forest Ci:y, wer the gaeata of frisndt here over Snnday. The mfinbars of th First Baptist ciinrch will gir a r:eption to ttieir putnr, Ksv. if r. Saaforo, on Tuesday ev-ninif. Friday eteninir the pleasant home of Mr. and Mr. J, G Sr.epuer 1 was the sene of a v-ry plensan: social gather ing. Refreshments were sered and at a late henr N.e snesU departed. A Mating of the Yonntc Peopie'a LttorsWy society wa hel l in the old CetfeoHd ciinrch Friday nveninr. The fair under the auspices of the St. Aloyiim society will opn Monday fTaolOg. A large attendance is ex pected and no doubt tue society will receive the cordial snpport of our pnple. Mrs. John Mnynarl spent Saturday in ocranton. Specimen Caaaa. H. H. Clifford, New (Jaeel, Wis., was troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism, his stomach was dHorderen, liia liv-r wai alfected to an alarmini; legro, appetite (ell away, and hn was turribly reduced in hVnli and atrnnicth. Thre bottles of Klac triu Bitters rnrnd him. Edward Kbepherrl, ffarriibnrg, III., had a running sore on his leg of eight yoars' standing. Used three bottles of Pwlrifl bittT and seven Uizen of IliKkl'n'-i Arnlca Halve and bis U-s, is MMd and well. John Speaker, Catawba, ()., Iiad hve larae fever soma on his leg, doctors snld be wn incurable. One bottle Electric flitters and ono box i. .. I Arnica f-aive cured him entirely. Hold by Mat thews Bros. Wlicn Bttf iw slelr, wn rate bff fV.torto. When she woa a Child, shn cried for CoKtorla. When itw tmrame Mlsn, sho otUBf U) Vwtori. When rhe had Children, she gavo tliem Cuulorla. smiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'ieiiiiiiiiigiiBgitiiiiiiu TRIBUNE BOOK COUPON. 1 FOUR of thou COVPOKfl prn- dntiMi t Tim Tribune OAoe, eor- tmr I'eitn vnu iiml Mpi tin Ntriwt, cntitl tin hold i! r tit all tin- prlv i 1 ' i. nf IIm iinpnriillnlMtl .Me i for ii ist i ii.n t in-.; popular booki mining our rM(lcrK. 'Mm iiIIVm iiindi hy i d" Trlbvne nMagontflnl Bra un loiiowii: 15 CENTS and Four fjovpom for iin v VultllUP ilk Hit- 4 ' p 1 II tu (ill a Sr- rleii. Over 100 Ittlei to nvlnct from. F.inr Cntmnns fur any honk In the Kouly SaTinii. K 8 tfcNTS nnd fciir Cnnpnns for S any book in th.i Oxlord Kerle. I iiHiiDiuniHiiiiDiiiniiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiE Highest of all in Leavening Powet. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. ARSOIXJTELY PURE HOW THtY Olr: IN HO N I sll..L r.. rttUmtof D.vnlop d i tha V..iirht-0.. b."rn SltOtlQQ I ontssr. .S'eirin to (! flcfanfOt JViltlaii Honksuai.K, I'a , April l& TM COD teHt over tint BODtldalt tnx OOllffltOI ship was ic.iutiuue I yattarda httwtaa msij. Voigbt mid OikorOi Tba fid lowing wltotaaei for the rMpondant, OtCOrn, Wrtrt' rX uiliiit'd : Fred Eroll, livea I lor.esJale. Horn on ocaan. Pwthu died ami notbtf and U It went baoh ti vieriiiany Never D ittiralfZril. Vottd for collector at February alwlloo. Rataraad (a thu toantrv whan ir years old and lived nl Sonatdalt ver ituots C T. Mtntt gave testimony as to whttbar iii Jaunary when Blstlow Herman eonTvraatton took ptitw. Bmniai Hurley, lives In l Iih-"i1hI-, yr.ns old, to tad for tax oolltotor last election. I'aid tax within two years, hut was not clear as to when paid or to whom. William W. Ham was 91 mil of sge and voted at list election, but never naid