THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY MORtfBTO. APRIL 14. 1894 Ml CHAPTER XIII. Jackson retreated no farther than Btrasburg. Shields advanced DO farther tiinn Winchester. Priaonexa oaptared during the nisi year of the war were uot held lotiy. Withlt30 days from the battle of Kernstown those iiieiulit'U of Captain Wyle's company who hiul bewi taken prisoners were exchanged, ike Baiter was among thein. Two days after the battle Ke-nU 'i bad reported to his company at Btrasburg. It was known that he was captured with the others, and his truthful Btory of his escape found no believers except Steve Biaytun. While the otbeis de clared that his escape was all arranged for by his Yankee friends, SUve gavo him his hand and laid: "t's gettin puny hoi fur yo' around yere, Kenton, 'cordin to what i see and hear. If yo' could surround and cap tur' a hull Yankee army and turn it over to us, the boys would think yo' mi had some game to play. Reckon yo' know What it all starts from'. ' "I think I do." "Can't no two fellers lore the same gal without sunthin biistm sooner or later. I kin Jest abet my eyes and see wiiai the captain is layin fur. lie nn'a aahin powerful bad tohev yo' killed oil! or drivont or need op in someway. He wouldn't hev minded if half of us had bin wiped our down that if yo'd bin one of the de id Two or three days after Jackson reached Straal ntg Captain Wyle had an Ultarview With Lim. None of his own company knew it. and what passed could only bo inferred from circum tancea which developed later on. It was annOOUcad thar it had been decided to reorganize the guards a- u cavalry company, and in the course of a week this change was effected, much to tho satisfaction Of tho men. Just as it was iiuished Boyal Kentun was order d to report to Jackson again. He found the same stern, low spoken, plain looking man and received the same quiet greet ing, Tho general adverted to the brav ery of ti" guards ut Kernatowni and then to Kenton's capture and escape and asked for the details. The latter at once realized that some one who pro-f-saiHl to know all about it and who was seeking his in-jury had reported to the general. He, however, proceeded to give tlie particulars not only ot his es cape and his effort to rejoin his com mand, but of tho char:;.'S hroOght ugai-ast him by Ike Baxter and the in terview with General Shields. This por tion of his adventure he had not spoken of to any one on rejoining his company. Jackson seemed to bo thinking very se rionsly as Kenton talked. The facts just related no doubt surprised him and perhaps gnvo a different turn to affairs. After awhile he said : "General Banks is pushing up the valley with a large force. 1 wish jroq to scout along his front and MOON all possible information of value. Can you set out at once?" "Within half an hour, sir," was Kenton's reply. "And do you wish .1 companion:'' "I think I can do better alone, hut if you think two might do better than cue 1 shall" "Do as yon thick best, hut report to Ihu captain of your company that you have been detailed." As Kenton left headquarter ho felt that something was wrong. Just what it was he could not determine, hut it seemed as if there were mistrust and suspicion. He had been thoroughly loyal in making his previous observa tions and reports, but an enemy win at work todJtcredit him. lie was folly satisfied of this as he. left camp on his scout. Affer reporting to Captain Wyle, who treated him With strict military etiquette, h went to his tent to make a few preparations. Ho had left it and was making his way out of camp when lie was overhauled by titevb Brayton, who said : "The giueral is sendiu yo' off on an other acout.' Yo' think yo' nr' goto alone, but yo hain't. I've fullered along to tell yo' that the captain has pot Reube Parker on yo r track. Yo' know Ben be? He hain't hii abusin yo' with his mouth as much us duiao others, but he's down on yo' and playin Into the hands of tie- captain. 