G Chest Fains Short breath, patptta lion, weak WW si'tc llunos, pleurisy, unions, I colda, asthma and bran- chitta rdlevw la i'nk Minim i 1v the Cuti Cl'RA Anti-IWin PLAITU, (ha l.rst and only tsttantaneooi pAlnktUlng plaster. For weak, painful kidney, K,k nclie, tttine paim and weakness, it i simply wonderful It vMwt the nervoa, lorcee, an. I hence cures nervous pains ami mus cular weakness when all otheis fail. Price: seat Br, St.. At lit ilrucguts or t'V Hull' lVllkK 1':: ami C.li:M. Cottr., tlo.Uiu. OEMOtK.il It CONVENTION, The Fif.li La.ri.tii'.lv IHatvtct Convention 10 Hel.l Jims 11 srenu' toot, itit'tiBlsei IMvhm PtTTtTON , April 11 A. R BowdOD, of tiii plaoei John atoLanthUn, f ATOM, Kt'i at Tlltta, of Port llif tilth, who v?r appointed iy tha Fifth LettlalaUve Dlsirtot Demotratia aom iBittoo autv-couiuilttee to aataol date ami pleoe for holdini tii diatrlot too volition, met at the lUnrv llratttin rooms at LO o'elock SatttfdBf noratng to OOUaplete their work. V. J. l'miko chairman, ex oflolo Ol the eotnntttaa betnii absent, A li Prowti waa elected to pre-i'l-v Junes O DslaMT and WUUatnE Etattldaj, Candida tea for tbe nomination ol rep eaantiUva appeared before tba s m mutee, and aaaed thai tha convention be heM about the um. ol th. BtoUO of Uta OaUutT convention, some ituis In Artcnet. Hon. J. T. Planner, epoke in f .ror Ol Irnviuj; the eouvoutlou meet ai n early data, The tomnattttj lli'ii went into eiJ n;;ve a.ssio:', and Beted Monday, Juue 11. at 10 o'ctook a nv, tb time tor holding I he convent! to, Bnrite", Ball, Port Griffith, erai leleoted tbe piece I tneetiu,:. Tiie delr.-ate olooUOM will be Bald D 9atardar. June D COMMON P.lAs JURORS. Crura tj Serr fr.ui ahta V.ciuity at IkW N'X T-riu ev,.i.' leaanaUM r. Maae FlTT.-v n Avrl 1" Tne following juv.s ave bfti dr.tw:t to e:'rve at a coaoa plena court, betfiuan: Mon day Mai i Ftttstcn '.'Uouu Hi net. taiaer . W t.li ttu t Btatar, tawwlar, JLtoea Marttm HuphT, nercasat; Jam 0:lbooIy. tax eoUaotor. V t KBtac- Qawrca St raeua. farmer. iliicy J. S. Mrcy, jue'.ice o tbe jMM Wee: F ttatoav-Qtott D. Kjmmel. p.-' pet mill TBiao j,d Tkci is tbe v,rUtct of people who take ri.v-.: ar-aparilla. The cvd effecrj of eacu n:ed;c:a are too a feit ia a-rre tra: a r--c red. apvi;:te created a 1 heal:- e'j Pills Jo ao: wiiea, bat aid .u i-i toil :.:mca. Try ee . TOt MPraiM4Mi itoaa Svtata la as J Aboa. Buh Bcroaght Bejiiei Ratte straaaaa iv.itet. FrrrsT Pa.. April 15 Tberawilt lajwaoetal m-;.-. .' tba toara ooaw cii tola atwalaf Oarfaa lo Ika towa awll ndartoiag rrpeira :be meettae will tw b:ld ia th- BtoeJi Dumad Hook and Lidder eompaay room on K-aaedv trL Tbe Fataew M'.w Total Abeti-r.-ace aa 1 Beajvoac jceitt" b!l their rza.ar aaaHtsg y at tat day T're crew of tae Er:e and Wyomirg FaDfT rvQfOWd shift eoiae at thu aJ ic caee oe-;n ao'.'.aed to r30Ta to D'lamore. tibHiatiaa N;. ? aad t. .ad Ewea an I Obt : of tbe Poaay! vaaia Col compear, w HI reiaia wt:'i to day. A.1 Otfcn will be idle. Anthoay 3norb, 5TU?d of tbe m order if Andrew Booow, wm taken to tba ccaaty jail at vVilkea-Barra 3ie ttHey Y ter!a7 wis tbe cptaiaj of tba r : '. ie; . . John A. Liw aad JofeM W. Brry heepad It fa MMikwti -p feee, 100 eaea. ia tr,e PitlatOW ,:i jio.:al a.e43;;i- ti,n. Dr. Clark'a lc:areat Xyi.oae hail title eTat:iajr, beicg illoa'.rated by itrtr eop lcm v. ct kl :i beola:ely aecea nry tbat .ill tie 'alienee aeeimai b fan tbe l?tire aurte. 11 at o'elock aaarp ia the boar for ttr:i u. Saperir-tendeat John h. Graham of the Trection eompaoy waa in town Friday ascertaining wnat action tbe cU.rana pfOpoawd mir. jr. regar 1 to tbe paving of Main atrwt. In conver a:ttion wi:b aeveral m-rribera of the town conoeil, Mr. Graham aatd the eompany exi'-td to have tha trace r.,rxijlated from '.V;l -'.: irre to thu piece by Jan II B I aaid thy will bniid a derabrj track from Plinav!ll fa Port Ortffi:h. Mr Oram aaid. their linn on Main street it one and 18100 mil-a long, and he ee'irriated that th-r l47,Wjyarla of i i-: to h JNtV0o lh r' mg eaa r do .t at from l M to p pa' yer I, eomplete i uiee Rnrea are connldered '(nit high. Dr R. B GHMONOWlll M in hl IffMriOO offlc-i every Monday from H la tne morning nntll ft in the evening. a The ra-el'ction of C',ri J nea to the poattion of wardn 0.' tne cortnty prlaon, ffiv mnch eatiafactioa Vt hia many f rien la In thia jla- e The fnnrtl of Mra, Mary Walah, nention of wh'.e death appeared Hat nrlny, ucenrred