tax. W J Sobltslei voted for oolltotor Pnl I :.ix In 1891, and next on Jan. I99i Jowpb E t rr i trie wag CI vears old ind voted at last altfltiou, init wv paid a t.ix Jacob HesbaH, jr , 23 years old, voted for oolltotor ut last election, Ui never paid tax. C. I) Unbone voted at last election for collector, but testimony was offered bowing that he had not paid tax sine 1889. vVilltaa Poble voted for oolleetoT. Had paid 1S91 tax. but uo!i since reetlnony ebowed he had paid tax In sommtr of 1899 Further examination to right to vote postpjued uutil Monday. Fred Li Point voted for collector aud had pud tax In two years. J'hn Hettiob voted for collector au l s . iwd vote ill riht. Jstu-s J. Bracv voted for colleator and testimony thosred be paid tux m February, lti)4, but had not paid taxe in tero yeavs pievious. Frel Schweiger and Petor Jacob Loetsch both voted on age. Edwin L Beardelee paid taxes to George Jacobs, of Hawley, within two years. Was in error when he swore In vote, when he swore tax was paid to Jacob Sis Her. Carl Scunelle- bad not paid tax within two years. John Theobald vote 1 on age. Willi im Slater had paid taxes within two ye irs. Counsel for contest int admitted Lo zenzo O Gre.mbt hau not paid tax within two years. John Htrzog had paid taxts witbin i wo years. Charlft A. McCarty swore that Charle" Gaul had boarded at O'Brieti House five yesrs, George Gaul, tbrea years, and William Flannigan one yeT. Nelson E. Bi.-elcw testlfml as to con version at Soete's saloon in January, and admitted that if ht had not re ceived appcintment as commissioners' clerk on Jan. 1 he had no permanent occupation in view in Hontedalo. Frank Henzosc voted at Ust election. Did not know when he paid last tax, bat did not think within two years W. T. B-nnet gave testimony as to Bigelow-Hermati interview and said Bigelow giid his home was In Mount Pleasant. William J Ward, W. M Gardener, Frank Biyl'y, give testimony as tu !:-rtain tx-s pid to them. M E HettOg'l name did not appear on Mr. Dorin'a tax regiater. Ttalimony was offered as to counting ballots, etc. Mr Bicner swore Charles (nl was jl vears of ae in October, l'J03 R'spond'ots rest with exception of William f. Weston, Patrick Crogan and fix receipt of William Poher. (.'onrt ndj mrned to 10 a. m. Monday Tie ballot box will undoubtedly be opened some time on Monday. . BlWAMOV Fkm iS-Be snre you gef the genuine ilr. Thomas' BeteotriO Oil. It cure1" Odd", (roup, Asthma, Ilusfnesq and Rheumatism. ee i MiKOOKa Haf-?fNIMG3. Evn'.s of a Day Rp rtsd In Tums Pari- grapbCi A'p'rlnl to the Irrantrni Trihttne. MlNOOKA. Pa., April 15 Tbi report that the Greenwood colliery will not tVOfk for the'reniai.idenof tlio month is not BQvbantMated. it will work this week, John f'onneily. of Adams avenne, SoraOtOn visited Miuooka friends yes terday, M. F. Judge and Andrew O 'farn visited at I'ittston yesterday. An infant son of Anthony McOutzan, of OaOpbell'l alley, was buried yester day. Interment in the Oatbollo ctms tery. Miss Katie Msvis, of Hyde Park, cslleil OH frii,ds oeri falterd f, Miss Haggle Cahlll. of I'ittston, is visiting at th borne of Miss Haggle KoOrea. of Main slrtet. Misa K ite MoOann.Of the South Hide, it visitiag Miuooka friends TN corking m.tin which took place in the picnic jcrovu was won by John I'oole'a bird. It killed John Ootwboy' bird in a short time. - t HON ESDALL' S NEW RECTOR. Rv. John I.swl , Jr.. Will Tnk Charts Or Church T'nrl.h. tVitrcial tn thu f crnnlon DleNM BOMI I'AI.K, P . A.ril 1. 