1 tell yo' to look out fur him!" Kenton turned white with anger aud started to retrace his steps. "No, yo' don't." said .Steve as he barred the way. "I fust took to yo' on acconnt of yo'r sense, and 1 hope you won't lose it now. Thar 'a u gamo bein played, and yo' wanter como out on top!" "Is It jiossible that after what has passed they still continue to look upon me as a traitor?" demanded Kenton in a voice broken with emotion. "They do, hut it's fur an object, yo' See," replied Steve. "It's all on 11c cimnt of the gal. If thar was no gal, o'd be the Brat lieutenant or mbbe captain of the company today. If thar was a gal and no war, yo' and Wyle would hev fit a duel over her befo' this. Line would hev challenged t'other." "But, but" stammered Kenton, boiling OVtr to say something and yet not. wishing to drag Marian Percy's uiime into ihu case. "It's jest this way," interrupted Steve: "Yo' tin's got the inside track, ind thar'n hut one way to keep it play k) win. Beat tlje captain ut his own Wine. Go right along about yo'r bi?. jcub, hut keep an eye out fur Benlie. He's HOt on vn'r traolr to aall v mil ind he'll lo his purtiest to please the aptaln," It was true that. Hanks was moving ip the valley. He had an army rive lines as strong as Jackson's, and he Beaut to annihilate the latter before i enforcements COOld reach him. Ken m had set out in good time, it UkS ,11 hour to move it regiment of men as Igtied to a curtain place on a inarch, t takes throe hours lor a brigude to uarch and countermarch' and file out of Is camp onto the highway, divisions fi!C 7 CC?THi6MTtO iSJt BV AMCiCtiN PRCS3 ASSOCIATION. 1 ordered to tnoro at 7 0 clocK a. are baiting and lingering at noon, An army I of 80,000 men With its artillery, bag gage trains, ambulances, camp follow ers and beef cuttle is u gigantic sloth. I It must open us eyes, It must wink and blink aud nap again. It must ' stretch aud yawn aud complain. It is as if a hug tortoise was trying to work loose from its shell. Banks was getting ready for his move. ; Every report which Kenton received as be Reared the front went to assure him Of the fact, lie was on foot, dodging from forest to forest and from Hold to Bold and betraying himself only to a few wliom ho knew could bo trusted. Alter the first day out ho became satis fied that ho was being dogged by Reube Parker. The latter must also have been provided with u pass to tike him through all Confederate lines, but thongh in' hung to Kenton's trail ho did not betray his presence except by accident. Everywhere along Banks' front were evidences that a forward move was on tho tapis, and before Ken ton's work was finished he had secured 1 a pretty fair estimate of tho Federal strength. Banks knew that Confederate ' scouts and. spies would bo seeking in formation, and he was guarding against them af UUch as possible by covering his front with scooting parties of cav ; airy, JUSt h('ff r" s-imdowu on the second ! day of his S( OUting along the front Ken ton cairn very near crossing a highway 0p which a Federal scouting party were qnietly riding in hopes to como upon game . ' some sort. Tho rattlo of a I trooper's saber put hiin on his guard, , and he had just lime to sink down in tho boebea to escape observation. Not aw. '. K" i - V r Jut timcto atnls down is the bushel to escape obeercfltloH. so with the man who had been uoggin;; hiin. He was aiming to cross tho road lower down, and as ho Stepped out a dozen carbines were, leveled at him. aud he was a prisoner in an instant. Ken ton was too far away to hear what was said, but we can relate it. ReObe Par ker nosooi.ct found himself in the hands of tho enemy th in he Mked for the cap tain in command and said: "I don e deny bein a scout, and yo' see me yere in Confederate uniform with a pass signed byGineral Jackson. Thar's two ot tts, and I reckon yo' might as well got the other one. While yo'r about