THE CKVTON TBIBtJNE-SA TUBDAY MORNING, APRIL 14, 1S4. EIIieilill!lillIII!l!lllll!llll!IIIIBIIIIi: ripe Valves I ! Fittings j THE SCRANTON SUPPLY AND MACHINERY CO. a IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllHIHin LACE CURTAINS The moit delicate fabric prop erly cleaned in THE Lackawanna Laundry 308 Penn Ave. I .- '.. J' . A. B. WARMAN. Norrman& Moore FIRE INSURANCE 120 Wyoming Avenue U - HASKELL'S Novelties in Dress Goods. GERMAN BLACK OOODS IS HAH 415 Lacka. Avenue. CARPETS BARGAIN NO i. For one week, beginning Mondav, April l6th, we will sell All-wool Extra uper Ingrains for 60c. Regular 750. goods. ' 2 7 Wyoming Ave. TELEPHONE NO. 525 Th Union Transfer Company, Ltmitud. Bus line. Baggage and freight rolled for Mini delivered promptly. 1U7 I'niuklin aventic. CITY NOTES. T)M markets v.-ll I be found on page aix. A two w-ek-' term of criminal court, will begin on Mondny. Attorney QfOrjN W, liesle Lai movod liiarftice into the Price buildingon Wa-iu-irirtoa avenue. On April 25 St. Paul Pionner rorpi'will Hold iti annual ball in its armory ou West Lackawanna avenue. A marriage license was granted yetrdny bv Clerk of the Courts Thomas, to Hugh HOMbM aud Mary Wilnou, of Dunuiore. city Engineer Phillip, yesterday filed Lis bond with the city clorfc. It is in the nil tn of ll.oOo, and tli uire; ies are D. M. Jones aud .: .Morris. The hotel license of James Crosson aud Alfred Josephs of tho Fourteenth ward of thi city, was yesterday transferred by the court to James J. (letting. Joseph K. Wilson, of Philadelphia, wiif lecture ou "The Testing of .Mine and other Oaies,'' before the Scranton's f.tiirineer club at Albright Library Hall this aven lng. The funeral service of the lata Clara A. Peck, wife of M. II. Peck, 0' this ritv. will be hold at the family residence, 1; : (niney uvenue, tod.iv at 12 o'clock. Interment at Nichols, X. Y. The sale of aeats for Henry E. Dlxey and Mice's big burlflque company a "Adonis'1 ut the new r'rotbingliani theatre next Wednesday and Thursday evenings, will open at Powell's mnsic store at u o'clock tbis morning. Seats are now on sale at the Academy of .Music for Thomas E. tshea and company in the following plays: "E-;eaped from Htng Sing, ' "The Snares of Mew York," "Mixed Upon Strategists," "Rip Vat. Winkle," "Dr. Jekyl and Mr. ltyrto," "The Black Flag." The prices are 10, 90 and 80 cents. The pulpit of the First Presbyterian chureb will be occupied tomorrow by two of the most eloquent and scholarly minis ters in attendance at the Wyoming Meth odist conference. Tho morninij service will be conducted by Rev. Dr. BMb ford, president of the Obi j Waeleyau university; aud iu theevcnlngby Uev. Mr. Hawxhurst, of Montrose. Anbeuser BuBch Beer. Louis LcLmun's, 825 Sprue as. SCREAMS FROM THE W000S. Polios Interfered and Took the Scream- n Into Custody. Policeman last evening arrenteil Mrs. Woods and her husband, wlu reside over Relnliurd's, on Lower Lacka wanna nvenne. The prisoners were drnnk and fighting at the tim. With them was a young man who was also taken to the police station. People in the vicinit; of the place where the row occurred thnvuftit a murder was being committed, owing to the acrenma and frightful noise that proceeded from tho Woods' apartments, and sent hurriedly for the police. In vestigatiou showed tbutuo one was se riously injured. "Where do the good clothes oomo from:" m F.ri.viiAHT's for fine groceries and mar ket goods of nil kinds. - Tho Everett Leads. Walt for Guernsey Bros.' new goods. iomo El Business Traosacierl at tbo InUiij Wliich " Tliey Held. REPORT OF HEALTH OFFICER He Suggests Improvements to Im prove Sanitary Conditions Sower Wanted at Green Ridge Emigrants Who Cams on a Small-pox Vessol Bound for This City-Will Be Kept Under Surveillance. The board of health tu4 yesterday fUrnoon Those present ware Kelly, Ziegler, l)r. Piine, Bmtly, Alien and Secretary Briggs. The vital statistic record for the month was read by the secretary. It showed that there wera 141 deaths