1 R v. John N. Lewis, jr., of Ht. George's, New York, has accepted the call of 'Irate church to b.coin" Its rector. Mr, Lewis will como lo Bonetdale oid preach his first sermon as rector of Grace chnrtni Btinday, July I. - Crit!cllng a Young Lady. "Hho would bo n prntty girl for but one thing." "What's that?" asknd Charley. Qeorge Her faot la always covered with purple nnd led blotches. Charley Oh. tbafl easily enough (lis. rioMuil of. UshiI to be the same wav my- elf, but I cauglit, on to the trouble one day, and got ml of it In no time. George What, was it? Charley Simply blood erupt ioni. Took a short course of P. P. P. I t"ll you, It's ihe boss blood corrector. The governor I nil rheumatism no bail that you could hear him, hoileri itloar across tha country every time he mojrod. He tried it, and you know what an nthlotio old gent he is now. If somobodyswould givo Miss Daisy a pointer, she would thauk them alter war. All the drug stores sell it. ee 1 T- .J rowaer FOiitUT CIIY FLASHLi. New f f lntei t from Ki:' i nhanna's ftio-t Rnterprliinf Town Rtotcfal to fat gcrdafoa IWeaaei Porbst City, April 15. H, W Brown li beantlfyliig ins reeldence ty the planting of tome maple trees, others should follow nte example and by ho doing our town would present a beautiful uppearanoo in few dnyt One of lo i most iiKfilt.il things in our borough ia new lldewalkt, The old w like winch Were luillt it few years ago r. in poor condition, making it dangeroni for pedestrian alter dark Por the expressed and avowed pnr iios.' of getting in lined the followiug tWO Well known yonug couples of this place had marriage licenses issuud to Ibem by Susquehanna's court it few iio. vi, Anton! Ptnlonskl to Amelia Veeneneobekl i Ignael Keriie wecz to Domeclelia Lukaiiewecxuwoa. ItitaOora ( raudall, ol Blkdale, epeitt yeaterday with Irlendt in mis place Utv. William Jednlnga is spending Sunday in the guvst of Scrantoii friends. Qeorge Stiles, who lives near the old Delaware and Hodtoo mill tettlement, la aadly i fflmted, Friday be buried a 9 year-old child of bis, ami wbb unable to attend the fiinor. i. from an injury vino. l he received by being kickeil hy i horse. At this writing it it tuouyht the accident may prove fatal. Mrs William Wolcott and daughter, Bertha, of Carbnndale, warn the guests il Miss Battle E. Spettluua yesterday. Rev, David Evans, of Kingston, will till the pnlpit in the Welsh Congrega tional ebnreh this morning, and in the sVening will eondOOt the services in the Methodist Episcopal church. Mr. Brans is the guest of bis niece, Mrs. Benj imin Maxnv, Mrs. W. 11 tligains is entertaiaing s her guests Mr. aud Mrs. E I. Adams itid son, of Honeedale. Miss Hells Van Stock, of Soranton, visited at the home of Mrs. B.'rt t'rip peu Friday. Ti;e funeral of Miss Mary Ltvin oc curred yesterday. Services were eon ducted in St. Agnes' church by Kev, Fathe.