The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 14, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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A Woman
Without Gloves
IS SCARCELY more than half
dressed. No mutter how Km
ft bonntt, how olejjuut ndresi slio
nmy bare, p:iir of Gloves
is m'oeii:iry for the completion
of the out-door toilette, tnd, in
C net, makes tin for n i:re;t may hi lacking in other ar
ticlos of dress. You can Ret
Gloves Kid Gloves at almost
any price. Get them here. A
fllr-prioed glove is, however,
cheapest in the long run ; looks
tetter, wears bettor, and is KUir
niiteed not to rip or tear. We
have the Foster Kid Glove, the
H'te JonTln Kid Qlore and other
Wellknowa makes. Good Gloves
they are. Uthor stores have
them, too. The only difference
is in the price OURS, of course.
beinp tho lowest. I tut the bMt
Glove we have is the new
Glace Real
Kid Glove
With Large Pearl Buttons,
in all the New Shades,
Tans, Erowns and Blacks,
Price, $1
How quick women are to recognize
superi r "style!" How thev discover
thnf onr Hats are both neautifnl and
beautifying I Oftn it tnkes but a
look in the uUs. a qury as to pries
and, presto! a sale it m i Je.
Net's cf jlovmfn'.a of Prominent Pso
pi. Crifp'.y Prpar-d.
Special to the ycranton Trihutic.
HAi.T.sTi-.r, P , April 18 Flora
Jobneoo, ttie kindergarten teaeher, it
visiting friendi in liir ghsmton.
Warren Simmrell is visiting friendi
in Williamsport,
Magpie A'Hvam is visiting her
brother in Albany, N Y.
Mr. John Callow is visiting her
parents in Anhurn, N. Y.
Mrs. diaries Cspwull is visitin? in
Mrs. Fred Van Former was in Biog
bamton todav.
Mrs. Jobn Tylr visited Bingaatnton
fliendl y sterday.
Hon. James T. DnBoia, who has been
calling on old friends in town for the
past weelf, left this morning for Wash
itiston, D. C.
Captaia Bache and family and Mrs
Roe Dayton, who have been fpending
the winter in Washington, D. C, will
ri turn home nbout the nineteenth of
tbil month.
Walter Tinrton Is on the sick list.
J B. McOeary wae in Binghunaton
on Thnrjday.
In cons, qnonce of the continuous
growth nf the Presbyterian Snndav
school it has ben deemed in ssary to
establish some new rnles and regula
tions for itM government. In accord
ance with this demand a new constitu
tion and by-laws were drawn up at a
meeting of the teachers, held at the
homo of Hon. S. B. Chase on Friday
evening Wit, and wer adopted by the
teachers and officers or. Sunday follow
iug. Tbey are to take eff ee at once.
Mrs. M. Sell lenberzer, lieavcr Dam.
WK, writes: "We hnv,; usrl Dr. Thomas'
Boleetrio Oil in onr family for Coughs,
Colds, Croup and Ithenmntism. It cures
every time."
L'vs Nnws Notes firm .1 HiistllnB Corrta
pondsnt Down th. Vslley.
tliecinl to the Scrnnton Tribune.
Dl'RVKA, Pa., April 18. Mrs. J. J
Sampson, of Main street, is visiting her
parents at Archbald.
A nmnher of our peopls ar attend
ing the Wyoming conference at Scran
ton today.
Mr. Hermann, of West Pittston, who
recently pnrrhassd tho lot nsar Dill's
post office building, has already begun
operations for his new structure.
D. W. Richards made a business trip
to Bald Mount yesterday.
Dr. Parke, of Pittslon, will preach at
the chapil Sunday evening.
The Addenda meo's this evening.