dur ing the month, IS of which retailed from stoidSnt; 68 wore iuhUs end TS females. In the Hit of OnnUgeottS dis ssen reports I wr : Diphtheria, 4; measles, 848; scarl-t fever, 19. Th births nnm iTed lo0 The reports of Mupirintpnlent H, W. Lnttnr, of the (?rbae eretuatorv, and Food Inspector Thomas were submit ted. Health Ullicsr Allen bad no written report but called the attention of the hoard to the condition of Diamond ave. iiu between Court street end Provi dense road, listing tost, In his judg ment, the lame rvuld bs r.iraedicd by u drain extending to the river. The bad condition of atVairs at- the OCTner of l iltston avenue and Fig street also received Dr. Allan's atten tion. The iiniKauoes complained of were relerred to ti-9 health ofilcer and isnitary pollomsa It was decided to shut down the crematory tonight for ti'.e purpose of waking Blight repairs. A committee to examine the crematory un.i see what repairs are needed was appointed, WILL PUSH Tlllt CAM. City Bolioitor Torrey appeared biore tlio board and Itated that tha defend ant la the oaso of Food inspector Tbotnu ngsinst s. O for sel! ingskiin milk without proper lub. ls at tached to the c ms. wished the case dis continued, as lie bad gone out of the milk business. Sir. Torrey stated that the intention of the milkman hud vi dently b.-en to make it a test case. II" dejlred to know what answer th board desired him to return to the dc fendsnt's lawyer, who hai submitted the proposition for dlieontinttanos. The members, however, wtre not in mood for looking the calumet They declared timt Sterens had made mora troutilo than any other milkman in the city, and on motion of Mr Ziegler the citv solicitor was instructed to go ibend with the east, Dr. Amman, who owns houses at the of Larch street and Wyoming avenue, addressed the board, lie cam -iu search of justice, ho laid, The land on which his buildings stand is swampy, and the eest-pooli rapidly fill up With water. The sanitary policeman ordered two of thm einptiad, and it cost hiui jilo). In n few days they were fall again, und the task of pnmping out had to be repeated Dr Amman said he ought to :iavs .1 iswsr. The matter was referred to the health of ficer and sanitary polloeman with newer to act, and on motion of .Mr. Ziegler a resolution was passed su 'riting to councils the uecnity of ex tending the sewer in the Fourteenth lisirict so as to carry off the water from the district in which D- Am- mau's property is looated. cam IN A WALt POX VESSEL A numlicr of communications from the State board of health were read One of thorn dated April 12, stated that the Steamship Vandam, WOloh arrived ia the port at Xew York on the 11, had on board sereral oaiei of smalt pox and that eleven of the imigrante were bound for hcranton. W iiethor the vessel bad been detained iu quar antine or not was not itated. but the hoard was advised to kep tho new ar rivals under close inspection for two weeks at least. After some discussion the secretary was instroctud to write to the board of health ohijors in KSW Vork for further particulars. No case ot smnll-pox or variloid has ne yet been reported in this city and there ie no occasion lo feel uiarm'.'U. Action was taken on applications for scavengers' lioeniss and other minor business transacted. . "Where do the good clothes come from: . REV. OR. PRIC'-'S NEW CHARGS. Been Called to PastoraU of M E. Church at Sing- Slav, N. Y. Rev. Dr. J. K Price, who baa just completed bis filth year at St. James chureb, -New iorii city, lua been ap pointed to the pastorate of of the wide ly known Highland Avenue Methodist Eoisconal chnrch, at Sing Sing, N. Y., wliieh stately and beautiful edifice commands nu extensive view of tha no bl Hudson. Jf Dr. Price is oalled upon to officiate at the famous penitentiary at Sing Sing he will find in his audience the three burglars wh raided his home on Madison uvenue, New iork last snm mer, bathed their weary forms in his bath tub and then donned bis clothes. "Where