it." "Do you mean that you were in the company of another Confederate scout'" asked tho captain, "That's what I mpan.'' "And where is he':" "Roandyereaamwhar, I reckon. If yo'll beat up tho bushes putty lively, yo'll bo apt to uncover hiiu." ' "I'll have the locality searched, of course," said tho captain nfttr a long, hard look at Jienbe, "but it strikes me you are n mighty mean man to give your comrade away." "Taaa, I reckon itdoes," Imprudent' ly drawled Reobe, "and mebbel'd bet ter tell yo' why. It's bskase OS tin s an other of yo' a reg'larbo'n Yank wno's mean 'nufl to sell out both sides if he could! Beckon he's got lots of news fur Uineral Jackson this time, and yo'll git a prize if yo' git holdo' Mm!" CHAPTER XIV. j Iko Baxter's wife made her way to J tho Percy mansion to find everything in I confusion, Every neighbor had fled, and such friends au remained were ex aggerating tho results of Jackson's de feat, and retreat. Reports were brought In by this one and that one that Jack sua himself intended to burn th town and leave only desolation behind Mm as he fell back. As a consequence, though brave enough during the early part of the day, night cauie to find Ma rian and her mother full of alalni, This was added to by Mrs. Baxter's appear ance. Her errand appeared to be to give information of the oervants who had fled in terror, and in this way she gained admission to the pve eticn of tln ladies, though as she left tho kitchen Uncle Ben shook his head and muttered (0 himself: "I nebbet did like dem white trash folks 'tall, an I can't n-bear to hev Vm around. I know flat man ob Iters, an de 1 twoob em togeux ruain tworfshnoksl" The Percys had heard a rumor that 1 several of me guards bad been killed or captured at Kernstown, but had no reliable information. Mis. Baxter gavo the number and their nanus. The lust name on her list was That of Boyal Km ton, and she added the information that it wns believed by nil the surviving ggardl that Kenton was to bo held re sponsible. "I don't see bow," quickly replied Marian as 11 look of Mia and' surprise ritinniohei face. "He braved danger with the rest, and lr. was also made prisoner." "I'm sure I dnnoo, but I'm btUin yo' wimt they all u ," remarked tho Woman, "Didn't know but Captain Wyle had told yo' all how it hop- penod." "iJo. He has not been bore." "Kvj.-y body's cheer in nml shakln hands with he on, 'cause ho un was so brave. Ho un killed 10 Yankees with his sword in that fout. Gineral Jack Eon ehook band3 with him down at the tavern bofo' all tho people. Reckon he uu will be made a rand ossifer lur bciu so bravo." She had given Kenton a shot and Wyle a lift, as sho thought, and satis fied for tha time being she asked if sho could bo of .tancj durin;; tho ab hLiico of tho servants, adding that near ly the entire colored population of tho town had lied, and that most of them would probably be picked up by tho Federals and sent north. Under the circumstance:; her offer was eagerly ac cepted, and sho had gained the point she Wat looking. While Marian and her mother were nervous and upset over the situation, they had no thought of flight. It was eoi tain that Jackson would re treat up the valley, and that (shields would occupy Winchester, but they were too sensible to fear tnat tlie town would be given up to sack. Thoy were preparing to relira when they were aroused by the call of a citizen acquaint ance who had made all preparations lor flight aud felt it his duty to warn them of tho perils of the Situation, lb' re peated the story tiint tho town was to bo burned and tie) valley laid waste, and added that news had been received I'u ni the front to tho effect that the advancing Federals were applying the torch and dealing out death as they advanced. lie advised them to lose no tittle in retreat ing up tho valley. This information added the climax. In the Alleghany mountains to the west, 30 miles away, was a rough but comfortable