fetlffdwf from the home of her aon-in-law, Michael I, aw, on Mill atreet. IntOfntffBl waa made In Merket .Street cemetery. VM-'iii Batordajr, Ajiril 14, wif of Patrick Dever. of Port Griffith, aved V) yeara. bha ia aarvlved by four aonn and Ave danuhtera The fnneral will rccnr Ttteaday at ! o'clock, with a maaa of rftnem at fit. JoHs'l churcb. Iritorinent in Market Hlraet cemetery. In tbe ahow window of Ivea' art ator on North Main atrt ia dlaplayed louvenlra of the lynahlng of Hlchard Pur year at Btrottdtborg March 15 Tht'y conaiat of it pitoi of th rOM, aome of the bark of tho tren from which hla body waa atiapended and a brnncb ol tha limb, alio h photogrepb. They are attracting unc i ittvntion. Bucklon'a Arnloa Salve. Tbe beet aalvn In the world for Cnta 6ruiaea, ! ,,, Ulcere, Halt i(hutn. Ftirer joree, Tetter. Chappod Ilanda, Chilblaln Uorna anil all Kkin Eruptiona, andpoei tlvely care Pilea, or uo pay requlrod. It 1 guaranteed to giro perfect aatiafantlon or money rufundrd. Price Hfi ceuta per box. For aalo by Mattbuwa Uroa. ' THINGS OBSERVED AND NOTED. In conversation with a number of citizens ona evening the paat week tha writer waa given to understand that before th-y would vote for th. aewer and paviiiK of the town thny would lo ill npon u fire plug service beinB placed at audi points when none .state at tbe present time. While it la proper and eaaential tbat paraona owning prop erty should be protected with it good water supply, I fail to ae. where the oorough ia ut fault in this respect, or ifT;f. H I liotv tbo eouuctl, a u oody, cau re.ue i' the trouble. As ia wall known, tli council haa uo jnrie liction over tha wntrr company in o fur :ia tbe eiinply ing of water ia cotiuerned, neithir nre they, hb a company, aubar ieut to anything that the eotiuril might aoggatt unleaa it was throogh ii spirit of ganarotity. To furnlali eucii ii mpply of water na tiu oltiseni of the 'hilla"nd ontskirte dotitv would ueeae itato ttu rolnyiuif of DOW an 1 larnr w.'itnr malna To do tble would require mi expenditure ol sovor al tbOMOOd dol" lire with no viaildo roluro I cm fie out lay other than the rental of J. n vai tot each "plug." In view of thia fact It it unite evident tbitt the weiita of tha tomplalnantt will go OMtttlfled nnlaat (outa othst ratntdy proaanUit aelf. e The Plttiion oorrtipoBdont of the Banday LtKdar, oonntootlng ni t'1 Htrevt corner lo tlini; practice in th'" plaoa, soiiloqoliei at followai "Tbii eore siot on t:n imdy iiolilte ie here lo cute l and aipoaed In th bopi that the toalpolol tbo "lieforniart" m tv flni R held for rffHtiv operation Bera thoj have an OpOftOQlty to ell OW hOW tUQOll sincerity enters into their comp Wltlon. Wl-.at nre they c.'inir lo do KOOlt 11 We the ' U 'form" banner a mere temporary strnotnro over worn io pise into otfiot and a drag net to catch votes, or waa it it genuine article wboat uieiita are more that) akiu drp e The anuoiinreiiirtut of OottBOlltBOtl M N DoOUelly bef re th ' elttlSOs' meeting on l iiday to thetttot taat Pittaton't aaaaaatd valQattou was less tT baif than that of Plymouth and Nootieoka oraated oooaldarabla of i soMation, Improbable aa it ntyaeam, such is the case. For Year OOrtaitl coal companies pooeeaatog thoosands upon ibnoaandi ol dollars worth oi roil aetata have tweu iiaeeieil at the rate of ;-."d an aorf. while the itidl eidoal With a lot SOllSQ fet was com palled to psy the full eiuouut. It was only reeently that one ol Ihete lams OOmpaoiei dispoted of an old ram shackle two at ry brick building and lot looated at the corner of Main and l'r sd strerts for a consideration of $',.). 000, on wbie'a the t.ixes, it ia al ir:ed. did not ninount to one sixth Ol one per crut. on tha dollar a year, which, if properly aeseeee l, should re nlt to the tax receiver's truury f'.'.!."' Thia ia but one of the in in v eaaea that might be ennmerated aud u lo to be hoped that when the tri-eumal aaeeeomant is made next year eome- tOiug will b-s done to reinedy tbe fault. Futstcn. Pa., April 15. Dr Wood's Norway Pine Syrup cures coughs and cold iiaieker than any other remedy, because it combines tbe luug Be til : iiuality of tbe pine-tree wuh other valuable DMdtCioeO, Sold by all drillers ou a gaarauteeot satiafactiou. