I THE SOBANTON TTJITlifJ'N E "MONDAY MOBKIKQ. APTiTL 16, 1894. WYOHINC CHFESENCS; Concluded from Pago I. evils that bpjet n. TM viry church Is nn example, lo all III parfaatiOB ll DIM through two fir.' and appsared " it IS,tB.B most benutitul Ofcureh l oar iKtuonjliiii UoD in this country. 'f ho porsoaai character is ao developed by mmi but it is developed by tribBlatfoBi Ten worn ordain" I . i .i:wa ly iiis:;i;i Hurst lit 1U1' (On0lulon Ol bis senuit'i n follows: E !, Jeffrey, C. H. Hjv uolds, J. X. Iteilev, Ariel but D. French, E P. Lambs. i. C. MaDonald, O. N. Northrop, J. J, R lynond, 8 U Bnowdso, T. Ii. Walter. CONHRCNCE AhriH.ooN services. Eldsra O dalusd, ftwmprlate Read and nwortb Auuivorsarv Held, During t ho rxerelses o( toe afternoon elilers WON orJauifil, set'sid held m memory of ministsrs r tho lelvts of ministers who lut died nine the last f. infottBM and serfiutis oomniemorat- iug the anniversary of tllS EpWOfth teajtus, TllO service bsgui at 9 o'clock with SMC, Prayer was ott o roil lvKr. Y. C smith, oi Wsit Pi tattoo, Kov. Jus tus F. Y timer read from toe ;rip turss. RT, A. CMfio, of Imtgliamtoti, who proo4td aaid that to mention the names ol tbuse who lui l passed IWSJ ami Id eulogiaj their deserving C'hriit iau efforts and careen wan a prtfttlfS and an honor. Their names are not oftfB mentioned iu public places. '1 waive, months bBQ0 some of tSOeS present might l beneath thaeoil,oud their Uvea ahronMed aud read before oonfareoct. I'll.' memorial of the d-.'pirteJ ami tbow who pttioBtod them, are as fol "io w- Uiv. William Bnrotidf , entered tho ooufoiooco lo 1?4.' died at Sidney, N. Y : memorial renl by liar. J. 1 Cook Kav, Alexander E Daniels, mter.ii conference In l!5S4, died at Horns, X. Y ; memorial road by Rot. a. Groin, Bimibamton. K.'V Samuel W. Spencer, eutereil oonferoaoo la died at Mount Pleasant, Blicb. . umuiorial read by Rot. Justus P, Warner, of OwogO. Mr Sir.:!. Hill Bargees, wits of R -v. Thomas Bargees, born i: London. E-j-j. , at Pleasant Mount, buried a! Kirkarood, X. Y. : memorial read by Kev. W. L, rborpo, P. E Mrs. William K. Cochrane, lorn at hy i.'refrij, X. Y., Jied at QontonnOfl land, Pa. j meuional read by Rot. Ji. . iS f W.iruer. of OWOflO, Mil .Siran Weutz, widow of the late i;T W Si Wentz, buried at Ko c:.et -r X V : inonortaJ read by UaT. A. Lintlin, of Blnghamton. Brio! tsanorlal addrtiOM won m.id s bv iiev. W, L. Tii3r;m aud Rev. V. C. Smith, touchinc npon the t.'aris'iau cbaraoten and lire of the late Hjt. Alexander K. DanloUandRtT.filllam U-.rn.si le. Following the mtmotlal service wai the ordaining of the elder. Bishop Hurst ofBeiatod and ia the Lyin no of bond was atlitod by Rev. J. 0, Feck, l' L, of Now Yor; Thomti Bar ronn, iireaiding ldr, of Bingbamton; Amaaa P. Chaff, of WlllM-Barro; A. Griffio, of Bmghanton; A J. Van Ciefr, of Oneoiua; WUaon Troibl, pro iolntfeldor, of Waerly; and Oram If. lltAnnlty, of st Fitutoa. THE CLASS 01 ELDSItS. Tlio clan ordninod wa compiled of Revs. William T. Uidr, Ellison H, DvjpoT, Mom S. GrodhnU, Hiram A. :;:, Leonard C, Mnrdook, Obarloa H Nowing, Hagh A. Williams, lUr brt L Ellsworth, Willarl H Algtr. At 'i'V) o'clock begin the BpWorth ltan nntversary, preeided oTsrby P.i-7. J O Woodruff, of Plvmouti). Tbo conferen soerstary's report w is read aud showed the following: COntribnted for missions and bom chorc:i work, $30,000; conTtrsinoa, 00-i incresj in membership, 1,800; msm borahip, 18,971; ohnptors, 335; ruapteri o! Jnnlor loawno, ; ) Profsetor W. F. Winchester, (resi dent of tbo Hiddletown Walyau tini Tr;!y, addrssood tbo msoHng, th S lid : i iball confiaa my eel f to informal rords on t;,o polar, ihas tu Bpworth Isagna is especially fiit.'rt lo pnfortn onn work, namely, Its Inflaence to broaden lotelleels to know what a rellgiona life meSoa TLprt h. s been a tendem y to tak to-j narrow a view id i:it,'ioj. nrlctakiag rh, relation ot the cborch to the world, wbicb bits Ix-en patUcnlarly ua:or'.iir.ure in iodlvldnal cases. lnmfflnation I thought to boot little nse f:;c pt to p eta and dreamers, yot it holds the key to emottett end is the fecal tv en abling d i to at ourselves loonr uei.