house surrounded by a few acres of laud which Senator Percy had owned for years before his death mid occupied with his family for several Weeks ill summer. There he hud found good shooting and fishing and rest. After receiving tho latest "news" and sitting down to wonder what they should do, mother and daughter ro memhered the place and its quiet loca tion and soon determined that if flight Was necessary it should bein that di rection. It WOI out of the track ol the nrmil s.nnd they WOOld not be disturbed, and they might hope that after a few weeks the Confederates would either re gain permanent possession of the valley or that war would bo at au end. The faith ot the south in its soldiery was sublime, and it never wavered until the last gnn was fired at Appomattox. To decide was to act. While the la dies set about packing whatever they might need, Uncle Ben was told to have a vehicle ready for a move at daylight. When Mrs. Baiter was Informed of the contemplated move, sho promptly vol unteered to go along, mid her offer was as promptly accepted. It was not only a part of her plan to maintain an es pionage on Harlan, but to be on hand when opportunity might oiler to favor Captain Wyle'i cause. Such a flight would bringmistress and servant closer together. There was a grim determi nation about t he woman worthy of n far better cause. Sho iiated Royal Kenton simply because she believed he stood in the way of Ike's advancement. Sho would bo faithful to Captain Wyle sim ply because it would assist Ike. Sho had always fretted because Ike had 110 ambition to climb up. His excuse had always been: "Dod rot my infernal hide, but how's a feller goin to start! Show me a wuy to climb, and I'll git tharordietryiii!" The war had opened a way. No mat ter if ike was regarded as the poorest soldier in bis company and tho lust one who would deserve promotion, ho bad made her believe that he was oil the road lo military glory, and that on his "success depended bet Opportunity to become somebody." Sho was ambitious even if poor and ignorant. Inaofflt way which she could not yet determine Kenton w.n to disappear, Captain Wyle was to wed Marian, aud Ike was to be come "a great ginerul and tide around on n critter." There was no sleep for Jury of them during the remainder of the night. Uncle Ben got a wagon ready to carry provisions and clothing und u tew ar ticle, of furniture and the family car riage in which the wtimen were to ride, and as dawn waj breaking a start was made t.p the valley. They had company on the road. Four or five fanners below Winchester bad set lire to their own bouses and barns and como into town, and during dm night artillery firing had created a new panic among the resi dent) of the city. Marian bad been made anxious by the stetry told by .Mis. Baxter the evening before not that she put any faith in tho report, because sho bad become aware that Kenton's position was n painful one, but because sho rcalizsd that the situation would become Still more grave. She worried over his capture und feared he might have been wounded, aud she couldn't help but feel that, no matter how brnve and loyal ho was. be would become a victim of conspiracy und circumstance. She was uomowhat consoled, however, Whetl the went to the carriage home the gray of morning to notify Uncle Bi n that all was ready. His life service in the family bad given him Ci rtiuu privileges, and on certain occasions he did not hestit.jte toe.quess hisooinioli?. "See yere, Mb:s Sunshine, "he began, "what bout dat white woman in do kitchen':" "She's to go with us," was tho reply. "Den let rue tell yo' to look out for her. Nose too sharp. Face too sharp. Eyes jest Iik o inaik'e. Walks aroun jest liko n eat!" "Why, bow can she hurt us'r" "Teflln lb "About what or whom?" "Look yoto," replied the eld rnnn, Jropplng bis voice and looking around, '1'zm gettin party OlSi but 1 hain't dun blind or deaf. I knows all 'bout dat Yankee Kenton an dat Captain Wyle. I knows dcy bonf wonts to t.iairy.yo' ! Dor now!" "Why. Ben!" she reproachful ly exclaimed. "it's jett like 1 tola yo', leetle sun- ubine. 