do the g.iod clothes C0DM from? HENRY COLLINS NON-SUITED. The Ci-., .:. l.i Propmy O.vnire Are Barking Up Wrong Tree. A non suit was granted yesterday bv Judge Perk in the case of Henry Col lins Hgiiust the Carbondnle Traction compnny. It was shown that the city engineer of Carbnndalo gave the grade at which tha company laid its track and that if anyone is legally responsi ble for the resultant damage it is tho city. or that reason a nonsuit was granted. The decision will apply With equal form to a number of other siml lar suits iijrainnt the Carbondale 00m pany, the Collins case having been ad vanced on the list for trial as a test. Oroat Baiting Exhibit. The WMMiburn-Crosby cotnuauv. reo resenting the largest flour luterest iu .MtnueiiiiolH, is giving under the super Vision of Miss Young, late of Boston, free lessons in tho nit. ol making beautiful bread and cnr.uat the bcr.iutua 1 ash store All ladies interested in this most vain able accomplishment should not permit this opportunity to pass uuimprovod. " Pit. I'. C Laitac;!, dentist, Gns and W ater c .'liimu v biiiMir.g, y.uniug ave nue. Ln'ost improvements. Eight yeurs in scran ton. "WlSTS do the good clothes come from? Ticket No. 1780 Won Prize No. S nt the indies' promennde at the Eooaomy Pnraitnre oompaay. The prizn has not beteu culled lor. If the hnlder of the lucky ticket does not cull on or before Aptl! -II. the eouivalc-ntor tho prize, ni'i it: cash, will be turned over to the Absoclated Charities. GUARDIANS 0F HEALTH MURPHY'S HAND WAS INJURED. He Euea D. and H. Conl Company to R covr S2CO0O O1 0:t. 89, 1691. Mtcliael Murphv. Mm t8-ytorold bonof El ward Murphy, hat bis baud Injured whtls unploysl y the Deluwaru 'u 1 Hudson Coal com- pnny .'tiriHv, tnronan Attorn ". iiuitn, tie tjna i tan to rwtiowi (38,060 iV in CnUiid tiv t tie lillillln Ol til" C Ull uany to ktmp tin- culm Our on which tit' wan employed in proper repair. MORE ClEKKS NEEDED. Pomniastar Vaodllnir Will Ask the Do- parlmtat f r Lsrirar You: ; Since the postoiH ( was mival into the new Lnlernl building Postmaster Vandling has discovered ins pres- nt lorce ot clerks is not lurga en ogu to transact tho businssf of the oil, '. 111 1 proper manner. Ho will go to Washington within a few days, explain the siliution to Post ui ister Qanersl Bismll and hsU au al lowance for additional cUrki. WILLIAIW CBNNELL RE-ELECTED. He Will Continue at the Head of the Anthracite Coal Operators' Asso ciationOther Officers. The following gentleman were elected managers of the Antnracitu CislOn erators association at a tuietltu held at the Hotel Waldorf in New Y irk, oa Wednesday: William Council. E. B K v, Dr. 11. M. Howe, John Jennv 1, O. S. Johnson, E. B. Leisenring, V Q, Pa v tie. F. T. Patterson, C'tiarl-s Parrisli. I,. A. Riley, C D. Simpson, Dr. J. S. Wetitz. William Couuell was re-leoted president ; E B. Leisenring, vice president, aud 0. D SlmptOO, sec retary treasurer A luncheon was served In one ot the large private dining rooms, to which forty-five prso:is sat down, and tha oc CHsion was a very pleasautone. The sec retsry read a report of the If isrd of Managers, saowiug the work tint had been done t'le past year, and also 11 plan that they are endeavoring to have adopt d to regulate the production of anthracite in accordance witn trade de mands, Mr. Harmon, eoohlel of the 8sociation, presented the opinio 1 that the plan suggested bv tn- Board of Miiiiag-rsdid not oonfllot witn the law. J. N. Balkier, of the Qsneral Elec tric company, was present and read a very able papur on "Electricity As Ap plied to Mining in It V.irions Depart partmants." The same will be printed and copies fnrnllbed to the members of the nssociiition. William 1. Smith suggested that the itssociation should look into the matter of co-operative fir, insurance as the rates ou this class of property are vory high and increas ing. A committee, consisting of V I. Smith, W. U. Payne an 1 K. (1. Brooks, was appointed to consider the Hi?stion. A