-i.b ir's pine-. 'jr imagination helps no in doing thing w ml i not ctnerwlss see. Another mbtske i t hot taste has cr.lv to do v.ith aetkifca, Is useful, perhaps, to tii connoisseur ol brlc-brao and the like, in the vast and broad sen i . re Teai the pessions of man aud i lmpnrt antfntbatit lolls What ho likes aud la the k y hi 6a ar aster, ultlvatlon of imsginalion and last fr go d, ha,i an isporiMt reiatiosj to our Uornl life. T1m obliirationn innd us to atndn tbe blgbesl pcrfectlou of nature fjr ChrMtlan dn.y. The 'in, c t: n oi religion should be broad and straight into tho si mm of Imuinii ac tivity, not by nuv ouuids tbanool that may, dry up. Tim world uud churoh r lesrhtag that ; ...:ve relation to all mankind, Carry tbo swoop of religious obligation Iree'.y smons all, and individually unite in the power of good resolro. liisi'op Rqrst saiil - In this ronforonco, psrtlsahirly, is the BpWorth l.nignea type of the church and it. is mine nppa root here tha i elsoivliere. Tile secretary h report shows how rumar ah e it is. It involves an nwfnl respond i hi iity in bow to direct and guide these youug workers. They ran become law-makers, missionaries or ornumeute, if so trained. Tiio relation the league bears lo the University at Washington is In the estab lishment of a fund of tjoo.ooo, of which SiiO.OU'J is for a building to ho named in its honor and $30", cuo for establishing profss sor, lector and scholarships. Your rsvlvall and work have only he tun. liod blejs a::il make yon a power for good. May this OOnfeTOflC hold Arm, strong aud wise In guiding you lor years to come. Kv. J. O. Puck. D, D , of Now York, cortespondiiijr secrotary of the Mission ary sccit, sai'l : Tlia Kpworth lesgue is a rnrt of the groat training for lus iu the llothodlst Episcopal uhorcb, i would magolfy ih evangelistic spirit in tho work and duty of brlOfBng the Wend to Christ. The roigl ion of the l,ord makes man hungry for eUucatlou and sprouts the wings of Imag inations aud tauten that areonlv lor lbs bisbest. Vou are in the valley of tho most bop fill Bad Iwautiful period of of life, you've never had defeat not felt tbs sweeping of storms; you are buoyant and lin;etul, are on a llowery path and in the : n I period for earnest devotion ami panting purpose: you tiro in the midst of the passion of bounding sod tbrllllngyonth in all its eu thnslaam, Influence ami hope. With those conditions you OSnrfO in aud win. B sure and get yoir choice of Multichromas. One Coupon and One Dime. MISSIONARY ANNIVERSARY HI6H1 Address of ths Rorresp mdi n- Seorsti'.rj, Rsv J 0 V.oli, D D. i hud boon annoiinoed in the aftei- BOOa that at 7 o'clock the d orso. tbl church would be thrown open, i lf teen mioatet after this bom. SO l is many before the service ctmuer.c nl, orex 9,000 persons wore in the sdlflos sod hundreds went uwuy without liv ing able to obtain SVtO SAtlsf ;ftor.V standing room. Ihe service were in anttiv irsary of tit.f Ulssionary sooloty, Kov. w. 11. Psaroo, Dt D , pastor, proaided, Tb-i address was uouTerod hy Rot. ' Feck, 1). D., of Xew fork, oorrsspond log seoretary of ths sooloty. Two plsastng features or ths STsnlnu were the linglng of tbo "Btabat l itsr" by the oholr ami tbodnstof Jlu A. B. Cfoanol) a:id Mrs, Crossln-O'Brlen, Prayer was offsrred by RsT, J. O Woo Iroff. The conference secretary f tli J' cistv presented this report: Blnghamton -iutriot List yar, si - W; this year. stl.'.'To; de.-tvase, m, : 1 Chenango dietrict Lsst year, 13,999 , this year. $3. 