'Member when dat Iko Baxter dun cum homo on a furbelow 'bout six weeks ago':" "I believe I did hear he was homo." "Au all do time ho was home ho dun 'bused Mars Kenton up hill an down. What fur? What be got to say 'bout Ins betters? What bis wtfo 'bale Mars Kenton fur? Why she mad at him? Yo' know whitr she libs?" "No." "In dat BOOMS ,1fist be&'ati de cooper shop. Yo' know who 1 dun saw. go in dar yesterday?" "No." "Dat Captain Wylel What he want dar, heyV J know! flewant Iter to cum yere an tell yo' whoppin big lies :hont de Yankee lawyer au praise hisself up at de same time! I jest tell yo' to look out fur dat woman!" Uncle Ben had taken a dislike to Mrs. Baxter at first sight and didn'l want her to go along. He bad not devoted a minute to wondering if sho bad a plau or seeking to discover what it was He had fathomed it by that sense of Intui tion which is often strongest in the ignorant ini'ids. More tOQJiel him than for any other reason Marian promised to be ou her guard, but dnv iug tho day she decided in her own mind that there might be more iii it than ap peared on the surface. On tv.or three occasionSAvhcn Kenton's name was men tioned she noticed the hard look which came into Mrs. Baxter's faco and the tinge of bitterness in her touts, and these things had much to do with her decision. TO EE COSriNtTti.) Cuuliin't ft, ! I heard the other day a Onmy story illtls tratlng the Ignoranes aud stupidity of some Banian provincial gorsrnors. The Busslun goverumeut resolved to gather some statistics regarding its far t il' irov luces, and 10 thai end dispatutted letters )l searonlaR minuteness to uii tin; official Oas was received at St. Petersburg, in Which a certain question in regard to the progress of civilisation was thus answered: "The civilization not to be found iu my province. It may be on the Uhiucso bor der; but two Cossack horsemen have been scut to hunt it up." Uu f urtbw taqulrj tho fact was developed that the official thought some unheard of tribe of uoiuuds was mtant. Philadelphia Times. WW Bsvere, Lingering Coughs, Weak Lungs, Bleeding lrom Lungs, Bronchitis, Asthma, und Consuiitntlon, in its early tag, Dr. l'luroo's Uol'deu Medical Itouv- ere is a sovoieign remedy. It not only the comru but td;o builds tin tlui cur. 1 strsaeth and tlcsu of those reduced below a healthy standard by Wasting Diseases." Will not i.tato tat folks more corpulent B. F. WU.EV, of l!;x Eider, Cmvnut CO., U'., Writes: " I had bronelilt'S for twenty yearn and over, and I Could net wrk will: out epttgnlnrso harden to take nil my sifnirtu cwuy. I took five 1ot Ues of tir. piercs'i tloMen Hottcs ttiecov Sry, and kiye you niv word and honor that i imn do any trorh that ther Is to ,) un mv 'ranch 'without cough IBgi I have not taken any of tin- 'Ooldun Mi ttlcal Diecortry 1 lor a j ear." wrcuisTgHiB. 31 CHBT. qfeMnogo a wen Man of Me." run id ciuur HINDOO FlEWeov i'c ' ' ." Tns '.aovi HBSOLTfi in DO TA7H. fiir-ii all luaa,tp.,iuwd by put ftbm mImtm vizor and tlte lo cle vn'ti u (jtyr.n mi.; iiule Ul;" tuitlj rotor. J.t.j If iintiHd in old or young. tatii'c.inii(iinv...t po.iivi. PrleoSiee pwkS. SlxforSSeeltho vrrlt'i'llutmrie,. O IHN MMI hmmlM. Donl lot any unprincipled rtriioirlft m-n yon auy mmj oj Imirnnoa. liiit oa li. . e.u imi '. iii i.- :. , l.p i.niiu.t KOllt. v.e 111 fccna it bv mall t.ponrtMi-le ol I'l-le... I'rtriphl .t in , nv.Oopo fli'f. (iilrtfll OrUnt&l ModlM 0 . Inmi.,ndtii ut., vmtrtpnti, SOLD bv Mmthews Bns , Wholewlo and Retail prnnitU, SCHA.NTON, PA and otLtr Lead out Drajuutu. t'r i... K..