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL S:-es , l Pondi. New York, April 14. The sales of stocks were 119,000 shares. Sugar opeued .V. higher a: J"'.A4i. ; bouaded up to SQo,; re cmled to iXc and closed at '.'To. Delaware aad Uadsoa, Uas, Jersey central aud Mis souri Pacific led. Beading, however, was aa exception, and declined to COJ. In tba tiaal dealings a firmer tone pr-vail-d and . '.e geaeral list left off steady at a frac- nai rec very. - foal anag atmtieia ta'ie snowunr t&e lav's flaetuatior.s ia activ stocks is supplied sad revised daily by La Bar M FuPer, stock urokers, CO Wyunuaj avenua: Opan- Huh- I.ovr set. mu m iieu in ai4 mi SIW U :i ' ijai M si, to m irai u tut w POOa vr, m Cloa h c. in.' aai w 16 ui NM :a :ii MM tri, m 41 H 31 MM 111, m in 8 21 'et i!4j Am. Cot. Oil DM A3, sutfar A.T.if ! I-.. -.J t en. -V J 1 ' hie. N. W lU't . b. q bu Chic. Uas Ui C- C C.8!. L... MM V7 i;t liiaj KM UN I ol . H'a.'.ai. T tit' .t a ,ia 0. , L. W d. c. p Ere 'I. E. ( La .-hore 1. M Manhattan Visa. Pae. Net. Lead 9. Y. S. E. S. Y. Central.. N. Y.. 0. W. N". Y..S. A W. V. i. :. Co . I7M . 41 ! itia .Wee . at . iw . u4 '. ieai . le . am n 4iKl 6114 law -a 411 iaj mt ir,r?n ftr. sea Rartll Hae. pf 314 ir.rth Par:... .01, Ml, r.iaba. ?r Mall Ked:air Roi ,',land :t. T rt. Pani T..C. I Tzia A Par Cnlon Pee Wabaatt, pf W. Union. W L I w. a u K. ajf... .... SjN TI JM am lH M 21 mt i l"li m 21 1"H m 60 M 21 HU Ml, ! M j t, Mi aiv, 21 H'4 My, i.:u MM hi-, Chlmgr, Orala ami Prr.vleliee. CBAarOff, ApmttV TkO ''i!l,trln nnote Hone ere eiinsiiwl in I n .rrert'i-l iletlr Iiv I. a furAKirlier.ator.it i,rokrai2i Miramlaa see aoe. W H R AT. riTienlng.... Hieheet.... iV.ieeat I .'.!. Itf CURK. '.enlnsr.... Hiihret.... I a, wee t '.1'ieing OA A. Opening Hizri'-et... Uf Jntv. Hept m m , r.i'a Ml ejB M'4 n hih aiiu esuvg ia Mil t' 'l"H KM i, Ml ajU ,oi, . M Ma hm iwn, iitiS MU '.(f4 I'M, m ml Ml :.v, r.i, m mm -d M MM 127.1 1.W2 lap nil ?4R 710 771 7M '.iil Ti, Hi 7le Taj Hi "Tt lib iiv, rm n: r,i7 H Mi ftV! MB n : C67 mi I. "'.. . 'ln... I'OKK. ripening Highnat Uw et. (losing I.AUO. Opening lllirheet ; fii-Weet 1 lng lit HI lilhH 0 reining 1 itrh'wt , Iy,et OMaag Ntif Ynrk PtOtlOe, Merket. New Y'OiK. April 14, TliUk- Dill, eaev. Vii'liaaT iJnll, laljr, Inwnr, 0lOti0 steady; No, !S red ioro nml elevator, !'attKr..; afloat, 00,1 t 0, li Hkl 64a BOMMMd roil, MhMM(,j M" I ii'irih eru, filler. ; opti'iiie were ilull Irregnlur, rinsing at I i I !'". IhiIow yeelm lnv . tfOi '.i red April, IWJfr.: May, OaV:.; Jane, Mr... Jlilr, O&Xr.j Augnol, ',(:.; Hep- lembor, blyfa Ootober, M)fei bvoeiaber, lama iiuii, Inoori No, If, lIKc , elevatnr, 44 'v'., ftflnat: liiigindi'd nilletl, 4Hh44i- ; uptloiia dull, iteadyj div loWOT) April. 4tc ; May. We.. July, Hc. lia rs - liull, atnntly; nplli'tie doll, ineliir: April, 7ic: ; May, MI,o. July, 8S&; apot prices. Nn. U, ,;!o: No 2 white, V)X: ; No. 'J Chlrag'i, MX; No. aW)to.t Re, it whit", S9ke,i Billed wnatern, BTJaJnlM'c; whllii do., tad white aaate, NtiMo, Buy Q n-t, steadr, TlBROSO BkJta1 tnet. OUTMBAT, iiihu, etindy. Miiiiii.EH-Noininal. Uahd ijmet; firmer, western ateafrj closed H.o.'; city, Vu. : April, oloaedlH.OOl May, W.00 July, 7.70; refined, flrim r; continent, tH.40, South America, 8.75i oomponnd, iino.o. i?ORB More active, flrni; mesa, lUall.SS, Huttkii Moderate dnmand; fancy llrm: delry, neer, lOsSMc. ; do., old, llo. ; do., creamery, new, 'Sic.'. I'eiinaylvitnla do., JSC. ; wesiBrn dairy, new, 1'elilo. ; do., creamery, new, 17nli5c.: do., factoiy, Ida 14c. : elgios, '.'.".; Imitation creamery, r ' , a 18c. C'hkbbb Firm, fair demnnd. Eoob Fair demand, Brmi Rtato nnd Ponnaylvania, lta)8o. g , 'JOaliUc; weatern fresh, 12c; aouthern, l!)al2c. Con sump tion AN EMINENT CHICACO PHYSICIAN , IN AN IHAY, STATtU Willi now methods ol treat ment now at our command, aided by strict observance of appropriate diet ( and in this connection I strongly recom mend the use of thai great con densed raw food extract, its ability make new it is a pe io restore waste ana blood is unequalled ; feet nutrient in the ninsi condensed form, ana easily retainedby any stomach I, with all tliis at our command, I s.iv, verv nunv cases ol con sumption may be cured. vlalaa saiUAaa the humeral reetweiw- livrt.ll I'tul,!, iiiumIi-, ti.nu', ,111't'lli, ajbaia avefyibbaj aba faya, tktiti by in atraggfatOi TIIV JU .MM.