35; Inoroase, $'!!. Hoassdal dlsirlst Last vear, K3,358 this year, 1 10) decrease, $107, Ooeonts district Lust year, 19,508; this year, $3,687; luerrase, $84 lvego dlstrlot Last Tsar, $9,791 1 this year $3,70;!, decrease if8 Wyomiu;; district List year $19, Oi l, thiayuar $19,887, dsorsats$80D total Last year $37 ::'.'J, this year $3(1,331, uet Qeorsaao, f)i'J. a SHOT A t mi. TAUtAQE Iter. Ur. Psok said- Yon will hardly believe me, but I moulded this Rim Park churoh into a cart rldgey placed It into a rlns and Bred It at Rev. T. DoWitt Talmage, ll" made ths Snnooaoamont from bis pulpit, that, the Brooklyn Tabernacle had never buu ap proaohsd In its effort t. build three ciiurches Through tho ttrooklyu Eagle 1 refuted this bysaytag that yon had ex pended $400,000 00 two churches within two years, aud SUltrgSd from the debris free of debt. This conference dsfiolt of missionary ool lections could have been prevented; the decrease in ths total moalss f :-the se ciety, which confronted us with au 11 per cent, reduction, under the plea of bard tiejes, OOald have OSSB prevented; live ad ditional OtntS from each coutriOut W would have beeu ths preventative, A SoraatOB business man insinuated tint it costs us . i p.-r cent, to place our bene fits iu foreign lands. This leads me to tell you something of 'he administration of the society. The $, .'j0,0flU ol yearly collec tions don't cost us cent to collect. There is uot a baskiug honss in tho world whose Scandal standing is superior to lhat of the soci.-ty. Wo us-jd to buy over drafts of such bar.kins houses us that of the Barring and Brown Brothers. Now yve have OUT own system of drafts, made possible by our solvency, which are honored tue world over, aud not one dollar of thirty miilion has ever cone to protest, dur economy of management Is not sqaslled liy auy business concern In this valley. I In Dec. si last a rooapitnlattoo of out affairs showed the cost of handling each dollar for the yea-, iucludiug all expenses of sal iry aud office, to be bu; 3,6, The shrinkage is, I know, upoa the he 'i ts of the minister, but with varyiug j Indoitrv it will not occur again. It is often attemotd by otlicial hoards -olaee the rich nun's collar rutin tn; f.,r' TmeL-nnrl ,tietft:e t.rt lllm svtlMthA ,,r BOt he shali devote a day to the OOllsotion andiermon for the Missionary society. Out in California 1 was asked to prencb, bu'. not to attempt a missionary collec tion, to show my races and trot to pleaae tho otlicial board. I refused ni:d Incident ally told them 1 would not oe dictated to, or wear any man's collar but my own. You can be politio and overcome tbeie objection, perban like aa Irish Methodist preacher wi:o said his church was n mem orisj church, the upper half Methodist and the other iialf Baptisl . He was denied preackin:: a misstoncry sermoti, so ho off set the objection brpreachiuon nsubj-c; whose titio did not reveal thj purpose, but winch lie afterward explained "as related to the missionary society." FNEMIKS 09 THE CHUROH. People who crouch to Christ at tho Sac remont and bstruy Him at the croutribu tion box are indeed traitors. Of the enenres of the church, (tod says, "i hey shall lick the dust.'' They crayvl along end spit thsir venom on ths Bible, crawl over it. aud above their grave we siui; tuo reiiuiem,and Christianity marc'ies on forever. The mission in Koine will be on land In ;h- uii 1st, of the Italian government bui Id logs. Sixty feet of excavation lint bi-en in rie tiirongh the rums of a Catholic church and heathen temple to solid found ation. There will be built a church ucol legS and a Book Concern edifice. Among onr converts to I 'hrnt ianitv them era four grandsons of Qariosldl. fine is the exact ooontrpart ot i-.is iiiustrious grandsirei who knows hut what be may spintually eiinu:'ipR'.o his country a liij aucoutor did bv war. There nre in India 80,000 converted heathens bylonglng to the church, all brought to Christianity in the last three years, Lat year 50,000 more were driven Deck with the cry of "llniti ' because we bad no room f,,r thum. What an excuse foraebnrohl a nativs preacher can be hired for $10 per year, tu one presiding elder' district io.iSXI inquirers were turned bSSk because it would bo dangerous to ad mit them on probation and then turn them away with no one not, even u Sunday SCbOol teacher -to golds them. With tbe.io facts fitarin;; you in the face do yon bsgrndgs srsa the 1 10 which would !.r. jig IbOBSSnos of souls nearer to riiiiv!1 THI SAT UftOAY SESSION. Propisd Fqiallty of BspTSSt ntution In 0?n:nl Coofertncs Is Ilffsatert. After consecration