-i'nltMHiL,h. NiiflitlY t:mi. We have the hand somest line of Parlor and Drawing Room ever shown in this state and we would like you to see it. Hill & Connell Washington Ava. Seeds and Fertilizers Urge Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and Lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HUNT MONHELL CO. Uatiioa Who Valno A Mined corapleitoiimusttis foSaO&l'l Pow clef. It predurcs soft and bciutlful tsaiaw 51 k. Witrv. WE BELIEVE Beccham's pills are foi biliousness, bilious headache, dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid liver, dizziness, sick head ache, bad taste in the mout' :oated tongue, loss of apfx to, sallow s!:in, when caust y constipaiion ; and consi pation is the most frequen. Muse of all of them. Book free; pills 25c. At drugstorcs.or write B.F.Allen Co.,365 Canal St., New York. Btta IFfli IFB ADWAY'8 READY RELIEF. H..V Colds, Coughs, Sore Throat, j Inflammation, Eronchiti3, Pneumonia, Asthma, Difficult Breathing, Influenza, Rheumatism, Neuralsli, Solution, Lu bugo, Swrlliui; of the Joints, Pmns in Bjck, Choet or Limbs. The application of the HEADY RELIEF to tlm port or part., v. lr.To tho aiftleulty or pnii. eiiets will afl'..rri rn-' and comfort. it was tha flrtt ud in tbs only pl rcmedi that iwatuutly itupl tlm iwi-.: turuciauuv pains, allays UinsnmiitioBS and CURES Consestloa, whttber ol tbcLoats, stomach, BOwell or kI tad or ortSM Dr. liaday Co.. (ientl 'inmr 1 cave usd your Heady Koliei formore than twontr-ttTe yoan with uUqta stbracMon hare mvi it rorLaOrlppt, Pnaim nis Pounsv ami all leoraof sons nadpuiaa and havu fotmj it un- failuiK overy time. Ke.pecttnllv. U VV. RAYMOND, :il (Jrn n. BU, Mttldbt ..w i, Conn. January IS, ISUi. . , AsnaVttts, N. C. Tois Is to oartlf that in Febroarr, I en i had aaaveraattsck of "UOrlppe,"andearl myaoll in twenty fou linuri. Ijy tho na o' Hndway's U. ndy It. lief and It dwav'e Pil lhad another Rttark ot tiio aama driadfu disease in Marrh, IS91,anduaed t'u aama roia dy with tlm tamo rvanll. t do not know iiadway i- ('.,, t:i partU'H who mannfaotdri mauiomaa, am I twva atatava put vers little faith in "Almanac ( ertl flea ten, " hut it toes rov Uaea will only inln semuffrl!i lou.-1 mo th aoovo re n.idv I will -l ,mply repaid tor writing what I ..v.. ja Reap i tl fly, E. t. B 0v7N. J. VT. BREWER, Aahhnrn. Pike Co., Mo. i One b.utle of K aly itcllet and otio b it ol Baoway'l Pit cured flvo In mv tamilv of ilia i tcrribieo mplalnt, "L Qripp,"orlaflaiisa, R.'DWAYC READV REUEK, aided bj HAUWA . "S PILLS, it the Qaickaat ,nd moat effeciual cure fi r THE "GRIP" Prlco, Me. iwrbjttb. Sold by Drujjisti. Plirclv V.'tfetabln ndld Parf t Illa tjon. 1 oniploie aUsorptloo ami ihealt hfnl regularity. For th euro of all di oidorxot th i MiniiHi l iver, HnWeU,Klil. n. 'ja, UlaUdar, Nervoun Dlaoa, ol Appetite, Bi h 'aehe, Cnnatlpatlon, Coa Itlvfneaa, liMllfeMloii. Blllooni., Kever ' 1 utliiiii mat ion of . I..- Ilowi'la, 1,1... all deranaeutenta of tlm Internal flasara, 1 Vorfeet Digestion will lie nvi-miipll ed by tukliii; Radway'a P1IU. liy io mon,- DYSPEPSIA Slek Ilrnlciiili-. r'oOl Sto laeh, Hllinu.. iieaswlll he avoided, and th fund that i oRt.'ii ortntrlbnt n ...,.!,,, prnpartle. for tlioaupport of tho uaturnl wate of tin bod y fObjorvr t he foUowlag aymr oma fol lowlne from diaoane o tho ilicretlva orguo. Comtipatloti, inward i ll. a. fulnesH of th. b!')od in the head, acldltvot the omn li n in . heartburn, dlsjnut Of food, flnu or weight in taattOOMCb, Hour onictatioiK aiult UW or fluttering or th heart, choking or inf ' focatlni; aanmttiona when in a lying po-turo. " viaiuii. dots or weba Mror the sight, lever and dull pain in the head, defl lienor of t'rpir.-,tioii. rallowaaasol tiikm ai d eyes, t-aln iu tho aide, ohcat, llmhi, an ! audden flushes of heat, burni .g in th,. .l-nh. . A few dosea of RADWAY'S PILLS will free i tbeaysteiu of tho above-named riliord ra. I Prtoe 35e. a Etna, 'old by Drnf Ittt ' 8,.id to D8 HAD WAY ft i O., Mp 71 V .r a'un S... )f1 fork, fur Cook of Advioe. Eaooai.o arjor H.0H..T MttieU. Aoracnr LnTnOLlriHALU iii.rii will cure ten wonderful boon to nutr.'rm froratolds, NureThrcnl I.Mmam-. 