- Nealoii, who paid a high tribute to the deceased. To nccotuo late the many friends of the deceased a special ear was added to train ','0, Erie"Fiyer. " Iutermeut in St. Hose's cemetery, Car ootid ale. "Hidden Hand" was presented by the Wonderland Theater company at yesterday afternoon's matinee. List evning tho strong play, "Hip Van Winkle," was produced to a large aud i Mice, who were delighted with the ex celltnt work done by the company. The company have given very good performances during their stay here, and would be welcomed again iu this plnce at some future date. They re turn to Soranton to opou au engage ment in their own house. Pad Hi'.AiNAiiE causes much sickness. and bad blood aud improper action of the uvt-r and kidneys is Lad drainage to the human system, which burdock Blood bitters remedy. 0LVPHAN T SIFTINGS. D.ings of a Day R -c rded By a Bright Coirsspmdent. yvtciai to fj Mranfoa iHoana Of.YPllANT, Pa., April 13. John Williamson, of Wilk-s-Barre, colled 00 friends in town Friday. Hartley Laily is dangerously ill al bll home on Lackawanna street. II J. Beanprej of Delaware street, returnsdhom' Friilay after visiting friends an I relatives at Bsllvlllt. On tario. T . T C 1. . . jniries j. Liyncu, wno nas Den in .New ork during the past week, bus returned nom ine loung .uens t.liristiau union will give a Iree entertainment at their hall on Scott s'roet tomorrow evening. After the entertainment a reception .vill bn held in the upper rooms wnere refreshments will b served at a small price The following is the pro gramme: i'iano Overture Haydn Cousins Address President linet ....Mrs 1.1. .yd tin 1 Mus Widduwlh-ld iiecitnlton J. L Knapn Zither Solo Prof. U. .). Lloyd neciMiioa miss Aguee iln I BOlo ...W. W. Welkins IVem, history of the Y II, C. U.. Miss Or Williams Recitation Jennie Williams fiano Solo Haydn Cousins iheinonthW instltuto wan held nt the tenlral school buibling yesterday moralng. Ibe instituto was opened up y ' ouiiiy superiuMnaent Taylor, of Scr niton, who gnve a vrv Interest ing talk on reading, Miss Rsnyoo, of I'ecKville, treal.nl on "lliighes Mis takes. Prfif-ssor'i Lloyd Ciimmings and .Met awlny iliscus"d "I'haory on I "aching. I' lichers from Blakalv. Winton, Peckvilln and Prioeburg Were in attendance. i nptflntendont Taylor win noid a cential oxamination in Oly pliant next month of the seventh and e trades of schools of Blakely, Witi'oo, i iiuebnrg, Peokvllleaud Oly iin mi ior in- pnpus wno are preparing t ir Itncn Tt exsminatiou, Tlie follow ing coinniiiee or arrnngetinnls was appointed Professors Cnramings, l.mvd. Moyios ami IMiss K nvou. Th uisiiinio will iii -ot at Prioeburg next tnontn. Mrs. J. J. Swteney, of Scranton, who nas oten visning liar on ,1 wanna street, returned home Ust ovening C. M Hathaway and B, N. Callsnder Speht a few daja of thin week in New wrk on hiisiness. Mrs W. H 1'riost is recovering from ".r r'renl itlii"s. Constipation OUTtEl Constipation. OBIUM Constipation. T wrtln tlinf wnti mmv knon Acts On the Bowels. thfi ::o'"l I haVS rtoeivtd fnm p, D, ii. 1 uns nil "lit luvilt h mill mi IVi r I tu. wllli r ..r itlpatlrai nnd blllonenesa li led other tAsdloinaa. I on I hut the failed to llo nnr untti At. hist I l.ouiIO ii 1. Iil ,'..f It II II ami hi'fnr" 1 hntl nand it all I went tu work as well Boa U.IrvlneUm.Wu'rsne.o P What is More Attractive Than a pretty faco with a fresh, brliiht complexion? For it, uso Potioni's Powder. I'ltlCt BU0 9 NCIIINGS. Fuot Bull Club Ortf .i.lt d OtbSf Nolea of Qenerni Intareal. tl-t itil lotlie AoKi'lfon TWfcua. PriOBBDRO. Pa.. Annl 