services Bstnrday morning coodaslod by Dr, J, W. Wold), of Wilkf n.irre. OonforenSS was rs;;u larly conyennd and these minister were named ns having been pursuing iBOftfldlss of Hie fourth year: Wil li rl H, Alger, W. T. Blair, M, S. Qod shall, F.Hisou H. H ipuy, L 0 Mordoek, U ii. Hewing, HtiBh a. Williams, fi A. (ireen. An able addrel by l'r Morrow was followed by one from Kov, Dr. Payne, atcfstsry of the board of education, detailing progress iuedn Ratioiisl work. Sreretary II. ('. Mc Dstinott read H'.lmmtiry of the liffieth annual report of lbs trustee of Wyo- nilog stml nary, Df, Payos eloquently SXplsinsd tho seminary' good Work, At this point William Cotiueli.spe.ik ing fof the IrdStsSS Of the Preacher's Aid society, nominated T.tr. A A. f J r i f (in as agent for that society, and Slid that while the society alrea ly ha I 000 at it command, lis hoped it would soon liiivo $100,000, Dr. (irifllu. Qpotl motion of Dr, Hard, was unanimously ulectd ngvn', and in hie bpeecb of ac ' SSplan 00 paid a high itlhiit'j to Air, I Oonnoll, and other gtneron liqlpsrs. Conference th"ii took up the iUn, i tion of changing the representation of ; delegates to tho general conference ; Heretofore the ratio has been I to 11 of I the clergy and I to lo of the laity It i was proposed to SqOallls theie ratios. Speeches in the Hfliriiinlive were made I by Rot, Dr. Boyle, itev. Mr, Fsolk- iier, or. urintn, icov. w. u xnorpo, llv. Dr. MoAnmty, H-v. Dr. Bard and others; and in tho nngativ by Rov, J. u. Rokman and Rst.Mc Ls cook, Tuo votn of ih coafor euco stood 108 against tho chsngS to 84 in favor of it. A proposition to increase the ratio of rep resentation, one for every foriy-liv members sad not Uss.tbsn iwo for very ninety member, wia carried oy u VOfB of U! to 08 A resolution thiink Ing Abram Xuslut, and Mr C.iroiiue .-. Petti bono tor mnuitlosnt donations lo Wyoming lemiuary yvas passed. Conference unanimously ngreud to petition the NVf Yoik legialstm 10 aiUSml tho state eoi.t.tltutiD.i s iliat public rooasS ; . iy not I- nrnirnprlaied for sectarian im'rpoiM. Itev. Dr. 8. C, L ga;i and N O. Fntke wele Introduced lo tho a loforenos. The o:h-r liuslness of ibo forsnoon seiolou comprise I th adoption, by a vote of IU to 0, of n resolution lo ShsngS tho nay lix'd for th conve ling of the ;etier,il conference Froth May i to the first Wsdnjsf ey In My, Thg following Were r . diurnauded foif dtHOOn's orders: Adtlbvrl D Kin". '.'. D. Walter, Chunaugo; Bonjsmtu P. jarrsbse,'Chsancsy i van (order, J ii. Raymond, Bpoesdale; Judsoo M, Bailey, . i. U, MoDounld, Wyoming ; tr. il Riirthup, Owsgo. Thess wore all paasad upon nud auvanood, except C. T. Ys;i Border, against whose atl mission into this oiass soma objsstloaa wars raised, An adjonrnmeut was taken uotll i 3d. Dir. AITEUNOUN gKMlOX, Dr Grlffln prssldtag, Dr. Raymond of Woslayan nuivertliy spoke briefly ; Dr ,1. Rlubards Boyle read the annual pastoral lslti r an '. OlatUtiosI .Secretary Wilbur road the nuuual conference re port, irhich showed general progrtll throughout nil departusuts of tho yvori; Conf ersnso theu listened tore view of (be work dons by ths Woman 'i Foreign Missionary sooloty, Ths pro gramma as barsiofors printed wai glosely followed, The feature of ths afternoon yvas an eloquent and sffootive address by Mrs William Osborne, prsaidsnt of the Brooklyu Training school, w voMiNt; alUtNARy Dr, BpragUS, president of Wyoming seminary, presided during tbo anni versary of that institution, the next oxerciso on the programme, Ths larg cot audience of the week was in at tendance. A du it wai snug by Messrs, Thomas an I Wool n. Dr. Raymond, offered prayer and then Dr. B tab ford, of th o.iioau Wsaloyao upiTsrslty, spoke on ths subjset of "Christian Ed Boatlon," Dr, Bssbford is said to l ihe youngest sollege president in the Foiled Stales. ll- is a brilliant speaker and his addrssi was au able one. Be dwelt upon ibo defeats of our present system of asoulur sduei tiou, dsoluring that the time is aomlng when spiritual us well us tbo intellec tual forces will bo recognised. Dr. Col