-CO., M.H' VOKK. i The Original Ruw Food j l m ,, iej fit .'V';',f li "n ii JP:Ti.Um ,7:1 I I -J I SUPERLATIVE ADD GOLD MEDAL The above brands of flour ran be had at any of the following merchants, who will accept Thk Tribunb FLOUR COCPOM of j on each oue handrei poundi of flour or 60 on each barrel of Hour. hcr-inron-F. P. rrii-o, Waslilngton avonuj I OoM .Meita Brund. Denmcra F, p Pru-s Oold Modal Brand. Lniiraure-F. D Manley. Superlative Bran I Hyt!" Park-Carwon ft Oarle, Wa-hhurn St. Hold Medal Brand; J iiU A. Menrs, Mem avenno, Saporlatiro Braud Or. Uii!.- .1 i..-i' ' il I M" lui Brand. J. T. Me Hale, Supermt ,vn Providence ponnor ft Chapp.lt K' Main avo- nn". sup.-rlat.vo BrandiCf, J Gillespie, w. Markoc etrnot. OoM Medial Brand Olyphant Jamaa Jordan, Baparlatlva Brand. Pe kvitl. Br ft K- le r Stiporlatlv ... Jennyn-O t' Wlntera at Qo BaMralailve Arelihald Jonm. S mpn in - i '., , o.il.l Modal Carl-ondaie IJ. S. Clerk. Oold Medal Brand. Ilonee.Ul.--I N. F wtor liU Ool 1 Mila!. Minoilta- M It. trtVell IRON and STEEL NOTtWAY li:'V BLA H DIAMOND Mlf.VKR EXTRA HPI ci IL B INDEltHON'fl ENOI JKMSOP'S KNOlilSH CAM I s r I BL HORSE sum s t ILKV .V Tom CALK I lit I ; M AOHINERIf BPKI.NQ UOVT BTBBL if ANVILS IK I, I. own UORSB NAILS RUSBBliL AND ICfiLLB BROS n i l inc; MACHINERY. Bittenbesider &Co.,Scranf on, Wholi'HuIn and retail ileal'Ts' in Wagonni'ikore' rUPPLIBS, niii i waj inv it'll, y in 1 1, IMP worqn. Bcfttoi would crack nml pup open, wrnir. It fe they would colli a my iclt. liiiinl, nml wh Bl broko out on toy head, gviht conic i,iit i,n ii 1'iirt ,,f tot i , i , . 1 i i , , . i SMlPt winter aiiifp. but It wiim l u though It hod drloa na uo, flu emlot wWM bed that 1 Ii Uie I"' I and liaV. tO be Nlmkcn mil II u almnl II, lo II,,,.. iinii I oommencorl miiug n ii. I sraa " " l r 1 " "l ",ea nDottioioTnoiher medlcln, without notlolni any c T. ei.-, but when I otimmenced to taki u h. n. th.. eoreeenmo out thicker lban boforo, and th.y l,r,, iu Brot they were Iramenae blnlehoa ol Bra that iryutu i oiiihii icouiu Dm llOtp, I he i '"' no ""' 01 al may ever t OUld gl I v. i from winhinir tho ann a I Rook to tliamwlioiooand whs on tho rouita boltie befon 1 oould sec thai l was really bOttOI Igfa I knew that II WRI bettor to Ret mich rottPiincHa out of my blood m i,, hare it may thero. I .lid lay once that l wished I had never com.ni'mr, Uklngf. B O., but my wife MWUngod UO, end today I thank her or UMtdtlOO, fOt Ita In good li- alll. now, nml I ,,m'l U'lii'V,' I ever would have boon Willi my UOOd In HlOh OOnCiitioO na II WM, My Kalp HOW la OIOU Ud clear of nil aOalaa nnd ttttor, and on my body Ihcrn M only araall apoU to , how where the tore, ware, and theee spots are fro, from seal. i. I do nol doubt but tbat tho cure will b, perfei i. m now on (ho ilth bottle and win lake more until every root u gone. I firmly Uove thal lunhck Blood Butor, will our, tho won! disorders of the blood, for aufh ccrlttiuly v.. inluu. aUgtUd. Tho urenl remed , Kini.iiTiiifi nnn lit Ft KE ANl AK'Itlt UalNO. or,io uyv. at. at All tile, Utuca-lsl, mmHm A . ; vaa salEt.' iOOSIC POWOER CO Rooms 1 and l Cemmonwealtb Ml BOftANTON, PA MINING and BLASTING POWDER liKilu at the MOOSIO and liUrii 1 DALE WOKK& LalBin & Rand Powder 0o,'l ORANGii GUN POWDER Eltotrle Batteries, Poeoi '''' eiplod" Iiir lilnntn, r-n ft'ly IfttN and RepaunoChemlcftl c. 'a High Bxplootm DKITKIt niiV t:o., h" 111 si Ml. Ml Nlltll' ".I i7 ,r ii.ii, it I p. Canltsl, 81,(11111,000. in iin: Woiti.it. ii tlotl'tr r'trnnt." , 1lil I ,i, II. , I ft ill IMlgole Ulil llnl ton ItiMit ilahvrii il Ii. a mivwln'tai Hi thu II nit! 'tiii nil itnii, mom y uiw r, i,r IMUl NoM fur $1 N miiIm t-vrry Wty UM DOQU l in iii p int) iloftl foi 1,1). Vn Ihiik til Ian 900 imrtflTtfJ, UMmOrt Wl yutir Uhil tf Ulty 004 U KOI stkllilli il villi I Ills) i r ' Mod uiiuitiiT jmlr. Ope ru Tou or 'ontOlon B1BM wl.lthei 4', 1 1 K, IV K K, . i a a., a I a... Is rr HM 1 W eeaJ Mill W'iiJ lfat. Srmi unur nitt; mil fit " llluill att-.l I .'ill. I iKUu lit. Dukter Shoe Co. 3 FEDERAL ST.. UOHTOMi MANN. Sptcltlt Umia t I'rew "'0 .v t . frfeerae, Aoe. i, MM The Flour Awards "CHICAGO, Oct. 81.