"Burdock lilood liitters taken after eat
ing will relieve any feeling of weight or
over funnel's of tho atontaOb, Sold every
where. iiiisiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiijiiiiiniiEiiiii
fOtiB of lliodfi COUPONS, ri- 5
HPiiti'd tit Thfl i rlltiiMc OfllO0 nir- J
iht i vim nvaQ umi Spraoa nti t, n
titltlM tht holdef to nil t ins priv- mm
i 1 vtft-n of i In- tinpnrttllelfMJ oiler m
for dlitrlbtatlng popular bqoki wm
HiDnnK air rvudt'tt. 'I lie oflrm Mind) S
iy The Tribune management t 5
:is TolloWli:
1ft CKNTS nn1 Four OonpOM for 5
:nv volume n the Colum turn S- S
rlon. Over 100 lit I en to KfliM-l .from, mm
20 CKNTS him. Four CoupoM for 2
any book in tli Kiijli,y Nurlen.
2fl CKNTS it ml Four Coupons for ZZ
nny bnok In Mi Oxford Nerleg.
Littln Locals of Interest to R.sld-nts
f Monro' Capital.
fjfcin to the Scranton Tribune.
BTBOTJDBBUBO, Pa., April 18 A A.
Dinsmore, of Philadelphia, is in town.
Professor Rosenberry and wife are in
New Yort,
Lawaon Bredtt, of Waabington. N.
J., is a uiieat of A. E. Ackert, of Ksst
S. Harris, th" well known jnwelrv
salesman from New York, is a (jtisst at
the Lackawanna House.
Mm. R. W. Cox came homo today
after an extended visit among friend,
in Blmlra and 13inghamton.
Tha paper rvpresonting t1.' charier
of the Delaware Water Gap Electric
road were received from llarristmrg.
The meeting of iStroudsburg and
ISnshkill Telepbona comiltny was post
poned till Friday.
J. M. J. Btadv, n wall known young
lawyer of New York, is stopping at the
Burnett House. He is here on real
estate business.
Tha annex at Lawn Cottage is near-
ing Completion, Flagging six feet wide
is to belaid in place of the : foot walk
in front of the house.
Miss M. A. Ilellar was on Monday
night united in marriage to Mr. Ban
jamiu Snyder, who resides near Effort
The Odd Fellows will attend divine
service in the Methodist Kpiscopal
church on Sunday moruing next.
It was decided at a matting of the
directors of the Stroudsburg National
bank to make e.xtensiv improvements
on the banking building situated at
the southeast corner of Main street and
Franklin street.
Vioa President J. P. RsiV.rty and
General Manager C D. McKolvey, of
the Wilkes Barre and Eaatorn railroad,
are at the Indian Quevii hotvl. It is
understood that a railroad expert is
making a valuation of the railroad in
connection with toe late issue of bonds.
There aft now 491 students enrolled
at the uormal school and more are ex
pected. Mrs. W. F. Downing is visiting her
parent! at Boranton,
Mrs. D. D G rdou left for a ten days'
visit at Boranton,
Mrs. J. R. Smith left for U'ysox,
Bradford county, to visit her sick
Louis Ris left for Philadelphia on
business He will remain a few dvs.
J 11. Johnson, of the knitting mills,
will remove his family to Philadelphia
this week,
Mrs. William Bofamlth has gone to
B ithlehem.
Mrs. Thomas McElhane and daugh
ter and Mrs. E K, Shafer returned
from New York, wnere they have been
spending the past week.
Miss Letitia Smith is visiting friends
in Wcatfield, N. J, Before returning
to East Strondsburg she will visit Phil
ipsburg and New York city.
County Treasurer Kiletit nrger is ia
the upper Delewsre valley this week
pnrcnasine railroad, whiehare disponed
of to the Deieware, Lackawanna and
Western ra lroad. J
P. H. Woodward, of the Unnmore
Pioneer, formerly of East Stroudsburg,
was circulating among Strondibnrg
Echoes from Irving Cliff Caught br a
Live Corrsipord'nt.
Ftecialtothe Scrnnton Tribune.
Honf.sdale, April li Toe follow
ing from ths Chicago Journal is very
applicable to Houesdale's streets:
Our streets are never so they just
Exactly please a body,
For when it's dry they're full of dint,
And when it rains they're muddy.
Oh my, bnt we are worse.