vote of thanks was loud-red Mr. Wat'kins for his faithful wori: in the general sales agents' uieetiugs, where he represents tti asiociatiou, an d aftor a tender of thsokl to the ent ertuiti ment comraiti -e and the propria tor of tiie hotel tor the bandiome lunch, and after a Idresses by Messrs. Smith, Wat kins, I'arnsn .Newton and slupm in , the meeting adjourned. I he next meeting will be held in July and will probably be at some point in tha nnturacite region, an U will include a lunchsou and excursion to points of interest. MR. WEBSTER WAS UNKIND. Then He Addtd Deaartlon to Bis Fatlltg and Hla Wife Asks a Civoros. Testimony wa taken yesterday in the divorce cass of Mnrtba Webster sgainst Edgar H. Webster lofore Judge h i wards Jlrs. Webster said that she was mar ried to Mr. Webster on Dec 18, 1830. They quarreled at times and ber hus band abused her. Two years ago last S-ptetnber he said he would not live with her any longer, and he has kept his word. He ia a brakeman on the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western rniltoad and resides in this city. Mrs Webster maks her home ou the West Side. Miss Lizzie Soulsby and Mi? Hattie Mitchell testified that Mr. Webster w.ih unkind to his wife NEW BRIDGE AT CONNELLTON. Finest That Ha Yt Been Erecttd bv the County. County Commissioners (Hiss Rob-'rls, John Dmutu ami S. W. Roborts yes terday went, to Connellton to examine the new bridge which the county has caused to be erected over the Lacka wanna river at that point. It is one of the most expensive bridges the county has yet erected and will cost complete about $8,000, Tne tilling at the is being done fros ot charge by William Conuell. OPENINC OF TROUT SEASON. Few Fisherman Will l-.v ! the Moun tains Tomorrow. The trout fishing season opms to morrow, bat thore will not bo a rush from this city for positions along the banks of the favorite trout Btreamt on the opening day as is tne annual cus tom. Erpirienced fishsrmm declare that the recent snow storm will have Bwallen the mountain streams so that fishing will not be attended with satisfactory results. HARRINCTON CSE ON TRIAL. When Court Adj turned Evidence for De fense Wa, Bulng Heard. Before Judge Lynch the trial of the case of A. B. Harrington against Inernsey Bros was resumed yesterday morning and 0 mtitiUHd on trial all day. When court adjourned at I HO p. in evidence for the defense was being heard. Mr. Hsrringlon sues to recovei commissions wliich he says defendants owe bin. SEE UNCLE TOM'S C-BIN TODAY. It Has Been DallghlluK Au at Wonderland. This will bo the lastdny that "Uaole Tom's Cabin" can be seeu at Wonder land. It is supurbly presented and bus elighted large audience all wo ik The regular eaildron's innuneu will be given this afternoon. Every child should sea the piece. It delights them and tenctits a great lesson. Clam Cbowder mid ftuckworat for fi t e lunch today at the St. Cioud Hotel. "Where do the good clothescom e from!-'' Trey all fail, the factories we mean, to mnltu ninttrees with Benton the uphol sterer, '131 Adams avenue. Hair and all kinds of matt' . nude over for $1.50. New ticks, A, 0, A, 1.03. Ladler, fiea the Latest in fine shoes at the Commonwealth Shoe Store, Washington avenue. ODR CLUB HI SYRACUSE ! M;al In Iba Pint GarjM of Uw S ascn. HADE A GOOD SHOW! B0W3?SR Scranton Will Play St Syracuse At;ain Today and at Blnghamton on Mon day and I ujsdny -Firt,t Gamo Will Be Flayed in This City on Thursday. Work on the Ground Delayed by Storm-Other Matters. At SyrnciiHi yesterday, the hired athletes who for the oeXt aix months will uphold the dignity of Scranton in the Use b.ilt world played their first ijiiine. They were defeated Therejii no reasooable oaail for weep ing over that luet, however. It was the litst time the b .ys iiUyed togeth r and ihey were opposed iv 11 dlOb that li expected to lead the Enterd league thiH season, a leagita by uie way whic 1 Is supposed to be u somewhat ewtfter organisation than our modest little State