- Flie firHt ofllclal Rtinonnoement of World's Kuir di plomas on flour has been made. A uifditl has been awarded by the World's Fair judges to the Hour matin factured by the Waabbnrn, (.'rosby Co, in Ihe K'at Washburn Flour Millb, HlnneBpolia Tbo committee reports the Hour strong and pure, aud etititlei it to rotik ae nret-clans patent Hour for family and bakers' una." MEGARGEL & GONNELL V It OI.1S A .K. A(i..NTS. Taylor-Ju'lge ft Co , Gold Medal Atherton Co., huperlativa. Puryea Lawrence store Co., Oold MedaL Mno.ii John Mn'rlndle, tluld Modal. I'lttaton M. W O'Hoylu, OoM Modal. Clerk's Orcn-Fnico & Perltor. Snperlnttve. Clerk a suniniit-K It Toapg, OoM Modal Oalton-S K. Finn Son, Cold Medal liraad. NtcBolaon-J, K llnrilini;. Wavrly-M W, BllM A Son. Gold Medal. Fin rtorrvlUe Iharlea Gardner, Gold Medal Hopboltom N. M Finn & Boa. Oold Medal Toby Dan na T 'hyliauna I. ir. , i Lumbar ( n . Hold .Mwlul Kraml Oou'dsboro-H A. Adiuni. Oold M . Brand Moscow Gaife & Clements, Oold Modal. Lake Ariel Jellies A lti rtree. Hold Medal. Pore.) City J. L. Morm A. Co., Oold Modal WAGON WHEELS AXLES BPRINOB til its BI'OKRS KIMS BTBKL BKEINS It. 11. SPIKES SCREW and lllackaiuillia' till al:HiM5r 14 DRY ITCHING SCALES THAT CRACKED AND POPPED OPEN. Lortrutr, Btsossm Oo., n. y., April u, isno. FotTt.it, Mii.iuiiin Oo,, Buffalo, N. Y. li NTi.r.Mi v : When about ten or iwtdvn eaaea troubled with cracki moM the palm of nilliil, nml when llirv lieiilecl the Irniibo and ,vei , inti i ii would ttef nml tnaltO acalOl nil over i bare nol boon fur- inuu It. n Hlnein r aiiire, lint It wan worse lint winter nfler I hud (he grippe, for then II cam, oul la ipoU all over my body. I had I doCtOT rvnnilno me, nml hp (old me that Ihora was m cum fur hip. 1 not. worse nml form over tho aoroi ud (hen dry out until they would allowing n watery mutter. My akin was nil hi.,. ,lrv 10 bod that I eraa ashamed in tnlra ,v hat way Ihey bur nml fl.lt 1 an not be know ttom experience Willi Home B. B. B Tim only rcllof I 9 DR. MOTH M ltH ibm: PILLS v for nervous proetratlon nnd ell nervous dlieaiM'S o( RESTORED MANHOOD ,.iNniiB in ,-ioior Hex. mien us nervosa rrosirstion, fau- ; pill or lion ManOOOd, lmii'tlli..v. Nluhllv l'i,il,'.li,i,. V.hiUomI Krrors. g Mei.ljil Wi.rr.iiai"lvo.ino(,i Ti.lmero or (iiilum, wlilch lead toCon- ' . '" 'iij mm .lull-1 ,n y i in e e 1 1 ill" II K iu,r- miliH' loeaireoi retmiil llieniiiney. Cold nl SI.IM) per huz. a buses fur uii. ee. UH. MO'i T's (jliEit icaL at., vi. uud. uata. iiiatn iv w , . a.. ' ............... ... - 11 1'euu Aveuuu. Spring Cinghams. We have placed on sale our line of Ginghams for the coming spring and summer. Finer Goods, More Tasteful Colorings and Lower Prices than ever before, are what will recommend them to our patron GLOBE WAREHOUSE, PITTSTON, PA. Ei Robinson's Sons1 Lager Brewery Manufacturers of the Cok-bralad PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 100,000 Bbls. Per Annum. HOW LIKE A MAN HE FEELS f AST YEAR he had naved )300. He bought a house worth alS.Vl paid SHOO down, gave a mort gage for 1,551). Today he esti mates as follows: Rent saved f2) 0) Interest on mortgage HS Oil Tuxes and repairs 26 50 119 5 Net saving on rent $121 S3 Saved ou salary l&J IM To apply on mortgage J27i) SJ RRFI.KC'TION "In FOUR years thai house Hill be free from debt end I shall have a hutuo of luy oviu." t ill KN RIIIOG Is the paradise for hoaaa. Finn & Sons lieve recently rln Uhed a tienutir.il vllle. which they offer, on easy payments, ut 81 BOO 4'alt at their cilice, between Washington and Adauis on Olive street. EZRA FINN & SONS, MALONEY OIL AND MANUFACTURING CO Manufacturers Mid Pnaln t nn o 1 lttitiogUILO m rlsoStiartingand Joarn&l Greasi omcsi i Wet leMkawaaaa Av V, , iHMM Slerldian street N. A. HULBERT'3 City Music Store, iOJllNt, Ar. Bt'BANVOJk KTi:iNv a,v SON 1'fc. Ill II llltOTHKIU ABB KKAMt ii a! na, u aanmaaH hill.,' .v HAUKH PIANOS e Wi a liio Mivt nf nrit-eleat ORGANS ai i si m MHttOn wmsU ait .'.it', iau, 1.IU Hotel Wayorly KarepaaB tea, nraVolaai iter eti .eho,i I "c "i fur llergner l.ugol s Tannhie.ieer User. N. F, Cor, mil end Filbert Sts., Pliiladi Most desirable fcr reeldents of N K. I'enn' aylvsnla All renvenlencoe tor travelers lo an. I from timed Htreet etallon and the Twelfth and Market Htreet station, lie ilrsMe for vleltlng Sorautoulaiis and pso lis lu the Auttiraette Haglou, T. J. VICTORY, PIOrRIETOR. BLOOD POISONS I tlutoSem. I wis. use lunntr. UoSel at.ato9jaueu.el. I fnfnw .r.1 no ewe W,,,mejlS from I i umrem, , . ..i. rmtd.hse , at ut When ReSSprltp I lisa ameryh.1, 0r Msalc WameCkf MM IpejIUnl, rare. 00OI SSaHIT CO., CMeeje, III. BUSINESS AND I'llVsll IA.Ni A M nl lUn-AJ.VH. Dlt 11. I'.UdAK L, F.A.N nun riiinove.l io i;ii; Hpruce street, Hcraiitun, Pa. (.Just op poults c.ouri-uousn Hipiar. I) K. A J. lU.NUKIJ,, Utllio ad WuehmKti.o XJ avenue, corner Spruce street, over 1'rsncUe e druK ttoro. Koeideucn, 72, Vluest. Office hours: 10.01 to li! n. m. nnd ' to4 unii i-.imtii 7..W p. in. Bunday, t U3 p. m, Dlt. W. K AI.I.KN. utlke .or. I.aclct Wfinna slid WsahiDe'ton aVaa I over Leon- ard eho. atorei ofBoebonra, tote Ut m. nnd I' to 4 p. in; evening- et n-ulduiice, Wl H. V. l,-!i , M.,I, v.k OK. U Htl'.Y, I'motle, hinl'li-.l to 111 aaaei ol tba Kve. Bar. N.isn end Throat: oIBio, li VVyoiuliiu svu. ltesldmioa, .a Vine street. I ," li-'l llATK.i. !;' VieeluiiKtoii ''''" It Office ho, on, etOtf urn LeU to .smdi bill p.m. ItvePlnnve m M.ilo,i av. nu iTiii.N L wi'.My,, i, ,,m,, ia aooTi i . tMamonwealUi baildlnc: r.