Longfellow's "Evening," given by
the forty five young ladies constituting
St. John's Beading the Watts
building last evening, proved a most
enjoyable affair. The programme rn
dered in a spirit and manner that was
highly entertaining and instrncti ft,
was as follows: Piano duet, "Gladia
tor March," Lonsa, Muses Miry Can
held and Agatha Sweeney; "Life of
Hnry W. Longfellow," Miss Mag
gie McLaughlin; Recitation, ''Dl
vina Cartnedtg," Longfellow, Miss
Mar"y Croghan ; piano solo. Miss Agatha
S',ve'nev; recitation. "Ladder of tit.
Angnstine," Longfellow, M as Agues
Hafew; "The Story of Evangeline,"
Miss Mary Sianl-y; rending, "King
Robert of Sicily," Longfellow. Miss
Maggie Grriffln; song, "A Dream of
Love," Spencer, .Miss Minnie Risly;
recitation, "The Legend Beantifnl,"
Lonirfullow, Miss Mary Coleman:
cuorns, "Good Night," the Clrolo.
Rev, John N Lewis, jr., of St.
George's, Now York, is the guest of II
. Russell.
The Box social at Seeleyville lad
evening furnish-d mn-di amusement
for the par ticipmte, and netted the
Amnsement cluli abont 180,
Tha Art Student's Series of Jlnlti
chromes at the TBIBDNI agency, oppo
site City hall, 880 Main street. Drop in
and inspeut them
Remarked by II. ('. Joiner, at Allen P.
()., Hilladala Co., Mich.: "Nothinn 1,'av.i
my rheumatism such quirk relief s Dr.
Thomas' Eclectric Oil believe it infallible
for rheumatics.
Lights and Scores on ih Plonssr City
Midway Mirrored.
Fveeinl it th Sernnlnn Trihun.
CABSOKDAtl, Pa,, April 18 Mlsi
Minnie Kyte, of Wst Pittston, is the
guest of Miss Flora Harrison, of Wash
ington street.
W.J. Msxie, of Forest City, made a
business visit If tbil eity today.
Thomas R Dnrfeo has returned hoin
from his trip in tha south.
Rev. Colville. of Binghninton, will
prenoh in the Methodist church in this
city on Sunday, both morning; and
Mrs. Clamant Beeson will return to
her homo in Athens tomorrow morn
ing, after spending the pist month in
this city visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. James Fanlknnr.
Mrs. Mary Howard, wifo of John
Howard, of upper DundiilT streot, died
last evening at 7 o'clock, at the sge of
M years Funeral will occur tomorrow
(Saturday 1 morning at It o'clock. Ser
vices will be conducted in St, Rose
Miss Barbara Jiang and Miss Minnie
Marey left today for a visit with friends
in Philadelphia.
The production of the home talent
opera, "Rirates of Penzince, ' which
was to have occurred on May 1 and 2,
at the Grand opera honse hun been post
poned until May 18 and 10,
The first trial of Dr. Wood's Norway
l'lne syrup will satisfy any one Hist the
lung-healing virtue of tha pino tree has
now baeib reflned into an effective and
convenient cough medicine. Sold by all
dealers on a giiarimtee of pntlsf action
mien Pnby was sick, we gave her f '.istorta,
Whan she was a child, sMerieti for i isstorta.
Whoa she became Miss, she cluv-if to Cantoris.
Wbuu sho hud (.'Uklrcn, she Kavotliuui distorts.
All Ihe K.iws from a L:vo ir qachanna
aaetAlJ tole semnton Trifmn:
P0RB8T Cnv, Pa., April l:! Miss
Loom 1 Weatgutehaa returned from her
visit at (Jniondale.
Tha Hillside employes in this plsce
will reoeive their monthly wages to
morrow. P, it. Sennedy, a graduate of Prince
ton. will oondnoi serrloe In the baaa
ment of tha new Preabyterlan church
both Sunday morning and evening.
Tho funeral of Miss Mary L 1 v 1 11 will
occur tomorrow. Funeral to leave
the house in Yandling at 7 o'clock a.
m., and proceed to St. Agnes' nburob,
at which place Rev. Esther Coroner
will conduct services. Interment will
be made in St. Roso cemetery, Carbon
Mrs. John Herbert and daughter
Mail I, from Loadville, Col., have re
turned home lifter having been the
guests of David Hopkinn and family
for a sh rt time,
Burgasi lii-iijsmin M.ix-y was In the
Pioneer City on business today.