league. Ths score was Syracuse, lo Scran ton, 7 That shows that our boys wsre id the game ami worried the Saline City men to some extent. They will play in Syracuse again today and may be ci peeted to give a batter account 0! themselves. on Monday sod Tuesday the dub is scheduled to play eXQibitlOO games in Binghamtom OI'ENIMI OP THE BBASON. On Thursday next, weather permit ling, the first came of tho season will he played In this city. 1 1 ir hall tosieri will bo oppos-d by the Murray Hills, of New York oity. After that, the cranks will begin to develop. Little progress has been made at the park this week on account of the se vore snow storm. The fence is up and the grand stand and bleuchers are al most completed, but as vet little work has b en done on tho diamond, ill" storm was a suions setback to that work. A few wsrm days just now WCQld b-) much appreciated. On top of the grand stand I ll kg pale has been erected from which the club hopes to float the league pennant at the end of the Reason. We are making no boast nt this time that our team is ft .i:re pennant win ter, bat it will not Isnse any on" to die of heart failure If such a thing should occur. Wa say this with all due respect to the ballistic abilities of tho other clubs that will prance around our new diamond H is season. PLAYERS AT ftTBACTSX. The players who went to Syracuse with Manager Martin Swift Thnraiay night were: WcstlnXe, third base; Reel1, second base; Mnasey, first base; Woitzel, short stop; Pttehsn, catcher; Hogtiu. oenter-fleld; Staltz, right fi-)l 1; Doran, Nolnii, Flaoaghan, pitchers. The intention of Manager Swift when he left the city was to nlny in left field himself and give each of tho pitchers throe inniugs in tho box. Catcher Rogers bus accepted the club's advance money and uoufied the ninuapeintmt that he is now on his way from San Antonio, Tex , to join the elnb He has an excellent record and is counted on to do good service for the club. Pitcher Hodgson will re port for duty about the beginning of the league season. Catcher Roberts, who accepted the club's terms and then signed with Mil waukee, may be blacklisted. He at one tim Wei the receiving end of a battery ou the Philadelphia club, but was then known by a name other than Roberts. MEETING OF HOMtOPATHISTS, Will LUten to tho Rtid ng of Papars in This City oi Thursday. A meeting of the Homeopathic Med ical society of northern Pennsylvania will te hold in this city next Thursday t 7. HO p. m. The essayists will bo Dr. S. J. Coe, of Wilkes-Birre, nnd Dr. E II Hill, of Tunkbannock; and the leaders, Dr R. Mnrdock, Wllkes-B.trre, and Dr. F. M. Miller, of Noxen. e ' H0TEIMEN PR PARING FOR FIGHT. Thy Will Hold Another Matting- To mcrrcw Aftrnoon. The Hoteltnen's Protective associa tion will hold nu important m oting tomorrow afternoon at S o'clock in the St. Nicholas hall on LacktWanna av i uue, It is nndtrstood that at the meeting plans will be perfected for tiie crueude against the unlicensed dealers. HULL IS AT LlBdRTY ('.GAIN. He Eutsred Bail to AnaWr a Chargo of Arson. William Hull, of Caruond lie, charged with arson, y-sterday entered bull in the sum of $8D0 for his app oirance at court, and was dilobarged from the county jail. Samuel R isugie bscime his bon ll man. JOHN PIRIL'S STOCK SOLD. It Was Purchad by Claland, Simp, on & Tavlor. The stock iu the novelty store of John Pirie. at Penn liVsnue and Cmter street, was sol I yesterday liMiniugby Deputy Shi riff Ryan Clelmid .Simpsou & Taylor purchase I it for 8M " Whero do the good clothes come from?" - . Sorantoti'a Purlnest Intrestt. TBI TaiBDira Will soon publish a care, fully compiled and classified list of the leading wholesale, banking, maaofactor Ing and prottssioual interests of Scranton aud vicinity. Tho edition Will be bound in book form, beautifully Illustrated with pbiitogravure views of our pnblle build ings, business blocks, streets, etc., together With portraits of leading cltiz-ns, No similar work has ever giVeh an equsl rep reeentation of Bcrauton's many indm tries. U will be au Invaluable exposition of our business n Bournes. Sent to persons outside the city, Copies of this handsome work will nttrnot new comers aud bu an iiiiequnlUd advertisement of Hie city. Tho circu lation !s ou a plan that cannot fail of good results totaoecooacerDCdas weii as the city nt large. Kepre entntivesof Tin: TBIItfXI will call upon THOSE WUOSS naiiics are nnetltru 111 this edition uud enplaiu its nature more fully. Those desiring views of their residences in this edition will please 1 ave notice nt the olUce. 