13 -Tho foot- i nil t Inn winc'i was oraaiitatd iu this plaOC a abort time ago, it composed nf . alurdy young men, fair and peaceable players, uud would like to hear Irom sny club in the county. The name or ho club ia the DioksOO United Stan. rhelr names nnd positions are as fol lows : Goal, Sam Pritehard: full bnuks, S. Nichols nnd V llo dgsou ; half baci. I. Elliot anil J 1) 'innacy; forwards, I Cook, B Weatheriil, James Cook, J. StimpSOn and P. Used; tuptaitl, B. Ptllclurd; truiisurer, T. Hodgson. A'l- drenN nil communications relatiug to challeugos or gami a lo the secretary, i nonius look, Prioeburg. James, the ll-venl'-old ton of Lllkt Mo' nine, who has been tei'iolislv ill lor some time, Is now ablu to ht around in line Wilbur. Mlttbael Ihiglev. jr., of the Boule vard, left yesterday for an extended visit to friends in New York. Mrs. Annie Carter, of ( l.yphant, vis itid her cousin, J. l Lloyd, of the Central, on Thursday l wt, I i tu mi ti '.. . i of ('arboudale, is on ik visit to ii i mi is iu town. Milt Hunt u AT MOOSIC. ii.it and t ii ! i i ... i Nnw i Notst Corn- piltd bv n Gmosfiil Writer. S,etirj o 1st Ctreafoa lYIcenCi Mooaic, i'a , Amil 15 Mr and Mrs. Wildrick leave tin inoruing for Took- hauiiock to attend the session of the Presbytery, which convenes In that pi ice They will go from Ttinkhau nock to Muhoopany to visit relatlvus. L.ottage prayer meeting will be held tonight nt Frank MottelUr's. Tne Woman's Christian Temperance union clenred ftlO.OOat tH-ir Cobweb Social. Peter W eil and Charlie John son Heeured the iirst prizes. Mr. Pat terson and .in i . Pearl took the booby oriz-s Ibe Ludies' Aid society will give a supper Wednesday evening at the home of Charles Snyder. Prioe of supper, 25 cents. Mrs. Frank Ellis lias bought the old Spring Brook Kiilroad depit and is having it moved down on the lists, wuere she will have It fitted up for a school house. Friday the railroaders and watchmen received their pay lor the month of march. E. Blackmail is preparing to plaster uis uouse. HALLSTEAO ITEMS. Notes of PeraoDal Intsrsnt to Residents o( a Li-.- Town. Fvtcial to the Scranton Trihuna. HallstiaD, Pa., April 10 Mrs. Morris Baxter is visitiux her sister in Rush. The pay car visited this place to-day. Charles Kuowler has the foundations laid for three uew houses on Park ave nue. Kate (launou visited friends in Bing ham:.. n today. Ueorge Deunis, of Snsquibanna, is visiiing ineuils in this tilaee. Mrs, John Alleu is visiting ber son in Biimira, Christie Ayres, of Brookdale, who has been visiting friends iu town, ha returned home. Will Brady is visiting friends iu Binghatnton. W. D. Lnsk, of Montrose, is in town. Maggie Gilchrist, of Biugbamton, is visiting friends in town. H U. Builmd, of Heart Lake, has the foundation laid for a new bouse on Cnase avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ross, who have been visiting friends in Factoryville, have returned home. Matt Clannon visited Biugbamton today. RIDGE NEWS PARAGRAPHS. Notts from th bltti Mountain! About Psekvlile, Mcinl to the fltfONtoS) Tribune. PXCKVILLB, Pa., April 15. A Repub lican club will soon be organized on the I, All It nnhliaam srs r- ipu-sttd to atteud a meeting at Nsn- . arrow nan on Wednesday, April 13,at 7. 