Today ii one of the Arbor days up
pointed by Governor PattilOn,
Thomas Reynolds, of Clifford, Is
pending a few days with his daughter,
Mrs Thomaa Daviee,
l)r 1). Dwyar'l smiling countenance
was seen upon our struts today.
James Waters and family intend
pending Sunday with Jeriuyii rela
tives. William While, who has charge of
the Hillside Supply house, spent a
short time in the Pumper City today.
A riiatiii"P will be given by Wonder
land Theater company tomorrow after
noon, beginning at '.'. !(). The play will
be "Hidden Hind." Tho company will
make their farewell appearance to
morrow evening in tho strong play,
"Rip Van Winkle.'' Th" company has
given entire satisfaction and such a
company is a eredit to Scrnnton.
Guaranteed Cure.
We anthorlaa our advertised druggist to
sell Dr. King's New Discovery for Con
romptton, Coughs and Colds, upon this
condition. If you are al'dicted with a
Cough, Cold, or any laing, Throat or Chest
trouble, and will use this remedy as di
rected, giving it a fair trial, and experience
lid benefit, you may return (be boltlo an I
have your money refunded. We could not
niaku lllis offer did wo nut know that. Dr.
King's New Discovery could be relied 00,
It never disappoints. Trial bottles fros at
Matthew Uios'. drug slore. l,argo size
50c. and 1,
Committ J en a Kit. illy Disposed Young
Kan HU Lucky Eicapt.
Fmal to the tcranton Tribune.
PlTTOTOH, Pa., April 111. A young
man, whose residence is 011 Sootch Hill
and who desires ids Dame Withheld, WM
murderously assaulted by an unknown
man Wednesday night.
In renting his experience to THE
TRIB0NI correspondent he said: "I was
coming down Broad street about 'J
o'clock in the evening and had reached
Bortigan's corner, at Foiindry street,
when a stylishly dressed man, wearing
a light overcoat ami a dei liv hat, ae-cost-d
owand aske 1 if I would not assist
Dr. Dively by aiding him to put his
horse on its feet, the horse having
fallen in the alley while on its way to
the stable. The alley being but half a
block from the corner, and never sus
pecting anything wrong.
"I cheerfully complied, my interro
gxtor at the same time accompanying
me. We had not turned into the alley
but a few yards when my companion
whipped cu; a black j icic and ma le
two savage blows at my nead. By
dodging I managed to avoid being hit
on the head, bnt received thom on the
neck. Realizing mv position and upon
freeing mvstif I made my ecnpe bv
pimping ovr a Tense close by.
Our informant assarts he beliovss
l u:,lAA;ti U' l lift.
it 1 1 f' '. i ' ) 1 Remedy,
itnsiTMnsL wtsi tins; -ions ms
bility. Weakness ol Body anil Mind, sperma
torrhea, and bnpotooor, and all iliseaes that
arise from over-indnlgenoe and self -abuse, as
boss of Memory and Power, Dimness of Vie
ion, Hrematnre Old An snd many other die
rases that loud to Insanity or Consumption
and sn early grave, wrimor a pamwuet
Addruss IIHAY MLDK'INK CO.. Buffalo
N. Y. 'l'ho Spvcifle Medicine Is sold by all
drinorists nt ? per package! or six package
for $.").or sent bv mail i n receipt of money. and
with every ISOO order WE GUARANTEE
senro or mono roruniieo 9mwmm
i 1 In account of counterfeits we havi
adopted the Yellow Wrapper, the only uenu
ine. gold in Bcranton be Matthews uros
Under the auspices of the
Carabro - African Society,
Wednesday, May 30, '94.
I Hi )l W. MMK.
1. Chorus, "And the 01 017 of the Lord."
l-'rom Hitmh r V,
Cboirs to be not less tliun 40 voices.
2. Males ( liorus. "The Spartan Heroes."
I. Froth
For not less than "I voices.
Prize flit mi
;t. l-ema e Clioi us. oral avei of i Iceun.
tltmy Smnit
I o lie ei ,y leulal -.