rllle dlimlssed the meeting with the benedletiou, IN THE tVKNIXiJ The auditorium was (crow led In tho BTOUlng, ttie progr iiuiiio being tuKen up with lbs nuniversary of the Educa tional and Prccdtuan' Aid societies. Dr Floyd nonducted the devotional ex ercis s, Df Payne, ot New York, a talented spe.ikir, dvlivered tie ud dress. He nave a ditoription of tho rise of aeademies and seminaries, oui llqing iu nu interesting manner tho sduoational blatory of Methodism 11a gars statistics showing tiie groat work performed, oomplimsnted the faithfili energy of wuniuti workers, but deplored tho 1 iztness id' some men. Dr. J. c. Bartcell, corresponding eecrur,y of the Preedman's Aid society, yvn tbo next speaker His addreiS Was pointed aud telling, rising ut times to tho heights of trUS eloquence. He created a profound impression, . CAf.BONOe.LE CHIPS. Dally Risurne i f Pioueer City Xsws of Intsrast, ,V'ij' 'o the Scrantoa Tfibum CaRBOHDALV, Fa.. April 15 At a meeting imld on Friday evening ly tho boy' bi.inch of the Young Men's ('nr..--tian association the following officers were eleotad : President, Henry Chil ton; vice nrssideur, Harry Cap well; secretary, Fran'; Couch; treasurer, Wi :1 Edgar, Miss Merritta Donovan has returned to her home in this city afttr a six veks' visit with her sister in Star ruosa, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carpenter are spending a few days In Now York. A larye number of people attinled tho conference at 8eranton Baturdav. and were very much pleased with the sxsreisss, Dr, Charles Lee nod Dr. Ottman will represent tbe First Presbyterian churob of this city at (be meeting of Presby tery to bo hold at Tonkhaon ock next week. Cards haTS been receive I by friends of Miis Jeaonette Penwarden announc ing hor marrisg to Tbomus Richards nl the bride's home in Scrantoa, April 31 Tiiis bos bsan n remarkably qniet week, said Janitor Bool at the station hotts this morning, He has not bad a lodg,-r since Saturday. The Oolumbui bond ::av nn opsn air SOOCerl Saturday night and was en joyed by a large numbir ysuo gathered on the street Emory Potter, ( Oreeniisld, lilcd Friday morniag, Hewaaweii known iu this oily, . , i M, L Blair, Alderman, h word, Scran too, Pa., sta ed Not. '63: Ho bad used Dr. Tbomas'EclectrloOH tor sprains, burns, cuts, bruises hmI rheumatism, Cured every tuna AMCHBAIO AND VICINITY Current Tcpics Enieitali.li sly Discumd by an I .tsliiKort V, li'pr. PpitM fo ih setwafoa 7Wna Ar.rnnAi.il, Fi., April 19. The msni ber of Arehbnld Hose company will moot on Monday evening at 7111 I 'clock. l','isines of Importance will be transeeted, Misses Miry A sod Aim s Bweiney palled oo frleu is In Befanton on Batur- d av. Dr. I, Kslly, of Olyphftht, was a vli lor iter on Bnturday The smployes nf Jones, Simpson aV Co will bs paid Oil Wndn," 1 iv. Mrs, P, W. Fad len and children, of Olyphant, who imvi been rlsltlng tela-tivev-. her", have returned home, Hist Maggie Biton, Of Isturel street, who bus been III for the p .si ten days, is slnyvlv ree ivei in;.'. Mr. Miles MoAndrew Is Improving bis property on Lsnrel street .)n Tuosdny 'Bquirs Xiimiey will utoTeintn th" house on Msln street vhieh hi boufbt a few upioths ugV M. w. aofft, Bsq, of the v. :i. Marshall's Oliiec, llloiib:, '(!., wi'ilcs: "I'or aiany years my wife baa been s constant tfifferor from iBdlgectlon, sick ooadsone, nervous pt irsilon and nil otaor eowplajiiui that the fe utiiu ess iu balr to, and, after tryiag many lemoitle i e.Tiil doeti.ra iTvvS. Willi bill llllle nr ti. re- lU'l. i " linnioeo ii 'i' io try Dr. Plorco'S Kuinrllu Prenerlptlon una 'Oold i n Meaiesl INeoovery, ' She a us so i,t,i. ol In art. C (v( she returned the nnswor Iffs I that H wouw bo llko all tile i est ol oo floou ; hut on I. iv (OOOunt, she naM ibo would ;,y it, so I (tot one bottle CSChl urn', bi lore she tiu.l used halt of n bottle kbe t It tlut I' was i u 'lllluu Mas. St K r. hrr, and she he" eontlnucd to Improve ever slme, unit le i, ti.u I- .. the niosl oonitirinl remedy iai eiii ii tor horses, and reeoiumoods It to all sulti'iiug femuii'd. (ho lias not bt.'uu to well in ten year, I write this WHtaiut any sottottstlon and Willi ll live, irood will, so (lull you lu.i i ( nil who may suffer know wlail It tints done fur her." Hold by medicine dealers everywhere. ) 1 flic if V's IP tl. H ww iSftev l.z A Word. IFonsq ell .fan's cod Miol SlMch, rep .0 e.o i ll'..i.;u,ulic,'; are in vcied 7.7.7:. liitj.tt.