30 p m. William Randell is on a visit to Nan ticoke tins week, The Christian Mission church held their first Sunday school here last Sun day. There was a large attendance WOioh was due to the elforts of Messrs. ' oo ia and Bsndell. Taste has lost lives. In former ycirs people wouldn't take Cod-livor Oil on account of its bad taste. Now wo have Scott'5 Emulsion the Cream of Cod-liver Oil, which is palatable and easier on the digestive organs than plain oil, besides being more effective. Physidani, the world over, endorse il. Oon'f be deceived by Substitutes! Fttpattdhf Srnll A Bewtt, N. Y. All l)ni(isl DON'T FORGET That we are liendiUArtern for everything In the nr HA rCH KM, If you have any Idea of purchasing any kind of a Watch, laartM Kent's, i. nl, i or Bflver, yon will nnike a Rrlav- niis mistake it yon do not clye us a eaO and pet our prlett, which yon will find far below all otnern, .aparlallr In all the ln,:h Rradaaof IClKin, VnitliKiu and lluni.(leu nu.veiueuta. If you havu anjr doubln and arc at all poated in prleeaid n ust cull and we w ill havo no tronlih! In ennvlnoliiir you.Woatlll tiavna larto stock to dispn o of, ami will offer you won lerlul lndui'innnnts In Jewelry, Silverware, Clorks and all other goods which wu have In stock. C. W. Freeman P nn Are. and ttpruoe St. ek - I Jlrs. Lettte Ooaa Tyroiiu City, Peon. After the Grip Hood's Cave Back Health and Strength That Dreadful Prostration Cured. "C. 1. Rood A Co., l.nwell, Musi "Gentlemen A little over a year ago. I was alia. Iced hy the gup un l, after the erlsls had passed, I voii left so weak and with thai dread fill prostration, that 1 was unahle lo dress my- m it bn almost Qtns months. Boms Moods who Hood'ss,p"Cures knew its merits, persuaded me to UdlO Hood's SarsaMUilla and 1 am now taking my fourth hottle. I am su thankful to he aide lo say that I .in do my housework, und am gaining fast. I Sleep Well, do nut h ive sourness of the stomach, and can eat with good appetite. 1 think Hood s Saisa pariUs deserves ah the praise it gets aud more." Mas. bXTTll Cuss. Tyrone City, PtUL Hood'u Pills ours liver uis, constipation, bUlOUSM ss, lenndloti sick headache, luJigcsUou. Dr. B. Grewer The Philadelphia fpeclalist, And bis aaaociatod Half of English and Ger man riiyslclaufcare now permaneutlj located Temple Court Building st i spnrcK st., SCRANTON Where the may be roieailtwi DAILY AND . SCMlAV. i, Doctr 's a graduata ot the University Wlennsylvoola, ?oi merly demonstrator ot pnysio njry and mrgery at the Wedk-o Chlr. orKlcal College, of Philadelphia. Ho la alto an honorary member of the Wedieo Chirnr glcal Association, and was physician and nriCon-in-ehief of the most noted Amrican and Uerman hospltoK eomes highly Indorsed by the loading profeaeora of Philadelphia and ew l ork. Ills many years of bonrltal experlenot en ables this eminent physician and surgaon to correctly dlngnose and treat all deformities and diseases with the most flattering success, snd his huh standing in the state will not all w him to accept anv Incurable cas LUHT M.V.Mtooll KI...TOIIM1 WKAKM ss Of YOUNG MRU Cl'RKTV If you Have DON flvOO up ny your i hysl elan call upon the doctor and tie examined. He cures the worat caaesof Nervnna Debility. Scrofula, Old Sorea latarrh. Piles, Female Weakness, Affeetinna of the Bar. Eva. Nose and Throat, Asthma, Deafneaa. Tumbrt, Can cers and Crlprloa of every description. Con tnltatlon In English and Herman Free, whioh shall l con tldered sacred and strictly confi dential. Ilfflet Horns: OA.M. to 8 P. M. llallj. Rnndiiv. Il a.m. In I p m. Third National Bank of Scranton. Ftntrmeiit Keb VS. 1804. called for bv the Comptroller ol the Current yi. H 1-SOUKCES. leans Hi ' li. .'