Prize SX,.(XI
I. Qoartette, soprano, alto, tsnor aua base
"TbaRadisnl limn" J', J tM
Prize loll
Dttet, alto, and baritone
the I.indonH llluom '
I nine here
K J.c'.W
Prize Jill Oil
(1. Pilot, tenor and bass
" I'lie I wo Hard
J II . Inn wr-
Prize $lu.UI
7 Soprano Niilo I or All eternity,
Prize $S.IXI
s. Contralto nolo -"HlDB Hetonest,"
A. '. Kuin'it
Prise js.uo
V. Tenor Solo- "The I.ieht House,
IK, fssrs1 n FV'ei
Prise M mi
III. HiritoD" Solo " I he Hero. ll'rlz.e bv
,loe Harris, ol I 1 inoiiin i . ). ,e
Prize jki.iki
II. Pass S-.lo - Hvbria-i tliel'retan
.. II KIHo
Prize JH(KI
12, r. Hat ( ornet solo, w It ii jiiann ui compaui
i i .- p.!! i. ioi.: i )e in-iniM
Bfaeeae feaa
Arranaed bv llurrv I'lendwille.
Price sin.mi
I I. Fir-t and secon I iiiaud liu Net, with
guitar accompaniment CoooeiiUt
lii,ne lino, n tli i until
PHse 112.00
It. Piano Null) ",M. nelie Au. I lainlieau,'
tcofneii Clays
Prize $h.U)
It, Reelutlon for msiss "Harder Will On)
Fonno's Favorites, No. II.
Prlie 0.0ii
Pi. Uee.tallell for lem il' S "Tutu's 1,1; ll
Star." nom Shoemaker's -I'liellonn,
No. 7.
Prize 16,00
17. Hecttntioii '"-ollloipiv I lie Moi-kiuan
( mt of l-.niplovment I or males.
.Wi-. If. I'mtrlliU it -(fii
Prize iti-OU
Can be tnd by calllnc on Mr. William
.limes. 1 . 1 ink street. I'lttslon I'ric
aii mfisio at n a. Hunbiu s. Wyontng
tyi tiiic, Scinnten. ra.
Box M, littstun, la
7 VJ Gray's Spin
that Ins assailant meant to injure him
ufnulentiv to enable biui to ride hie
pockets of wh it money he unssessed.
lb lubt Nsws Juttinirs of Qsnsral Inter-
st Up the Valley.
-1 1- to the Seraaloa IWeeaa
PIOKVillm, Pa. April 13 J. W.
Peck was awarded tho contract for tbo
odd Fellows' now building on Thurs-
ly evuntiin,
Tha Wiuton and Dolph Coal com
pany will beuin ou Monday morning to
break Krouml for twenty newcoinpauy
houses on l.lie 11 its, impoaito the H I-
ware and Uudsun U pot.
Mrs. llieo lore Pleroe, or l.arbondale,
visited with Mis. B. B. Harbor last
C'harUs Gardner, of Hinirhamton. N.
V , Is tho Sliest of Professor 11. Ii
Miss Addle Swingle is taking n busi
nss cnurso at Wood's college.
Jlrs. Georva Cool is very sielc with
Barlet lever.
Mr and Mrs. Arthur Demuiing will
ritit with Iriends at LUEsme toilay.
Mrs. William Johns, Mrs. J. G. li.dl
anil Mrs. William K-.tell attended
conference yesterday.
Her. H. (I. Ulair. of
Castle Craek,
H. II, Barber,
visited with bii oontin,
this week.
Mrs William Warns and daughter.
Carrie, undo a business
trip to the
Electric City yesterday.
Look lor the proposal of the new
M -tholist Episcopal church in another
part of this paper.
Whil SuppHcailtiK in Frayar Mrs. Welsh
I ii i.i a Away.
Sjierint In the Scruntim Trihnne.
Pittston, Pa.. April i:i. --Mrs. Welsh.
a widow residing in a mull house near
the Senec culm bank was found dead
by lier bedside yesterday morning.