-;r.a jnttd. i-'iTi'.Ti'iN y.:.'n:ii BY a oi;:,(i fs in- with osiHrlnce ia a millinery store Can a v i st of i otsrom Addre u l P nl in aveun. Tiiii.i ll tot WiTHA I IiN i' w-uld fis WANTKD a Uiiy.',N t., n f ii.rlc bv ILo day st wallilns at ui aninir. r nil! Usfc waanln home, Ail lrM MAltV LiONNEliLT, .,:i Oreii rt i ii ' i. ltAJfpiT -iW A HoV r. WO.sTtsi OVA.OK, v emnlpymeiii in hotel, store or one farm. Address w. i!.iis'!:s ht'iti ll, Bast gtrouuV burg, I'n. '. ... ma... U WHO HAJ Badkj pi 1 rleuce a a citrk sad D, K. boukkeetH.-r, desire position as either or both, Bxpect small salary at iiist. would Itbsan Interview. Adsreee $os n.'.'. Tunkhannoek, Pa Oil l'. TION WANTI'.U A OOOD I'UN US aisnand scholar dlrfso situation where a,' is willing to nmii inin-.di geaerally uselul. "(' 'i rlbune ofttiw, LSITU KTIOH WA.'.Tr.i) BY A YOCNO i Man lurk in eroosrv. dry Rood "i i"tli.iiir store. Had exnorteae at arocerv bnsines, Uood reference. Addrs, TA. M , Tiibnne ontco. s1 ITUA'XTOM wANTKU BY A HOOD halvr: lient ui' refersiices. Addruss. Baker, in? Waabinstbti A ,'eone, Help Wanted Male. 1 'ANTilu ol NU MAN WHO I MJKll v I Stallits UTeitrai'a Siul le eLlos-pilli to gO "lit of t!iu city. Call M WOOD'S COL I.ltOl'l. Agents Wanted. EN Eli A I, AOENTH WANTED-HELLe ' las He., artiole to dealers; exclusive territory, r competition, h,j capital re aulredjiwto Wi r ; uint. profit i'olcm iiia L'HKMlCAL CO., ami vi Dearborn ..I net, Chicago, III. U'ANTKD -MAN WITU DH'K ANH KDtli Insuraul'o experlene a solicitor In Laekawauua county; kins! ladnoement io liKbt man Addre kltti-30 Beta balldina', PhUadelphla. Pa. UtXtil I' Ii-AiiilAl S To TAKK OMDEKS byeamule; we will iuy expeueeand sal ary or allow liberal oomuuaslonj sample sent on application. Address Lock BoxCI-iSS, ;iy Yors City. lor Kent. MOB BENT-8IN0LK, HOUSE INK I rooms with elty water, apply i d Boatb Niuia street. nOB BKNT - lH M.DINO j!-, uACKA- I wanna avenue from April I. CHABLKS II WELLED, Coal Exchsnue. TfOB RENT THBEE i;ooMs. PftONT OS I '-. eoed tl'ioi, over N. A. llnll.t rt'j luusle i ter.', 117 t you.inijaveuiio, fiiuu April L lu- quire in the store. To MM foil A TeSjS OP VEAliS i Pui t or all of tliiuL' bumlrad tool of y.-d room idona railrwad. A;.4y at H!U t'rutikliu avenue, rpo BEXT 8TORB ttxSO OB PUBNISHED J ball oo Green Ridge street, vers dIo location and on rejeVoaable term Apnl Inl'. II. NKTTI.r.TCN ui O. S. WooDl'.Ul i' Republican i.-.. t.s for Sale VOI! BALE- A PABM OF EIGHTY ai 'it .-.. J1 one, and one-half mile trom Dsjton oo the Delaware, Laekawaona hdiI Western railroad, Pirtt-elifs farm hou-1 with a never fillBg suliiu m ii by: two barns, (jouil isnd ami t'ood orehard. Will lw sold cheap. 'Terms easv, Addre H. K. VON BTOROB or 1 s a .'. ' ELLIS, xocntors, Dal ton, Lackawanna county, Pn. PHA ETON l OB BALE INQUIRE OP H. I II. Costoii. court sU'iio;ii,pln r, court house, ,,i tin Olay avenue, ipult BALE - ag-ACBE PABM, BTOOK X: uri'l utensil J, M. SHEFFIELD, Mom 'oe avo. trORdtAtB OR EXCHANOE FOR BCRAN I ten property A bearing, orange grove ners (ij! i'l pioduetiou an, I vala yearly ia tbeoraag eaotlan In Florida, Addre v, L. NETTLETON, Lak Helen, Pmrtda Res i Estate. 