-sidnncu 7ii iUdlsonavo-, offli ln,ur IJtoU ,tei 7 to Ii Humisyn 2 .'lu t., eventDlta t P-mdence. A Rpetnalty mads dleaaa. or tw y. ear, ,ie sinl I In on t ii nd cj f.i ivdoy v, Kl KUIMSBV BVHOMUMB ,' fTl.HUl-., V.iu.n ,y . ,rx-,n, IK-i . .u....... ......... r . ,, ,,r i . tlntiy ii spe -lslty. gold me I .list of 'in lo Veterinary College. OM-. 42H hpl'Uce - . . e '.'I tart in i J eee(iiiiiue in, jiei. I.A t VKIIS I Jl C BAWCKH Law sod ColpMrtiofl o ,1 . n. e, ate HI7 hnroia, at, opp'etile Forest If,,,-. H' raatoa, f'a.i collections a apsclaltv laroqaboat raeuaayleeBlai NUabta ourraauono enls In every county IfcSrtly'l'ria I1A..LI, AIP,ii.ey ei.-l (,,..,,. lors et l.sw. t,,, ,, , . , , Waeiiii.gpjo eve W U .),.. , , e BoBACB F. Hasd. , w. H Jsaecr. In. WILLAUO. WABBBM a KXAi-P, ,,, neye ai.n Cmui Unt at Iiw ItepuWu eg l.ulldirie. Wesnlnton sve. hcianUo pa. pA'n'ISIlBoM a Vi ili .ix. Atwraeyi aud J Counsellor:! at Law, olbcos o e,.u t L.lrar I.:..: l.j I, ra:.' .;. P. I oi.wrr.r. II I'attbm'b. wiiaiab A. w,tcoa Al-KHtOHANL) WILLIAM J BASD av trneys aud Counsellor), CouiiooLweai'.u bolldlng. Rootna l. V) aad it U- ll'tVLE, Aliornev at Law.Noe l and i IJurr bulFLn ' WasLiLgtoi. t.ve.v e M ENKY M. HEKLY - Law offlceVTo Pnoe building, li Vt'asblngion avenue L'liA.'.'K '1 OKr.LL Attorney tt lew E-xju, 1 l oal Kxcbar.ge fceenvm. 1'a. Milton w LOWBY, . Att yt. . II VON HTOhCH , tor. av 'A'uhing C. H. sijuare I am to w oakfohjj, Altera., at Lw, 1 iwim , 61 , uui V Ojinuoiiwi-altb b i g CAMLtL W. tb'.All At'iorn.j at Le f On-.ce 31? Kpioiest Bcrsr.lon. I k T A WATHES, A'.v,rncr at Law, li. Lfcckswsne.s s',e. rvrstiton. Pat D K BM1T11. Coutsellor at Law. iJflvjeT I . rwnis 64. 66. fsi Con.n,oL weaitb build i n r ' U. PlTOHEh. Attorney at Law, Lou v. moti wealth bnllalng ranaon. Fa C. COMEOTB, BU gpruoe st DB. hLFLOOLL. Attorney-tauis uetto . tlated oxi rej estate eocurit to Spruce. I F KI1.LAM. Attorney at Law. Jw7 1J utning avenue ly-rantua. II AVE YOLR LtEUn ANLi MOBTOAOI j II written and fccaLowledge: Py i VV BKOWN1NO. Attorney and Notary Vubltc, 2k Commonwealth BtliSlnir Ft BOO L, 4JCHOOLOF THE LACKAWANNA. Serai O ton. Pa , prepares beys and girls for ooliege or bis.ness: thorou4'L,r t;auis youiig cbiiarea CkUiugue at request Krv Thomas M CAita, Waltxk H Brut MISS WORCESTEBe K1NDEEGAKTEN and School, 4U AdamaaviLue Fupilt received st a., times. Next urc. e.- Aprtl DEMI IBTa c C LACBACH. burgKin Uuitnrt, No. Ill Wyoming sve. R M. HTMATTON, ofllie r-,ej Kaebenee 'I'HE BKPTJBLIC Savings and Loan Asao I ciation will loan t ou m iser on easier terms and pay you better on is vestment than any other association Call on S N CAL.'.N- I.F:a DjgeBaakbaMjaf ,1 1 Da. CJ a CLARK A CO . F-eeJeroen. Florurta I. and Nureei-TTOen; store 1W Wk-: . avenue; freen b'-uae,!) North Mam aveLua. store telephone ?S2 TEAS. GRAND L'NION TEA CO.. .Ioms Bma tt 1 KF t RB i v TOS ktf:tteu his L&ctkwer.Tia avenae el Scranton. Pa., manner f t '.re Srreen ROTKLS M RBBTAtTKAXTs CJMIE EfcTMlNeTKK. tX'-tU Wyem ns 1 are. Booms heated wtth f'.oam: ail mod era Improvement. C M. Tai max flap ZlEOLK.R S HOTEL, ST Lackawanna ave nue, K-ranloa. Ktc rtu ul.. e . P ZiriiLkR. i r j rietot - ESTMLKbTEB HOI I L ft W. a BCHIWCK, Xanane Bixteentb tre one W.vl east ci Hr..trv at Vnion Rqusro. New TOTfl Arrerlcan plan. BJ Si per day and nywar,! i OYNE HOV bFV Bucpoan plan, good V room. Oiien day and nigh:. Bar Sure plied tin tbe Wsl P. H. COTNE rrlelxw QCSUMTOM HOV BE, near D L pas si'iigi'r dep.il Conducted en the Knrcpean plan. VtCtJOB Boca, Priiprlet. C'KAND CENTRAL the are-ci a.. st t eiimvrd hotel in Alleatcx .1 Ta . ItetM l and pi.M per ,iav Vii Ton D PtuNrn, Pr,rr!etoT. A lull 111 . I I A VIS HOl'PT. Ar,:utiste Hooenl it at end 9S tSinnnonive.;th b '.i'c S.-ranton 1 L WAl.lFdv Architect, LI ra Ti, in,), wyrsnalne aveane Bcrante I? U BROWN. Ar.-b Ft Ar.