'Where do the good clothes enme from!-' America 10 rtJi.u'Tirri. nrrrnros. every noted PLACE IN ALASKA, TBI I'MIKU IT AT Ml ami MfcXtCO FIVE M VMBKttl OM THKCOI N 1I R. TXM CENTS ANI ONE COUPON gOit ANY N I' Mil Kit MORE LAND SECURED. Poor Board V ,l. to Puichaie the Tat burg- Farm. The poor board m-t last evening at 7 SO o'clock for the purpose of taking c 1 n on the report of the onmmi'tee Ippoiuted to InVeetrlgite lulls a j 011 Ing the p t fsrin and core propoe s to 11 0 1 1 e N 1:1 1 1 1 ne b I'irsI 111 of III 11 -re w r pr s- it el O i'llll . drs S v ill . & ere lory l, 1 ti r-i to r p rt .-; no .'mill 11 , w noti lit 1 11 it ii h ..) X 1 mined til f. inn . 1 I 4 Iv-Ms- I tor hi is, tiiieo b-i 11 4 receive.) To lowefl bid was from Q W. B- tn-r, Wbn 1 If. red to sell 140 acr-s for S'i.OOO, or 4U par acre. The committee reOoU mended the pntchas of the Baemer tr.iet, known as the Vosburg fnrm. The report was a lopttd, and on mo lion of Mr. Shotten, the board's attor ney was instructed to examine the tHilo and if the same be found good, the cimmittee is empowered to make the purchase. The laud in question is convenient and available lor the purpose of the district and is a bargain at the j ric asked. IT WAS MOST A fiflURDER, Mrs. Martin Coyne, of Minooka, Brutally Assaulted She Is Now Out of Danger, Michael Coyne aud his cousin, Thomas Coyne, bud a disptue iu the honua of Martin Coyne, Minooka. Wednesday. Presently the men begnn to fitht aud Mrs. Martin Coyne rushed betweeu them. During tho struggle which ensued Mrs. Coyne was kicked in th abdomen ami struck over the head with some blunt instrument. She fell to the floor unconscious nnd for a lime it was feared she would die, so dangerous was hor condition, Michael and Thomas Coyne were thereupon arrested and committed to the county jail to await the result of her injuries. Y'-st rdity Dr. Haggerty declared that Mrs. Coyne was nut of danger and the men were released on bill, Patrick Coyne becoming security for their ap pearance at court NORTH END. At a mesting of the Father Wbitty Young Men's It ciety held at St. Mary's all Thursday evening, resolutions were passed condemning the court for granting the D'Ckllnlck license and approving the movement to have all drinking places closed on Sund.iy. A team of horses owno I by Bu cher Sherwood ran away Thursday, At Brick avenue and Oik street the wagon came in contact with a post smashing it badly. Roy Williams, a nephew of Robert Weitlaks, aged 17 years, died of ap pendeettis at the home of his uncle on West Market street yesterd iy after an illness of tiiree days. N itice of enter ment later, There is an open sewer on Church avenue whicn Is reported to he in a vry unsanitary condition, SiFgol's Academy of Dar.clng. J. Frank Blegcl'l setni -monthly social Weduesday evening. April is. Former patrons and their friends invited. ' - ''Where do the good clothes comefromf" QSOROE A. Bhikull Painter and pnper hanger, is now located at 808 Lackawanna avenue. Headiest m St Woarz's and BaUantlne's Ales are the beet. K. J. V alsu, agent, HI Lactawauna avenne. "Where do the good clothes come from " Dr. Gibbons, of Ww York city, will bo iu his Scranton oflice. Ml Wyoming avenue, every Mon day S iu the morning until 9 iu the evening. LCTTUCB, onions, rfidishos.ku'.e and spin ach at Item hart's Market. "Where do the good olothes come from:" We are prepared to furnih bn-ineis men with first class stenographers and typewriters by tii" day or hour, Scranton Commercial association, limited, 45 Spruce street. I-1- Salt. Balance of m- stock, Lackawanna avenue, to families at wholesale oulv, KVI.I.,,- ,, 1 D. i ' .1 C.UU .11 II . IS. " F 14 rnrntrv FrtKsn creamery bUtter,SSo.: guaranteed stiictly fresh cggseii Keiuhnrt's Market. - . Haiuus just returned frcm New York with a flue lot of carpets, rugs and mate. Sv4 Penn avenue. BOBK CORBY To Mr. and Mrs. Joseph K. Corby, of SlleX street, April 13, a girl. s- . 