1,'Oit BALE-SINOLB BOUBB, SOD QUINOY J avenue: very Uesnall,, O, F. REYNOLDS or WILLARD, WARHEN f KN.M'P. muwill buy .modern newsroom (TP house, all Improvement; tanas easy; for. nr Mdlon avenue aud Deleware street. An ply BARRY LEES, oi.ioi WILL BUY VERY l lEBIRA BLR LOT O comer Madison ave-ane anil Dolawart tutet. rermeeaay. Apply Special Noticzs. MkMiikiis OF I'lii: 1'iuKi.ri'v and Columbia Belldtag and Loan ass i tiens are rripiestcd to esll at room Ii, Burr building Waablngtou avenue. JOHN V. HARRIS, Supeiluleml mt. J LANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS M m; -I sin, eta., ii uind or rebouad at Tin; TniBURB offlee. Quick work. Beasonabl rnees. MEAL TIOKKT8 CAN HE HAD IT in. ill earner Bprnee siris't ami Fraiikiin ave nue. Twenty meal tiitets for J.'J.VI. Hood table board. uaS RKaTP Hah TAKE THE CIVBkY i ' Stable lately ooeapled iv Fred a, Warren' UT Mo;. roe avenue, rear, where be is prepared t" turnlsb flrsl clna Landaus, Rurreyi Pbea Ion and l'it,-ios yoid hordes una e,nt!id arlvers, Telepboni nnsotlonsi UTOCKIIOLDEKS1 MEETING THE AN. " nuid mtlag of the stockholders of the Provi'topea Has and Water Compaoy will be b Id at the Delaware ana Hudson Oanal Com pany's building, ist Franklin avenue, Scran- ton. Pa, ut U a. in., Muml'iy, Uny ',. IS.o, to eli ' olBeei s tu serve diirina tlieeusuuiK jrear, and transact any othtr bnslnts that may be pi St'lltl I. H. !'. ATHEBTON, Besrel i Brrantoa .Api ii iwi, Njlice to Prop.-rty Owners 'I'o THE oWMii's ' of;"' lurTTn) I owners of prnporty heanduut nnd atml ttnif ii 'I iitberly sidi ol Svrai Lacks aiina live from the I'. I, ,t W. H. li. t '.'.uii litl i sv.. the westerly Mi of Ninth strttt from Wei Larkawsuns ave, te Rabin, son street) tho westerly .ui ol Bobiusun alreei it'- satire length) aad loth sides ui North Mala ave. from Jackeou io Pettelxme ut tot. ill sliuate in III I oillll) in u l-'eni - teenth ward of the Clt) of Beranton, i'n TaR' notice that under tat direction of (.i andls, i i I T'miie ibs aasMsmeat lor taj leg or re laying Rve fool fkntoa sidewalk i ill viutliei I;.- stile of Wis! I niva una lie le tw- eii uliiive liuine I p., ml-, and lor Invinir or re.avlag liy r.ioi tl gateno sldawalkson - Mi of S,n".i and R U. ., oi sto'i-ts be (weeiithe point ' above deegtwfwd, slso for laying ir relaying Isgetene sldewailfs, est Hug i nl listen Mi l lavlni: pivo i nul Im on both joiii h oV .'ortii Main uvc. bel a i iiii.it shore mentioned, on lloudav. April SI, A. D., 1SSI, ol HI o'clock In 'before nooa, et my offlee lu tile Mnulilpal Buitotug In tnet'lty of tferaiiton. I'.i. hi ui.i.a. ,o.,.i an I plsc yjn may auuntr and bu nsiud If Oit I.O I oa re. .lositril p. rtiii.i.ips. i'ity Engineer AHTOHE HARTHAN 1 1 ftootk Vi'sshi nylon Avoiiuj. Coatrsator and baifdM oi Qooflrote nanima Ounrete Bloek, Potato, Huticr nnd Ciui lie i. Wi'tteihts dried up. QrdeH may bs left g Thompson & l'rtili. Will auis Si Cu, A' ,i sad Eypon Btreet, o,' at leraatea Bteye Works. Alio foundation Cistern, 1 10 wlro I'ttnueteaad Onfitas, Useniuifuf Usideu Walks, SCIENTIFIC SHOEING. sis a i Qsjingssearsd m.- BBOUNQ IORQS oi IIIImu Ul'.irae BU lur it periaaimul lmsl in J stand, I shall roadunt Hdentiflo and ratbologloal fclmo'iig lor tt HrvvastloU, Re not nd cut e at tarasneM end other imiviti Uiontu in tlm im, vi ii sutioi ilorsis hicdUlilal or nno to Iroiwi lt shoftng I iball gtvataa ' nj i. ... ; "i : pniil . tuntli ii a an guarantee aa pxtr eiiarMbxeoii for imntoeetnent lis tea nags, ctr. , wl Itetioiited ttternoona, A free Hiur sua iirutopSlMir.1 kdvive given cvery lloBdsj Iron i io -1. M. JOHN HAMLIN, D. V. S. , f h.mV: onn mm mmh ICO NEW ARRIVALS TODAY. LATEST STYLES, BEST WORKMANSHIP LOWEST PRICES. In Our Dress Goods Department We anais. DUPONT'S WINING", BLA8TINCI AND BPORTINQ Kanutaoturedat Ihe Wapwllops II 111 Lu, mras county Pa ami .-.t wu- mlngton, Delnware. HEIMRY BELIN, Jr. (ieneral Aiient for tha Wyoming DiStrleb ii& Wyoming Ave.. Scrant&n Pa. Third Notional Hank building. AGSVC1SS. THOS. FORD, Pitteton, Pa JOHN I; SMITH BON; Plymouth, Ta I. W .MULUOAN, . WIlkes-Harre. Pa. Agents tor tbe Itupauuo Ouemieid C'oiu I any 'a Htifh Explosive. Oil, My Poor CONNOLLY & WALLACE es, they a:c undoubtedly poor and will continue so until you have them properly and scientifically fitted with suitable Glases. Our Mr. Adams is well qualified and we do not charge you a small c l . . ,' fortune, either. 1 ry him. o fit. no charge. ecereau LACKAWANNA A V I . V C "No star was ever lost wo once have seen, We always may be what we might have been," A HAPPY PATRON OF THE EIEHSPJI LSfiiEi CO. Scranton, Pa. 