When discovered Hhe.was on her knees
ns if In prayer, when the messenger of
death look her spirit ofl
i lie discovery was made by some of
the neighbors who, not having seen
her shout her homo us was her cus
tom, made the investigation which ri -
suited as above stated.
Indications made it appear that she
had been dead from three to four days,
ili-sompositiiiu liad already set in
Acute Rheumatism
Months of Suffering -Hnorl'q
Saisaoarilla Cured
Mr. Xoah il. llorncr
btahlstown. 1'eua.
"C. I. flood & Co., Lowell, Mass.t
Gentlemen i Four years last January I was
taken down With sub-acute rheumatism which
located si the base ol the brain, ltwaseight
weeks less one day before I was able to wlk
out of the house and alter months of suffering
and much pain 1 feared
I Would Never Bo Well.
My physician advised me to use Hood's Sarsa
parlUs. After taking It In half doses for two
Wf oks I felt bettor, so at different times after
ward! I used it awhile and during tho Inst year
I have again been restored to Invigorated health
by It. I attribute my restoration to health to
the use of Hood's Sarsnparilla. My son has had
catarrh since quite young and last summer
while attending school ho used two bottles of
Hood's Cures
Hood's Sarsapuiilla and said it did him moss
good than be realized from 3100 for prescrip
tions, el i." Noah J. hornbr, Postmaster and
iicueriii r.icrcnaiu. sianisiowu, i cnnsyivuma.
Hood's Pills cure liver Ills, constipation,
biliousness, Jaundice, stele headache, indigestion.
City Music Store,
- wvuuiNU AV. BQRAKTO&
ri ! k mtoTHKiia wr
HlvAIMK'll St SIM it
Mill, .v 1. Al 1 It
PIANOS n irL- to--k or firnt-nlsn
music, Km, Km
9J -
That we are headquarters for everything In
the Hi r hah ui;-. if you have any idea
of pun huslng unv kind of n Watib, lady's or
gent's. Hold or Silver, you will make a griev
ous mistake it you do not give us call and
get our prii m, which von w ill Bod far Mtow
all outers, especiallv in all the high grades of
Blgttl, Walt bant ami Hampden movement,,
ff you have any donbia and are at nil pea ted
onprtoossfl ii us it call and era will have no
trouble in convincing von. Wo still haves largo
itock to diapo of, and "ill oiler von won-
iter.ui loduoauienta m Jewelry, buverware,
C'loelts and all Other, loods which wu baye in
C. W. Freeman
1 nit Ave and .Sprues St.
A HQCidsoine Complexion
Is one of tho greatest charms u woman can
possess Peaaoai'a coiiruiixioN towdeb
jives it.
'' l
f .ft' . m w
WITH a clean, wholesome
scalp, free from irritat
ing and scaly eruptions, is
produced by the ClJTlCURA
SOAP, the most etTective skin
purifying and beautifying;
soap in the world, as well
as purest and sweetest for
toilet and nursery. It clears
the scalp and hair of crusts,
scales and dandruff, destroys
microscopic insects which
feed on the hair, soothes irri
tated and itching surfaces,
stimulates the hair follicles,
and nourishes the roots. It
not only preserves, purities
and beautifies the hair, but
imparts a brilliancy and fresh
ness to the complexion and
softness to the hands une
qualled by other skin soaps.
Hold everywhere. Price, 'i.,c. PoT
TEll DllUO AND t-UKM. liOat., lllillUtl.
Dr. B. Grewer
The Philadelphia Specialist,
And bis sssooUtod yXnSt of Enullah sad Crtr
man rajratoiaofcare now psruianoutly locatsd
Temple Court Building
Wlier. tiiey may 1k, ,.01,hUltuJ rjAiLV AND
Me Doctor I. a graduate ot t&o University
ef lenpsylvania, formerly demonstrator ot
pl-yno obv and Furg..ry t tho Medlco-Chlr-trKical
tollefje, of Philadelphia. He Is also
so honoraij ember of the Mcdico-Chirur-flcl
Association, and was physician and
surKMin tn-cbief ol the most noted American
sua Uermsn hospitals, comes highly Indorsed
by the leading professors of Philadelphia and
Isew ork.