.in OO Overdrafts D47.S7 1 eiii'ii Mutes Bonds ro, ooo.oo Other ltonds 518,578.75 Itnnklnic House . s , i ,,, Premiums on IT, s. Ueeals..,, i4:i 7.-, line Drum r. H, I've as ti re r 7,000.00 Hue from Hanks SOK.tlii 7.t Cash 140,640.54 e.so .-.f.o.no LIAB1LITIB8. Capital 00.000OO Rnrplns RSoiooo 00 Undivided I'r.itlls All 180 or, Ireulatlon 71,000,00 Dleldonds I upnld SS4 50 Doposlts.' 1,554, SCO :.4 Hue lo Hanks O.tOt.OO 'J,'iOJ.-..MI. 110 WW I 1AM CONKMbt, 1'resldcnt. into ii. cati.in, Vlee-Preeldeat WILLIAM II iik ( ashler DlaUtOTOMBi William Commit, Oeorte R. Cattln, Alfred Hand, dumes Arililmld, llenry Bella, Jr., Mini .in T. Smith, Luther Keller. This bank offers lo depnatlnrs every In, nil i nnrraiileil hv tbelt lialaneiA busi ness mid retpnntlblllly, IptOlal el i - nt li. n given to business ho- touuta Interott paid en time deposits. THE TRADERS National Bank of Scranton. citoAMzut) una CAPITAL $250,000, SURPLUS $25,000. PAMt'Kt, IHNES.irr'sld'nt W W WATSON, Vice 1'resldent A. U. II .i.i m ;. Casliler. nnscTons, RAMptt, TTmra, jamks M' EvtanARt, iKVINll A. FlNOR, l'lKHCK 11. KiM.tr, Josrril .1. jKHMYTf, M IS ll Ml Kl ll.. ClIAS. 1'. .M A i I in w i. JollN '1'. 1'UIITIU. W. W. WA'rsoN. PROMPT, ENtRGETIC, CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL This bank Invitee the patronage ot buslnt men and firms generally. au!Hiisuimniiiigiiiiiguiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJiiiutiisii.Hi.iiiir, EverythingFOR Everybody AT The Fair 400402 Lucka. Ave. "Always the Cheapest" Dry Goods, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods, Notions, Taney Goods, Infants' Wear, Cloaks, Curtains, Boys' Clothing, Boots and Shoes, etc. Commencing Monday, April 16, we will place on sale Special Bar gains in Every Department All New Goods FAR BELOW REGULAR PRICES SilllllllllllCllslUIIIIIIIIIUIUNUIIIMIIIIIIHIIIIIIIilllllllUllilllllllUlllltlllR KERR & SIEBECKER CARPETS VELVETS, with borders, 90 cts. Ingrains' All-wool, Ex- : tra 8uper,yard wide, usually j 76c, aud SUe., j OUB PRICE, 65 cts, We still have a lew patterns left of the 40c. Tapestry Brussels. 406 and 408 Lackawanna Ave. It Just (0 Give the A DETAILED prica list of our im mense stock of l'urniturc. Car pets, Baby Carriages, Refriger ators, Mattings, Stoves, Crockery. &c, would crowd everything out of this paper. And we have too much respect for editorials to do anything like that; besides, of what use when all can be told in a single line. IS Tne Lowest Prices in N. E. Pennsylvania. Cash or Credit With every purchase of $50 or over we present an American Onyx Fin ished Cathedral Strike Clock. With $75 or over, a 100-piece Din ner set s sea UPHOLSTERY Chenille Curtains, $3.25. (An unusual bargain.) Extra heavy and extra wide, $5. Furniture Coerings Imported Tapestry, Satin Derby, Satin Damasks, Wool Tapestry. TABLE COVERS Satinette Fringed, yi yds. square, $1.25. Holland Shades, fringed, Hartshorn Rollers, 50c. each; usual price, 65c. JJ Editors a Chance