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building TFRY US. THE DiCKSOlM MANUFACTURING CO KCRANTON AMD WlUtCaVBABBS, PA.. XAKOFACTCREBa Ot Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. General Qffios, .vcitAN f OX. PA HOW TO UKE MONEY Tlirrcarc liuiiilreds of yottng hkmi ttml young women in thii country who have apleudid ubiliiy, but thej havfj aaver been wakened up. Wood's College of Bosiness and Snorthand litis Im'i'ii an Inspiration to lininlioils of young people, If yon are tired of inactivity ami want to io something tangible, onto to the College, COMMON BNOLISIl OOUfUMB. itt siMiss COURMK. bhohthanu o. us.: F E WOOD, Proprietor. LUTHER SEWER PIPES, Offlco, 813 West Lacka wanna Ava. ....,. alvi. inn iifliiUiliiHl. !.-.K.-ii,ll.iiiul'!'i.rntlv. Ki'inl'll'iinil ,'ifi'nti y. b ii oil i.ii'Viilil. With .... A.... I ,1,. ,.,.. ..v I UI, CEMENT. KF0RE AKO AF1LR USING.i " lnor. Address NStstVi; SUKU to., Wmvu'.u Tomle. i.'an.(J0.l!4. PorSaleinSoranton, Pn.,byH. C. SANDERSON, Driist, onr. Wasuiinjtou aaid Soruco troots. oily &P VVsIIhc n n i Tinn mm are showing a Handsome It will pay you to look at 209 Clean Carpets, Renovate Feathers, Upholster Furniture, Make Over Mattresses, TISS and we Retail Mattresses at Factorv Prices. The Scranton Bedding Co. ' ui 4)04 I.ucktiwatiiiiri Ate . eofMI Adam Ave. Eves! I '- Conne?! KELLER KING'S WINDSOR CEMENT FOR PLASTERING. FLUE LININGS Quarries and Works, Portland. Pa. NCRVESritCB. I i. ...... i. ,, r ii. J, Vllkh- O I Vilklsl I Hii.ni i .,- Jl,- i ,i s .i i lnisM..ik M,f ').1,is.iji iiiaIii l-.'wsr. MJiiiiii'. iiiiiiii''i'. , .. it . ,i,ih.,i. r.i'.-iiti l:miiiii., fir ouwifs, ai ! itrsins an li o i pewer .. . :.. ,, ..-,.., ...,,i , , 1 1 .i, ....is. -,,,.,. vrrt'i"!. i oiitliiii'-i'' ort. oulnni in -lllll.lils'lils. wlllon ll'.ul I" Ilillttllltl-, l.v11- I Inn .lillc.'t.l vi si i.n. HI. mi I'l I". i'l r,,. iv.-,. i.ii'i mi r.u i-u-u in ihbi y - r-- --r-,-,, ,;,; iiitlov wiielv rllli-n aimrnntee lo m I I, MilJ tlf III! ,iruSiH. A fC-lt.lSSI) WEAPS Line of Batin Stripe Jav- them. o a WASHINGTON AVE. 0pp. Court House. Ffothlngham Theatre MONOAT, Al'illi. lo. j p y DOCK ST !)FR? MinStrelS susy oia Farorit tuny nw oni I AU unites ia an hn'.irtiv X Prograsaui. II- Great Comedians- 11 l. w Doi.:;tiiovr. Prank Diiujont, i -jig rowar, BlOfrson d tiurr... John C. Har ir n . r ... Symoad, Rugts a kastus. ; Regular Prices 11, -ij :.nd ... Sal oaBsat Powell's muic (tore Fi ,Ja , iuraiag I st v o'clock. FROTH INGHAM tu uud Thursday E :.I i: HEN It V K. 1 HEATER DIXEY I R ICE'S BIG BURLKSOCB COMPANY Btrlesiitis in NEW 11 CHIC : NEW SPE( lALTUBi AD on iT t'v 1 a-rs i.i, ' r 1 ..'..?!!. 1 Ji tu Uato N r Idea Ami Raplate 1 . Hew Joyou tsisk NoveUr. ww locidi-ate. PRICES OnlMstra, (1.50; Orriiestra Cif ele. II: Baleoay, rso.; Bsiconv Otrcde, .vii-.i 0 .Iter v. Sir ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Ons W eek-. Coaim eiK-iLii Monday, April II Katiasa BatantS tit tM r ML i'hv :vji.isr r;; . I ii'Tt ; Character Acio.-. THOMAS R. SHEA, And i-.'tutm. ' ui 's.i.g.T.;. I'-anesrs and Come dians in the 1ij..owv.i; HfiHTtoire. Uonday "lCeanin trom Win; Sloe." J .o's,iy "Yfte Sniaresoi Now York." Wiufi"ia ".-tratretisU.'' Thntedaj "hip Van . tekj."" Prlday -or. Jekyll nrd Mr. Hyde." Baturdav Mattaoe "Rip va winktle." Bstardaj "ihe Biack Vt: Prices. 10, 20 and 30c Itlt of tettt opens FrUUyi April for tho cntirv WMk m I'llllR II llbll I mm Mi1! ;i.i,tn.Mwra-i Ctl O'lltilCTlt" MOXD . APBIt i Wonderland Theater Co, lt aday, Tasslay and Weiaeeday, QRAND DOtntil lilLL. A POOR GIRL'S DIARY j AND Nan, the Good-for-Nothing .NAN ,MIS8 SI IOOIB W ILtitlTT Thursday, tVldSJ aud Satui Jny, A CELEBRATED CASS AKMllOV. 10. 'JO nod 30CEXTIS Periornane every aftetaoea, sxrpf Moo , ,vs ami I'lmrsdsT-s. nt ;'.;H'. and viry avsn- ii ai ii. Daws opeo at LM umi :.ou i. M. The GENUINE New ffaven "Mathushek" Pianos rtSTABLISHJU) lsilti. New York Wiuerooms -No. 80 Fifth Avenue. E, ('. RICKER & CO, Boll dsalers in this section. OFFICE -188 A0AM8AVB MULTICHROMES. Art for the masses. One Dime and One Coupon.