His many years of IiordIUI rxperienoe u
sblea this eminent physician and surgeon to
correctly diagnose and treat all deformities
and diseases with the most fist toring s uccess,
and his huh standing in the state will not
11 w htm t accept any Incurable case
l.nsi II.AMioiii) RBTOUK.D.
II yon have open given up ny yonr physl
Cisu call upon the doctor and be examined,
he cures the worst cmos of Nervous Dehillty,
bcrofula, old Sorea. i starrh, Piles, Female
Weakness, Affections of the Ear, Eye, Nose
and Throat, Asthma, Deafness, Tumors, Can
cel a and Crljiolos of every description. Con
sultation in English and German Free, which
thall bo conslderisl sacred and strictly confi
dential. I Pie. Hour.; O A. M. to 0 1 JL Dally.
Sunday, 9 n.m. to it p in.
Third National
Bank of Scranton.
Simeon - t v,b W . 1894, railed for bj
tlm t'oiuptrolliT of tho Currency,
Loan 1,210,.'! 10 on
Overdrafts ...... 1117. .17
Called Btates liomls an. mm oo
Other ltonris S1S.S78 7.".
Itnnhlng IIoukc 18,074,46
pTemiumi onU. s. Bonds..., P4:i 75
Uue from I', s. Treaaurer 7,600.00
1)1)0 frolU I n'. 4,;
Caah 146,640.84
capital 2no.nonoo
Rarplns m mm 00
Omllvlded Profits All lHll.nn
li-eultillon 7t,OOO,00
Dividends Unpaid SJ84 SO
Deposits.' l.DilI.eno .
Duo to Uanks 49,866,50
H II.I.TAIW CONNI 1.1, rre.ldrnt
UltO. II. ('ATI. IN, Vice-President
WILLIAM II PKCK, tasliler.
William Ceanell, Oeorgn II. Catlln,
Alfred Hand, .lames Aiclibald, Henry
llelln, Jr., Willi.,,., T. so, ill,. Luther
This bank BfTers to driiosllnrs every
fariilty warranted ly Hn-lr Dalaaeea, bual
ness ami responslbllllv,
Hpeelal atVanttoSl given to business ,ie
oouata, Intereat paid on time dopejelea
National Bank of Scranton
okuanizkd tsua
CAPITAL $250,000,
SURPLUS $25,000.
AMUEL lIINKHirrcnldent.
W . w. WATSON, Vice Prosidonl
a. b. WILLIAMS. Cashier.
Joseph J. Jkhmvn. M. h. Kemehkh..
Cuas, V. M.u I n i u . John T. PoaiMi
Tills bank Inyltos tho patronage ot buslnoss
men and arms generally.
Grand Opening
400 and 402 Lackawanna Avenir
Dry Goods, Ladies' and Gent's
rurnishing Goods, Cloaks, In
fants' Wear, Notions, Boys'
Clothing and Boots and Shoes.
Special Bargains
90 cts,
All-wool, Ex-
tra Super, yard
wide, usually
780. and 80c, j
65 cts
We still have a few
patterns left of the
40c. Tapestry Brus
sels. 406 and 408
Just to Give the Editors a Chance
A DETAILED price list of ourim
nu nss stock of Furniture. Car
pets, Baby Carriages, Refriger
ators, Mattings, Stoves, Crockery.
&c, would crowd everything out of
this paper.
And we have too much respect for
editorials to do anything like that;
besides, of what use when all can be
told in a single line.
The Lowest Prices in N. E.
Cash or Credit
With every purchase of $50 or over
we present an American Onyx Fin
ished Cathedral Strike Clock.
With $75 or over, a 100-piece Din
ner set
APRIL 9th.
Chenille Curtains, $3.25,
(An unusual bargain.)
Extra heavy and extra
wide, $5.
Furniture Coverings
Imported Tapestry, Satin
Derby, Satin Damasks,
Wool Tapestry.
Satinstte Fringed, ljyds.
square, $1.25.
Holland Shades, fringed,
Hartshorn Rollers, 50c,
each; usual price, 65c.
Lackawanna Ave.