11 ..... ....... r.iiiL'ni .1. erJI.W 1TVKK. Afm-.i imnriUatt rrhrf. Anefflelei.t in pet.reajy t0 m oU TSTBSSSS Hiel-fueilon.aranti ej, rnionerretio,,.!. P.- ?c fi eeut i' B V ,n J v" :!i",.N- ."' wd mall NOaaU. H. I. WSIIXIN, kir., Thrm Rjrcit, Mich , U S 4 MEMTrlOL iAMPS!! "" s:lt' f "mrtr for ... all nam i caea, Mejenia Iteh Sal ,;ln or hy mall pre.anl. Aililrewa.nh.,".. BA! I'ovaaio by BstUMws Bro., jlorgan fcrot.and Uorau A Co. Comp!ex!&!i Preserved DR. HEDRA'S Removes Fraokloi, Pimnlet, LKer Kotos, BIjcIiHihV wuMLTn inn, sou re tcrcK tho Llia to lu orlgl freshness, pr,alu rleur rud h.idiiiv plot Ion. (jutiei lor top.ll f'ico prepuratlors n-id norieit lunnloss. At nil UrufgUtS,01 mulled lor 30eu. Keud lor Circular. VIOLA QK'N SOAP li imp-.; ttimrMM a Ilia I'UTlf.lns un)u.ilel r, r tbs tntltt, aot wlujcint i livnl Ac lli rurwiy. A'" , . usl ,! ..,'' , uuji. ul. Ai dniif i.t., prioo 25 Cents. G. C. BITTWF.H A, CO., Tcj.cdo, O. For sale by Mnttliewj Dros .Morgan Bros.and Hergafl Oe. ;lQ Every Worn, Somciinio3 needs a r kbla monthly tagulatii v med.cinn. PENNYROYAL PILL? "i PraSMM, rsro ami rrt run In result, Tlio ge' Dr. Peal's, i ';.iai" n t. sentanrwl, raalMti .i 'and. U. fold by fOBM & rilELP-s I'harmncUt corner Wyoming avenue and Spruce street Hoiatiton. Pa, BE SUiiE AND gefe your choice ofmuitichromas. One coupon and one Dime. 11 taaLaoa 4 SD B D I i - PRICilY ASH, POKE ROOT jf: Ar.D POTASSIUM flair-r - S Marvelous Cures IS in Blood Poison EE Rheumatism sir and Scrofula t. P. P. purlfles the blood, bnllfll op ifttr- the weak and debilitated, glvsa ntrongth to wuakened uerves, eipuia 4i3P dlsatsaa.glTlOKtaapaUaut health aad gaaj haiiiilness where sickaess, gloomy "jr leellngs and lasnltude nest prevailed. Par primary. secondary and i ayrihilm, for uloo,l poisoning, moruij rial poison, maUri-.i, dyspepsia, aud In all Mood and akin dlsoases, like blotehss, pimples, old chronic ulcers, te.tor, scald head, bolls, oryslpelust eczema- we may say, without fear of contradiction ,tbac P. P. I'. Is the best blood purlin r In the world, and uiakea fiosltlve, speedy aud permanent cures n all oasos. Ladles whose systems aro piiisoned and whose blood in In an Impure condi tion, dae to menstrual Irregularities, are peculiarly benefited by tho won derful tonic and hloouclnansiog prop urtlesof 1'. P. P. Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potassium. BwitxaFieLD, Mo., Aug. litii. 1098, I can spnak In the highest terms of vourmooioiue from my own personal Knowledge. 1 Waiauaotad whb heart disease, pleurisy and rheumatism for 3.0 years, wus treated by the very best physicians ana spent hundreds of dol lars, tried every koowu remedy with out finding relief. 1 hare only taken one bottle of your P. P. P., and eau cheerfully ssy It hss done mo more good than af.y thing i haveevert.iken. lean recumtuond your medicine to all cuaeror ot the abovj diseases. MRS. II. 11. YEAKV. Bp! iglleld, Orcen County, Mo. ,, . "u, hv r'" uoj.j?c.. hsw iionuivo m O WEAK MAM aBWyj'ii or Tocrgmen, arn-ic lo, Impotoncr. -:.d to crdan-eirLii TS-tluntr-'l kou, . cores In '1 vo V. tel. - I Ud ihitrj aVVfBL t on IrmMi rl rh'ir.m frtenda'.o do ao aft7 Ton reeeiro thararlM aai son Iranrfnucn.. .In... ... .,. I Mroat, Shoot it. Aortmid droBfdaior physlcioean pl op fay yw. MoWrita?" "-', " ' . -: c ' I ask In ret im n thety.a widbuye tcmil noantitrnf ihn tZSSriZ ". ' vi2?S Lucaloo enveiopo. lioclo: OBtamp If c,;;i -c ,- HOW LIKE A MANHE FEELS I AST YEAK lie bad snved .300. ' lie bought :i house worth 81S50 paitl $300 down, eave a inort- ','a:e fur $1,580. Today ho esti- nates as rollOWSi Relit nvod $210 0) lnterSil o:i n.ortgage J'.i; 0, Taxes and rop.irs '0 SO 118 .VI I'et savins on root. HjtcI oa salary 00 150 M 1 To apply on inortfi;e $i!70 0J FtKFLECTION "In FOLK years that n ulllbefrre lrom debt aud 1 shal: intra a hoot of my own." GUF.EN RIDOB Is the paradiae for lomas. flnn