-hite.t. Me, I bmldiiiB. lftl sshlngtiv-.i Ave-.Srsnton. ttts, , I , N, III N HAt'l-R OKi HKTll.V "Mr Mi' IV K balla, plaatea, iwrtiea, re.-cpt,ons -el dings and eoncerl work tiir:dahe,l For terms d. trees It. . I. Baaat, ivr.i-.i.-tov. Ill wpoaitai en- o e. Mulleo t lluieio twe i Hukton n swam.- Wholes a li e and s 1' "..' IWink I'liildt.vg. i rtcranicin, i s MKUAROEE RKOTHErW, l'TtlNTKRB euppllea, MyelOMa pajw l ege tmne. Werebi iiee. l.M WaaBtaatOB SVW , Scranton. Pa IXH'TK'fi I iYMlY. IA!M capof.se aveane Fivt elaa, oarrlatea D L r OOTE, Aft I'lineral Dneelor slid Kttibalmer iSltANK V BROWN a IX)., wnoi v I nsle deslrle 'li ,'.'dale. C.M t Air,, end Ol. ClotF. 0 w Lackawanna an-; aa felNH. 1 , eii.l ml,,. nSRA Finn i . i tors tarda Corner Olive at. and adama enter Aa'i at. end Pant, eve . S.-ranton THE Thatcher IS THE BIST. Get prices anil sen th. furnac. anil be fun- vloeed. a full line of BXsiT KH3, Aniello and Uauze Door Rangea. CONLAFSHARDWARE PITTSTON Pat. nilllllllllll,ll,IIIIHI,n,,,nim,,,a,a,,,,siB,i,,ii,,iiH,,,uii,,,i,,iu,,iHiii,,i,H AMERICA COUPON NO. 41, Sonil or bring two ot these coupons, tlilTerently nuniberod, B with Ten Cenl,and get one of tho series of sixteen iniigiiilieent I photographs. Eight nunibers now ready. Mail orders,2o. extra. raiiBiiiiiiiiiiiigiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iteiii..iiiimiiiii3iiaiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiira RAILROAD TIME TABLES. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF N. J. LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Atit'.irncitn coul used oxcluBively. insuring cluuiiliiicHH nnd lomfort. timk tABti is arnot ran. i, IBM, Trains kaav. Bcrantorj for flttston, Wllliee Horr, eUv, atS.in. I). 16, II HI a, in., 12.U0, 2 UU, MB, B 7.2V ll.iV, p. m Kuudays, .U0 a. m., I.W), tOU, 7.10 p. m. I "r A'lanlii: City, S III b. m. For New York, Newark und F.iizaboth, e.io "Iprese, a. in.. 12.:Xi texproaa with liufl-t parlor cur,, a .H) (i xvrnti j D. in- Buuday, I'.UU p. in. Foil Mai i ii CnrsK. Ai.i.kstown. Hktiii.c iikm, l-.AK'HiK nnd I'lin.AiiKi.i iilA, 8.1U a. ra.. laeWtSJO. LuD foxcept nilsoalpola) v in. For UB0 SaABOB, Oct an Ohove, tc., at , .10a ra., i n p ,. Kor heading. Lebanon and llarrisburg, via Allen town, UU. OL, 12, LOO, p.m. Sunday. LUI p. rn. For 1'ottavllle, ti 10 a rn , 12 B) p rn. it. i.,ir;,ii,g leave Maw fork toot or Libert, f ,r."",t:..-7r"' ,lv,r' st '.10 fezpr.-H; s. ol, 1 10, lew, 4..,i f. X,r,.M W)U) ,iu(1t rior ;,, p. m. Hnnday. 4.:i a ra lav I'bllaleliihiu, Kea-Ung Terrnlial, V.V) a. m , 2 oo aaq i ft p Bantlap, 1 27 a. m. 1 t.i'uifh tiekele P,all H,inti. at lowest rate, rnay lei bad on appllutlon in advance to lb. Hckut age;. tat lb', sun ,u II 1- BALDWIN, J. il 0L8AUBSV, 0,8 A',M- c, gnpL DELAWARE A NO hul biN hUI.KOAO ' wnmenafaa May i. wn, trains will run aa follows: ' '"' i;r :j ' t btatioa Bcraatoa, for F:tt- t.-. Wile,. H.rre etc.. fill. V37, 10 42 s, B., 12.10, I -'- 2. 4 1'- i.l',, VI, and II 06 t rn 1m Be ror, andT'blla rie.osntk '. 'i. a. n,.. lz.io taa. M 4 Hand I) V p Per nmiartala fir ;;: f-'laware lckawitm uml v.o-1'.i-ri, Atrpoti, 7 Ml, . St M 10 a.u, , 'H tu 2 17, I 10 p. w. 'it t a, leondale and iLterrjedUit. ttitlooa, r, a, 7 oo, ' H , jo a. Ii PO il it, 3 z:, io, M si.d It 36 a a, front hr.cge K'.mi Lepot, 2.' a. m. 2.l7atJ II 'i a. Fast expresH to Aiteuy laratafa tbe Adl i-.t, V.'j. ..'. :.'.. fc- l .',': a Ki.f.f.A po r.ta MO s ra. a'r,-. u at Aifaaa, 12-45. art,.-e J S; p a, , and MavBu BerMtsa at, p . arriving at Al'.aay a'. tf p ML . harae toga J 2 Vj a. m , and Bsvou. 7 'It a a 7 u only diriy-t route between tb; co! flelda and brtm "Tbe Leadiiut Tourist, Bjute of America Vi the Adirondack MoaaaOMa re ;'., Las ,, Oo'.ige ani '.'tain la: n, Mon'.roal, ev 'lime table, bb'.wlng l'yjal and tbrougb train aervpi beteeen tletlone vn all divisi-zt. tibiae wart aLO Hwiwju trvstetu, may be obta.-oU et al. i: .aware atd Ucaet off wu. H i fOL'VO, J. W Bt-'BLilCli, hwjnd Vi'je F'reMideht Oet hue. Agt. L1 Lliilia VALLtY KAJLitOAU Paa IL I- Train leaves Bttwtea t at Pbllalelpbla aul New Yojg ii 0. B H h B at , BJB 121". e.3r and 11. p. il. via U , L 4: A'. B. H Ut, Ml UJ) a in., knd LM p. tr.. Leave BcraDtssl lor PittaVjn and WiUcea Barre via L. L W h h tUO, IA, UM a jawLtS U, t 07, v p m Leave Bnraaets, (or WBBe. Havet. Haieton, PottstUle anc all pomu on the beaver UmA'jv and Fotuvil b.