1)1 1 :u JENKINS-In Waveily, Pa,, Cleorge Jen kins, mod ! yesra, a months, 'J3 davs Funeral from aVerly at ll) a m Sun day. Interment hi Hydo Park Catholic cemetery. NOW That we are here and all opened up, we can show you something new in the line of STERLING Silverware -A D- White China lor decorating. W.W. BERRY 417 Lackawanna Aye. Best Sets of Teeth, $8.00 Inclndlng the pnlnless extruding tl tectn by au tumviy OCW H'J-MSi S. C. Snyder, D.D.S. 151u WY.OMUU AVK l,S- E1N1 S AS WF.L . B n v i" 1 1 B rr 11, Cj li ider, Buckeye, Dash. ... f HENRY BATTIN & CO. 120 PENN AVE. SCMNTOn'S HOUSEHOLD SPECIALISTS WHEELBARROWS Are rollluz awuy ut i ... BUY POULTRY NETTING. FLY KPTtlNG. AND STAPLES AT BOTTOM l'HICES. -CASH- OSLAND'S 128 Wyoming Ave. We open ou SATURDAY, APRIL 14, u fall line of Ladies' and Children's HOSIERY Including all evening shades in Silk and Lisle Thread. OillFff A Handsome Parlor la our gift to our patrons this season. We depart tlig&Uy from our oanal custom Of presenting gifts; that is. we will not eouiine it to clothing purchase exclusively, but to all othpr departments, Every purchaser f Men's, r.oys' or Children's Clothing, Shoes, Hats or Furnish inpj, vlio.e pur chase amounts to One Dollar ($1.00) or over, will be (riven n chance ou this Beautiful PARLOU SUITE now display 1 iu our immense show window. Prize to be awarded July 5, 1894. Our elegant display of Wearing Apparel for all ages is a captivating one. Our Garments appearance about sessed in ready-made PENN CLOU & SHOE HOUSE 137 AND 139 PENN AVENUE, Complete Outfitters, SCRANTON, pa. S. L. GALLEX. GENTLEMEN, I EE OUR LINE l F $3.00 SHOES Better Than Most $4.00 Shoes You Buy MADE LIKfc HAND-ShWED, ro Seams or Tacks to Hurt Your Feel All StyliM and Width In Congren cr I.ace. The Best Shoe on Earth for the Money Try n Pair atnl you will wear no other. RANIQTflB'QM AH SHOE on liQiuuiuu every BANISTER'S, to LateSAoP teue3' Our $a jo Shoes arc aa good as anybsdy'a $3 00 Shoe. OUR $2,500 SIFT Enterprise ias proven itself a great success. Our customers are do lighted with It. Have you got the right idea of il," If you haven't, c;11 iu: wt will explain it to you. Ask your neighbors about it. Tho Free Histiiliutiou will last about three weeks. By permission, we refer you llll-l s MR D E. MORGAN, tl Bntdar Vnn, Ballivuo. Mils DELIA HA VNON, 890 Irving assnu. MR RIO.iAHI) ZBLBOEH, BSS i ronpsot avenuo. MHS KB HARM. 417 Psnn arsotta THOMAS ML'N'LKY, Ksy , ArohbiilJ, Pa. .MRS BREWER, 114 Laron atrcot. MBS, MULLEN, MIT Dtvtalnn I'r! MISS MAGGIE MULHERIN 014 Gibaon itreot. MR. HOWARD DAVIS, 005 Kynon rjtrovt. M. BROWN'S BEE HiVE 224 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. Here We Are Again WILL OFFER THIS WEEK: Velvel up -, 9; w. rlh 15 Moii 0 Silk C:ti s, iij worth ?1S. Fine Cloth Cape, in all colors, 82.S5; worthy. Jackets Jackets, tiimmcd with Moire Silk in all colors, $5.75; worth ?9. Fine Black Cheviot, $1.50 ;wortli 96. Tailor-made Suits Fine Srixe, In blue and black, 87.50; worth 9.60, Fine Cheviot, in blue and black, $5.25; worth $7. Millinerv Sjt EVERY LADY pur- hesing a Trimmsd Hat this week will bj prescnisd with a SILK VEIL. JT. BOLZ 138 Wyoming Ave. Eureka Laundry Co, Ccr. linden St. end Adams Ave. Cot'BX HoTOI SCjOAaSi All kinds of Lnnndry work gnnrantesl the best. have a Made-to-Order them, unusually pos- clothing. box I to the following, a few of cur oust HIS SEASON Suite
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