X Bonn have recently I'm. Mied n beantlfal villa, whleh they offer, o easy payment 4, ut 81830. Call at their office, between lVashlncton ibd Adams on Olive street. EZRA FINN S SONS. Atlantic Refining Co, Mannfacturers nnd Dealer in Linseo, Oil. apthu nni Oa?o lines of nil grades, Axle Urease, Pinion Grease and Colliery Coin liounii ; nlso, it lurisO liuy u.' Pap. i.iT.i m Wax Candles. Ve r1o handle the FarootM CROWM CME 0!!., tho only family Safety i aruing oil in the market. WIL: 1AM M Afl'J Unn..,. i ...... ' . , . Offlc: Coal Kxobang, Wyomiuj Ava w oi ks at I'm llrook. MALONEY OIL AND MANUFACTURING CO Mann tart WW ami Daln i kmi All alU .llhtiftlflnrT Bill sniiii wgajy , ilso Sliafting and Journal Grew. OFriCSr-rai West U, Uawann Ave. v..n.S: -Jiernllau tty. i - -- ,i blood mm k P"niiVfnK(atnl :,;i.,mr kM.MmM lrom I nil it ir,Ptl 11 Lt rjt inn I I sad Katoa-rfsit, Oai Mnelc Retnody eml potltlrrlr tur.. 1001 UltjttlV III, Mrwn, III. I tSttriiiiKitiriiHiiiiiiiiiitiuinitftiiiSisatauiK.-ciirscMticiEtJitiiiSjj 1 Scrantoa Tribune, Scranton, Pa,, April .14, 1894. I Scud this coupon, 3 in cash, and p-ct four S . . . . MultKhrome Art greatest ofter of all. nieiHiiiai. iiiiiiBSiuiiiiiiiiiiiHiiuHiiiiiiiHiiiiaiii.iigHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuii Pimples. Blotches anrl Mr. Cnroo ZZ ano innav mun as .o Are entirely rcniooa by P. P.P. ""ea Prlokly Ash, PoKo Root and Potos atum, the ereatcst blood purhler on sinrth. AnsnnrrK, 0., Jniy2l,39l. t?w Mtilsi. LiriecAS Bnoa., eavannah. Ti 8a. I CrAtiBrRs-I bouiruf a bottle cf ' i' your P.P. P. at Hot Nprlriga,Ark.,atd aSJ 1; has cone me more good tfcsa tnroo ZZ. njonlhs'iroriimoutaetke II-: Be: lis.. td throa bottles C. u. D. JUipcututllv yours, JA.. M. NFWT017, Aberdeen, Hrown County, 0. Capt. J. ri. Jobuatou. To oil ultorn it may concern: I bera by testify to the wonderful propertied of P. P. P. lor eruptions of the akin. I auffernd for several yean vri'h un un otglitiy sud disagreeable eruption on my tseo. 1 tried KVery known n me dy hu: in vain, in, til P. p. p. was used, und am now ei.tiri'iv cured. (Signed tf) J. I). JOHMSTON. Karcuuub, Ca. Hblu Caiircr Cured. Ttitlmcnv ,'nm the Jluyor of Scq-jiu.Tez, Pnonx, Trx., JsaaSM M, li i i '.:, .-!. Ukos. , Savannah, Oa. : (Unllemcnl h.svo tried your p. P. P. for a disuni.e of tha akin, aanailv kuown as skin ru neer.of ..hirly ve-.r fc-Ar atucding, and found great relief: it 3a purities iho oi -id ar,d removes all If aar ritatlon from Hie r eal, ol li e d:'.ease -aaV n d prevents irw abreadlnit 't th ores. I have taken ll aor six hotilea "aw and feel confident tbatacothrcotiraa ymj will effect a eure. it bar aio relieved mo fr-,m In, Up. ation and stomach SjP troubles. Yours rrolv, CAPT, W M. Ill' ST. 1 Attorney at taw. av Book cfl M mm IM Free. ALL DUfOGloTb SELL IT. 1 UPPWIASVJ BROS. Zt PB0PBIGT0B8, i.ippiiian'a lllcck.Kr.VMnnah, t u K - i:j a.. a uvaiw wi.ii o c:i ,j ' wontujrxul "OU" i.ot - ii a wuiavnu a iii.iv t.-e pnscriptlon of 3 rcineuy ii r niir i,ri r. l i.:.'v-cure oV I mtA ettawM la BAVsti . ". J . 'TV If sn. t .-.. iZu-XJ!Z " W IT. uy. wnnpwUB. iia'.v, .:2,:-. DRAIX TILE. 1'RONT, WIRE CUT. HOLLOW. VITRIFIED. FIRE AND COMMON BRICK Best in the market OFFICE: BinKhamton. X.Y FACTORY: Brandt. Pa. Lageh Beer Brewery Moinifarturer of tie telobraUS PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 100,000 Bbk Par Annum, MT. PLEASANT COAL AT RKTAita Cost of til'' liest quality for deOMsUs use.nnf of all alzpH, ilelivorc I in nuy jiai t ol luv city at lowest pjfle, Order iclt nt my offlen, m. ill. tVYOHtMQ A VKNlir, Raar roon. Ant floor, Third Rattooal nii, or itnl ly mail or teleuliono to tlm mine, w iu receivo prompt attaatfon, teeial OOUtrSctt will b madft tor tho sal ami aeiiTary of Dtickwhat coal. with 10 cents ! of the marvelous Gemsbv far the t Mali OfdsrSiiC. GXtlU PRICK BrandtClavPrndudCo.
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