-aocbea via E 4 W. V.. taOk.iL. VaDL.SH. B B. at k in 12.10. fc 4itp.ia.vL) L A: W. h K., v., tjat, 11.20 am., 11 p sa Leave bcrantoL n betll'-bem F-SfVej, Keka:ng lia.-M, u-urg and all uitennedia.t. point v.k 1 a- li h. B I a m 12 UV rat. iUS i.m .ra Li., L. at W. h K..t ui.e.ue, it2V a. ol, LM p.m. lve Sc.-kht'ji. teTasOTetSBBNett, T-.'watiia, Itlmira. Ithaca. Oeneva and all intermediate point via Li H K B..F.H7 a m. lilo and 1LBS p m. via Li L. & W K B-. b tr? e.ia.l.Xi p m. Leave B-.-rsnton far Bocheeler. Baflalo. Ki atrara Falls. Lietroit Cl. w, t-. a. pxnts vwtTialj B H a a L07 aA.let,.lUlJi p m . na D L S W a a and Pit:-v.o Junction, tOf a m.. lib I Se p. m.. E. st W B a.. Ml u m. For Einiirs and tbv ssst v, t.k.knii--,e'. vut CaB H. B k.u: a.m.. If ta,Cii p. m.. via D, L. W a a. k.m.. 1 i and h.'C p. in. Pullman pkrior Hid iuee;.inr or L. v. chair cart on a.. Ira ut le-tw-eL LAB Jnncuoo or VTiikes-Barre and New Ycirx PtualeipiJa, B'.al: and SeapenioL Bndre BuLLlN H W1LBOB. Gen btlpt. East Dir. CHAS K Lr.E. Gen Paat. Ag t, Pti. Pa. A. W NONNEMACHEB Ass t 0rt Paae Agt, SCLtL tsttt.thcs. ra I I)1 ELAWhE. LaCEaWaNKa AND Vl t;-TtK.N KA .SoAD Tra:n iuve !crait ae toLiwr Ixprwi, for New York and all TKunts East. 1 50. -.50, 6 IK, F.Uli and ft.U! a. n. : 11 K, and 3.SV p. m Expnee t. r Li.-: . :. " re:.' c :-:... a.1. ; L.a and the South, 615, UU and k 5o a m.; iUI and i 50 p m Washington and way stations 240 p nt Tobybanns aocommoaaticis. 6 10 p. xn. Expr as let Bincbair.i jl. Otrert, E mirs Coming. Bath Daneri.le. Mcunt Morns and Buffalo. 12 10. 2 15 a- m. and 1 .24 p. xcu. makltef rioee con: aotloM si BntTalo to aL poaWta h a. Wet. S ultB waa, and Scmthwes:. Bath acr.itniDodatioxi. EJI a m. Bingluvrnton and way stations .2 ST p. m. Ni holson and sir stations 5 45 p xn. Bingham ton and EVm.ra Express. I H5 p m F i , :.: ra -le ..veg.l. Vtica and Kit hfielo pr Mgs I U a m. and 111 p XXI. Ithaca. 216 and F..20 a m atic. 1 "t p xn For N orthnmberland.Piltstoti, Wi.te. Barra, Piymocth. a.vimsiurg and Danvilla, malrinc cUsie connection, at N ..rti.nroberland Tor WUllaxiwport Hamsbcrg. Balum..re. Wkh ::.r: and the Bcaxth Sort burnt criand and interrneciate statiana, ars-i aeo , m and lJeacd 6-OT p va- Nant:c,te xui interniviute siationa f,ne and 1', 9' a m Plyrniiutb and intermediate ataakaaa U and a., p. m Pnilxnan parlor and Seal IBB coaches .in aS express rs ns For de:aiied information, jvv.kct timr tables, etc . apr '-v to M. L Smith, city ticket oflloa, S La.-kawanna avenue, or dep-''t ticket otB.'A tS.-R AiiN on llrtw. le tee,-; Jeauarr Mk i.-H. torih atonnil. :o9 o? rrvi Hiuih Bimn ro, :i4 ens a 57 J .a Btatten, i I i I i I efilCPfl Trsr, DaO) . Kt- s S, s !w cent si.n.lsv l - 5 1 fe ocpl M.n,1s.T ir " ti Arrive Leave : BYB Y FrariVlir. s: ... 1 10 W rat ttad street ,J re, Weehawlcen .... : 8, : let ni it I :'i i XI I .va . ,vt 5 iM 5 . r a i vl : n : s : av m r MArnvc leaves w i ..Mlan.svi, .limottoii, Ural llh-O.-. k e i ItH ti W rear tv i n Siailla-bt Preston Park ooaae Poyr, telle mi. ITaioBdale Tornct a lly Csttviidse W hile Bridge iani Id Man Arvliibat.t 0 I n i on iv,-i, Ue Olvphant Mptaoa Tlinvp ProvFd.no, park Piaoe eis .... f- .... e-v: . .. Ml .... a aa . . . l;8 I. .... K,- II .'I' lOa a! :t .v ,M .tMt4. 4 s . r, tn.'it n as n at Mil tas 1 1 aa a.v Mt :t ra a Mint M in lorltt si aj .v- u ll tfl .i 11 15 fe ii. 4. v i is ,1(1 4 V il Ml rn it u at i " irsa I, u is , : at e a s a ! 40100, I 51 ',' n i h 7 V- 10 10 S 5 ; u mu ih IM1011 4i7 : u io a io ,a iom ai, s rte i,i o- s iv e m 4.v,n ic Foiaiiioi. 1 f llMO.'Hl M ,V a a a I eavc Antic a a, a r a) All trains tun dettv .wept Ml rein y. i stguiQM that trains atop on aataal tor pas a angers. Additional trains leave Oartvndnle for sorane ton i 10 and ti. l p. in . ni rli tug al scrnuton l.tf ami 1 1' Leave Beranton tor carbomiatc a.v and $.9, arrlitug ai cartxuidalc at 7 aa and ,,15 p. m eeeure rsim na Ontario a western before Rurctiaslug tickets and save money. Dav an in, i lapteta to tb, west J, 0, Ainlerpon, Opn. Pass. Agfc T. VUloroft, Olv. Pass, AgU ScrantOD, Ps, PRIE AND WYiVMlNO VAl.LllY KAIL) Vj ROAD Train leave BataatOII tor Now York and in. tarmedlate .mints on the F.rle railmsil at Eta a. in. aad s.24 p in Also for fiawloj and) loeaj points ,t il ;15. ',' l'i and S'.'tpm. Trnln leaving at EM a. m. and II 24 pin, are through trains to and from tloncsilale Triiins loavo for Wilkes Uarro at fl.li) a. m. andl 8.41 p. in. af aTI